
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What are You Changing in 2024?

What are You Changing in Your Restaurant or Bar in 2024?

by David Klemt

Restaurant owner reviewing their menu

More fun with AI-generated images. That’s quite the busy bar setup.

Toward the end of last year, Nation’s Restaurant News identified what changes operators chose to make after analyzing their operational data.

The publication surveyed hundreds of operators about how data drove their decisions. This survey was an element of their year-end report, Market Leader Report: The Data-driven Restaurant.

As one would imagine, this report focuses on data collection, analysis, and usage. However, NRN‘s report doesn’t just address the importance of data collection in the F&B space. Rather, they seek to understand if operators are collecting the “right” data; whether they can optimize the data they collect; what metrics they’re tracking; and how they’re acting on all that data.

Simply put, it’s an important report addressing a topic crucial to today’s restaurant and bar operations. Those who want their own copy of The Data-driven Restaurant can download it free here.

While entire report is valuable, the focus of this article is one question and the answers provided. Below, to provide context, is a breakdown of the survey respondents.

The Who

Most of the respondents identified as independent restaurant operators.

  • Indie: 37 percent
  • Chain (franchisee): 21 percent
  • Chain (company owned): 18 percent
  • Multi-concept: 15 percent
  • Single-site operator: 6 percent
  • HQ or brand level of foodservice company: 3 percent

By a slim margin, most survey respondents categorized their restaurants as full service or casual dining.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the fewest respondents operate in the upscale or fine dining category.

  • Full service / casual dining: 30 percent
  • Fast casual: 28 percent
  • Quick service: 20 percent
  • Midscale / family dining: 15 percent
  • Upscale / fine dining: 7 percent

The What

So, what question caught our attention at KRG Hospitality?

“In the past 12 months, which initiatives did your organization undertake after analyzing data?”

NRN conducted this survey in November 2023. Not surprisingly, respondents mostly made changes to their menus after reviewing their data. Streamlining menus and adjusting prices were two of the biggest operational trends last year, as many operators are no doubt well aware.

That theory is supported by the survey results. Below, the top four answers to the question above.

  • Changed menu prices (48 percent)
  • Removed items from or added items to our menu (47 percent)
  • Improved the way we trained our staff (26 percent)
  • Adjusted our loyalty program’s rewards and/or incentives (24 percent)

Honestly, it’s heartening to see that training is among the top-three data-driven actions operators took last year. And, of course, it’s not shocking that the menu was the focus of the most attention. Streamlining is an effective way to reduce food and labor costs. Further, pricing is always (please excuse the pun) on the menu.

Our question is: What changes, if any, do you plan to implement this year now that we’re headed into Q3?

The What: The Sequel

If the menu received the most attention after operators reviewed their data, what received the least?

Well, it appears marketing fell to the wayside, along with the kitchen. The following are the bottom four answers to the question in the section above:

  • A/B tested marketing campaigns and increased ROI (6 percent)
  • Changed specs on our kitchen equipment or technology (10 percent)
  • Identified lapsed customers and marketed to them (11 percent)
  • Increased throughput in our kitchen during peak periods (13 percent)

Now, I’ll concede that one marketing action found itself in the middle of the pack when it came to this survey question. Upon analyzing their data, 18 percent of respondents identified new potential guests and marketed to those people.

Still, in comparison to making changes to menus, the fewest respondents took marketing action or made changes to the kitchen directly.

Does this mean that menu changes have the greatest impact on guests and ROI? Well, that’s possible. However, I think something else is at play.

Personally, I think collecting data is the easy part. At this point, most platforms serving our industry are collecting data for operators.

But tracking the correct metrics, analyzing the associated data, and knowing what to do after analyzing said data? That’s difficult. It can be overwhelming, which is why it’s so important to build and implement the proper tech stack for a specific concept. This is why one of the services we offer our clients is tech-stack development.

Further, the tech stack needs to be built around an operator and their leadership team. If nobody knows how to use it or what to do with the data they’re collecting, it’s useless.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Good News from the AHLAF and Lightcast

Good News from the AHLAF and Lightcast

by David Klemt

Black and white photo of hotel sign hanging vertically on hotel exterior

A new report from Lightcast, in collaboration with the AHLAF, reveals positive news about the strength of the hotel and lodging industry.

To clarify for those new to or outside of the hotel industry, the AHLAF stands for the American Hotel and Lodging Association Foundation. Drilling down, the Foundation is the charitable branch of the AHLA.

Representing the entirety of the hotel and lodging industry in the USA, the AHLA is the largest association in the business. Through advocacy, industry resources and reports, and other initiatives, the AHLA supports B&Bs to major hotel groups.

Their charitable arm, the AHLAF, “aim[s] to support the recruitment, retention and advancement of employees throughout the industry.” The branch seeks to accomplish this goal through career development, education, scholarships, and empowerment.

In an effort to better understand the state of the hotel industry, the AHLAF commissioned Lightcast for a report. Projections from the global leader in labor market analytics show the industry in a positive light.

The full report can be accessed via a link in the press release below. However, I’ll share Lightcast’s top finding: Demand for jobs in the hotel industry should be, according to the analytics firm, in serious demand.

In fact, Lightcast finds that demand for hotel jobs will be up to 50 percent higher than the national average over the next five years. This is excellent news for the hotel industry, hotel operators, and anyone seeking a career in the hotel space.

Report: Hospitality Careers Are in Demand, Outpacing National Projected Growth

Over the next five years, demand for hotel industry jobs projected to be 50% higher than national average 

WASHINGTON (March 11, 2024) – Recent research commissioned by AHLA Foundation, the charitable arm of the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA), projects robust demand for hotel industry jobs over the next five years, outpacing overall market job growth. 

The AHLA Foundation asked Lightcast, a leading labor market analytic firm, for data on demographic and growth trends that would help identify and map career pathways in the hotel and lodging industry. In addition to a report, the result of the research is a dynamic, interactive dashboard that allows job seekers to explore and compare roles, requirements, and compensation across a range of hospitality careers. 

The hotel industry currently employs 1.8 million workers in the United States. The AHLA Foundation report projects job growth of 12% in the hotel industry over the next five years, compared to 8.0% for the nation overall. A large share of this demand is at the entry level or in roles that don’t require college degrees, validating the hotel industry’s potential as an engine for mobility. The full report is available at

“It’s an attractive time to enter the hotel industry,” said Anna Blue, President of AHLA Foundation. “A key part of our work at AHLA Foundation is supporting the recruitment, retention, and advancement of people in our industry. Understanding the entry points where careers begin, where they lead, and what paths they take is a critical step to helping find their home in hospitality.” 

Lightcast used its real-time, proprietary databases and industry parsing to create the interactive dashboard for understanding career pathways in the hotel and lodging industry from 2010 – 2023. The interactive dashboard is available here.  

About The AHLA Foundation 

The AHLA Foundation, the charitable arm of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, works to support the hotel and lodging industry’s greatest asset – our people. By connecting employees, employers, and their communities, we seek to continuously nurture a culture of professional growth and belonging. When the people who work in our industry thrive, the industry thrives along with them. The Foundation is funded by grants and charitable contributions from generous individuals and organizations who want to support individuals seeking opportunities to thrive in the hotel and lodging industry. Learn more at 

Image: Roman Ska on Pexels

KRG Hospitality. Boutique Hotels. Resorts. Properties. Consultant. Feasibility Study. Business Plan

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Celebrating the Goat of Beer Styles

Celebrating the Goat of Beer Styles

by David Klemt

An Alpine Ibex, also known as a Steinbock, in the mountains

On Wednesday, March 20, operators and their teams have the opportunity to celebrate the “goat” of beer styles with their guests.

I’m talking about Bock Beer Day, the day we raise a glass to a several-centuries-old beer style. Just like I did with Baltic Porter Day last year, I’m going to do a bit of a deep dive into this diverse brew.

Now, please note that I say Bock is the goat, not the GOAT. I’m not claiming that Bock is the greatest beer of all time. (Although, this style does make a compelling case for the GOAT title.)

Rather, the German word bock translates to “goat” in English. And why would Germans name a beer after the hollow-horned relatives of sheep? Well, it all comes down to accents.

Beer experts and historians agree that we can trace the first brewing of Bock beer to Einbeck, a town in Germany, in the 14th century. As the story goes, people in Germany pronounced the Einbeck as ein bock, which translates to “a goat.” Hence, goat, not GOAT.

However, as I said, this style of beer does have a realistic claim to the beer throne. It’s a wide-ranging style that has many variants. Of course, Bock itself is related to another style: Lager. In particular, brewers tend to view it as a “cousin” of Amber Lager.

Over time, Bocks have evolved a bit. Once considered a “strong” Lager high in alcohol content, the style is much more varied now. A Bock can be low-ABV (I found one that’s just 3.5% ABV) to high test. It can be pale or dark, and every shade in between.

One thing Bocks do have in common, however, is a sweet, malty note on the palate.

Styles of Bock

There are several styles within this style of beer. Savvy operators will realize that positions Bock well for flights, pairings, and tastings.

In fact, Bocks are excellent for multi-course dining events. That can mean three courses (starter, main, dessert) to four or more.

Oh, and for those wondering, Bock pairs well with Asiago, Parmesan, and Cheddar cheeses.

Some styles operators and their bar teams will want to consider are:

  • Doppelbock
  • Dunkels Bock, a.k.a. Traditional Bock
  • Eisbock
  • Helles Bock, a.k.a. Maibock
  • Texas Bock
  • Triple Bock
  • Weizenbock

American Bock Beers

Kicking off the list below is Shiner Bock. When it comes to American Bock beer, this Texas brew is likely the most well known.

Interestingly, there are people deeply entrenched in the beer world that believe Texas is the epicenter of Bock beer in the US.

Of course, there are craft brewers all over the country producing Bock beers. With that in mind, I encourage operators to look into breweries in their state to learn who’s crafting this style of beer.

A word of warning: Many breweries produce Bock seasonally or in limited runs, so they can be difficult to find.

  • Shiner Bock (Shiner, Texas)
  • New Glarus Uff-da Bock (New Glarus, Wisconsin)
  • Rogue Dead Guy Ale (Newport, Oregon)
  • Genesee Spring Bock (Rochester, New York)
  • Community Beer Co. Texas-style Bock (Dallas, Texas)

Candian Bock Beers

Similarly to the US, it takes a fair bit of research to find Bock beers in Canada.

However, I think operators who put in the effort will find it rewarding. It’s smart business to find out who can supply Bocks (and other craft beers) so operators can support local brewers.

Below is a short list of brewers in BC and Ontario who produce Bock beers.

  • Howl Brewing Winterbock (Victoria, British Columbia)
  • Hoyne Brewing Co. Weizenbock (Victoria, British Columbia)
  • Vancouver Island Brewing Hermannator Ice Bock (Victoria, British Columbia)
  • Pacific Western Brewing Co. Schwarzbock (Prince George, British Columbia)
  • Blackburn Brew House General Bock (Niagara Falls, Ontario)

Image: Cédric Streit on Unsplash

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Menu Development Drinks Food

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Loud Luxuries: Martinis and Caviar

Loud Luxuries: Opulent Martinis & Caviar Bumps

by David Klemt

Taking a look at what’s going down in the bar and restaurant world, it appears that luxury sips and bites are the latest darlings in the F&B space.

In particular, I’m talking about the stories going around about $40 Martinis. Oh, and the interest consumers are showing in caviar. Specifically, caviar bumps, though people seem to be craving this luxury bite any way they can get it.

At the risk of coming across as snobby or hipster-ish, Las Vegas has been offering guests caviar bumps at parties and restaurants for several years now. A close friend of mine has hired a caviar bump service for private business events and personal parties on more than one occasion.

To explain, a caviar bump is a much less formal way of consuming salt-cured roe. One takes a small spoon, dabs a bit of caviar in the area of their hand between their thumb and index finger, and licks it off. Contrary to what some people think (probably only once), the caviar isn’t snorted. Although, I’m not here to police how people choose to consume their food.

Interestingly, there are plant-based “caviar” brands on the market. So, vegetarian and vegan guests can get in on the caviar bump fun.

Now, back to the $40 Martinis. If that makes some operators and bartenders raise an eyebrow, their jaws will likely drop when they read what’s next. It’s not difficult to find Martinis that cost well in excess of $100.

This trend is belongs to the “loud luxury” movement. As one can infer reasonably, the phrase describes spending a lot of money on an item or experience because it’s expensive. Engaging in ostentatious spending is the point.

Given the state of many people’s finances these days, such flashy displays are justifiably viewed as vulgar by some. However, if recent stories are to be believed, 2024 is the year of loud luxury.

Get Loud

Or, more accurately, operators should encourage their guests to get loud.

That is, of course, if loud luxury matches the concept and market. Although, having a $40 Martini on a dive bar menu is only silly if it costs an operator money. There’s nothing wrong with putting such a drink on a menu if it doesn’t offend a venue’s base of loyal guests and run them off.

So, what’s in a $40-plus Martini? Pricey booze, put simply. These luxe libations aren’t made with $20 or $30 gins or vodkas. Rather, these spendy sips feature spirits that cost $100 or more.

Further, these trendy, tony tipples pair quite well with caviar bumps. There’s no reason an operator can’t leverage both of these extravagant trends simultaneously. Depending on which caviar is on offer, bumps can command upsell costs of $10 to $20 (or more).

That can mean that an operator’s $40 Martini can become a $50 or $60 Martini-and-caviar pairing experience.

Again, offering guests such an extravagant experience requires careful consideration and execution. Operators need to make an informed decision that includes understanding how their guests will respond to these loudly luxurious menu items.

That said, if a concept and brand can deliver such an over-the-top experience without alienating their guests, it can be fun, memorable, and profitable.

Something to consider as we approach Espresso Martini Day, which takes place on March 15. Who wants to take a shot at making one that costs more than $40?

Image: Ambitious Studio* – Rick Barrett on Unsplash

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Clash of the Coffee Cocktails

Clash of the Coffee Cocktail Titans: Espresso Martini vs. Carajillo

by David Klemt

AI-generated image of a Carajillo cocktail next to an Espresso Martini

It took quite a few attempts for AI to generate a Carajillo without a lemon wedge or wheel garnish, with oddly placed ice on top of the foam.

It’s National Espresso Martini Day on Friday, March 15, the day we celebrate a cocktail that has been having “a moment” for decades.

I doubt the man behind the Bramble thought the Espresso Martini (originally the Vodka Espresso) would take on the life it has. The late, legendary Dick Bradsell created this modern classic in London in the 1980s. Oh, and he was also leading the charge for London’s cocktail scene revival at the time.

For whatever reason, the Espresso Martini (also known as the Pharmaceutical Stimulant when served on the rocks) enjoys immense popularity but also suffers widespread mockery. Hey, I’m also guilty of cracking jokes at this stalwart’s expense. Although, my issue is the annual articles saying, “Espresso Martini, so hot right now. Espresso Martini.”

The drink itself? I’ve enjoyed my fair share. And, damn it, I’ll do it again.

Now, I’m mainly writing about National Espresso Martini Day to put it on your radar. This Bradsell creation is wildly popular, and this year’s holiday falls on a Friday. So, there’s ample opportunity to engage with guests, increase traffic, boost revenue, and get creative.

However, I did use the words “clash” and “versus” in the title of this article for a reason…

Clash of the Coffee Cocktail Titans

I submit that National Espresso Day is the perfect time to make guests not in the know aware of the Carajillo.

Look, I know it’s not cool to steal someone’s thunder on their big day. We know we shouldn’t propose to our significant other at someone’s wedding reception. And it’s poor form to pull focus on someone’s birthday with big life event news.

Still, I’m going to propose that operators use National Espresso Martini Day to introduce guests to its rival.

A great rivalry tends to be beneficial for both participants, so why not stoke a friendly feud between these two coffee cocktail heavyweights? To get people’s promotional wheels turning, allow me to suggest an approach.

One way to get guests acquainted with both cocktails is to have them order them back to back. Encourage the ordering of a traditional (or signature) Espresso Martini. Then, have the guest order a Carajillo, traditional specs or otherwise. Right there, operators have gotten a guest to order the important second drink.

If an operator really wants to lean into this approach, they can even create a prix fixe cocktail menu featuring the Espresso Martini and Carajillo. A third drink could be a signature or personalized riff on whichever cocktail the guest enjoyed most.

Espresso Martini

  • 2 oz. Vodka
  • 1 oz. Fresh-brewed espresso
  • 0.5 oz. Coffee liqueur
  • 0.25 oz. Simple syrup
  • 3 Coffee beans to garnish

Add ice to a cocktail glass to chill it. Alternatively, keep some chilled cocktail glasses on hand. Add all liquid ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well, then strain into prepared cocktail glass. Garnish with three coffee beans.


  • One part Licor 43
  • One part coffee
  • 3 Coffee beans to garnish (optional)

Add equal parts Licor 43 and coffee to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake very well to create a foamy texture, then pour into a cocktail glass.

It’s important to note that a Carajillo can be poured over ice or served up. Also, one can use any type of coffee they prefer, including cold brew. Further, some people make a Carajillo with horchata, while others serve it with a small bowl of sugar. There are also people who use cinnamon sticks and chocolate shavings for garnish.

Going even deeper, some bars serve the Carajillo as a layered, stacked, or pousse-café drink, also known as puesto style.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Woodford Reserve 2024 Derby Bottle

Woodford Reserve Unveils 2024 Kentucky Derby Bottle

by David Klemt

Woodford Reserve 2024 "Adorned with Flowers" bottle

Commemorating the 150th running of the iconic Kentucky Derby, Woodford Reserve’s 2024 Derby bottle is now available for purchase.

In keeping with tradition, the bottle’s label features a Kentucky artist’s work.

For 2024, Woodford Reserve collaborated with artist Wylie Caudill, who crafted the painting “Adorned with Roses.” The art is a clear nod to another tradition: adorning the winning horse with a garland consisting of hundreds of roses, the Derby’s official flower.

This should grab an operator’s attention for a few reasons. To start, some operators enjoy collecting bottles. So, they can now get their hands on this annual release.

Further, it’s time to start thinking about this year’s Derby, which takes place on May 4. Millions of people watch the Kentucky Derby every year. Operators need to ensure their Mint Juleps and riffs are dialed in, including the appropriate drinkware.

Impressively, while it has been postponed twice, it has never been cancelled.

Traditionally, the Derby is run on the first Saturday in May. The race was run in June in 1945 due to World War II. And in 2020, Covid-19 restrictions pushed the race to September. Incredibly, a world war and a pandemic couldn’t thwart the Derby.

2024’s race is the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby. It stands to reason that even more people will show an interest in watching and celebrating this year’s race. Woodford’s commemorative bottle at least be on the back bar of any venue running a Derby promotion. It would also make for a great raffle item on race day.

Finally, we celebrate International Whiskey Day this month. The more special edition whiskeys available on March 27, the better.

Learn more about this year’s Woodford Reserve Derby bottle below. Cheers!

Woodford Reserve Releases 2024 Bottle Celebrating 150th Anniversary of the Kentucky Derby

Bottle features the art of Kentuckian Wylie Caudill 

Versailles, KY (March 5, 2024) — Woodford Reserve®, the Presenting Sponsor of the Kentucky Derby®, is honoring “The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports®” with the release of its 2024 commemorative Derby bottle.

This year’s special release celebrates the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby® and features the artwork of Kentucky native Wylie Caudill, known for his bold, repetitive patterns, and his signature roses. His painting, “Adorned in Roses,” depicts a racing thoroughbred covered with red roses, with a background of multi-colored roses.

The one-liter bottle retails for $55 and is available for purchase globally. A special presale on ReserveBar begins March 5. It also is for sale at Woodford Reserve Distillery and in the Woodford Reserve online store starting March 5.

“Wylie’s artwork embodies the spirit of Woodford Reserve, the liveliness of Churchill Downs during race day, and the heart of Kentucky,” Woodford Reserve Master Distiller Elizabeth McCall said. “We’re thrilled to have a Kentuckian’s artwork on our bottle during this monumental year.”

Caudill grew up drawing and painting in Cynthiana, Kentucky. During college, he spent his free time creating chalk drawings, leaving his mark around campus and leading to his title ‘chalk guy’ among locals. He expanded his public street art to painting murals in Lexington after college, and many of his murals can be seen across Kentucky today. Caudill also created the Official Art of the Kentucky Derby for Churchill Downs for the 150th Derby, marking the first year that Woodford Reserve and Churchill Downs used the same artist.

“As a Kentucky native, I am honored to be a part of this milestone celebration,” Caudill said. “I have painted my signature roses many times over the years, but this one is truly special. The colorful roses symbolize the diverse Derby fans from around the world, connecting people beyond the track.”

Woodford Reserve’s Derby bottle has been an annual collector’s item anticipated by bourbon and racing fans since 1999.

About Woodford Reserve

Woodford Reserve, “Presenting Sponsor of the Kentucky Derby,” is crafted at the historic Woodford Reserve Distillery, tucked in the heart of thoroughbred country in Versailles, Kentucky. A National Historic Landmark, the Woodford Reserve Distillery represents craftsmanship with a balance of historic heritage and modern practices. Woodford Reserve is a product of the Brown-Forman Corporation, a premier producer and marketer of fine quality beverage alcohol brands including Jack Daniel’s, Finlandia, Korbel, Tequila Herradura, Old Forester, Sonoma-Cutrer and Chambord. Please enjoy your bourbon responsibly. To learn more about Woodford Reserve, visit us  or check us out on Facebook at

Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 45.2% Alc. by Vol., produced and bottled by the Woodford Reserve Distillery, Versailles, KY ©2024

Disclaimer: Neither the author nor KRG Hospitality received compensation, monetary or otherwise, in exchange for this post.

Image provided by Woodford Reserve

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Creative Conversion: Adaptive Reuse

Creative Conversion: Adaptive Reuse Architecture

by David Klemt

Abandoned gas and service station

Just taking a quick glance, I see covered outdoor seating, a cool front desk, and roll-up doors for an indoor-outside space.

There are several benefits to reusing an existing space and converting it into a bar or restaurant, including sustainability, and reenergizing a community.

This approach to design is called “adaptive reuse architecture.” A design layperson would likely call it “repurposing.”

As the term implies, this design methodology focuses on using an existing building in a new, modern way. It’s a beneficial approach to design and architecture in large part because new construction is so resource heavy.

Proponents of adaptive reuse architecture point to a given project’s lower carbon footprint, energy conservation, sustainability, and lower construction costs. However, there’s more to it than just reduced costs (attractive to owners and investors) and lower impact on the environment.

There are buildings that lie dormant across the US, Canada, and other countries that hold special places in communities’ hearts. Revitalizing these spaces can do wonders for lifting people’s spirits, preserving heritage while developing culture and community in a new way.

Finally, in my eyes, it’s honorable to allow a space to once again serve the community, albeit in a different way. A space that once provided a crucial service to an area—employment, resources, a communal space, shelter—can now serve as a place to nourish the body and mind through food, drink, and social interaction.

When considering a site (which should also be accompanied by a feasibility study), operators should look at locations that can help them do what neighborhood restaurants and bars have historically done best: serve as cornerstones for their communities.

Vinsetta Garage

One of the most popular approaches to reusing spaces for restaurants is repurposing service stations.

Maybe its American nostalgia, maybe it’s America’s love for the open road. Or, maybe it’s that there are so many service stations in disrepair throughout the country.

Of course, when considering a former gas station, service station, or automotive repair shop, one must consider the costs of making the space food- and people-safe. After all, oil, fuel, and other harmful substances were present in significant amounts over the years. That said, abatement is absolutely feasible as long as a realistic budget is in place.

At any rate, one great example of service station reuse is Vinsetta Garage. This concept in particular keeps a landmark alive: the restaurant lives inside the oldest garage east of the Mississippi. The garage survived for more than 90 years before closing its doors.

Of particular note is the team behind Vinsetta Garage, Union Joints. Reuse appears to be Union Joints’ raison d’être. Along with this garage, the group has reused a fire hall, a church, and a lumber mill. They’ve even repurposed a Hooters. (We can argue whether second- or third-generation restaurant spaces are adaptive reuse some other time.)

To my knowledge, Union Joints has never repeated a concept, owing greatly to their dedication to giving landmark buildings new life.


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The Jane

What a transformation this space has undergone.

Once a military hospital chapel, The Jane counts among its accolades two Michelin Stars, multiple appearances on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, and was described as the world’s most beautiful restaurant at the 2015 Restaurants & Bar Design Awards.

The kitchen resides where the altar once stood, and themes of good and evil, and life and death, can be found throughout the space. This is truly a high-concept reuse of a space.


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Hoogan et Beaufort

When people consider adaptive reuse, many likely think of repurposing factories.

They’re normally large, and often feature impressive floor-to-ceiling heights. And, unfortunately, they can be found abandoned or otherwise unused all over many countries.

Reusing such a space can revitalize an area, removing an eyesore from a community and making it functional once again. An upscale example of a reused and reimagined factory is Hoogan et Beaufort, a restaurant in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

For nearly 100 years, the factory produced rail cars. The industrial space, with 28-foot-high ceilings, ceased production in 1992. Its doors were reopened by Chef Marc-André Jetté as a 70-seat restaurant in 2015.

HopSin Brewpub

This space is part of the Mag8 Craft Beer brewery in Colares, Portugal.

Formerly a tram station and post office, the building also houses HopSin, a brewpub.

As you can see in the post below, the flat roof of the building provides a fantastic outdoor area. Interestingly and conveniently, the tram that currently travels to Sintra stops right in front of HopSin.


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Trinity Place

Located in New York City, Trinity Place reuses a bank vault. However, it’s not just any bank vault.

Diners have the opportunity to grab a bite and drink in a vault tied to industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

In partnership with New York Realty Bank, Carnegie commissioned the bank vault at the turn of the 20th century. And 120 years ago, it was said to be “the largest and strongest bank vault in the world.” It was so big that the building, the Trinity and US Realty Building, was built around and atop the vault in 1907.

Other than restoring it to use as an actual bank vault, what could one really do with this space? Well, two creative restaurateurs, Katie Connolly and Jason O’Brian restored the vault…and turned it into a bar and restaurantcomplete with a 40-foot mahogany barin 2006.

The Ordinary

Speaking of bank vaults, there’s a kitchen behind bank vault doors inside The Ordinary.

The team behind FIG, a James Beard Award-winning restaurant operating in Charleston, South Carolina. Also in Charleston, The Ordinary reuses a bank space.

The bank itself has quite a history. Interestingly, considering the focus of this article, the former bank stands on ground that was once a factory. However, that building was not reused; it was torn down to make way for Peoples-First National Bank, which opened for business in 1928.

Looking at that year, some of you may know what happened next. The Great Depression descended upon the world, and Peoples-First survived as best it could until closing its doors in 1933. Occupied for a time by a bakery, the building became Citizens & Southern National Bank in the 1940s, and operated as such for nearly 50 years.

Citizens & Southern National Bank became NationsBank at the start of the Nineties. Then, just before the turn of the century, the space transformed into a Bank of America branch. The bank closed in 2006.

In 2006, FIG’s owners bought the bank, reusing the space as best they could to reimagine and reopen it as a restaurant. The vault was, unfortunately, removed, but other elements of the former bank remain.


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Image: Jason Mitrione on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality site development. Site selection. Restaurant. Bar. Cafe. Lounge. Hotel. Resort.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: March 2024

5 Books to Read this Month: March 2024

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

Our inspiring and informative March book selections will help you improve operations, refresh F&B programming, and consider a design update.

This month, we look at books covering an array of topics: overcoming dysfunctions within teams; stepping outside of comfort zones; cocktail and Irish dish recipes; and repurposing existing buildings.

To review the book recommendations from February 2024, click here.

Let’s jump in!

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

In a departure from most business books, the author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team presents useful lessons in the style of a fictional tale. This approach makes this bookwhich has more than 13,000 reviews on Amazona compelling read.

From Amazon: “Equal parts leadership fable and business handbook, this definitive source on teamwork by Patrick Lencioni reveals the five behavioral tendencies that go to the heart of why even the best teams struggle. He offers a powerful model and step-by-step guide for overcoming those dysfunctions and getting every one rowing in the same direction.”

Pick up your copy today.

The Complete Irish Pub Cookbook

I doubt you need a reminder but just in case, St. Patrick’s is just two weeks away. So, what better time to pick up this best-selling cookbook featuring Irish classic and modern fare? Flip through this book, check out some interesting recipes, and put your own spin on them so they fit with your concept.

From Amazon: “Pubs in Ireland are the cornerstone of their communities, relaxed places where locals and visitors can experience the best of traditional Irish hospitality. Many pubs have also become the place to go for a great meal, with a choice of both traditional and contemporary dishes. In recent years Irish cooking has been transformed, with skillful cooks making the most of wonderful fresh local produce to create delicious new dishes and giving a twist to many classics. This tasty cookbook includes the best of both worlds – with best-loved favorites s Irish Stew, Corned Beef and Split Pea and Ham Soup and newer recipes, like Scallop Chowder or Oatmeal and Raspberry Cream to set your taste buds tingling.”

Order The Complete Irish Pub Cookbook now!

Drink: Featuring Over 1,100 Cocktail, Wine, and Spirits Recipes

This is a seriously big book. After all, it really does contain more than 1,100 recipes. KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey recently picked up this book and flipped through its many, many pages.

Along with well over a thousand recipes organized by spirit, Drink looks at bar tools, housemade ingredients, and ice. Further, it includes interviews with bartenders. If you’re looking for a recipe book that will inspire a drink menu refresh, this is the one you want.

Grab this tome today.

Cool is Everywhere: New and Adaptive Design Across America

Last month, we dove into the biophilic design methodology. This book, Cool is Everywhere, is a photo-driven look into the adaptive reuse design movement. Very briefly summarized, this is a design movement that focuses on repurposing existing architecture rather than knocking down buildings and putting up new construction. This approach tends to be eco-friendly, and as you’ll see from the photos in this book, it also creates cool buildings.

From Amazon: “Cool Is Everywhere highlights remarkable designs that have transformed ordinary buildings into works of art. From North Adams, Massachusetts, to Oakland, California, join Michel as he explores the skyscrapers and quaint neighborhoods that led him to believe that cool is, in fact, everywhere.”

Pick up this book now.

The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self

This book from author Michael Easter asks a fairly simple question: What if the modern world’s conveniences are making our lives more difficult? When we look deeper into our lives, we may find that our health is being impacted negatively by building and remaining in our comfort zones. Certainly, entrepreneurs can find that refusing to step outside of their comfort is hurting the business side of their lives.

From Amazon: “In many ways, we’re more comfortable than ever before. But could our sheltered, temperature-controlled, overfed, underchallenged lives actually be the leading cause of many our most urgent physical and mental health issues? In this gripping investigation, award-winning journalist Michael Easter seeks out off-the-grid visionaries, disruptive genius researchers, and mind-body conditioning trailblazers who are unlocking the life-enhancing secrets of a counterintuitive solution: discomfort.”

Order it today!

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: March 2024

Program for Unique Holidays: March 2024

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about your March holiday promotions.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and this month is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our February 2024 holidays list, click here.

March 5: Cinco de Marcho

Supposedly, this holiday is meant to “train the livers” of people planning on getting slightly wild on March 17. They have 12 days to get ready to party.

Well, we at KRG Hospitality think this sounds a bit irresponsible. We don’t want any operators or their teams to run into any legal trouble. So, I recommend offering a spin on the Coronarita as a nearly two-week-long LTO.

Build a Margarita with Irish whiskey, Cointreau, fresh lime juice, and agave syrup. Serve it in a salt-rimmed pint glass, schooner, or mason jar. Invert a Harp Lager, Smithwick’s Pale Ale, or Guinness Blonde Lager in the glass.

March 7: National Crown Roast of Pork Day

Here’s a fun one based on a culinary classic. Put simply, a crown roast is anywhere from a dozen to nearly two dozen pork rib chops. When arranged in a circle, they look like a crown.

It’s old school, and it’s certainly a shareable dish. Dress this LTO up with a wine pairing, or dress it down with a bucket of beers.

March 8: National Proofreading Day

Your menu is a billboard. It’s a crucial marketing and branding tool. So, it can be embarrassing when there are typos and other issues on your menu.

If you don’t want to proofread it yourself, or you just want to engage your guests, put a “bounty” on misspellings and grammatical errors on your menu. Watch how quickly any mistakes are found, if any exist.

March 14: National Potato Chip Day

Housemade potato chips are among the best appetizers and sides. If your kitchen team is up for it, consider housemade chips as an LTO side. Think about making them a permanent (or semi-permanent) addition to your menu if all goes well.

March 18: National Sloppy Joe Day

So, it’s March 18. Some people may have gotten after it pretty hard for St. Patrick’s Day. They need comfort food.

If your kitchen team can make delicious Sloppy Joe’s from scratch (maybe served with housemade potato chips), they may be just what the doctor ordered.

March 19: National Poultry Day

Does your restaurant or bar serve dishes featuring poultry? Guess what you should do on this day…

March 21: World Vermouth Day

The days of low-quality vermouth are gone. For a few years not at least, people have discovered that premium vermouth makes a great cocktail base. This holds particularly true for low-ABV drinks, like reverse cocktails.

March 22: National Goof Off Day

This year, National Goof Off Day falls on a Friday. Really, that timing couldn’t be much better.

Encourage your guests to set aside their responsibilitiesas long as it won’t get them firedand goof off at your bar.

March 29: Smoke and Mirrors Day

When a cocktail is served with smoke, people take notice. Often times, when one is served, people watching the show want one of their own.

This is the perfect holiday to show off your smoking cocktails. To really embrace the holiday, smoke and serve them in a glass and chrome smoker box. By the way, these boxes work well when it comes to smoking food items, too.

March 31: National Tater Day

Much like poultry day, I bet you can figure out what to do on National Tater Day. Celebrate the potato! Tater tot nachos? Done. Sriracha French fries? Awesome. Fully loaded potato skins and baked potatoes? Classics.

Get creative. The humble potato is a fantastic canvas for enticing dishes.

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

Bar Pub Brewery Nightclub Club Nightlife Marketing Plan

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Questions Future Operators Need to Ask

Questions Future Operators Need to Ask Before Opening

by Jennifer Radkey

Black and orange question marks

Taking your dream bar or restaurant from vision to reality can be an exciting journey but too many people get ahead of themselves during the process.

What are some of the first actions a future operator takes when deciding to open a new restaurant or bar? Well, many will dive right into deciding on a concept, looking at locations, or figuring out costs. Some may take the time to wisely invest in feasibility, concept, and business plans.

Very few will ask themselves the crucial questions that will help them figure out if they are truly ready to take on this huge endeavorand be successful at it.

Before designing menus, hiring a real estate agent, or looking for investments, you need to sit down and gain a clear understanding of the state of your mindset. Successfully opening a restaurant or bar can be mentally and physically exhausting. Well before you open your doors you need to have acquired a mindset that is built on resilience, growth, leadership, and positivity.

Below are several questions to considerand answer truthfullybefore diving in.

Mindset Questions

  1. What is the purpose behind wanting to open a restaurant or bar? Why is this goal significant to you?
  2. How do you currently stay motivated and do you have a system in place to turn to when you lose motivation?
  3. Do you feel capable of handling the day to day pressures of starting and operating a business? Why or why not?
  4. Have you been in a leadership position before? On a scale of one to 10 (one being not successful at all and 10 being very successful), how successful of a leader were you?
  5. What kind of leader do you want to be and Is there someone in a leadership position you admire and can learn from?
  6. If you feel that you can not be the leader your business needs to succeed is there a partner you can rely on for this?
  7. Are you currently in a good position to be able to devote the time, energy, resources, and focus needed to undertake this endeavor?
  8. What non-negotiables do you have in your life? What are you willing to sacrifice for this dream and what are you not?
  9. How comfortable are you with meeting people and being open to others’ ideas?
  10. What are three key strengths you possess? How will they help you succeed?
  11. What are three weaknesses you possess? How might they hinder your success?
  12. Are you comfortable with delegating to others when you are not the best person for a task?
  13. Do you have a strong support system in place of people you can turn to when needed?
  14. Why are you choosing to open a business in the hospitality industry? How do you plan to leave your mark in it?
  15. Do you possess the knowledge to run the day to day operations of a restaurant or bar? If not, how do you plan to gain that knowledge?
  16. How open are you to continuous education and learning for yourself and your future team?
  17. How will you balance opening a new restaurant/bar with your personal life?
  18. Are you willing to adapt and pivot when needed, even if it means an entirely new concept?
  19. How do you currently deal with failure?
  20. How will opening a restaurant/bar impact other areas of your life?

Once you have answered these questions you will have a better understanding of where your mindset stands right now, what areas you may need to improve upon, and if you are truly ready to open your own restaurant or bar. There is a saying that knowledge is power, and self-knowledge is the most powerful kind!

Cheers to professional and personal well-being!

Image: Laurin Steffens on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Business Coach. Restaurant Coach. Hotel Coach. Hospitality Coach. Mindset Coach.
