Hotel news

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Datassential IDs LTO Keys

Datassential Identifies Limited-time-offer Keys

by David Klemt

Double cheeseburger on sesame bun

Food and beverage market research firm Datassential turns their attention to limited-time offers in one of their latest reports.

Part of the FoodBytes series of resources, “A Look at Limited-time Offers” is a free Datassential trend report. If you have yet to do so, sign up for Datassential FoodBytes reports.

There are several ways for savvy operators to drive traffic. Loyalty programs and subscriptions are two popular modern-day solutions.

However, the LTO is tried, true, and can boost traffic, engagement, loyalty, sales, and revenue.

Of course, there are different ways to execute LTOs. There’s the recurring, anticipation-driving item: McDonald’s McRib. Then there’s the seasonal offering: Starbucks Peppermint Mocha. And the return of a popular item eliminated years prior: Taco Bell Mexican Pizza and Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets.

Some LTOs have been going strong for years, others are leveraging a sense of nostalgia. In fact, some appear to be a direct response to Internet chatter.

Which LTO?

Per Datassential, 63 percent of LTOs most recently purchased by consumers were impulse decisions. And when the firm dives into LTOs in general, they find that one product stands above the others.

The top-performing LTO food item in terms of order frequency is the burger.

Now, does that mean you have to menu an LTO burger to succeed with this type of promotion? Of course not.

A successful LTO is one that’s authentic to your brand. And, clearly, it needs to be one that interests your guests. If you’ve been reading KRG Hospitality articles for a while, you know what I’m going to say next.

But for those who are new around here, I’m going to tell you to review your consumer data. What items are performing best? What flavors are resonating with your guests?

Now, look at the industry. What flavors and items are trending? How can you leverage them—in an authentic way—into an LTO?

If a burger may not work, will a different type of sandwich do the job? How about nuggets, breakfast items, a dessert, or a beverage?

Know your brand, know your guest, know what’s bringing the heat.

How Long?

Once you know what you’re offering, the next question should be obvious. How long are you going to make it available?

Every concept is different. What works for one may not work for another. However, analyzing what others do in terms of LTO duration and frequency can help inform you.

And as it turns out, Datassential’s latest FoodBytes report addresses “LTO cadence.”

The majority of operators—43 percent—run an LTO once every one to three months. Considering the popularity of seasonal LTOs, this frequency makes sense.

Interestingly, a quarter of operators offer an LTO more than once per month. Just about as many execute one every three to six months.

Far, far less common is running an LTO once every six to 12 months. In fact, this is the approach of just seven percent of operators. A mere two percent of operators run an LTO less than once every 12 months.

Again, there’s no “right” answer here. Some operations can succeed with multiple LTOs each month, some find success rarely offering one at all.


Operators know their brands best. They should know their guests equally as well, or at least strive to do so. As such, an operator should have an idea of what to offer in terms of LTO food or beverage items.

And, of course, operators should data-obsessive. That’s the only real way to have an idea of what LTOs will work, how often they should run, and how frequently one should be available.

But there’s more to know. Datassential also reveals challenges that deserve serious consideration before executing any LTO:

  • Do you have time to train staff on the new item?
  • Is your staff strong when it comes to upselling?
  • Will your guests complain when the new product is no longer available?
  • Do you have to source one or more ingredients for this item?
  • Is/Are the ingredient(s) necessary readily available?

The LTO is a proven marketing and promotion tool when done well. Challenging, yes, but worth the effort.

Image: amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What Politicians Get Wrong about Us

What Politicians Get Wrong about Our Industry

by David Klemt

Restaurant and bar with exterior windows open

It still stings that the 43 senators chose to vote against replenishing the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

The fact that four senators didn’t vote at all on S.4008 is nearly as insulting and painful.

Now, while all the “nay” votes came from Republican senators, I’m not here to bash one party in particular. Four Republicans voted “yea,” as did two Independents.

Unfortunately, given how hostile Democrats and Republicans in Congress seem to be, it’s difficult to be objective. Right now, it appears that the RRF was left to die a slow death because many—not all, of course—Republicans in power don’t want their Democrat peers to “win” at anything.

To be used as political pawns and be left out in the cold… It’s a bitter pill to swallow.


Too many politicians, it seems, view restaurants and bars as they would other types of businesses. Perhaps the perceived success of national and global brands paint the picture that independent venues and small chains don’t need any help.

More disappointingly, maybe politicians, from local lawmakers to state representatives, take our business’ role for granted.

Look at the history of restaurants and bars, of hospitality. Think about the rich history of hospitality in America alone, let alone globally.

Yes, independent restaurants and bars are small businesses. But like so many small businesses in so many towns across the country, they’re so much more.

Restaurants and bars are pillars, cornerstones of the communities they serve. These are businesses that welcome people in, treat them like family. They’re there for them as they move through their lives.

People who were seemingly at odds with another routinely found common ground over a bite and a sip. More often than not, that’s still the case.

Operators and their teams give back to their communities through food drives, quietly feeding those in need, and finding other ways to give back.

And they look out for their communities.


Last week, the team at a cafe in the Bronx called the Chipper Truck helped rescue a woman from an alleged hostage situation.

Permitted by her assailant to place a food order via Grubub, the victim thought quickly and sent a life-saving note with her order:

“Please call the police… don’t make it obvious.”

A staff member read the note in the “additional instructions” section of the order and called one of the owners. Nobody at the Chipper Truck knew if the situation was real but they chose to err on the side of caution.

When the alleged assailant—who was arrested and charged with a list of serious offenses—opened the door for the Grubhub order, he was met with police officers.

A Facebook post from the cafe addressing the situation read, in part, “I’ve often heard of this happening but never thought it would happen to us. Thankfully we were open and able to help her.”

It’s terrifying that this happens enough that the cafe owners hear about it “often.” But it’s telling of the role restaurants and bars play in their communities that they’ve saved multiple lives.

This is to say nothing of the restaurants and bars that have put coded safety systems in place to help patrons who find themselves in danger.

No Such Thing as “Just” a Restaurant or Bar

There isn’t a restaurant or bar out there that’s “only” a restaurant or “only” a bar.

Every one is a source for food, for socializing, for an escape from the stresses of life. Restaurants and bars are committed to service and sacrifice.

They’re pillars of their communities, the cornerstones that play important roles in our everyday lives and the special moments as well.

Perhaps our politicians, local and otherwise, need to a reminder. Restaurants and bars play crucial roles in the lives of the people politicians are supposed to represent.

Too many politicians claim to support small businesses while their actions and votes prove otherwise. Talk, as we all know, is cheap.

Restaurants are not “just” restaurants. Bars are not “just” bars. We deserve better.

Image: Scott Webb on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2022 50 Best Bars: North America

2022 50 Best Bars: North America

by David Klemt

Door with number 50 address

Probably a speakeasy.

The World’s 50 Best Bars ranking for North America is official and the bars are, of course, extraordinary.

Unsurprisingly, much of the list consists of “household” names in our industry. Now, where some people may see a list of the “cool kids,” I see something different.

In a word, consistency. Sure, the more cynical among us roll their eyes at rankings and awards.

However, I see approaches to operations, service, menu and design innovation, and guest experiences to learn from and emulate.

Would I like to see bars in markets outside of the usual suspects on these lists? Absolutely. As so-called secondary and tertiary markets develop their scenes that may start to happen more often.

So, congratulations to this year’s 50 Best Bars in North America! Cheers!


This year, the second-largest country in the world claims eight of North America’s 50 best bars. One bar is in the top ten.

As Ontario’s capital and Canada’s most-populous city, it should come as no surprise that Toronto takes four spots. Bar Mordecai is number 47, Bar Raval is 41, number 38 is Mother, and Civil Liberties is tenth.

It’s a bit surprising to see just one bar from Vancouver—number 25, The Keefer Bar—but Montréal has two venues on the list. The Cloakroom Bar is number 45 and 29 is El Pequeño Bar.

Bar Kismet, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is sitting in the 49th spot on the 2022 North American list.


Impressively, the US boasts 30 of North America’s 50 Best Bars, six of which are in the top ten. Intriguingly, ten of the bars on this list were ranked on the World’s 50 Best Bars last year.

As one would assume, New York City dominates the 2022 rankings. Eleven bars are on the list, with the number one spot going to Attaboy. Congratulations to Michael McIlroy and Sam Ross, their teams, and their partners. Katana Kitten is number four, and Dante earns the eighth spot on the list.

Moving to the south, two bars on the list are in Miami: Broken Shaker (32) and Sweet Liberty (14). Heading northwest, Kumiko in Chicago is in the top ten at number five.

On the other side of the country, Los Angeles claims three spots, one in the top ten. Genever holds number 50, Death & Co. is 34, and Thunderbolt is ninth. The Bay Area has two bars on the list. ABV in San Francisco is number 39 and Oakland’s Friends and Family is in the 33 spot.

Somewhat surprisingly, Las Vegas and New Orleans each have just one bar in the rankings. One of my personal favorites, Herbs & Rye, is number 28 on the list. Jewel of the South in NOLA is in the top half of the list, holding number 24.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico, the beloved La Factoría is twelfth on the list.


Achieving 11 spots—three in the top ten—Mexico is crushing it this year. Remarkably but not surprisingly, the three bars in the top ten are all in Mexico City.

Baltra Bar earns number nine, and Handshake Speakeasy and Licorería Limantour are second and third, respectively. Overall, Mexico City boasts six bars on this list.

Two spots are in Oaxaca: Selva, which is number 22, and Sabina Sabe, number twenty.

Arca, number 37, is in Tulum. Number 21, El Gallo Altanero, is in Guadalajara. And Zapote Bar in Playa del Carmen almost breaks the top 10, coming in eleventh.


The legendary El Floridita grabs Cuba’s only entry on the 2022 list.

Impressively, El Floridita can trace its opening to the early 1800s. Originally, the space was La Piña de Plata. About a century later, a bartender, Constantino “Constante” Ribalaigua Vert, became the owner and changed the name.

Oh, and he just so happens to be the inventor of the frozen Daiquiri. Along with its impressive history, El Floridita also has an awesome statue with its own seat at the bar. Ernest Hemingway is immortalized in bronze.

50 Best Bars: North America

Below, the full list in ascending order.

  1. Genever (Los Angeles, CA)
  2. Bar Kismet (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
  3. Teardrop Lounge (Portland, OR)
  4. Bar Mordecai (Toronto, Ontario)
  5. Julep (Houston, TX)
  6. Cloakroom Bar (Montréal, Québec)
  7. Bitter & Twisted (Phoenix, AZ)
  8. Clover Club in (New York, NY)
  9. Bar Leather Apron (Honolulu, HI)
  10. Bar Raval (Toronto, Ontario)
  11. El Floridita (Havana)
  12. ABV (San Francisco, CA)
  13. Mother (Toronto, Ontario)
  14. Arca (Tulum, Quintana Roo)
  15. Death & Co (Denver, CO)
  16. Mace (New York, NY)
  17. Death & Co (Los Angeles, CA)
  18. Friends and Family (Oakland, CA)
  19. Broken Shaker (Miami, FL)
  20. The Dead Rabbit (New York, NY)
  21. Employees Only (New York, NY)
  22. El Pequeño Bar (Montréal, Québec)
  23. Herbs & Rye (Las Vegas, NV)
  24. Overstory (New York, NY)
  25. Dear Irving (New York, NY)
  26. The Keefer Bar (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  27. Jewel of the South (New Orleans, LA)
  28. Amor y Amargo (New York, NY)
  29. Selva (Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca)
  30. El Gallo Altanero (Guadalajara, Jalisco)
  31. Sabina Sabe (Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca)
  32. Raised by Wolves (San Diego, CA)
  33. Service Bar (Washington, DC)
  34. Double Chicken Please (New York, NY)
  35. Hanky Panky (Ciudad de México)
  36. Café de Nadie (Ciudad de México)
  37. Sweet Liberty (Miami, FL)
  38. Kaito del Valle (Ciudad de México)
  39. La Factoría (San Juan)
  40. Zapote Bar (Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo)
  41. Civil Liberties (Toronto, Ontario)
  42. Thunderbolt (Los Angeles, CA)
  43. Dante (New York, NY)
  44. Baltra Bar (Ciudad de México)
  45. Café La Trova (Miami, FL)
  46. Kumiko (Chicago, IL)
  47. Katana Kitten (New York, NY)
  48. Licorería Limantour (Ciudad de México)
  49. Handshake Speakeasy (Ciudad de México)
  50. Attaboy (New York, NY)

Image: Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Top 2021 KRG Hospitality Articles

Top 2021 KRG Hospitality Articles

by David Klemt

Page in Olympia typewriter with "2021" typed onto it

We’ve gathered the top KRG Hospitality articles from 2021 and separated them into five distinct categories: Food, Beverage, Operations, Marketing & Promotions, and Industry News


Delivery and Takeout Food Trends for 2021: Canada

It should come as no surprise that interest in what food items Canadian consumers wanted to order for delivery and takeout skyrocketed last year. (link)

Delivery and Takeout Food Trends for 2021: United States

Obviously, owners, operators and management wanted to stay current on consumer food trends in the USA as well. (link)

Have a Slice of Nostalgia: The Return of Viennetta

Never underestimate the marketing, promotions, and profitability power of nostalgia. This is particularly true when people are seeking comfort. (link)


Uncorked: 2021 Wine Trends to Watch

Understanding what wines are trending is an effective way to boost profits and overcome wine intimidation. (link)

Fever-Tree Cola: Set Aside Your Soda Gun

Outright eliminating soda guns may be a long shot. However, cocktails crafted using bottled craft ingredients can justify premium prices. (link)

These are the Drinking Trends to Watch in 2021

We may not have a crystal ball but we have the next best thing: Data. (link)


Container Kitchens: The New Footprint

Several industry experts and intelligence agencies predict smaller restaurant footprints moving forward. Container kitchens are certainly a viable method to shrink venue sizes. (link)

The Reality of Hiring Right Now

It really doesn’t need to be said but I’ll do it anyway: The labor shortage and “Great Resignation” are real. (link)

The 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention

Sure, great food and beverage are crucial to luring people in, wowing them, and converting them to repeat guests. However, so is the experience. A key element of a positive memorable experience is ensuring guests feel safe. (link)

SevenRooms Reveals Third Party Delivery Impact

The high-tech reservation platform shows what many suspected to be true: Direct delivery is better for operators than third-party delivery. (link)

Marketing & Promotions

How SevenRooms Improves Operations

Not only does SevenRooms make handling reservations easier, it also makes setting up marketing campaigns simple and effective. (link)

This Generation is Most Likely to Dine In

If you want to know who to market in-person dining to, here’s your answer. (link)

0.0 to 0.5 Beers to Know for Dry January and Beyond

Dry January (along with Damp January) is here to stay. This is a sampling of alcohol-free and low-ABV craft beers to offer Dry and Damp January guests. (link)

Industry News

I Tried the Mask Made for & by Hospitality

None of us enjoy wearing face masks. This mask is comfortable to wear and amplifies the wearer’s voice. (link)

What’s the RRF Replenishment Act?

Well, here’s one take on an answer to this question: It’s the bill to replenish the RRF that has made zero progress since June of 2021. (link)

Build Back Better…Without Restaurants or Bars?

The BBB Act was passed in November. Of course, it didn’t include the Replenish RRF or ENTREE acts. It’s much easier for politicians and lawmakers to say they care about and support our industry than actually prove it. (link)

Image: Markus Winkler on Unsplash
