Beverage promotion

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Irish Distilleries You Need to Know

Irish Distilleries You Need to Know in 2024

by David Klemt

7-Year-Old Single Malt Mizunara Finish in Wicklow, Ireland

On Thursday, January 25, we honor a simple but delicious cocktail that can trace its roots back to Europe and the middle of the 19th century.

A bartender can serve this drink hot, chilled, or iced. And until somewhat recently, a bartender usually makes this cocktail with a spirit from one of just a few producers.

I’m talking about the venerable Irish Coffee.

Now, this could make for an interesting Drink Donnybrook. However, I’m going to focus on shining a spotlight on some Irish distilleries and labels you and your bar team should have on your radar.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with making an Irish Coffee with one of the usual suspects. Indeed, it’s perfectly acceptable—traditional, even—to make yours with Jameson, Bushmills, Tullamore Dew, Redbreast, or Powers.

But while there’s nothing wrong with playing to expectations, making the choice to offer something different can set you, your team, and your venue apart.

As our buddy Chef Brian Duffy says, operators can charge premium menu prices only if they innovate. Pairing a lesser-known Irish whiskey with a local coffee roaster’s coffee would be an innovation that falls in line with Chef Duffy’s approach to pricing.

There are other ways to build an Irish Coffee as a premium cocktail. The quality of the whipped cream, for instance, is a consideration. For example, whipping the cream in front of guests is a premium touch.

Not the Usual Suspects

A lot is going on with Irish distilleries. We have more choice than we’ve had in several decades.

Check these Irish distilleries out today:

Several of these distilleries also produce other spirits, such as gin and vodka. And, of course, not every distillery produces spirits that are available to the US and Canada, currently.

Still, it’s good to be aware of these distilleries and their brands so we can encourage suppliers to bring them to North America and beyond.

To learn more about Glendalough Distillery in particular, please listen to the Bar Hacks podcast episode below:

Hot Coffee

Let’s assume you’re going to with piping hot coffee, not serve your Irish Coffee on ice or frozen.

You’re going to want to ensure your glassware is heat resistant, of course. Let’s not burn the hands of our guests.

To that heat-resistant glassware, add one-and-a-half to two ounces of Irish whiskey. Next, add two to four teaspoons of sugar, or a half- to two-thirds-ounce of demerara syrup. Add three to four ounces of hot coffee, then top with quality whipped cream. When I say add the cream, I mean an inch or so, not just a wee bit.

You’ll notice that I’m using ranges of measurements. This is because you’re going to want to play around with your Irish Coffee to make it one of your signatures. That includes selecting your sweetener, whether that translates to brown sugar, syrup, or something else.

Now, if you’re after something different, check out the Frozen Irish Coffee from Erin Rose in New Orleans, or the recipe for the Dead Rabbit‘s Irish Coffee.


Image: Glendalough Distillery

Bar Pub Brewery Nightclub Club Nightlife Marketing Plan

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: December 2023

Program for Unique Holidays: December 2023

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about your December holiday promotions.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and this month is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our November 2023 holidays list, click here.

December 2: Global Fat Bike Day

For the unfamiliar, “fat bikes” are offroad bicycles with larger-than-normal tires. They’re fantastic for navigating sandy, snowy, muddy, and rocky terrain. Why? Because riders can run lower tire pressures to overcome obstacles smoothly.

Of course, plenty of riders also like to bop around town on fat bikes. So, whether you operate in a snowy area or you just happen to be in a market with a bunch of fat-bike riders, this would be the holiday to encourage them to group up and roll to your bar or restaurant.

December 4: National Dice Day

There’s a lot we can do with dice. One of the simplest ways to celebrate this holiday is to craft a food and/or beverage menu with numbered items/specials. Guests roll the dice and they’re served whatever they roll.

December 9: National Pastry Day

Hey, it’s holiday season—people are snacking a bit more than they would normally. Pastry, whether sweet or savory, is surely tempting and can make a holiday meal memorable.

December 11: National Noodle Ring Day

Do you know what a noodle ring is? More importantly, if you’re not the chef, does your kitchen team know about noodle rings?

They’re exactly what they sound like, and from everything I can find, they’re hundreds of years old. The premise is simple: a noodle dish is placed in a mold, then it’s baked. Bang—noodle ring.

Clearly, the noodle ring is a canvas for creativity and comfort food. So, see what your kitchen can come up with for National Noodle Ring Day, particularly if noodle dishes are already on your menu.

December 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

Do you have food items that would taste and look great covered in chocolate? Guess what you should do on this day…

December 19: National Emo Day

You may have heard of the When We Were Young festival that took place in Las Vegas this year in October. The first version of this emo music festival was held in California in 2017.

A lot of people enjoy nostalgia, and during the holidays they get even more nostalgic. You can either hire a DJ for an emo set, hire a local emo band or two, or put together an emo playlist if you think it would draw guests through your doors.

December 20: Games Day

Board games, card games, tabletop games, video games, arcade games, bar games… If your bar or restaurant is set up for people to play games, design a promotion around it. After all, people are gathering for the holidays. Tempt them to gather at your place.

December 21: National Coquito Day

Ah, the Coquito. I’ll risk the pitchforks and say eggnog is not the move: the Coquito is the best winter cocktail. And the best version comes from bartender Giuseppe González.

You’ll find his recipe below, and you should give him a follow and thank him for being gracious enough to share it every year in December.

December 29: Tick Tock Day

No, not TikTok. This holiday is about accomplishing outstanding goals before the end of the year.

However, operators and their teams can take a different approach to this holiday. Are there any bottles you want to finally get rid of to make space in your inventory? Some rare drams guests can finish off? Create a promotion around them.

December 31: National Champagne Day

Sure, some people may know this day as New Year’s Eve. But really, this is National Champagne Day.

Luckily, it’s not difficult to create promotions around Champers. Whether focusing on dosage, grape varietals, vintage, color, or cocktails, there’s a lot to do with Champagne, and it’s not challenging to shine a spotlight on it on this day.

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Marketing Agency Team

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Celebrating the Espresso Martini

Celebrate the Espresso Martini with Mr. Black

by David Klemt

Two Espresso Martinis on a bar

For the second time in its brief but exciting history, Mr. Black Espresso Martini Fest is coming to bars throughout America.

Last year, 70 bars in eight cities across the US took part to celebrate the Espresso Martini. This year, participation more than doubles.

Fourteen cities in ten states will play host to more than 200 bars during the fest. For 2023, Austin, Boston, Dallas, Denver, Nashville, Phoenix, and Seattle are joining in on the fun.


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I, for one, expect Espresso Martini Fest to have the same staying power as other cocktail celebrations. The inaugural event took place in 2016 in Australia. In 2018, the Fest spread to the UK. After launching in the US, the week-long event growth has doubled over the course of just one year.

Logically, Mr. Black Espresso Martini Fest should join the ranks of Negroni Week, Old Fashioned Week, and Bee’s Knees Week.

Now, I know I’ve called the Espresso Martini “the cocktail that won’t die.” And yes, I’ve pointed out that it’s not technically a Martini, and that many bartenders hate it for the time it can take to make. That doesn’t mean participating in Espresso Martini Fest is a bad idea.

This is a cocktail that guests enjoy. It’s a drink that generates headlines each year. And clearly it’s a beverage that can drive traffic and generate revenue. At the end of the day, participation is a smart move.

2023 Espresso Martini Fest Cities

Given that the Fest runs from October 9 to 15, it’s unlikely the organizers are still vetting venues for participation. However, at the time of this article’s publication, the portal appeared to be open. It’s a worth a shot if you want your bar to join Espresso Martini Fest!

At least you’re aware of the event now so you can prepare to sign up next year.

Bars in the following cities are taking part in this year’s Fest:

  • Austin, Texas
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Houston, Texas
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Miami, Florida
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • New York, New York
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • San Diego, California
  • San Francisco, California
  • Seattle, Washington

I certainly anticipate this list growing by at least 50 percent for 2024. Cheers!

Image: Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Bar Consultant. Nightclub. Lounge. Mixology. Cocktails.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Time to Rethink Your Loyalty Program?

Is it Time to Rethink Your Loyalty Program?

by David Klemt

Two pepperoni pizzas in open boxes

So, you have a loyalty program in place. That’s great, but is it time to review its performance and implement meaningful changes to improve engagement?

I know, I know—that feeling of “if it ain’t one thing, it’s another” never seems to go away. That’s part of operator life.

The good news is that, if you have a loyalty or rewards program and it has been working, you’re a step ahead of many other operators. In that way, it’s similar to implementing an actual onboarding process and including an employee manual.

But what should you do if you notice engagement dropping? Well, it may indicate that while there’s interest in your program, it’s getting stale. Or, perhaps people don’t like the rewards or think they’re earning rewards quickly enough.

If engagement isn’t at the levels you want or is noticeably declining, it’s time to review your program with a critical eye.

In fact, it’s a great idea to ask your team for their feedback regarding loyalty. After all, your team hears guest feedback in real time. Also, they likely have some ideas of their own that can help refresh the program. After all, some people on your team may be members of loyalty programs themselves and have some thoughts.

Engagement via Gamification

The word “gamification,” much like “pivot,” may be a word that annoys you. That doesn’t make it any less relevant.

Millions of people are on their phones nearly every waking moment of the day. And millions among those millions engage with brands and apps via games or game-like features. It keeps these people coming back for more.

One restaurant chain that understands the power of gamification is Jimmy John’s.

First, the brand’s loyalty and rewards program has an interesting name: Freaky Fast Rewards. Second, they issue challenges that drive member engagement.

For example, for Q1 2023, Jimmy John’s threw down the Gauntlet via the Freaky Fast Rewards program. Members had until the middle of March to purchase every sandwich on the menu. The reward? A branded beanbag chair that looks like a bag of Jimmy Chips.

Of course, the program engages its members in other gamified ways. There are achievement badges to earn, for instance. And there have been challenges that were narrowed down to daypart to drive traffic and engagement.

Free food and merchandise are common rewards, but there are also surprises that members can earn to keep things fresh.

Program Updates

Another brand giving their loyalty program a refresh is Domino’s.

Rather than do what some other companies have done, the pizza giant is lowering the threshold to earn rewards.

Around a year ago, Chipotle experienced significant backlash from loyalty program members when they went the other direction. In response, one would think, to rising costs, the brand increased the amount its members had to spend to earn rewards.

That went about as well with many of their customers as you’d expect, of course. Loyalty and rewards programs are meant to increase traffic and spend per guest, not alienate them and drive them away.

Enter: The Domino’s Rewards refresh.

“We are thrilled to give the brand’s loyal customers additional ways to earn free Domino’s items more often,” said Mark Messing, Domino’s vice president of digital experience and loyalty, via press release. “At a time when most brands are scaling back their loyalty programs and making it more difficult to earn and redeem points, Domino’s is doing the opposite. We want to make it easier to reward our customers and give them more options so they can get rewarded faster.”

Members can not only earn points more quickly (every $5 spent equals 10 rewards points), they can redeem more quickly as well. For example, a 16-piece Parmesan bread bites is just 20 points. Free stuffed cheesy bread is only 40 points now. And that’s to say nothing of offers that are exclusive to members.


Only you, of course, can know how to adjust your loyalty program. You need to look at your data to understand the best solution for waning engagement.

The last thing you should do is lower points thresholds without knowing your numbers. And if you’re considering gamifying your program, you need to know if that’s an approach your guests will actually like.

In other words, don’t rush to upgrade or update your loyalty program. Take time, collect relevant data, engage your team, and move forward with any changes with strategic clarity.

Image: Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Technology Consulting Project Management

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Rum Punch

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Rum Punch

by David Klemt

Spider Island Rum bottle and rum cocktail

Like this, but at least four times bigger. And made with more than just one spirit.

With National Rum Punch Day coming up on September 20, I think it’s time we shine the Drink Donnybrook light on another classic, large-format drink.

I argue, and I’m likely not the only one, that the legendary Scorpion Bowl is a Rum Punch. That is, of course, if the recipe calls for rum.

Like Rum Punch, a Scorpion Bowl is a large-format cocktail. Both are meant for sharing, and both aren’t exactly known for being “weak” drinks.

Speaking of weak, both can also follow the classic Barbadian rhyme we all know: “One of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, four of weak.”

So, why focus on the Scorpion Bowl specifically on National Rum Punch Day? In part, because it may help you stand out from the crowd. I also argue the name is a bit more attention-grabbing. Additionally, a Scorpion Bowl tells potential guests to gather their friends for a great time.

A Bit of History: Rum Punch

Punch is one of the oldest types of cocktails that we know about. As with myriad classics, it origin proudly wears a shroud of mystery.

However, we can trace written references to punch back to the 17th century. So, we know that punch, as far as a mixed alcohol drink, is at least a few centuries old.

For the most part, British sailors are credited with creating Rum Punch. That means we have to address an unfortunate reality: Rum Punch is, as far as we know, a result of British colonization. As spirits and cocktail historian David Wondrich puts it when talking about punch, “It’s inseparable from the colonial experience.”

Wondrich also addresses the (likely) mythologized belief that “punch” comes from the Indostan word “paunch,” which means “five.” History suggests that East India Company sailors typically made punch with five ingredients: a spirit, sugar, spice, citrus, and water. The sugar trade, pursued by the East India Company, eventually led to rum being the spirit of choice for punch.

In his 2010 book Punch: The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl, Wondrich points out that there are recipes with less than five ingredients. And, of course, there are recipes that call for the use of more than five ingredients to make punch. Therefore, we can call the origin of this centuries-old cocktail’s naming convention into question.

A Bit of History: Scorpion Bowl

Similar to Rum Punch, there’s a bit of uncomfortable history when it comes to the Scorpion Bowl.

This large-format drink is a classic tiki cocktail. Over the past few years, there has been pushback for bar owners using tiki iconography, and even the word itself. “Nautical” or “tropical” are the preferences for people who feel that tiki is an offensive appropriation of Pacific Island culture in general, and Maori culture specifically.

Do with that information as you will; it’s just a note on how some people view tiki bars, tiki drinks, and tiki culture. It’s important for bar owners and operators to be aware of terminology and themes that may keep some people away.

That said, the Scorpion—the precursor to the Scorpion Bowl—has an origin as muddled as the leaves, simple, and bourbon in a Mint Julep.

To this day, from what I can find, we don’t know the bartender or bar owner who should get credit for the Scorpion. The belief is that they worked behind the stick at a bar in Hawaii called the Hut. As the story goes, the 1930s recipe includes rum, brandy, orgeat, and citrus, and is a large-format drink.

The legendary Victor J. “Trader Vic” Bergeron stopped by the bar in the 1940s and afterward created his own version, the Scorpion Bowl. Oh, and the best part is that even Trader Vic couldn’t decide on a definitive recipe for this shareable cocktail; he changed his recipe constantly.

Rum Punch vs. Scorpion Bowl

Okay, let’s look at these two literal titans of the cocktail world.

Bothare members of the tiki family of drinks, or, if one prefers, the nautical or tropical family. The usual serve for both is a large-format vessel, though individual servings are possible. Rum plays an important role in both, as do citrus and sugar.

In terms of differences, Rum Punch “traditionally” calls for the use of two rums (a light and a dark). When it comes to a Scorpion Bowl, the recipe calls for a rum and a brandy, and sometimes bartenders throw in gin and wine. In fact, I’d say that in the modern cocktail era, a Scorpion Bowl is less about a traditional recipe and more about a tropical-style drink served in a bowl.

What that tells me is this: the Scorpion Bowl is a Rum Punch, if it has rum in it.

So, be different this upcoming National Rum Punch Day and mark the holiday with Scorpion Bowls.

Image: Odeani Baker on Pexels

KRG Hospitality. Bar Consultant. Nightclub. Lounge. Mixology. Cocktails.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Prepare Now for Old Fashioned Week

Prepare Now for Old Fashioned Week

by David Klemt

Lynn House making Old Fashioned cocktails for Elijah Craig

Lynn House making Old Fashioneds for Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week.

It may be nearly two months away but it’s not too early to register your bar and team for Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week.

This year’s event, the fourth annual Old Fashioned Week, will take place from Friday, October 13 to Sunday, October 22.

As was the case in 2022, the Southern Smoke Foundation will be this year’s beneficiary. In 2020 and 2021, Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week raised a combined $200,000 for the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation.

Just last year, to add context, Old Fashioned Week helped make it possible for Southern Smoke to provide nearly $110,000 in relief grants to food and beverage workers.

Those interested in participating this year can register their venue for free via this link. Create an Old Fashioned LTO menu—or simply make standard Old Fashioneds with Elijah Craig bourbon—and Elijah Craig will donate $1 for every Old Fashioned sold (up to $100,000).

There really couldn’t be a simpler way to deliver a fantastic, classic cocktail experience to guests while supporting a great cause.

Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Cocktail Contest

There’s more to Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week. You and your bartenders have the opportunity to participate in a cocktail contest, too.

From now until October 31, anyone who wants to throw their hat in the ring can submit their recipe for their own signature Old Fashioned.

The winner of the Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Cocktail Contest will win $5,000. They’ll also have their winning recipe included in Elijah Craig’s 2024 cocktail recipe book.

Recipes can be submitted through this link. For contest rules and judging criteria, please click here.

To learn more about Elijah Craig and the Old Fashioned, check out episode 52 of the Bar Hacks podcast with special guest Lynn House.

Four unique takes on the Old Fashioned can be found below.

4 Day Weekend

Recipe by Stephanie Andrews

  • 2 oz. Elijah Craig Bourbon
  • 1/2 oz. Grilled Peach Gomme Syrup (see note)
  • 4 dashes Lapsang Souchong Tea–Honey Mustard Bitters (see note)
  • BBQ Spritz (see note)
  • Grilled peach slice to garnish
  • Lemon zest to garnish

Prepare an Old Fashioned glass with a large ice sphere or cube. Add ice and first three ingredients to mixing glass. Stir, then strain into prepared glass. Mist BBQ spritz over drink, then garnish.

Note for syrup: Prepare five ripe peaches, removing pits and slicing into pieces. Grill over high heat until peach pieces have grill marks. Dissolve two tablespoons gum arabic in one quart of water in saucepan, whisking constantly. When gum arabic has dissolved fully, add four cups sugar. Again, whisk until dissolved fully. Add peach pieces and steep overnight. Strain, discard peaches, and store in airtight container in refrigerator for up to two months.

Note for bitters: Add 750ml of neutral grain spirit, two tablespoons Lapsang souchong tea leaves, and two tablespoons black tea leaves to a mason jar and shake vigorously. Next, add the peel of one lemon, one cinnamon stick, one teaspoon grains of paradise, and one tablespoon honey mustard to mason jar. Allow mixture to rest for one to two weeks, then strain into a bottle. Bitters may be stored for up to two months at room temperature.

Note for spritz: This recipe is a bit…different. Char eight high-quality beef hotdogs on a grill. Once charred, chop hotdogs into small pieces, place into a sous-vide bag with 750ml of Elijah Craig bourbon, and cook for two hours at 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Strain and pout into an atomizer or mister. The spritz can be stored for up to two months at room temperature.

Borrowed Time

Recipe by Alec Bales

  • 1.25 oz. Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon
  • 0.75 oz. St. Lucian Bounty dark rum
  • 0.25 oz. Sorghum syrup
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 2 dashes Regans’ orange bitters
  • Round of lemon peel to garnish

Stir all ingredients except for garnish in a rocks glass. Stir, add ice, then stir again. Express oils from lemon peel, then drop into glass to garnish.

A Swallow’s Leave

Recipe by Caer Maiko

  • 2 oz. Butter chestnut–infused Elijah Craig bourbon (see note)
  • 0.25 oz. Soy-caramel syrup (see note)
  • 3 dashes Adzuki bean–Angostura bitters (see note)
  • Coin-shaped orange peel to garnish

As with the recipe above, add all ingredients minus garnish to an Old Fashioned glass, add ice, and stir. Flame the orange peel, then drop into glass to garnish

Note for infusion: Melt a teaspoon of unsalted butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add eight shelled chestnuts to pan. Cook chestnuts until lightly charred and butter is lightly browned. Add a 750ml bottle of Elijah Craig bourbon and, while still warm, the contents of the saucepan to a mason jar. Leave jar in a freezer for eight hours, then fine strain back into original bottle.

Note for syrup: Simmer three ounces brown sugar, three ounces turbinado sugar, and a half-ounce soy sauce in six ounces of water in a saucepan over medium heat for ten minutes. Ensure all solids dissolve fully, then let cool and pour into appropriate container.

Note for bitters: Wash the syrup from a half-cup of canned adzuki beans. Place into a glass container with four ounces of Angostura bitters. Muddle, then cover container and leave for 12 to 24 hours before passing mixture through a strainer into another appropriate container.

Santiago’s Luck

Recipe by Jake Powell; makes 10 servings

  • 15 oz. Elijah Craig bourbon
  • 5 oz. Cold-brew concentrate
  • 1.5 oz. Yellow Chartreuse
  • 1.5 oz. Amaro Nonino
  • 1.5 oz. Cinnamon-infused banana liqueur (preferably Tempus Fugit; see note)
  • 0.25 oz. Orange bitters
  • Optional: Pinch of salt
  • Orange twist to garnish

Add all ingredients, minus garnish but including pinch of salt if you so choose, to a 750ml bottle. One serving is two ounces over a large ice sphere or cube in a rocks glass.

Note for infusion: Prepare a 750ml bottle of banana liqueur by adding three or four cinnamon sticks to it. Let sit for 24 hours at room temperature, then strain into either a separate 750ml bottle or into another container, then back into original bottle.

Image: Elijah Craig

KRG Hospitality Beverage Programming

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Pumpkin Spice Everything is Already Here

Pumpkin Spice Everything is Already Here

by David Klemt

Black and white image of jack-o'-lantern with smoke coming of its eyes

In what perhaps is an attempt to encourage people to think of cooler autumnal temperatures, pumpkin spice is descending upon us earlier than ever before.

Operators who are finalizing their pumpkin spice menu items are basically already late to the party.

Luckily, it isn’t like the brands for which fall’s most infamous LTO flavor works are too far behind. A significant percentage of consumers are drawn to pumpkin spice menu items like trick or treaters to homes handing out full-size candy bars.

So, operators still have time to put the final touches on pumpkin spice menu items…but they’ll want to get a move on.

That’s exactly what restaurant chains did this year. Their pumpkin spice-flavored onslaught began with the start of this month.

Pumpkin Spice, Now a Summer Flavor?

Spirit Halloween stores. Christmas music. And now, it appears, Pumpkin Spice.

What do these three things have in common? Well, it seems like they’re making their debuts earlier and earlier each year.

When we think of summer and seasonality, I don’t think pumpkin or even baking spices enters into most people’s minds.

Unless, however, those people are in marketing and branding.

According to Restaurant Business, Krispy Kreme went all in on pumpkin spice on August 7. On that day, the chain unveiled four donuts and a number of beverages featuring pumpkin flavors.

Interestingly, the company’s global chief brand officer, Dave Skena, states that their pumpkin spice releases came one day earlier this year. Last year, they say, pumpkin spice arrived “significantly earlier than the year before.”

7-11 may have crossed the pumpkin spice dateline first this year. Dunkin’ is already offering pumpkin spice F&B items. And Starbucks, famous for their PSL LTO, is rumored to be launching their specialty menu this Thursday.

Given these August releases, can we expect a brand to attempt to get the jump on everyone else and launch pumpkin spice LTOs in July?

Consumer Cravings

Brands wouldn’t gamble on releasing their pumpkin spice LTOs in August if they didn’t think their decision would pay off.

Considering what Krispy Kreme’s Skena says about pumpkin spice’s August arrival, consumers have already spoken. Apparently, a significant percentage of people have an interest in fall flavors midway through summer.

Of course, there are a few considerations for independent operators in terms of seasonal releases. Rolling out new menus and menu items can be a costly endeavor. Pulling the plug on one revenue-generating seasonal menu or LTO in favor of significantly different items may be harmful to the bottom line.

One approach operators could take is to plan far enough ahead to pull the trigger on LTOs when 7-11, Dunkin’, or Starbucks launch theirs. In other words, be ready, but don’t jump the gun.

This also speaks to the importance of operators knowing their core guests and listening to feedback. Are front-of-house staff hearing murmurs from guests that they’re craving new flavors? Perhaps it could be lucrative to leverage that anticipation.

Image: Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Piña Colada

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Piña Colada

by David Klemt

A bartender serving a cocktail in a pineapple-shaped glass

Temperatures are rising and there are still about six weeks of summer left, so let’s take a look at a refreshing warm-weather hero: the Piña Colada.

So far we’ve looked at the Martini and Whiskey Sour. Now, it’s another classic’s turn in the Drink Donnybrook spotlight.

One could claim that the Piña Colada is one of the original “lost cocktails.” Of course, that depends on which origin story turns out to be true.

If the Piña Colada dates back to the first quarter of the 19th century, then it’s a pirate cocktail once lost to the winds of time. Puerto Rican pirate Roberto Cofresí, also known as El Pirata Cofresí, supposedly served his crews a drink consisting of rum, coconut, and pineapple. Sounds like a Piña Colada to me.

The reason I said it could be considered an original lost cocktail is that Cofresí died in 1825. Disputed history says his drink recipe disappeared with his death.

However, the Piña Colada may have far less metal roots than being invented by a famous pirate. Puerto Rico’s official drink may have simply been created by a bartender.

One Drink, Three Bartenders

Ramón “Monchito” Marrero may have created the Piña Colada while at the helm of the Beachcomber Bar at the Caribe Hilton in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 1952. Or maybe it was 1954.

It’s almost like bartenders should be able to more easily protect their intellectual properties so we can identify their cocktails’ true origins.

Forgive the digression. You’ll be shocked—shocked, I say—to learn that another bartender may have created the Piña Colada. During the same year. At the same hotel.

That bartender is Ricardo García, and the claim is that he invented the drink during a coconut shortage.

Would it surprise you to learn that a third bartender working in Old San Juan also claimed credit for the Piña Colada? Ramón Portas Mignot said he came up with this tropical classic in 1963 at Barrachina. The restaurant and bar’s ownership apparently agreed, because they installed a plaque at the front door backing Mignot’s claim.

Hey, if it has a plaque, it must be true; they don’t just give those to anyone. Oh, and you can check out that plaque for yourself: Barrachina still exists and enjoys a 4.5 rating from over 4,100 Google reviews.

A Rough Patch

Unfortunately, once anointed “the world’s most famous drink,” the Piña Colada had a rough, well, several decades.

In the 1970s, the drink’s quality plunged and fell out of favor with cocktailians. Any technique for building the nautical libation went down the bar sink. It was easier and cheaper to just make Piña Coladas with premade mixes and cheap rum.

Add to that the trend toward serving bastardized versions in oversized glassware at mediocre hotel pools, tourist trap hotel bars, weird supper clubs nowhere near a beach, and on cruise ships and you can see why cocktail connoisseurs snubbed this classic.

The Cocktail Revolution of the 2000s helped restore the Piña Colada’s dignity and popularity. It may not find itself in as much demand as the Margarita or Daiquiri, but it’s no longer missing from serious cocktail programs.

So raise a Hurricane—or a cocktail glass or coupe—to the Piña Colada today. ¡Salud!


  • 2 ounces Light rum
  • 1 ½ ounces Cream of coconut
  • 1 ½ ounces Pineapple juice
  • ½ ounce Freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Pineapple leaf and pineapple wedge for garnish

For a more traditional preparation, fill a Hurricane glass with ice and set to the side. Add the liquid ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake for at least 30 seconds. Toss the ice from the Hurricane glass and replace with pebble ice. Strain cocktail into glass and garnish.

Now, you don’t need to serve a Piña Colada in a Hurricane. Plenty of bars and restaurants send them across the bar in coupes or other cocktails glasses, sans garnish. Speaking of garnishing this classic, some people expect whipped cream, a lime wedge or wheel, a cherry, or even all three. You’ll see bartenders serve them with sugar rims and umbrellas. Like me, you’ve probably also seen them served with an orange wheel.

Then there are the frozen Piña Coladas and fruit Piña Coladas, versions made with various styles of rum… People just can’t seem to resist putting their stamp on this classic.

Dealer’s choice, I suppose, or you can ask guests what preparation and garnish they prefer. Or, and this is the approach I recommend, nail down your bar’s signature Piña Colada, including garnish (or none).

Image: Kike Salazar N on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: August 2023

Program for Unique Holidays: August 2023

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about your August holiday promotions.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and this month is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our July 2023 holidays list, click here.

August 4: International Beer Day

In and of itself, International Beer Day isn’t a unique or obscure holiday. However, with the vast array of brewers, beer styles, and beers on offer around the world, it can be a day to highlight unique and obscure beers.

This is one of the best holidays for you to make your guests aware of your more exclusive or lesser-known beer selections.

August 5: National Jamaican Patty Day

If your kitchen has the capability to make delicious pastries, this is a fantastic holiday. A Jamaican patty consists of layered, flaky crust wrapped around jerk chicken, beef, pork, or vegetables mixed with spices. These are delicious, great with a refreshing drink, and perfect for sharing. Oh, and you and your kitchen can decide how hot or mild to make the spices. Just make sure the flavors are authentic and that you honor the culture.

August 7: British Columbia Day, Heritage Day, Natal Day, New Brunswick Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Saskatchewan Day, and Terry Fox Day

In order, these are holidays celebrated in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Depending on the province, this is either a  guaranteed three-day holiday or a Monday that businesses can choose to give their employees off. That means for the most part, there’s plenty of opportunity to leverage a long weekend in seven provinces throughout Canada, perfect for highlighting food and drink promotions.

This also means that operators across America can feature F&B specials that celebrate their neighbors to the north. Get creative!

August 11: Play in the Sand Day

Should you be a beach- or lakefront property or otherwise located on sand, this is your time to shine. Set up games like cornhole, giant Jenga, and giant Connect Four, create an LTO menu that encourages groups to come socialize at your bar or restaurant, and celebrate in the sand.

August 16: National Rum Day

Again, this isn’t an unknown holiday. However, you can ensure you stand out on National Rum Day by getting your hands on unique bottles, such as funky rum styles and high-age-stagement expressions.

August 17: National Nonprofit Day

Do you, your guests, and your team support any nonprofits? If so, this is an excellent way to bring people together and raise some money for worthy causes. Further, National Nonprofit Day provides you with an opportunity to show your community that you care and give back.

August 22: National Bao Day

Much like National Jamaican Patty Day, National Bao Day gives you and your kitchen the opportunity to create fun foods that will excite and delight your guests. Just ensure your kitchen staff is up to the task of creating these delicious, steamed buns.

August 27: National Just Because Day

Have an idea for a promotion that doesn’t quite fit with anything on the calendar? This is the perfect day to let it rip!

August 29: National Lemon Juice Day

Lemon juice is a key ingredient for an incredible number of cocktails. So, shine a light on all the heavy lifting this citrus does in drinks! One way to accomplish this is by creating an LTO of your guests’ favorite drinks that feature lemon juice.

August 31: Eat Outside Day

Have outside seating? Have the capability of bringing food trucks into your parking lot or just outside your business? I think you know where I’m going with this, and what to do.

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Whiskey Sour

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Whiskey Sour

by David Klemt

Whiskey Sour cocktail on table

If I were to say that the Whiskey Sour is a cocktail with an uncertain and disputable origin, would you find that statement surprising?

Regular readers of KRG Hospitality articles probably won’t think that’s shocking. After all, it’s well known at this point that I enjoy diving into cocktails with “hazy” histories.

For example, there’s the Martini, the Mint Julep, and the Margarita. I guess if you want to ensure it causes endless debate, you should make certain your cocktail’s name begins with the letter “M.”

Dial “M” for “moot,” as it were.

One thing we can state with certainty is that the Whiskey Sour is a true classic cocktail. We can also state with conviction that it will always boast decades of popularity amongst drinkers, particularly in America.

This particular sour cocktail may not be among the top ten or 20 most-popular drinks, but it was at one point. One can make the argument that the Whiskey Sour was among the most popular for a century.

So popular, in fact, that we dedicate an entire day to it. We celebrate the Whiskey Sour on National Whiskey Sour Day, August 25. This year, we honor this classic on a Friday.

“M” is for “Mystery”

A ubiquitous tipple for a century? Looking into what we know of the Whiskey Sour’s history, yes.

That may seem like a bold claim. However, it’s possible its time in the spotlight boasts more than 100 years.

This comes down to the Whiskey Sour’s creation and when it became so popular. Interestingly, it appears historians can’t agree on when it was first mentioned.

For example, some say the recipe for the Whiskey Sour first showed up in print in Jerry Thomas’ The Bar-Tenders Guide. This legendary tome was first published in 1862. Then there are those who say the cocktail first appeared in 1870 in the Waukesha Plaindealer, a Wisconsin newspaper.

Of course, there’s a technicality. In The Bar-Tenders Guide, the 1862 print specifically mentions the Brandy Sour, the Gin Sour, and a rum sour called the Santa Cruz.

Either way, we can assume with confidence that the cocktail was known to at least a handful of bartenders and bar guests before the recipe was published in 1862. Then we can add this quote from David Wondrich about just how important the Whiskey Sour has been to American bargoers:

From roughly the 1860s to the 1960s, the Sour, and particularly its whiskey incarnation, was one of the cardinal points of American drinking, and one of the few drinks that could come near to slugging it out with the vast tribe of cocktails in terms of day-in, day-out popularity.”

If we trust Wondrich’s understanding of cocktail, spirits, and bar historyand I think it’s safe to say we absolutely canthere’s at least a century’s worth of human history where at least Americans couldn’t seem to enjoy enough Whiskey Sours.

Prepare Your LTOs

As a member of the Sour Family of cocktails, the Whiskey Sour makes it easy to build an LTO menu for National Whiskey Sour Day.

First, of course, there’s the standard Whiskey Sour recipe: two ounces whiskey, 3/4-ounce fresh lemon juice, 3/4-ounce simple syrup, and a small egg white (optional).

Then there’s one of my favorite cocktails, the Penicillin: two ounces blended Scotch, 3/4-ounce fresh lemon juice, 3/4-ounce honey-ginger syrup, and 1/4-ounce Laphroaig 10 or other Islay Scotch (fl0at).

Finally, to add a third LTO because people like things in threes, there’s the New York or Continental or Southern Whiskey Sour: two ounces rye or bourbon, one ounce fresh lemon juice, 3/4-ounce simple syrup, one small egg white (optional), and 1/2-ounce red wine (float).

Of course, there are other riffs on the Whiskey Sour (the Gold Rush, for example) you can include on your LTO menu.

There you have it: another cocktail whose creator will likely never get full credit for their influential invention. Cheers to this mystery person!

Image: Ambitious Studio* – Rick Barrett on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Beverage Programming
