
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Try, Try Again: Creating Positive Habits

Try, Try Again: Creating Positive Habits

by Jennifer Radkey

Two people jogging through a city at sunrise, going in opposite directions

It turns out that some AI platforms aren’t good at telling time, so instead of an image of an alarm clock, here’s the 5 A.M. Club going for a jog.

Ever wonder why some people seem to effortlessly achieve their goals while others struggle? It’s all about the habits they have cultivated.

We all have great intentions to practice healthy habits that are good for our body, mind, and soul…but we face roadblocks in committing to them.

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

  • “How does she have the time to workout, run a business, take care of her family, and have hobbies? She must be part of that 5 A.M. Club. I could never do that; I’m not a morning person.”
  • “I wish I could post to social media daily. I know I could reach more potential customers if I do. I don’t know how to come up with that much content though.”
  • “I want to feel stronger. My friend has started strength training, and he seems so much more confident and happier, but I’m a cardio person.”
  • “I wish I could take a few courses, but I don’t have time for that.”

All of the statements above have one thing in common: They have already given up before even trying.

There’s a wish to become better at something, and then there’s an immediate shut down.

Here’s the thingyou don’t know that a habit will work for you or not until you try it.

You Have to Work at It

Experience eclipses all for learning about yourself. You tell yourself that you aren’t a morning person and you can never wake up at 5 a.m. But until you try it…how do you know that?

Developing new habits takes time and commitment. If you’re serious about making changes to your life and you know that certain habits will help you achieve that goal faster, you owe it to yourself to try.

On average it can take at least two months to actually form a new habit. Trying something for a week and deciding it’s not for you doesn’t do you, your goals, or the habit proper justice. Give things time.

If, after several weeks, you feel that the change really isn’t for you, no problem! At least you’ll know that it doesn’t work from experience, not from your limiting beliefs.

The same advice applies to your team. If you’re trying to encourage daily habits in the work environment, it’s going to take time before everyone’s consistently participating.

Yes, they’re going to need daily and weekly reminders. Yes, it’s going to take more than a week or two. If the habit you’re trying to implement will create a more efficient, successful business, it deserves time and commitment from you.

Mindset is contagious, just as action and inaction are contagious. If you want your team to adopt a new habit, you and your leadership team must show up and participate in the habit as well.

Make it positive. Demonstrate the value of doing it. Have patience while your team practices the new habit.

Positive habits are the powerhouses behind personal and professional success. By consistently doing small things, you can create a ripple effect of positive change.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

KRG Hospitality. Business Coach. Restaurant Coach. Hotel Coach. Hospitality Coach. Mindset Coach.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Hospitality Mindset: Restaurant Edition

Hospitality Mindset: Restaurant Edition

by Jennifer Radkey

Chef in commercial kitchen handling a pan on fire

Have you ever wondered why you just can’t seem to get ahead regardless of what you do, or why you appear to be developing a negative team culture?

Maybe you wake up with a sense of dread or anxiety about what lies ahead of you each day, or maybe no matter how hard you try and how much money you pour into your restaurant it never seems to be enough to get you where you want to be.

The cause of these problems may stem from your—and your team’s—mindset.

But what is mindset exactly?

Simply stated, mindset is an individual’s usual attitude or mental state. It reflects someone’s way of thinking and motivates their actions. So, why is it important to be aware of your mindset?

Well, if your mindset dictates how you show up in your life each and every day, then it will influence all parts of your life. Your thoughts about yourself, others, your business, your opportunities, and your challenges are all influenced by your mindset.

Your mindset can either hinder or promote your overall well-being and success in life.

The good news about mindset is that you can change it – if you want to. It can also be contagious—in a positive way.

These facts led me to question if the different sectors of the hospitality industry face unique mindset challenges and what can be done to overcome them.

To find answers and gain further insight I decided to turn to our team at KRG Hospitality for their thoughts. In turn, I’ve written a series of hospitality mindset articles, including one for bar operators and one for hotel operators.

In this article I’ll explore the restaurant industry, with thoughts from chef consultant Nathen Dubé.

Let’s dive in!

The Restaurant Industry

The restaurant industry is massive, employing 12.5 million in the US and 1.2 million in Canada.

Ranging from quick service to fine dining and offering every type of cuisine imaginable, the industry is a staple in any community. And while many enjoy being guests at these establishments, the same can’t always be said for working in them.

The restaurant industry faces constant challenges, ranging from mental health issues to labor shortages and rising costs.

So, what makes a restaurant succeed despite these challenges? While there are many ingredients involved in running a successful restaurant, arguably one of the most important is a strong operator.

Successful Operators

Operating a successful restaurant takes a certain mindset. You need to be organized, open-minded to growth strategies, resilient, and responsive to the needs of your team.

Interested in what makes a restaurant operator stand out, I asked Nathen what contributes to operator success:

“The key strength for a restaurant owner, first and foremost, is resiliency. You need to stay even keeled during the good and bad times. Things will fluctuate between busy and slow. You will experience great staff, not-so-great staff, shortages, bad reviews, good reviews, equipment breaking, orders delivered late, plumbing issues, electrical issues… The list goes on and on.

“But at the end of the day, when you say you’re open at noon or 5:00 PM or whichever, you better be ready on time, every time. That can give the strongest characters stress and anxiety over the long term. I think being resilient and able to do what is in your control and let go of the rest will help an owner maintain one’s sanity.

“The second strength needed is empathy. Without empathy for your staff, your customers, the many other people in the food and alcohol chain, the risk of becoming a tyrant no one wants to work for or associate with is real, and I’ve seen it happen. Your staff are people too, who have doctor’s appointments, family gatherings, and trouble at home. Some may suffer from addiction and mental illness, and some live in borderline poverty, which is a truly sad reality for many hospitality workers.

“The third characteristic is good business sense. As much as restaurants and bars are about hospitality, engaging customers, and providing great service, if you can’t run a business properly, that is all for naught. Money management, accounting, marketing, the whole lot is important to your success and longevity.”

Operator Challenges

Operators need a positive, strategic, growth mindset to be successful in the restaurant industry. Maintaining this kind of mindset takes self-awareness and consistent cultivating. There will be challenges every day that will test you and if you aren’t checking in with your thought patterns, it can be easy to fall into a negative mindset.

When asked what specific challenges hotel operators face that may affect their mindset, Nathen shared some insights.

Financial Risk

Opening and operating a restaurant comes with inherent financial risks. Sometimes it may feel as if more money is going out than coming in.

“When dealing with perishable food items in a time-sensitive environment, there will be plenty of challenges,” says Nathen. “Some are temporary, some are constant, and some are one-offs, but they all need careful attention. There is obvious financial risk and stress that comes with that. Labor costs, food, and alcohol are the main culprits of financial strain for the back of house. The kitchen setup costs (equipment, construction, etc.) are also in this category. Money can be a great source of stress for anyone, and more so for those who are risk averse.”

The Human Element: Guests

As a restaurant operator you rely on guests. Your efforts are almost always focused on how you can get more guests through the door and how you can get them to return.

Besides the stress of keeping them happy, sharing, and returning, guests can create another level of stress.

“Dealing with customer feedback can affect well-being,” Nathen says. “Not everyone who comes into your establishment will love everything. There will be complaints, there will be disagreements, poor online reviews, and there will be outright rude guests. This causes stress to staff, as well as the owner’s state of mind. Keeping staff motivated, calm, and on the same page when dealing with these guests and reviews is a lot of emotional work. It takes a strong-willed individual to let it roll off their back while still learning from it.”

The Human Element: Staff

Without your team there would be no restaurant. Your team is key to your success and can also be a cause of stress to your overall well-being.

“Issues can and will arise in dealing with the human element of labor,” explains Nathen. “Concern and care for staff is a full-time job in itself, and that’s in a best-case scenario. In a worst-case scenario you can experience shortages, theft, drama, and the like that will need to be dealt with or it can drag down a good establishment and create an exodus of good staff. Not to create a bleak picture, but management can take a toll.”

Employee Challenges

Your team experiences their own unique set of challenges that can affect their well-being and mindset as well. Being aware of these challenges is important if you are hoping to create a culture of respect, collaboration, and trust.

When asked what specific challenges restaurant staff face, Nathen had some insights:

“It’s well documented that working in a professional kitchen is difficult work when things go perfectly well. Long hours standing, hot kitchens, short time constraints, and difficult customers can be draining on a person. Mix in stress, poor health habits, and skipped meals, you get the perfect recipe for very hard work. Managing stress and employee wellness within the kitchen team is important to an overall successful business. Not paying attention or implementing ways to help will lead to a difficulty hiring and retaining staff.”

A Living Wage and Safe Environment

The restaurant industry has faced criticism for low pay, unsafe working environments, and an unsupportive culture.

While this is not the case in all establishments, it occurs enough in the industry to make potential employees wary.

“Pay in the industry is notoriously low for entry level positions,” Nathen says. “There is typically limited room to grow on the pay grade, and a lack of insurance, health, and dental care can compound the issues.

“Workplace standards including safety and culture are another common pain point for restaurants. Dirty, unsafe conditions create a dangerous work environment. It will also make it difficult to pass health inspections. Allowing a toxic culture to develop creates an environment that no good staff wants to work at. All of these issues can drain the pride from a good, well run, happy environment that employees want to stay and thrive at.”

Harmful Beliefs in the Restaurant Industry

Your belief system directly impacts your mindset. If you have negative beliefs regarding your team, your guests, or your community, it’s time to sit down and recognize where those beliefs are coming from and how to change them.

The restaurant industry has a few specific common, harmful beliefs that are prevalent in many establishments. Being aware and knowing how to acknowledge and combat these beliefs is crucial to creating a more positive work environment.


When I asked Nathen what one of the most prevalent harmful beliefs operators have about their team, he discussed the stigma restaurant employees often face:

“Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around restaurant staff being uneducated, working in this industry only because they can’t do anything else in society. Often, they are seen as doing this job until something better comes along. Why should they invest in their staff’s well-being if they will vanish in a moment’s notice?

“The next stigma is that all workers are just lazy drunks, addicts, and thieves out for a paycheque to drink away at the bar. While there is a prevalent issue of substance abuse in the industry, it can be a tough challenge to address, and unfair if everyone is painted with the same brush.”


Operators are not the only people in the industry who harbor negative or false beliefs.

Staff can do so as well. One primary negative belief is that management and/or ownership doesn’t care about them.

“In terms of ownership, kitchen staff can feel ripped off, or that they are doing all the work while the owner gets rich,” explains Nathen. “Staff will make accusations behind closed doors that they do all the work while the owner does nothing.”

To overcome negative beliefs, says Nathen, “[a]n engaged owner can eliminate the walls between staff, customers, community, and themselves. Talking to those in your business circle and including everyone squashes resentment, misunderstandings, and most complaints will be solved immediately, eliminating potentially bad situations.”

Toxic Culture

The last thing that any hospitality business needs is a toxic culture. A toxic workplace culture encourages and breeds negative mindsets on all levels.

I asked Nathen what creates toxic culture in a restaurant and he shared his thoughts and experiences:

“It starts with ownership. Defining a clear set of core values and standards in the workplace—and adhering to them from the hiring process all the way to daily operations—will dictate the type of people you hire and attract. Toxic environments can be created by just one employee. My experience with toxic kitchens was based on there being no consequences; there wasn’t even a lack of standards enforcement because there were no standards to begin with.

“Things like bullying, harassment, poor attitudes, low morale, lack of leadership, and poor working conditions—whether physical, emotional or both—are the typical causes of toxic culture. To blame is also the negative actions of others, and equally the lack of action from management. Bad eggs are left to rot and quickly poison the whole omelet, so to speak.

“Define a concept clearly, every step of the way, and then find the people to fit that vision. But also deal with problem employees immediately; there is nothing worse than losing good employees to bad ones.”

Moving Forward

Understanding the challenges that operators and staff are currently facing, and acknowledging the importance of growth mindset and the need for change, I asked Nathen what positive changes have been occurring in the industry as a whole?

“Restaurant work environments have improved over the last few decades but still have a long way to go. When I started in the mid ‘90s, belittling, yelling, and screaming—general abusive treatment of anyone and everyone—was commonplace. There was no compassion for the environment that staff worked in. The culture, the workload, pay… Literally everything was just ‘take it or leave it.’ ‘If you don’t like it, leave,’ was repeated everywhere to any staff who raised concerns.

“Over time, a stand has been made in response to a mass exodus, tales of burnout, and at the worst end of the spectrum, severe addiction, and even suicide. It was time to look from within at where the actual problems were, and what could be changed. The veil of toughness finally came down, and an honest conversation has led to slow changes.

“One of the more prevalent changes is an overall less-abusive environment. No longer is it tolerated to show anything less than human decency to staff and guests. Genuine care for staff well-being is starting to be seen almost everywhere. It’s leading to a new excitement among hospitality professionals and can hopefully attract new individuals to the field.”

Room for Improvement

Although awareness of the well-being of those working in this industry is increasing, there are still changes that need to happen.

Nathen believes that improvement lies in focusing on balance and respect:

“There is no way around the fact that cooking and serving is hard, long work, regardless of concept. This is unfortunately the entry point for all those who claim to want to change the industry or make it better. In my opinion, this is the wrong approach. Enhancing the whole experience of the employee, leadership team, and guest will make everyone happier and, hopefully, healthier.

“Balancing the workload for everyone, finding creative ways to increase pay, and offering benefits leads to a strong sense of job safety. Rotating schedules, for example: four nine-hour days; or two on, three off; or something away from the traditional 10-, 12-, or 14-hour days and five- to six-day work weeks, reduces burnout, gives employees a chance at a social and family life, and still allows everyone to earn enough income to live. Throw in benefits and some sort of bonus pay, and you will have a brand everyone wants to work for.

“Another big contributor to improving the industry—and we have made big strides already—is the respect for people and creating an environment or culture void of bullying, harassment, intimidation, and general mistreatment of the people who make this the best industry to work in.”

Final Thoughts

In a highly competitive industry facing consistent challenges and harmful beliefs, it will come down to developing and maintaining the right mindset to truly succeed both professionally and personally. It starts from the top with a positive, resilient, growth mindset.

I’ll leave you with a few last words of wisdom from Nathen:

“Hopefully, there is a sense of urgency in the fight to change the industry for the better. It’s important to recognize and praise positive contributions and not just positive people because everyone needs encouragement. It’s equally important to handle negative contributions quickly and correctly.

“A positive attitude can go a long way toward creating a strong team player who can make the best of stressful times and have a coachable attitude. A positive person can help change the culture of a workplace and pick up other teammates who may need a boost. They share their optimism and passion for the job and can make management’s life easier.

“A negative person will contribute to a toxic environment. Resentment begins to build on both sides as a negative person sees things not being done their way, contributes less to the success of the kitchen, and spreads their toxic beliefs to other employees who may start to feel similarly.

“I recently heard a saying, and I don’t recall by who so I can’t quote it, but it goes, ‘It’s important to get the right people on the bus, but it’s just as important to get them in the right seats.’”

Cheers to personal and professional well-being!

Image: Helmy Zairy on Pexels

KRG Hospitality. Restaurant Business Plan. Feasibility Study. Concept. Branding. Consultant. Start-Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Hospitality Mindset: Hotel Edition

Hospitality Mindset: Hotel Edition

by Jennifer Radkey

Red neon "hotel" sign in Copenhagen

Mindset can dictate one’s level of happiness but what some people don’t realize is that it also impacts their business and everyone in it.

Moods like happiness or hostility. Growth or fixed worldviews. Positivity versus negativity. For operators and leadership team members, mindset doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Rather, one’s attitude affects and influences staff, guests, and others.

So what is mindset exactly?

Simply stated, mindset is an individual’s usual attitude or mental state. It reflects someone’s way of thinking and motivates their actions. So, why is it important to be aware of your mindset?

Well, if your mindset dictates how you show up in your life each and every day, it will influence all parts of your life.

Your thoughts about yourself, others, your business, your opportunities and your challenges… All influenced by your mindset. Your mindset can either hinder or promote your overall well-being and success in life.

The interesting thing about mindset is that it has the ability to changeif you want. It can also be influenced by your environment and those around you. These facts led me to question if the different sectors of the hospitality industry face unique mindset challenges.

To find answers and gain further insight I decided to turn to our team at KRG Hospitality for their thoughts. In turn, I’ve written a series of hospitality mindset articles. To read the first entry in this series, the Bar Edition, please click here.

In this article I’ll explore the hotel industry, with thoughts from hospitality consultant Kim Richardson. Follow the series as I explore mindset in restaurants, hotels, bars, and start-up operations.

Let’s dive in!

The Hotel Industry

The hotel industry is vast and can be segmented into different sectors. These sectors include: lodging and accommodation, food and beverage, travel and tourism, entertainment and recreation, and timeshare and meetings.

Not only is the industry vast in its sectors, there are an array of categories. There are motels, inns and resorts, and independent, boutique and global brands. Budget, midscale, and luxury properties, and everything in between.

Different types of hotels will vary slightly in their management styles and success challenges, but most will share common mindset themes.

Successful Operators

Operating a successful hotel takes a certain mindset. You need to be organized, open-minded to growth strategies, mindful of your sectors and how they interact with each other, and responsive to the needs of your teams.

Curious about what makes one hotel stand above another, I asked Kim what contributes to a successful operator. She responded with the perspective of a general manager of a large hotel, and then from the perspective of an owner of a small boutique hotel.

“One thing that really sets the hotel world aside from the rest of the hospitality industry is the multiple facets of the different departments,” says Kim. “You’re essentially running several businesses inside of one business. All of these different departments’ successes and failures impact the other departments. I think it’s important for operators and general managers to truly have a pulse on what’s going on throughout the building and, more importantly, when a department has a success or failure, how the other departments contributed to that.”

When it comes to smaller boutique hotels or inns, Kim believes that “the ability to wear many hats and jump in as needed” is a crucial success skill for owners as they often work with a much smaller team and may need to be more hands on. Hand in hand with the ability to multi-task and wear many hats is having excellent time management skills.

Whether you are the GM of a large hotel or an owner of a small boutique hotel, it is essential to constantly “have a pulse on the business coming in the door.”

Operator Challenges

Operators need a positive, strategic, growth mindset to be successful in the hotel industry. This is a mindset that needs to be consistently cultivated, as there are challenges that will affect your daily thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.

When asked what specific challenges hotel operators face that may affect their mindset, Kim shared her thoughts, again from the perspectives of a large hotel GM and that of a smaller boutique hotel owner.


Being responsible for and held accountable to all levels of positions in your establishment can be exhausting, stressful, and frustrating.

“A general manager of a hotel has a lot of people to answer to. They have people above them in corporate making demands of them on a daily basis (budgets, goals, etc.). They have staff that they employ and need to keep happy. They have guests they need to keep happy,” Kim says. “With this many responsibilities, time management alone can be stressful. Finding a happy medium is close to impossible. Not every decision you make is going to please all three parties. This position can suffer from burnout just as much as the rest of their team.”


Operators of boutique hotels and inns fall into danger of taking on too much themselves while feeling the success of their venue lies entirely on their shoulders.

Burnout, fear, and exhaustion are all possibilities in this situation.

“In a small boutique hotel, the owner and operator wears many hats,” says Kim. “They are often having to jump in and run many departments. If you’re short staffed in one area, you’re going to have to jump in. This can create a situation where you’re spending so much time working in the business that you struggle to work on growing the business. The overall stress of the success of the business is much more when you own your own hotel. Competing against big hotels with larger marketing budgets and known names can be a challenge.” 

Employee Challenges

Your team also experiences their own unique set of challenges that can affect their well-being and mindset.

Being aware of these challenges is important if you hope to create a culture of respect, collaboration, and trust.

When asked what specific challenges hotel staff face, Kim had some insights.

On Demand

It’s no secret that the hotels operate in a 24-hour industry. No matter what time of day or night, a hotel never truly “sleeps.” This on-demand atmosphere can be stressful for your team.

“Since the building is open 24 hours, guests tend to think you are also available 24 hours,” Kim says. “There is always the possibility that you could get a call at any time when you’re not working. Not only does the guest perceive you as always available, some managers expect the same from you, too.”

Broken Telephone

Working in a 24-hour environment means that you may not always be working with the same people every shift. In establishments with several departments, you may never have direct interaction with a lot of your team.

This can all lead toward miscommunication, frustration, and blame.

“Communication can fall short,” explains Kim. “There can be people who work in other departments that you are never in the building with at the same time. There are typically many procedures in place to communicate between departments, but things still get missed.”

Harmful Beliefs in the Hotel Industry

How you feel about the people you work with and/or work for can have major impacts on your overall mindset.

If your daily thoughts regarding your team are negative, it suddenly becomes very challenging to create a successful hotel. Why would they be excited to come to work and proud of your hotel if their efforts are only ever met with negativity?

The hotel industry has a few specific, common harmful beliefs that are prevalent in many establishments. Being aware and knowing how to acknowledge and combat these beliefs is crucial to creating a more positive work environment.


When I asked Kim what one of the most prevalent harmful beliefs operators harbor about their teams, she discussed the assumptions that are often made.

“I think proprietors sometimes think that what they’re asking is easy and doable,” posits Kim. “When a business is not doing well they tend to look at the quality of their staff versus quality of the processes.”

Assumptions without clarity or reason can be extremely harmful to your workplace culture. Not only are operators holding assumptions about their team, but their team holds assumptions about leadership.

Staff often feel that operators and members of the leadership team are out of touch with the reality of their market, and that they place unrealistic expectations on them. There are assumptions made that leadership does not want them to succeed personally.

“Revenue goals are increased just because they want more money but haven’t put thought into whether or not it’s attainable to make the money,” says Kim. “Operators don’t want to see people get bonuses, so in turn they raise goals. Doing well one year will only hurt you in the next year because all goals will be raised. Staff feel overworked and underpaid, leading them to believe that ownership is cheap and always giving a two-person job to one person.”

Toxic Culture

The last thing that any hospitality business needs is a toxic culture. A toxic workplace culture encourages and breeds negative mindsets on all levels.

How can you be successful if your team dreads coming in for their daily shift?

I asked Kim what can create toxic culture in a hotel, and she shared her thoughts and experiences.

“One of the biggest challenges that I always felt in hotels is the divide amongst departments. It’s very similar to the front-of-house, back-of-house animosity that often exists in restaurants,” shares Kim. “One department always feels that another department was not mindful of how their decisions impact their department. What I came to realize is sometimes that’s true and sometimes it’s not.  There’s always going to be that person who decided to make the decision that was best for their day or made them look good in accomplishing their own job.”

“However, I don’t think that is the intention of most people,” continues Kim. “With so many different types of roles in a hotel, you will never understand all of the inner workings of another department. Each department has to make the decision that best accomplishes their goal for the guest and their department. When the communication breaks down between departments and there is no understanding of how they impact each other, animosity is created.”

Moving Forward

Understanding the challenges that operators and staff are currently facing and acknowledging the importance of a growth mindset and the need for change, what positive changes have been occurring in the industry as a whole?

“Some hotels have increased wages. Some have been more open to hybrid positions of remote and on-property work since the pandemic,” Kim says. “However, there are some that are now trying to do away with those. Also, there are only a few departments in the hotel that can benefit from this as many of them need to be on property to do their jobs.”

“Overall, I haven’t seen a ton of change. There are still so many people struggling with work-life balance in the hospitality industry,” Kim continues. “I just talked to a friend the other day who has told me for years that she’s a lifer in hotels and she’s never going anywhere. She is the last person I thought I’d hear this from, but she’s feeling burnout and is not sure how much longer she can last. This is someone who is excellent at their job. Really understands the business, is a hard worker, team player, willing to go the extra mile. How many people do we find like that, that we are throwing away by putting unachievable standards on?”

Room for Improvement

Although some operators are becoming more aware of the well-being of those working in this industry, there are still many changes that need to happen. Kim believes that there are three simple changes that need to happen.

“We need to stop losing people that want to be lifers over things like burnout and lack of work-life balance. Genuine gratitude and respect from superiors goes a long way. Better communication and accountability are a must,” says Kim.

Final Thoughts

Hotels are a complex entity with many moving parts. It takes a strategic and positive mindset to ensure success and a happy work environment.

The reality is that there will always be challenges that will affect your thoughts and behaviors. You will have bad days but that is all they are: bad days.

It is the leader who can recognize these setbacks as temporary and use them to fuel their mindset towards making positive change who will come out on top.

I’ll leave you with a few last words of wisdom from KRG Hospitality hotel and restaurant consultant Kim Richardson.

“When guests come to stay at a hotel, it is their home for the duration they are there. They are there much longer than grabbing a cup of coffee or a night out to dinner. They can feel the demeanor of the staff,” says Kim. “Positive work environments exude happiness for the guests. When the employees are unhappy, the guests leave unhappy. Mindset can be contagious, and while the internal feelings trickle down to the guests, it starts way before that. If a positive energy is being given off from the leaders in the building, it can have a great impact on the staff, which then impacts the guests.

Cheers to personal and professional well-being!

Image: Marten Bjork on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching, 2023 Icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Hospitality Mindset: Bar Edition

Hospitality Mindset: Bar Edition

by Jennifer Radkey

Stylish bar and bar stools

Messages about the importance of mindset flood our social media feeds but what exactly does the word mean, and why is it so important?

You’re told you need to have a growth mindset to be successful. You must have a positive mindset for a happy and fulfilling life. Both are true statements, but what do they mean?

Simply stated, mindset is an individual’s usual attitude or mental state. It reflects someone’s way of thinking and motivates their actions. So, why is it important to be aware of your mindset?

Well, if your mindset is your usual attitude or how you show up in your life each and every day, it will influence all parts of your life. Your thoughts about yourself, others, your business, your opportunities, and your challenges are all influenced by your mindset. Your mindset can either hinder or promote your overall well-being and success in life.

The interesting thing about mindset is that it can change—if you want it to. Your mindset can also be influenced by your environment and those around you. These facts led me to question if the different sectors of the hospitality industry face unique mindset challenges.

To find answers and gain further insight, I decided to turn to our team at KRG Hospitality for their thoughts. In turn, I’ve begun a series of hospitality mindset articles.

In this first article I’ll explore the bar industry, with thoughts from master mixologist Jared Boller. Follow the series as I explore mindset in restaurants, hotels, and start-up operations.

Let’s dive in!

The Bar Industry

In the US, the bar and nightclub market is valued at an estimated $36 billion for 2023. The industry as a whole employs close to 600,000 people.

With businesses built off drinking culture, what unique challenges do operators and those working inside these establishments face?

Successful Operators

Operating a successful bar takes a certain mindset. You need to be flexible, open-minded to growth strategies, mindful of your market and competition, and compassionate to the needs of your team.

Interested in what makes a bar operator stand above their competition, I asked Jared what makes a bar operator successful.

“First and foremost, I think that every bar owner needs to understand their product and how they are going to differentiate themselves from the competition. Ultimately, it is up to the owner to realize what their goal is in owning a bar. It requires digging deep into themselves to ask what they want out of their business.

“Are you looking for a way to make extra cash? Are you looking to provide a local hangout for you and your friends? Do you want to win awards and have a buzzworthy place everyone wants to visit? This is a tough business that requires a lot of time and energy, and thick skin.

“Be organized, clean, a good leader, efficient, and provide a home that your employees want to come to. Try to know all aspects of the business: financials, technology, culinary, bar, service, management, etc.”

Operator Challenges

Operators need a resilient, positive, growth mindset to be successful. It’s the only path forward to running a bar they are both proud to work in and enjoy working at every day.

This is a mindset that will need tending to as there are challenges that will affect your daily thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.

When asked what specific challenges bar operators face that may affect their mindset, Jared shared his thoughts.

Labor Shortage

Dealing with labor shortages as an operator can create feelings of frustration, stress, and resentment.

“It’s getting increasingly difficult to gain a competitive edge because of numerous factors, one of the biggest being labor shortage. It’s not a labor shortage where there’s not enough jobs, it’s an unwillingness to work and/or want to work in the hospitality industry because, quite frankly, ‘It’s tough.’

“I think that with inflation happening in the world, as well as the majority of establishments working off the Tips Blueprint, it doesn’t allow people to know what they’re making day in and day out. People are turning to different jobs or jobs outside of hospitality because they don’t want to be on their feet everyday working long hours and not knowing their future.”


If a bar operator isn’t careful they can very easily become lost in the game of comparison.

Yes, it is important to know what your competition is up to, but if the constant comparison leads to negative feelings about you, your team, and your establishment without any action for improvement, this is a surefire way to hurt your mindset and chances of success.

If you truly want to be competitive without getting lost in the comparison game, focus on your team.

“The time of pumping out commercial food and drink is gone, and legitimate professionals who are educated and professionally trained are few and far between. Additionally, there’s even a creative youth movement with ambition, but they have not been classically trained in their respective outlets.

“It’s difficult to be competitive without education, training, and bringing together a group that can keep an establishment afloat with similar perspectives. It takes an army to be competitive with everyone speaking the same language, understanding the establishment inside and out, and able to execute night in and night out with the same integrity.”

Social Media/Online Reviews

As a bar operator, you rely on your reputation within your community for the success of your business. This also holds true for your online community.

How you react and your thoughts about online reviews can affect your mindset. A negative online review can very easily incite feelings of anger, disappointment, and blame.

“We live in a world driven by star ratings, thumbs up, and everyday critics writing novels about how there was ‘too much ice in my drink,'” says Jared. “If you read too many negative comments, that could affect one’s mental health and hurt confidence.”

Coming up with a strategy for dealing with negative social media posts/reviews is critical for keeping a clear perspective and maintaining a positive mindset.

Employee Challenges

Your team experiences their own unique set of challenges that can effect their well-being and mindset as well.

Being aware of these challenges is important if you are hoping to create a culture of respect, collaboration, and trust.

When asked what specific challenges bar staff face, Jared had some insights.

Long Hours/Physicality

Bars are often open late into the night, with bartenders in particular being front and center at all times. This can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion if appropriate breaks aren’t provided.

“The physicality alone will eventually take a toll on the employee who is shaking drinks for eight to ten hours a day, working doubles, having minimal break times, and standing on their feet for the same amount of hours. On top of that, you are constantly on stage and typically in a vantage point of someone either sitting across from you at the bar or observing from a table. You are constantly having to engage, take care of, and put on a happy face even if you might be dealing with something in your personal life. Not being able to take a step away or breathe can make you feel claustrophobic or trapped at times.”

Job Security/Growth

If you are working in an unsupportive environment that does not feel safe and makes you feel as though your future with the business is unsure, it can create feelings of discomfort, resentment, anger, worry, and even fear.

Bar employees need to feel respected, heard, and valued.

“Every employee—pending they do the job well—should feel safe in their workspace. I also believe that employees should be able to grow in their workspace if they have the desire to learn and/or be promoted in the future.

“I think that if an employee does the work, and has mastered the role, they should be considered for advancement. Employees in this industry need to identify what speaks to their personal interests and try to master that. I personally wanted to master the craft of bartending so that’s the path I took. Employees should never be scared if they’re interested in growing with the brand.”

Harmful Beliefs in the Bar Industry

How you feel about the people you work with and/or work for can have major impacts on your overall mindset.

If your daily thoughts regarding your team are negative, it suddenly becomes very challenging to create a successful bar with a team who shows up wanting to do their best each and every day.

The bar industry has a few specific common harmful beliefs that are prevalent in many establishments. Being aware of these and knowing what to do with these beliefs to change them is critical to creating a more positive work environment.


When I asked Jared what one of the most prevalent harmful beliefs operators have about their team, he discussed the belief that everyone is taking advantage of you. Many owners believe that everyone is stealing from them.

“In all of my years working in bars and restaurants there was always this sense that employees would be taking money from them or pouring ‘free products’ off to their friends/family. Truth be told, it happens, but I think that employees wouldn’t do that if they were offered a simple ‘comp tab.’

“I’m not saying that offering a free drink here and there to a friend is right, but I think for an owner to say, ‘Buy your friends a drink every now and then to show you appreciate them coming here,’ is a nice gesture.

“I’ve worked in places where owners are transparent, honest, and trustworthy with their employees, and the employees are happy so they don’t go behind the owner’s back. I think ownership needs to be realistic and give back to their employees and visitors every now and then, because that will boost morale.”

Feeling Unappreciated

When it came to harmful beliefs that staff have about ownership, Jared shared that employees feel that ownership does not care about them. While in some cases these beliefs may unfortunately be valid, in many cases owners may just be legitimately unaware that there are issues or concerns that need to be addressed.

“A lot of hospitality employees don’t feel appreciated by their bosses. Employees often feel like they can’t have a voice. Sometimes owners are so tied up in everything else to maintain the business and they won’t recognize you unless you speak up and engage in conversation over frustrations. Staff members need to not overstep their boundaries, but if there is something that could potentially move the business forward, express your concern.

“I’ve always had a good relationship with owners because I try to throw out ideas they don’t see, and come up with a potential solution to an issue. Owners don’t know everything and a lot of time are caught up in the day-to-day business. You were hired there for a reason: because they trust you to do a good job.”

Moving Forward

Understanding the importance of cultivating and maintaining positive, growth mindsets will allow you to move forward with your team towards shared goals and dreams.

Nobody wants to hate where they work, and with commitment to tackling challenges and harmful beliefs, this won’t be likely to happen.

So, what positive changes have been incurring in the industry as a whole?

“Simple things. Team-building events, like a picnic, an annual dinner to celebrate the staff, a field trip to a farm, quick getaways, etc. When the ownership/management team gives back to their team they end up enjoying coming to their second home everyday.

“Ensuring there are appropriate breaks during the long days, and potentially offering a ‘family meal’ to boost energy and give them food they might not be able to afford at home. Promoting ‘in-house’ competitions, such as the person who has the best wine sales at the end of the week gets a free bottle of wine. Leveraging different companies—spirits, wine, food purveyors—to do in-house demos and educationals. Allowing the staff to be hands on and learn something that will provide value to their personal growth.

“With less and less people choosing to take the hospitality path, it creates a lack of talent or people willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work. That’s why it’s important that the venue gives back every once and awhile.”

Room for Improvement

Although we’re starting to see more awareness of the well-being of those working in this industry, there are still many changes that need to happen.

“There needs to be sustainable and livable wages established universally amongst staff. With a world of inflation and prices on everything sky-rocketing, people are not going to be able to work in this industry and survive.

“There needs to be more meetings amongst staff to ensure that everyone has a voice and that everyone is on the same page when it comes to their jobs. There are a lot of mental health issues to this day because the hospitality industry is a crazy, tangled-up web when there is no guidance and good leadership. Our industry still has substance abuse issues, with people self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to help numb their pain, in addition to consuming too much caffeine to stay afloat.

“There needs to be more support and coaching programs available to new operators—similar to what we offer through KRG—to ensure they understand what they are signing up for. Education, leadership, guidance, inspiration, and providing a great work/life balance need to be a primary focus. Out with the 70-hour work week—back to a sustainable work timetable.”

Final Thoughts

Winning mindsets create winning concepts and winning teams. Having a positive mindset doesn’t mean that you don’t experience challenges or that you don’t experience any negative feelings. We are all human; of course we are going to have negative thoughts now and again.

It’s what you choose to do with those thoughts. If you allow them to become your predominant attitude, that will determine your overall mindset. The bar industry may have it’s challenges but it is also a place of excitement, entertainment, and creativity, a hub for social interaction with a never-ending hum of humanity.

I’ll leave you with a few last words of wisdom from KRG’s master mixologist Jared Boller.

“Understand that every day is going to be different than the previous, and you have to constantly adapt to what’s being thrown at you. If you’re not adaptable and can’t bend to spontaneous requests you might find yourself going into a dark space. Know that everyone is different, with unique upbringings and alternative perspectives on life. You are not always right, nor are they.

“Establish your rules in this bar environment. Educate yourself so you know more than everyone else in the room about your business and your craft, and open your mind to learning new things. Don’t be a know-it-all because that’s just downright annoying.

“And, finally, my rules that I live by behind a bar: ‘If someone wants to speak religion, decline. If someone wants to get your beliefs on politics, decline. And when a woman asks you their age, don’t answer, or politely decline.’ Everything else is an open conversation.”

Cheers to personal and professional well-being!

Image: Rachel Claire on Pexels

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching

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Do Goals Have an Expiration Date?

Do Goals Expire?

by Jennifer Radkey

Hourglass against red background

A compelling question came up in a recent coaching call with a client: When is the last time you took inventory of your goals?

Like many other people, my client is a goal-setter, and not just small goals but big life goals. These goals follow all of the “rules” of goal setting: they are clearly written, attainable, and measurable.

Some of the goals are achieved and checked off the list and new goals have been made. And yet there is still a feeling of dissatisfaction.

So where is this feeling coming from?

We are always changing and adapting to the world around us. We are changed by life circumstances. We’re influenced by the places we visit and the people we meet. We grow, and over time we come to deeper understandings of what we value and want from life.

As we grow and change our goals do as well…but what do we do with our old goals? What do we do with goals that are no longer applicable to our life?

Do goals expire?

The answer is yes. Goals can expire. What you wanted for your life when you were 16 is most likely not what you want for your life now. The career goals you set in your early 20s probably do not apply to you in your 30s. The goals geared towards interests you had in your 30s may not apply in your 40s, etc.

This doesn’t just apply to personal goals, either.

If you own a business, the goals you have for your business can expire as well. It’s why business plans need to be revisited yearly.

The goals you had when you first opened may have changed in the year(s) since. A business can be likened to a living, breathing entity. It grows and adapts and interacts with the environment surrounding it.

Targets will be hit, new objectives will be identified. So, what do we do with our old goals?

If old, unmet goals are not recognized and processed, they will sit as unfinished business in the back of your mind. You may be acquiring all kinds of levels of success and achieving new goals, but if you are allowing old goals to remain without acknowledging them, it will show up in your mindset.

This can manifest as dissatisfaction, disappointment, confusion, anxiousness, a general feeling that something is “off,” or a never-ending quest for perfection.

So, what do we do with expired goals?

It’s time to sit down and take inventory of all of the goals you have for your life or business. The new and the old. The unmet and those in progress.

If you are like many of us on the path to success and self-improvement, this may be a lengthy list. Try categorizing goals to make them more approachable.

Once you have listed all of your goals it’s time to get real with them and ask yourself some questions:

  • Why was this goal unmet?
  • Why was it important, at the time, to have this goal?
  • What feelings are associated with this goal?
  • Most importantly: Does this goal serve me now?

If the goal no longer fits in your life, if it no longer serves a purpose, it is time for that goal to expire.

It’s okay to let go and move on.

Make peace with the fact that a goal can belong in a previous part of your life but does not need to be a part of your life now.

Accept that it was not completed, give yourself compassion, and move on. That goal does not need to take up space in your thoughts anymore.

If a goal still serves a purpose now and you would like to keep it, ask yourself why it is so important to you to keep that goal. Then ask yourself why it hasn’t been achieved yet.

Is this goal important enough to keep it and strategize new ways to break it down and make it achievable? If the answer is yes, great! Sit down with that goal, rewrite it, and come up with a new action plan to achieve it.

If the answer is no, let that goal expire, and let it go.

This process will take time and introspection but will provide you with overwhelming relief and a new sense of clarity.

Life is too short to hold onto expired dreams and goals! Give yourself freedom to be present and future focused, without unfinished business holding you down.

Cheers to personal and professional growth!

Image: Daniele Franchi on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching, 2023 Icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Focus: See Your Business for the Trees

Focus: See Your Business for the Trees

by Jennifer Radkey

Trees along forest path

It happens to us all: Sometimes we get so caught up in the small details of our day-to-day lives that we fail to see the bigger picture.

So common is this element of the human experience there’s a popular saying about it: “Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees.”

Today, however, I’m going to suggest that the opposite can also be true: “Sometimes it’s hard to see the trees when immersed in the forest.” In other words, when walking along the same path in a forest every day, we often stop seeing the individual trees.

Okay, forests and trees, nature and walks along paths—what does any of this have to do with operating a successful restaurant, bar, or hotel? Stick with me.

The forest is your venue. Your path is your daily routine from the minute you step into your venue until the minute you walk out the door at the end of your day.

The trees? They’re all the little details that make up your establishment: your team, the signage, tables and chairs, music playing, lighting, decor, food, drinks, website, online reviews, social media posts… These, plus many more, are the little things that add up to create your “forest.”

You walk through your venue daily and have become, for the most part, so used to your surroundings that you’re almost blind to them. This can sometimes lead to a false sense of everything being “fine.” You miss small details you need to improve, and also things that you and your team need to celebrate.

What I would like to challenge you to do is to take a step back, clear your mind, pretend you’re experiencing your venue for the very first time, and really notice the details. Walk a new path through your forest and see the trees.

How do you do that? Pretend you’re a guest visiting your establishment and follow the guest journey.

Here’s a list of five places you should stop along your path to gain a fresh perspective.

Your Online Presence

Start with your website.

When did you last update it? Are pictures fresh and eye-catching? Is the website easy to navigate on mobile devices? Is the menu easy to access? Can you make a reservation easily? What story is your website telling?

Next, scroll through your social media (if it exists).

When did you post last? What content are you sharing? Does it tell a story? Does it make you want to visit your venue? Are people engaging with your content? Are you engaging with others?

How about online reviews? See what people are saying about you.

Have you responded to reviews, good and bad? How are you responding? If you were a potential new guest would these reviews and your responses keep you away or entice you to visit?

More often than not, the first impression a guest has of your business happens long before they actually step foot inside your venue for the first time. What impression are you giving them?

Curb Appeal

The next place you want to stop on your path is right in front of your venue.

As you drive up, what do you notice? What’s the condition of your signage? Is it welcoming and attention-grabbing?

When walking up to the entrance, look for things that you may overlook but a first-time guest may not. Cleanliness of the front entrance area, proper lighting, current signage, these should all be checkpoints on your list.

Also, how does it feel to enter your venue? Is it welcoming? Exciting? Does it feel safe?

If you have stellar curb appeal with awesome signage are you celebrating and promoting it through great photos for your website and social media?

These are all things to consider when viewing your venue from the curb.


Next up on your path is the interior of your venue.

Is it clean? Are there any minor repairs that need to be done? Is the lighting just right?

Have a seat in a few different places in your venue. What’s your customer’s visual experience when they come to visit you?

You want the interior of your venue to represent your brand and its values, and you want it to appeal to your target market. Is it doing those things?

Again, if you have an amazing interior design element, are you showcasing it to its fullest in person and online? Make any notes of things you would like to change or improve upon.

One more note on the interior: Do not forget the washrooms. Nothing turns a visit into an unpleasant experience faster than an unclean washroom.


As you’re viewing your venue with clarity, take a few minutes to step back and watch how your staff engages with your guests.

Whatever your brand’s values are for the guest experience, are they being conveyed through your staff’s engagement?

If you’re promoting a fun, energetic vibe, is your staff upbeat, positive, and energized when communicating with guests? Are the pillars of excellent customer service in place? When your guest leaves are they going to say, “Wow, our server was so friendly/nice/funny/knowledgeable,” etc.

Or are they going to leave saying nothing at all?

If staff appear unmotivated, what can you do to help inspire your team? If they’re stellar employees are you recognizing their incredible work?

Food and Drink

When was the last time you sat and really enjoyed a meal at your own establishment? Before you answer: As if you were a guest and not the owner.

Is food coming out in a timely manner? How does it look, smell, and, of course, taste?

Would you grab for your phone before taking the first sip or bite to snap a photo for Instagram? If you would, have you done exactly that for your own social media feeds?

As an owner you can become very attached to your menu, but pay attention to see if your guests and staff are raving about your food and drink.

Final Steps

The final steps of your path will be the same as your guest’s final steps.

Is your bill brought to the table when you’re ready to leave? Is payment easy to make? What are the final last impressions you’re left with? How is your team bidding farewell to guests? What will entice them to return?

You want your guests to feel satisfied and to tell their friends and family about what an amazing experience they had.

It can feel strange to step back from the forest and to notice the trees, but it will lead to improved clarity and perhaps even a roadmap for change and improvements to take your hospitality venue to the next level. Stepping back will also improve your overall mindset as you experience your business through the eyes of another.

So step back, clear your mind, and see what you may have been missing all this time.

Cheers to professional and personal growth!

Image: Lucas Parker on Unsplash

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