Soup Season: Transforming Comfort Classics
by David Klemt

Elote en vaso or vaso de elote, also known as “street corn in a cup.”
The latest and greatest from Campbell’s Foodservice is all about operators making the most of cooler weather by maximizing soup season.
If you read KRG Hospitality articles regularly, you’re likely aware that we like the helpful information Campbell’s makes available. For example, I’ve written articles that share their tips for leveraging nostalgia, crushing it with LTOs, and 2024 culinary trends.
Their newest tips aim to help operators succeed with soup. Further, much of Campbell’s Foodservice’s tips are in direct response to Datassential and Technomic data. In fact, Campbell’s references Technomic’s Soup & Salad Consumer Trend Report directly.
To be sure, the first bit of advice that Campbell’s shares is the most obvious: Leverage seasonal flavors. In this case, we’re talking fall and winter flavors.
You may already see stores where you live and operate unleashing Halloween decorations. I know I have; it may be 105 degrees in Las Vegas as I write this, but people are getting into an autumnal mood.
Of course, when you take advantage of seasonality for LTOs or menu updates, it’s important to let your guests know.
“Calling out seasonal items on your menu demonstrates the operator is being relevant and using ingredients that are in season,” says Campbell’s Foodservice Executive Chef Gerald Drummond. “From a consumer standpoint, that’s something that they really look towards.”
We agree wholeheartedly. Going deeper, we recommend working with local suppliers to procure seasonal ingredients, and calling that out as well.
Another tip comes from Datassential and Technomic insights. Three in ten younger consumers would like to see soups that feature plant-based proteins. And around half want at least one vegetarian-friendly soup on a menu.
The Standout Tip
When you’re through reading this article, I encourage you to scroll back to the top, click the “soup season” link, and read this Campbell’s Foodservice report for yourself.
That way, you’ll see all of their latest tips for getting the most out of seasonal soups.
However, I’m going to share the tip that stood out the most to me: transforming comfort food dishes into soups. Hence, the image at the top of this article: vaso de elote, or elote en vaso. That dish translates to “street corn in a cup” from Spanish.
Now, elote or street corn is undeniably a comforting street food. If I see it on a menu, I’m going to order it. Were I to see street corn in a cup, particularly if it came with the presentation at the top of this article, I’m going to order it.
So, if a culinary team were to transform street corn in a cup into street corn in a cup of soup, I’m all in.
Think about your concept, the approach to cuisine, and the community you serve. Then, think about the comfort dishes that work well with your concept and resonate with your guests.
In their report, Campbell’s Foodservice recommends beer cheese soup, of which I’m a fan. They also suggest lasagna soup (I’d try it), and chicken pot pie soup (again, I’m down).
Real-Word, Professional Advice
I asked our chef consultant Nathen Dubé for a couple of quick tips for transforming a comforting food dish into a soup. (By the way, you can book a call with him to discuss your menu or kitchen here.)
“I would look at the overall profile of the dish, and then decide if you’re going to combine everything into a puree or a broth,” says Nathen.
Then, the kitchen team needs to decide “which ingredients would be incorporated, and which could be left whole afterwards for texture, and stronger stand-out flavours.” As he explained to me, some ingredients definitely translate better to slow cooking versus finishing towards the end of the process.
With that advice given, take a look at your menu. Do you have some comfort foods that would be intriguing to guests in soup form? What about some of your signature dishes?
Once you’ve determined which dishes to transform into seasonal, LTO soups, engage your kitchen team. They’ll likely be excited to do something new, and show off their culinary talent.
Some people may harbor the misconception that soup isn’t exciting. I think creative operators and culinary teams can disabuse skeptical guests of this notion. Cheers!
Image: Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash