Author: David Klemt

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Modernize Your Scheduling Today

Modernize Your Scheduling Today

by David Klemt

2021 calendar on cell phone

Scheduling platforms and apps modernize restaurant, bar and hotel team management, streamlining and simplifying several processes.

When it comes to improving communications, the benefits of updating and upgrading how you manage scheduling can’t be overstated.

Of course, in our tech-heavy world, several scheduling platforms do more than just inform your employees about their shifts.

Today’s options handle payroll; assign specific tasks to particular team members; help leadership provide feedback; give staff a platform to provide feedback to leadership; and much more.

Staff Retention

Now, we’ve addressed how our industry has been much quicker to embrace new tech innovations over the past couple years.

We’re bringing up the topic of scheduling platforms for a specific reason. We all make mistakes, and we can learn from those mistakes. And we can also learn from others’ mistakes so we can do our best to avoid making them as well.

On today’s episode of the Bar Hacks podcast, Chef Brian Duffy shares a story about a scheduling issue.

During his return appearance, Chef Duffy explains that his 20-year-old daughter provided two months’ notice about days off she needed to her former employer. “Former” is key here.

It’s clear that the hospitality group property at which she once worked either didn’t utilize a scheduling app, didn’t communicate well, or both.

At any rate, Chef Duffy’s daughter received constant phone calls from management during her vacation. Obviously, that would be infuriating.

Even worse, after she quit that job—she had provided two weeks’ notice—this former employer called to ask if she was coming in for “her shifts.” Well, no—she had quit, with notice.

Clearly, there are other issues with that leadership team beyond a lack of clarity in scheduling. However, a powerful, easy-to-use staff management tool could possibly have kept Chef Duffy’s daughter from quitting this job. A powerful platform, for example, like the four below that are mentioned on episode 53 of Bar Hacks.


When choosing a scheduling platform, one crucial element is integration. 7shifts integrates with several major POS systems, such Toast, Harbortouch, Heartland, TouchBistro, Micros, Upserve, and Clover.

In addition to scheduling, which is a given feature for all these platforms, 7shifts offers robust features. Leadership can send one-on-one messages to staff or create group chats. The app itself is a timeclock and handles payroll. And more inclusive packages provide operators with labor budgeting, sales forecasting, labor alerts, and even state-based compliance tools.

7Shifts is free for single locations with up to 10 workers. At the Appetizer level, 7shifts costs $17.99 per month, per location, for up to 20 team members. For $39.99 per month, per location, operators with up to 30 staff can take advantage of the Entrée level. The Works is $69.99 per month, per location, and manages an unlimited number of staff.


One of the key features of HotSchedules is labor forecasting. Per the platform’s website, HotSchedules “labor forecasts are based on activity, historical data, and specific business rules” to reduce costs and increase revenue.

On the leadership side, scheduling is streamlined and simple to use. Managers can approve—or deny—shift requests with a single click. They can also message individual team members or send messages to a single location.

On the team side, staff can give away, swap and pick up shifts via the convenient app. Staff can request time off, and HotSchedules integrates with their Google Calendars. Upon arrival, staff can clock in through the HotSchedules app and track their attendance and pay.


At the surface level, it may seem like OpenSimSim isn’t as robust as the company’s competitors. However, it’s powerful and efficient.

One of the best OpenSimSim features is the open shift invite. Using this feature, team members can be invited to apply for an open shift once one becomes available. In addition, staff can set their profiles up to be auto-approved for open shifts.

Of course, OpenSimSim offers features similar to other scheduling platforms. For example, leadership receives real-time open shift, overtime, and late clock-in notifications. Users can also direct message and group chat via the platform.


Last on this list solely because I organized these platforms alphabetically is Schedulefly. When you look into this platform, you’ll notice immediately that it’s powerful enough to manage concepts with multiple units.

Managers can quickly and easy navigate each unit in their chain to handle scheduling, broadcast messages for individual locations, message specific team members, and more. Is there a shift that needs to be filled at a specific unit? Schedulefly makes it easy to target the appropriate location and get it filled.

Similar to 7shifts, Schedulefly offers pricing based on staff size. There are no contracts, no fees, and each “level” offers all the same features and services:

  • 19 staff or fewer: $30/month
  • 20 to 39 staff: $40/month
  • 40 t0 59 staff: $50/month
  • 60 to 79 staff: $60/month
  • 80 staff or more: Contact Schedulefly for pricing.

It should go without saying that scheduling is crucial. Understaffing, overstaffing, staffing frustrations, failing to listen to staff about scheduling, and not simplifying the process can increase staff turnover.

Outdated approaches to scheduling also leads to significant decreases in revenue.

At its core, scheduling is a form of communication, a vital one. Commit to improving your communication today by upgrading your scheduling. Your leadership team and staff will thank you.

Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

US Opening Border to Vaccinated Travelers

US Opening Border to Vaccinated Travelers

by David Klemt

Roadmap showing United States of America, Canada, and Mexico borders

There will be more good news for the hospitality, travel, lodging, and tourism industries on Monday, November 8.

That’s the day that the US will open its borders to international travelers.

Guidance to enter the country applies to travelers arriving by land and air.

Neighbors to the North and South

This welcome news comes nearly three months after Canada opened its border to the US.

And like that border reopening, international travelers will have to prove their vaccination status. In fact, while not all the details are yet known, only fully vaccinated travelers will be permitted to cross American borders. The borders will remain closed to unvaccinated travelers.

The details for non-US travelers seeking to enter the country are as follows:

  • Non-essential travel is permitted.
  • Those entering via air travel will have to show proof of full vaccination before boarding their flight. They will also need to show proof of a “recent” negative Covid-19 test.
  • Travelers entering via Canadian or Mexican land borders will need to show proof of full vaccination. The negative test requirement is not, as of yet, required.
  • For now, Americans and non-US travelers will not have to quarantine after crossing a border.

Initial reporting stated that travel restrictions would be implemented via a phased approach. Land borders would be opened on November. However, air travel would remain restricted until the start of January 2022.

That doesn’t, at this moment, appear to be accurate.

Dozens of Countries Gain Access to US

Foreign travelers from the following countries who meet US requirements for entry will be able to enter:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • England
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Northern Ireland
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Scotland
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Wales

Of course, this list is subject to updating, additions, and other changes.

Great News

Obviously, the US opening its borders to dozens of countries is great news for operators in several industries. Additionally, opening borders to economic partner countries should have a positive impact.

If it’s great for tourism, it’s great for hospitality, travel, and lodging and accommodation businesses. In turn, it should be a boon for the US economy.

Airlines should see a spike in travel, much of which will be tourism-based. That means hotels, restaurants, bars, lounges, nightclubs, breweries, distilleries, wineries, entertainment venues, stadiums, and more will benefit.

Operators will need to plan and execute to attract international travelers to leverage demand and increase revenue. Moving forward, forming partnerships with supportive partners (local restaurant with boutique hotel, for example) and working with domestic marketing organizations (DMOs) could pay dividends for savvy operators.

Image: REVOLT on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Months Pass, RRF Still not Replenished

Months Pass, RRF Replenishment Remains Uncertain

by David Klemt

Time has run out hourglass, black and white

If you’re wondering if the RRF Replenishment Act of 2021 or ENTREE Acts are making progress, you’re not alone.

Unfortunately, it appears far too many politicians on all sides are focusing on anything but our industry.

Indeed, it’s apparently more important that they score political “points” for sniping at each other on social media; engage in hyperbole and histrionics; and overall engage in brinksmanship instead of doing anything meaningful for their constituents.

Meanwhile, the industry has lost more than $300 billion in revenue over 19 months. Additionally, we’re short at least one million jobs.

So, it’s not hyperbolic to state this: It’s no longer time for Congress to act, time has very much run out.

It’s up for owners and operators, their teams, and their teams’ families.

Replenish RRF Act

As people familiar with the Restaurant Revitalization Fund will recall, the fund launched with $28.6 billion. Obviously, that was nowhere near enough funding to meet the demand for grants.

The National Restaurant Association estimates that 177,000 grant applicants are still waiting for assistance. Those applications total more than $43 billion.

Essentially, $60 billion would be printed to replenish the RRF. That’s according to the language in the RRF Replenishment Act bill.

In June, Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Roger Wicker (R-MS), and Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-PA) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced the bill.

It’s now the middle of October.


Toward the end of July, Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) introduced an alternative bill.

A ranking member of the House Committee on Small Business, Rep. Luetkemeyer proposed the Entrepreneurs Need Timely Replenishment for Eating Establishments Act on July 20.

Again, that was in July and it’s now October 25.

Known as the ENTREE Act (acronyms are fun, eh?), this bill wouldn’t just create $60 billion out of thin air.

Instead, per the text of the bill, the ENTREE Act would use unspent funds from the American Rescue Plan and Economic Injury Disaster Loans.

Now What?

In early August, there was an attempt made to replenish the RRF with $48 billion of emergency funding.

Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), along with a bipartisan group of senators, sought unanimous consent to authorize the funds.

Unfortunately, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) objected to the unanimous consent motion. The measure was blocked due to Sen. Paul’s objection and the RRF didn’t receive any emergency funds.

So, now what? In August, political insiders expressed their opinion that the ENTREE Act wasn’t likely to be passed.

Meanwhile, the RRF Replenishment Act hasn’t made significant progress since it was first introduced in June.

Most recently, members of the Independent Restaurant Coalition held a press conference with Rep. Blumenauer and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN). During the press conference, it was pointed out that Congress was voting on infrastructure bills that didn’t contain the RRF Replenishment or ENTREE Acts.

The most that can be said currently about any “progress” is that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made a promise that relief for the industry is coming, somehow, during some unknown timeframe.

Great. In the meantime, you, your family members, your friends, and your guests can contact their reps to put more pressure on them to replenish the RRF. You can also click here for more ideas from the IRC on how to get the message across that our representatives need to act now.

Perhaps reminders that every House seat and 34 Senate seats are up for re-election next year will help spur some action.

Image: Eduin Escobar from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Get Ready for Old Fashioned Week

Get Ready for Old Fashioned Week

by David Klemt

Old Fashioned Cocktail on bar

Old Fashioned Week is returning for its second year to raise money for the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation.

The RWCF is a non-profit restaurant and bar worker advocacy and action organization.

In its inaugural year, Old Fashioned Week set and met a goal of raising $100,000. This year, the goal and mission are the same: Raise $100,000 to help hospitality workers financially.

How to Participate

Lynn House, national spirits specialist and portfolio mixologist for Heaven Hill, shares the details of Old Fashioned Week on episode 52 of the Bar Hacks podcast.

Over the course of nine days, October 15 through 24, Elijah Craig is celebrating the bourbon cocktail they feel best showcases America’s native spirit.

Old Fashioned Week is another win-win-win restaurant and bar promotion. Operators can drive in-person and to-go (where legal) traffic, consumers enjoy an iconic cocktail while supporting the industry, and struggling hospitality workers can receive financial assistance.

Luckily, participating in this philanthropic campaign is simple. First, operators can use their social media channels and guest database to let people know they’re celebrating Old Fashioned Week. Publish posts, send emails, and send out marketing texts.

Second, operators can use the “contact us” form on the Old Fashioned week website. From there, they can ask to have their venue included in the ZIP code search function.

Third, anyone can post pictures of their Old Fashioned to social media. Simply include #OldFashionedWeek and tag Elijah Craig. The brand will donate $5 to the RWCF for every properly hashtagged and tagged photo.

Like I said, it’s simple to participate and raise money for those in need.

Elijah Craig Old Fashioned

Hey, you can make your Old Fashioned however you want. However, if you want to make the signature Elijah Craig Old Fashioned, see below:

Elijah Craig signature Old Fashioned cocktail

Add bitters, simple syrup, Elijah Craig Small Batch, and ice to a mixing glass. Stir—do not shake!—until well chilled. Strain cocktail over a large ice cube in a double old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a swath of orange and a brandied cherry.

If you’d like to make this classic how Lynn House does, add four dashes of bitters instead of three. Two dashes of Angostura bitters, two dashes of Regan’s orange bitters.

Image: Paige Ledford on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

SevenRooms Announces Olo Partnership

SevenRooms Announces Olo Partnership

by David Klemt

Cheeseburgers and French fries in takeout containers on pass

SevenRooms continues to grow and develop innovative partnerships.

The platform’s newest partnership benefits the hospitality industry, operators, and consumers.

In joining forces with Olo, SevenRooms further helps restaurants, bars, and hotels position themselves to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

The Bleeding Edge

Olo, which literally stands for “Online Ordering,” predates the iPhone.

In fact, the company launched before smartphones were more than niche devices.

Upon its inception, Olo’s service consisted mainly of sending mobile coffee orders to restaurant printers via text message.

Like SevenRooms, Olo seeks to stay ahead of the consumer behavior curve:

  • 2005: Olo launches, anticipating coffee drinkers will eagerly embrace mobile ordering.
  • 2008: The company predicts fast-casual restaurants will become faster than fast food.
  • 2012: Olo envisions the redesigning of kitchen restaurants to include pickup windows.
  • 2015: The platform sees the future for foodservice is delivery.

Now, Olo is dedicated to making sure online ordering customers benefit from the industry’s digital transformation.

The Partnership

SevenRooms ensures clients who also use Olo can capture their off-premise customers’ information. That data then creates profiles for those customers automatically.

This partnership leverages SevenRooms CRM and marketing automation integration. Operators will be able to send post-order surveys to off-premise, online ordering customers automatically.

So, operators can learn what is and isn’t working off-premise; elevate the experience of off-premise customers to increase online order frequency; convert those customers to in-person guests; encourage repeat visits; and increase profitability.

Moving forward, SevenRooms and Olo users will get to know their off-premise customers better.

“To meet the ever-evolving needs of our hospitality clients, we’ve continued to seek out strategic partners who help us provide an even more comprehensive solution to operators,” says SevenRooms CEO and founder Joel Montaniel. “Our integration with Olo delivers on our promise of offering a 360-degree platform focused on helping operators build deeper, direct relationships across on- and off-premise experiences. This partnership facilitates better operational efficiency and online data capture, ultimately helping operators optimize the profitability of their delivery and takeout business while strengthening customer relationships. We are excited to welcome Olo to our partner network, and look forward to our continued collaboration to drive better, more streamlined solutions for the industry.”

Learn more about SevenRooms here. Click here to learn more about Olo.

Image: call me hangry 🇫🇷 on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What’s a Marketing Fund?

What’s a Marketing Fund?

by David Klemt

Vintage cash register in black and white

Do you know what a “marketing fund” is?

Moreover, if you know what I’m talking about, do your managers and staff have access to it?

A marketing fund—not your marketing budget—is a useful tool that can solve guest experience issues quickly.

What it Is

Both Doug Radkey and I mentioned marketing funds last week.

First, I brought it up in my article about communication and staff empowerment. Next, Doug included the marketing fund on last week’s Bar Hacks bonus episode, titled “Empowerment.” There, he shared the story that inspired my article.

Simply put, a marketing fund is a bit of cash kept on hand for use in a variety of situations.

Some people call it petty cash. Others refer to it as an “emergency” fund. We call it a marketing fund.

Whatever you choose to call it, it’s a small amount of cash most accessible by a manager or, often times, a bartender.

How to Use It

Operators will have to decide on the amount set aside; how often to replenish it; and who has access to the marketing fund.

For some, $40 may be feasible. Others may find that setting aside $200 for the week may work best.

In most cases, a register behind the bar serves as the marketing fund’s home. A manager or bartender knows where it is and can find it quickly.

Now, you’re likely noticing the word “quickly” is coming up a lot in reference to the marketing fund. That’s the point—quick, smooth problem solving.

So, come up with your rules and expectations regarding the marketing fund. Communicate those expectations. Then empower specific team members each shift to access it.

Of course, this requires trust in the team, their integrity, and their sense of what is and isn’t reasonable.

When to Use It

Again, this is about what’s reasonable and acceptable to an individual operation.

Will buying a round ease tensions and put a guest’s experience back on a positive track? Use the marketing fund.

Is there a promo that’s going wrong for a guest that a manager can solve with cash (a gift card problem, for example)? Access the marketing fund.

Will running across the street to grab an item solve a guest problem? The marketing fund can help.

This works for several reasons:

  • Staff can solve a guest’s issue quickly. This eases tensions and improves the guest experience.
  • Guest-facing or other issues can be solved smoothly. In some instances, the guest won’t even catch on that there’s really a problem.
  • Marketing fund transactions are traceable.
  • The marketing fund holds the operator and staff accountable. Are issues consistently arising during certain shifts or with specific team members? Something needs addressing.

The marketing fund is a practical, useful tool. Its use is trackable and ensures accountability. Consider implementing this fund today.

Image: Evergreens and Dandelions on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

6 Bottles for National Mezcal Day

6 Bottles for National Mezcal Day

by David Klemt

Blue agave plant, overhead view

October 21 is National Mezcal Day, the perfect time to introduce guests to the wide range of agaves producers use to make this rustic spirit.

This bar holiday is also a great time to dispel the myth that all mezcals are simply smoke bombs that overwhelm the palate. Indeed, there are expressions that are incredibly light on smoke and heavy on mineral, vegetal, floral, citrus, and savory notes.

If you’d also like to work tequila into your mezcal celebration, check out recommendations from this year’s National Tequila Day.

Below are six bottles of mezcal to recommend to your guests, representing six types of agave. ¡Salud!


Also known as Agave Americana, this variety of agave can grow to massive proportions and take anywhere from 20 to 30 years to mature. As such, some producers are implementing sustainability projects to protect Arroqueño.

El Jolgorio Arroqueño

El Jolgorio crafts a wide range of mezcals focusing on the rare, wild and semi-wild, Arroqueño among them. Owing to sustainability efforts, this is a small-batch expression and can be difficult to find. Expect tropical notes balanced by minerality, agave, and grass.


This is the most common type of mezcal. In fact, some estimates regarding how much mezcal carries the Espadín designation reach as high as 90 percent.

Mezcal Vago Elote

As the bottle’s name suggests, corn plays a significant role in this mezcal’s production: elote is Spanish for “corn.” Made from Espadín agave, Mezcal Vago Elote undergoes a toasted corn infusion. The result is smoke with toasty notes of corn.


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Known as “the green giant,” this wild agave tends to imbue mezcal with less smoky notes. Instead, these mezcals impart vibrant earthy and vegetal notes.

Derrumbes San Luis Potosí

Guests seeking to try something other than the typical Espadín mezcals will appreciate this bottle. First and foremost, this expression of mezcal imparts agave flavor rather than overwhelming them with smoke.


Another agave that takes a long time to mature—25 years or more—its use in mezcal also has producers concerned about sustainability. Perhaps owing to this agave’s penchant for growing on dangerous cliffsides, the flavors it produces are intense and rich.

Bozal Tepeztate

Similar in their mission to El Jolgorio, Bozal specializes in producing mezcals from a wide variety of agaves. Your guests really can’t go wrong with any Bozal expression, and Tepeztate is no exception. Guests can expect an intriguing mix of floral, citrus, spice and mineral notes, along with smoke.


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If your guests are seeking rare and complex mezcal, you want to offer them a Tobalá. This type of mezcal, referred to by some as “the king of mezcal,” is made from an agave that’s hard to find and hard to grow.

Montelobos Tobalá

This is a joven expression, meaning the liquid is either bottled right after distillation or is aged for less than two months. To give guests a general idea of what to expect from Montelobos Tobalá, you or your bartenders can explain that it has characteristics of both Espadín and Salmiana mezcals: there’s smoke but there are also vegetal notes.


If savory, herbaceous notes appeal to a guest, recommend a quality Tobaziche mezcal.

Del Maguey Tobaziche

The Scotch drinkers among your guests will find that this bottle resonates with them. If they enjoy Ardbeg, Lagavulin and Talisker, they’ll appreciate the peat, smoke and earth from Del Maguey Tobaziche.

Image: Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

10 Words that Exemplify Leadership

10 Words that Exemplify Leadership

by David Klemt

Level Up neon sign in white and yellow

During episode 50 of the Bar Hacks podcast, Travis Tober sums up restaurant and bar leadership in just ten words.

In fact, this seemingly “small” sentence explains leadership and buy-in for essentially every type of business.

Let’s take a look at what Tober, co-owner of Nickel City and owner Old Pal, says that resonates with me.

10 Important Words

So, what does Tober say during his first appearance on Bar Hacks that embodies leadership?

The following, about his general manager:

“He knows the brand just as good as I do.”

How do those words exemplify leadership and buy-in? For several reasons:

  • They illustrate transparency from the owners.
  • Those words show trust.
  • The ten words put buy-in and mentorship on display.
  • They show that the GM possesses a sense of ownership of the brand.
  • The brand is obviously defined clearly.

Buy-in is Crucial

As an entrepreneur, consider what you’re asking of the people who work for you. You’re expecting others to help you achieve your dream.

So, why would they take their role in your business seriously rather than only seeing it as a paycheck? The answer is simple: buy-in.

Staff want to feel as though they’re a part of something—they don’t want to work just to pay bills.

As difficult as it may be, an operator needs to trust the people they hire.

Why would you want them on your team—and you need to build a team, not just have employees—if you don’t trust them? Filling roles just to have bodies in the building is a losing strategy, labor shortage or not.

In addition to trust, there needs to be brand indoctrination. Every employee should be a brand evangelist for you and your business.

One of the most powerful recruiting and marketing resources at your disposal is your team. People they encounter should want to spend time and money at your business because of your team. They should want to work for you after observing your team at work and out and about.

If that’s not happening, something is wrong. Your team doesn’t trust you; doesn’t feel as though you trust them; doesn’t feel empowered; or doesn’t believe they’re really a part of your brand and business.

So, ask yourself a simple question: Can my GM, management team, and staff say they know my brand as well as I do?

Listen to episode 50 of Bar Hacks with Travis Tober on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Image: Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Why Communication and Empowerment Matter

Why Communication and Empowerment Matter

by David Klemt

Employees at front desk in hotel lobby

To truly embody the spirit of hospitality, internal communication and empowering staff must be part of your operation’s culture.

A situation KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey found himself in recently could have been resolved quickly and smoothly.

However, it’s clear the staff lacked communication from the top. Nor did they have the ability to solve problems as they arose.

Let’s dive in.

Guest Experience

First, I’m not going to reveal where this incident took place. In fact, I’m not even going to provide the location.

Second, the problem arose at the front desk of a hotel. A well-staffed front desk—there were four team members working.

The issue was fairly minor but impacted the guest experience.

So, Doug and Jennifer Radkey booked a hotel over the weekend. They made their decision in part because of an available package. Among the perks of the package was a $50 gift card for a nearby restaurant.

Stopping by the desk on the way up to their room, Doug asked for the gift card. The desk clerk he asked had no idea what he was talking about.

In fact, none of the four front desk clerks knew about the promotion. Doug pulled up the hotel’s website and promotion on his phone, and showed the clerks.

Doing so jogged one clerk’s memory. However, details were still mostly unknown. There was no manager on duty and the staff searched through drawers looking for the restaurant gift cards.

After about ten minutes of searching, Doug said he and Jennifer were headed up to their room to get ready for dinner. They’d be down in an hour for the card (hopefully).

A Resolution, Kind Of

True to their word, Doug and Jennifer returned to the front desk for the gift card.

Miraculously, the front desk clerks had found one. (However, Doug thinks one of the team members ran over to the restaurant, bought a card, and brought it back to the hotel.)

One more note: A housekeeping team member had overheard the incident at the front desk as it was unraveling. She chimed in to suggest the front desk just knock $50 off the hotel stay or give Doug and Jennifer $50 cash to take to dinner.

Instead, as I just explained, the front desk clerks got their hands on a gift card.

But let’s look at what wrong here:

  • The guest encountered a service issue and waited more than ten minutes for any sort of resolution.
  • That resolution didn’t come for more than an hour.
  • It’s clear the staff received insufficient notice and details about the promotion.
  • The staff was also most likely not empowered to provide quick resolutions to guest problems.

Doug’s incident could have been resolved quickly and smoothly through communication and staff empowerment.


Clearly, communication is key for any business to operate smoothly. That’s not limited in any way to hotels or hospitality—all businesses in all industries need to value communication.

In fact, clear communication is a foundational value. Communicating clearly needs to be part of every operator’s core values and ingrained in their brand’s culture.

If there’s a promotion, if there’s a special, if there’s anything “unique” happening at a hotel, restaurant, bar, entertainment venue, etc., the staff needs to know.

Operators should email the details to staff members. Managers should share the details of a promotion or special during shift meetings. Staff should know how to enter promotions into the POS.

It’s doubtful that Doug would’ve encountered this gift card issue if clear communication was an important element of the hotel’s culture.

The front desk clerks would’ve known about it, and likely would’ve handed over the gift card upon check-in. Barring that, they would’ve known where to find the cards quickly and easily so they could’ve handed one out upon request for those guests who booked a room via the promotion.


There’s a second element of this particular guest experience equation: empowerment.

Had the front desk staff been empowered to correct mistakes as quickly as they may arise, it’s possible Doug would never have noticed there was an issue.

As difficult as it may be, operators and managers need to trust their staff. If that’s not happening, there are deeper issues at play that must be addressed and corrected.

If this hotel staff—remember, four clerks deep—were accustomed to adapting and resolving problems on the fly, that would’ve been evident.

This article wouldn’t exist because Doug wouldn’t have had a memorable negative guest experience to share with me.

Up to a reasonable point, guest-facing staff need to be empowered to solve problems quickly. It’s up to individual operators to decide what’s reasonable.

Upset guests don’t like encountering issues, obviously. Do you know what they really don’t like? Having to repeat themselves or watch staff flounder to reach a satisfactory resolution.

An empowered staff can assess a situation, target the problem, and resolve it without involving anyone else. And they can do so quickly and smoothly.

A Better Resolution

How could this issue have been resolved faster, accounting for the poor communication regarding the promotion? A daily or weekly “marketing fund.”

Some operators set aside an amount of cash for bartenders or other front-of-house staff to use at their discretion to solve problems. When that marketing fund is accessed, it’s reported and management can review the who, how much, and why at the end of the night.

In this case, $50 could have been handed over and accounted for with a, “I’m so sorry, we seem to be out of gift cards at the moment, this offer has been so popular,” and Doug would’ve only had a slight inkling of an issue.

Again, there were four front desk clerks present when this happened. Three didn’t know about the promotion. One clerk had a foggy idea about the promotion.

This wasn’t a staffing issue, nor was it a pandemic issue. And 19 months in, as harsh as this may seem, the pandemic can’t be the fallback excuse for every issue that comes up.

The following day, a manager learned of the incident upon Doug and Jennifer checking out the next day. He apologized and knocked $50 off their stay.

That wouldn’t have been necessary had leadership communicated about the promotion clearly. It certainly wouldn’t have been a painful incident had the staff felt empowered to make impactful guest experience decisions.

Today, commit to reviewing your operation’s communication. In all honesty, is it clear? Can it be improved? Have there been issues lately that could’ve been avoided if clear communication was part of your brand’s culture?

Once you’ve reviewed communication, as yourself if your staff feels empowered to solve guest issues quickly and reasonably. If not, that must change as soon as possible.

Image: Rodrigo Salomón Cañas from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: October

5 Books to Read this Month: October

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills this October.

To review September’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Restaurant Marketing That Works: Back to the Basics: Before, During & After the Pandemic

Bar Hacks podcast guest and expert restaurant marketer Matt Plapp’s most recent book provides everything you need to supercharge your marketing and engagement efforts. Matt makes understanding the basics, collecting guest data and building an effective database, and boosting engagement easy. This is the best $7 (for the paperback) you’ll ever spend.

Spirits of Latin America

Revered James Beard Award-nominated bartender and operator Ivy Mix takes readers on a cultural and historical journey through Latin America’s spirits and cocktails. Spirits of Latin America is the 2021 Spirited Award for Best New Book on Drinks Culture, History or Spirits and features more than 100 recipes.

Drinking French

This book is the winner of the 2021 Spirited Award for Best New Cocktail or Bartending Book. Author David Lebovitz dives deep into French drinking culture through 160 recipes and beautiful photography. Readers will learn how to drink like the French do through classic and modern drinks, snack pairings, and stories.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Author Angela Duckworth explains why grit, not talent, is the best indicator of perseverance. Grit is the book Jennifer Radkey references in her most recent article for KRG Hospitality. If you want to change the way you hire and build teams, this is the book for you.

Death & Co Welcome Home

The third book from Alex Day, Nick Fauchald, and David Kaplan, the team behind Death & Co., features more than 400 recipes. Now, while this book targets home bartenders, it’s also beneficial to bar professionals as it delves into the Death & Co. cocktail development program. Is that worth a $35 investment? Absolutely.  Death & Co. Welcome Home is available now for pre-order.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash
