
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How to Use RTDs for LTOs

How to Use RTDs for LTOs

by David Klemt

White Claw Ruby Grapefruit and pizza poolside

The RTD, aka ready-to-drink, category continues to grow and gain greater market share, particularly in the US.

However, the common association with RTDs is that consumers mostly drink them at home.

That begs a simple question: How can operators generate revenue with this popular, in-demand beverage category?

Massive Growth

Unsurprisingly, the RTD cocktail category is still one the rise.

These drinks are convenient. New brands come to market regularly. They tend to fall in line with rising consumer desire for lower-ABV options. And many brands speak to consumer desires—sustainability and outdoor interests, for example—via their visions and missions.

Per the IWSR, the US leads the charge when it comes to demand for RTDs. North America as a whole is driving growth.

However, the category grew 43 percent globally in 2020 alone. According to multiple sources, RTDs are worth USD $782.8 million. Projections have the category more than doubling by 2028: $1.7 billion.

Tequila and gin RTDs appear to be the most popular within the category, but rum, whiskey, and vodka are also growing.

So, what’s the point of all these numbers? Operators need to know what consumers are drinking and leverage that demand for the benefit of their businesses.

Simple LTOs

One of the most obvious ways to deliver on RTDs is to treat it like beer. Add a “Canned Cocktails” section and list your options. Or, hey, do what some venues do and add White Claw and other RTDs to the beer list.

After all, millions of people order canned beers every day in restaurants, bars, hotels, and entertainment and sports venues.

However, there are guests who perceive ordering an RTD instead of a traditional cocktail at a bar as a sub-par experience.

The bartender, after all, is just popping a top and handing over a can.

One way to elevate the experience is via limited-time offers. A great example comes from Nickel City, which has two locations in Texas: Austin and Fort Worth.

The award-winning neighborhood bar offers a monthly Boilermaker, and this month’s was the Rise & Shine:


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As you can see, a High Noon Grapefruit Vodka Soda comes with a 50/50 pour of Aperol and Altos Tequila for just $8.

Other restaurants and bars—with vessels large enough—are offering riffs on the Corona-rita with RTDs. The bar team builds the cocktail as usual, then inverts and inserts the RTD.

Such a drink can certainly be leveraged via monthly LTOs.

There are a few keys to succeeding with RTDs: understanding your guests, knowing your market, and getting creative. Guests willing to spend on the RTDs they enjoy at home while at your restaurant or bar? Great. Guests unwilling unless there’s added value? Convene your bar team and tap their creativity.

Image: Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and July is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

August 3: National Night Out Day

It may sound like this holiday is just an excuse for restaurant and bar crawls. However, this day is actually about bringing communities together and making them safer. This is an excellent time to strengthen your ties to the community and support local organizations.

August 5: National Underwear Day

We’re not entirely sure what to suggest you do for this holiday but there’s definitely something here. Get creative but be tasteful, is all we recommend.

August 6: National Fresh Breath Day

Certain herbs help freshen breath: Mint, basil, rosemary, cardamom, and tarragon, for example. These same herbs also make great cocktails, so tie them into a drink promotion.

August 7: National Disc Golf Day

With mask mandates being re-issued, some people will likely be looking at outdoor sports as an escape. Encourage and reward people for getting out and playing disc golf on this day.

August 8: National Dollar Day

Have a menu item or two you can offer for $1? Perhaps a “buy one, get another for one dollar”? You know what to do on National Dollar Day.

August 9: National Book Lover’s Day

There are several ways you can celebrate this holiday with your guests. For example, you can host a book drive, encourage guests to trade books, or even create a free community library space inside your business. Tap into your creative side.

August 10: Lazy Day

I mean, come on… This day was practically invented to encourage people to spend all day eating and drinking in your bar or restaurant. People can be responsible another day.

August 14: National Bowling Day

Remember National Disc Golf Day from way up higher on this page? Of course you do. Well, it shouldn’t be difficult to come up with promotions focused on bowling, like offering promotions for bowling teams who pop into your bar or restaurant.

August 21: National Honey Bee Day

If we lose our bees, we lose our agriculture. And if we lose that, we lose our food supply. Highlight the importance of honey bees with menu items that feature honey (local sources are ideal), and promote the need to protect these valuable insects.

August 27: National Just Because Day

A promotion focused on doing whatever you want just because you feel like doing it? The sky’s truly the limit with this one.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How About Some Cheese with that Scotch?

How About Some Cheese with that Scotch?

by David Klemt

Cheese plate with Brie, Parmesan, Pepperjack and white Cheddar cheeses

On Tuesday, July 27, America celebrates National Scotch Day.

Of course, we could round up an array of tempting bottles. However, we’re going in a different direction for this spirited holiday.

Instead of a roundup, we’re sharing cheese and Scotch pairings sure to pique the interest of your guests.

As our Bar Hacks Podcast listeners we know, we love a bonus. So, you’ll also find wine pairings below. You can use those on Sunday, July 25, National Wine & Cheese Day.

So, please share two of our favorite things, interesting food and beverage pairings and bonuses. Cheers!

Lighter Expressions

Scotches with lighter, mellower profiles and sweet, fruit or citrus flavors require pairings that won’t overpower them. Of course, being lighter doesn’t make them any less complex or mean they lack in sophistication.

Comté (French, cow’s milk)

Versions of Comté that have some age on them (18 or 24 months) are known for salty, earthy and creamy notes. Generally speaking, quality Comté is also known for hazelnut and buttery aromas and flavors. These pair well with Scotches with fruit and vanilla on the palate, like those aged in ex-bourbon barrels. (Wine pairings: Bordeaux, Champagne, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir)

Gruyère (Swiss, cow’s milk)

So, you want to pair a Scotch that was aged in ex-Sherry casks with the perfect cheese. You want to offer a Gruyère here, as the nutty, garlicky and oniony notes of some versions will enhance—not overpower—the fruity, mellow notes and smoothness of the Scotch. Interestingly, some Gruyères resemble Comté. (Wine pairings: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chianti, Malbec, Syrah)

Manchego (Spanish, sheep’s milk)

The richness of Manchego stands up to Scotches with citrus, vanilla, spice, and honey notes. Look for curado (aged three to six months) and viejo (aged 12 to 24 months) for the best aromas and flavors. (Wine pairings: Cava, Merlot, Rioja, Tempranillo)

Brie (French, cow’s milk)

This variety of cheese tends toward the subtle, with nutty notes. Brie plays well with Scotches that have fruity and sweet notes. (Wine pairings: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc)

Parmesan (Italian, cow’s milk)

Speaking of nutty flavors, Parmesan pairs well with lighter Scotches that have bright citrus notes or earthier profiles. (Wine pairings: Lambrusco, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco)

Camembert (French, cow’s milk)

Another great selection for lighter Scotches. Camembert features sweet, floral notes that don’t overpower Scotches that also have sweet flavors. (Wine pairings: Champagne, Chenin Blanc, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc)

Feta (Greek, French, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk)

Interestingly, Feta has seen quite a rise in popularity with home chefs during the pandemic. So, give guests what they want and may have been cooking with themselves. Feta’s tanginess enhances the sweetness and fruitiness of lighter Scotches. (Wine pairings: Albariño, Champagne, Lambrusco, Riesling)

Heavier Expressions

Big, bold, full-bodied. Smoky and peaty. More intense Scotches need rich, sharp, and, oftentimes, creamy cheeses that can stand up to them.

Roquefort (French, sheep’s milk)

A blue cheese like Roquefort is sharp, rich and creamy, so it provides balance to smoky Scotches. (Wine pairings: Ice wine, Riesling, Sauterne, Sherry)

Stilton (English, Irish, cow’s milk)

Stilton, another blue cheese, is not as sharp as Roquefort and some others. However, it has a full body and its finish can be intense. That means it works well with rich, peaty Scotches. (Wine pairings: Gewürztraminer, Port, Riesling, Sherry)

Gouda (Dutch, cow’s milk)

Gouda, with a smoky profile itself, pairs with peaty, smoky Scotches. (Wine pairings: Barbera, Grüner Veltliner, Lambrusco, Zinfandel)

Cheddar (English, cow’s milk)

Have a Scotch that’s heavier on woody, oaky notes than smoke? Cheddar—and there are many options to choose from—plays well with such Scotches. (Wine pairings: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cava, Champagne, Chardonnay)

Remember that executing a pairing at its highest level means including the staff. This will help them sell pairings, upsell pairings, and identify pairings in the first place.

Dietary note: Make sure to read the labels of the cheeses you put on your menu. If any cheese has animal rennet, they’re not fit for vegetarians or vegans to consume.

Image: Jennifer Murray from Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

10 Bottles for National Tequila Day

10 Bottles for National Tequila Day

by David Klemt

Shots of tequila surrounded by lime wedges and salt

This Saturday we celebrate the world’s most famous agave spirit: the one and only tequila.

National Tequila Day takes place this weekend on July 24.

Of course, there are still those out there who view tequila as a low-quality, high-proof spirit that leads to bad decisions.

Luckily, years of education are turning that around. People across the world are now aware of high-quality sipping tequilas.

Those in the know are drinking better, although that doesn’t preclude them from making bad choices afterward. Indeed, we can no longer blame the tequila, only ignorance of higher quality expressions.

Just like we did for bourbon and Lambrusco, we’ve rounded up bottles operators should consider for National Tequila Day and beyond.



Arguably the tequila most people associate with cheap shots and cocktails. Distillers don’t age blanco and they bottle the liquid soon after distillation. However, the explosion in the growth of tequila brings with it new brands and higher standards. Many blancos taste excellent and make great cocktails.

Mijenta Blanco

This blanco represents the antithesis of the mainstream stereotype of blanco tequilas. Tequilera Maestro (Tequila Master) Ana Maria Romero approaches the process of making Mijenta Blanco with the same care and attention to detail as she does reposado.

Teremana Blanco

Yes, this is a “celebrity tequila.” Yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson owns Teremana. Being a celebrity spirit doesn’t discredit the quality of this brand. Teremana Blanco is a silver tequila that aims to drink like a luxury expression.


An interesting and rare (currently) category, joven is unaged tequila blended with one or more aged expressions.

Viva XXXII Joven

Described as a “modern sipping” expression by the distillery, Viva XXXII Joven is made with estate-grown blanco and the brand’s extra añejo. Expect crisp flavors of lemon peel, yerba buena (an aromatic mint), and white pepper.

Casa Dragones Joven

When Casa Dragones first entered the market in 2009, this was their debut expression. Five years later, they released their first blanco. In the case of Casa Dragones Joven, blanco was blended with extra añejo. Not only is it proper to include one of the first joven tequilas on the market on this list, this expression has earned its place.


Combine the bold flavors of younger blanco tequila with the smooth, refined characteristics of aged añejo. That will give you an idea of what to expect with a reposado, which is aged between two and twelve months. Equal capable in shots and cocktails or for sitting and sipping.

Volcán De Mi Tierra Reposado

Made from agaves that take well over 3,000 days to ripen, Volcán Reposado captures the terroir of the state of Jalisco. The liquid is aged in American and European oak barrels, which helps to make this a smooth expression.

Clase Azul Reposado

Arguably the most recognized bottle on the back of any bar. Clase Azul Reposado draws the eyes of guests with its unique appearance and keeps them coming back with its unique flavor profile and incredible smoothness.


This category must be aged for one to three years in oak. Of course, añejo can be enjoyed as a shot or in a cocktail, just like any spirit can be. However, these tequilas are often best when sipped slowly to appreciate every flavor, aroma, and mouthfeel characteristic.

El Tesoro Añejo

This añejo is aged between two and three years in ex-bourbon barrels. The result is intriguing, to the say the least: Master Distiller Carlos Camarena says El Tesoro Añejo, due to vanilla and maple notes, would pair well with pancakes.

Casa Dragones Barrel Blend

Known as a small-batch producer of luxury blanco and joven tequilas, Casa Dragones is finally producing an añejo. Casa Dragones Barrel Blend is aged in Quercus Sessile French oak and new American oak barrels, both of which undergo custom toasting. The result is a smooth, luxurious sipper with spice, oak, berry, and agave notes.

Extra Añejo

Once a distiller passes the three-year mark aging tequila, they have free reign to experiment. The extra añejo category is where people find truly unique and rare (and expensive, of course) expressions.

Herradura Selección Suprema

It may interest people to know that Herradura gets the credit for creating both the reposado and extra añejo categories. So, it’s only fitting that they be on this list in one of those categories. Herradura Selección Suprema rests for 49 months—four years and one month—in American white oak barrels.

Tears of Llorona No. 3 Extra Añejo

Master Distiller Germán González initially created Tears of Llorona to for his friends and family. However, the five-year-old extra añejo Maestro Gonzalez produces are sometimes made available to the public. The current private stock offering, Tears of Llorona No. 3, is aged in Scotch, brandy, and sherry oak barrels.

Image: Xavier Espinosa from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Restaurant Tech Map Illustrates Innovation

Restaurant Tech Map Illustrates Innovation

by David Klemt

TechTable - Culterra Capital Restaurant Tech Map sponsored by Back-of-House

The hospitality industry’s embracing of new technologies is experiencing rapid and welcome acceleration in less than two years.

In comparison to the restaurant technology map by TechTable and Better Food Ventures from 2019, there are two entirely new categories: Shared / Ghost Kitchens, and Food Safety / Quality.

More than a dozen platforms on the 2021 map from TechTable and Culterra Capital (sponsored by Back-of-House) now fall into those two categories.

Changing Landscape

It’s a sign of current industry trends and what will matter to guests moving forward that ghost kitchens and food safety are emerging as separate tech segments.

Obviously, the pandemic didn’t create the ghost kitchen category. However, it did fuel a meteoric rise in delivery and takeout. In turn, ghost kitchens are more prevalent than ever.

After all, a former Uber executive Travis Kalanick owns CloudKitchens and Applebee’s is testing a ghost kitchen pilot program.

What was once the domain of murky, unpermitted virtual brands is now its own successful business model.

However, today’s guest isn’t concerned solely with convenience. In general, guests now take their health and safety more seriously since the pandemic

Tech platforms that can ensure the food guests are consuming is safe will ease some concerns.

Increase in Platforms

Again, in comparison to just two years ago, the acceleration in new tech for the industry is astounding. It’s also long overdue.

As a whole, the hospitality industry has been surprisingly slow to take on new tech. Although, it’s fair to say that there wasn’t much new to adopt until somewhat recently.

Now that there’s more to try out, operators seem keen to embrace tech that can help them streamline operations; improve inventory monitoring and ordering; hire employees and manage teams; engage with and market to customers intelligently; and much more.

Even better, the above map doesn’t include all of the available platforms. That’s excellent news as it means operators have an increasing number of choices to help improve their business in every category of operation.

For example, Barventory isn’t listed within the Purchasing / Inventory / Ordering segment. The platform makes taking inventory, gaining a real-time inventory snapshot, and efficient ordering a breeze. Barventory also features the world’s first live keg scale.

It’s challenging to find positives from the past 14 to 15 months. However, one good thing may be the leaps in technology our industry is experiencing.

If they continue, these innovations may make it easier for operators and their employees to recover.

A concept’s tech stack is crucial to operations and will only grow more important moving forward. Whether opting for a full KRG Hospitality package or the Mindset program, we can help operators make informed tech selections.

Map by TechTable and Culterra Capital, sponsored by Back-of-House

Featured image: Pepper by SoftBank Robotics (photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash)

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: July

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: July

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and July is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

July 1: International Joke Day

Kicking things off this month is a fun one: International Joke Day.

July 7: National Dive Bar Day

This category of bar is one of our favorites. Whether you operate a dive bar, neighborhood bar or corner bar, this is your day.

July 8: Video Games Day

This is not to be confused with National Video Game Day, which takes place September 12. This bar holiday is perfect for all the barcades and eatertainment venues out there. Or, for cool restaurants and bars that have a video game system or arcade game or two inside.

July 11: National Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Nearly the entirety of 2020 and the first half of 2021 have been challenging, to say the absolute least. It’s safe to say that we’re all quite a bit lonely. On this holiday, provide a fun and safe environment for people to get back out there, socialize, and meet new friends.

July 12: National Simplicity Day

There’s nothing wrong with complex cocktail builds. However, today is the perfect holiday to highlight the simpler two- and three-ingredient cocktails on your menu. Simple, speedy, and delicious.

July 13: National Delaware Day

Of course, this isn’t a weird holiday to people who live in Delaware. For those outside the Diamond State, this is the time to showcase Delaware brands like Dog Fish Head.

July 15: National Give Something Away Day

We’re not huge fans of outright giveaways unless said giveaway items come from a partner or sponsor. However, operators can certainly come up with a creative food or beverage giveaway that requires a purchase.

July 17: National Tattoo Day

Operators can prepare for this holiday by partnering with a local tattoo shop and creating a traffic-driving promo with them.

July 20: National Pennsylvania Day

Again, this isn’t weird to Pennsylvanians. Operators outside the Keystone State should feature brands like Philadelphia Distilling and Victory Brewing Co.

July 22: National Refreshment Day

If it’s cold and refreshing, shout it from your rooftop. It’s July, it’s hot out, and people need to know you’ve got ice cold beer, cocktails, and soft drinks.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Father’s Day Food & Beer Pairings

Father’s Day Food & Beer Pairings

by David Klemt

Burger with onion rings and beer

Father’s Day is right around the corner and while it isn’t usually quite as busy as Mother’s Day, this year could be different.

After all, states and provinces are reopening, and the weather is getting warmer. In fact, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday that restaurants and bars are no longer subject to social distancing restrictions.

And hey, who isn’t looking for an excuse to get out and return to restaurants and bars?

Now, I’m going to assume that most operators who plan to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend have their promotions in place. However, to help give those promos a boost, I want to share beer pairings for classic Father’s Day menu items.

Of course, these pairings work well on any day of the week, and they’re in no way limited to dads. Anyone who enjoys beer will appreciate operators putting an emphasis on food and beer pairings.


One of the most popular foods, particularly for those seeking out comfort, burgers and an array of beers go together. For a classic hamburger, suggest an IPA, APA or Lager. Known for your mushroom and Swiss cheese burger? Brown ales, amber ales and porters work well. Pale ales go well with bacon burgers, and wheat ales and Witbier pair with veggie burgers.


Fried chicken is certainly right up there with burgers in terms of comfort foods. And it’s certainly great for Father’s Day. Suggest pairing fried chicken with a Kölsch, Märzen, Helles, and Hefeweizen. For barbecue chicken, recommend a light lager, Pilsner, Saison, Hefeweizen and Witbier. Honey glazed chicken (baked or as wings) work very well with a Kölsch.


If you have ribs on the menu, there are a few ways to go with beer pairings. Porters, stouts and German lagers are medium- to full-bodied and can stand up to bold, rich flavors and compliment smoke. On the other hand, pale ales and IPAs (lighter versions tend to work better) are lighter but can compliment barbecue flavors as well. Porters and American pale ales sip well with pulled pork sandwiches. A Märzen, Hefeweizen or Porter pairs nicely with pork chops.


Just like there are several cuts of beef for steaks, there are several beer types that pair well with steak. Brown ales, stouts, porters, IPAs, lagers and IPAs work well for different reasons. Cuts that are more flavorful (ribeye, top sirloin, porterhouse, T-bone) pair well with darker beers (generally speaking). But cuts like filet mignon, known to be lighter in flavor, work well with lighter beers (some lagers and IPAs).


Much like steak, seafood presents plenty of variety for beer drinkers. You’ll find that Pilsners compliment many different types of seafood. Generally speaking, lobster dishes pair well with a Pilsner or an IPA (that isn’t too assertive). Pilsners work great with an array of fish, so suggest one with your fish and chips or tilapia. When it comes to many crab dishes, lagers and—yep—Pilsners are excellent recommendations. Wheat beers pair well with mussels, and sours and Goses drink well with oysters.

Grilled Vegetables

When it comes to grilled and charred vegetables, dark beers with roast coffee, malty and chocolate flavors pair very well. Imperial stouts can certainly hold their own with grilled, roasted and charred veggies. However, black lagers and porters are lighter than imperial stouts with similar flavor characteristics, meaning they won’t overpower the vegetables.

Of course, the best way to make winning pairing suggestions is to try them yourself. Even better, include kitchen staff, servers and bartenders and get their feedback. There’s no substitute for being able to make pairing recommendations based on personal experience.

Image: Edward Franklin on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

7 Whiskeys for National Bourbon Day

7 Whiskeys for National Bourbon Day

by David Klemt

Lux Row Distillers Blood Oath Pact No. 7 bourbon whiskey

We celebrate America’s native spirit on June 14, National Bourbon Day.

Certainly, this is a mainstream holiday more than worthy of celebrating. We definitely don’t need an excuse to enjoy a dram and a cocktail, but it’s great to have one at the ready anyway.

Of course, there are far too many labels out there for us to list and honor them all. So, we’ve chosen seven bottlings that span a decent range of prices.


$50 and Under

Evan Williams 1783 Small Batch (Kentucky), $20 SRP

Perhaps owing to their affordable prices, a lot of people tend to sleep on Evan Williams. However, their bottles routinely end up on bartender go-to lists. Their 1783 Small Batch pays homage to the year Williams founded Kentucky’s first distillery,

Wyoming Whiskey National Parks Limited Edition American Whiskey (Wyoming), $50 SRP

Are you and your guests big fans of our beautiful national parks? If so, Wyoming Whiskey National Parks Limited Edition is the perfect whiskey! This straight bourbon, which features Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park on its label, is a five-year-old, 92-proof homage to our natural resources. For every bottle sold, Wyoming Whiskey is donating $50 to the National Park Foundation.

$51 to $99

Woodford Reserve Double Oaked (Kentucky), $57 SRP

If you and your guests are looking for one of the smoothest expressions of Woodford, Double Oaked is the one. This whiskey starts its life as Distiller’s Select but receives a second barreling in virgin, charred-oak barrels. And Double isn’t smooth enough for you, there’s always Double Double

Russell’s Reserve 13 Year Bourbon (Kentucky), $69.99 SRP

The Russell’s Reserve label is part of the Wild Turkey portfolio and honors Master Distiller Jimmy Russell’s legacy. Master Distiller Eddie Russell is Jimmy’s son, has been producing whiskey for Wild Turkey for 40 years, and, like his father, is Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame inductee. The Russell’s Reserve 13 Year bottling is, of course, 13 years old, and it rings in at 114.8 proof.

Blood Oath Pact No. 7 (Kentucky), $99 SRP

The Blood Oath series is part of the Lux Row Distillers portfolio. Like Orphan Barrel releases, each Blood Oath release, known as a Pact, is highly sought after. In fact, if you don’t get your hands on one right away, the prices can double or more on the secondary market. Blood Oath Pact No. 7 is a blend of three Kentucky bourbons: one 14 year and two eight years.

$100 and Over

Heaven’s Door & Redbreast 10-Year Master Blenders’ Edition (Tennessee), $99.99 SRP

Alright, so this one is only a penny under $100—we’re rounding up for this one. As the name of this straight bourbon suggests, this is a collaboration between Bob Dylan’s Heaven’s Door and Redbreast Irish Whiskey. Master Blender’s Edition features 10-year-old Heaven’s Door bourbon given a 15-month finishing treatment in 12-year-old Redbreast casks.

Copper Tongue Orphan Barrel (Tennessee), $100 SRP

As with Lux Row Distillers releases, Orphan Barrel is highly sought after and highly collectible. Aficionados and fans in the know will go out of their way to score a dram if they can find it. Coppper Tongue will be no different, a 16-year-old, cask-strength straight bourbon weighing in at 89.8 proof. The distillery recommends enjoying it neat or, interestingly, with a slice of pear.

Image: Lux Row Distillers

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: May

5 Books to Read this Month: May

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes and Stories from L.A.

Who doesn’t love Danny Trejo? His story is inspiring, his IMDB page is full of memorable characters, and he’s got fast-casual restaurants and a coffee shop. Trejo’s cookbook features 75 recipes and tons of insight into the man himself.

Which Fork Do I Use with My Bourbon?

Learn how to organize and execute an awesome tasting from Peggy Noe Stevens, the first female master bourbon taster in the world and founder of the Bourbon Women Association, and Susan Reigler, a prolific bourbon correspondent and author. Which Fork Do I Use with My Bourbon? includes tips, recipes and more for pulling off a great bourbon-centric event.

Zero: A New Approach to Non-Alcoholic Drinks

From the unique minds behind the ultra-creative Aviary cocktail bar comes Zero. If you’re looking to elevate your non-alcohol menu and approach to creating zero-proof drinks, this is the book for you. In addition to about 100 recipes, this book shares insights into Chef Grant Achatz’s culinary approach to cocktails, whether low-, zero- or full-proof.

Finding Fire: Cooking at its Most Elemental

Like Bar Hacks podcast guest Chef Brian Duffy said on episode 33, we’re fully in a comfort food zone. We’re also back to the fundamentals and simple techniques. When it comes to cooking, nothing is more fundamental than using fire. Chef Lennox Hastie dives deep into cooking with fire and provides 80 recipes in Finding Fire.

How to Listen with Intention

There’s a misconception among many business owners and managers that leadership is just delegating and issuing orders. Too many people forget that listening is a key element of leadership. Patrick King’s book How to Listen with Intention aims to change our mindset so we view listening as a superpower.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: May

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: May

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and May is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

May 5: National Totally Chipotle Day

It’s not just Cinco de Mayo today, it’s National Totally Chipotle Day! Two guesses as to what pepper this holiday celebrates…

May 6: World Password Day

This holiday exists to encourage people to consider their privacy and make sure their passwords are secure. Of course, operators can make this holiday more fun than mundane. One simple way is to come up with and share a password guests can use for food or drink specials. Speakeasy operators, today’s your day!

May 9: National Sleepover Day

What pairs well with sleepovers? Food, drinks, pajamas and movies. And what pairs well with warming weather and the comfort levels of today’s guests? Patios and other outdoor areas. Show a movie outside, encourage pajamas, create fun and comforting F&B offerings… This is a fun one.

May 20: National Pick Strawberries Day

The perfect day to feature cocktails that call for strawberry garnishes. And if there was ever a holiday practically built for featuring Snoop Dogg‘s new strawberry-flavored Indoggo Gin, this is it.

May 21: National Bike to Work Day

As the story goes, the radler was invented in the 1920s by a Bavarian tavern owner. A group of cyclists stopped by looking to quench their thirsts with beer. The tavern owner didn’t have enough, so he added sparkling lemonade to his kegs. Eurkea, the radler was born.

This is the perfect day to pay homage to the radler and reward people for biking to work.

May 22: National Craft Distillery Day

One of the best days to program promotions around local and hyper-local spirits.

May 25: National Brown-Bag It Day

Looking for a simple and fun way to celebrate this weird holiday? Offer a special featuring tall boys served in brown paper bags along with hangover-curing comfort foods.

May 30: National Creativity Day

I mean…what a blank canvas! This is the day to execute your most creative promotions. Ask your team members for their most creative ideas to boost staff engagement.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash
