
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Top 10 States Attracting High Earners

Top 10 States Attracting High Earners

by David Klemt

The Florida Theater in Jacksonville, Florida

Using the inflow and outflow data of tax filers earning $200,000 or more, SmartAsset identifies the top ten states attracting high earners.

When it comes to the number-one state, “it’s not even close,” says SmartAsset Advisors. Not surprisingly, several top inflow cities (according to Redfin data) line up with SmartAsset’s top inflow state list.

So, why should this information matter to operators? Plainly, it’s important market information. Population, household income, and age information are crucial considerations when opening any business.

In fact, KRG Hospitality includes such data (and much, much more) when conducting research for our proprietary feasibility, business, and concept plans. Among many elements of opening a restaurant, bar, hotel, or entertainment venue, the income of one’s target audience is crucial.

Knowing where high-income households are leaving and moving to can inform many operator decisions. Where should one open their first concept? Which markets should one consider for expansion? What type of concept will work in a market? What are the threshold price points for menu items? How will this information help inform design choices?

Operators need to recoup their outlay. The income of a concept’s ideal guest should be as important to an operator as knowing their costs.

Top Ten Inflow States

Interestingly, the top state on this list did experience significant outflow in 2020. In fact, the state lost 11,756 high-earning households in 2020.

However, the state also added 32,019 such households, netting 20,263 high earners.

  1. Utah
  2. Idaho
  3. Nevada
  4. Colorado
  5. Tennessee
  6. South Carolina
  7. North Carolina
  8. Arizona
  9. Texas
  10. Florida

Another compelling detail of the states on this list pertains to income tax. In short, three of the states don’t levy personal income tax.

Above, they’re the states in bold: Florida, Nevada, and Texas.

Top 10 Outflow States

So, above are the ten states are seeing the greatest an inflow of high-earning households. Which means, of course, there’s an inverse.

Below, the ten states experiencing the greatest outflow of high earners. Unsurprisingly, SmartAsset deems several entries on the list high-tax states. Also, Washington, DC, is a high-tax area.

Moreover, the list below includes five of the top ten high personal income tax jurisdictions (in bold).

  1. Ohio
  2. Minnesota
  3. Washington, DC
  4. Maryland
  5. New Jersey
  6. Virigina
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Illinois
  9. California
  10. New York

However, it’s not as though these states are seeing a massive exodus of high-earning households. In fact, per SmartAsset, these states have more high-income households than the national average.

Nationally, high-earning households account for less than seven percent of all tax filers. According to SmartAsset, nearly nine percent of tax filers are high-income households in the top ten outflow states.

Image: Trevor Neely on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Celebrate Two August Bar Holidays with Rum

Celebrate Two August Bar Holidays with Rum

by David Klemt

Rum and Coke cocktail

If you and your team have a commitment to programming and promotions, you have to love all the bar holidays available to you in August.

Not only are there six wine holidays in August, there are two holidays that call for rum. In fact, August is National Rum Month.

On August 16 you have the opportunity to program for National Rum Day. Obviously, rum is a legendary spirit with loads of history. So, you’ll want to honor it correctly—get creative and pull out all the stops.

Of course, one excellent way to celebrate rum is with famous perfect builds of classic rum cocktails. One of these classics is the iconic Mai Tai. Oh, yeah—that’s the other rum holiday in August!

After you program for Tuesday, August 16, prepare for Mai Tai Day on Tuesday, August 30.

June 30 is NOT Mai Tai Day

Now, if you Google “National Mai Tai Day” or “Mai Tai Day,” you’ll get an interesting result. You’ll see that some say National Mai Tai Day is June 30.

Well, Trader Vic’s says that’s absolutely not the case. In fact, a proclamation from the City of Oakland declares August 30 is Mai Tai Day.

On August 30, 2009, at-large councilmember Rebecca Kaplan made it official.

But why, I hear you asking (maybe, possibly), should we take Kaplan’s word for it? For me, it’s because Trader Vic’s themselves confirm that August 30 is “the real” Mai Tai Day.

Okay, but why should we take Trader Vic’s word for it? Because Trader Vic himself is the inventor of the Mai Tai.

Fact not Fiction

As I often point out when diving into cocktail history, much of what we “know” about certain drinks is lore. Either we simply can’t be 100-percent certain about a cocktail’s origins or multiple people are given the credit.

I mean, in some cases multiple people take the credit (and the glory) for themselves.

However, that’s not the case with the legendary Mai Tai. We know that Victor J. “Trader Vic” Bergeron is the classic cocktail’s creator.

Getting inspiration from traveling and operator peer Donn “Don the Beachcomber” Beach, Bergeron transformed his bar Hinky Dink into Trader Vic’s.

So, what do many (most, if we’re honest) operators like to do when they open or rebrand their business? Come up with a signature drink or dish.

In the case of Trader Vic’s, the Mai Tai was born.

The Real Mai Tai

Interestingly—perhaps sadly—the Mai Tai is often the subject of “mistreatment.” In part, we can blame Trader Vic for this.

Now, before you break out your pitchfork, I’m not vilifying Trader Vic. However, he did refuse to share his Mai Tai recipe with others. Author Wayne Curtis explains that this secrecy is “why we have so many bad Mai Tais with pineapple juice and other hideous additions.”

Those hideous additions? Juices, an array of rum styles, floats, garnishes beyond a lime shell and mint sprig… It’s likely you’ve never seen consistency in Mai Tai builds.

As Trader Vic himself tells it: “I took down a bottle of 17-year old rum. It was J. Wray & Nephew rum from Jamaica—surprisingly golden in color, medium bodied but with the rich pungent flavor particular to the Jamaican blends.”

So, that dispels the notion that you use a light rum and a dark rum to build a Mai Tai. He also only added orgeat, orange curaçao, rock candy syrup (the recipe calls for demerara simple), and fresh lime juice.

To be fair, it’s said that the popularity of the Mai Tai forced the J. Wray & Nephew rum (almost) to “extinction.” Rumor has it that original bottles can command auction prices of $50,000 or more.

Trader Vic’s Original Mai Tai Recipe

A lot of us like to put our spin on things. However, there’s an official recipe from the official creator of the Mai Tai.

So, let’s honor Trader Vic and his iconic creation. Below is the recipe that most closely follows the Trader Vic’s spec. Obviously, nobody expects you to track down a $50,000 bottle of rum to follow the original with ruthless precision.

  • 1 oz. Light rum
  • 1 oz. Dark rum
  • Fresh lime juice (keep half of the squeezed lime’s shell)
  • 0.5 oz. Orange curaçao
  • 0.25 oz. Orgeat
  • 0.25 oz. Simple syrup
  • Fresh Mint Sprig
  • 1 cup Crushed ice

Add crushed ice to a shaker. Some bartenders also add some ice cubes. Next, add the liquid ingredients, and shake. Pour—without straining—into a double Old Fashioned glass. Garnish with the lime shell and mint spring. That’s right—the original recipe doesn’t call for a pineapple wedge or cherry.

Image: Blake Wisz on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August 2022

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August 2022

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and August is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to “weird.”

Pay attention to the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For July’s list, click here.

August 5: National Work Like A Dog Day

It probably sounds like this day is all about being as productive as possible at work. However, National Work Like a Dog Day is a celebration of service animals (mainly dogs). So, this is the day to invite your guests with service animals to grab a bite and drink and make new friends—four-legged and otherwise—at your bar or restaurant.

August 8: National Happiness Happens Day

This is a day that focuses on finding happiness wherever we can. And as we know, there’s plenty of happiness to be found in local restaurants and bars. National Happiness Happens Day is a blank canvas on which to create a fun, engaging promotion.

August 8: National Dollar Day

For the history nerds out there—and I say that with reverence, not ridicule—the first US dollar was minted in 1794. Leveraging this holiday is as simple as offering a food or drink item for $1. Of course, that’s if such a discount is legal where you’re operating. And I recommend requiring the purchase of a full-price item to receive the discount.

August 11: National Rasberry Bombe Day

If you’re not familiar with the raspberry bombe, you’re probably not alone. This tasty treat isn’t a commonly known dessert item. A raspberry bombe is a pastry that consists of heavy cream, sugar, candied fruit (raspberries, in this case), and nuts placed in a spherical design. The bombe is then frozen before being served. Bonus points for adding rum before freezing.

August 12: National Vinyl Record Day

There are a couple ways to celebrate this holiday. One, you can require your house DJ or hired gun to spin actual records. Two, you can team up with your local vinyl store to create a mutually beneficial promotion. Get a little creative and celebrate that warmest of sonic mediums, the vinyl record.

August 15: Discovery Day

This day likely isn’t very weird to Canadians. In particular, it’s well-known among those familiar with the Yukon. But for the rest of us, this is a celebration of the discovery of gold in this famed area. Celebrate with gold-flaked F&B items, caramel-drizzled desserts and cocktails, and whatever else you can think of where gold makes sense.

August 20: World Honey Bee Day

Where would we be without the honey bee? Not in a good place at all, that’s where. Perfect your Bee’s Knees and other cocktails that feature honey. And, of course, feature honey in some creative places on your food menu as well.

August 27: National Just Because Day

Obviously, this is another awesome blank-slate cocktail. You can essentially create any promotion you want to celebrate this day. Why? Because whatever you choose to do, it’s just because.

August 29: According to Hoyle Day

Here’s an odd one for you. On According to Hoyle Day, you live life according to one of the 300 (!) games for which Edmond Hoyle wrote the rules. This day certainly requires getting creative but card games and cocktails do go hand in hand.

August 31: National Eat Outside Day

Hey, guess how this day is celebrated…

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How One Resort Fills the Choco Taco Void

How One Resort is Filling the Choco Taco Void

by David Klemt

Klondike Original Choco Taco

We hate to be the bearers of bad news but after 40 years Klondike is officially retiring the Choco Taco, now a casualty in the supply chain battle.

According to the Klondike website, the decision to discontinue the Choco Taco comes down to demand. After four decades, the Choco Taco is falling to the wayside so that Klondike can focus on the rest of their legendary portfolio.

Unfortunately, sometimes intense consumer demand can lead to hard choices. Per Klondike, a spike in demand for their product lineup means narrowing their focus. So, we must all bid a fond but bitter farewell to the Choco Taco.

Now, lest we raise an eyebrow and cast a cynical eye toward this news, Klondike provides an assurance this isn’t a PR stunt. Cruise on over to their Instagram account and you’ll see a post denying any stunt Choco Taco retirement. Observe:


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It’s a bummer and a fake or quasi-discontinuation would be welcome. However, this appears to really be happening.

Filling the Void

Now, the great news is that restaurant and bar owners can recreate the flavors of the Choco Taco. Below, you’ll find a recipe from a casino resort offering their guests a taste of their favorite ice cream treat.

Calling Atlantic City home, Oceans Casino Resort and their F&B team are the masterminds behind the Chocotini. This $11 cocktail is available at Oceans now through the end of August.

Wisely, Oceans is making the Chocotini available to guests via four locations on property. Guests can order one at the Lobby Bar, restaurants Distrito and Makai, and the property’s Topgolf Swing Suite. Notably, Ocean Casino Resort boasts the largest Topgolf Swing Suite in America.


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In fact, Oceans recently completed a $15 million property improvement—and has committed to investing a further $85 million into the resort. With amenities like HQBeachclub, this casino resort rivals Las Vegas night- and daylife. Sets by Tiësto, DJ Snake, and Steve Aoki near the Atlantic City Boardwalk? Yes, please, and hand me a Chocotini.

Of course, you and your bar team can also create a creamy, chocolatey Martini to provide guests with a Choco Taco-like treat. I recommend also testing out a non-alcohol version for a tasty and booze-free sip.


Oceans Casino Resort Chocotini

Recipe and image courtesy of Ocean Casino Resort

First, prepare a Martini glass by striping the interior with chocolate syrup. If preferred, place in refrigerator to chill glass and harden syrup striping. Add vodka, liqueurs, and cream to a shaker with ice. Next, shake until well chilled and strain into prepared Martini glass. Top with whipped cream, and garnish with chocolate chips and waffle cone piece.

Image: Klondike

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Cheese Pairings: Wine, Beer, Spirits

Cheese Pairings: Wine, Beer, Spirits

by David Klemt

Wine glasses and cheese board

National Wine and Cheese Day is Monday, July 25, so let’s take a look at pairings that will get mouths watering.

According to historians, people have been pairing wine with cheese for several centuries. And per scientists, this legendary pairing makes a lot of sense.

Cheese is, obviously, fatty. Further, fat is oily. Then we have alcohol, which is astringement. When we eat cheese or other fatty/oily foods, they coat the mouth. As we also know, alcohol tends to dry out our mouths.

So, the theory as to why pairing cheese with wine works comes down to balance. Of course, there’s a term for this balance you likely know: mouthfeel.

However, science has an additional theory about wine and cheese. For this theory, we look at the “flavor spectrum.” Flavors that are far apart from one another are often pleasant to us.

As an example, not many of us would appreciate a slice of cheddar cheese on top of a cheddar cheese-flavored cracker dipped in cheddar cheese sauce. That would be monotonous and boring.

Wine Pairings

  • Chardonnay and Camembert
  • Riesling and Raclette
  • Gewürztraminer and Edam
  • Pinot Grigio/Gris and Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Chenin Blanc and Chèvre
  • Sauvignon Blanc and Gouda
  • Champagne and Brie
  • Prosecco and Asiago
  • Rosé and Havarti or Fontina
  • Pinot Noir and Gruyère
  • Merlot and Camembert or Gorgonzola
  • Shiraz (Australian-style varietal) and sharp Cheddar or smoked Gouda
  • Syrah (French-style varietal) and Pecorino or Roquefort
  • Malbec and Manchego
  • Sangiovese and Fontina or Parmigiano Reggiano

Beer Pairings

Perhaps your guests would prefer to celebrate National Wine and Cheese Day with a substitution. Like, for instance, swapping out wine for beer.

Well, it turns out cheese goes great with many styles of beer.

  • American Pale Ale and American Cheddar
  • Amber Ale and Gouda or Brie
  • Witbier and goat cheese
  • Hefeweisen and Feta
  • American Lager and Mozzarella
  • American Pilsner and Chèvre
  • IPA and Parmigiano Reggiano or Blue Cheese
  • Brown Ale and Gouda
  • Porter and Muenster or Gruyère
  • Stout and Blue Cheese

Spirits Pairings

Hey, beer isn’t the only beverage that we can swap with wine. Interestingly, several categories of spirit pair well with cheese.

As with wine and beer, it’s crucial to try pairings with specific spirits before offering them to guests.

  • Vodka and Cheddar or Blue Cheese
  • Gin: London Dry and Pecorino; Genever and Triple Cream Brie; Plymouth and Époisses de Bourgogne
  • Brandy and Butterkäse
  • Rum and Fontina
  • Mezcal and aged Cheddar or Pecorino
  • Tequila: Blanco and Brie or Feta; Reposado and Manchego; Añejo and Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Bourbon and Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Rye and Gouda
  • Irish whiskey and Brie or Camembert
  • Scotch: Light-bodied and Comté; Full-bodied and Stilton. For a deeper dive into pairing Scotch with cheese, click here.

Image: Allison Kettlety on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2022 World’s 50 Best Restaurants: 1-50

2022 World’s 50 Best Restaurants: 1-50

by David Klemt

Gourmet dish on white background

Finally, the World’s 50 Best announces the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, an impressive list of the finest places to dine across the globe.

Of course, this highly anticipated news comes on the heels of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, 51 to 100. Last night, host Stanley Tucci and special guest co-hosts announced the winners in London.

Perhaps not too surprisingly, only three American restaurants are among this year’s top fifty. Of those three, one is in Healdsburg, California, which is the wine-producing region of Sonoma County. The other two American restaurants are in New York City, which isn’t exactly a surprise. And of those two restaurants, one, number 33 on this year’s list, is the winner of the Gin Mre Art of Hospitality Award.

Unfortunately, there are no Canadian restaurants on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2022 list. That applies to the back half of the list, numbers 51 to 100, as well.

Interestingly, the restaurant taking home the title of World’s Best Restaurant 2022 took the number two spot in 2021. Another hint: This year’s number one, by clinching the top slot, is also the Best Restaurant in Europe 2022.

So, do you think you know what restaurant is the best in the world? Scroll down to see if you’re right.

