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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How’s Your 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge?

How’s Your 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge Going?

by David Klemt

An AI-generated image of a bottle of bourbon and glass of bourbon on the rocks, on top of a bar, with a back bar full of whiskey bottles.

Drink Raddannd Bourbon, aged for “snake” years.

September is National Bourbon Heritage Month, and Bourbon & Banter have thrown down their 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge again this year.

For those who are unaware, allow me to introduce you to Bourbon & Banter.

Bourbon devotee and advocate Patrick Garrett founded Bourbon & Banter back in 2011. What has followed over the course of 13 years is the coming together of a team of bourbon aficionados, a community of bourbon lovers, a podcast, and a tasting experience team called DrinkCurious, founded in 2022.

Oh, and, of course, the 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge, which I first covered in September 2021.

Now, I’m well aware that it’s September 9. I’m sure many of you had enjoyed separate bourbons in the eight days prior to the publication of this article. For those who haven’t, it isn’t as though a member of the Bourbon & Banter team is going to run into your bar and slap a bourbon out of your hand if you and your guests run the challenge through October 8.

So, make sure to connect with Bourbon & Banter, tag social posts with #30DaysOfBourbon and #BourbonHeritageMonth, and donate $30 to the charity of your choice if you see fit. Hey, that would be an excellent way for you and your guests to raise funds for a deserving, local cause.

To help you and your guests try new, exciting bourbons this month, check out the Breaking Bourbon release calendar. Scroll down to August and September for some of the newest bourbons to hit the market.


Only. Bourbon. Counts.

There are some rules that you and anyone else participating in this challenge need to honor.

First and foremost: only bourbon counts. I mean, it’s in the name of the creators of this challenge, and the challenge itself.

So, one more time: only bourbon counts.

And, in case anyone needs a refresher, bourbon is, according to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), a “[w]hisky produced in the U.S. at not exceeding 80% alcohol by volume (160 proof) from a fermented mash of not less than 51 percent corn and stored at not more than 62.5% alcohol by volume (125 proof) in charred new oak containers.”

The good news is that, as Bourbon & Banter point out, Tennessee whiskey counts toward this challenge. For the curious, this is because Tennessee whiskeysgenerally speakingare bourbons that are filtered through charcoal chips before being rested. This step, which doesn’t violate the rules for classifying a whiskey as a bourbon, is known as the Lincoln County Process.

A Few More Rules

Really, I see these more as guidelines. Why? Because Bourbon & Banter, in my opinion, are simply clarifying a few key details in the interest of integrity. However, they’re maintaining the fun factor of their 30 Day Bourbon Challenge.

Another rule is that the mash bill is important, and as long as one recipe is different from another, it counts as a separate bourbon. As an example, many bourbon aficionados are aware that Four Roses boasts ten different mash bills. Well, each of those counts as a different bourbon, so that’s ten bourbons right there.

Per Bourbon & Banter’s rules, finished bourbons also count toward the challenge. As they explain their stance, “As long as the finished bourbon started life as a bourbon we see no reason to exclude it due to alternative barrel finishing.”

Just like mash bill is important, so is expression. To that end, no, different barrels of the same expression do not count as different bourbons for this challenge.

For all of the rules, click here. And for your own copy of the official 30 Days of Bourbon Challenge calendar, click here and scroll down.

Now, check out your bourbon inventory, organize your reps, activate your team, and engage your guests. You’ve all got some bourbon to drink learn about!

Image: Microsoft Designer

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Want to Leverage Nostalgia? Spin It

Want to Leverage Nostalgia? Put Your Spin on It

by David Klemt

A recent report from Campbell’s Foodservicealong with supporting data from external sources—supports what many operators assume about food trends.

Our dive into Campbell’s Culinary TrendPulse 2024 report is here for those who want to take a look. Anyone who wants to download a copy of the report for themselves can click here.

However, I’m referencing a fresh, quick-hit report from Campbell’s. While it only takes a handful of minutes to read, it’s chock-full of useful insights.

In particular, this latest menu trend analysis looks into succeeding with nostalgia. Citing a study from Symrise in their post, 70 to 76 percent of guests ages 22 to 65 cherish nostalgic items.

Put simply, that translates to a truth most operators know: guests of all ages like comfort foods. This really doesn’t need much explanation. Comfort foods areinsert shocked Pikachu face herecomforting. And I think we’re all seeking comfort these days.

So, yes, operators shouldin an authentic mannerspeak to and fill this guest desire. Authentically in this context means putting comfort foods on the menu that make sense. Doing this successfully requires menu programming that fits with the brand and within the venue’s theme. It also necessitates really knowing your guests and what they expect.

For example, will a particular restaurant’s guests find mac and cheese comforting? Will they stop scanning the menu when they come across pozole? What about cacio e pepe or beef braciole? How receptive will they be to sukiyaki?

A sharp operator should know their guests’ tastes better than just about anyone. Therefore, they should know what foods they’ll find comforting.

However, there’s another way to succeed with nostalgia and enhance the guest experience.

“New” Nostalgia

There are a couple of ways to interpret the term “new nostalgia.”

One way is to tap into what foods, generally speaking since they’re not monoliths, different generations view as comfort foods. This can be something as simple as a certain candy or beverage from their childhood.

Another way is for an operator and their kitchen team to take a nostalgic dish and put their own spin on it. Using candy as an example again, a scratch-made interpretation of a treat to create a dessert may work.

Consider, as a real-world model for this approach, the Chocotini that Oceans Resort Casino featured toward the end of August in 2022. This was a direct response to the news that Klondike had retired the Choco Taco, a nostalgic treat for millions of people spanning multiple generations.

Of course, operators can also cross-utilize items to craft new menu items that tap into the craving for nostalgic comfort foods. These dishes can be permanent additions, seasonal menu updates, or LTOs.

Take a look at the image atop this article. Mac and cheese is a classic comfort dish. Now, feature it as a topping for a signature burger. That’s a prime example of new nostalgia.

Going farther, kitchen teams can combine nostalgia with another trend to get even more creative: global flavors. Are there tacos on the menu? Maybe bulgogi tacos featuring beef short rib, Korean slaw, and soy-lime dressing would resonate with guests.

I’m not saying anyone should menu these specific items. Rather, my aim here is to get operators and their kitchen and bar teams to put their heads together and create undeniable, irresistible takes on classics.

The key, again, is an understanding of the market, community, and guests. From there, it’s about getting creative and crafting dishes that guests can’t get anywhere else.

Image: Alex Haney on Unsplash

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Pumpkin Spice Everything is Already Here

Pumpkin Spice Everything is Already Here

by David Klemt

Black and white image of jack-o'-lantern with smoke coming of its eyes

In what perhaps is an attempt to encourage people to think of cooler autumnal temperatures, pumpkin spice is descending upon us earlier than ever before.

Operators who are finalizing their pumpkin spice menu items are basically already late to the party.

Luckily, it isn’t like the brands for which fall’s most infamous LTO flavor works are too far behind. A significant percentage of consumers are drawn to pumpkin spice menu items like trick or treaters to homes handing out full-size candy bars.

So, operators still have time to put the final touches on pumpkin spice menu items…but they’ll want to get a move on.

That’s exactly what restaurant chains did this year. Their pumpkin spice-flavored onslaught began with the start of this month.

Pumpkin Spice, Now a Summer Flavor?

Spirit Halloween stores. Christmas music. And now, it appears, Pumpkin Spice.

What do these three things have in common? Well, it seems like they’re making their debuts earlier and earlier each year.

When we think of summer and seasonality, I don’t think pumpkin or even baking spices enters into most people’s minds.

Unless, however, those people are in marketing and branding.

According to Restaurant Business, Krispy Kreme went all in on pumpkin spice on August 7. On that day, the chain unveiled four donuts and a number of beverages featuring pumpkin flavors.

Interestingly, the company’s global chief brand officer, Dave Skena, states that their pumpkin spice releases came one day earlier this year. Last year, they say, pumpkin spice arrived “significantly earlier than the year before.”

7-11 may have crossed the pumpkin spice dateline first this year. Dunkin’ is already offering pumpkin spice F&B items. And Starbucks, famous for their PSL LTO, is rumored to be launching their specialty menu this Thursday.

Given these August releases, can we expect a brand to attempt to get the jump on everyone else and launch pumpkin spice LTOs in July?

Consumer Cravings

Brands wouldn’t gamble on releasing their pumpkin spice LTOs in August if they didn’t think their decision would pay off.

Considering what Krispy Kreme’s Skena says about pumpkin spice’s August arrival, consumers have already spoken. Apparently, a significant percentage of people have an interest in fall flavors midway through summer.

Of course, there are a few considerations for independent operators in terms of seasonal releases. Rolling out new menus and menu items can be a costly endeavor. Pulling the plug on one revenue-generating seasonal menu or LTO in favor of significantly different items may be harmful to the bottom line.

One approach operators could take is to plan far enough ahead to pull the trigger on LTOs when 7-11, Dunkin’, or Starbucks launch theirs. In other words, be ready, but don’t jump the gun.

This also speaks to the importance of operators knowing their core guests and listening to feedback. Are front-of-house staff hearing murmurs from guests that they’re craving new flavors? Perhaps it could be lucrative to leverage that anticipation.

Image: Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Should You Offer Your Guests Brunch?

Should You Offer Your Guests Brunch?

by David Klemt

Person with tattoos pouring coffee from French press

Is brunch on its way to becoming a lucrative daypart that can grow traffic, increase revenue, boost guest engagement, and promote loyalty?

If a report from Square is anything to go off, yes.

Owing in part to changes in consumer behavior from 2019 to now, brunch appears to be a solid traffic and revenue generator. The number of people working from home is impacting daypart spending, which makes sense. Traditional office workers will often pop into a QSR or cafe for coffee and breakfast on their way in to work. And when lunch rolls around, they tend to head out to restaurants nearby for their break.

Now, the data support the belief that more people are staying home on weekdays and unleashing pent-up demand for socializing and dining out on the weekends. And apparently that demand is rather voracious, because brunch appears to be on the rise.

In 2019, just over eight percent of all dining dollars were spent on Saturdays during traditional brunch hours. That has grown to just over ten percent this year.

In terms of engagement and bringing more brand awareness, the term itself is growing on social media platforms.

Along with revisiting hours of operation, it may be wise for operators to consider offering Saturday or Sunday brunch.


Yes, that’s a brunch-style portmanteau of “brunch” and “history.” No, I’m not proud of myself but I’m leaving it in.

The portmanteau “brunch” is believed to have first been coined by a British writer named Guy Beringer in 1895. He included the word in an article he wrote for Hunter’s Weekly. Beringer was making the case for noontime meal that combined breakfast and lunch.

In arguing for what may be the world’s first hybrid meal, Beringer wrote that, “the arguments in favor of Brunch are incontestable. In the first place it renders early rising not only unnecessary but ridiculous. You get up when the world is warm, or at least, when it is not so cold. You are, therefore, able to prolong your Saturday nights…”

The word would appear a year later in a Pennsylvanian publication called the New Oxford. More than 30 years later, brunch was on its way to becoming “a thing” in the US.

Oh, and there are arguments that an American reporter, Frank Ward O’Malley, who should credit for the word “brunch.” Those who believe this is the case say O’Malley created the portmanteau some time between 1906 and 1919. As is the case with many classic cocktails, the origin of brunch is at least somewhat hazy.

By the 1970s, the stigma that once came with brunch—that drinking publicly during the day could harm one’s reputation—began to dissipate.

Brunch by the Numbers

According to Square, brunch is appealing for several reasons.

Let’s take a look at this infamous daypart by the numbers.

  • 9.8 percent: Growth in the number of restaurants in the US offering breakfast and brunch in 2022 alone.
  • 10 percent: Amount of overall spending in restaurants on Saturdays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM in 2023.
  • 35 million: Number of #brunch Instagram posts, and the number is growing.
  • 4.5 billion: Number of TikTok views of posts with #brunch.
  • 71 percent: Number of Americans who wish restaurants in the US would serve breakfast items all day.

To me, the most striking statistic is that brunch spending now accounts for ten percent of all restaurant spending.

That spend is logical when we think about who tends to enjoy brunch: people with time and money to spend on a leisurely, all-day meal.

As professor Farha Ternikar, author of Brunch: A History, has said, “Brunch continues to grow anywhere there is disposable income or time.”

So, operators who are considering offering brunch for the time or investing more into brunch have some questions to answer: Who is my target audience? What’s the population density of my market? Who has disposable income and time? Should I offer brunch on Saturday, Sunday, or both days? Does brunch work for my concept? Which venues near me are already offering brunch?

Answer those questions and speak with your staff before jumping feet first into this potentially lucrative daypart.

Image: Helena Lopes on Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

A New Challenger to the Margarita Emerges

A New Challenger to the Margarita Emerges

by David Klemt

Margarita Código 1530 Blanco

The simple, three-ingredient Margarita continues its longstanding reign on the cocktail throne but there’s now a new number two.

Technically, of course, we haven’t had hard numbers regarding the Margarita’s sales for decades upon decades. Nielsen has only been officially tracking this type of cocktail data since 2016.

However, it’s not difficult to understand that America has been in love with the Margarita for decades. In fact, the cocktail may have been sitting on the throne for 50 (or more) years.

Some cocktail historians believe the Margarita is a member of the Daisy drink family. These sours consist of a spirit, citrus, simple syrup, and soda. Depending on who you believe, the Margarita came to life in the 1930s or 1940s.

An orange liqueur (triple sec) replaced the simple syrup, the soda was sent packing, and tequila became the required spirit. By the 1950s, the Margarita was on its way to winning the cocktail game of thrones.

Over the decades, many variations have appeared on the scene. Undoubtedly, this has helped the cocktail continue its reign. Tourist destinations have also strengthened its position; just think about the ubiquity of Margarita machines and blenders in Las Vegas and New Orleans.

But the simple, original recipe is the still “the One.” Ask a bartender or bar manager how they gauge someone’s skills behind the bar. The answer much (if not most) of the time? How that person makes a Margarita.

There’s nowhere to hide when a cocktail has but two or three ingredients. That’s why so many bar professionals judge bartenders by their Margs.

A “New” Challenger Appears

Unsurprisingly, the Margarita proved to be the most popular cocktail in America in 2022.

In contrast, according to the CGA Cocktail Sales Tracker by Nielsen IQ, the Manhattan fell out of the top ten.

The Moscow Mule, which has been rising in popularity for several years now, was in second place last year. In third, the Martini.

Now, before I address the “new” challenger to the Margarita, a note. The four newsworthy cocktails in terms of CGA and Nielsen tracking all have names beginning with the letter “M.” Does that mean anything? I have no idea. Maybe someone can look into cocktail names and how their perceived by guests to find out if “M” drinks outperform others.

So, we’ve got the Margarita, the Moscow Mule, the Martini, and the Manhattan (although for a different reason). Is the Moscow Mule currently eyeing the Margarita’s position up close and personally?

According to CGA by NielsenIQ data, no. The Martini is now sitting in the number two spot. Interestingly, this may be due to the rise in popularity—yet again—of the Espresso Martini.

So, while your bar team is ensuring their Margarita specs are dialed in for National Margarita Day, don’t neglect your Martinis. (Particularly your Espresso Martini.)

By the way, National Margarita Day is this Wednesday, February 22. Make sure you’re ready to thrown down.

Oh, and if you ever feel like starting an argument at a bar, ask the bartenders for their Margarita and Martini specs.

Image: Mathew Benoit on Unsplash

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