Restaurant Start-Up

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Connect with Us at Pizza Expo 2021

Connect with Us at Pizza Expo 2021

by David Klemt

Freshly baked pepperoni pizza on board

We’re currently attending the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas this week.

If you’d like to meet up, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.

There are a lot of attendees to meet, education sessions to check out, and exhibitors to explore. However, we’ll be around so don’t be shy.

Where to Find Us

First, it’s awesome that trade shows and conferences are back in Las Vegas.

Linking online is convenient but nothing can really replace connecting in person.

That said, we’ll be at the International Pizza Expo all three days. Please, if you want to learn more about KRG Hospitality or the Bar Hacks podcast, feel free to connect.

Today, you’ll be able to find us at industry leader, pizza pro, restaurateur, and Bar Hacks guest Mike Bausch‘s “Community Marketing” seminar. Of course, we’ll also be attending his keynote on Wednesday.

But, back to today. You’ll certainly be able to find us at Scott Anthony’s “Old-school Marketing that Still Works,” and Nicole Russell and Anthony Falco’s “Today’s Top Pizza Trends” seminars.

If you’re looking for us on Tuesday, we know we’ll be attending Bausch’s “Menu Development Amidst COVID”; Nicole Bean’s “Logistics of Offering Multiple Pizza Styles”; and Sammy Mandell’s “Using Video to Grow” sessions.

Wednesday, the final day of this year’s International Pizza Expo, offers an array of can’t-miss education sessions.

We’re interested in the “Women in Pizza” panel featuring Nicole Bean, Rachel Cope, Denise Greer and Nicole Russell; Bausch’s “Third-party Delivery”; and the “Not Letting Covid Win” panel with Domenico Di Diana, Pasquale Di Diana, and Eric Rickman.

Of course, we’ll be walking the expo floor as well.

Las Vegas is Home

One of the major KRG Hospitality markets is Las Vegas. It’s where I’ve lived for nearly two decades.

So, if you want to grab a bite and a drink or even just want some tips for places to check out, reach out to me.

As home to one of Tony Gemignani’s Pizza Rock locations, it’s more than a little likely that you’ll spot us at this off-Strip pizza standout.

Image: amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How and Why to Edit Your Menu

How and Why to Edit Your Menu

by Nathen Dube

Restaurant tables with place settings and menus

When thinking about opening a restaurant an important question to answer is, “What am I going to serve?”

There is one answer that tempts too many restauranteurs: “I’ll offer something for everyone!” The thinking is that doing so translates into everyone coming to their restaurant or bar.

The truth is, everyone isn’t coming. Sadly, many of these places don’t survive long, and 60 percent of restaurants don’t make it past their first year. Having an overwhelming menu is one of the key contributors to that statistic.

Massive menus are stressful for guests, making it difficult for them to decide. At a certain point, too many items create what’s called the Paradox of Choice. Overwhelm guests with possibilities and they’ll just choose something simple and familiar rather than exploring the entire menu, impacting the guest experience negatively.

Too many options also lend to the perception of low-quality food. How can a kitchen staff possibly excel at so many dishes? How can the ingredients be fresh and not frozen? What is the quality of dishes if people only order them once or twice a week?

Those reasons and more are why it’s important to have a laser-focused menu from the onset.

Inventory Challenges

If a large portion of your menu isn’t moving out of the kitchen to hungry diners, guess where that food is going. A large menu creates tracking issues, a high percentage of ingredient spoilage, and opens the door to theft from staff. The best establishments do just a handful of things well, with a select few complementary items to round out the menu.

Having a kitchen full of product for dishes on the menu that might get ordered can quickly turn into dead stock. If there are boxes sitting in dry storage shelves collecting dust, it’s a good time to consider removing any dishes that require them from the menu.

Setting a scheduled review of inventory and menu sales breakdowns can be a great way to avoid dead stock eating into your food budget for any significant length of time. Not all dishes end up being winners—ignoring the losers will limit profitability significantly. A massive, unchecked menu just compounds the issue.

Another profit-eater is food waste. Ordering usually means receiving product in bulk and breaking it down. It’s near impossible, as an example, to order just two or four of something like cabbage for a dish that doesn’t move. The cabbage sits, and half a case gets thrown out for every dish sold. Having a focused menu will help quickly highlight items that need to be removed from a menu.

Tracking Issues

Then there’s the issue of theft. Unfortunately, theft happens. Having some deterrents in place can help mitigate opportunities for those who seek to steal in this industry.

If there aren’t robust tracking systems in place along with an honest team who uses them correctly, things can (and will) disappear. A much harder time will be had spotting losses and what’s causing them when it takes a long time to track inventory. Again, this leads to compounded profit losses on dead stock and product spoilage. We haven’t even begun to prepare any food yet and already our food cost is trending in a bad direction.

A restaurant budget needs to be established before opening and needs to be adhered to strictly. That can quickly go out the window when it comes to ordering food to stock your kitchen. A massive addition to your operating costs can set you back a few months, particularly when you’re not seeing a return on purchases for the reasons stated above.

With the current climate of the restaurant industry and a post-Covid dining scene, avoiding these pitfalls is crucial to success. Rising food and labour costs, recovering from months of closures, and a shortened patio season (if you’re lucky enough to have one), have made strict cost controls more important than ever going forward.

Keep in mind, if your seating capacity matches or is less than the amount of menu items you’re serving, that equates to minimal product turnover, which translates to minimal profits. That number is multiplied by product loss of any kind.

Training & Retention

When an owner can’t match their concept to food and drink offerings, it leads to poorly trained staff and frustration during service. There will be plenty of room for error (more loss!) and, unsurprisingly, low staff retention. That all keeps this never-ending cycle in motion.

If you can’t clarify your vision, how can you expect staff to showcase it to guests with any confidence?

At every “big menu” restaurant I’ve worked in, the owners were always in the building or kitchen. This wasn’t because they were driven to be hands on. It was because they couldn’t train staff properly to run the whole menu reliably, things would go “missing,” or staff simply couldn’t accomplish daily tasks consistently.

Interestingly, the opposite was true at establishments with small, focused menus. Staff were confident and knowledgeable, problems with food and service didn’t spiral out of control, and food moved out the door to some degree of consistency. The owners were freed up to run their business rather than micromanage everyone.

With all the issues currently hampering the food industry, the last thing you want right now is another level of frustration among your staff. Retention rates are at an all-time low. The struggle to fill job openings industry-wide are at all-time high, as are reported cases of staff walking out mid-service. A properly structured menu can keep your business on track and make the lives of your employees much more simplified.

Editing Your Menu

Focusing on cohesion between menu and concept doesn’t require offering all the dishes under the sun. Avoiding the “something for everyone” approach leads to improved guest experiences and employee confidence. Streamlining your menu simplifies inventory and sales tracking; differentiates high-profitability items from the rest; and makes identifying items that don’t sell easier.

Paring down your menu into a tight, focused version allows you to quickly retool it every few months. Just try tracking and editing a large four-page menu as frequently. It’s costly to reprint and you have better things to do with your time.

Keeping things tight also creates space to take advantage of seasonal offerings, local specialties, or customer favorites. You can also offer specials throughout the week that can drive traffic and give your talented cooks a chance to show off!

I would suggest looking over your sales data to identify your highest-selling dishes and the slow movers every one to two months. If you have a seasonal menu, this can be done at the midpoint of a seasonal change.

Think about what items are being purchased and only used in one dish. They can start to pile up in your stockroom and lead to dead stock. Consider the versatility of ingredients when planning a menu change—cross-utilize everything you can.

Fluctuating Costs

Another important point that can get forgotten is that the prices of food items fluctuate constantly. Maintaining a large menu, therefore, can become a nightmare cost scenario quickly. Limes, beef, avocados—even celery—are experiencing tremendous jumps in price. A small menu allows for damage control when prices jump, giving your room to make quick, lower-cost moves.

Of course, the alternative is to have your staff rattle off everything the kitchen is out of to your guests. Not cool.

The underlying theme here is to avoid tying up your finances in product that is sitting, turning to waste instead of profit, or not moving at all. Your mission is to have product moving out of the kitchen constantly and consistently.

It might seem like a wise decision to offer a large menu that’s all over the place. Maybe you’re making that choice for fear of alienating guests or reducing your traffic. However, the points made in this article should illustrate why a cohesive link between concept and menu is crucial, and how a smaller, more focused menu can deliver more for you than a large, out-of-touch menu.

Image: Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

New York City Mandates Escalate

New York City Mandates Escalate

by David Klemt

Times Square empty in New York City during Covid-19 pandemic

Mandates requiring people to wear masks and maintain social distance indoors aren’t new.

However, a mandate requiring proof of vaccination status to dine and drink inside a restaurant or bar is a new development.

This week, Mayor Bill de Blasio is escalating Covid-19 mandates in New York City.

Restaurants and Gyms

To date, New York City is nearing a 70-percent full vaccination rate.

The latest pandemic mandate is likely intended to boost the city’s vaccination rate. Per reporting, the Delta variant of Covid-19 accounts for more than 70 percent of new cases in New York City.

Interestingly, the new mandate requires workers, not just customers, to prove their vaccination status. It also makes New York the first major city to implement such a requirement.

So far, the requirement pertains to indoor restaurants, bars, nightclubs, performances, and gyms.

Per Mayor de Blasio’s announcement, the vaccine mandate, referred to as “the Key to NYC Pass,” will begin with a transition period that starts August 16. Beginning September 13, full enforcement of the mandate via New York State’s Excelsior Pass app; the NYC COVID SAFE app; or paper vaccination card is expected.

Union Square

Predictably, the response to this mandate comes in three flavors: supportive, hostility, and apathetic.

So, those who support the requirement are applauding it, saying they’ll feel safer when dining out. Conversely, those who oppose the new mandate believe this is glaring government overreach and an infringement on their freedoms.

In a way, however, this mandate isn’t completely new. Some operators throughout the United States already require proof of vaccination to enter their venues.

Currently, several media outlets are focusing on Danny Meyer and his Union Square Hospitality Group.

Several days before Mayor de Blasio’s announcement, Meyer said guests who want to dine and drink in his NYC restaurants will need to prove vaccination status starting September 7.

Additionally, Meyer announced current and new employees would have to prove they’ve been vaccinated.

At the moment, it doesn’t appear Shake Shack, of which Meyer is founder and chairman, will follow suit.

Not the First

However, Meyer is not the first operator to implement and enforce strict Covid-19 protocols to protect their teams, guests and communities.

Perhaps some of the focus on Meyer is intended to draw eyes and ears, and ultimately encourage more people to get vaccinated fully. After all, celebrity chefs and operators have nationwide and global influence.

Cynically, however, it’s to not dismiss the focus on Meyer as a ploy for ratings, clicks, and engagement.

At any rate, many operators across the country require proof of vaccination to work and dine at their restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and hotels. And many were doing so before Meyer made his announcement.

One such chef-operator is Eric Rivera, who operates ADDO in Seattle. He has required proof of vaccination for employees and guests since May of this year.

In fact, Chef Rivera has been strict in his handling of Covid-19 health and safety measures since last year.

A visit to Chef Rivera’s website finds the following disclaimer, attributed to him:

“All of our experiences are for vaccinated guests only. That will remain permanent. If that’s a problem for you then there are plenty of restaurants that will reward you for doing nothing, this isn’t one of them.”

During an NPR interview, Chef Rivera explained his stance succinctly: “I don’t want to be somebody’s last meal. Whatever I’m doing food-wise and restaurant-wise isn’t worth that.”

He’s active on Twitter, where he makes his position and policies clear.


If you think I’m going to point out that New York City’s new mandate increases the likelihood of hostile confrontations with guests, you’re correct. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Also, if you’re guessing that I’m going to point out that guest-facing team members must receive support from leadership when policing guest behavior, you’re two for two.

However, policies like those put in place by Chef Rivera and others throughout the industry highlight something else: They’re showing the fallacy of the maxim “the customer is always right.”

Why should operators tolerate aggression toward their employees from disrespectful, angry customers—for any reason—if the employee is remaining professional and respectful?

It certainly seems that a growing number of operators are tired of capitulating to everyone who walks through their doors. The days of bowing to customers and failing to support and defend employees look to be ending.

Personally, I’m in favor of putting that outdated adage to rest. Continuing to reward guest behaviors we find objectionable—which has been the industry’s stance for decades—ultimately motivates good employees to quit. Again, this isn’t a pandemic-driven phenomenon—it has been going on for generations.

Of course, each operator must do what they think is best for their business. Just about every decision made in this industry is risky, but risk is something all operators understand inherently. Watching dollars walk out the doors never to return can be a frightening proposition. So is the prospect of losing good workers and incurring the associated costs.

The need to balance the comfort and safety of their team members and guests is paramount—an absence of either will shut a business down. Today, however, choosing guest dollars over employee dignity, safety and mental health is inexcusable and evidence of a problematic company culture.

If we’re truly in the midst of a Great Resignation, I can’t fault operators for deciding to keep their employees safe. Even if we weren’t facing a labor shortage, I’d support operators who support their workers.

Image: Paulo Silva on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

How SevenRooms Improves Operations

How SevenRooms Improves Operations

by David Klemt

Reviewing and analyzing customer data on a laptop computer

It’s true that SevenRooms is a reservation management platform. However, it’s so much more powerful than that.

Simply put, if the platform wasn’t simple to use and integrate with other systems, they wouldn’t be celebrating their tenth year.

A recent interview via Clubhouse highlights why now, more than ever, operators need to seriously consider SevenRooms.


Guy Clarke, founder of Sizzle Dining, spoke with two key SevenRooms team members in a casual but informative Clubhouse chat.

Allison Page, SevenRooms co-founder and Chief Product Officer, and Marybeth Sheppard, senior vice president of marketing, fielded Clarke’s questions.

Interestingly, Page admits SevenRooms took five to seven years to really fine-tune operations. In fact, she says that the team didn’t quite know exactly what they were offering for the first year or two.

Now, the “reservation” platform has truly hit their stride. The company doesn’t just manage reservations, it provides powerful solutions: a full suite of operational tools; table management; and guest experience and retention capabilities.

Of course, many tech platforms claim to help operators. However, SevenRooms is now enjoying a decade in business.

Their longevity is, in part, due to their approach to hospitality. As Page tells it, the founders didn’t just enter the industry believing they could “fix it” with tech.

Plenty of tech folks have identified problems in hospitality, boasted about their “common sense” solution, and exited after finding out how challenging the business is.

Instead, the SevenRooms team spent time in the trenches. According to Page, they took reservations, checked coats, and more. They spent time with hospitality workers after hours and got to know them.

What’s with that Name?

I’ve written several articles about SevenRooms. However, I’ve never addressed why the founders chose that name.

When asked by Clarke during the Clubhouse chat, Page provided the answer.

Turns out, the name is a loose nod to Graydon Carter’s “Seven Rooms Theory.” The theory speaks to navigating social status in New York City. In short, it posits that the NYC social scene consists of seven consecutive “rooms,” each with a secret door. Find the secret door, move to the next room.

Of course, SevenRooms isn’t about exclusivity. Instead, SevenRooms is helping operators reach the seventh “room,” which is a lasting relationship with a guest. The six previous rooms are a journey toward understanding that guest and making them loyal by delivering incredible guest experiences.

Why SevenRooms Works

If this seems like a shameless plug for SevenRooms, well, it sort of is. They didn’t pay me, Doug or KRG Hospitality to promote the platform; we just like what SevenRooms can do for operators.

In an industry that has until recently been slow to innovate when it comes to tech, the platform has been improving restaurant and hotel operations for years.

According to Page, SevenRooms has a simple operating philosophy that drives the company: “Make small big, make big small.” SevenRooms is driven to help small, independent operations punch well above their weight class. The platform gives independent operators the same capabilities as their large chain counterparts.

Conversely, SevenRooms gives enterprise operators an effective way to deliver the engaging experiences that independents offer their guests.

However, there are other reasons SevenRooms is so worthy of consideration: simplicity.

SevenRooms is all about collecting data. Of course, data does no good if an operator doesn’t know what to do with it. If they had to analyze and leverage it on their own, they’d need to employ data scientists and an entire marketing team.

Well, SevenRooms employs those people instead so operators don’t need to. An operator doesn’t need to be a data scientist to use the information they collect through the platform. Marketing campaigns are automated and engaging, and require little effort from the end user.

Reduce Costs, Increase Revenue

As Sheppard explains, SevenRooms manages and, more importantly, helps maximize a restaurant’s floor.

Looking to increase turns? Done. Want every seat to generate revenue? Smart seating makes that possible. According to Sheppard, SevenRooms’ auto-assign seating functionality is worthy of operators’ trust. Additionally, the platform’s CRM, table management and marketing tools help staff upsell guests.

Speaking of automated functions, Sheppard provides insight into SevenRooms auto-tagging. The platform assigns automated tags that make it simple for staff to understand the guests they’re serving. Some examples are:

  • Burger lover
  • Red wine lover
  • Big tipper
  • Loves expensive wine
  • No-showed twice

Just those five examples show how SevenRooms helps operators and their teams maximize the guest experience to generate revenue. So, how does the platform reduce costs?

First, investing in SevenRooms reduces an operator’s overall tech stack investment. It integrates with around 50 POS systems and offers several tools (modules), meaning an operator doesn’t need to purchase several platforms that may not integrate with one another.

Second, the reservation and table management tools streamline an operator’s business. When team members are focusing on revenue-generating tasks, the floor is being sat more efficiently, and guests are being wowed, costs are driven down and revenue is driven up.

Then, there’s the “hidden” benefit. As Sheppard says, hospitality is a passion-driven industry. Unfortunately, there are many “non-passion” tasks that must be accomplished for operators to make money and keep their doors open.

Those tasks can take a toll, leading to an operator to fall out of love with the industry and their own concept. Well, SevenRooms takes several of those tasks (sifting through data, creating marketing campaigns, figuring out how to maximize the floor, etc.) and automates them.

Therefore, operators have more time to program menus, mentor team members, forge relationships with guests by touching tables, and more.

To request a SevenRooms demo, click here.

Image: John Schnobrich on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

4 Tips for Recruiting and Retention

4 Tips for Recruiting and Retention

by David Klemt

Server walking through restaurant carrying tray

Operators seeking to survive and thrive despite the Great Resignation can give themselves an edge with these four concepts.

Attract New Talent

KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey doesn’t find the struggle to fill restaurant, bar and hotel positions all that shocking.

Why? Because too many operators post generic, cookie-cutter job listings. Doing what everyone else is doing has never been advisable for those looking to stand out.

Instead, Doug suggests a more unique approach to job ads, an approach that helps operators stand above the competition.

Step one is avoiding banal listing language:

  • “Are you friendly, energetic, and highly motivated?”
  • “Are you an experienced and enthusiastic [insert position]?”
  • “The ideal candidate must work well in a fast-paced environment and be a team player.”
  • List of basic job tasks.

Instead, Doug suggests the following:

  • Hire for values rather than experience. Training addresses systems and standards, not personality and drive.
  • Operators should be transparent about their core values, company culture, and potential for growth.
  • Showcase the approach to inclusivity, diversity, acceptance, and flexibility. That is, if that’s authentic. If not, that’s a flashing, neon red flag that requires addressing.
  • Offer a living wage, benefits, potential for personal growth, and education.
  • Produce a video of team members sharing why they work at the company. This must be genuine and honest.

Demand creates competition. Innovation beats the competition.

Actually Onboard New Hires

So, an operator adjusts their approach to filling open positions. They recruit and hire promising employees.

Sadly, it’s common for new hires in hospitality and foodservice to leave in just a few months. Rather than accept this as the norm, operators have a tool at their disposal for improving employee retention: Onboarding.

Too many operators think the next step after hiring someone is providing a start date, showing them the front- and back-of-house, and hoping things will work out.

Well, hope isn’t a strategy.

The next step after hiring someone is onboarding and should include the following:

  • Complete all pertinent paperwork and setting up access to systems. If applicable, set up direct deposit.
  • Provide new hire with detailed employee handbook. If there isn’t one yet, that must be addressed.
  • Share the story of the business (history, area, etc.) and workplace culture.
  • Outline expectations: Policies, rules and responsibilities.
  • Explain benefits, such as health insurance and mentorship opportunities.
  • Provide training and assign shadowing.
  • Deliver feedback on trained tasks.

The above list obviously has room for more onboarding tasks. Operators should create a physical onboarding checklist. Also, they should require the person or people tasked with onboarding to complete and sign off the checklist (even if that person is the operator).

Nail recruiting, hiring and onboarding and word will get out. The result? Hiring gets easier and turnover decreases.

Focus on Workplace Culture

Doug addressed workplace culture and the labor shortage on Bar Hacks bonus episode number 16.

Simply put, operators need to take an honest look at their culture.

Is it inclusive and accepting? Transparent and nurturing? Do employees feel comfortable bringing up workplace issues? (More on that last one below.)

Hospitality is fast-paced and demanding—owners and managers shouldn’t add to the stress.

Why would anyone want to work in for someone who isn’t going to treat them and their coworkers with respect, mentor them and nurture their career, and value their input?

It’s every operator’s responsibility to be good stewards of hospitality professionals’ passion for this industry. We do them a disservice when we turn a blind eye to an unhealthy workplace culture that has taken hold, crushing their love of his business and driving them away.

Value Employee Feedback

Yes, guest feedback is valuable. However, so is feedback from employees.

It’s important for operators to remember not to focus solely on guests.

True, a business isn’t a business without customers. Equally true: It’s not a business without employees.

So, operators should foster a work environment in which employees feel comfortable sharing honest feedback. This is, of course, where culture comes into play.

If employees don’t feel safe sharing their opinions and suggestions, operators won’t truly know what it’s like to work for them. Without that feedback, employee turnover will skyrocket, recruiting and hiring will be an endless struggle, and the guest experience will suffer.

We all know what happens if guests pick up on an uncomfortable restaurant, bar or hotel environment: They don’t return.

Operators can’t expect their businesses to thrive (or just survive) if they focus solely on guests.

Putting these concepts to work can help operators succeed despite the Great Resignation of 2021.

Image: Shangyou Shi on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Canada to Reopen Border

Canada to Reopen Border

by David Klemt

Canadian airplane with maple leaf on tail

In a move months in the making, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is opening the border to Americans.

Remarkably, this loosening of Canada-America border restrictions doesn’t pertain solely to essential travel.

Rather, the border will open on August 9 for non-essential travel to American travelers (and permanent residents) who can prove their vaccine status.

Great News

Obviously, this is fantastic news for Canadian hospitality operators (and other business owners, of course).

Really, it’s great news for all Canadians and Americans: people can finally visit family and friends, and the economy should see a boost.

This news comes on the heels of other positive developments for Canada, such as the country’s vaccination rate now surpassing that of America’s. There’s also the province of Ontario bringing back indoor dining.

According to media reports, Canadian officials are in communication with American President Joe Biden’s administration about opening the border the other way.

However, there is no information yet about when that will happen. When asked about Canada’s announcement regarding the border, White House press secretary Jen Paski said the following:

“Any decisions about reopening travel will be guided by our public health and medical experts. We take this incredibly seriously. We look and are guided by our own medical experts. I wouldn’t look at it through a reciprocal intention.”

Should all to plan, Canada will open the border to travelers from other countries on September 7.

The Details

Of course, Americans can’t just flash their passport and cross the border. People eager to enter to Canada need to plan ahead a few days.

This is due to the requirement that Americans—with few exceptions—need to submit travel information 72 hours before arriving at the border. For example, if an American would like to cross the border the day it reopens to them, August 9, they’ll need to begin the process no later than August 6.

So, those travelers will need to use the ArriveCAN website, iOS app, or Android app.

ArriveCAN users using the website will show Canadian border agents a printout. App users will show them their screen.

Also, travelers will need to complete a Covid-19 test within the same 72 hours and be asymptomatic upon arriving at the border.

To review eligibility requirements—including lists of eligible and ineligible vaccines—click here. Full details are here.

The Opportunity

Clearly, the plan to open the border to American travelers and Canadians who found themselves stuck in America due to the pandemic presents a terrific opportunity for business owners.

In particular, in terms of our industry, bar, restaurant and hotel operators must see this development as excellent news.

Family members and friends will be eager for long-overdue reunions. That means hotel stays and restaurant and bar visits. There are also opportunities that relate to weddings, such as rehearsal dinners.

Obviously, operators must prepare for an influx of guests. So, they need to schedule accordingly, prepare staff for possibly overwhelming amounts of traffic, and ensure precautions are in place that reassure team members their health and safety are being considered.

In terms of those who waiting for the “right time” to open their restaurant or bar, this news could be a signal that the hospitality industry is on its way toward recovery in Canada.

It’s crucial that operators and management balance guest and employee comfort levels. Doing so will aid in boosting traffic, increasing revenue, and recruiting, hiring, and employee retention efforts.

Image: John McArthur on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

People are Returning to Cities

People are Returning to Cities

by David Klemt


Aston Martin DB5 on freeway in Phoenix, Arizona

It seems the people fleeing big cities in a “mass exodus” are throwing their moving trucks and vans into reverse.

Millennials and Gen Z are apparently leaving the suburbs and rural areas.

Analysts are looking at significant increases in rent as proof of the shift.

Climbing Rent

Anyone following along with real estate is aware that the housing market is off-the-charts hot right now.

Bidding wars for houses and condos are driving prices up by tens of thousands of dollars in many cases.

Well, those bidding wars aren’t only affecting housing sales.

In some markets, rates for rental properties are climbing by more than 40 percent. Per reports, rent is up 7.5 percent across the nation.

Now, bidding wars are taking place for rental properties. As is the case with homes and condos, there’s less inventory than demand.

Obviously, that drives up prices.

Who and Where?

Millennials and Gen Z are driving the journey back to the cities.

Many in those generations moved out of cities to live with friends or family. During the pandemic, doing so was a sound in terms of physical, mental, and financial health.

According to data from, the following markets are seeing year-over-year increases in one- and two-bedroom apartment rent:

  • Tucson, AZ
  • Santa Ana, CA
  • Henderson, NV
  • Las Vegas, NV

For the full report, click here.

Another market is, per several outlets, seeing an influx in younger, wealthy renters and buyers: Phoenix, AZ.

In fact, the wealthy have been investing in property throughout Phoenix, Las Vegas, Denver and Dallas.

Of course, the nation’s biggest cities are also drawing more people. For example, New York City is experiencing an influx of residents.

This is largely due to the relaxing of Covid-19 restrictions and an increase—in some cities and states—in vaccination rates.

It’s important to meet guests where they are. Those looking to expand or open new venues should give serious consideration to booming secondary markets.

Image: iStrfry , Marcus on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Hospitality Labor Shortage not Improving

Hospitality Labor Shortage not Improving

by David Klemt

Wait station to side of busy bar

Surveys and data focusing on the restaurant and hotel employment situation paint a stark picture.

The sobering reality is that operators can’t simply point to the pandemic as the reason they’re failing to fill available positions.

Instead, we need to focus on the problems hospitality workers continue to face.

It’s not going to be easy. However, it can lead to positive change. That change can help the hospitality industry recover and thrive long into the future.

Culture is Crucial

Per several sources, millions of hospitality professionals are washing their hands of the industry.

Unfortunately, foodservice and lodging workers are citing several reasons for the exodus:

  • Lack of livable wages.
  • Inconsistent wages.
  • Stress levels not worth level of monetary compensation.
  • Lack of benefits.
  • Lack of mentoring and/or career progress.
  • Industry volatility, particularly devastating as a result of the pandemic.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle: Long shifts, late nights, and alcohol and drug abuse.
  • Cultures of harassment and discrimination.

Obviously, it’s easier to blame labor shortages on the workers. Well, being easier doesn’t make it true.

Industry and workplace culture matters. Employee turnover rates were high long before the pandemic ravaged the planet.

Rather than make excuses, operators need to look at their restaurant, bar or hotel’s culture.

Barking orders and feeling infallible isn’t leadership. Admitting failures and shortcomings—and learning from them and implementing positive changes—is how successful operators lead.

Generic Job Listings

Last week, KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey asked a simple but poignant question on LinkedIn: Are your job listings just like everybody else’s?

He suggests knocking it off with the old standards:

  • “Are you friendly, energetic, and highly motivated?”
  • “Are you an experienced and enthusiastic [insert position]?”
  • “The ideal candidate must work well in a fast-paced environment and be a team player.”
  • List of basic job tasks.

What’s appealing about such basic, generic ads? Why would rock star talent be moved to work for operators who post these types of ads?

Instead, Doug suggests the following:

  • Hire for values, not experience. Training can address systems and standards, not personality and drive.
  • Operators should be transparent about their core values, company culture, and potential for growth.
  • Showcase the approach to inclusivity, diversity, acceptance, and flexibility. That is, if that’s authentic. If not, that’s a flashing, neon red flag that requires addressing.
  • Offer a living wage, benefits, potential for personal growth, and education.
  • Produce a video of team members sharing why they work at the company. This must be genuine and honest.

A unique approach to ads, hiring and onboarding can lead to an increase in employee retention.

Yes, it’s more comfortable to avoid looking internally for the roots of problems. It’s more comfortable to avoid blame. And it’s more comfortable to point fingers anywhere but at ourselves.

That’s not leadership. And it certainly won’t improve any operator’s situation, nor will it improve the hospitality industry and its opportunity to thrive.

Image: One Shot from Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Indoor Dining Returning to Ontario

Indoor Dining Returning to Ontario

by David Klemt

3D Toronto Sign at night

Operators and their employees and guests in Ontario, Canada, have a real reason to celebrate this week.

On Friday, July 16, at 12:01 AM, the province will launch into Step 3 of the Reopening Ontario plan.

Why is this fantastic news for Ontario operators? Stage 3 includes the return of indoor dining.

Ahead of Schedule, Again

As with Step 1 and Step 2, the province is entering Step 3 of the Reopening Ontario plan earlier than expected.

Ontario launched Step 1 three days ahead of schedule. Step 2 also came a few days early.

The province is entering Step 3 a whole five days early. These early launches are a testament to Ontario’s vaccination efforts.

Premier Doug Ford said during a press release that the targets triggering Step 3 were not just met but surpassed.

However, he did mention that the campaign to vaccinate Ontarians was in no way complete.

“While this is welcome news for everyone who wants a return to normal, we will not slow down our efforts to fully vaccinate everyone who wants to be and put this pandemic behind us once and for all,” Premier Ford said.

Step 3 Details

This phase of the plan is the least-restrictive of Reopening Ontario.

In Step 3, restaurants and bars can welcome indoor guests. The only capacity restriction is that people must be able to maintain distance of two metres between one another.

Restaurants and bars with dance floors are restricted to 25-percent capacity and a maximum occupancy of 250.

Outdoor dining capacity will focus on social distancing: there must be two metres between tables.

Face masks are a requirement for indoor gatherings and in situations where it’s not possible to socially distance properly.

Should the vaccine rate and other indicators continue to improve, it’s possible that Ontario will reopen fully as soon as 21 days after Step 3 begins. So far, Reopening Ontario steps have launched ahead of schedule, a great sign for reopening fully.

However, operators must take care to remain in compliance with federal, provincial and local regulations. Click here to review the Reopening Ontario details.

Of course, we’ll monitor the situation and see what Ontario officials say next.

Image: Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

First-ever Carbon-neutral Distilled Spirit

Novo Fogo Releases First-ever Carbon-neutral Distilled Spirit

by David Klemt

Novo Fogo Bar Strength Silver Cachaça bottle

Novo Fogo is releasing their Silver Cachaça in a one-liter bottle with a fresh new design, strength and trade industry focus.

Clearly, the Brazilian distiller is concentrating on bar owners and bartenders for 2021.

Of course, Novo Fogo is also focusing on their relationship with the planet.

Reducing Environmental Impact

The Novo Fogo distillery calls the Floresta Atlântica home. And the brand is fiercely protective of this location.

Also known as the Atlantic Rainforest, the distillery operates within the second-largest UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Novo Fogo’s home is pristine, surrounded by untouched nature—there’s no pollution. Operating in harmony, Novo Fogo goes to great lengths to impact their surroundings—and the planet—as little as possible.

Fans of the distillery’s handcrafted, small-batch cachaça will attest to the liquid’s terroir. Tasting Novo Fogo is like standing in Floresta Atlântica and breathing in its pristine nature.

The company is carbon negative (absorb more carbon dioxide than they emit); uses minimal water; utilizes organic production methods; and manages reforestation efforts.

World First Spirit

Novo Fogo’s mission includes a relentless, meticulous approach to saving the Amazon rainforest. The reasoning is obvious—sixty percent of Brazil is rainforest.

Also, rainforests absorb carbon dioxide; release oxygen and water into the atmosphere; are home to indigenous people; and are habitats full of animal and plant life.

So, it’s with great pride that Novo Fogo Bar Strength Silver Cachaça is the world’s first carbon-neutral distilled spirit.

This accomplishment is no small feat. To achieve this goal, Novo Fogo had to take into account the impact of their partners.

That means the brand calculated:

  • production of their glass bottles (recycled glass, neck wraps made from plastics found on the streets of São Paulo), corks, labels, and cases;
  • utilities and fuel used by their distributor’s warehouses;
  • the resources used by land and sea freight partners; and
  • the impact of sales and delivery efforts.

After calculating the entirety of Bar Strength Silver Cachaça’s impact on the Earth, Novo Fogo purchased carbon offsets through Native. The offsets will save trees by providing 2,000 families in Honduras that produce coffee with water filters. Ultimately, this will save trees as the families won’t need to cut any down to boil water.

Bar Owner and Bartender Friendly

While things are improving, it can still be cost-prohibitive for people to choose products that are good for our planet.

To that end, Novo Fogo also aims to reduce the financial impact for bar owners who purchase Bar Strength Silver Cachaça.

Per the brand, the average wholesale cost of the new one-liter expression is $24. That translates to 22 1.5-ounce pours, a cost per ounce of $0.71, and a cost per cocktail of $1.06.

However, this new expression also takes the practical into mind.

Bartenders will appreciate Novo Fogo’s new bottle design:

  • The neck is taller while the midsection is has been slimmed down.
  • Regarding the footprint, the bottom of the bottle is now circular.
  • Novo Fogo shrunk the bottle’s footprint.

Ultimately, the redesign results in a one-liter bottle that’s easier to handle and fits better in a well.

Of course, boosting the ABV from 40 percent to 43 percent means this cachaça’s flavors are more intense. Obviously, that makes for a bolder drinking and guest experience.

Consumers are growing increasingly concerned about the health of our planet. Many seek out brewers, vintners and distillers who operate responsibly. The same goes for the restaurants, bars and hotels they’ll support.

Novo Fogo just made it that much easier to make cocktails that are better for the planet.

Image: Novo Fogo
