
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

RRF Applications Open Monday

RRF Applications Open Monday

by David Klemt

Modern neon sign hanging in window

In long overdue but very welcome news, the Small Business Administration’s RRF portal opens to accept applications on Monday.

Operators and business owners will be able to register this Friday, April 30.

We definitely recommend doing so to make the application process simpler and (hopefully) less frustrating on Monday, May 3.

What You Need to Know

Mainly, the following: The SBA’s RRF portal link is It would probably be a good idea to go ahead and bookmark that site now.

Alternately, operators using an SBA POS partner to apply. Partner systems include Clover, NCR, Square, and Toast.

Per the SBA, operators will be able to register via the website beginning at 9:00 AM EST on Friday. Again, it would be wise to plan on doing exactly that.

Anything that can be done to speed up the application process opening Monday should be done.

According to the SBA website, certain eligible entities will be given priority. For the first 21 days the application process is open, priority will be granted to small businesses with a minimum of 51 percent ownership by women, veterans or socially disadvantaged people.

However, all eligible owners and operators should register on Friday and apply on Monday. Doing should, in theory, help applicants secure their grants in a more timely manner.

RRF Preparation

The SBA’s Restaurant Revitalization Fund portal opens at noon ET on Monday. It’s best to prepare as much as possible as it’s likely applicants may find themselves in a queue depending upon traffic.

Operators can calculate their grant amounts with the following equations for applicants:

  • in operation prior to or on January 1, 2019: 2019 gross receipts minus 2020 gross receipts minus PPP loan amounts.
  • that began operations partially through 2019: (Average 2019 monthly gross receipts x 12) minus 2020 gross receipts minus PPP loan amounts.
  • who began operations on or between January 1, 2020 and March 10, 2021: Amount spent on eligible expenses between February 15, 2020 and March 11, 2021 minus 2020Ā gross receipts minus 2021 gross receipts (through March 11, 2021) minus PPP loan amounts
  • not yet opened but have incurred eligible expenses: Amount spent on eligible expenses between February 15, 2020 and March 11, 2021 minus 2020Ā gross receipts minus 2021 gross receipts (through March 11, 2021) minus PPP loan amounts

Note: Entities who began operations partially through 2019 may elect, at their own discretion, to use either calculation two, three or four above.

For further guidance and to prepare as much as possible, please click here for the SBA’s RRF guide, and click here to review the sample application.

The Independent Restaurant Coalition also has a handy checklist posted to Instagram:

Good luck!

Image: Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Live Event Venues Can Apply for Relief

Live Event Venues Can Apply for Relief

by David Klemt

Bokeh photograph of condenser microphone

Live event venue and movie theater operators can once again apply for relief grants via a Small Business Administration portal today.

This is big and welcome news for businesses that are among the hardest-hit due to the pandemic. However, the portal has yet to open at the time of publication.

It remains to be seen if the issues plaguing the SBA’s portal are no more. It also casts some doubt on a glitch-free process for Restaurant Revitalization Fund applicants.

SVO Grant Portal Problems

Today’s reopening of the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal is nearly three weeks in the making.Ā A message on the homepage states that the portal has undergone “rigorous testing” to prevent further issues.

On April 8, the day the website opened for applications, it was shut down due to a “technical glitch.” Applicants are now 18 days behind in terms of applying for and receiving relief.

Unfortunately, the delay is more bad news for live event and movie theater operators. The Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act became law on December 27, 2020. That means more than 120 days will have passed just to open the application process today.

SVO Grant Details

The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program contains more than $16 billion. There is a $10-million-dollar cap on single grants.

Importantly, eligible entities in operation on January 1, 2019, will receive grants equal to 45 percent of their 2019 gross earned revenue or $10 million. For eligible entities that began operation after January 1, 2019, grant amounts will be for the average monthly gross earned revenue for each full month of operation during 2019 multiplied by six or $10 million.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Live venue operators or promoters
  • Theatrical producers
  • Live performing arts organization operators
  • Museum operators
  • Motion picture theater operators, including owners
  • Talent representatives

Notable requirements include the following:

  • An eligible entity must have been in operation as of February 29, 2020; and
  • entities that received PPP loans on or after December 27, 2020, will have the SVO grant reduced by the PPP loan amount.

Be Ready

If you’re an operator applying for an SVO grant, be sure you’re ready to apply today.

There is a checklist for applicants on the SBA website. Click here to access and review it. There are several forms operators will need to fill out and include in their application, such as SBA Form 1623 and SBA Form 1711.

Necessary financial documents include 2019 tax returns for businesses in operation in 2019, 2020 tax returns for businesses that have filed 2020 taxes, and 2018 tax returns for non-profit applicants that have yet to end their 2020 fiscal year. Businesses that declared Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy must include pertinent documents.

Additionally, there are also business-specific documents required for live venue operators or promoters; theatrical producers; live performing arts organization operators; movie theater operators; and museum operators.

Image: israel palacio on UnsplashĀ 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Reality of Hiring Right Now

The Reality of Hiring Right Now

by David Klemt

Help Wanted sign taped in window

Operators can add recruitment, hiring and retention among to the growing list of challenges they’re facing due to the pandemic.

Labor struggles aren’t exactly a shock to the hospitality industry.

However, the speed with which the many stark predictions of labor shortages and challenges across North America has caught some by surprise.

Outlook: Brutal

Fast-casual to fine dining. Independent to chain. Regional hospitality group to multi-national powerhouse.

No operator, no concept, no market appears immune to today’s recruitment, hiring or retention challenges.

It’s not the only reason but the federal boost to unemployment is exacerbating the situation. Restaurant operators across America have been reporting that their workers are making more on unemployment than they would make returning to their jobs.

It’s likely the hiring situation won’t improve until the end of August or start of September; the federal boost to unemployment is set to expire on September 6.

Of course, that points to another glaring industry issue: livable wages and benefits.

The pandemic didn’t cause the labor shortage and hiring problem on its own, but it certainly hasn’t helped anything. Some operators throughout North America say they’ve been hunting for workers for all positions for months.

Incentives & Bonuses

Operators are fighting for workers. To many reading this, that’s not a surprise. However, many operators report fighting to even get candidates to show up for interviews.

Famously, one McDonald’s franchisee in Tampa, Florida, is using a $50 incentive for interviews. If a candidate manages to follow through and show up for their interview, they walk away with $50.

During a recent conversation with Chef Brian Duffy (which we’ll be releasing as episode 33 of the Bar Hacks podcast), interview incentives came up. While it’s no $50 bonus just for showing, Chef Duffy has offered candidates free lunch for appearing for their interviews. And yes, he still struggles.

Interestingly, appearance incentives don’t appear to be working. What does appear to be working? Increasing starting wages, referral programs, apply-via-text functionality, and all manner of signing and performance-based bonuses.

The bonuses run the gamut. Show up for all your shifts for three or four months and earn a $500 bonus. Paying down student loans. Fronting the bill for culinary school. One restaurant in Alabama is offering an SUV to their top-performing worker later this year.

In addition to bonuses, wages are seeing a boost. Jobs that would normally start at $12 to $15 per hour are now offering starting wages of $16 to $18 dollars per hour.

No matter how one slices it, the situation leads to cost hikes across the board for operators. When costs increase for operators, prices increase for consumers. Margins shrink, the old cycle continues, the industry struggles.

Reality Check

Now, it’s simple to blame the pandemic for the current situation. To say it’s not a major factor would be incredibly disingenuous.

That said, the struggle to find and keep workers is also a culmination of decades-long, industry-wide problems.

Lack of diversity, inclusion, equality, living wages, opportunities, and transparency; failure to address social issues; inexcusable, threatening, and outright illegal behavior… All of this and much more contributes to the industry’s hiring and retention challenges.

That’s a criminally shallow summary of the situationā€”I’m well aware. Doug Radkey, president of KRG Hospitality, addresses the need to review and reset the industry in his book Hacking the New Normal. He takes a deep dive into rejecting the status quo in this industry.

My point is that operators can’t blame their woes solely on the pandemic, absolving themselves of responsibility.

Operators must take a hard look at themselves and their operations, and ask difficult questions. Doing so can be uncomfortable. But neither positive change nor growth come from resting in the comfort zone.

Image: Tim Mossholder on UnsplashĀ 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Nevada Mulling Cannabis Lounges

Nevada Mulling Cannabis Lounges

by David Klemt

Pink alarm clock that reads 4:20

Nevada, Las Vegas in particular, has long been at the forefront of hospitality and guest experiences.

This includes cannabis tourism.

Two new bills seek to make public cannabis consumption legal in the Silver State.

Current Cannabis Consumption Laws

Contrary to popular belief, it’s illegal to consume cannabis in public in Nevada. Many tourists, however, seem to believe the opposite is true.

This isn’t new to Las Vegas locals; there are still people who think anything goes in Sin City. There are still people who think brothels and prostitution are legal in Las Vegas, after all. Why would weed not be subject to rumor and innuendo?

The reality of recerational cannabis consumption in Nevadaā€”so this includes Las Vegasā€”is as follows:

  • A person must consume cannabis on private property. The property owner must grant permission.
  • It’s illegal for the driver or passenger(s) in a moving vehicle to consume cannabis.
  • It’s illegal to operate a moving vehicle under the influence of cannabis.
  • Adults 21 years and older may legally possess up to one ounce (28 grams) of cannabis edibles, flower, or topicals, as well as 3.5 grams of cannabis concentrates.
  • Adults 21 years and older may purchase cannabis from licensed retailers or a Nevada dispensary. Nobody may purchase more than one ounce of cannabis at a time.

Currently, there is one lounge in Nevada in which a person may legally consume cannabis. The NuWu Cannabis Tasting Room sits on Paiute tribal land.

Current Cannabis Bills

Nevada Assemblyman Steve Yeager’s new bill, Assembly Bill 341, seeks to legalize cannabis consumption lounges.

The introduction of this bill makes sense given that Assemblyman Yeager is a member of the Growth and Infrastructure Committee.

Nevada’s recreational cannabis revenue is certainly growing each year:

  • 2017 Tax Revenue: $70 million
  • 2018 Tax Revenue: $74.7 million
  • 2019 Tax Revenue: $99.18 million
  • 2020 Tax Revenue: $105.18 million

If AB341 passes, dispensaries and other license holders would be able to apply for a license to operate as a “social use” venue.

Another bill, AB322, would allow for the sale and consumption of cannabis at “certain events.” In other words, festival operators could apply for such a license, as an example.


Nevada has been seen as the possible “Amsterdam of America” since states began legalizing recreational cannabis in earnest.

Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom sees the situation in a grander scale, particularly for Las Vegas.

“I think weā€™re ready to really blow the doors off this thing,ā€ says Segerblom. ā€œIf we do soon, we can be the marijuana capital of the world.ā€

“The Marijuana Capital of the World.” When Nevada goes in, they go all in.

Image: JOSHUA COLEMAN on UnsplashĀ 

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

SBA Releases RRF Guide and Forms

SBA Releases RRF Guide and Forms

by David Klemt

"This is the sign you've been looking for" white neon sign on brick wall

Operators in the United States are nearing the opening of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund application process.

The Small Business Administration’s RRF program guide and sample application are now available.

Let’s jump in!

RRF at a Glance

In simple terms, the RRF is the most targeted relief the industry in America has received since the pandemic took hold.

Eligible entities apply for a tax-free grant equal to the amount of a their pandemic-related revenue losses.

To calculate a grant amount, an applicant subtracts 2020 gross receipts from 2019 gross receipts. Applicants must deduct first-draw PPP and second-draw PPP loans, even if theyā€™re paid back or forgiven.Ā Any economic disaster loansā€”Economic Injury Disaster Loans, for exampleā€”are not RRF deductions.

Per the SBA, operatorsĀ do notĀ need to register for a System for Award Management ( account, meaning theyĀ no longerĀ need to acquire a DUNS number.

RRF Eligibility

As the SBA’s RRF program guide states, eligible businesses A) must not be closed permanently, and B) are places where customers gather primarily to consume food or drink.Ā Such entities include:

  • restaurants;
  • bars;
  • saloons;
  • lounges;
  • taverns;
  • food trucks, carts and stands;
  • snack and non-alcoholic beverage bars;
  • licensed facilities or premises of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase product; and
  • other similar places of business in which the public or patrons assemble for the primary purpose of being served food or drink.

However, that’s in no way the entire list of eligible businesses. Bakeries, breweries, microbreweries, brewpubs, taprooms, distilleries, wineries, and tasting rooms are eligible if they can provide documentation (which must accompany their application) that:

  • on-site sales to the public comprised at least 33% of gross receipts in 2019; or
  • original business model should have contemplated at least 33% of gross receipts in on-site sales to the public if they’ve yet to open or opened in 2020.

Interestingly, it’s possible for an inn to be eligible for the RRF. Such a business is subject to the same eligibility requirements as bakeries, breweries, etc.

Eligible Expenses

Businesses that receive an RRF grant may use the funds for eligible expenses during their covered period. That timeframe is the “period beginning on February 15, 2020 and ending on March 11, 2023.” Should the business close permanently, that period will end when the business permanently closes or on March 11, 2023, whichever occurs sooner.”

A grant recipient must return any funds to the Treasury if they’re unable to use for eligible expenses by the end of the covered period.

So, which expenses are eligible per the SBA for the RRF program? Below is a short list of eligible expenses:

  • Payroll costs (sick leave, costs for group health care, life, disability, vision, or dental benefits during periods of paid sick, medical, or family leave, and group health care, life, disability, vision, or dental insurance premiums).
  • Payments on any business mortgage obligation, both principal and interest (Note: Excludes any prepayment of principal on a mortgage obligation).
  • Business rent payments, including rent under a lease agreement (Note: Excludes any prepayment of rent).
  • Construction of outdoor seating.
  • Business supplies (including protective equipment and cleaning materials).

For the full list of eligible expenses and many more RRF details, please click here to download and view the entire SBA RRF program guide. To view the sample application and prepare for the process to begin, click here.


This content is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. This article does not constitute professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law. This information is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of a specific individual or entity. The reader of this informationĀ alone assumes the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information before making any decisions based on such information.

Image: Austin Chan on UnsplashĀ 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Las Vegas CEO Offers Vaccination Bonus

Las Vegas CEO Offers Vaccination Bonus

by David Klemt

The Cosmopolitan on the Las Vegas Strip

One CEO in the hospitality and lodging industries is offering employees a bonus for getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

William McBeath, president and CEO of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, is incentivizing the resort’s staff with cash bonuses.

Conversely, workers who decline inoculation must take weekly Covid-19 tests.

Cash Incentive

Per the Review-Journal, the largest daily newspaper in Nevada, McBeath is using a tiered approach to the bonuses.

If the resort meets the vaccination goal, the property could pay $1 million to staff.

According to reporting, The Cosmo is pushing for at least 80 percent of staff to receive first doses of a Covid-19 vaccine by the first of May.

The tiered system works as follows:

  • 60 Percent Vaccination Rate: $50
  • 70 Percent Vaccination Rate: $100
  • 80 Percent Vaccination Rate: $250
  • 90 Percent Vaccination Rate: $350
  • 100 Percent Vaccination Rate: $500

The most an employee stands to make is a one-time bonus of $500. Clearly, the 80 percent vaccination rate bonus is an amount the resort finds motivational and a reasonable cost.

Weekly Tests

There are a number of reasons someone may decide against a vaccine. Operators must understand that vaccination is a personal choice.

Requiring staff receive vaccinations is a slippery slope. Setting aside legal ramifications, doing so will likely result in staff attrition, awful PR, and long-term damage to a business.

That’s to say nothing of the failure in emotional intelligence that forcing vaccinations on employees would highlight.

Instead, McBeath’s approach respects an individual worker’s autonomy. The president and CEO isn’t forcing The Cosmo’s staff to receive vaccines. Rather, he’s incentivizing workers to reach the goal set for the resort.

There are no credible reports of Cosmopolitan employees facing termination for refusing vaccination. I was also unable to find any reports of retaliation.

According to Review-Journal reporting, unvaccinated workers will undergo Covid-19 testing. Starting May 1, Cosmo employees who work a maximum of three days per week will be given a test once per week. Those who work four or more days per week will be tested twice per week.

Nevada Seeks to Increase Occupancy Limits, Reopen State

McBeath’s May 1 deadline makes even more sense when one considers current occupancy limits and reopening plans.

Currently, casinos in the Silver State are operating at 50-percent capacity. On May 1, the Nevada Gaming Control Board will be responsible for deciding gaming floor occupancy. In preparation, the NGC wants more of Nevada’s hospitality workers to receive vaccinations.

Additionally, Governor Steve Sisolak has set a June 1 date against reaching 100-percent occupancy statewide. So, The Cosmo’s goal of 80-percent staff inoculation by May 1 makes a lot of sense.

Operators in hospitality and lodging can use McBeath’s incentive program in their own businesses. If it’s crucial to them and their businesses, operators should set a staff vaccination rate goal and implement a bonus schedule that appeals to workers while remaining realistic.

Image: Zachary DeBottisĀ fromĀ Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2020 Craft Brewing Production Infographic

2020 Craft Brewing Production Infographic

by David Klemt

Stack of beer kegs in black and white

The Brewers Association‘s latest report and infographic reveal 2020 small and independent craft brewery production numbers.

Like their restaurant, bar and brewpub cohorts, brewers are facing enduring struggles due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the Brewers Association did find some good news.

First, the challenges.

Overall Market Drop

The BA’s report reveals that small and independent craft brewer production is down nine percent from 2019. Overall, draught beer sales dropped 40 percent last year.

That equates to an overall market share of 12.3 percent in 2020. Comparing 2020 to 2019, that’s a decline of 1.3 percent.

Unfortunately, 2020 craft brewer numbers also reveal significant job loss for the industry. In comparison to 2019, direct craft beer jobs are down 14 percent.

In terms of small and independent brewery closures, 2020 saw 346 brewers close their doors permanently.

Some Silver Linings

There is some good news for craft beer. Not every closure is attributable to Covid-19.

Reviewing the 2020 numbers, the BA says there are 8,764 craft breweries operating in the United States. That’s an all-time high.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • 220 Regional craft breweries
  • 1,854 Microbreweries
  • 3,219 Brewpubs
  • 3,471 Taproom breweries

Impressively, the number of new craft brewery openings more than double the number of closures at 716.

Per Bart Watson, chief economist at the BA, the total number of craft breweries and openings in 2020 proves the “resilient and entrepreneurial nature” of small and independent brewers.

BA Infographic

You’ll find more information below. The BA’s infographic neatly tells the story of the association’s latest report.

Perhaps the biggest positive takeaway is the steady growth in operational craft breweries. Since 2016, the number of breweries in this category has increased by nearly 3,100.

That’s an average of 785 new brewery openings each year. Given the number of openings in 2020, it’s possible craft brewers will gain ground on the jobs lost over the course of last year.

It’s also likely production and sales numbers will see a boost in 2021 through a culmination of easing restrictions, reopening markets, pent-up demand, vaccination rates, and guest comfort levels.

2020 Small and Independent US Craft Brewer Annual Production Report

Infographic: Brewers Association

Image: Hennie Stander on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

SevenRooms Continues Momentum with CFO

SevenRooms Continues Momentum with CFO

by David Klemt

Dollar signs finance concept

In hiring Pamela Martinez as the company’s chief financial officer, SevenRooms continues their drive toward global expansion.

This crucial hire continues years of constant movement forward for SevenRooms.

It’s no secret that we’re fans of this powerful, tech-driven platform, in part due to their support of direct delivery.

A History of Growth

What do you do when your erratic schedule keeps you from scoring restaurant reservations? You create a tech-based, flexible reservation platform.

Okay, maybe that’s not what we’d all do. But that is the solution the co-founders of SevenRooms chose in 2011.

It would take just six years for investors to take notice of the company’s potential for growth.

SevenRooms counts Comcast Ventures, Alexa Fund (Amazon), and Providence Strategic Growth as investors. So confident in the platform’s growth is Providence Strategic Growth that their investment of millions of dollars took place in 2020.

High-profile clients include TAO Group, Bloomin’ Brands, Topgolf, Virgin Hotels, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Zuma, and LDV Hospitality. SevenRooms has been the system of record for all F&B venues across the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group’s portfolio.

Of course, SevenRooms serves independents of all sizes as well.

SevenRooms Hires CFO

Pamela Martinez is the first chief financial officer at SevenRooms. Her role is to accelerate the platform’s already impressive momentum and growth.

Martinez certainly has the experience to help further solidify SevenRooms’ status as one of the best guest experience platforms.

When she was at HubSpot, a marketing an CRM platform, the company grew from $75 million in annual recurring revenue to $1 billion in ARR.

“As SevenRooms continues to grow, I am thrilled to welcome Pamela to our team to help take us to the next level. Her proven track record helping to scale businesses and build out new financial structures made her the right choice for our company as we enter our next growth stage,” says Joel Montaniel, CEO and co-founder of SevenRooms.

Further growth will lead to more solutions and resources for SevenRooms clients. We’re eager to see how Martinez will help expand the platform and its capabilities.

ā€œDespite the incredible challenges hospitality operators have faced over the past year, the industry has remained strong and Iā€™ve been inspired by all SevenRooms has done to help its partners stay resilient,ā€ says Martinez.

Read the announcement in its entirety on the SevenRooms website.

Image: Chronis Yan on Unsplash

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

NRN Shares Inclusion Insights Report

NRN Shares Inclusion Insights Report

by David Klemt

Light bulb idea concept on wood background

Featuring insights from their 2021 Power List, an inclusion report from American trade publication Nation’s Restaurant News is now available.

Overall, NRN’s 2021 Power List consists of C-suite and executive heavy hitters from some of the most influential restaurant groups.

For example, Domino’s, Yum Brands, &pizza, and Momofuku Restaurant Group, are on this year’s list.

To compile their 2021 Power List: Leadership & Inclusion InsightsĀ report, NRN asked their power players to identify a team member who embody inclusivity.

Lessons Learned from 2020

NRN’s report is broken down into five sections; this is the first.

Reading through the insights in this section, you’ll find that agility and adaptability are crucial to navigating crises. That will come as no surprise to many.

However, what really strikes me are the words of Donnie Upshaw, SVP for people at Wingstop. Upshaw cites the importance of culture and core values:

“Our core values, known as ‘The Wingstop Way’ā€”service-minded, authentic, entrepreneurial and funā€”have been and will continue to be our guiding light through all seasons of our business.”

Those core values, along with Wingstop culture and a focus on retaining top talent, are keys to their successful navigating of the pandemic.

Accomplishments During a Pandemic

The pandemic has torn apart the hospitality industry and continues to do so. In America, we’re just now seeing specific relief targeting foodservice businesses.

Given the situation, just surviving the pandemic is an accomplishment.

Still, chain and independent operators are forging paths forward and inspiring others inside and outside of the industry.

Erika Palomar, COO of the Independent Restaurant Coalition, says the group “faced the darkest hours, together.”

Palomar continues: “They held fast to their commitment to change the most lives possible. This group has the remarkable ability to look beyond their door and inspire others to take action and make bold changes that will serve this industry and our society for the better.”

Importance of Leadership & Impact

The job of owners, operators, managers, and mentors is to lead. Doing so is one of the most effective tools for growing a business and retaining talent.

Adversity, of course, is one of theā€”if not theā€”greatest challenges to leadership.

Beth Scott, president of Fleming’s, says building trust is the first step in realizing the core of what it means to be a leader: inspiring and influencing, not commanding.

Jason Crain, CRO of Slutty Vegan, says, “Leading is dynamic and solution oriented.” Crain points to knowing when to implement different forms of leadership as a crucial element.

Further Insights

NRN’s report has two more categories, “Fostering Diversity & Inclusion” and “The Future of Foodservice.” There are insights from several more power players who drive the missions of inclusivity, diversity and equity.

We encourage you to follow this link and review the report for invaluable motivation and inspiration for your own business.

Image: Free-PhotosĀ fromĀ Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

SevenRooms Reveals Third Party Impact

SevenRooms Reveals Third Party Delivery Impact

by David Klemt

Person using Uber Eats on their iPhone

New findings from SevenRooms, the powerful reservation and guest relationship platform, show the impact third-party delivery has on restaurants.

In partnership with YouGov, a respected internet-based market research and data analytics firm, SevenRooms finds that direct delivery saves operators thousands of dollars per month.

The overall finding of the “Data & Dollars: Revealing the Impact of Third-Party Marketplacesā€ report is startling. Operators are relying on a technology that in reality is harming them and their bottom line.

Cost of Convenience

Foodservice operators and workers, along with being hospitable in their mission to serve others, are adaptable.

The industry proves this time and time again. This is particularly true of the past 12 months.

Nimble operators pivot quickly, so it makes sense that so many restaurants, bars and other foodservice businesses embrace delivery, takeout and curbside pickup. Doing so is a direct and seemingly logical response to a major shift in consumer behavior to lockdowns, restrictions, and health concerns.

Most operators are well aware that state third-party delivery platforms take a 30-percent commission on average. However, the cost goes beyond devastatingly high fees: operators also lose control of the guest journey.

Real-world Example

SevenRooms illustrates the negative financial impact third-party delivery platforms with three examples: a high-end Italian restaurant in New York; a high-end steakhouse in Los Angeles; and a high-volume casual restaurant in California.

Let’s take a look at the last example.

Over a six-month period, the restaurant fulfills 19,000 combined orders. Delivery makes up 75 percent of these orders, takeout/pickup account for 25 percent. The average order is $33, and over the six-month period the total order volume is $617,500. Had the restaurant implemented direct delivery rather than third-party, they would have saved about $154,000.

Break those savings down and the restaurant would save approximately $25,600 per month that could go to:

  • PPE: 853 boxes of face masks or 196 boxes of gloves.
  • Takeout: 101,000 food containers.
  • Guest experience: 522 tanks of propane to keep guests warm on patios.

Using an average rent amount of $6,000-15,000 per month in Los Angeles, that’s also two to four months’ rent.

Guests Support Direct Delivery

The impact of third-party delivery on restaurants isn’t lost on consumers. Many view ordering food as more than just convenient, they see it as a way to support their favorite businesses.

Luckily, consumers are supportive of ordering delivery, takeout and pickup directly from restaurants.

Per SevenRooms:

  • Firstly, 37 percent of Americans are eager to do anything they can to help restaurants.
  • Nearly half, 48 percent, think it’s more economical to order directly from a restaurant.
  • 28 percent who say they prefer ordering directly to third-party delivery feel that way after seeing their favorite restaurants suffer.
  • 23 percent are informed and think third-party delivery platforms charge restaurants too much in fees.
  • 16 percent feel that the harm done to restaurants by third-party delivery outweighs any benefits.

Leverage Direct Delivery Support

SevenRooms identifies several ways in their report that operators can succeed in getting consumers to order directly.

One way is the platforms’ own Direct Delivery solution. We speak to SevenRooms CEO Joel Montaniel about this solution on our Bar Hacks podcast.

Then, of course, there are an array of incentives consumers are willing to accept in exchange for direct delivery and ordering:

  • 41 percent of Americans would order directly over ordering via third-party if a restaurant has its own app with features such as tracking and communication.
  • 37 percent consider a complimentary item such as an appetizer, drink or dessert in addition to their order an appealing incentive.
  • 32 percent like the idea of a personalized promotion applied to a future order or in-person visit.
  • 28 percent indicate interest in a personalized promotion for their meal such as a discount code or comp item.
  • 17 percent are fans of restaurants using ordering history to customize their menu and experience.

Read the entire report here. To learn more about SevenRooms, please click here. Connect with SevenRooms on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Image: cottonbroĀ fromĀ Pexels
