
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Las Vegas CEO Offers Vaccination Bonus

Las Vegas CEO Offers Vaccination Bonus

by David Klemt

The Cosmopolitan on the Las Vegas Strip

One CEO in the hospitality and lodging industries is offering employees a bonus for getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

William McBeath, president and CEO of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, is incentivizing the resort’s staff with cash bonuses.

Conversely, workers who decline inoculation must take weekly Covid-19 tests.

Cash Incentive

Per the Review-Journal, the largest daily newspaper in Nevada, McBeath is using a tiered approach to the bonuses.

If the resort meets the vaccination goal, the property could pay $1 million to staff.

According to reporting, The Cosmo is pushing for at least 80 percent of staff to receive first doses of a Covid-19 vaccine by the first of May.

The tiered system works as follows:

  • 60 Percent Vaccination Rate: $50
  • 70 Percent Vaccination Rate: $100
  • 80 Percent Vaccination Rate: $250
  • 90 Percent Vaccination Rate: $350
  • 100 Percent Vaccination Rate: $500

The most an employee stands to make is a one-time bonus of $500. Clearly, the 80 percent vaccination rate bonus is an amount the resort finds motivational and a reasonable cost.

Weekly Tests

There are a number of reasons someone may decide against a vaccine. Operators must understand that vaccination is a personal choice.

Requiring staff receive vaccinations is a slippery slope. Setting aside legal ramifications, doing so will likely result in staff attrition, awful PR, and long-term damage to a business.

That’s to say nothing of the failure in emotional intelligence that forcing vaccinations on employees would highlight.

Instead, McBeath’s approach respects an individual worker’s autonomy. The president and CEO isn’t forcing The Cosmo’s staff to receive vaccines. Rather, he’s incentivizing workers to reach the goal set for the resort.

There are no credible reports of Cosmopolitan employees facing termination for refusing vaccination. I was also unable to find any reports of retaliation.

According to Review-Journal reporting, unvaccinated workers will undergo Covid-19 testing. Starting May 1, Cosmo employees who work a maximum of three days per week will be given a test once per week. Those who work four or more days per week will be tested twice per week.

Nevada Seeks to Increase Occupancy Limits, Reopen State

McBeath’s May 1 deadline makes even more sense when one considers current occupancy limits and reopening plans.

Currently, casinos in the Silver State are operating at 50-percent capacity. On May 1, the Nevada Gaming Control Board will be responsible for deciding gaming floor occupancy. In preparation, the NGC wants more of Nevada’s hospitality workers to receive vaccinations.

Additionally, Governor Steve Sisolak has set a June 1 date against reaching 100-percent occupancy statewide. So, The Cosmo’s goal of 80-percent staff inoculation by May 1 makes a lot of sense.

Operators in hospitality and lodging can use McBeath’s incentive program in their own businesses. If it’s crucial to them and their businesses, operators should set a staff vaccination rate goal and implement a bonus schedule that appeals to workers while remaining realistic.

Image: Zachary DeBottis from Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: April

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: April

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar. They range from mainstream to food focused to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests.

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

April 14: National Reach as High as You Can Day

This is a holiday that will likely work best on social media. Just like there’s always a holiday and people like to say “there’s always a tweet,” there’s always a hashtag.

Use this day (and its accompanying hashtag) to highlight staff who want to participate, along with your venue.

Of course, if you want to involve your guests in person, go for it. Put your head together with your staff and get creative.

April 15: National Take a Wild Guess Day

You can take promotions centered around this day in several directions. The simplest way is to use the holiday to engage with followers on your social channels.

Consider borrowing from the “wrong answers only” posts on Instagram. Post a blurred, pixelated or “censored” item, like a bottle. In the caption, ask followers to “guess” what it is—wild guesses only.

This holiday also works well with blind tasting events.

April 16: Wear Pajamas to Work Day

I’d say this holiday is fairly self-explanatory. Let your front-of-house staff participate by wearing pajamas, with full team buy-in. Or, encourage your guests to wear their pajamas to your restaurant or bar.

If this holiday fell on a Saturday or Sunday, this would be a great day for a brunch promo. Of course, there’s nothing to say you can’t execute a Friday brunch.

April 16: National Bean Counter Day

In the United States, this holiday is taking place a month before the Tax Day deadline. If you’re so inclined, you could offer a deal to all the tax preparers and accountants in your area.

Although, you can also go a completely different direction. You can fill a large jar with beans—coffee would be great—and have guests guess how many there are. You can even post the jar full of beans to social, encouraging follower engagement. Closest guess wins a prize.

April 22: National Jelly Bean Day

Oh, hey… Remember that bean-counting holiday from way up there? I wonder if that bean-guessing idea would work for this holiday…

April 23: National Talk Like Shakespeare Day

If you think you or your social media manager can handle it, encourage your followers to describe your restaurant or bar as though they’re the Bard himself.

Or, as a Shakespearean translator would explain it, “Encourageth thy followeth’rs to describeth thy restaurant ‘r bar as though those gents’re the Bard himself.”

April 25: National DNA Day

Yesterday, I shared how our DNA plays a significant role in how we perceive bitter flavors. National DNA Day would be a great time to plan and execute a PTC strip and cocktail event.

April 27: National Tell a Story Day

How well do your loyal guests know you and your brand? How well do they know your staff?

National Tell a Story Day is an excellent time to leverage the story features on your social channels. Show off the venue and tell your brand’s story. If you have team members who want to participate and tell share a story, that’s a great way to engage with followers and guests.

April 28: National Superhero Day

If there was a ever a day to encourage your staff and/or guests to dress up for a fun time… National Superhero Day also leverages Shudder’s “Halfway to Halloween” event.

To take this holiday in another direction, you can also celebrate members of your community who give back to others by giving back to them.

“Weird” holidays aren’t just a dynamic way to engage with guests. Asking your team for ideas for holiday promotions is an excellent way to keep them engaged, which is a smart way to retain staff.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Science of Bitter Flavors

The Science of Bitter Flavors

by David Klemt

Selection of cocktails on table on patio of bar

Not only do bitter cocktail ingredients add depth and complexity to drinks, individual DNA plays a role in how we perceive them.

Campari, one of the best-known bitter aperitifs, adds herbal bitterness to cocktails.

However, not everyone perceives bitterness the same way. This is why some of your guests love bitter drinks, some can’t stand them, and others don’t have much of a response at all.

The Bitter Response

Dr. Danielle Reed is associate director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center. As her research summary states, why different people taste and smell differently, and how genotypes play a role in that perception.

A recent Campari digital event, “In a Sense: Decoding the Science of Bitter,” dives into the bitter response of humans. During this webinar, host Alison Mouratis, a Campari portfolio representative in Chicago, hosts Dr. Reed and Micah Melton, beverage director at the Alinea Group.

In the webinar, Dr. Reed asks, “Where does bitter come from?” The answer is: plants.

Obviously, plants can’t defend themselves like animals. If a predator chooses a plant as its prey, it doesn’t really have to worry about teeth and talons.

Instead, plants employ secondary defense chemicals, and they do so in an instant. Some of these defense chemicals are poisonous and humans perceive them as bitter. Often, bitter flavors activate our salivary glands to dilute the poison and protect us.


Yes, that. Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) is a chemical compound that tastes bitter…to some of us.

As Dr. Reed explains, not everyone can detect PTC. Our parents determine whether the receptor that picks up PTC is broken or not.

In some of us (about 30 percent of people), the receptor is broken. Turns out, it’s broken in yours truly. In others, one parent passes on the receptor. And for some people, both parents pass it on and the reaction to PTC is strong.

Test Your Receptor

I discovered my receptor is broken during the Campari event on screen with more than a dozen other participants.

How does one test their reaction to PTC? Via PTC strips. One takes a strip, places it in their mouth, and they’ll know quite quickly if their receptor is active.

Not only is this interesting to do just out of personal curiosity, operators can host an event similar to Campari’s. Guests are looking for new ways to engage with the brands, restaurants, bars, and bar teams they support.

PTC strips are available for on Amazon, and they’re not expensive. Vials of 100 PTC strips can cost as little as five dollars.

Not only is this type of event educational, it’s entertaining and can help drive drink sales.

Image: Chino Rocha on Unsplash 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Let’s Talk About Bitcoin

Let’s Talk About Bitcoin

by David Klemt

A Bitcoin on top of a $100 bill

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general are no strangers to media attention, but it seems like the coverage is increasing.

Of course, it helps when people who are excellent at garnering attention talk about it. Consider the explosion in news stories and online conversations about cryptocurrencies when Elon Musk tweeted about Dogecoin.

Then there’s the mystery factor. Many people don’t understand Bitcoin, Ethereum or other forms of cryptocurrency. The word itself—”crypto”—lends to the enigmatic air of this form of currency.

As a business owner, you should at least have a cursory understanding of cryptocurrency. After all, some people may try to pay you with it and you should at least consider meeting these guests where they are.

Before we proceed: I’m not a cryptocurrency or financial expert. I’m sharing information I’ve come across in my research over the years. Don’t make any financial or business decisions solely based upon what you read here—learn more for yourself and consult with experts before making investment decisions.

Crypto is Relevant to Our Industry

I’ve written about cryptocurrency—Bitcoin in particular—in the past. In one article, I wrote about a “nightclub” within a nightclub in Las Vegas devoted to cryptocurrency.

The club, MORE, had its own “coin” (MORE Coin), accepted other cryptocurrencies, and tailored its experience to crypto fanatics. It has become more of a members’ club, offering access to and preferential treatment at an array of venues, along with other perks. The club’s coin is purchased via Bittrex, a popular exchange platform

There are also hotels in Las Vegas (and other cities, of course) that accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin for rooms. Bitcoin ATMs scattered throughout Vegas allow people to access their wallets and convert crypto to cash.

Paying with crypto may become more commonplace than we think, sooner than we think.

Crypto Basics

Let’s address the term “cryptocurrency.” In this case, “crypto” is a reference to the encryption technology that protects a cryptocurrency network.

Bitcoin and other digital tokens, such as Ethereum and Dogecoin, are decentralized currencies. That is, there’s no main server, no government, no bank that controls or owns the network.

A digital token is incredibly difficult—if not impossible—to counterfeit or “double-spend.” This is due to sophisticated encryption technology and the blockchain.

The blockchain is a peer-to-peer distributed ledger technology that makes it incredibly difficult (again, if not impossible) to take over a crypto network. Every transaction is public knowledge; open to inspection; duplicated and distributed throughout an entire network; and  unalterable.

It’s that last point that made Bitcoin viable. Unlike attempts in the past to create digital currencies, the blockchain makes crypto trustworthy in that someone can’t just make up a new currency, wait for people to buy in, and then take it all for themselves.

Bitcoin has become synonymous with cryptocurrency. It’s the first viable digital token as we know it, the most popular, and at the moment, the most valuable.

Interestingly, it’s widely accepted that Ethereum is the second-most popular digital token but the most-utilized blockchain.

Finally, Bitcoin is finite. There are exactly 21 million Bitcoins—that’s it. Once they’re all mined, no more will be made.

Beyond the Basics

Fewer than 2.4 million Bitcoins remain to be mined. Currently, one Bitcoin is worth about $58,000.

A person uses a digital “wallet” to send and receive Bitcoin. Some people store their unique wallet on their computer; a separate and dedicated hard drive; a thumb drive; or a “cold” wallet, a device that’s not connected to the Internet to protect it from hackers.

If a person loses their wallet or password, they lose their Bitcoin(s).  There’s no way yet to know how many of the 21 million Bitcoins have been lost.

Bitcoin is a software system. Therefore, it can be copied. That’s the reason crypto beyond Bitcoin—such as the aforementioned Ethereum and Elon Musk-promoted Dogecoin—exists.

One of the biggest questions people have about bitcoin is, “Is this a scam?” Search online and you’ll get a mix of results.

There are high-profile people like Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk who are apparently heavily invested in crypto. There are critics calling the whole thing a scam and fraud. Then there are some former critics, like Jordan “The Wolf of Wall Street” Belfort, who were highly critical and suspicious of crypto but have changed their tunes.

Support from hotels, restaurant chains, financial institutions and other legitimate businesses seems to answer the scam question. However, operators must proceed with caution, as they would for any change in their business or investment.

Accepting Bitcoin Payments

Businesses that decide to accept Bitcoin and/or other digital tokens will need a POS app or platform to do so.

Starbucks is reportedly using Bakkt to accept Bitcoin.

Other options include BitPay Checkout, Bitcoin Cash Register, Anypay, and Paytomat.

Some solutions create a QR code the guest scans with their phone to complete a transaction. Others convert digital tokens to cash to accept payment.

It’s important to note that the IRS treats cryptos differently than US dollars. Before choosing to accept cryptocurrencies as payment, consult with your tax professional and accountant to ensure you don’t run afoul of any laws.

Canadian operators should note that while crypto is legal in the country. However, only the Canadian considered official legal tender in Canada. Again, this is why it’s so important to consult relevant experts before proceeding with crypto in your business.


The information provided in this post does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice. Neither the author nor KRG Hospitality recommend that any cryptocurrency should be bought, sold, or held by you. Conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Image: Bermix Studio on Unsplash 

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention

The 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention

by David Klemt

Busy bar in black and white

One non-negotiable for operating a restaurant, bar, nightclub or other hospitality venue is ensuring the safety of guests.

Harassing, threatening and violent behavior cannot be tolerated, period. Some venues employ trained and certified security tasked with keeping patrons safe.

However, not every business in this industry, restaurants for example, employ or retain security personnel. There are online and in-person security courses that owners, managers and staff can complete, and I encourage operators to look into doing so. Some courses can not only empower participants, they can result in the lowering of insurance premiums they’re considered so effective.

Additionally, it’s wise to study conflict resolution and de-escalation. Both are valuable skills in hospitality and other areas of our lives.

In the meantime, a global movement called Hollaback! has come up with the Five Ds of Bystander Intervention. These began as the Three Ds by Green Dot in the early 2000s. In 2015, they became the Four Ds. In 2017, a fifth “D” was introduced.

You’ll find the Five Ds below. Not every step works perfectly on the operations side but they’re still helpful. Doing nothing is simply not an option.


Per Hollaback!, distraction is a subtle and creative way to intervene, and the goal is “to derail the incident by interrupting it.” The witness employing distraction engages the victim of harassment directly, ignoring the harasser. Hollaback! provides the following examples of distraction:

  • Pretend to be lost. Ask for the time. Pretend you know the person being harassed. Talk to them about something random and take attention off of the harasser.
  • Get in the way. Continue what you were doing, but get between the harasser and the target.
  • Accidentally-on-purpose spill your coffee, the change in your wallet, or make a commotion.

It’s important to note that staff will need to read the situation if they witness harassment. Also, some of the above examples don’t really work in a hospitality setting, but you understand the idea.


Delegation is simply asking for assistance or help. In many cases, if a staff member is witnessing harassment they’ll have a manager on duty on which they can rely for assistance.

Conversely, a manager can delegate to a staff member to employ the distract technique. In this situation, the staff member engages the victim of harassment and asks if they want them to call law enforcement. The manager can also direct a staff member to call law enforcement.

However, as Hollaback! notes, “a history of being mistreated by law enforcement has led to fear and mistrust of police interventions,” so the victim may not want to involve police. However, the venue must also protect themselves, so it may be necessary to involve law enforcement for documentation and other purposes.


Along with protecting the victim and putting a stop to harassment, documentation is a crucial step.

All hospitality venues should be set up to complete incident reports. This protects victims (and therefore other guests and the community) and the business.

Hollaback! instructs a bystander to assess the situation first. If another bystander is already intervening, the witness must assess their own safety. Record the incident only if safe to do so.

Anyone who records the incident should ask the victim what to do with the recording. Don’t post it online—this is a traumatic experience and doing so is a violation in and of itself.


As Hollaback! explains, many incidents of harassment take place very quickly. It’s possible the incident will be over before a bystander can distract, delegate or document the harassment.

In a restaurant, bar or other hospitality setting, the harasser may exit the venue immediately, before staff can step in. That doesn’t mean everything is back to “normal.”

Hollaback! suggests engaging the victim in the following ways:

  • Ask them if they’re okay and tell them you’re sorry that happened to them.
  • Ask them if there’s any way you can support them.
  • Offer to accompany them to their destination or sit with them for awhile.
  • Share resources with them and offer to help them make a report if they want to.
  • If you’ve documented the incident, ask them if they want you to send it to them.


More than likely—and unfortunately—this is the step most familiar to bartenders, servers and other front-of-house staff.

Direct means to confront the harasser directly. Of course, this is the riskiest step.

Hollaback! suggests assessing the situation to ensure the bystander is safe physically; the victim is safe physically; the victim wants someone to intervene; and the situation may be unlikely to escalate if they confront the harasser.

Again, operators will have to come up with a plan for addressing harassment, threats and violence. Staff must be aware of policies and what’s expected of them, and they should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts on policies.

Incidents can happen at any type of venue in any location at any time. Doing nothing, however, is unacceptable.


This content is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as legal or other advice. This article does not constitute professional advice, nor does any information constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed, the law, or liability. This information is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of a specific individual or entity. The reader of this information alone assumes the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information before making any decisions based on such information.

Image: Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

PPP 2nd Draw vs ERTC vs RRF: What to Know

PPP 2nd Draw vs ERTC vs RRF: What to Know

by David Klemt

The face on a bank note

Some regions, states and people are behaving like the pandemic is over but our industry is still in crisis.

There is good news in the form of a few resources business owners can utilize.

Let’s take a look at the the Employee Retention Tax Credit, second Paycheck Protection Program draw, and Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

Paycheck Protection Program

Today is your last day to apply for the second PPP draw. That’s why we’re starting here and why, if you haven’t yet, you need to apply now.

According to the Small Business Administration, a borrower is (generally speaking) eligible if they:

  • previously received a first-draw PPP loan and will use (or has used) the full amount only for authorized uses;
  • have no more than 300 employees; and
  • are able to demonstrate at least a 25-percent reduction in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020.

Applicants seeking a second draw need to know the following:

  • No extension date has been announced for the second PPP draw.
  • Each single borrower is limited to a $2 million loan.
  • Using the first draw as a model, the average loan size may be around $128,000.
  • The terms of second-draw PPP loans are the same regardless of who is borrowing and who is lending.

Use SBA Lender Match to find a lender today.

Employee Retention Tax Credit

When it comes to relief for this industry, much of the focus is on the PPP and RRF.

However, the ERTC can be a valuable resource for eligible restaurants.

First, what’s the ERTC? It’s a payroll tax credit—fully refundable—meant to persuade employers to keep and compensate their workers when they’re not fully operational.

Second, who’s eligible? To claim ERTC for a given calendar quarter, restaurant operators must show:

  • full or partial suspension as a result of orders from a governmental authority limiting commerce, travel or group meetings due to Covid-19; or
  • they experienced a significant decline in gross receipts during the calendar quarter when compared to 2019.

The above criteria apply to the quarter an operator is applying for the ERTC.

To better understand the ERTC, we’re including an example from the National Restaurant Association:

Henry’s Hotcakes (HH) received a $120,000 PPP loan in April 2020. These funds were fully spent on its 10 employees by September 20, 2020. Previously, HH would not have qualified for ERTC. However, HH can now reach back to its wages for the fourth quarter of 2020 (OCTDEC) and obtain up to $5,000 per eligible employee (50% credit of up to $10,000 in eligible wages) in ERTC.

Click here to read more about the ERTC on the IRS website.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund

The Restaurant Revitalization Fund is the most recent relief resource to come to fruition, so it stands to reason that it’s top of mind for most operators.

According to recent reporting, the SBA—the agency responsible for overseeing the RRF—is aiming for early April to launch the fund.

Here’s what restaurant and bar operators need to know now:

  • A grant is equal to the amount of a restaurant’s pandemic-related revenue losses.
  • Grants are tax-free.
  • To calculate a grant amount, subtract 2020 gross receipts from 2019 gross receipts. Operations must deduct first-draw PPP and second-draw PPP loans, even if they’re paid back or forgiven.
  • Any economic disaster loans—Economic Injury Disaster Loans, for example—are not RRF deductions.
  • Per the SBA, operators do not need to register for a System for Award Management (SAM.gov) account, meaning they no longer need to acquire a DUNS number.

The following are eligible RRF expenses:

  • broad operational expenses;
  • payroll, rent, and mortgage interest;
  • “normal” food and beverage inventory;
  • various supply purchases (PPE, for example);
  • property damage costs related to public disturbances in 2020;
  • debt obligations to suppliers before covered period;
  • interest payments on any other debt obligations incurred prior to Feb 15, 2020; and
  • refinancing EIDL.

Bear in mind that when it comes to the PPP, ERTC and RRF, changes in requirements and other processes are subject to change. Operators must stay up to date on these and other programs.


This content is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. This article does not constitute professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law. This information is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of a specific individual or entity. The reader of this information alone assumes the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information before making any decisions based on such information.

Image: Freddie Collins on Unsplash

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

House Passes $1.9B Covid Relief Bill, RRF

House Passes $1.9B Covid Relief Bill, RRF

by David Klemt

US Capitol Building Dome

The Senate version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is through the House, awaiting the signature of President Joe Biden.

Once the bill is signed by the president, it will be the law of the land.

That means our industry is finally receiving at least a portion of the relief it so desperately needs. After nearly a year of campaigning and fighting, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) is a reality.

Restaurant Revitalization Fund

Managed by the Small Business Administration properly, the RRF is a critical lifeline for small- and mid-sized operators.

The SBA will prioritize women- and veteran-owned and operated businesses for the first 21 days. Economically and socially disadvantaged businesses will also receive priority.

Maximum grant amounts are $5 million per individual restaurant or $10 million per restaurant group.

Eligible Expenses

Importantly, eligible expenses fall between February 15, 2020 through December 31, 2021.

Eligible expenses include but are not limited to:

  • payroll and benefits;
  • mortgage (no prepayment);
  • rent (no prepayment);
  • utilities, maintenance;
  • supplies (including PPE and cleaning materials);
  • food;
  • operational expenses;
  • covered supplier costs (as defined by the SBA under the PPP program); and
  • sick leave.

American Rescue Plan Provisions

Of course, the RRF is just a small portion of the American Rescue Plan. The bill includes many provisions for national Covid-19 testing and vaccine distribution.

States and local governments receive $20 billion to assist low-income households with rent, utility bills, and back rent. There’s an increase to benefits of 15 percent through September for those on food stamps.

Also, the Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program receives $15 billion, which will help small business owners.

The $300-per-week federal boost to unemployment benefits remains the same rather than climbing to $400 per week.

Crucially, the bill waives the first $10,200 of unemployment benefits from 2020. That amount rises to $20,400 for married couples. To receive the waiver, a household must have an adjusted gross income of $150,000. That AGI is the same for individual and combined households.

Individuals with an AGI of up to $75,000 will receive stimulus payments of $1,400. That amount phases out completely at $80,000 for individuals, $160,000 for couples.

What’s Next

The SBA is responsible creating and implementing the RRF application process.

For now, it’s wise for operators to calculate their grant amounts:

  • Open prior to 2019: 2019 revenue minus 2020 revenue minus PPP loans.
  • 2019 opening: Average of 2019 monthly revenues times 12 minus 2020 revenues.
  • 2020 opening: Eligible to receive funding equal to eligible expenses incurred.

Since the SBA is the agency overseeing the $28.5 billion RRF, it’s a good idea to monitor their site for pertinent dates, details and requirements.

Image: Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

CDC Updates Mask, Gathering Guidance

CDC Updates Mask, Gathering Guidance

by David Klemt

Vials of Covid-19 vaccine

On the heels of some states rescinding mask mandates, the Centers for Disease Control updates safety guidelines.

The CDC’s guidance focuses on vaccinated people.

Key Changes

Per the CDC, people who are vaccinated can meet indoors with one another. These indoor meetings can take place without masks.

Of particular note, the CDC says these people can meet up indoors with one unvaccinated household as long as they’re at “low risk” of serious illness.

Equally interesting, the latest guidance claims that if a fully vaccinated person is exposed to someone with Covid-19, they don’t need to quarantine if they’re not showing symptoms.

Importantly, these guidelines address fully vaccinated people, not those awaiting their second shot.

Masks & Public Gatherings

The CDC still recommends masks, social distancing, avoiding crowds, and staying away from spaces with poor ventilation.

Those who are fully vaccinated should exercise those recommendations whenever they’re in public; gathering with people are unvaccinated from more than a single household; meeting with anyone with increased risk of severe illness or death should they be infected with Covid-19.

Vaccinated or not, the CDC recommends people avoid medium- or large-sized gatherings and domestic and international travel.

Workplaces should still follow CDC guidance for employees not working exclusively from home.

Important Details

The CDC says a person is “fully vaccinated” if they meet one of two criteria:

  • It has been two weeks since they’ve received their second dose of a two-dose Covid-19 vaccination (Moderna, Pfizer, for example).
  • It has been two weeks since they’ve received a single-dose vaccine (example: Johnson & Johnson).

Anyone who needs to receive a second shot isn’t fully vaccinated. The same holds true if it has been less than two weeks since being vaccinated.

Per the CDC webpage: Everyone, “even people who’ve had their vaccines—should continue taking basic prevention steps when recommended.”

Click here to review the CDC’s new guidance. Remember that health and safety  protect yourself, your staff, your guests and your community.

Image: torstensimon from Pixabay

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Senate Boosts RRF to $28.6 Billion

Senate Boosts RRF to $28.6 Billion

by David Klemt

Lower-case neon open sign

On Saturday, the Senate approved their version of the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill along party lines.

Next, the bill will go back to the House and could receive a vote as early as tomorrow.

Boost to RRF?

According to several sources, the Senate’s version of the American Restaurant Plan Act (ARPA) includes a $3.6 billion boost to the $25 billionRestaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF).

If that’s accurate and the House passes this version of the ARPA, the RRF has $28.6 billion to disburse.

Five billion dollars will be set aside specifically for businesses that grossed less than $500,000 in receipts in 2019.

Mostly a Good Start?

The RRF is modeled on the RESTAURANTS Act.

Unfortunately, it isn’t funded like the RESTAURANTS Act. The industry has been campaigning for nearly a year for a $120 billion fund.

More than 110,000 restaurants and bars have been lost throughout the United States permanently. In addition, the industry has lost around $220 billion in sales.

The RRF isn’t even a quarter of what the industry was asking for in terms of help from elected officials.

Still, if managed properly, the RRF is much-appreciated and much-needed relief for small and mid-sized operators.

The Details (So Far)

The Small Business Association (SBA) will manage the RRF. For the first 21 days, businesses owned or controlled by women or veterans—or that are economically and socially disadvantaged—will be prioritized for grants.

Maximum amounts for grants are $5 million per individual restaurant or $10 million per restaurant group.

Established restaurants can calculate their grants thusly: 2019 revenue minus 2020 revenue minus PPP loans. For restaurants that were opened in 2019, the calculation is the average of 2019 monthly revenues times 12 minus 2020 revenues. Restaurants opened in 2020 are eligible to receive funding equal to eligible expenses incurred.

Grants can be spent on eligible expenses from February 15, 2020 through December 31, 2021. However, the SBA may extend that period through two years from enactment.

Eligible expenses include but are not limited to:

  • payroll and benefits;
  • mortgage (no prepayment);
  • rent (no prepayment);
  • utilities, maintenance;
  • supplies (including PPE and cleaning materials);
  • food;
  • operational expenses;
  • covered supplier costs (as defined by the SBA under the PPP program); and
  • sick leave.

The fight for relief isn’t over. Please click here to tell your representatives to pass ARPA and the RRF immediately.

Image: Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Some Texas Operators Keep Masks in Place

Some Texas Operators Keep Masks in Place

by David Klemt

Face mask Covid-19 graffiti

Texas is less than a week away from opening “100 percent” according to Governor Greg Abbott.

Three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and Texans aren’t fans of being told what to do.

Data shows an increase in coronavirus cases in Texas but that isn’t stopping Gov. Abbott from announcing all businesses can open at 100-percent capacity and the state’s mask mandate is no more as of March 10.

Political, Practical or Perilous?

Per Gov. Abbott, Texas have “mastered the daily habits to avoid getting Covid,” so it’s “now time to open Texas 100 percent.”

One of those habits, one would assume, is wearing a mask or other face covering to “avoid getting Covid,”

Doctors and health experts have been warning against complacency fueled by vaccines and cases dropping in some states. Another surge may be around the corner if people drop covid-19 safety measures in favor of a return to “normal” life.

Gov. Abbott’s announcement, therefore, calls into question his motivations: political, practical or perilous?

Some Operators Pushing Back

If we accept that one can’t tell a Texan what to do, we must apply that to restaurant and bar operators in the state.

Some Texas operators disagree with Gov. Abbott lifting of the mask mandate and are “100 percent” still requiring masks in their establishments post-March 10.

This message from Bobby Heugel, the operator behind Anvil Bar & Refuge, Tongue-Cut Sparrow, Better Luck Tomorrow and Squable in Houston, is straightforward. It’s also garnering plenty of support, with people thanking Heugel and pledging to spend their money at his businesses.

In response to a question by one commenter on the post, Heugel explains that the hospitality group is maintaining 50-percent capacity, socially distanced seating, and other CDC guidelines “until vaccination rates improve.”

Nickel City operations locations in Austin and Forth Worth. As the above statement makes clear, guests must wear masks inside their venues regardless of what Gov. Abbott says. Like Heugel’s, Nickel City’s statement is garnering support.

Whether the governor’s move proves wise or foolish will bear out in the coming weeks. However, the decision will likely once again put front-of-house workers at risk of hostile confrontations with guests who take wearing a mask as a personal attack on their liberty.

Still Struggling

To be fair, Gov. Abbott isn’t going it alone in terms of rolling back a mask mandate. Mississippi, Alabama, Iowa and Montana have made similar choices.

Going a further step toward fairness, a total of 16 states don’t have mask mandates in place. In fact, some never did. What has drawn attention is that Texas is the largest state to do away with its mask mandate (and the second largest state in the US in terms of population and area).

What grabbed my attention are the responses from well-known and respected operators who have chosen to still require masks and other Covid-19-related health and safety guidelines, along with the support they’re receiving from the public for doing so.

Multiple vaccines, a seemingly downward trend in infection rates, and the lifting of restrictions don’t magically solve operators’ problems—they’re struggling, as are their employees.

Follow this link to tell your representatives to pass the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Restaurant Revitalization Fund now.

Image: Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash
