
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

This Generation is Most Likely to Dine In

This Generation is Most Likely to Dine In

by David Klemt

Chef preparing burgers inside restaurant

The National Restaurant Association’s 2021 State of the Restaurant Industry report revealed the generation most likely to dine in-person at a restaurant.

That is, of course, if such restaurant service—from quick-service to fine dining—is permitted where they’re located.

So, do you have a guess? Because we have the answer.

Most Likely to Dine In

Per an NRA survey, Gen Z is most eager to return to in-person restaurant dining.

However, it’s more of a simple majority that’s after a restaurant experience beyond delivery, takeout and curbside pickup than an overwhelming one.

Just 53 percent of adult members of Gen Z surveyed by the NRA are willing to dine inside restaurants over the course of the next few months.

Overall, 67 percent of Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X and Baby Boomer adults would like to engage with restaurants like they did before the pandemic. That’s not a huge stretch, of course; we all want to return to normal and put Covid-19 behind us.

Still, the survey results make it clear there’s demand for in-person dining. The convenience of interacting with and ordering from restaurants is here to stay. However, that convenience hasn’t replaced the desire to dine (and socialize) out.

So, Who’s Most Likely to Order In?

You’d be forgiven for assuming the answer to this question is also Gen Z. After all, just about every development regarding technology and how people engage with the world has been laid at their feet.

When Gen Z isn’t being accused of “killing” a tradition, sense of normalcy or an entire industry, the finger is pointed at Millennials.

Well, it turns out the usual finger-pointing suspects are the consumers most likely to order from restaurants.

According to the NRA’s report, 81 percent of Boomers and 80 percent of Gen X will continue to order from restaurants, at least for the next few months.

Put it All Together

At least for the next several months, the industry’s recovery will hinge on the full-strength return of in-person service and the convenience of delivery and takeout.

In other words, some consumers are champing at the bit to once again make restaurant visits a regular part of their lives while others plan to proceed with caution. Successful restaurant operations will maintain a mixture of traditional and digitally-driven services.

Nearly 90 percent of adults surveyed by the NRA say they enjoy going out to restaurants and that doing so with family and friends is a better way to spend leisure time than cooking at home.

“Restaurants are the cornerstone of our communities, and our research shows a clear consumer desire to enjoy restaurants on-premises more than they have been able to during the pandemic. We’ve also found that even as the vaccine becomes more available and more social occasions return to restaurants, consumers will continue to desire expanded off-premises options going forward. Both will continue to be key for industry growth,” said Hudson Riehle, senior vice president, Research and Knowledge Group, NRA, in a press release announcing the Association’s 2021 State of the Restaurant Industry. “With more than half of adults saying that restaurants are an essential part of their lifestyle, we are confident that, with time, the industry is positioned for successful recovery.”

The NRA predicts foodservice sales to reach $731 billion in 2021, an 11 percent increase over 2020. Unfortunately, that estimate is about 15 percent lower than sales generated in 2019.

Still, that’s a reason to be optimistic. Consumers are pent-up and eager to make restaurants a significant part of their lives once again.

Nobody is more eager, evidently, than Gen Z.

Image: Jesson Mata on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2021 Technomic Outlook: United States

2021 Technomic Outlook: United States

by David Klemt

Technomic has been providing the foodservice industry with valuable insights on a global level for 50 years.

The research and consulting firm has been one of my go-to information sources for at least a decade.

A few weeks ago, I reviewed American food delivery trends from multiple sources. This week, I’m taking a look at Technomic’s foodservice predictions for the US.

Unprecedented and Unpredictable

Before we proceed, keep this in mind: predictions are best guesses. Technomic’s approach is scientific and data-driven but it’s important to approach any prediction with caution.

As the firm itself points out in their 2021 foodservice report, the global pandemic has plunged the industry deep into unprecedented territory.

It seems the only thing predictable about Covid-19 in relation to restaurants, bars and other hospitality businesses is that this industry will continue to bear the brunt of closures and restrictions.

That said, I trust Technomic to lead the industry through unprecedented and unpredictable moments in time.

7 Key Trends

Technomic has made seven predictions for foodservice in the US.

  1. Streamlined menus. Technomic expects the trend toward reducing SKUs to continue. However, that may lead to innovative and healthy items replaced removed items. Leafy greens, environmentally-friendly, and health-conscience items such as immune boosters are expected to be menued.
  2. Tech is the future. This prediction can be summed up quickly: If it’s a tech-based, can improve operations and help a brand differentiate itself from others, the industry is going to implement it.
  3. Top three cuisines. Chinese, Italian and Mexican food and drink are expected by Technomic to perform the best in 2021, particularly if operators move beyond the classics and incorporate lesser-known ingredients. However, Technomic expects more interest in West African and Caribbean cuisine.
  4. Social justice. Operators will have to be transparent about their stances on social justice issues and make meaningful statements—hashtags won’t cut it with younger consumers.
  5. Umami will reign supreme. Technomic uses the phrase “new-mami” to describe “intense, mouthwatering fare.” Think fruit vinegars beyond apple, candy cap mushrooms, seafood meatballs, and so much more.
  6. Communal concepts must adapt. Food halls, eatertainment concepts, and venues with communal seating will have to reimagine their spaces and how guests use them during an era characterized by social distancing, constant sanitizing, and off-premise business models. Traditional guest experiences may return but there’s no telling when that will happen.
  7. Revenue recovery. Technomic expects the industry to start recovering in 2021. However, sales levels are unlikely to reach those of 2019.

Bring it all Together

Chasing trends can be a fool’s errand. Not every prediction made by Technomic will work for every restaurant or bar in Canada.

Just like Technomic collects and analyzes industry data, operators must review their guest, sales and operations data to make informed decisions. This is another reason it’s crucial to own the guest journey in its entirety.

Click here to view Technomic’s “2021 U.S. Trend Outlook” webinar.

Image: Justin Cron on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2021 Technomic Outlook: Canada

2021 Technomic Outlook: Canada

by David Klemt

Technomic has been providing the foodservice industry with valuable insights on a global level for five decades.

The research and consulting firm has been one of my go-to information sources for at least ten years.

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Canadian food delivery trends from multiple sources. This week, I’m taking a look at Technomic’s foodservice predictions for Canada.

Unprecedented and Unpredictable

First things first: predictions are best guesses. Technomic’s approach is scientific and data-driven but it’s important to approach any prediction with caution.

As the firm itself points out in their 2021 foodservice report, the global pandemic has thrown the industry into unprecedented territory.

It seems the only predictable element related to Covid-19 is that restaurants, bars and other hospitality businesses will bear the brunt of closures and restrictions.

That said, I trust Technomic to lead the industry through unpredictable, unprecedented moments in time.

5 Key Trends

Technomic has made five predictions for foodservice in Canada.

  1. 2021 will represent the start of financial recovery for foodservice. Technomic predicts moderate sales growth this year, below levels of 2019. However, limited-service restaurants are expected to perform better than their counterparts and return to 2019 revenue levels. Not surprisingly, Technomic expects full-service restaurants to be the most challenged.
  2. Operators will make their stances on social issues known. Multiple sources say today’s consumers want transparency from the brands they support. They want to know what company’s believe about climate change, food insecurity, social inequalities, diversity and hiring practices, fair pay for employees, and other issues. Technomic expects more operators to “double down” on transparency.
  3. On-premise operations will invest in off-premise business models. Again, multiple sources have reported that significant percentages of consumers are uncertain or uncomfortable about returning to restaurants and bars for in-person dining and drinking. Technomic expects operators to invest in smaller dining rooms so they can offer more limited-contact and contactless options to guests: walk-up ordering windows, multiple drive-thru lanes, designated curbside pickup locations, and in-store pickup and grab-and-go stations. The firm also expects more operators to embrace first-party/direct delivery, along with technologies like mobile ordering and geofencing.
  4. Comfort, quirkiness and indulgence. Technomic expects comfort foods to continue to perform well and encourages operators to get creative—even quirky—with this category. They caution that health will still be a focus of many guests and suggest that some operators will “disguise better-for-you meals as indulgent.”
  5. Our home and native land. Hyperlocality will play a crucial role in driving traffic given the travel restrictions imposed throughout Canada. Operators will likely forge relationships with local farms to attract local visitors to their venues. Technomic expects to see grassroots movements promoting support for small regional chains and local independent operations to gain traction.

Bring it all Together

Chasing trends can be a fool’s errand. Not every prediction made by Technomic will work for every restaurant or bar in Canada.

Just like Technomic collects and analyzes industry data, operators must review their guest, sales and operations data to make informed decisions. This is another reason it’s crucial to own the guest journey in its entirety.

Click here to view Technomic’s “2021 Canadian Trends Outlook” webinar.

Image: Hermes Rivera on Unsplash