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2022: 50 to 1

  1. Single Thread (Healdsburg, California, USA)
  2. Ikoyi (London, England)
  3. Leo (Bogotá, Colombia)
  4. Oteque (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  5. Belcanto (Lisbon, Portugal)
  6. Narisawa (Tokyo, Japan)
  7. Le Bernardin (New York, New York, USA)
  8. Boragó (Santiago, Chile)
  9. Quique Dacosta (Dénia, Spain)
  10. La Cime (Osaka, Japan)
  11. Schloss Schauenstein (Fürstenau, Switzerland)
  12. Sorn (Bangkok, Thailand)
  13. Jordnær (Copenhagen, Denmark)
  14. Fyn (Cape Town, South Africa)
  15. Odette (Singapore)
  16. The Clove Club (London, England)
  17. Hiša Franko (Kobarid, Slovenia)
  18. Atomix (New York, New York, USA)(Gin Mare Art of Hospitality Award 2022)
  19. Mayta (Lima, Peru)
  20. Arpège (Paris, France)
  21. Florilège (Tokyo, Japan)
  22. St. Hubertus (San Cassiano, Italy)
  23. Le Clarence (Paris, France)
  24. Hof Van Cleve (Kruishoutem, Belgium)
  25. Restaurant Tim Raue (Berlin, Germany)
  26. Frantzén (Stockholm, Sweden)
  27. The Chairman (Hong Kong)
  28. The Jane (Antwerp, Belgium)
  29. Septime (Paris, France)
  30. Mugaritz (San Sebastian, Spain)
  31. Den (Tokyo, Japan)
  32. Piazza Duomo (Alba, Italy)
  33. The Alchemist (Copenhagen, Denmark)
  34. Nobelhart & Schmutzig (Berlin, Germany)(Villa Massa Highest Climber Award 2022)
  35. Elkano (Getaria, Spain)
  36. Reale (Castel di Sangro, Italy)
  37. Don Julio (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  38. Steirereck (Vienna, Austria)
  39. Uliassi (Senigallia, Italy)(Highest New Entry Award 2022)
  40. Maido (Lima, Peru)
  41. Le Calandre (Rubano, Italy)
  42. Quintonil (Ciudad de México, México)(Estrella Damm Chef’s Choice Award: Chef Jorge Vallejo)
  43. Lido 84 (Gardone Riviera, Italy)
  44.  A Casa do Porco (São Paulo, Brazil)
  45. Asador Etxebarri (Atxondo, Spain)
  46. Pujol (Ciudad de México, México)
  47. Diverxo (Madrid, Spain)
  48. Disfrutar (Barcelona, Spain)
  49. Central (Lima, Peru)
  50. Geranium (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Image: Delightin Dee on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Brutal: These Drinks are Heavy

Brutal: These Drinks are Heavy

by David Klemt

Marshall amplifier closeup

Several legendary and iconic heavy metal bands are stepping into the arena of the drinks industry, from beer to whiskey, and more.

You won’t find a celebrity rosé wine or mezcal on this list. Instead, you’ll find bourbon and rye blends, unique processes, full beer lineups, and small-batch releases.

Most importantly, these are products that deserve a place on your menus. These aren’t spirits and beers that rely on band names and their global recognition. Each of these can stand on their own.

In fact, one whiskey from Slipknot and an Iowa distillery won an award from Fred Minnick in 2019.


You may familiar with Blackened, a rye and bourbon blend that finishes in brandy casks. This limited-edition, super-premium whiskey is also subjected to the proprietary Black Noise process.

In short, each batch of Blackened is enhanced by the frequencies of curated Metallica playlists. This whiskey is a true collaboration. Legendary Master Distiller Dave Pickerell partnered with Metallica and Meyer Sound for the recipe and process.

However, Master Distiller and Blender Rob Dietrich has crafted a rye expression. Rye the Lightning is, as you can likely tell from the name, a rye whiskey. This expression also undergoes a very specific Black Noise process.

To craft Rye the Lightning, the live recording of Ride the Lightning in its entirety from Metallica’s Orion Music + More set is played to enhance the liquid. Taking things a step further, Rye the Lightning is finished in Madeira and rum casks.

Not content with just two expressions, there are also the Master of Whiskey Series and limited edition whiskeys available.

Iron Maiden

Iconic English heavy metal band Iron Maiden has steered heavily into the beer business. You won’t find a limited-release Lager here and a Pilsner there. No, Iron Maiden has a full lineup of beers in several styles.

Trooper, named for their song “The Trooper,” is the name under which the band crafts their beers in partnership with brewers like Bodebrown and Robinsons. You’ll find many beer styles under the Trooper label: Strong Bitter, English Extra Special, Porter, Golden, IPA, and more.


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Of course, there are limited editions. And why shouldn’t there be? Iron Maiden and there brewer partners want to have rock out, like they did with the Number of the Beast, a Bitter.


Since there’s a bourbon and a beer carrying the Motörhead name, you can create a Boilermaker honoring the heavy band. And as you may imagine, one-half of the Boilermaker is named after the song “Ace of Spades.”

In this case, Ace of Spades is a bourbon crafted in Fargo, North Dakota, by Proof Artisan Distillers. This distillery produced North Dakota’s first-ever bourbon, Crooked Furrow. Ace of Spades is a full-bodied, 90-proof high-rye bourbon with warm, sweet notes and a cinnamon finish.

For the beer, Motörhead tapped Madison, Wisconsin, brewers Ale Asylum. Röad Crew is a crisp, hoppy American Pale Ale with citrus notes.

Cannibal Corpse

This whiskey, Golden Blood, is actually the inspiration for this article and product roundup. Golden Blood by Cannibal Corpse, one of the heaviest bands on this list, is crafted in collaboration with Three Floyds Distilling.

Since opening their doors in 2017, Three Floyds has been known for doing things differently. In fact, the distillery itself says their approach is “not normal.” So, this collaboration with Cannibal Corpse makes a lot of sense.

According to Three Floyds, the band itself selected the liquid. A single barrel straight malt whiskey, Golden Blood was aged four years in new, charred oak. And the label is sure to draw attention on your back bar.


As the story goes, GWAR is not of this planet. Rather, GWAR is an intergalactic rock band that arrived on Earth via comet.

Well, when you have an origin mythology that incredible, you can’t phone in products tied to your name. I promise that you’ve never encountered a whiskey-crafting process like the one that produces Catoctin Creek Ragnarök Rye:

“The mad scientists at Catoctin Creek conducted experiments on aging the blood of GWAR in barrels made from the different types of wood scorched by the comet’s blast. They used the rarest of grains and watered their mash bill with the melted Antarctic ice to create a 92 strength rye whisky, pot stilled and then aged in charred new white oak. Members of GWAR then hurled the whiskey barrels into the orbit of the moon, causing contraction to take place as the barrels spun under the influence of the deathly coldness of space and the life-giving heat of the sun.”

Well, that’s different.


Cedar Creek Distillery in Iowa crafts two whiskey expressions for Slipknot. The first expression is Slipknot No.9, a four-year-old blend of straight bourbon and straight rye whiskeys.

Then there’s Slipknot No. 9 Reserve. For this special release, award-winning Cedar Creek bottles the same bourbon and rye blend at 99 proof. Fred Minnick named Slipknot No. 9 Reserve the Best Celebrity Whiskey in 2019. That’s no small feat.


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An equally daunting feat? Getting your hands on Slipknot co-founder and percussionist Clown’s Iowa Shine. If you can find it, this bottle is Clown’s very own moonshine.

Honorable Mentions

The Deftones have partnered with Belching Beaver to craft an IPA called Deftones Phantom Bride. This IPA, a collaboration between head brewer Thomas Peters and the Deftones’ Chino Moreno, is made using Amarillo, Citra, Simcoe and Mosaic hops.

And then there’s Bay Shore, New York’s Great South Bay Brewery. The brewery has honored Pantera with a limited edition beer called Vulgar Display of Lager. Obviously, this is intended to honor the 30th anniversary of the thrash metal band’s brutal 1992 Vulgar Display of Power album.

Image: Alexander Kampmann from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2022 World’s 50 Best Restaurants: 51-100

’22 World’s 50 Best Restaurants: 51-100

by David Klemt

High-end plate of food

Just a week away from their big 2022 reveal, numbers 51 through 100 of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants is now available.

As one expects, these restaurants represent the pinnacle of dining. The 2022 list also represents a number of changes in comparison to 2021.

For example, a number of restaurants in the Middle East are among this year’s 51 to 100 rankings. Notably, these restaurants were not included on last year’s list. In fact, nearly half of the restaurants are new entries on the 51 to 100 list.

Additionally, the 2022 list represents six continents. This year, four “new” countries and a sovereign island city-state make the 51 to 100 rankings:

  • Argentina
  • China
  • Germany
  • Singapore
  • UAE

The regional breakdown is as follows:

  • Asia: 14 restaurants
  • Europe: 13 venues
  • North America: 11 concepts
  • Middle East: 2 restaurants
  • Africa: 2 concepts
  • Oceania: 1 venue
  • South America: 7 restaurants

Just six American restaurants are on the list. Three are in New York, two in San Francisco, and one is in Chicago. Disappointingly, zero Canadian restaurants are among the 51 to 100 rankings.

Restaurants one through 50 will be revealed on Monday, July 18. Numbers 51 to 100 of the World’s 50 Best Bars will be revealed Tuesday, September 27.

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2022: 51 to 100

  1. Alcalde (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México)
  2. Sud 777 (Ciudad de México, México)
  3. D.O.M. (São Paulo, SP, Brazil)
  4. Lyle’s (London, England)
  5. Azurmendi (Larrabetzu, Biscay, Spain)
  6. La Colombe (Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa)
  7. Trèsind Studio (Dubai, UAE)
  8. Alléno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen (Paris, France)
  9. Sazenka (Tokyo, Japan)
  10. Rosetta (Ciudad de México, México)
  11. La Grenouillère (La Madelaine-sous-Montreuil, France)
  12. Ernst (Berlin, Germany)
  13. Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare (New York, NY, USA)
  14. Fu He Hui (Shanghai, People’s Republic of China)
  15. Le Du (Bangkok, Thailand)
  16. Sühring (Bangkok, Thailand)
  17. Evvai (São Paulo, SP, Brazil)
  18. Kjolle (Barranco, Lima, Perú)
  19. Cosme (New York, NY, USA)
  20. Zén (Singapore)
  21. Mingles (Seoul, South Korea)
  22. Atelier Crenn (San Francisco, CA, USA)
  23. Kol (London, England)
  24. Blue Hill at Stone Barns (Pocantico Hills, Mount Pleasant, NY, USA)
  25. Samrub Samrub (Bangkok, Thailand)
  26. Neighborhood (Hong Kong)
  27. Table by Bruno Verjus (Paris, France)
  28. Lasai (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)
  29. Estela (New York, NY, USA)
  30. AM par Alexandre Mazzia (Marseille, France)
  31. Brat (London, England)
  32. Sézanne (Tokyo, Japan)
  33. El Chato (Bogotá, DC, Colombia)
  34. Gimlet at Cavendish House (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
  35. Raan Jay Fai (Bangkok, Thailand)
  36. Mikla (Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Turkey)
  37. Orfali Bros Bistro (Dubai, UAE)
  38. Mishiguene (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  39. Máximo Bistrot (Ciudad de México, México)
  40. Wolfgat (Paternoster, Western Cape, South Africa)
  41. Oriole (Chicago, IL, USA)
  42. Indian Accent (New Delhi, Delhi, India)
  43. Hertog Jan at Botanic Sanctuary (Antwerp, Belgium)
  44. Burnt Ends (Singapore)
  45. Meta (Singapore)
  46. Maní (São Paulo, SP, Brazil)
  47. Benu, San Francisco, CA, USA)
  48. Tantris (München, Germany)
  49. Flocons de Sel (Megève, France)
  50. Wing (Hong Kong)

*Bold denotes new entry

Image: Delightin Dee on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Meat-limiters Driving Change

Meat-limiters Driving Change

by David Klemt

Plant-based food bowl

You’re likely familiar with dietary terms like vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, and even flexitarian, but what about meat-limiter?

As the name implies, a meat-limiter is a person actively choosing to reduce their meat intake. It’s also an umbrella term that includes vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or flexitarian diets.

Earlier this year, Datassential took a look at plant-based opportunities. Over the course of a week, 1,500 Americans ages 18 to 88 were surveyed online.

Datassential conducted their research with three partners:

  • The Culinary Institute of America
  • Food for Climate League
  • Menus of Change University Research Collaborative

The results are revealed within Datassential’s “2022 Plant-Forward Opportunity” report. To access a number of free reports, sign up with Datassential today.

Meat-limiter Guests

Just over a quarter of Americans—29 percent—are meat-limiters in some way. That number climbs to 36 percent for Gen Z, per this Datassential survey.

Of four major diets (vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, flexitarian), vegetarian and vegan are the least common. The overall US population consists overwhelmingly of meat eaters (71 percent). Nearly a quarter, 22 percent, are flexitarian.

For Gen Z, those same numbers are 65 percent and 19 percent, respectively. Interestingly, Gen Z has more vegetarians and vegans than other generations.

But then there’s this: When it comes to the daily consumption of animal proteins, Gen Z is at the top. It’s Millennials who consume the most plant-based proteins on a daily basis.

Animal proteins are still at the top across generations. However, people are consciously reducing their meat intake and seeking plant-based alternatives.

What’s Driving Meat-limiters?

In comparison to 2021, Datassential hit on a compelling finding. A mere six percent of the US population was actively reducing meat intake last year.

That number has skyrocketed in 2022. This year, per Datassential, 21 percent of consumers can be considered meat-limiters.

Given the pandemic, it makes sense to assume this dietary change is due to personal health. However, climate change is a major driver.

Overall, 55 percent of consumers feel climate change is important. That number climbs to 71 percent for meat-limiters, 69 percent of students.

Half of consumers also feel that plant-based foods, in general, are better for the planet. Nearly half (47 percent) feel these foods are also more sustainable. Again, the number increases for meat-limiters and students (and Millennials, as well).

Interestingly, two-thirds of consumers feel traditional plant-based food items are healthier than new plant-based meat alternatives. However, a little over 60 percent of consumers find both plant-based food categories healthy.


Before proceeding, it’s important to recognize that a survey of just 1,500 people comes with a margin of error.

Still, the results are compelling and provide insight into today’s consumer. Among the top insights:

  • Consumers are trying more plant-based menu items.
  • Climate change and sustainability are driving consumer decisions.
  • More consumers are concerned with their health.

Per Datassential, one way to appeal to a wide range of guests is offering “mixed dishes.” These are menu items that combine animal and plant proteins. Another way forward is menuing plant-forward dishes that include a small amount of meat, poultry, fish, or dairy.

If we accept that only a tiny fraction of the US population is vegetarian or vegan, targeting flexitarians and daily meat eaters in this way makes sense.

Image: Yoav Aziz on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Datassential IDs LTO Keys

Datassential Identifies Limited-time-offer Keys

by David Klemt

Double cheeseburger on sesame bun

Food and beverage market research firm Datassential turns their attention to limited-time offers in one of their latest reports.

Part of the FoodBytes series of resources, “A Look at Limited-time Offers” is a free Datassential trend report. If you have yet to do so, sign up for Datassential FoodBytes reports.

There are several ways for savvy operators to drive traffic. Loyalty programs and subscriptions are two popular modern-day solutions.

However, the LTO is tried, true, and can boost traffic, engagement, loyalty, sales, and revenue.

Of course, there are different ways to execute LTOs. There’s the recurring, anticipation-driving item: McDonald’s McRib. Then there’s the seasonal offering: Starbucks Peppermint Mocha. And the return of a popular item eliminated years prior: Taco Bell Mexican Pizza and Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets.

Some LTOs have been going strong for years, others are leveraging a sense of nostalgia. In fact, some appear to be a direct response to Internet chatter.

Which LTO?

Per Datassential, 63 percent of LTOs most recently purchased by consumers were impulse decisions. And when the firm dives into LTOs in general, they find that one product stands above the others.

The top-performing LTO food item in terms of order frequency is the burger.

Now, does that mean you have to menu an LTO burger to succeed with this type of promotion? Of course not.

A successful LTO is one that’s authentic to your brand. And, clearly, it needs to be one that interests your guests. If you’ve been reading KRG Hospitality articles for a while, you know what I’m going to say next.

But for those who are new around here, I’m going to tell you to review your consumer data. What items are performing best? What flavors are resonating with your guests?

Now, look at the industry. What flavors and items are trending? How can you leverage them—in an authentic way—into an LTO?

If a burger may not work, will a different type of sandwich do the job? How about nuggets, breakfast items, a dessert, or a beverage?

Know your brand, know your guest, know what’s bringing the heat.

How Long?

Once you know what you’re offering, the next question should be obvious. How long are you going to make it available?

Every concept is different. What works for one may not work for another. However, analyzing what others do in terms of LTO duration and frequency can help inform you.

And as it turns out, Datassential’s latest FoodBytes report addresses “LTO cadence.”

The majority of operators—43 percent—run an LTO once every one to three months. Considering the popularity of seasonal LTOs, this frequency makes sense.

Interestingly, a quarter of operators offer an LTO more than once per month. Just about as many execute one every three to six months.

Far, far less common is running an LTO once every six to 12 months. In fact, this is the approach of just seven percent of operators. A mere two percent of operators run an LTO less than once every 12 months.

Again, there’s no “right” answer here. Some operations can succeed with multiple LTOs each month, some find success rarely offering one at all.


Operators know their brands best. They should know their guests equally as well, or at least strive to do so. As such, an operator should have an idea of what to offer in terms of LTO food or beverage items.

And, of course, operators should data-obsessive. That’s the only real way to have an idea of what LTOs will work, how often they should run, and how frequently one should be available.

But there’s more to know. Datassential also reveals challenges that deserve serious consideration before executing any LTO:

  • Do you have time to train staff on the new item?
  • Is your staff strong when it comes to upselling?
  • Will your guests complain when the new product is no longer available?
  • Do you have to source one or more ingredients for this item?
  • Is/Are the ingredient(s) necessary readily available?

The LTO is a proven marketing and promotion tool when done well. Challenging, yes, but worth the effort.

Image: amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash
