
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Rediscovering Your Guests in 2021

Rediscovering Your Guests in 2021

by David Klemt

Guests in a restaurant and bar

Labatt Breweries of Canada wants operators to get to know their guests all over again in 2021.

Luckily, this isn’t a massive undertaking. However, it requires commitment and an understanding of altered consumer behavior.

During the 2021 Restaurants Canada Show, Labatt presented “Rediscover Your Guest: The 2021 Consumer.”

Christina Veira, bar and beverage curator for the RC Show, hosted the digital session. Labatt panelists included Michelle Tham, head of education and certified Cicerone, and Megan Harris, director of insights and strategy. Casey Ferrell, vice president of US and Canada Monitors for Kantar Consulting rounded out the panel.

Who’s Your 2021 Guest?

The good news is that Canadians are still consuming beverage alcohol. The less-good news is that they’ve gotten used to drinking mainly at home.

In fact, per Megan Harris, 95 percent of beverage alcohol occasions now happen at home. Harris also says there’s excitement about a return to in-person restaurant and bar service. However, several pandemic-driven behaviors will persist, including:

  • Takeout
  • Delivery
  • Daytime drinking
  • Working from home

Guests are set to unleash a torrent of pent-up demand when they can safely return to restaurants and bars. They want to indulge themselves, have fun and new experiences, but also feel safe.

Generally speaking, younger guests are more tolerant of risk. Conversely, guests over 50 years old are more cautious.

Vaccine Influence

Per Ferrell, there are four distinct vaccine groups in Canada and the United States:

  • People have gotten a Covid-19 vaccine.
  • People who can’t wait to get a Covid-19 vaccine.
  • People who are unsure about Covid-19 vaccines.
  • People who refuse to get a Covid-19 vaccine.

Ferrell says to remove the final group on that list. Doing so shows that about two-thirds of Canadians (and Americans) are in the process of getting the vaccine. Therefore, operators need consider how to address vaccination safety along with vaccination requirements for guests and employees. For Ferrell, the best lever to pull is the one that addresses Covid-19 and vaccine risks.

Additionally, just because the calendar ticked over to 2021 doesn’t mean everything is different. Accordingly, Ferrell feels that Q1 is the “More of 2021” stage of this year. He expects people to open up their bubbles during possibly Q2 or Q3, the “Less Covid-19” stage. Parties that include multiple households will return in force in Q4.

How to Meet 2021 Guest Expectations

First, we must be cautious when people return to restaurants, bars and other venues en masse. That initial boost in traffic driven by pent-up demand will ebb quicker than one would expect.

To get people through the doors, operators will need to focus on:

  1. health and safety;
  2. staff expectations and training;
  3. social interactions and the joy deficit; and
  4. guest experience and journey.

Harris sums up the first point succinctly: Anything that can be touchless, should be touchless. Operators should expect contactless features to remain moving forward. The expectation for hygiene will also remain. Guests will want to see employees cleaning and sanitizing, for instance.

Speaking of employees, operators must address the role they’ll plan in crowd management. Unfortunately, management and employees will have to be ready to enforce health and safety protocols strongly.

As Ferrell notes, long-term lockdown means large swaths of the population need to re-learn how to interact with others. One way to drive guests through restaurant or bar doors is promoting the role they play in socializing. Hospitality businesses facilitate social interaction—it’s one of the industry’s greatest strengths. Equally, restaurants and bars fill people’s joy deficits.

Operators, says Harris, need to consider:

  • every way they can offer an experience guests can’t have at home;
  • how they can capitalize on the daytime drinking experience;
  • how to extend the guest experience—pre-visit and post-visit;
  • how to attract older guests to their venues;
  • leveraging patio spaces; and
  • focusing on messaging that promotes escapism and excitement.

Another interesting consideration concerns table distances. Every operator needs to weigh square feet per guest and distancing tables. Social distance will likely remain important to guests for at least a little while post-pandemic.


Ferrell answered a question I asked about Las Vegas specifically. Dayclubs, which largely focus on elevating pool parties, are an integral part of Vegas hospitality.

So, how can they signal their commitment to health and safety as relates to infections?

Ferrell’s answer is that evidence appears to indicate that pools are Covid-19 infection spreaders. Therefore, dayclub operators should focus more on the crowd control aspect of health and safety. Additionally, messaging should focus on indulgence.

After all, says Ferrell, not much is more indulgent than saying, “I’m going to take the day for myself and go to a daylife venue.”

Image: Nick Hillier on Unsplash

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

House Passes $1.9B Covid Relief Bill, RRF

House Passes $1.9B Covid Relief Bill, RRF

by David Klemt

US Capitol Building Dome

The Senate version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is through the House, awaiting the signature of President Joe Biden.

Once the bill is signed by the president, it will be the law of the land.

That means our industry is finally receiving at least a portion of the relief it so desperately needs. After nearly a year of campaigning and fighting, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) is a reality.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund

Managed by the Small Business Administration properly, the RRF is a critical lifeline for small- and mid-sized operators.

The SBA will prioritize women- and veteran-owned and operated businesses for the first 21 days. Economically and socially disadvantaged businesses will also receive priority.

Maximum grant amounts are $5 million per individual restaurant or $10 million per restaurant group.

Eligible Expenses

Importantly, eligible expenses fall between February 15, 2020 through December 31, 2021.

Eligible expenses include but are not limited to:

  • payroll and benefits;
  • mortgage (no prepayment);
  • rent (no prepayment);
  • utilities, maintenance;
  • supplies (including PPE and cleaning materials);
  • food;
  • operational expenses;
  • covered supplier costs (as defined by the SBA under the PPP program); and
  • sick leave.

American Rescue Plan Provisions

Of course, the RRF is just a small portion of the American Rescue Plan. The bill includes many provisions for national Covid-19 testing and vaccine distribution.

States and local governments receive $20 billion to assist low-income households with rent, utility bills, and back rent. There’s an increase to benefits of 15 percent through September for those on food stamps.

Also, the Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program receives $15 billion, which will help small business owners.

The $300-per-week federal boost to unemployment benefits remains the same rather than climbing to $400 per week.

Crucially, the bill waives the first $10,200 of unemployment benefits from 2020. That amount rises to $20,400 for married couples. To receive the waiver, a household must have an adjusted gross income of $150,000. That AGI is the same for individual and combined households.

Individuals with an AGI of up to $75,000 will receive stimulus payments of $1,400. That amount phases out completely at $80,000 for individuals, $160,000 for couples.

What’s Next

The SBA is responsible creating and implementing the RRF application process.

For now, it’s wise for operators to calculate their grant amounts:

  • Open prior to 2019: 2019 revenue minus 2020 revenue minus PPP loans.
  • 2019 opening: Average of 2019 monthly revenues times 12 minus 2020 revenues.
  • 2020 opening: Eligible to receive funding equal to eligible expenses incurred.

Since the SBA is the agency overseeing the $28.5 billion RRF, it’s a good idea to monitor their site for pertinent dates, details and requirements.

Image: Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Senate Boosts RRF to $28.6 Billion

Senate Boosts RRF to $28.6 Billion

by David Klemt

Lower-case neon open sign

On Saturday, the Senate approved their version of the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill along party lines.

Next, the bill will go back to the House and could receive a vote as early as tomorrow.

Boost to RRF?

According to several sources, the Senate’s version of the American Restaurant Plan Act (ARPA) includes a $3.6 billion boost to the $25 billionRestaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF).

If that’s accurate and the House passes this version of the ARPA, the RRF has $28.6 billion to disburse.

Five billion dollars will be set aside specifically for businesses that grossed less than $500,000 in receipts in 2019.

Mostly a Good Start?

The RRF is modeled on the RESTAURANTS Act.

Unfortunately, it isn’t funded like the RESTAURANTS Act. The industry has been campaigning for nearly a year for a $120 billion fund.

More than 110,000 restaurants and bars have been lost throughout the United States permanently. In addition, the industry has lost around $220 billion in sales.

The RRF isn’t even a quarter of what the industry was asking for in terms of help from elected officials.

Still, if managed properly, the RRF is much-appreciated and much-needed relief for small and mid-sized operators.

The Details (So Far)

The Small Business Association (SBA) will manage the RRF. For the first 21 days, businesses owned or controlled by women or veterans—or that are economically and socially disadvantaged—will be prioritized for grants.

Maximum amounts for grants are $5 million per individual restaurant or $10 million per restaurant group.

Established restaurants can calculate their grants thusly: 2019 revenue minus 2020 revenue minus PPP loans. For restaurants that were opened in 2019, the calculation is the average of 2019 monthly revenues times 12 minus 2020 revenues. Restaurants opened in 2020 are eligible to receive funding equal to eligible expenses incurred.

Grants can be spent on eligible expenses from February 15, 2020 through December 31, 2021. However, the SBA may extend that period through two years from enactment.

Eligible expenses include but are not limited to:

  • payroll and benefits;
  • mortgage (no prepayment);
  • rent (no prepayment);
  • utilities, maintenance;
  • supplies (including PPE and cleaning materials);
  • food;
  • operational expenses;
  • covered supplier costs (as defined by the SBA under the PPP program); and
  • sick leave.

The fight for relief isn’t over. Please click here to tell your representatives to pass ARPA and the RRF immediately.

Image: Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What’s in the Senate Relief Package?

What’s in the Senate Relief Package?

by David Klemt

United States Capitol Building rotunda ceiling painting

As expected, the Senate version of the latest Covid-19 relief bill is different from the one passed by the House.

The changes will require the bill to be kicked back to the House, adding to the pressure to get relief to Americans before March 14.

Things may change but below are some of the differences between the two versions.

$15/hour Minimum Wage

This provision is dead in both houses of Congress.

That should come as no surprise as the boost to federal minimum wage was declared dead in the water by Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough even before the House voted on the American Rescue Plan Act.

According to reports, removing any and all language that raises federal minimum wage to $15 an hour is the biggest change between the House and Senate versions of ARPA.

Direct Payments to Americans

Chatter online indicates that Senate Democrats are in favor of a drastically lower threshold for $1,400 direct stimulus payments.

The House version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 calls for $1,400 economic impact payments with the following parameters:

  • Individuals earning an adjusted gross income (AGI) up to $75,000.
  • Married couples earning an AGI up to $150,000.
  • Payments phase out, reaching $0 for individuals earning AGI over $100,000 and married couples earning AGI over $200,000.

The Senate version calls for $1,400 payments to phase out entirely for individuals earning an AGI of $80,000 and married couples with an AGI of $160,000.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund

Let’s be honest, this is why you’re here. Is the RRF safe?

There’s nothing that shows the $25 billion fund is in danger from the Senate. That said, there’s one threat to ARPA in general, “minor” as it may be: game-playing politicians.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans view ARPA as too expensive, too favorable of Democrat’s priorities, and insufficient for addressing the reopening of businesses, schools, and fighting Covid-19.

Those concerns in and of themselves aren’t akin to playing games, nor are they invalid. Vote-a-rama, however, is a time-wasting stalling tactic that allows senators to propose literally hundreds of amendments to a bill. The time limit for vote-a-rama? There isn’t one—it lasts until senators get tired or bored.

Speaking about a coordinated plan to engage in vote-a-rama, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), said he’s “hoping for infinity. There are people talking about trying to set up a schedule and having it go on and on.”

Take Action

Americans simply do not have time for politicians on any side of the aisle to play games. Good-faith negotiations are one thing, delay tactics that last for “infinity” are another.

We’re still in the midst of a pandemic, people are unable to pay their bills, they’re going hungry, and business owners and their employees are suffering.

It seems some politicians have made up their minds and are committed to dragging out the process of passing ARPA and the RRF contained within but we still have our voices. Follow this link to tell your representatives to pass ARPA and RRF now.

Enough games, enough delays, more action.

Image: GO Educational Tours from Pixabay 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Passes

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Passes

by David Klemt

United States Capitol Building

Congress has once again voted to pass targeted relief for restaurants and bars.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which includes the Restaurant Revitalization Fund Passes, made it through Congress by a vote of 219 to 212.

All Republicans and two Democrats voted against the $1.9 billion bill, which now goes to the Senate.

Now What?

After a year of being mostly left to fend for ourselves—save for the flawed Paycheck Protection Program—operators may finally receive some relief.

The $300-per-week federal boost to unemployment, which the American Rescue Plan Act increases to $400 per week, expires on March 14. There’s some pressure on the Senate to pass the bill so it can be signed into law before or by that date.

However, we’ve been down this road before: Congress has voted in favor of a bill that contains relief for restaurants, bars and other foodservice and drinking establishments, the Senate goes a different direction, and the Congressional victory turns to ashes in our hands rather than becoming law.

Democrats control the House. A Democrat sits at the Resolute Desk. And while the 50-50 Senate is “controlled” by Democrats since Vice President Kamala Harris can break tie votes, the party can’t afford any defections if they hope to pass the American Rescue Plan.

Once again, targeted relief isn’t a certainty.

What’s in the Plan?

In short, not the RESTAURANTS Act. The American Rescue Plan provides a fraction of the $120 billion for which the industry has been campaigning for a year now.

Instead, a $25 billion grant program called the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) has been carved out for restaurants, bars and other eligible providers of food and drink.

There’s another $15 billion allocated for targeted Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) advance payments, and $1.25 billion for shuttered venue operators.

Just $7.25 billion would be pumped into the PPP and the application deadline wouldn’t be extended beyond March 31. This is likely because the PPP has disbursed over $662 billion in just under a year, and there’s still roughly $140 billion available.

In addition, the current bill includes $1,400 direct stimulus payments for individuals earning up to $75,000 or $2,800 for married couples earning up to $150,000. Payments would phase out completely for individuals earning $100,000 or married couples earning $200,000.

What’s the Restaurant Revitalization Fund?

The RRF carves out $25 billion for restaurants, bars, saloons, inns, taverns, lounges, tasting rooms, brewpubs, taprooms, food trucks, food carts, food stands, caterers, and eligible providers of food and/or drink.

Grants, should the bill pass the Senate and be signed into law, will be equal to pandemic-related revenue loss as calculated by subtracting 2020 revenue from 2019 revenue. Eligible entities could receive of up to $10 million, or a physical location could receive a maximum grant of $5 million.

RRF grants are required to be used for:

  • payroll costs;
  • principal and interest payments on a mortgage, excluding prepayments on the principal;
  • rent payments, excluding prepayments;
  • utilities;
  • supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning materials;
  • F&B expenses within the eligible entity’s scope of “normal business practice” before the covered period: February 15, 2020, through December 31, 2021 (or another date as determined by the Small Business Administration);
  • maintenance expenses, including construction accommodating outdoor seating and walls, floods, deck surfaces, furniture, fixtures, and equipment;
  • covered supplier costs;
  • operational expenses;
  • paid sick leave; and
  • any other expenses the SBA determines to be essential to maintaining the eligible entity.

The SBA would be responsible for awarding $20 billion of the $25 billion fund in “an equitable manner to eligible entities of different sizes based on annual gross receipts.” The remaining $5 billion would be set aside, per the bill in its current form, for eligible applicants with 2019 gross receipts of $500,000 or less.

Click here to find your senators and urge them to pass the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

Image: Jens Junge from Pixabay 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Datassential Finds Operators Optimistic

Datassential Finds Operators Optimistic

by David Klemt

Restaurant open sign hanging in window

The latest report from Datassential finds that the vast majority of operators are optimistic or at least confident their businesses will survive the pandemic.

Per Datassential, operator outlook appears to be more positive than it was in December.

That’s largely due to the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Datassential Covid-19 Resources & Reports

Datassential has been releasing informative Covid-19 reports throughout the pandemic to provide helpful industry, consumer and operator data.

Trending Upward” is Datassential’s 46th installment, and the research firm provides their Covid-19 resources at no charge.

For this report, Datassential surveyed 400 “decision makers for restaurants and on-site foodservice locations.”

Operator Outlook

Most of the operators surveyed, 220 or 55 percent, are still concerned about the challenges facing them and the industry. However, they’re “fairly confident” that their businesses will make it through.

That 55 percent represents no change from December of last year, when Datassential last gauged operator outlook.

The next two survey respondent segments tell the tale of optimism.

Of the 400 operators surveyed, 148 or 37 percent are “cautiously optimistic.” In fact, they expect to be even stronger post-pandemic.

Compared to December, that’s a seven-percent increase in operators who feel optimistic. That seven percent shifted from the “very nervous” segment,

Just 32 of survey respondents (eight percent) reported that they don’t think they’ll survive the pandemic. Losing any businesses to the pandemic and its terrible impact on the industry is beyond horrific, and the results of this Datassential report in no way minimize that awful truth. However, the percentage of operators who feel “very nervous” or otherwise pessimistic reducing by nearly half provides at least a semblance of hope for the future of the industry.

Staff Cuts

According to Datassential, more than 80 percent of operators who were forced to cut staff at some point during the pandemic have been able to bring back some of their workers.

Of the 400 respondents surveyed by Datassential, 21 percent of operators reported they hadn’t laid off any of their employees

Another 20 percent had to cut staff but were able to rehire all of them.

Nearly half (48 percent) have only been able to hire some of the staff they laid off back. Twelve percent have been unable to rehire any of the staff they had to let go.


Optimism is great for emotional and mental health. So is targeted relief. Operators and employees will likely feel far more confident and relieved if the industry receives actual targeted relief. This Datassential report’s findings are positive but we need Congress to act.

Click here to tell your representatives to pass the RESTAURANTS Act now.

Image: Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

I Tried the Mask Made for & by Hospitality

I Tried the Mask Made for & by Hospitality

by David Klemt


DCBL X-1 Mask, made by hospitality professionals for the hospitality industry

Wearing a mask is part of everyday life, particularly for hospitality industry professionals.

DCBL Masks was designed by hospitality professionals for the hospitality industry, born out of their reverence for the workers putting themselves at risk so the communities they serve can retain a semblance of their normal lives.

Their first mask, the X-1, is intended to provide solutions to the problems presented by other face coverings.

Thoughtful Design

One problem with the standard masks and face coverings we’ve grown accustomed to is their tendency to muffle voices. One of the driving design elements behind the DCBL X-1 is the projection of the wearer’s voice.

The X-1 is a three-piece mask and its second layer is what sets it apart from others. The middle layer is sound-enhancing, sculpted foam that allows the wearer’s voice to carry. No more going hoarse from yelling, no more (or less, at least) repeating oneself, no more guests leaning in or stepping closer to hear what’s being said (hopefully).

That second layer is also intended to improve breathability. The inside layer’s design provides an air pocket for similar breathing functionality. It’s also made of natural bamboo so it’s soft, moisture-wicking and cooling, and it receives an antimicrobial treatment.

The X-1’s outer layer is polyester and resists dust and moisture while also protecting against UV rays. There are two flexible “suspension” systems, one for the nose and one to seal the bottom of the mask. Straps are Spandex, ear loops are adjustable, and there’s a clasp system so the wearer can choose how to secure the mask to their head.

Designed by Industry Pros

DCBL is the brainchild of industry veterans Michael Tipps and Homan Taghdiri. Tipps and Taghdiri are the co-founders of both DCBL Masks and Invictus Hospitality, a consulting agency headquartered in Los Angeles.

Tipps boasts over two decades’ experience in hospitality. He got his start in South Florida and has worked every front-of-house position. His journey through hospitality helped him gain perspective regarding the challenges inherent to the industry, and he eventually co-founded Invictus.

Taghdiri worked in hospitaity for 13 years before becoming a licensed attorney in California. He has worked every position in the industry. While he no longer studies law, when he did, he specialized in real estate, business and the hospitality industry.

DCBL’s Mission

There are three main goals DCBL seeks to achieve: Protection, projection, and connection. I’ve explained how they achieve the first two goals.

If the first goal isn’t realized, goals two and three don’t matter. If DCBL whiffs on the second goal, the third is unachievable. The X-1 seeks to make conversation easier when wearing masks so people can feel more connected. Being separated by masks, distance, barriers, and staying at home is detrimental to us all. The DCBL X-1 addresses that issue.

As the DCBL website says, “Staying safe and making a living shouldn’t be as challenging as it has been.” I feel the brand accomplishes their deceptively simple goals.


First things first, I didn’t receive my X-1 in exchange for this post or any monetary compensation. I was genuinely curious about the mask and placed an order for two.

My masks arrived in a black bubble mailer, making them seem a little cooler from the start. They were each sealed in their own packet with an insert that explained the three layers, different methods for securing the X-1, machine washing instructions, and more.

DCBL X-1 mask packaging

In my experience, the mask felt soft and comfortable before even putting it on. The X-1 feels like a well-constructed, high-quality mask.

DCBL X-1 Mask

I have to say, I dig the interior layer. Not only is it soft and comfortable, the design detail is a nice departure from the white, black or pale blue to which we’ve all become accustomed:

Inside layer of DCBL X-1 face mask

It’s comfortable on my face and it allows me to speak comfortably, clearly and loudly no extra effort. I wore mine around my place and while writing this article. The ear loops are comfortable for me but the X-1 can be worn easily with an ear loop extension or toward the top of the head with the clasp system.

My glasses did fog slightly at first, but that became a non-issue after I adjusted the nose bridge suspension area.

Other people’s mileage may very, of course, but I feel that the mask delivers on DCBL’s mission statement: Be Heard.

To learn more and order the X-1, click here. connect with DCBL on Instagram and Facebook. Contact [email protected] for wholesale orders.

Disclaimer: The DCBL X-1 is not a medical-grade mask and is not intended as a replacement for medical-grade equipment or other recommended measures to stop the community spread of any viruses.

Images taken by author.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Uncorked: 2021 Wine Trends to Watch

Uncorked: 2021 Wine Trends to Watch

by David Klemt

Glass of red wine

What’s up with wine in 2021? We reviewed multiple sources to find out.

One great thing about hunting for wine trends is that it’s easy—there’s no shortage of sources willing to make predictions.

Common Wine Trends

The IWSR, without a doubt a reputable source for information about all things beverage, expects wine consumption to “bounce back” this year.

Along with Forbes, Wine Intelligence, just-drinks, and bar inventory platform Backbar, the IWSR expects e-commerce to be crucial for wine sales. Continuing with tech influence, the IWSR and Wine Intelligence expect wine producers and sellers to engage more with consumers online. Forbes pointed to orange wine benefiting from Instagram posts as a specific example of digital engagement.

Forbes, the IWSR, and Wine Intelligence predict alternative packaging to really take off in 2021. Canned wines are well positioned but other options—wine-in-box and “letterbox” bottles, for example—will perform well this year.

Forbes, the IWSR, and WineMemoir expect sustainability to be even more important in 2021. The IWSR mentioned organic and low-intervention wine, and they pointed to biodynamic wine, as did WineMemoir. Zero-waste winemaking was mentioned by Forbes.

The IWSR and Forbes expect sparkling wine—Prosecco specifically—to have a moment this year. Drinking occasions, per the IWSR, have come to include Prosecco more often; sparkling is no longer just for celebrating.

Breakout Wine Trends

Speaking of moments, rosé Champagne will have on in 2021, according to Forbes. The publication also expects the wealthy to continue “drinking richly,” so operators with rare, exclusive and high-dollar bottles should consider promoting them.

With the explosive growth of hard seltzer that has taken place over the past few years, Wine Intelligence predicts 2021 to be the year the wine seltzer market is established.

People will choose “safe” wine options, meaning they’ll be less likely to experiment and move out of their comfort zones, according to just-drinks. The magazine is also more cautious about the category’s growth this year, pointing to slowed economies and rises in alcohol duty rates.

Backbar, explaining that wine dollar value slipped but sales volume rose in 2020, predicts restaurants will offer more affordable wines. Along with that trend, they predict restaurants will hold less inventory to reduce costs, meaning wine lists will shrink.

Specific varietals Backbar predicts will perform well due to a turn toward affordable wines: South American Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Malbec; South African Chenin Blanc; Portuguese reds; red blends; and American wines in general.

2021 will be the Year of Cabernet Franc, according to WineMemoir. Bordeaux will see a resurgence in popularity, and wines from Abruzzo and Jura will see a lift.

Image: Carson Masterson on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Infographic: NRA Raise the Wage Survey

Infographic: NRA Raise the Wage Survey

by David Klemt

The results of a survey conducted by the National Restaurant Association to gauge operator reaction to the Raise the Wage Act are in.

Per the NRA’s infographic detailing the participant responses, there’s not much support for increasing the federal minimum wage and eliminating the tip credit.

What’s in the Raise the Wage Act?

If signed into law, the Raise the Wage Act will represent significant change for employers and employees.

The federal minimum wage will be raised incrementally to $15 by 2025. Two years later, in 2027, the tipped wage will be eliminated.

Survey Results

The NRA surveyed 2,000 restaurant operators between February 2 and 9. Respondents are clearly opposed to the Raise the Wage Act.

National Restaurant Association Raise the Wage infographic

What Does This Mean?

A vast majority of survey respondents—along with the NRA—definitely view the bill as a threat to the industry. An email sent by the NRA’s executive vice president of public affairs, Sean Kennedy, includes this succinct statement:

“These results make one point crystal clear—after seeing over 110,000 restaurants close and over 2.5 million jobs lost, increasing labor costs is going to make it more likely that more operators close their doors and lay off their staff. Tipped servers will lose with the end of a system that allows them to make $19-$25 an hour in tips under the current tip credit system.”

To the best of my knowledge, the NRA has not yet conducted a targeted survey of restaurant workers for their opinions of a $15 federal minimum wage and the elimination of the tax credit.

However, fast-food workers from McDonald’s and other chains have gone on strike in at least 15 cities in the United States to demand a raise to $15 per hour. That speaks volumes for how foodservice workers who aren’t typically tipped feel about the Raise the Wage Act.

What’s Next?

According to the NRA, the bill is slated to be fast-tracked and voted on in just a few weeks.

Agree that the Raise the Wage Act is going to hurt operators, workers and the industry? Click here to let Congress know.

Want Congress to pass the bill? Click here to find your representatives and let them know.

Infographic: National Restaurant Association

Image: lucas Favre on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Introducing KRG Mindset Coaching

Introducing KRG Mindset Coaching

by David Klemt

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching

Seeking an alternative to complete start-up planning and project management? The solution you’re looking for is KRG Mindset Coaching.

Just like every operator is unique, each project brings with it distinct challenges that require individual approaches and plans.

Some projects are already under way but need help moving forward. KRG Mindset gives these projects the help needed to cross the finish line and achieve long-term success.

What is Mindset Coaching?

Owning a hospitality business may look great on paper, but starting a hospitality business can be really quite stressful:

  • There are what seem to be endless hours of planning.
  • There are numerous third-parties involved.
  • There are often hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake.
  • There are over 500 unique tasks to complete.

It doesn’t matter if this is your first, fifth, or twentieth project—it’s crucial that you be both prepared and organized when opening a new concept or expanding operations.

However, not every project requires our full suite of targeted solutions, which includes feasibility studies, conceptual planning, business planning, brand development, guest experience strategies, food & beverage programs, and operational assessments.

If you’re beyond the idea stage but find your project is struggling to reach the finish line, we’re here to help. And just like a project in its earliest days, you’ll receive the unique, fully customized KRG treatment.

Is Mindset the Solution for You?

KRG Mindset provides a unique, coaching-style program that helps your start-up make continual forward progress:

  • Receive a dedicated consultant who will be an approachable advisor for you and your project. They’ll review and navigate your start-up questions and challenges, and be your compass to provide you with a clear path towards a successful opening.
  • Weekly 1-on-1 video/phone sessions with access to a private calendar: a weekly session in which we evaluate the past week and define required actions for the next week with a focus on budgets, timelines, and industry-specific consulting.
  • Your dedicated consultant is also available for second opinions and the review of: key documents, location, concept, branding, layouts, equipment, menu, service, technology, labor and financial optimization, system development, operations, marketing, and overall strategic clarity.
  • Your consultant will help you see the blind spots throughout your project, positioning you to maintain your budget and desired opening date.
  • Your consultant will help you make strong, educated decisions throughout your start-up project that will have a positive impact on the successful start of your restaurant, bar or hospitality brand.
  • And finally, your advisor will coach you so you become more confident, energized, and motivated about your opening while holding you accountable and helping you become a better leader through the creation of new habits, communication methods, and decision-making processes.

Click here to schedule a call.

Or, if you’re looking for a more hands-on approach where we develop the winning plans and property for and with you, we invite you to learn more by choosing your preferred option: Restaurants & Cafes, Bars & Lounges, Boutique Hotel & Resorts, or Golf, Gaming & Entertainment.

Images: KRG Hospitality
