
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Emerging Trend: Cicada Skewer, Anyone?

Emerging Trend: Cicada Skewer, Anyone?

by David Klemt

Cartoon image of an anthropomorphic cicada wearing a toque and holding a pot

Need a cicada tattoo? Here ya go!

Two broods of cicadas, numbering in the trillions of insects, have been emerging throughout the US, and this may present operators with opportunity.

Brood XIII is emerging throughout the Midwest, while Brood XIX is making their presence known in the Midwest and Southeast.

I think it’s clear where I’m going with this: operators can put cicadas on their menus.

This suggestion comes with a few crucial caveats:

  • Harvesting must be done with care, and in safe areas.
  • The preparation must ensure guests can handle and consume the cicadas safely.
  • Operators must do their due diligence to make certain that preparing and serving cicadas is permitted in their venue’s jurisdiction.

With that out of the way, eating cicadas isn’t as unusual as it sounds. According to experts on the subject, people have been eating cicadas for centuries.

It’s likely anyone reading this has heard over the years that some insects are excellent sources of protein. Well, according to people who know more about eating bugs than I, this applies to cicadas. I’ve eaten a scorpion (not a live one) but it wasn’t prepared to make it delicious or even palatable, so…I’m no expert. (For those wondering, it was dry, mostly flavorless, and I didn’t enjoy it.)

Since there are people out there who know about these things, and because the internet exists, I dug into the topic of eating cicadas. I’m not telling anyone they need to put these on their menu, of course. But for those who are curious and enterprising enough to do so, what I’ve learned is below.


If an operator’s going to bring cicadas into theirr business, they need to be smart and careful about it, and do so within the bounds of the law.

The source area should be free from pesticides. Along those lines, the cicadas need to come from an area free of other contaminants.

From what I found online, one of the best approaches is to venture to places that don’t see much traffic. This should reduce the possibility of guests consuming harmful chemicals.

Think about it: If someone’s just grabbing cicadas out of a busy neighborhood or within a commercial or industrial area, the critters may have been subjected to lead, fertilizers, unsafe fluids, gasoline, diesel, etc.

But what about actually catching them? Well, there’s more than one approach. One can either hunt them quite early in the morning, when they’ve emerged and are starting to climb trees or tree stumps. Or, they can try an hour or two after dark, looking around the lower part of tree trunks and stumps. Cicadas with white wings are in their teneral state, which means they’re soft.

Another tip? The exoskeletons aren’t pleasant. So, some experts suggest waiting for them to molt before grabbing them. Most sources I foundI think I’ve read too much about this topicrecommended freezing cicada hauls immediately.

I’ll add this, as well. Operators who know foragers in their area of business can check in with them to see if they’re harvesting cicadas. Again, operators need to find out as much as they can about where the cicadas come from, how they’re being harvested, etc.


While researching this topic, cooking cicadas before consuming them was a constant refrain. Eating them raw is viewed as not worth the risk of making one’s self sick.

Anyone still reading this and considering putting cicadas on their menu must keep the guest experience in mind. Sure, this is an adventurous, gimmicky thing to try. It still needs to be memorable and enjoyable.

So, serving cicadas that haven’t been “shelled” should be avoided. Further, the wings and legs should be removed as these can be very hard and unpleasant in terms of mouthfeel.

Along with not eating them raw, experts also want people to wash cicadas thoroughly before cooking them. In fact, I’m going to go ahead and opine that operators and their kitchen teams handle cicadas as though they’re raw chicken. Behave accordingly and responsibly.

A couple sources suggested blanching cicadas in boiling water for at least a minute, then freezing them until it’s time to prepare them.

When it comes to actually cooking them, it seems the sky’s the limit. Boil them, fry them, air fry them, grill them, roast them…

KRG Hospitality’s very own chef-consultant, Nathen Dubé, has a couple of suggestions for operators to consider.

First off, he suggests battering and frying cicadas. Serve them with a lime aioli “to play off the earthy asparagus and green pea flavour of the cicadas.”

Nathen also recommends skewering cicadas and grilling them over charcoal. Brush the cicadas with a soy-ginger-scallion sauce continuously “to play off the natural nutty flavour.” You can read culinary articles from Nathen here, here, and here.

I don’t know if Brood XIII and Brood XIX taste differently, or which is nutty and which is earthy. So, operators are going to have to try them to find out.


Multiple sources warn that cicadas can be unsafe for people with shellfish allergies.

So, people who are allergic to shrimp, for example, probably shouldn’t eat cicadas. Owners, operators, kitchen team, and servers and bartenders need to know this, and caution guests appropriately.

Another important warning? Cicadas can, it turns out, be high in mercury. This means that women who are pregnant or lactating, and young children, should either limit how many cicadas they consume or avoid them altogether.

Lastly, I did look up the safe minimum internal temperature for cicadas. Supposedly, that temperature is 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

As far as pricing, I’ll put this here: I found an online source selling a tin of five cicada nymphs for $13. Also, a restaurant that creates a buffet-style, bug-eating experience charges about $17 per adult.

Putting cicadas on the menu can be a lucrative opportunity to drive traffic and engage with guests. However, preparation and service must be done legally and responsibly.

Disclaimers: 1. This content is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as legal or other advice. This article does not constitute professional advice, nor does any information constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed, the law, or liability. This information is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of a specific individual or entity. The reader of this information alone assumes the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information before making any decisions based on such information. 2. The image at the top of this article was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

Image: Shutterstock.

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Menu Development Drinks Food

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

This Year’s Big Trend: Personalization

This Year’s Big Trend: Personalization

by David Klemt

Foam art cap on top of coffee

Ripples, the beverage-top media brand, is predicting that 2023 will be the Year of Personalization with a focus on in-person interactions.

Last year, the bev-top brand behind the Ripple Maker II Pro, named moderation as one of the top trends. When we look at the ubiquity of low-ABV drinks, we see that Ripples was right. And when we consider the proliferation of non-alcohol brands, Ripples appears downright prescient.

In other words, Ripples continues to be proven right about moderation.

Three revelatory datapoints and one generation are partly responsible for the brand’s accurate 2022 prediction. First, in comparison to 2019, zero-alcohol products were up 166 percent. Second, the non-alcohol category grew four times faster than its low-ABV counterpart. Third, non-alcohol spirits have grown by over 113 percent since 2020.

The generation Ripples believes is responsible for non-alc’s growth? Gen Z. In part, this is due to social media and the generation’s aversion, speaking generally, to being embarrassed by drunken behavior in front of the world.

So, proven right about last year’s prediction, it’s wise to take Ripples’ 2023 prediction seriously.

Year of Personalization

As Ripples explains, personalization has long been the strength of digital platforms. Be it an online retail platform or music streaming service, personalization is king.

And it’s easy to see why. Using online shopping as an example, think of the typical customer journey.

A shopper signs up, they click around or search for specific items, and they make their purchases. Soon, the platform is emailing the user about sales. Then, emailing the user items they think they’ll like, based on the individual’s data.

The more the user shops, the more targeted the platform’s suggestions and interactions become. Before the user knows it, they’re signing up for a loyalty program, earning rewards, and giving the platform more of their money.

Well, personalization is no longer only shining in the digital space. Now, businesses are engaging with their customers in the “phygital” space. That is, the physical space as well as the digital one.

As Ripples states, “Nothing beats real human interaction for building connection and loyalty between brands and consumers.” One way to leverage this new relationship between consumers and brands? Experiential activations.

Ripples knows a thing or two about this type of engagement. The bev-top media company partnered with Guinness Korea for a campaign involving 100 bars. Consumers scanned a QR code, selected a design via the Ripples app, and the design was printed atop a pint of Guinness.

You Need Data

Personalization is a long-standing element of the hospitality industry. It’s one of our keys to success: we cater to guest preferences.

However, we can’t do that effectively without collecting guest data. And interestingly, Ripples’ prediction falls in line quite neatly with another 2023 prediction.

As you may be aware, 2023 is also likely to be the Year of the POS System. That is, a tech stack “revolution” is expected to take place this year. One crucial element of a powerful, worthwhile POS system is customer relationship management, or CRM.

Of course, if a POS doesn’t offer a CRM module, the best systems make it easy to integrate with the best CRM platforms.

Either way, CRM is the key to personalization in the digital, physical, and phygital spaces. It’s difficult to effectively personalize the guest experience pre-, during, and post-visit without guest data.

Regardless of whether Ripples’ prediction is accurate—and it’s likely they are—savvy operators need to make sure they’re responsibly collecting and utilizing guest data. If this is the Year of Personalization and the Year of the POS System, the reality is that 2023 is really the Year of CRM.

Image: Hannah Wei on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Planning Phase, 2023 icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Global Trends 2023: Technomic

Global Trends 2023: Technomic

by David Klemt

Shawarma stacked with fire in the background

Not content to focus solely on North America, foodservice research firm Technomic is predicting foodservice trends that will span the globe in 2023.

As the firm points out themselves, making predictions is a best-guess proposition. Many of Technomic’s 2022 predictions for Canada, the USA, and the globe have proven true. However, a handful of their trend predictions have yet to manifest.

Further, not all trends will work for all operators and their concepts. Chasing every passing fad or trend is great if you like to watch your costs spiral. Doing so is also an excellent way to confuse guests and stress staff.

So, when considering any trend, make sure it works with your concept, has some staying power, and will resonate with your guests. Speaking to that last point, this is one reason it’s crucial to collect guest data. Making important menu and guest-impacting operational decisions without data just doesn’t make sense.

When you’re done with this article, take a look at our examination of Technomic’s other predictions. The firm’s Canadian predictions are here. And you can read the American trends by clicking this link.

For your own copy of Technomic’s international trends report, click here.


For 2023, Technomic is making predictions that certainly appear plausible. A number of them pertain to operations.

Kicking things off, sustainability. Driven in part by the global impact of the pandemic, the health of our planet is top of mind for many people.

For example, Canada’s single-use plastics ban is now in effect. England plans to move forward with a similar ban by October of this year.

Alongside such bans, Technomic believes operators—small independents and global chains alike—will implement entire sustainability strategies. These will range “from packaging and restaurant operations to marketing and menu development.”

Does your concept have a dedicated pickup window? Perhaps a takeaway counter? Maybe even a drive-thru? If not, 2023 may be the year you make that change. Not only that, you’ll likely want to position them front and center.

Per Technomic, many consumers are done with delivery. From rising costs outweighing convenience to delivery failures, pickup may become more appealing. Pickup is still convenient, it’s less expensive, and the consumer is in control.

Additionally, many people are well aware of how costly third-party platforms are to operators. In fact, Technomic identifies these platforms and their fees as “the biggest industry villain” of 2023.


One of Technomic’s predictions is particularly enticing: Lebanese street foods. To clarify, the firm believes all manner of street foods from around the globe will perform well in 2023.

However, they feel Lebanon’s street foods will stand out from the rest. So, think shawarma, labneh, kibbe, and pickled vegetables. That last item, by the way, follows Technomic’s prediction that pickling and fermenting will be hot trends in the US and Canada.

Of course, there are other items that Technomic thinks will shine in 2023. If the firm is correct, there’s a new “holy trinity” to keep an eye on and consider for your menu: sushi, poke, and ceviche. According to Technomic, each performs very well when it comes to takeout.

Interestingly, the research firm suggests that this particular holy trinity will spawn new virtual brands. If Technomic’s predictions prove accurate, some of these brands will focus on fried chicken or plant-based versions.

Speaking to that last point, Technomic is predicting that plant-based will “evolve” in 2023. This evolution will focus on more traditional meat counterparts. Providing examples, Technomic suggests that avocado, modern takes on black bean patties, cauliflower, tofu, tempeh, and seitan will be this year’s plant-based rock stars.

Are this year’s 2023 Technomic predictions going to prove accurate? It’s far too early to tell. However, one thing I can say with confidence is this: their predictions are rooted deeply in data. When Technomic makes a “guess,” it’s always an informed one.

Click here to read Technomic’s report in its entirety.

Image: Slashio Photography on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Restaurants & Cafes, 2023 icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Canadian Trends 2023: Technomic

Canadian Trends 2023: Technomic

by David Klemt

Tortilla with beans, cotija cheese and egg

Restaurant, bar, and hotel operators will find this year’s data-driven trend predictions from Technomic for 2023 insightful.

Interestingly but perhaps not surprisingly, some operators may be looking beyond North America for inspiration.

Per Technomic, Central and South American cuisines could influence menus in Canada this year. Other food trends that might take hold are “retro” health items, and all manner of pickled foods.

Of course, not every Canadian trend prediction involves F&B. According to Technomic, tech and the guest experience will play important roles.

To review last year’s Technomic predictions, click here. Now, let’s jump into Technomic’s 2023 predictions.

Guest Experience

Certainly, the guest experience should always be top of mind for operators, their leadership teams, and their staff.

In this instance, Technomic isn’t suggesting that the guest experience in general will be a trend. Obviously, with as important as it is to the success of any business, it’s a cornerstone.

Rather, Technomic predicts that guests will continue to feel the need to rein in their spending due to ricing costs and prices. However, the foodservice research firm also believes there’s still heavy desire for social interaction.

So, both those financial and social influences translate to the following: overdelivery.

Operators and their teams must ensure they position their brands well; make guests feel special every visit; and really dial in the guest experience. Specifically, Technomic suggests focusing on younger generations and menus with at least a couple specialty items that aren’t easy for a guest to replicate at home.

In other words, do whatever it takes to entice guests with memorable experience and quality menu items, and keep them coming back for more.


Multiple industry sources believe that 2023 is the Year of Tech for the hospitality industry. In particular, some sources believe that POS systems will receive significant attention from operators looking to upgrade.

Compellingly, Technomic sees the situation a bit differently. In particular, they’re suggesting that QR code menus may find themselves on the sidelines. Traditional menu, according to Technomic, will make their comeback this year.

Also making a (possible) resurgence? Per Technomic, in-person ordering for carryout and in-person dining.

As far as tech innovations that Technomic expects to take off this year, they see the following as standouts:

  • loyalty programs;
  • enhanced/upgraded cooking equipment;
  • automated inventory software/platforms; and
  • digital menu boards for back of house.


As hinted at above, Central and South American cuisines are expected to take off in Canada, per Technomic.

The research firm provides specific—and delicious—examples:

  • Honduras: Baleadas tacos
  • Dominican Republic: Wasakaka sauce
  • El Salvador: Curtido slaw or relish
  • Peru: Aji amarillo and rocoto peppers
  • Bolivia: Saltenas, similar to empanadas

Another culinary trend Technomic predicts will perform well in Canada? Pickled everything.

Okay, maybe not everything. However, Technomic expects “pickling, fermenting, dehydrating and freeze-drying” to “increasingly pop up on menus.” The firm expects that operators will offer a wide range of “unusually pickled items outside of the typical veggies, including proteins and seeds.”

So, if you’re an operator reading this, it may be time to motivate your back-of-house staff to get creative with their pickling ideas.

Finally, pandemic-driven, health-based trend foods like turmeric and ginger may start to fade in popularity. Instead, predicts Technomic, items with “classic” health descriptors such as “natural,” “real,” “free,” “reduced,” and “lower” will get attention from guests looking to eat and drink healthier.

For your own copy of this Technomic report in its entirety, click here.

Image: Roman Odintsov on Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The NRA’s 2023 Culinary Trend Forecast

The National Restaurant Association’s 2023 Culinary Trend Forecast

by David Klemt

Cheesy chicken sandwich on paper wrapper

Ahead of the beginning of a new year, the National Restaurant Association unveils their culinary trend predictions for 2023.

The report is the result of a collaboration between the NRA, Technomic, and the American Culinary Federation (ACF).

For those unfamiliar, Technomic is at the forefront of foodservice trend tracking, industry research, and analysis. Likewise, the ACF is a premier industry organization. Tracing its founding to 1929, the ACF promotes “the professional image of American chefs worldwide through education of culinarians at all levels.”

To predict what will be “hot” next year, the NRA, Technomic, and ACF sent the 17th annual What’s Hot survey to thought leaders and chefs. In direct partnership with the Technomic Menu Research & Insights Division, the NRA predicted the top menu trends from 110 items spanning 11 categories.

Now, this isn’t a full dive into the report in its entirety. Rather, we strongly encourage our readers to download a copy of What’s Hot 2023 Culinary Forecast for themselves and their teams.

What readers will find below are the top 10 trends for 2023. Additionally, we’ll share the top three macro trends for next year, as forecast by the NRA and their partners.

More than Food

Somewhat surprisingly, the NRA’s top-ten list of culinary trends isn’t just a list of food items. Instead, this forecast paints a picture of where restaurants are heading in 2023.

While there are some specific cuisine predictions, the NRA’s top culinary predictions show us, in part, how consumers want to experience the restaurants they visit.

  1. Southeast Asian cuisines (examples: Vietnamese, Singaporean)
  2. Zero waste/Sustainability/Upcycled foods
  3. Globally inspired salads
  4. Sriracha variations
  5. Menu streamlining
  6. Flatbread sandwiches/Healthier wraps
  7. Comfort fare
  8. Charcuterie boards
  9. Fried chicken sandwiches and Chicken sandwiches “3.0” (example: fusion of flavors)
  10. Experiences/Local culture and community

As we can see, operators and consumers expect tighter, more concept-specific menus. Also, comfort foods; shareable (and “Instagrammable”) items like charcuterie boards; and items that show local and global influences may be hot in 2023.

One can consider, then, streamlining their menu to include their top sellers along with local and/or global flavors authentic to their brand.

Below, readers will see that three of the trends above make up the NRA’s top-three 2023 macro trends:

  1. Menu streamlining
  2. Comfort fare
  3. Experiences/Local culture and community

Operator and Consumer Behavioral Shifts

Looking at the macro trends, it’s reasonable to believe the past few years will influence 2023 heavily.

Operators are dealing with inflation, higher costs for everything, labor shortages. Further, according to Datassential, more than a third of American operators are experiencing low traffic and sales levels.

We can expect these issues to follow us into 2023, at least for Q1 and Q2. Therefore, the NRA’s macro trends forecast makes sense. Streamlining menus often leads to streamlining the back and front of house. In turn, doing so can lower costs and boost staff retention.

On the consumer side, it appears comfort foods, chicken sandwiches, and experiences are driving visits and online orders. These are, as we all know, behavioral shifts we can trace back to the start of the pandemic.

We always suggest proceeding with caution, logic, and data when considering embracing trends. Missing out on trends can be just as costly as latching onto a trend too late.

That said, the macro trends certainly seem reasonable. Only time will tell, but the NRA’s 2023 forecast certainly contains several items operators and their teams should give serious consideration.

Image: Arabi Ishaque on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Datassential Identifies Top Design Trends

Datassential Identifies Top Design Trends

by David Klemt

Maximalist interior bar or restaurant design

For their latest FoodBytes research topic, Datassential tackles some of the top restaurant design trends.

Click here to download Datassential’s “Foodbytes: Restaurant Design Trends” report. If you haven’t already, you’ll need to sign up for FoodBytes reports.

As the title states, this Datassential resource addresses the state of restaurant design. Now, we recommend reading the report for yourself but below you’ll find the points that really stand out to us.

If you’re among the 22 percent of operators that Datassential says are either considering a dining room redesign or have completed one, this report is particularly relevant to you.

Back-0f-house Design

Unsurprisingly, most people envision the interior dining area when considering restaurant design. However, as Lauren Charbonneau of Reitano Design Group says in Datassential’s latest FoodBytes, “Restaurants are living spaces that need to be agile.”

That means considering the entire space, not just the front of house. There’s also this stat from Datassential: 64 percent of operators think shrinking their footprint would be detrimental. If that’s the case, making the BoH smaller rather than the front may be the way forward.

So, let’s take a look at what Charbonneau identifies as BoH design trends to consider.

Clearly, it’s crucial operators consider their back-of-house teams. Providing a better workplace experience and improving efficiency can be done through design. Per Charbonneau, operators can use clever design and equipment choices to reduce steps, movement, labor, footprint, and costs.

Additionally, sustainability is not only crucial to responsible operation, being sustainable can reduce costs. Selecting Energy Star, Water Sense, and multi-functional equipment can make tasks easier for BoH teams, make a business more sustainable, and, again, drive down costs.

Maximalist Design

Finally, it seems, the minimalist design trend is losing its stranglehold on restaurant design. Of course, if that approach and design language works for a particular concept, it works.

However, maximalism is growing in popularity. For this type of design, think lots of color and bold patterns. Then, think about using multiple patterns and textures, including on the floors.

So, wallpaper, artwork, plush seating, loud tiles… Per Datassential, maximalism appeals to younger guests. In part, this is because these spaces can offer so many Instagrammable moments.

Monochrome Design

Okay, before we begin, “monochrome” doesn’t only mean a black-and-white palette. While that can work very well depending on the concept, monochrome also means using different tones of a single color.

Of course, there are multiple ways to approach this design trend. For example, if one does want to select a black-and-white scheme, Matte Black Coffee in Los Angeles is compelling.

Not only is the design monochrome, guests feel as though they’re inside a two-dimensional image. Per Datassential, this type of design is growing in popularity across the US specifically.

In terms of colorful monochrome, a great example is NYC’s Pietro Nolita. Not only have they chosen pink for their palette, it’s a core element of their branding: Pink AF.

Yet another way to approach this trend is for operators to use varying tones of particular colors to delineate different spaces. So, the dining room may be tones of pink while the bar is green and a private dining room is blue.

Nostalgic Design

As we’re all well aware, the pandemic derailed people’s plans. In particular, people hit the pause or cancel button on travel and vacations. Now, people appear to restarting their travel plans and getting back out there.

However, we’re also dealing with inflation. So, many people are holding off on spending money on travel. This is where restaurant design comes into play.

According to Datassential, “nostalgic escape” is a trend to watch moving forward. While very specific, this trend combines a dive into the past and capturing vacation vibes.

Per their FoodBytes report, Datassential identifies the following elements as key to this design approach:

  • Soft shades of colors. In particular, pink.
  • Tropical designs.
  • Fifties, Eighties, and Nineties design elements.

One concept that leverages this trend and did so before the pandemic is the Hampton Social. Currently, there are eight locations and two more are on the way.

Of course, it’s imperative that operators commit only to design language that’s authentic to their concepts. Pursuing a trend simply to pursue it is a clear path to disaster. That said, these design trends have massive appeal and can work for many operators and their brands.

Image: Davide Castaldo on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

This Year’s Big Trend: Moderation

This Year’s Big Trend: Moderation

by David Klemt

Two drinks in mason jars

Beverage-top media platform Ripples is reporting 2022’s big drink trend, focusing heavily on Gen Z imbibing habits.

The unique company produces devices that make it possible to print images atop drinks. With beverages of all types as their focus, the company is a great position to study drink trends.

Interestingly, Ripples focuses primarily on Gen Z drinking habits. However, the company’s data identifies an intriguing trend that transcends a single generation.

Let’s jump in.

Zero-proof Beverage Growth

At KRG Hospitality, we appreciate numbers; we’re a data-driven agency. Well, amongst all the stats Ripples latest findings reveal, two are massive.

First, in comparison to 2019, zero-alcohol products are up 166 percent. Second, the non-alcohol category is growing four times faster than its low-ABV counterpart.

Another impressive number? Non-alcohol spirits have grown by over 113 percent since 2020.

Per Ripples, Gen Z is driving the growth in the no-alcohol space. According to the beverage-tech company, this is likely due to social media presence.

I’m sure you read articles at least from time to time about Gen Z social media habits. Those written by their older counterparts make it seem like Gen Z doesn’t understand the risks of recording their every action.

Well, it’s highly likely that much of Gen Z would rather not have their drunken shenanigans on display on every social platform.

Values Drive Purchase Decisions

Beyond risk aversion, Ripples identifies values as key to Gen Z purchase and consumption decisions.

Generally speaking, members of Gen Z value transparency and authenticity. Brands that share those values are more likely to succeed with Gen Z.

And, again, speaking broadly, smaller, independent brands are often perceived as more transparent, authentic, and responsible. Large, mainstream brands are often seen as anything but green and responsible, never mind transparent or authentic.

Ripples posits that small indies aren’t encountering daunting barriers to entry. So, small-batch, craft non-alcohol brands are apt to find Gen Z support.

Craft sodas, RTDs offering health benefits, and zero-proof cocktails in cans or bottles are flooding the market. And they’re finding success. In fact, according to Ripples, RTD sales are up 400 percent on Drizly since 2019.

The Big Trend

If you’re a listener of our Bar Hacks podcast you’ve likely heard our episodes with David Allison. If you haven’t heard them, they’re episode 46 and episode 67.

As the founder of the Valuegraphics Project, Allison isn’t a fan of focusing on demographic stereotypes. Instead, he recommends a focus on values in conjunction with demographic and psychographic data.

In part, the Valuegraphics Project approach encourages business owners and operators to identify and target their customers’ values. This is, according to Allison, far more powerful than focusing on age and sex. As important is the fact that demographics tend to divide us, and stereotypes are dangerous.

So, he and the Valuegraphics Project team probably wouldn’t like all the focus on a single generation in this article and Ripples’ findings. Well, there’s some good news and it pertains to what’s likely this year’s biggest drinking trend.

Across all generations, one drinking trend is common: Moderation. An interest in no- and low-alcohol beverages is shared among all generations.

In fact, according to Ripples, 78 percent of consumers purchasing zero-proof drinks aren’t doing so exclusively. These consumers are still buying they’re favorite full-alcohol beverages.


Leveraging the moderation trend is fairly simple. The growth of all zero-proof categories means operators can succeed with alcohol-free spirits, beer, and wine.

RTD cocktails—full-, low- and zero-proof—are selling very well and work in restaurants and bars.

In short, ensure you have low-ABV and zero-alcohol versions of your full-ABV drinks on your menu. Include these in a dedicated non-alcohol section.

Operators don’t need to be afraid of guests drinking more moderately. The stereotype that guests who choose zero- or low-proof drinks are bad for the bottom line simply isn’t true.

Image: Chris Curry on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Cocktail that Won’t Die

The Cocktail that Won’t Die (Hint: It’s not the Zombie)

Brewing a shot of espresso

With Cafe Au Lait Day coming up toward the end of this week, let’s revisit a coffee cocktail that seems to see a resurgence every year.

When it comes to this drink, it seems to experience massive popularity for several weeks. Then, people seem to get sick of hearing about (and making) it.

From there, its popularity seems to fade, waiting for guests and bartenders to revive it once more.

And no, I’m not talking about the Zombie or a Corpse Reviver. I’m talking about the Espresso Martini.

Resilient, Revered, Reviled

Of course the Espresso Martini isn’t the only cocktail that can cause a bartender’s eyes to roll toward the back of their skull completely.

The Mojito, layered shots and cocktails, the infamous AMF, the Vodka Martini regularly find themselves on most-hated cocktail lists.

However, with its resurgence in 2021, the Espresso Martini is once again getting attention. Obviously, not all of it is positive.

While the origins of this drink are debatable, it sprang from the mind of a bartender in the ’80s. The caffeinated cocktail saw a spike in popularity in the ’90s. And at various points throughout the 2000s, people have “brought it back.”

Looking back at just the last few years, the Espresso Martini was woken from its slumber in 2018. Then, it rose like a phoenix in 2019. And last year it saw yet another surge.

So, is it a trendy cocktail? A mainstream drink? Are bartenders “bringing it back” every year or two now to rickroll the industry?

Or is this just a tasty cocktail that appeals to a wide range of guests, a modern classic that deserves its place on menus? Perhaps it doesn’t deserve all the hate it receives.

Why the Hate?

Of course, it’s possible that some of the hate aimed toward the Espresso Martini is clickbait fodder that won’t die. Maybe people just expect to find it on most-reviled lists, and it’s no more complex than that.

However, it’s possible that the Espresso Martini has earned a bit of the negativity thrown at it. When it makes any list, the ingredients themselves and build time are cited as reasons why bartenders dislike it.

According to these lists, bartenders also dislike having to shake hot espresso. Still others, supposedly, are offended that coffee flavor dominates and covers up the vodka, Kahlúa, Tia Maria, or other coffee liqueur.

Moreover, the Espresso Martini isn’t really a Martini: there’s no vermouth, no gin. So, it’s possible the negativity emanates from that technicality.

At any rate, you may want to dial in your Espresso Martini for Cafe Au Lait Day (Thursday, February 17).

No, there’s no milk in a traditional Espresso Martini build. But, as I stated just a moment ago, there’s no vermouth or gin in this cocktail either. Why not play fast and loose with yet another technicality on this bar holiday?

Image: Drew Beamer on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Consumers May Keep Eating at Home

Consumers May Keep Eating at Home

by David Klemt

Friends and family around a dinner table at home

A recent report suggests that consumer interest in eating at home more will continue even after we return to “normal.”

This is the finding from a survey conducted by the Food Industry Association (FMI)l, formerly known as the Food Marketing Institute.

The FMI surveyed grocery shoppers to determine habits influenced by the pandemic.

Emphasis on Nutrition

I look to a wide variety of sources to analyze consumer behavior. Even their grocery habits can be valuable for operators to know.

In this case, knowing about the dining habits of today’s consumer provides important insights. For instance, knowing what types of food items shoppers are purchasing can be very telling.

Per the FMI, nearly half of survey respondents (49 percent) indicate they’re choosing healthier foods when grocery shopping. Clearly, living through a public health crisis is influencing this decision.

Today’s consumer, with more information at their fingertips and the purchasing power to demand more transparency from company’s, has become increasingly focused on their health. That interest grew stronger during the pandemic as a healthier lifestyle can lead to a reduced risk for illness.

This particular finding should tell operators a few things. First, they may want to consider updating their menus with healthier items. Second, that’s not limited to food—many guests are interested in no- and low-ABV drinks. Third, operators who use healthier ingredients should make that clear via their menu item descriptions.

At-home Dining

The FMI also found that 41 percent of survey respondents plan to prepare and enjoy more meals at home moving forward than they did before the pandemic.

That ties directly to 44 percent saying they “like” or ‘love” cooking at home more now.

While this survey was intended to provide consumer behavior insights for grocers, there’s clearly value for operators.

As many learned during the pandemic, guests are interested in supporting restaurants and bars buy ordering meal and cocktail kits.

Since it’s important to meet guests where they are, operators may want to keep such kits on offer. People have shown they’re eager to engage with restaurants and bars via virtual tastings and cooking classes. Clearly, many are also happy to order meal kits from restaurants to make in the comfort of their own homes.

Yes, there’s pent-up demand set to be unleashed. And yes, people are eager to get back out there and socialize. But there are also financial, health, and safety concerns that will keep some people from dining out as often as they did pre-pandemic.

That doesn’t mean they’re out of reach of restaurants and bars entirely. However, it does mean operators will need to adapt and get creative to earn their business.

Image: fauxels from Pexels
