
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: September

5 Books to Read this Month: September

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Holy Smoke! It’s Mezcal! (revised second edition)

The world is steadily becoming more and more enthralled with all agave spirits. Mezcal, of course, helped spearhead this interest and the category’s growth. If you want a deeper understanding of mezcal, John P. McEvoy’s Holy Smoke! It’s Mezcal! is the book you’re looking for. Click here for the black-and-white version, and here for the full-color version.

Cocktails of the Movies: An Illustrated Guide to Cinematic Mixology New Expanded Edition

There’s no doubt that pop culture has an impact on food and beverage trends. In Cocktails of the Movies, authors Will Francis and Stacey Marsh take a look at cocktails featured in film. Not only are there recipes, you’ll find a history of each cocktail, the scene it was in, and artwork.

The Infused Cocktail Handbook: The Essential Guide to Homemade Blends and Infusions

One excellent way to set your bar program apart from the competition’s is with house infusions. Kurt Maitland’s The Infused Cocktail Handbook dives into what spirits pair best with specific ingredients, including bacon and gummy bears.

The Cocktail Seminars

As the story goes, author Brian D. Hoefling taught his fellow Yale students about cocktails and build techniques during his senior year. The Cocktail Seminars is a collection of five of Hoefling’s education seminars and spans 30 cocktail recipes. Along with technique, readers will learn about the history of cocktails, which they and their bar teams can leverage to engage with guests.

5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential

John C. Maxwell’s book 5 Levels of Leadership helps people become true leaders. Remember, becoming a leader is a journey in and of itself, not just a position you find yourself in.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: September

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: September

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and September is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

September 3: National College Colors Day

There are a few ways you can go about celebrating this holiday. If your bar or restaurant supports a particular college team, create a promotion that encourages guests to wear that team’s colors. You can also ask guests to wear their favorite college team’s colors…if there’s no risk of rivalries getting out of hand, of course.

September 4: World Beard Day

An entire day dedicated to celebrating facial hair? Sign us up! There’s a lot you can do with this holiday, even if that means going the other way and rewarding the clean shaven among us.

September 6: National Read a Book Day

It’s not exactly a secret that we love a good book, whether it’s about leadership, business, history, cocktails, food or fiction. Create a new promotion focused on inspiring people to read books or bring back last month’s Book Lover’s Day promo.

September 10: National TV Dinner Day

Delivery and takeout aren’t going anywhere. Even before the pandemic, these two lifelines helped many operators generate revenue. Several restaurants have come up with signature TV dinners and you can do the same.

September 12: National Hug Your Hound Day

People love dogs. People love other people’s dogs. If your business is dog-friendly, this is the day to encourage guests to bring their pooches to your restaurant, bar or hotel.

September 19: National Talk Like a Pirate Day

I doubt I have to tell you what to do this day. Brush up on your pirate and nautical lingo, feature themed cocktails like the Dark & Stormy, and if you have the capability, show a pirate movie or two.

September 22: Car Free Day

If it’s authentic to your brand and will resonate with your guests, create a promotion that encourages people to walk, ride their bikes, or otherwise get to your place by means other than traditional petrol-powered vehicles.

September 25: National Comic Book Day

Break out the comic book character-inspired cocktails and your favorite comic book movies on this day.

September 27: World Tourism Day

This is a great day to seek out partnerships with hotels and local tourism boards to drive out-of-town guests through your doors.

September 28: National Good Neighbor Day

We’ll always suggest that operators show their communities that they support them and are members in good standing. This is the perfect day to pay back the support you receive from the community.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge

The 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge

by David Klemt

Bourbon barrels resting in Buffalo Trace rack house

Today marks the start of Bourbon Heritage Month, the celebration of America’s native spirit.

Unlike National Bourbon Day, which takes place in the US on June 14, September provides us with a monthlong bourbon celebration.

I, for one, couldn’t be more excited to revisit some of the bottles in my home bar.

But there’s another way to celebrate Bourbon Heritage Month. And operators can participate.

Bourbon & Banter

In 2011, bourbon devotee and advocate Patrick Garrett founded Bourbon & Banter.

A team of devoted contributors soon followed and developed.

Bourbon & Banter’s initial mission was simple but powerful: “to spread the Bourbon Gospel.”

However, over the course of ten years, that mission has evolved. A robust community has formed around Bourbon & Banter. Today’s mission is to continue building that community while helping others “drink curious.”

Bourbon & Banter reviews bottles, keeps readers and followers current with relevant news and events, sells merchandise, and more.

But there’s something else this dedicated bourbon bunch does. Something that celebrates Bourbon Heritage Month.

30 Days of Bourbon

Normally, the first of the month is reserved by KRG Hospitality for a roundup of weird holidays. However, we’re disrupting our regular programming in the name of bourbon.

Bourbon & Banter is challenging bourbon aficionados, casual bourbon drinkers, and the bourbon-curious to participate in a monthlong challenge.

The premise of 30 Days of Bourbon is simple: drink a new bourbon every day for the entirety of September.

Equally as simple are the rules:

  • Only bourbons count. Sure, drink whatever you want. But only bourbon counts toward the challenge.
  • Tennessee whisky counts, as technically it’s bourbon. We don’t make the rules for whiskey or this challenge, so don’t @ us.

Speaking of technicalities, Bourbon & Banter provides the following in terms of what differentiates one bourbon from another:

  • Mash bills within a single brand: Each of Four Roses ten mash bills are unique and therefore count as individual bourbons. The same holds true for their limited editions and Small Batch blend.
  • Single barrel bourbons: Using Blanton’s as the example, the stoppers don’t indicate separate bourbons—the barrels do. So, look for different barrels or they don’t count as different bourbons.
  • Proof: Bourbon & Banter says Evan Williams Black and Green Labels are the same but that White Label is different due to the rules for bonded bourbons.
  • Non-distiller producer (NDP) bourbons such as those from MGP count as the final products differ from one another so greatly.

Accept the Challenge

Bourbon & Banter have created a convenient 30 Days of Bourbon calendar. beyond that, they’ve also made logo overlays for participants to use as they post about their progress.

Operators can participate by offering a special or otherwise highlighting a different bourbon each day in September. Encourage guests to return and track their progress using Bourbon & Banter’s calendar.

Use social media to announce the day’s bourbon or mark personal progress. Operators and participants should use the hashtags #30DaysOfBourbon and #BourbonHeritageMonth.

Obviously, operators should give credit to Bourbon & Banter for this challenge and their calendar, so make sure to tag their accounts: Instagram, Twitter and, Facebook. Also, visit them on YouTube and check out their Patreon.

Additionally, Bourbon & Banter has been asking participants to donate $30 to the charity of their choice during the 30 Days of Bourbon challenge for the last five years. Founder Garrett has also been rewarding participants with bourbon-related prizes randomly.

Of course, operators can also come up with their own rewards for completing the challenge at their venue.


Image: Josh Collesano on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: August

5 Books to Read this Month: August

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Something & Tonic: A History of the World’s Most Iconic Mixer

Author and bartender Nick Kokonas takes readers on a historical, global journey that focuses on the history of tonic. This informative book also contains tips, tricks, and 60 original cocktail recipes. Click here to purchase Something & Tonic now.

America Walks into a Bar

Do you have a passion for this business? Do you actually love bars and the rich history of our industry? Then you need to read Christine Sismondo’s America Walks into a Bar, equal parts adventure, entertainment and history.

Burn the Ice: The American Culinary Revolution and Its End

I could try to sum up Burn the Ice for you, but Danny Meyer seems to have captured the essence of this Kevin Alexander’s book in one word: “Inspiring.”

The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World

When we come across a great bar, restaurant or hotel, we never encounter strangers. Instead, we meet friends we never knew we had. In The Power of Strangers, author Joe Keohane addresses the importance of getting over the fear of engaging with strangers and why, particularly in these divisive times, we need “strangers” more than ever in our lives.

Hacking the New Normal: Hitting the Reset Button on the Hospitality Industry

The world around us has changed, as has the food & beverage industry and the hospitality industry as a whole. But will some ways of life change for the better? Will restaurants, bars, and hotels come out of the pandemic even stronger? In Hacking the New Normal, author and president of KRG Hospitality Doug Radkey addresses the need to hit the reset button on the hospitality industry for its long-term survival.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and July is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

August 3: National Night Out Day

It may sound like this holiday is just an excuse for restaurant and bar crawls. However, this day is actually about bringing communities together and making them safer. This is an excellent time to strengthen your ties to the community and support local organizations.

August 5: National Underwear Day

We’re not entirely sure what to suggest you do for this holiday but there’s definitely something here. Get creative but be tasteful, is all we recommend.

August 6: National Fresh Breath Day

Certain herbs help freshen breath: Mint, basil, rosemary, cardamom, and tarragon, for example. These same herbs also make great cocktails, so tie them into a drink promotion.

August 7: National Disc Golf Day

With mask mandates being re-issued, some people will likely be looking at outdoor sports as an escape. Encourage and reward people for getting out and playing disc golf on this day.

August 8: National Dollar Day

Have a menu item or two you can offer for $1? Perhaps a “buy one, get another for one dollar”? You know what to do on National Dollar Day.

August 9: National Book Lover’s Day

There are several ways you can celebrate this holiday with your guests. For example, you can host a book drive, encourage guests to trade books, or even create a free community library space inside your business. Tap into your creative side.

August 10: Lazy Day

I mean, come on… This day was practically invented to encourage people to spend all day eating and drinking in your bar or restaurant. People can be responsible another day.

August 14: National Bowling Day

Remember National Disc Golf Day from way up higher on this page? Of course you do. Well, it shouldn’t be difficult to come up with promotions focused on bowling, like offering promotions for bowling teams who pop into your bar or restaurant.

August 21: National Honey Bee Day

If we lose our bees, we lose our agriculture. And if we lose that, we lose our food supply. Highlight the importance of honey bees with menu items that feature honey (local sources are ideal), and promote the need to protect these valuable insects.

August 27: National Just Because Day

A promotion focused on doing whatever you want just because you feel like doing it? The sky’s truly the limit with this one.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

We Need to Join Forces on the RRF

We Need to Join Forces on the RRF

by David Klemt

The United States Capitol Building with blue sky and white clouds in the background

It’s time for all hospitality professionals to come together and tell Congress to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

Honestly, it’s well beyond time for us to all join forces and send our message to Congress.

Owners, operators, managers, and team members need to contact their representatives. Additionally, they need to encourage their friends and family members to do the same.

If we’re going to stop the damage to our industry, this needs to be done.

State of the RRF

Per this download from the National Restaurant Association, 455,304 eligible restaurants applied for RRF grants.

In total, 278,304 restaurants were awarded grants.

To be fair, that’s excellent news. And the Small Business Administration should be applauded for providing lifelines to nearly 280,000 restaurants.

However, the $28.6 billion the fund was seeded with was never going to be enough. Also, the SBA’s RRF portal was open nowhere near long enough.

Toward the end of May, Republican members of Congress sent a letter to the SBA. In it, they criticize the SBA for closing the portal so quickly.

To provide context, the RRF application portal was open a mere 21 days. Further context: the SBA made it clear before the RRF portal was opened that only priority applications would be processed for the first 21 days.

Replenish the RRF

According to the NRA, 177,000 eligible RRF applicants were not awarded grants.

That number represents a total of $43.6 billion in grants that haven’t been awarded.

So, not only does the SBA need to reopen the RRF, they need to replenish it with at least $43.6 billion. The NRA is asking that Congress refill the RRF with $50 billion.

We all know that the situation is dire. Per the NRA, 1.3 million jobs have been lost. Since the first 14 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, restaurants have lost $290 billion in sales. Obviously, that number has grown. At least 90,000 restaurants have either closed their doors long-term or forever.

However, this isn’t only about our industry. As the NRA shows, every dollar spent on this industry generates $2 for farming, baking, fishing, and other industries.

Looking at the numbers makes it clear: We all need to carve out the few minutes it will take to tell our representatives what we want.

What do we want? For the RRF to be replenished. Click here to tell Congress to replenish the RRF with at least $50 billion, and make sure to spread this message on social by using #ReplishRRF.

There are millions and millions of us in this industry. Now more than ever, we need to join forces and pull in the same direction.

Image: Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

4 Tips for Recruiting and Retention

4 Tips for Recruiting and Retention

by David Klemt

Server walking through restaurant carrying tray

Operators seeking to survive and thrive despite the Great Resignation can give themselves an edge with these four concepts.

Attract New Talent

KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey doesn’t find the struggle to fill restaurant, bar and hotel positions all that shocking.

Why? Because too many operators post generic, cookie-cutter job listings. Doing what everyone else is doing has never been advisable for those looking to stand out.

Instead, Doug suggests a more unique approach to job ads, an approach that helps operators stand above the competition.

Step one is avoiding banal listing language:

  • “Are you friendly, energetic, and highly motivated?”
  • “Are you an experienced and enthusiastic [insert position]?”
  • “The ideal candidate must work well in a fast-paced environment and be a team player.”
  • List of basic job tasks.

Instead, Doug suggests the following:

  • Hire for values rather than experience. Training addresses systems and standards, not personality and drive.
  • Operators should be transparent about their core values, company culture, and potential for growth.
  • Showcase the approach to inclusivity, diversity, acceptance, and flexibility. That is, if that’s authentic. If not, that’s a flashing, neon red flag that requires addressing.
  • Offer a living wage, benefits, potential for personal growth, and education.
  • Produce a video of team members sharing why they work at the company. This must be genuine and honest.

Demand creates competition. Innovation beats the competition.

Actually Onboard New Hires

So, an operator adjusts their approach to filling open positions. They recruit and hire promising employees.

Sadly, it’s common for new hires in hospitality and foodservice to leave in just a few months. Rather than accept this as the norm, operators have a tool at their disposal for improving employee retention: Onboarding.

Too many operators think the next step after hiring someone is providing a start date, showing them the front- and back-of-house, and hoping things will work out.

Well, hope isn’t a strategy.

The next step after hiring someone is onboarding and should include the following:

  • Complete all pertinent paperwork and setting up access to systems. If applicable, set up direct deposit.
  • Provide new hire with detailed employee handbook. If there isn’t one yet, that must be addressed.
  • Share the story of the business (history, area, etc.) and workplace culture.
  • Outline expectations: Policies, rules and responsibilities.
  • Explain benefits, such as health insurance and mentorship opportunities.
  • Provide training and assign shadowing.
  • Deliver feedback on trained tasks.

The above list obviously has room for more onboarding tasks. Operators should create a physical onboarding checklist. Also, they should require the person or people tasked with onboarding to complete and sign off the checklist (even if that person is the operator).

Nail recruiting, hiring and onboarding and word will get out. The result? Hiring gets easier and turnover decreases.

Focus on Workplace Culture

Doug addressed workplace culture and the labor shortage on Bar Hacks bonus episode number 16.

Simply put, operators need to take an honest look at their culture.

Is it inclusive and accepting? Transparent and nurturing? Do employees feel comfortable bringing up workplace issues? (More on that last one below.)

Hospitality is fast-paced and demanding—owners and managers shouldn’t add to the stress.

Why would anyone want to work in for someone who isn’t going to treat them and their coworkers with respect, mentor them and nurture their career, and value their input?

It’s every operator’s responsibility to be good stewards of hospitality professionals’ passion for this industry. We do them a disservice when we turn a blind eye to an unhealthy workplace culture that has taken hold, crushing their love of his business and driving them away.

Value Employee Feedback

Yes, guest feedback is valuable. However, so is feedback from employees.

It’s important for operators to remember not to focus solely on guests.

True, a business isn’t a business without customers. Equally true: It’s not a business without employees.

So, operators should foster a work environment in which employees feel comfortable sharing honest feedback. This is, of course, where culture comes into play.

If employees don’t feel safe sharing their opinions and suggestions, operators won’t truly know what it’s like to work for them. Without that feedback, employee turnover will skyrocket, recruiting and hiring will be an endless struggle, and the guest experience will suffer.

We all know what happens if guests pick up on an uncomfortable restaurant, bar or hotel environment: They don’t return.

Operators can’t expect their businesses to thrive (or just survive) if they focus solely on guests.

Putting these concepts to work can help operators succeed despite the Great Resignation of 2021.

Image: Shangyou Shi on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

10 Bottles for National Tequila Day

10 Bottles for National Tequila Day

by David Klemt

Shots of tequila surrounded by lime wedges and salt

This Saturday we celebrate the world’s most famous agave spirit: the one and only tequila.

National Tequila Day takes place this weekend on July 24.

Of course, there are still those out there who view tequila as a low-quality, high-proof spirit that leads to bad decisions.

Luckily, years of education are turning that around. People across the world are now aware of high-quality sipping tequilas.

Those in the know are drinking better, although that doesn’t preclude them from making bad choices afterward. Indeed, we can no longer blame the tequila, only ignorance of higher quality expressions.

Just like we did for bourbon and Lambrusco, we’ve rounded up bottles operators should consider for National Tequila Day and beyond.



Arguably the tequila most people associate with cheap shots and cocktails. Distillers don’t age blanco and they bottle the liquid soon after distillation. However, the explosion in the growth of tequila brings with it new brands and higher standards. Many blancos taste excellent and make great cocktails.

Mijenta Blanco

This blanco represents the antithesis of the mainstream stereotype of blanco tequilas. Tequilera Maestro (Tequila Master) Ana Maria Romero approaches the process of making Mijenta Blanco with the same care and attention to detail as she does reposado.

Teremana Blanco

Yes, this is a “celebrity tequila.” Yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson owns Teremana. Being a celebrity spirit doesn’t discredit the quality of this brand. Teremana Blanco is a silver tequila that aims to drink like a luxury expression.


An interesting and rare (currently) category, joven is unaged tequila blended with one or more aged expressions.

Viva XXXII Joven

Described as a “modern sipping” expression by the distillery, Viva XXXII Joven is made with estate-grown blanco and the brand’s extra añejo. Expect crisp flavors of lemon peel, yerba buena (an aromatic mint), and white pepper.

Casa Dragones Joven

When Casa Dragones first entered the market in 2009, this was their debut expression. Five years later, they released their first blanco. In the case of Casa Dragones Joven, blanco was blended with extra añejo. Not only is it proper to include one of the first joven tequilas on the market on this list, this expression has earned its place.


Combine the bold flavors of younger blanco tequila with the smooth, refined characteristics of aged añejo. That will give you an idea of what to expect with a reposado, which is aged between two and twelve months. Equal capable in shots and cocktails or for sitting and sipping.

Volcán De Mi Tierra Reposado

Made from agaves that take well over 3,000 days to ripen, Volcán Reposado captures the terroir of the state of Jalisco. The liquid is aged in American and European oak barrels, which helps to make this a smooth expression.

Clase Azul Reposado

Arguably the most recognized bottle on the back of any bar. Clase Azul Reposado draws the eyes of guests with its unique appearance and keeps them coming back with its unique flavor profile and incredible smoothness.


This category must be aged for one to three years in oak. Of course, añejo can be enjoyed as a shot or in a cocktail, just like any spirit can be. However, these tequilas are often best when sipped slowly to appreciate every flavor, aroma, and mouthfeel characteristic.

El Tesoro Añejo

This añejo is aged between two and three years in ex-bourbon barrels. The result is intriguing, to the say the least: Master Distiller Carlos Camarena says El Tesoro Añejo, due to vanilla and maple notes, would pair well with pancakes.

Casa Dragones Barrel Blend

Known as a small-batch producer of luxury blanco and joven tequilas, Casa Dragones is finally producing an añejo. Casa Dragones Barrel Blend is aged in Quercus Sessile French oak and new American oak barrels, both of which undergo custom toasting. The result is a smooth, luxurious sipper with spice, oak, berry, and agave notes.

Extra Añejo

Once a distiller passes the three-year mark aging tequila, they have free reign to experiment. The extra añejo category is where people find truly unique and rare (and expensive, of course) expressions.

Herradura Selección Suprema

It may interest people to know that Herradura gets the credit for creating both the reposado and extra añejo categories. So, it’s only fitting that they be on this list in one of those categories. Herradura Selección Suprema rests for 49 months—four years and one month—in American white oak barrels.

Tears of Llorona No. 3 Extra Añejo

Master Distiller Germán González initially created Tears of Llorona to for his friends and family. However, the five-year-old extra añejo Maestro Gonzalez produces are sometimes made available to the public. The current private stock offering, Tears of Llorona No. 3, is aged in Scotch, brandy, and sherry oak barrels.

Image: Xavier Espinosa from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Two States Rescinding To-Go Cocktails

Two States Rescinding To-Go Cocktails

by David Klemt

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, time-lapse at night

Two states are putting an end to a lifeline that many restaurants and bars still rely upon as the industry attempts recovery.

Unfortunately, New York and Pennsylvania are rescinding to-go cocktail laws. Sadly, we can only hope this doesn’t lead to a state legislature domino effect.

The decision stands in stark contrast to states that chose to legalize to-go cocktails this year.

Pandemic Lifeline

Call it cynicism if you like, but it seems that our industry is constantly left to fend for itself.

For example, look at how long it took for the the American Rescue Plan to be voted into law. The bill, which included the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, didn’t pass the House until March of 2021.

Also, the awarding of Paycheck Protection Program stimulus loans was a farce and disaster.

Then, remember that the RRF application portal didn’t launch until the end of April. Of course, the fund has been depleted already and the portal closes July 14.

Obviously, restaurants and bars adapted and leaned into delivery, takeout, and pickup in an attempt to survive. In addition, several states made to-go cocktails legal temporarily.

Ultimately, some states made those “loose” laws permanent. Iowa was the first state to do so.

Now, operators in New York and Pennsylvania are having that lifeline yanked out of their hands.

Disappointing Development

Less than a month ago I reported on how several states (and Canadian provinces) are choosing to handle to-go cocktails.

So far, eleven states made them legal permanently: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Other states chose to keep their to-go cocktail rules loosened until 2022 or 2023: Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Virginia, and Washington.

Still others—New York and Pennsylvania among them—introduced bills this year that sought to make to-go cocktails legal permanently: Arizona, California, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Oregon.

So, rather than keep their rules loose and continue to help their operators generate much-needed revenue as they try to recover from the economic devastation of the pandemic, New York and Pennsylvania voted to take to-go cocktails away from them.

Rather than help the industry, too many politicians and officials have used them during the pandemic as scapegoats, punching bags, and public relations stunts.

It’s clear that operators in New York and Pennsylvania (and many other states, to be fair) need to send a unified message when elected officials need venues for campaigning and fundraising.

Image: Heidi Kaden on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: July

5 Books to Read this Month: July

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Tequila & Tacos: A Guide to Spirited Pairings

This pairing is iconic. However, this book proves the legendary pair can go well beyond just munching on a street taco and slamming a tequila shot. Moreover, Tequila & Tacos includes recipes for both classic tacos and modern versions like spicy cauliflower tacos. The perfect book to help you celebrate National Tequila Day on July 24.

A Long Stride

Just days after National Tequila Day comes National Scotch Day, which takes place July 27. A Long Stride tells the in-depth story of one Scotch in particular: Johnnie Walker. Published toward the end of last year, this book represents the most up-to-date history of arguably the most famous Scotch brand in the world.

Zero Proof: 90 Non-Alcoholic Recipes for Mindful Drinking

Temporary and permanent abstinence from alcohol is becoming more and more commonplace. That doesn’t mean, however, that people who aren’t drinking alcohol are staying out of bars. So, it’s important that operators update their drink programs with creative and memorable zero-proof cocktails. Zero Proof contains 90 alcohol-free recipes to inspire you to develop your non-alcohol menu section.

Playing with Fire

Summer is here and that means barbecue! Interestingly, though, many of today’s chefs have felt the siren song of cooking on open fire for a while now. Playing with Fire features 72 of Chef Michael Symon’s favorite recipes inspired by St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville, Kansas City, and other famous barbecue styles.

How to Grill Vegetables: The New Bible for Barbecuing Vegetables over Live Fire

Steven Raichlen has been dubbed “America’s master griller, and for good reason: there’s likely nothing he doesn’t know about barbecuing. In How to Grill Vegetables, Raichlen shows how to grill basically every vegetable over fire. This book features more than 100 recipes and explains how to grill eggplant on cedar planks, smoke lettuce with hay, cook whole onions directly on embers, and much more.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash
