
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Supporting Local Charities

Supporting Local Charities

by David Klemt

Stacks of pizza boxes

When it comes to showing the community you serve that you care about the people in it, supporting local charities is a wise decision.

Indeed, it’s a choice that restauranteur, restaurant industry leader, author, speaker, and World Pizza Champion Mike Bausch endorses.

Last week, Bausch shared his tips for supporting local charities at the 2021 International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The owner of Andolini’s Pizzeria in Oklahoma is also a Bar Hacks podcast guest. Click here to listen to episode 18.

The Wrong Way

First, Bausch encourages operators to always donate food, not money.

“Don’t be a gold Sponsor,” he says of the higher tiers of charitable donations. “Don’t be a silver sponsor.”

Of course, one reason to provide only food to a charity’s event comes down to costs. Let’s say an operator plans to donate five 20-inch pizzas (I know, not a huge donation—it’s just an example). On the high end, the food cost is $7 per pizza. That’s a donation of just $35 while still showing community support.

Second, promoting charitable donations. Simply put, don’t do it.

Bausch says to just provide the donations but not brag about it on social media or other avenues. In most cases, doing so wipes out good will from the community.

However, there is one exception: national charity events.

Third, some donations come in the form of silent auctions. In these instances, Bausch believes it’s perfectly acceptable to be over the top.

For example, silent auction items are often just an 8.5 x 11 sheet describing what a bidder can win. To stand out, Bausch says to go big with a branded basket loaded with several items. People will leave the event remembering the brand with the big basket.

The Right Way

Here, Bausch explains that he normally says yes to all charities. There are, of course, some exceptions. More on that below.

First, let’s take a look at a simple way to field donation requests. Bausch recommends adding a donation request page to a restaurant’s website. Doing so makes it easy for an operator to stay on schedule for donations and events.

The form also helps weed out the aforementioned exceptions. If someone seeking donations can’t even take the time to fill out the form, says Bausch, that identifies a red flag immediately.

Also, Bausch includes the following at the end of the request form: “A customer of Andolini’s?” (yes or no), and “Describe an experience (positive or negative) you’ve had at Andolini’s.”

Additionally, not every donation Bausch and Andolini’s make is necessarily for a charity. There are smaller groups of people with whom Bausch will seek good will.

Example: Pokémon and Magic: The Gathering groups. Bausch sees value in supporting so-called “fringe” groups, providing a place to host tournaments or food for their tournaments.

Bausch will also call the local police, ask when shift changes take place, and drop off pizzas.

When asked, inevitably, why he would just drop off free pizzas, his answer is simple: “Because we want to.”

Image: Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Tell the Government to Refill the RRF

Tell the Government to Refill the RRF

by David Klemt

Piggy bank wearing a face mask

The National Restaurant Association is urging restaurant, bar and other hospitality operators to sign a Restaurant Revitalization Fund petition.

Put concisely, the NRA’s petition asks the federal government to replenish the RRF.

Grants are going out and there’s no guarantee the $28.6 billion fund is enough for every eligible business. Therefore, the NRA is calling for more funds.

The Petition

Now, there is good news regarding the RRF. Per the Small Business Administration, 21,000 applicants have received $2.7 billion in grants.

However, when one considers that well over 180,000 grant applications were submitted within the first 48 hours, the $28.6 billion will more than likely run out before every eligible business receives a grant. The first 16,000 grants alone total $2 billion.

According to one source, priority applications carry a value of approximately $29 billion. Obviously, that’s more money than is in the fund.

And that’s only the value of applications receiving priority for the first 21 days. Clearly, more funding is necessary.

As the NRA’s petition states, “We are urging policymakers in Washington—from the White House to Capitol Hill—to replenish the RRF to maximize relief for small independent and franchise restaurant operators. Americans can’t wait to get back into their favorite restaurant with their family and friends, and the federal government can play a key role in making that a reality.”

Click here to sign the NRA’s petition. Our industry is the hardest hit by the pandemic and every eligible business deserves funding.

It’s not that this industry isn’t grateful—it’s that hundreds of thousands of businesses are fighting to stay alive. They’ve been doing so for more than a year.


The SBA’s RRF portal link is https://restaurants.sba.gov. Alternatively, operations can use a POS that’s an SBA partner to apply. Partner systems include Clover, NCR, Square, and Toast.

According to the SBA website, certain eligible entities will be given priority.

For the first 21 days the application process is open, priority will go to small businesses with a minimum of 51 percent ownership by women, veterans or socially disadvantaged people.

The application process should open to every applicant on Monday, May 24. For more in-depth information, operators can follow the appropriate links to review the Small Business Administration’s RRF program guide and sample application.

Applicants do not need to register with SAM.gov (System for Award Management) or provide DUNS or CAGE identifiers.

To calculate a grant amount, an applicant subtracts 2020 gross receipts from 2019 gross receipts. Applicants must deduct first-draw PPP and second-draw PPP loans. Any economic disaster loans—Economic Injury Disaster Loans, for example—are not RRF deductions.

Again, please click here to sign the NRA’s petition today.

Image: Konstantin Evdokimov on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The 2021 Restaurant Start-Up Cost Guide & Checklist is Here! Download Today

The 2021 Restaurant Start-Up Cost Guide & Checklist is Here! Download Today

by David Klemt

This guide gives anyone starting a restaurant, bar, brewpub or other F&B venue the best chance for success in 2021.

Hospitality has endured a nearly endless thrashing for almost an entire year. The calendar has ticked over to 2021 but still, the pummeling doesn’t have an end date.

However, the industry has endured and continues to do so. We don’t know when Covid-19 will cease presenting a threat but we know this: there’s no end to the fight in those in the hospitality community.

Veteran and neophyte owners and operators are still going to open new venues in 2021, pandemic be damned. That fact means it’s more crucial than ever before that owners are positioned for success.

The KRG Hospitality 2021 Restaurant Start-Up Cost Guide & Checklist aims to structure the process of opening a restaurant or bar to maximize an owner’s opportunity. The guide contains 2021 start-up costs, renovation costs, scaled costs, an in-depth milestone checklist, and more that will help readers understand the process and keep them on track to go from concept to opening doors as smoothly as possible.

Click here to download the guide and start down the path of restaurant or bar success today.
