Holiday LTO

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: October 2024

Program for Unique Holidays: October 2024

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about your October holiday programming.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and this month is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

To provide a handful of examples, October boasts celebrations of the cheeseburger, the double cheeseburger, cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, beer, and guacamole. Those are fantastic F&B holidays sure to appeal to your guests. However, you can still celebrate some “out there” holidays to get people’s attention and draw them to your business.

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our September 2024 holidays list, click here.

October 1: The New National Taco Day

That’s right; National Taco Day has changed! You can read my article addressing this change here for more details, but what you need to know is that from today onward, National Taco Day will always fall on a Taco Tuesday.

October 2: Walk Your Dog Week

If your venue is dog friendly, and you operate in at least a decently walkable city or town, this is a great week to invite your guests to pop in for a dog treat, a bite, and a drink with their best friends.

October 4: Plaidurday

This day is dedicated to plaid. Plaid shirts, plaid pants, plaid shoes, plaid hats, plaid coats, plaid scarves, kilts featuring a tartan… If it’s plaid, encourage your guests to come by your place while they’re wearing it.

October 11: It’s My Party Day

Okay, this is an odd one. Really, it’s all about nostalgia. Technically, it’s about people revisiting their sweet sixteen parties, which is incredibly specific. Personally, I’d tap into your understanding of your guests and come up with a nostalgic theme that will appeal to them. After all, October is all about dressing up and themed parties.

October 12: National Motorcycle Ride Day

If your venue is motorcycle friendly, encourage your guests who ride to organize a ride, with a stop at your business to relax and refuel.

October 15: National Chicken Cacciatore Day

Recently, we addressed the importance of putting your spin on classic comfort foods. Chicken cacciatore, a recipe that’s about 600 years old, certainly falls into this category; it’s a classic comfort food, and your kitchen team can certainly put their own take on it.

October 21: Apple Day

We also addressed applejack, America’s first native spirit, just yesterday. Sure, you can do caramel apples or apple pie to celebrate this day, but I think you should bring your bar team into the mix, and create an LTO menu featuring applejack cocktails.

October 24: National Food Day

It sounds like this holiday is incredibly open ended, doesn’t it? A blank slate for any cuisine or food item you want to program a holiday promotion to leverage.

However, it’s specifically focused on featuring natural foods. For tips on how to build a natural, farm-to-table menu, check out KRG Hospitality chef consultant Nathen Dubé’s article here.

October 25: Chucky, the Notorious Killer Doll Day

I’ve included this because, wow, is it specific. It’s also a great day to play the Child’s Play movies and Chucky television show, within the confines of the proper licenses, of course.

October 30: National Candy Corn Day

Candy corn sucks, and if you agree (which means you’re correct), you’ll use this day to campaign against this food crime against nature.

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

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Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Screwdriver

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Screwdriver

by David Klemt

Orange cocktail, like a Screwdriver

Is there vodka in there? Maybe.

As it turns out, the origins of one of the simplest cocktails on the planet—there are just two ingredients in a traditional Screwdriver—are a mystery.

Another interesting note about the Screwdriver: It’s likely a relatively new drink.

If the Screwdriver is an American invention, the earliest most believe it could have been created is the 1920s. That’s when Smirnoff sold the rights to North American distribution to a distiller in the US.

However, it’s possible the cocktail wasn’t invented until some time in the 1940s. Vodka didn’t really become popular among Americans until the ’40s. So, it’s conceivable that the Screwdriver is less than 100 years old.

Still, it’s difficult to believe that someone, somewhere didn’t think to add a splash of vodka to their orange juice in the 1800s. Or that someone didn’t think to “adjust” the taste of the vodka in their glass with a bit of OJ.

Either way, it’s pretty entertaining to know that we don’t have a definitive answer for who created the Screwdriver, where it was first made, and when. When we consider the fact that the recipe calls for just two simple ingredients, maybe it does make sense that we don’t know the who, where, and why. It’s so easy to make that it’s believable multiple people had the same idea around the same time, across the globe.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Drink Donnybrook without checking into some origin theories. So, let’s dive in!

World War II

One theory involves WWII and the US Marine Corps.

It’s quite simple, really. During WWII, stationed overseas, perhaps a few Marines jazzed up their orange juice with a touch of vodka.

Oh, but wait. The Screwdriver may not be attributable to the USMC. It’s possible, according to another theory, that the former US Army Air Forces came up with drink and name when stationed in Ankara, Turkey.

As the predecessor to the Air Force, the USAF may hold claim to the Screwdriver.

If it’s one thing we need, it’s more fuel for the inter-service rivalry between the USMC and USAF.


Two publications mentioned the Screwdriver in the 1930s and 1940s.

According to some historians, Journalism Quarterly at least made reference to a drink called the “Smirnoff Screwdriver” in 1938.

If that’s true, the classic cocktail predates WWII by a year. And if that’s true, it’s possible that American marines, airmen, or soldiers spread it around the world.

In 1949, Time magazine mentioned the Screwdriver. According to the writer, the cocktail was the newest drink grabbing attention at the Park Hotel in New York. Apparently, American engineers, Balkan refugees, and Turkish spies loved the drink.

Interestingly, if Time‘s reporting is accurate, it’s possible the supposed Turkish spies frequenting the Park Hotel bar got the name of the drink from American airmen.

Since apparently no bartenders who worked at the Park Hotel appear to have taken credit for it back in the ’40s, it’s unlikely it was created there.


Okay, so you’re an oil worker. It’s the 1950s and you’re working in the Persian Gulf.

You’re performing back-breaking, dangerous tasks in oil fields. Maybe you need a pick-me-up, and maybe that pick-me-up involves mixing orange juice and vodka together.

But…you don’t have a barspoon. You certainly don’t have a swizzle stick. And you don’t have a coffee stirrer handy.

What you do have is a screwdriver. That screwdriver will definitely stir a drink. It doesn’t take time for this vodka-orange juice concoction to get the name “Screwdriver” because of the stirring utensil.

Well, that’s one theory, anyway.

Two days from now, December 14, you can share all those stories with your guests. Why? Because that’s National Screwdriver Day, a time to celebrate one of the simplest cocktails ever made.

Of course, you and your team can make the Screwdriver your own. Top-shelf vodka, the finest and freshest hand-squeezed orange juice (maybe even blood orange juice), any number of garnishes or rims, a touch of sparkling wine or water… The simpler the drink, the easier it can be to riff on it.


Image: Ryutaro Tsukata on Pexels

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Menu Development Drinks Food

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Sugar. Water. Whiskey. Mint.

Sugar. Water. Whiskey. Mint.

by David Klemt

Mint Julep in copper Woodford Reserve cup

…and sometimes Angostura bitters.

Get ready to break out the stainless steel and copper cups, whiskey, and crushed ice: National Mint Julep Day is right around the corner.

This classic cocktail’s traditional time to shine—Derby Day—has come and gone. However, we celebrate this ice-cold drink on May 30. This year, FYI, this bar and restaurant holiday falls on a Tuesday.

While many people associate the Mint Julep with the Kentucky Derby and the South, the drink traces its origin to Persia. According to some historians—the fun experts who love researching culinary and drinking history—”julep” is a derivation of “julepe,” which derives from “golâb.” “Julepe” is a Spanish Arabic word that comes from “golâb,” a Persian word that translates to “rosewater.” As one might expect from the translation, golâb was a drink made by combining water with rose petals.

Over time, it’s believed, the rose petals were replaced by people making Juleps in the Mediterranean. The replacement? Mint leaves native to the area.

Eventually, like so many centuries-old drinks, medicinal elements were introduced. The English Julep, for example, added alcohol and camphor. To think, there are decades of human history where doctors prescribed cocktails to patients.

The Kentucky Connection

Of course, like so many centuries-old drinks, it’s difficult to separate the fictitious from the factual. Some say mentions of the Mint Julep can be traced to 1770s, others say the early 1800s.

As far as the Kentucky connection, there are historians that say Henry Clay, who served as a Kentucky senator and congressman, brought the Mint Julep to Washington, DC in 1850. Clay is said to have shared the recipe with the Round Robin Bar at the Willard’s Hotel (now the Willard InterContinental). The hotel’s website makes reference to this part of the Mint Julep’s history (or legend, as it were).

Chris Morris, Master Distiller for Woodford Reserve for 20 years and now the distillery’s Master Distillery Emeritus, supports the idea, historically, that the Mint Julep was a medicinal cocktail.

“The Mint Julep has a long history, and in the 1800s it was considered a morning drink,” Morris has said. “People working on horse farms or in the horse-racing industry during this time period may wake up with aches and pains.”

It’s safe to say Morris and Woodford know their way around a Mint Julep.

Further, if you dig deep enough, you’ll come across mentions of horse jockeys taking home Julep cups as trophies. Literal trophy cups, if you will.

Consequently, given its ties to horse racing, it makes sense that the Mint Julep would one day become the Kentucky Derby‘s official drink. Of course, as this brief and (hopefully mostly) factual history shows, the Mint Julep undoubtedly had a presence at the famous race long before 1939.

Craft Your Own

Below you’ll find two recipes for your National Mint Julep Day LTO menu. However, this is one classic that people don’t seem to gatekeep much.

In fact, industry experts like Chris Morris encourage experimentation and creation of signature Mint Juleps. So, engage your bar and culinary teams, highlight flavors authentic to your menu and brand, and come up with your own variation.

To help you get started, bear in mind that while spearmint is a common ingredient, there are other species of mint available. The base spirit can also be substituted. Per some cocktail historians, genever-powered Mint Juleps were a common variation in the 1800s.

There’s nothing wrong with sticking to tradition. However, the Mint Julep practically begs for experimentation. Flavored syrups, all manner of spirits and liqueurs, garnishes… National Mint Julep Day is perfect for the LTO treatment.


Mint Julep

  • 2 oz. Bourbon
  • 0.25 oz. Simple syrup
  • 6 to 8 Mint leaves
  • Mint sprig to garnish
  • Angostura bitters to garnish (optional)
  • Crushed or shaved ice

Add simple syrup and mint leaves to Julep cup, and muddle. Next, add bourbon and crushed or shaved ice. Tightly pack ice in cup, then stir until frost builds on exterior of Julep cup. Top with more crushed or shaved ice, and form a dome on top of cup. Add mint sprig to garnish. If desired, also garnish with two or three drops of Angostura bitters.

Woodford Reserve Secretariat’s Mint Julep

This recipe is for the special Mint Julep served at this year’s Kentucky Derby.

Pack a Julep cup with crushed ice, making sure to make a dome over the lip of the cup. Add the whiskey and liqueur to a mixing glass and stir. Pour over the prepared cup. Garnish with one sprig of mint and one stalk of Virginia bluebells.

Should you prefer a more traditional build, express the oils of a mint leaf inside the cup. Add the bourbon, chestnut liqueur, and crushed ice. Garnish with more crushed ice, mint, and Virginia bluebells, then serve.

Image: Adam Jaime on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Bar Consultant. Nightclub. Lounge. Mixology. Cocktails.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Celebrate 75 Years of the Margarita

Celebrate 75 Years of the Margarita

by David Klemt

Classic Cointreau Margarita in landscape orientation

Cointreau is inviting you and your guests to celebrate the 75th anniversary of one of the most iconic cocktails on the planet: the Margarita.

That’s not hyperbole, by the way. While the cocktail is famously number one in the US, it’s also the top tipple in a number of other countries.

Focusing on the US, the Margarita certainly sees challenges to the cocktail throne. The Manhattan, Moscow Mule, and Martini have all taken shots at wearing the crown. In fact, the Martini is, as of 2022, sitting in the number two position.

So, there’s an excellent chance that right now, none of what I’ve written underneath the first sentence has registered with a certain type of reader. Declaring that 2023 is the 75th anniversary of the Margarita may have some people apoplectic right now.

Why’s that? Well, it’s because I’m implying that the origin of the Margarita is settled history. This is something that I love about cocktails: the origin stories of the classic cocktails. With few exceptions and modern cocktails, most cocktail origins are shrouded in mystery. Personally, I enjoy the fact that a single drink can give us so many stories and so much to argue about.

Cointreau believes the Margarita can be traced back to Acapulco. The story goes that Margarita Sames, a Dallas socialite, either requested a signature cocktail or created one herself for a party at her vacation home in Mexico. It’s said that her favorite spirits were tequila and Cointreau. As legend has it, Tommy Hilton was partaking in the festivities in Acapulco and enjoyed the cocktail. He added it to the menus at Hilton properties and there you have it—the Margarita started its journey toward securing the cocktail throne.

75 Years

We celebrate the Margarita on February 22 each year. However, the opportunity to showcase your Margarita(s) doesn’t end there.

One of these opportunities is coming up: Cinco de Mayo. This year, May 5 falls on a Friday. That gives you an entire weekend (or week leading up to the weekend of May 5) to feature an LTO menu of Margaritas.

Celebrating the Margarita also gives you and your teams the chance to upsell guests via premium, super-premium, and ultra-premium tequila options.

However, you and your guests can start celebrating this classic today via the Cointreau Margarita Pledge. Simply point guests who order a Margarita made with Cointreau to this website and they’ll have the chance to win a portion of $75,000. Each winner will be awarded $20 by Cointreau to help them celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a Margarita.

Of course, your front-of-house team should also encourage guests to snap a photo of their Margaritas and tag your restaurant or bar (and Cointreau) when posting to social media.

Below, you’ll find three Margarita recipes from Cointreau, along with an alcohol-free recipe. Cheers!

The Original Margarita by Cointreau

The Original Margarita

  • 1 oz. Cointreau 
  • 2 oz. Blanco tequila 
  • 1 oz. Fresh lime juice 
  • Lime wheel to garnish

Combine all ingredients in a shaker and add ice. Shake and strain into a salt-rimmed rocks glass. Garnish with a lime wheel.

The Spicy Margarita by Cointreau

The Spicy Margarita

  • 2 oz. Blanco tequila 
  • 1 oz. Cointreau
  • 0.75 oz. Fresh lime juice 
  • 2 Slices of jalapeño 
  • 2 Sprigs of fresh cilantro 
  • Jalapeño to garnish
  • Lime wheel to garnish

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake until well-chilled. Strain into a chilled Old Fashioned glass. Garnish with jalapeño pepper. Garnish with a lime wheel.

The Frozen Margarita by Cointreau

The Frozen Margarita

  • 1 oz. Cointreau 
  • 2 oz. Blanco tequila 
  • 1 oz. Fresh lime juice 
  • 0.25 oz. Simple syrup 
  • Lime wheel to garnish

Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender and blend to combine. Pour into salt-rimmed Margarita glass. Garnish with lime wheel.

Lyre's non-alcoholic tequila alternatives

Alcohol-free Classic Margarita

There are a couple non-alcohol brands that make adding a zero-proof Margarita to your menu simple. One such brand is Lyre’s, the Australian brand projected to one day be worth one billion dollars.

Not only does Lyre’s produce two tequila alternatives, they also make an alcohol-free triple sec. So, it really doesn’t get any easier to offer a premium non-alcohol Margarita that can justify a premium price.

An important note: Lyre’s is not an affiliate or portfolio-mate of Cointreau. I’m mentioning them here so that guests who aren’t consuming alcohol for any reason can still partake in celebrating the Margarita.

Shake briefly with ice. Fine strain into glass. Half salt-rimmed cocktail coupette. Garnish with lime wedge.

Cointreau images courtesy of Cointreau. Alcohol-free Classic Margarita image: Lyre’s.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Rosa is Pink, Lowlands Agave is Blue

Rosa is Pink, Lowlands Agave is Blue…

by David Klemt

Código 1530 Rosa Tequila and cocktail

Código 1530 is proud to present Valentine’s Day cocktails from Travis Pentecost of Tu Madre and Abby Blanchard of Broken Shaker.

Even more relevant for Valentine’s Day, each of the tequila-forward four recipes below is made with Código 1530 Rosa Blanco. As you can tell from the bottle image above, Rosa Blanco is a rosé tequila.

This particular tequila’s characteristic comes from the aging process. As the name implies, Rosa begins life as a blanco. But after one month in uncharred Napa Valley Cabernet French White Oak wine barrels, the liquid takes on a pink hue.

Produced using lowlands Blue Weber Agave, Código 1530 is precise about Rosa Blanco’s aging time. Too short and the barrels wouldn’t influence the tequila. Longer than one month and the wine barrel flavors would overpower the agave.

Código 1530’s exacting production and aging techniques result in their signature blanco delivering soft red wine notes on the palate, and a subtly floral finish. Rosa’s aging process enhances Blanco’s rich and bright earthy, mineral, and citrus notes.

If you have guests who are tequila fans—particularly those who love blanco—Rosa Blanco is a great conversation starter and upsale.

Codigo 1530 Kisses and Roses cocktail

Kisses and Roses

recipe by Travis Pentecost (Tu Madre)

  • 1.5 oz. Código 1530 Rosa Blanco Tequila
  • 0.5 oz. Chinola
  • 1 oz. Fresh lime juice
  • 0.75 oz. Orgeat
  • 2 dashes Plum bitters
  • Lemon slice to garnish
  • Edible flower to garnish

Add all ingredients to a shaker and strain into a Collins glass. Garnish with lemon slice and edible flower.

Codigo 1530 Will You Cherry Me cocktail

Will You Cherry Me

recipe by Travis Pentecost (Tu Madre)

  • 1.5 oz. Código 1530 Rosa Blanco Tequila
  • 0.5 oz. St-Germain
  • 1 oz. Prickly Pear liqueur
  • 1 oz. Fresh lemon juice
  • 2 dashes Cherry bitters
  • Fresh mint leaves to garnish
  • Lemon slice to garnish
  • Edible flower to garnish

Add all ingredients to a shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with fresh mint leaf “bouquet,” lemon slice, and edible flower.

Codigo 1530 Sandia Margarita cocktail

Sandia Margarita

recipe by Travis Pentecost (Tu Madre)

  • 2 oz. Código 1530 Rosa Blanco Tequila
  • 1 oz. Fresh watermelon juice
  • 1 oz. Fresh lime juice
  • 1 oz. Pina Agave
  • 2 dashes Peach bitters
  • Fresh mint leaves to garnish
  • Orange slice to garnish
  • Gummy watermelon candies to garnish
  • Edible flower to garnish
  • Salt for rim

Add all ingredients to a shaker and strain into a prepared cocktail glass. Garnish with “bouquet” of fresh mint leaves, orange slice, gummy watermelon candies, and edible flower.

Codigo 1530 You Up? cocktail

You Up?

recipe by Abby Blanchard (Broken Shaker)

  • 2 oz. Código 1530 Rosa Blanco Tequila
  • 1 oz. Fresh lime juice
  • 0.75 oz. Simple Syrup
  • 3 Raspberries, muddled
  • Raspberries to garnish
  • Raspberry gummy candy to garnish (optional)
  • Edible flower to garnish (optional)

Add all ingredients to a shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with raspberries. Optional garnishes: addition of raspberry gummy candy and/or edible flower

KRG Hospitality Bar 101 Techniques

Images: Código 1530

Disclaimer: Neither the author nor KRG Hospitality received compensation, monetary or otherwise, from Volley or any other entity in exchange for this post.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: Dec. 2022

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: December 2022

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and December is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to “weird.” For example, I’m sure you’re familiar with Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and a little event we call New Year’s Eve.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For November’s list, click here.

December 5: Bathtub Party Day

So, technically this day is about encouraging people to take a bath rather than a shower. However, this can be a great day for celebrating gin and prohibition-era cocktails.

Why gin in particular? For many, winter is gin season. Additionally, when people think of prohibition they tend to think of “bathtub gin.”

December 6: World Trick Shot Day

This is another holiday that celebrates something specific. In the case of World Trick Shot Day, it’s the basketball trick shot.

However, not every venue has basketball available to their guests. Many eatertainment venues do, but the same can’t be said for every restaurant or bar. But if your business has other bar games on offer, you can certainly adapt this holiday to encourage your guests to take their best shots.

December 8: National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day

Yes, Halloween is over. That doesn’t mean people won’t dress up and have some fun. From Doctor Who to Marty McFly, there are plenty of characters, movies, and TV shows out there your guests can use as inspiration to celebrate this holiday.

December 11: International Mountain Day

Our mountains are incredible, powerful, and crucial resources. So, on this holiday, highlight brands from mountainous regions and those committed to sustainability efforts.

December 12: Gingerbread House Day

This one can get messy but it can also draw in a lot of guests. There are a few ways to go about celebrating Gingerbread House Day, of course. One way I can think of is to encourage your guests to come by and help decorate a large gingerbread version of your restaurant or bar.

December 16: National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Fine, this isn’t exactly the weirdest holiday out there. At this point, the ugly Christmas/holiday sweater is a movie and television show trope. That doesn’t make it any less fun.

Come up with your own twist to bring guests through your doors this National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. That can mean creating a particular theme for ugly sweaters, for example.

December 21: Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day

When I came across this holiday I knew I’d be including it on this list. The name of the day is ridiculous, and the specificity is impressive. How could I resist?

This holiday, should you choose to accept celebrating it, is dedicated to Phileas Fogg. Who’s that? Fogg is the character in Around the World in Eighty Days who accepts the challenge referenced in the book’s title.

December 22: National Re-gifting Day

People participate in a lot of holiday gatherings throughout December. Many take place before the start of Hanukkah or Christmas Day.

That means a lot of people get gifts before December 22 that they’d perhaps rather not keep. So, encourage your guests to roll in on National Re-gifting Day for a drink, a bite, and an exchange of gifts.

December 23: National Pfeffernüsse Day

No, this isn’t a weird holiday—it’s mostly a fun word to say: “pfeffernüsse.” For non-German speakers, that’s probably a “weird” word. Most importantly, it’s a delicious, spiced cookie that makes for a great treat or fun interpretation as a holiday season cocktail.

December 30: No Interruptions Day

We all need time to disconnect, to log off and be unreachable. Your restaurant or bar is the perfect place for people to hit “do not disturb” on their devices and escape before New Year’s Eve.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Possess this Scary Spirit for Halloween

Possess this Scary Spirit for Halloween

by David Klemt

Harridan Vodka Paranormal Reserve hero

If you truly want to imbue your cocktails and the guest experience with the otherworldly this Halloween, you need this spirit.

In fact, this bottle likely contains the most “spirit” forward spirit one can possess. It’s also one of the rarest. Oh, and it took a rest for 30 days inside the Occult Museum.

On October 13, Harridan Vodka will launch their Paranormal Reserve officially. And if you’re after a true small-batch vodka, you’ll want to keep an eye the Paranormal Reserve countdown timer.

This is your opportunity to create and host a frighteningly unique Halloween LTO promotion.

Conjuring the Halloween Spirit

Does the Occult Museum sound familiar to you? If so, you’re likely a horror film fan or into the supernatural.

For those who don’t know, the Occult Museum was started in 1952 by Ed and Lorraine Warren. The two paranormal investigators collected a vast array of artifacts that they claimed came into contact with evil.

One of these objects is Annabelle, a cursed Raggedy Ann doll. According to lore, the doll is so dangerous it’s kept inside its own glass case. A sign attached to the case reads, “Warning, Positively Do Not Open.”

So, what could possibly be frightening about a Raggedy Ann doll? Well, this one is said to have an interesting “attachment.” That is, a demon in search of a human host that has attached itself to the doll.

To keep the demon from achieving its goal—which it reportedly began pursuing in 1970—Annabelle’s case has been blessed. The case has inscriptions of the Lord’s Prayer and Saint Michael’s Prayer. Also, it’s said that Ed Warren would recite a binding prayer over the case from time to time to ensure the demon couldn’t escape.

Supposedly, Annabelle nearly killed a priest who mocked it when he visited the Occult Museum to scrutinize the Warren’s claims of its demonic possession.

This story and more are told in The Conjuring movie series. In particular, Annabelle, Annabelle: Creation, and Annabelle Comes Home. Given that it’s October, it’s the perfect time to watch the first installment and doll-focused movies of The Conjuring universe.

In fact, this would be the month to design a promotion around The Conjuring watch parties with themed LTO cocktails.

A Frightful Rest

Okay, so I can already hear some of you asking what this has to do with Harridan Vodka. Well, calm down—I’m getting to it.

The Warren Occult Museum, located in Monroe, Connecticut, closed to the public in 2019. In other words, if you didn’t get to visit prior to its closure, you’ll most likely never have the chance to see Annabelle or the other occult artifacts contained within.

But you can purchase a bottle of 44-percent ABV vodka that rested for 30 days inside the Occult Museum: Harridan Vodka Paranormal Reserve.

Just 666 bottles are available, and 665 took their 30-day slumber right next to Annabelle. These bottles will retail for $199 on Thursday, October 13.


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Obviously, that leaves one bottle we need to address. Bottle number 666 was rested inside Annabelle’s case. And while the other 665 bottles are housed inside black Ouija-themed boxes, number 666 is contained within a glass case similar to Annabelle’s.

Of course, this unique bottle comes with an appropriately otherworldly price tag: $13,000. And, hey, the person who makes this bank-balance-slashing purchase might just be in possession of the world’s only vodka infused with evil.

If you’re one of the few who manage to get their hands on these Occult Museum-rested Harridan Vodka bottles, it’s fair to say you can name your price for the opportunity for guests to buy an ounce.

Happy Halloween, ya filthy animals!

Images: Harridan Vodka
