Author: David Klemt

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What is the ENTREE Act?

What is the ENTREE Act?

by David Klemt

United States Capitol Building on fifty dollar bill

Foodservice and hospitality operators are waiting for Congress to act and replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

Well, that replenishment may come in the form of a bill from Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO).

Congressman Luetkemeyer is a ranking member of the House Committee on Small Business.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Empty

As operators know, it didn’t take long for the RRF to be depleted entirely.

The Small Business Administration opened the RRF application portal on May 3. Just 21 days later, the portal was closed to new applicants.

More than 60 percent of eligible applicants in need were not awarded grants from the $28.6 billion fund.

Clearly, that amount was nowhere near enough to meet the needs of our industry.

People have been calling for Congress to #replenishRRF ever since the RRF portal was closed on May 24.

Entrepreneurs Need Timely Replenishment for Eating Establishments Act

To be fair, Congress acted quickly to at least address the SBA’s shortcomings in handling the RRF.

Early in June, a bipartisan group introduced Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act of 2021. Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Roger Wicker (R-MS), and Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-PA) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced the bill on June 3.

The bill seeks $60 billion to replenish the RRF and the funds would essentially come from “printing more money.”

However, Rep. Luetkemeyer introduced the Entrepreneurs Need Timely Replenishment for Eating Establishments Act on July 20.

The aptly (if unwieldy) named bill is also proposing $60 billion. However, the funds would come from a combination of sources.

ENTREE Act Funding

Both sources would pour unspent, previously allocated funds into the ENTREE Act.

Rep. Luetkemeyer’s bill proposes using state and local funds from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.

The ENTREE Act would also secure funds from Economic Injury Disaster Loans that have yet to be spent.

Currently, there’s no indication if Congress intends for these bills to somehow work together. Also, no date has been put forth regarding voting on either the Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act or ENTREE Act.

However, we can put pressure on Congress by asking them to act quickly on these bills. So, let’s come together and contact our representatives—it can take just 30 seconds.

Image: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

New York City Mandates Escalate

New York City Mandates Escalate

by David Klemt

Times Square empty in New York City during Covid-19 pandemic

Mandates requiring people to wear masks and maintain social distance indoors aren’t new.

However, a mandate requiring proof of vaccination status to dine and drink inside a restaurant or bar is a new development.

This week, Mayor Bill de Blasio is escalating Covid-19 mandates in New York City.

Restaurants and Gyms

To date, New York City is nearing a 70-percent full vaccination rate.

The latest pandemic mandate is likely intended to boost the city’s vaccination rate. Per reporting, the Delta variant of Covid-19 accounts for more than 70 percent of new cases in New York City.

Interestingly, the new mandate requires workers, not just customers, to prove their vaccination status. It also makes New York the first major city to implement such a requirement.

So far, the requirement pertains to indoor restaurants, bars, nightclubs, performances, and gyms.

Per Mayor de Blasio’s announcement, the vaccine mandate, referred to as “the Key to NYC Pass,” will begin with a transition period that starts August 16. Beginning September 13, full enforcement of the mandate via New York State’s Excelsior Pass app; the NYC COVID SAFE app; or paper vaccination card is expected.

Union Square

Predictably, the response to this mandate comes in three flavors: supportive, hostility, and apathetic.

So, those who support the requirement are applauding it, saying they’ll feel safer when dining out. Conversely, those who oppose the new mandate believe this is glaring government overreach and an infringement on their freedoms.

In a way, however, this mandate isn’t completely new. Some operators throughout the United States already require proof of vaccination to enter their venues.

Currently, several media outlets are focusing on Danny Meyer and his Union Square Hospitality Group.

Several days before Mayor de Blasio’s announcement, Meyer said guests who want to dine and drink in his NYC restaurants will need to prove vaccination status starting September 7.

Additionally, Meyer announced current and new employees would have to prove they’ve been vaccinated.

At the moment, it doesn’t appear Shake Shack, of which Meyer is founder and chairman, will follow suit.

Not the First

However, Meyer is not the first operator to implement and enforce strict Covid-19 protocols to protect their teams, guests and communities.

Perhaps some of the focus on Meyer is intended to draw eyes and ears, and ultimately encourage more people to get vaccinated fully. After all, celebrity chefs and operators have nationwide and global influence.

Cynically, however, it’s to not dismiss the focus on Meyer as a ploy for ratings, clicks, and engagement.

At any rate, many operators across the country require proof of vaccination to work and dine at their restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and hotels. And many were doing so before Meyer made his announcement.

One such chef-operator is Eric Rivera, who operates ADDO in Seattle. He has required proof of vaccination for employees and guests since May of this year.

In fact, Chef Rivera has been strict in his handling of Covid-19 health and safety measures since last year.

A visit to Chef Rivera’s website finds the following disclaimer, attributed to him:

“All of our experiences are for vaccinated guests only. That will remain permanent. If that’s a problem for you then there are plenty of restaurants that will reward you for doing nothing, this isn’t one of them.”

During an NPR interview, Chef Rivera explained his stance succinctly: “I don’t want to be somebody’s last meal. Whatever I’m doing food-wise and restaurant-wise isn’t worth that.”

He’s active on Twitter, where he makes his position and policies clear.


If you think I’m going to point out that New York City’s new mandate increases the likelihood of hostile confrontations with guests, you’re correct. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Also, if you’re guessing that I’m going to point out that guest-facing team members must receive support from leadership when policing guest behavior, you’re two for two.

However, policies like those put in place by Chef Rivera and others throughout the industry highlight something else: They’re showing the fallacy of the maxim “the customer is always right.”

Why should operators tolerate aggression toward their employees from disrespectful, angry customers—for any reason—if the employee is remaining professional and respectful?

It certainly seems that a growing number of operators are tired of capitulating to everyone who walks through their doors. The days of bowing to customers and failing to support and defend employees look to be ending.

Personally, I’m in favor of putting that outdated adage to rest. Continuing to reward guest behaviors we find objectionable—which has been the industry’s stance for decades—ultimately motivates good employees to quit. Again, this isn’t a pandemic-driven phenomenon—it has been going on for generations.

Of course, each operator must do what they think is best for their business. Just about every decision made in this industry is risky, but risk is something all operators understand inherently. Watching dollars walk out the doors never to return can be a frightening proposition. So is the prospect of losing good workers and incurring the associated costs.

The need to balance the comfort and safety of their team members and guests is paramount—an absence of either will shut a business down. Today, however, choosing guest dollars over employee dignity, safety and mental health is inexcusable and evidence of a problematic company culture.

If we’re truly in the midst of a Great Resignation, I can’t fault operators for deciding to keep their employees safe. Even if we weren’t facing a labor shortage, I’d support operators who support their workers.

Image: Paulo Silva on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: August

5 Books to Read this Month: August

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Something & Tonic: A History of the World’s Most Iconic Mixer

Author and bartender Nick Kokonas takes readers on a historical, global journey that focuses on the history of tonic. This informative book also contains tips, tricks, and 60 original cocktail recipes. Click here to purchase Something & Tonic now.

America Walks into a Bar

Do you have a passion for this business? Do you actually love bars and the rich history of our industry? Then you need to read Christine Sismondo’s America Walks into a Bar, equal parts adventure, entertainment and history.

Burn the Ice: The American Culinary Revolution and Its End

I could try to sum up Burn the Ice for you, but Danny Meyer seems to have captured the essence of this Kevin Alexander’s book in one word: “Inspiring.”

The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World

When we come across a great bar, restaurant or hotel, we never encounter strangers. Instead, we meet friends we never knew we had. In The Power of Strangers, author Joe Keohane addresses the importance of getting over the fear of engaging with strangers and why, particularly in these divisive times, we need “strangers” more than ever in our lives.

Hacking the New Normal: Hitting the Reset Button on the Hospitality Industry

The world around us has changed, as has the food & beverage industry and the hospitality industry as a whole. But will some ways of life change for the better? Will restaurants, bars, and hotels come out of the pandemic even stronger? In Hacking the New Normal, author and president of KRG Hospitality Doug Radkey addresses the need to hit the reset button on the hospitality industry for its long-term survival.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and July is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

August 3: National Night Out Day

It may sound like this holiday is just an excuse for restaurant and bar crawls. However, this day is actually about bringing communities together and making them safer. This is an excellent time to strengthen your ties to the community and support local organizations.

August 5: National Underwear Day

We’re not entirely sure what to suggest you do for this holiday but there’s definitely something here. Get creative but be tasteful, is all we recommend.

August 6: National Fresh Breath Day

Certain herbs help freshen breath: Mint, basil, rosemary, cardamom, and tarragon, for example. These same herbs also make great cocktails, so tie them into a drink promotion.

August 7: National Disc Golf Day

With mask mandates being re-issued, some people will likely be looking at outdoor sports as an escape. Encourage and reward people for getting out and playing disc golf on this day.

August 8: National Dollar Day

Have a menu item or two you can offer for $1? Perhaps a “buy one, get another for one dollar”? You know what to do on National Dollar Day.

August 9: National Book Lover’s Day

There are several ways you can celebrate this holiday with your guests. For example, you can host a book drive, encourage guests to trade books, or even create a free community library space inside your business. Tap into your creative side.

August 10: Lazy Day

I mean, come on… This day was practically invented to encourage people to spend all day eating and drinking in your bar or restaurant. People can be responsible another day.

August 14: National Bowling Day

Remember National Disc Golf Day from way up higher on this page? Of course you do. Well, it shouldn’t be difficult to come up with promotions focused on bowling, like offering promotions for bowling teams who pop into your bar or restaurant.

August 21: National Honey Bee Day

If we lose our bees, we lose our agriculture. And if we lose that, we lose our food supply. Highlight the importance of honey bees with menu items that feature honey (local sources are ideal), and promote the need to protect these valuable insects.

August 27: National Just Because Day

A promotion focused on doing whatever you want just because you feel like doing it? The sky’s truly the limit with this one.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

We Need to Join Forces on the RRF

We Need to Join Forces on the RRF

by David Klemt

The United States Capitol Building with blue sky and white clouds in the background

It’s time for all hospitality professionals to come together and tell Congress to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

Honestly, it’s well beyond time for us to all join forces and send our message to Congress.

Owners, operators, managers, and team members need to contact their representatives. Additionally, they need to encourage their friends and family members to do the same.

If we’re going to stop the damage to our industry, this needs to be done.

State of the RRF

Per this download from the National Restaurant Association, 455,304 eligible restaurants applied for RRF grants.

In total, 278,304 restaurants were awarded grants.

To be fair, that’s excellent news. And the Small Business Administration should be applauded for providing lifelines to nearly 280,000 restaurants.

However, the $28.6 billion the fund was seeded with was never going to be enough. Also, the SBA’s RRF portal was open nowhere near long enough.

Toward the end of May, Republican members of Congress sent a letter to the SBA. In it, they criticize the SBA for closing the portal so quickly.

To provide context, the RRF application portal was open a mere 21 days. Further context: the SBA made it clear before the RRF portal was opened that only priority applications would be processed for the first 21 days.

Replenish the RRF

According to the NRA, 177,000 eligible RRF applicants were not awarded grants.

That number represents a total of $43.6 billion in grants that haven’t been awarded.

So, not only does the SBA need to reopen the RRF, they need to replenish it with at least $43.6 billion. The NRA is asking that Congress refill the RRF with $50 billion.

We all know that the situation is dire. Per the NRA, 1.3 million jobs have been lost. Since the first 14 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, restaurants have lost $290 billion in sales. Obviously, that number has grown. At least 90,000 restaurants have either closed their doors long-term or forever.

However, this isn’t only about our industry. As the NRA shows, every dollar spent on this industry generates $2 for farming, baking, fishing, and other industries.

Looking at the numbers makes it clear: We all need to carve out the few minutes it will take to tell our representatives what we want.

What do we want? For the RRF to be replenished. Click here to tell Congress to replenish the RRF with at least $50 billion, and make sure to spread this message on social by using #ReplishRRF.

There are millions and millions of us in this industry. Now more than ever, we need to join forces and pull in the same direction.

Image: Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

More States Issue Mask Mandates

More States Issue Mask Mandates

by David Klemt

United States of America atlas roadmap with push pins

Unsurprisingly, more states, counties and cities across the US and the country’s territories are issuing mask mandates.

In some cases, the mandates and guidance are coming down regardless of vaccination status.

Unfortunately, these actions are a response to reports of Covid-19 infection and hospitalization increases. The rise in cases and hospitalizations is due in large part to the highly transmissible Delta variant.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is once again changing course. Now, the CDC recommends that people in areas where Covid-19 infection rates are “substantial” or “high” wear masks inside indoor public places.

A map of these areas can be found on the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker page.

Local Defiance

Illustrating the divisive times in which Americans find themselves, some mandates are pitting local officials against their state counterparts.

For example, Florida. Per several outlets, Palm Beach County officials are ordering masks to be worn indoors by everyone irrespective of vaccination status. Of course, the mandate stands in direct defiance of Governor Ron DeSantis’ statewide ban of such an order.

No word yet on Gov. DeSantis suing the county over the order.

However, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is suing St. Louis County and city officials to stop their mask mandate. Currently, St. Louis requires masks be worn indoors and on public transportation.

Also, no word on whether these mandates will impact Canada’s plan to reopen the border for non-essential travel to vaccinated Americans.

Mandates: Vaccinated, Unvaccinated

Below, a list of the states and territories with mask mandates in some form (public transit, public places, state buildings, for example) in place.

The following orders pertain to everyone, vaccination or no vaccination.

  • California
  • New Hampshire
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • New Jersey
  • Kansas
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • New Mexico
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Puerto Rico
  • Virginia
  • New York

As always, check with your local, county and state authorities for full details.

Mandates: Unvaccinated

Here, a list of the states and territories with requirements in place only for those who are unvaccinated.

  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Washington
  • Washington, DC

Again, residents should check with state, county and local authorities for requirements and guidance.

Operator Concerns

Once more, owners and operators find themselves having to police guest behavior and compliance regarding Covid-19 mandates and recommendations.

And once again, it’s the guest-facing team members who will be thrust into any confrontations with hostile customers.

While not a silver bullet by any means, operators should communicate their intent to comply with mandates. Social media posts, emails and phone conversations should make requirements and expectations clear.

Additionally, operators and managers need to stay on top of employee concerns and comfort levels. Leadership must also make it clear, with actions and not just words, that their teams will be supported when engaging with guests.

The industry is in a very tenuous place and has been for many months. Workers are leaving and not coming back. Perhaps it’s time—respectfully and professionally—to set aside the maxim that “the customer is always right” and err on the side of employees.

Image: Morgan Lane on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How SevenRooms Improves Operations

How SevenRooms Improves Operations

by David Klemt

Reviewing and analyzing customer data on a laptop computer

It’s true that SevenRooms is a reservation management platform. However, it’s so much more powerful than that.

Simply put, if the platform wasn’t simple to use and integrate with other systems, they wouldn’t be celebrating their tenth year.

A recent interview via Clubhouse highlights why now, more than ever, operators need to seriously consider SevenRooms.


Guy Clarke, founder of Sizzle Dining, spoke with two key SevenRooms team members in a casual but informative Clubhouse chat.

Allison Page, SevenRooms co-founder and Chief Product Officer, and Marybeth Sheppard, senior vice president of marketing, fielded Clarke’s questions.

Interestingly, Page admits SevenRooms took five to seven years to really fine-tune operations. In fact, she says that the team didn’t quite know exactly what they were offering for the first year or two.

Now, the “reservation” platform has truly hit their stride. The company doesn’t just manage reservations, it provides powerful solutions: a full suite of operational tools; table management; and guest experience and retention capabilities.

Of course, many tech platforms claim to help operators. However, SevenRooms is now enjoying a decade in business.

Their longevity is, in part, due to their approach to hospitality. As Page tells it, the founders didn’t just enter the industry believing they could “fix it” with tech.

Plenty of tech folks have identified problems in hospitality, boasted about their “common sense” solution, and exited after finding out how challenging the business is.

Instead, the SevenRooms team spent time in the trenches. According to Page, they took reservations, checked coats, and more. They spent time with hospitality workers after hours and got to know them.

What’s with that Name?

I’ve written several articles about SevenRooms. However, I’ve never addressed why the founders chose that name.

When asked by Clarke during the Clubhouse chat, Page provided the answer.

Turns out, the name is a loose nod to Graydon Carter’s “Seven Rooms Theory.” The theory speaks to navigating social status in New York City. In short, it posits that the NYC social scene consists of seven consecutive “rooms,” each with a secret door. Find the secret door, move to the next room.

Of course, SevenRooms isn’t about exclusivity. Instead, SevenRooms is helping operators reach the seventh “room,” which is a lasting relationship with a guest. The six previous rooms are a journey toward understanding that guest and making them loyal by delivering incredible guest experiences.

Why SevenRooms Works

If this seems like a shameless plug for SevenRooms, well, it sort of is. They didn’t pay me, Doug or KRG Hospitality to promote the platform; we just like what SevenRooms can do for operators.

In an industry that has until recently been slow to innovate when it comes to tech, the platform has been improving restaurant and hotel operations for years.

According to Page, SevenRooms has a simple operating philosophy that drives the company: “Make small big, make big small.” SevenRooms is driven to help small, independent operations punch well above their weight class. The platform gives independent operators the same capabilities as their large chain counterparts.

Conversely, SevenRooms gives enterprise operators an effective way to deliver the engaging experiences that independents offer their guests.

However, there are other reasons SevenRooms is so worthy of consideration: simplicity.

SevenRooms is all about collecting data. Of course, data does no good if an operator doesn’t know what to do with it. If they had to analyze and leverage it on their own, they’d need to employ data scientists and an entire marketing team.

Well, SevenRooms employs those people instead so operators don’t need to. An operator doesn’t need to be a data scientist to use the information they collect through the platform. Marketing campaigns are automated and engaging, and require little effort from the end user.

Reduce Costs, Increase Revenue

As Sheppard explains, SevenRooms manages and, more importantly, helps maximize a restaurant’s floor.

Looking to increase turns? Done. Want every seat to generate revenue? Smart seating makes that possible. According to Sheppard, SevenRooms’ auto-assign seating functionality is worthy of operators’ trust. Additionally, the platform’s CRM, table management and marketing tools help staff upsell guests.

Speaking of automated functions, Sheppard provides insight into SevenRooms auto-tagging. The platform assigns automated tags that make it simple for staff to understand the guests they’re serving. Some examples are:

  • Burger lover
  • Red wine lover
  • Big tipper
  • Loves expensive wine
  • No-showed twice

Just those five examples show how SevenRooms helps operators and their teams maximize the guest experience to generate revenue. So, how does the platform reduce costs?

First, investing in SevenRooms reduces an operator’s overall tech stack investment. It integrates with around 50 POS systems and offers several tools (modules), meaning an operator doesn’t need to purchase several platforms that may not integrate with one another.

Second, the reservation and table management tools streamline an operator’s business. When team members are focusing on revenue-generating tasks, the floor is being sat more efficiently, and guests are being wowed, costs are driven down and revenue is driven up.

Then, there’s the “hidden” benefit. As Sheppard says, hospitality is a passion-driven industry. Unfortunately, there are many “non-passion” tasks that must be accomplished for operators to make money and keep their doors open.

Those tasks can take a toll, leading to an operator to fall out of love with the industry and their own concept. Well, SevenRooms takes several of those tasks (sifting through data, creating marketing campaigns, figuring out how to maximize the floor, etc.) and automates them.

Therefore, operators have more time to program menus, mentor team members, forge relationships with guests by touching tables, and more.

To request a SevenRooms demo, click here.

Image: John Schnobrich on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

4 Tips for Recruiting and Retention

4 Tips for Recruiting and Retention

by David Klemt

Server walking through restaurant carrying tray

Operators seeking to survive and thrive despite the Great Resignation can give themselves an edge with these four concepts.

Attract New Talent

KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey doesn’t find the struggle to fill restaurant, bar and hotel positions all that shocking.

Why? Because too many operators post generic, cookie-cutter job listings. Doing what everyone else is doing has never been advisable for those looking to stand out.

Instead, Doug suggests a more unique approach to job ads, an approach that helps operators stand above the competition.

Step one is avoiding banal listing language:

  • “Are you friendly, energetic, and highly motivated?”
  • “Are you an experienced and enthusiastic [insert position]?”
  • “The ideal candidate must work well in a fast-paced environment and be a team player.”
  • List of basic job tasks.

Instead, Doug suggests the following:

  • Hire for values rather than experience. Training addresses systems and standards, not personality and drive.
  • Operators should be transparent about their core values, company culture, and potential for growth.
  • Showcase the approach to inclusivity, diversity, acceptance, and flexibility. That is, if that’s authentic. If not, that’s a flashing, neon red flag that requires addressing.
  • Offer a living wage, benefits, potential for personal growth, and education.
  • Produce a video of team members sharing why they work at the company. This must be genuine and honest.

Demand creates competition. Innovation beats the competition.

Actually Onboard New Hires

So, an operator adjusts their approach to filling open positions. They recruit and hire promising employees.

Sadly, it’s common for new hires in hospitality and foodservice to leave in just a few months. Rather than accept this as the norm, operators have a tool at their disposal for improving employee retention: Onboarding.

Too many operators think the next step after hiring someone is providing a start date, showing them the front- and back-of-house, and hoping things will work out.

Well, hope isn’t a strategy.

The next step after hiring someone is onboarding and should include the following:

  • Complete all pertinent paperwork and setting up access to systems. If applicable, set up direct deposit.
  • Provide new hire with detailed employee handbook. If there isn’t one yet, that must be addressed.
  • Share the story of the business (history, area, etc.) and workplace culture.
  • Outline expectations: Policies, rules and responsibilities.
  • Explain benefits, such as health insurance and mentorship opportunities.
  • Provide training and assign shadowing.
  • Deliver feedback on trained tasks.

The above list obviously has room for more onboarding tasks. Operators should create a physical onboarding checklist. Also, they should require the person or people tasked with onboarding to complete and sign off the checklist (even if that person is the operator).

Nail recruiting, hiring and onboarding and word will get out. The result? Hiring gets easier and turnover decreases.

Focus on Workplace Culture

Doug addressed workplace culture and the labor shortage on Bar Hacks bonus episode number 16.

Simply put, operators need to take an honest look at their culture.

Is it inclusive and accepting? Transparent and nurturing? Do employees feel comfortable bringing up workplace issues? (More on that last one below.)

Hospitality is fast-paced and demanding—owners and managers shouldn’t add to the stress.

Why would anyone want to work in for someone who isn’t going to treat them and their coworkers with respect, mentor them and nurture their career, and value their input?

It’s every operator’s responsibility to be good stewards of hospitality professionals’ passion for this industry. We do them a disservice when we turn a blind eye to an unhealthy workplace culture that has taken hold, crushing their love of his business and driving them away.

Value Employee Feedback

Yes, guest feedback is valuable. However, so is feedback from employees.

It’s important for operators to remember not to focus solely on guests.

True, a business isn’t a business without customers. Equally true: It’s not a business without employees.

So, operators should foster a work environment in which employees feel comfortable sharing honest feedback. This is, of course, where culture comes into play.

If employees don’t feel safe sharing their opinions and suggestions, operators won’t truly know what it’s like to work for them. Without that feedback, employee turnover will skyrocket, recruiting and hiring will be an endless struggle, and the guest experience will suffer.

We all know what happens if guests pick up on an uncomfortable restaurant, bar or hotel environment: They don’t return.

Operators can’t expect their businesses to thrive (or just survive) if they focus solely on guests.

Putting these concepts to work can help operators succeed despite the Great Resignation of 2021.

Image: Shangyou Shi on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How About Some Cheese with that Scotch?

How About Some Cheese with that Scotch?

by David Klemt

Cheese plate with Brie, Parmesan, Pepperjack and white Cheddar cheeses

On Tuesday, July 27, America celebrates National Scotch Day.

Of course, we could round up an array of tempting bottles. However, we’re going in a different direction for this spirited holiday.

Instead of a roundup, we’re sharing cheese and Scotch pairings sure to pique the interest of your guests.

As our Bar Hacks Podcast listeners we know, we love a bonus. So, you’ll also find wine pairings below. You can use those on Sunday, July 25, National Wine & Cheese Day.

So, please share two of our favorite things, interesting food and beverage pairings and bonuses. Cheers!

Lighter Expressions

Scotches with lighter, mellower profiles and sweet, fruit or citrus flavors require pairings that won’t overpower them. Of course, being lighter doesn’t make them any less complex or mean they lack in sophistication.

Comté (French, cow’s milk)

Versions of Comté that have some age on them (18 or 24 months) are known for salty, earthy and creamy notes. Generally speaking, quality Comté is also known for hazelnut and buttery aromas and flavors. These pair well with Scotches with fruit and vanilla on the palate, like those aged in ex-bourbon barrels. (Wine pairings: Bordeaux, Champagne, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir)

Gruyère (Swiss, cow’s milk)

So, you want to pair a Scotch that was aged in ex-Sherry casks with the perfect cheese. You want to offer a Gruyère here, as the nutty, garlicky and oniony notes of some versions will enhance—not overpower—the fruity, mellow notes and smoothness of the Scotch. Interestingly, some Gruyères resemble Comté. (Wine pairings: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chianti, Malbec, Syrah)

Manchego (Spanish, sheep’s milk)

The richness of Manchego stands up to Scotches with citrus, vanilla, spice, and honey notes. Look for curado (aged three to six months) and viejo (aged 12 to 24 months) for the best aromas and flavors. (Wine pairings: Cava, Merlot, Rioja, Tempranillo)

Brie (French, cow’s milk)

This variety of cheese tends toward the subtle, with nutty notes. Brie plays well with Scotches that have fruity and sweet notes. (Wine pairings: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc)

Parmesan (Italian, cow’s milk)

Speaking of nutty flavors, Parmesan pairs well with lighter Scotches that have bright citrus notes or earthier profiles. (Wine pairings: Lambrusco, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco)

Camembert (French, cow’s milk)

Another great selection for lighter Scotches. Camembert features sweet, floral notes that don’t overpower Scotches that also have sweet flavors. (Wine pairings: Champagne, Chenin Blanc, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc)

Feta (Greek, French, sheep’s milk, goat’s milk)

Interestingly, Feta has seen quite a rise in popularity with home chefs during the pandemic. So, give guests what they want and may have been cooking with themselves. Feta’s tanginess enhances the sweetness and fruitiness of lighter Scotches. (Wine pairings: Albariño, Champagne, Lambrusco, Riesling)

Heavier Expressions

Big, bold, full-bodied. Smoky and peaty. More intense Scotches need rich, sharp, and, oftentimes, creamy cheeses that can stand up to them.

Roquefort (French, sheep’s milk)

A blue cheese like Roquefort is sharp, rich and creamy, so it provides balance to smoky Scotches. (Wine pairings: Ice wine, Riesling, Sauterne, Sherry)

Stilton (English, Irish, cow’s milk)

Stilton, another blue cheese, is not as sharp as Roquefort and some others. However, it has a full body and its finish can be intense. That means it works well with rich, peaty Scotches. (Wine pairings: Gewürztraminer, Port, Riesling, Sherry)

Gouda (Dutch, cow’s milk)

Gouda, with a smoky profile itself, pairs with peaty, smoky Scotches. (Wine pairings: Barbera, Grüner Veltliner, Lambrusco, Zinfandel)

Cheddar (English, cow’s milk)

Have a Scotch that’s heavier on woody, oaky notes than smoke? Cheddar—and there are many options to choose from—plays well with such Scotches. (Wine pairings: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cava, Champagne, Chardonnay)

Remember that executing a pairing at its highest level means including the staff. This will help them sell pairings, upsell pairings, and identify pairings in the first place.

Dietary note: Make sure to read the labels of the cheeses you put on your menu. If any cheese has animal rennet, they’re not fit for vegetarians or vegans to consume.

Image: Jennifer Murray from Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Canada to Reopen Border

Canada to Reopen Border

by David Klemt

Canadian airplane with maple leaf on tail

In a move months in the making, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is opening the border to Americans.

Remarkably, this loosening of Canada-America border restrictions doesn’t pertain solely to essential travel.

Rather, the border will open on August 9 for non-essential travel to American travelers (and permanent residents) who can prove their vaccine status.

Great News

Obviously, this is fantastic news for Canadian hospitality operators (and other business owners, of course).

Really, it’s great news for all Canadians and Americans: people can finally visit family and friends, and the economy should see a boost.

This news comes on the heels of other positive developments for Canada, such as the country’s vaccination rate now surpassing that of America’s. There’s also the province of Ontario bringing back indoor dining.

According to media reports, Canadian officials are in communication with American President Joe Biden’s administration about opening the border the other way.

However, there is no information yet about when that will happen. When asked about Canada’s announcement regarding the border, White House press secretary Jen Paski said the following:

“Any decisions about reopening travel will be guided by our public health and medical experts. We take this incredibly seriously. We look and are guided by our own medical experts. I wouldn’t look at it through a reciprocal intention.”

Should all to plan, Canada will open the border to travelers from other countries on September 7.

The Details

Of course, Americans can’t just flash their passport and cross the border. People eager to enter to Canada need to plan ahead a few days.

This is due to the requirement that Americans—with few exceptions—need to submit travel information 72 hours before arriving at the border. For example, if an American would like to cross the border the day it reopens to them, August 9, they’ll need to begin the process no later than August 6.

So, those travelers will need to use the ArriveCAN website, iOS app, or Android app.

ArriveCAN users using the website will show Canadian border agents a printout. App users will show them their screen.

Also, travelers will need to complete a Covid-19 test within the same 72 hours and be asymptomatic upon arriving at the border.

To review eligibility requirements—including lists of eligible and ineligible vaccines—click here. Full details are here.

The Opportunity

Clearly, the plan to open the border to American travelers and Canadians who found themselves stuck in America due to the pandemic presents a terrific opportunity for business owners.

In particular, in terms of our industry, bar, restaurant and hotel operators must see this development as excellent news.

Family members and friends will be eager for long-overdue reunions. That means hotel stays and restaurant and bar visits. There are also opportunities that relate to weddings, such as rehearsal dinners.

Obviously, operators must prepare for an influx of guests. So, they need to schedule accordingly, prepare staff for possibly overwhelming amounts of traffic, and ensure precautions are in place that reassure team members their health and safety are being considered.

In terms of those who waiting for the “right time” to open their restaurant or bar, this news could be a signal that the hospitality industry is on its way toward recovery in Canada.

It’s crucial that operators and management balance guest and employee comfort levels. Doing so will aid in boosting traffic, increasing revenue, and recruiting, hiring, and employee retention efforts.

Image: John McArthur on Unsplash
