Ultra lounge

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Go Clean this International G&T Day

Go Clean this International G&T Day

by David Klemt

CleanCo Clean G bottle

Today we raise a glass to a centuries-old spirit and a classic cocktail that historians can trace back to at least the mid-1800s.

In other words, happy International Gin & Tonic Day!

Now, I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that you and your bar team probably have your G&T builds down. It’s one of—if not the—most well-known highballs in existence.

So, no, I’m not going to write an article about how to make a G&T. It’s elegant, it’s simple, and bar professionals shouldn’t be behind the stick if they can’t make at least a decent one.

Instead, I want to introduce you to a non-alcohol spirits brand you should know: CleanCo. As an alcohol-free brand, CleanCo is ideal for Sober October and beyond.

If you already know CleanCo, cheers! But if this is you’re first time getting to know the brand, here’s what you need to know.

About CleanCo

Spencer Matthews founded CleanCo in 2018. At just a few years old, this isn’t a brand-new company.

However, anyone who knows the beverage industry knows it takes time for young brands to fight through the noise and be heard. Suffice to say, CleanCo is making themselves known in 2022.

Before starting the alcohol alternative brand, Matthews “lived in a cycle of drinking excessively for most” of his twenties. In fact, under the About section on the CleanCo website, Matthews states he sought out jobs that encouraged his hard-drinking lifestyle. That changed before the arrival of his first child. Matthews decided to “go clean” and says it changed his life.

However, Matthews doesn’t expect others to abstain from alcohol consumption completely. That is, of course, a personal choice. Rather, Matthews seeks to provide an alternative that people will actually want to drink.

Whether a guest is choosing to not consume alcohol for a round, an evening, a week, a month, or for the foreseeable future, CleanCo’s mission is to help deliver a seamless drinking experience without the alcohol.

Along with Clean G, CleanCo’s gin alternative, the brand offers rum, vodka, and tequila expressions that are 0.5-percent ABV or lower.

Clean G&T

Just like the original classic this non-alcohol-cocktail mimics, the Clean G&T is simple to make.

In fact, the ratio of Clean G gin alternative to tonic is same as its full-alcohol counterpart.

  • 2 oz. Clean G
  • 4 oz. Tonic
  • Two lime slices or wheels to garnish

To build, add Clean G and tonic to a tall glass. Next, add ice along with one lime slice or wheel to layer the garnish throughout the length of the drink. Finally, place the other lime slice or wheel on top, and serve.

Image: CleanCo

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Your Guests are Likely Ready for More Tech

Your Guests are Likely Ready for More Tech

by David Klemt


Raspberry Pi motherboard

After the past few years of innovation and implementation in our industry, guests are probably ready to use even more technology.

Driven in large part by operator adaptation to ever-changing restrictions in 2020 and 2021, guest-facing tech is far more prevalent than ever. This is particularly true in the quick-service restaurant space.

Of course, tech has certainly become a crucial operational component in the full-service space as well. However, operators many FSR operators find themselves walking a fine between tech innovation and providing personalized service.

Restaurants Canada addresses QSR and FSR tech implementation in their 2022 Foodservice Facts report. Click here for your own copy of the report.

QSR vs FSR Implementation

One benefit of updating a given operation’s tech stack is automation. After all, more tasks handled automatically via tech solutions means a reduction in labor costs.

In theory, removing mundane tasks from front-of-house team members should equate to guests receiving more personalized service. Equally as impactful: Many guests would rather have more control over their visit in the names of convenience and speed.

A couple of examples are placing orders and paying via tablet or other table-side device. For some guests, this is more convenient than the traditional method.

As stated above, QSRs have been quick to embrace and implement tech innovations. And according to a Restaurants Canada survey, nearly three-quarters of QSR operators will wade deeper into tech waters within the next two years. Almost half—49 percent—of QSR survey respondents “probably will” increase their usage of technology by April 2024; a quarter “definitely will.”

On the FSR side, operators are a bit more cautious in their approach to their tech stacks. Of these survey respondents, 37 percent will probably adopt more tech within the next two years, while 15 percent say they “definitely will” do so.

Per Restaurants Canada, the three main concerns of operators relating to implementing more tech are:

  • cost;
  • guest acceptance; and
  • people being able to relate to the equipment (which to me seems directly tied to guest acceptance).

However, FSR operators have also indicated another concern: the perception from guests that tech innovations are leading to a loss of personalized service. So, individual operators must decide not just what tech solutions to embrace but how they may impact the guest experience in negative ways.

Guest Expectations

When Restaurants Canada looked into tech in the restaurant space, they didn’t just focus on operators. The restaurant industry advocacy organization also surveyed consumers.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the 18 to 34 age group appears to be the most eager to embrace new tech in restaurants. However, they’re not that far ahead of the 35 to 54 group. Interestingly, the 55-plus demographic is less tech-resistant in at least one area than one may assume.

Let’s take a look at Restaurant Canada’s survey results, broken down by tech solution.

  • Order and pay via tablet at FSR: 18 to 34 (55%), 35 to 54 (54%), 55+ (41%)
  • Place an order for food that’s prepared by automated method, either robots or other systems: 18 to 34 (27%), 35 to 54 (17%), 55+ (11%)
  • Order food that’s delivered on-premises by an automated system or a robot: 18 to 34 (32%), 35 to 54 (28%), 55+ (18%)
  • Place an order through a ghost or virtual kitchen: 18 to 34 (34%), 35 to 54 (26%), 55+ (13%)
  • Order food that’s then delivered off-premises via robot or self-driving car: 18 to 34 (36%), 35 to 54 (29%), 55+ (19%)


Looking at the above data, most guests are already comfortable placing orders and paying through a tablet. Interestingly, the age group people think of as most tech-averse seem to be open to the idea of robots preparing and delivering their orders.

The keys to implementing tech solutions are deceptively simple: initial costs, subscription costs, maintenance fees, ease of use by staff, and ease of use by guests.

With inflation driving costs up, operators are likely most concerned with what it will cost to add to or upgrade their tech stacks. However, there may be a significant reduction in labor costs that justifies the initial costs. Additionally, some solutions can be leased rather than purchased up front.

But the comfort levels of guests must also receive careful consideration. If a solution is going to alienate or drive away a significant portion of guests, it’s likely not worth the time and cost of implementing it.

Your guests likely want more tech in your restaurant, but it has to be the right tech. Solutions need to deliver convenience and speed without failing to deliver on hospitality.

Image: Harrison Broadbent on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Delicious ‘Mistake’ Causing an Uproar

The Delicious ‘Mistake’ Causing an Uproar

by David Klemt

Overhead shot of hand holding cocktail

Are you hearing your bar team or fellow bartenders debating Negroni specs or catching them rolling their eyes when a guest orders a particular variant?

Well, there’s a good reason. For some reason, the Negroni Sbagliato is getting roasted across social media.


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A post shared by Mover & Shaker (@moverandshakerco)

Perhaps it’s for the way it’s apparently being ordered. If the memes are anything to go by—a portion of a sentence I can’t believe I just typed—guests are asking for, “A Negroni Sbagliato, with Prosecco.”

It’s possible that some bartenders are bristling at the “with Prosecco” portion of the order. A Sbagliato, which translates to “mistake,” “bungled,” or “incorrect” from Italian, is a gin-less Negroni. As you may already know or are putting together by now, sparkling wine stands in for the gin.

There’s also another possibility as well: some bartenders can’t stand when a cocktail suddenly explodes in popularity and it’s all they seem to make for weeks on end.

Of course, it could just be that some bartenders don’t feel that the drink is worthy of the hive-mind ordering frenzy. I’ve seen more than one comment on social media posts (again, I can’t believe that’s a relevant method of providing context, but here we are) pointing out that there’s nothing groundbreaking about the Sbagliato.

“All that’s happening is gin being swapped out for sparkling wine,” is a common refrain. It’s a good point.

If the phrase, “No Negroni without Campari,’ holds true, how can a Negroni be a Negroni without gin?

Guest Experience

So, that’s the gist of this “scandal” or “outrage.” Really, it just seems like a bit of fun from the bartender and cocktail communities. Why not vent a little spleen at something innocuous if nobody gets hurt?

Unless, of course, the guest experience is being affected negatively. There was a time not long ago during which a number of “serious” cocktail bar teams belittled guests for any number of reasons, and seemed to get away with it.

Didn’t know something about a particular element of ingredient of a drink? Ridicule. Asked for a drink “beneath” the bar team? Outward contempt.

Not great, as you can imagine, for the guest experience, growing a loyal base, and earning repeat visits.

Personally, I have no issue with front-of-house team members rolling their eyes at someone causing problems. Being rude or creepy to team members and/or guests? Difficult guests get what they deserve if they’re mocked, set straight, and kicked out.

But for ordering what they want to drink, well within reason? Sorry, but I don’t feel like that’s worthy of outward scorn. It’s not the spirit of hospitality, and it’s certainly not good for business.

However, I don’t think anyone has addressed the Negroni Sbagliato (non)issue as well as bartender Giuseppe González via Instagram:

If you don’t want to check out the post, even though you should, here’s a relevant snippet:

So I say this with love: Unless they are ordering a Pumpkin Spice Negroni Sbagliato, let it go and look at this human knowing one thing: it’s actually a really cool drink and I’m not mad at it.

Negroni Sbagliato

Remember, one of the keys to the balance that defines the original Negroni is the 1:1:1 ratio. For this riff on the classic, that ratio remains the same—it’s an ingredient change that makes the difference.

As you’ll see below, the Sbagliato recipe calls for Prosecco rather than gin. While the substitution is simple, the change to the cocktail is significant in terms for flavor and mouthfeel.

I’d also say this an fun fall or winter cocktail, so why not put one on your menu?

  • 1 oz. Campari
  • 1 oz. Sweet vermouth
  • 1 oz. Prosecco
  • Orange slice or peel to garnish

First, prepare an Old Fashioned glass with a large ice cube or sphere. Next, add ice, Campari and sweet vermouth to a mixing glass. Stir until well chilled, then strain into the prepared glass. Now, add the Prosecco to the glass and stir once more. Finally, garnish with orange slice or peel.

If you so choose, you can build this drink entirely with Campari portfolio elements. There’s Campari itself, of course. Then there’s Cinzano Vermouth Rosso and Cinzano Prosecco.

Image: Matheus Frade on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Restaurant Rewards Making Headlines

Restaurant Rewards Making Headlines

by David Klemt

People toasting with Dunkin' Donuts cups

Loyalty programs are making waves and grabbing headlines but not all of the news is good, according to consumers.

Dunkin’, Chipotle, Taco Bell, and Starbucks are among the restaurants whose programs are receiving attention.

Now, there are still those who cling to the idea that all publicity is good. Personally, I’ve found that idiom to be outdated. In fact, I’ve believed that phrase to be false for several years.

Instead, when it comes to publicity, I find this quote from Warren Buffet to be far more accurate: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”

It’s important for operators—for all entrepreneurs, really—to protect their brand’s reputation. At the end of the day, long-term success depends on the reputation one builds. And make no mistake, that reputation is made—or broken—every day, with every interaction.

So, what does all of that have to do with loyalty or rewards programs? It’s simple—such programs aren’t just about revenue. A loyalty program, when executed well, is a branding tool that boosts engagement, recognition, and perception.

When a loyalty or rewards program is executed poorly it doesn’t just mean low membership numbers. A brand’s reputation can take a severe hit if loyal consumers cry foul.

Let’s take a look at some brands that have made headlines the past couple of weeks.

Taco Bell

This rewards program, the Taco Lover’s Pass, is a bit of an anomaly in the loyalty space.

It was first launched in Arizona in September 2021. Depending on the location, the pass cost either $5 or $10. In exchange, people could get a free taco a day for 30 consecutive days, and they could choose from seven tacos.

Back in January of this year, Taco Bell brought back the Taco Lover’s Pass. This time, the program was available throughout the US, and it cost $10. Again, those who snagged a pass through the chain’s app could get a free taco each day for 30 consecutive days.

And just two weeks ago, Taco Bell made the Taco Lover’s Pass available again. This time, people had one day to download the app (if they didn’t have it already) and grab the pass.

Time will tell if Taco Bell will eventually make this wildly popular program permanent. For now, this occasional reward program seems to be serving the chain just fine, and their loyal guests don’t seem to be angry that the Taco Lover’s Pass, thus far, appears fleetingly.


Another interesting approach to loyalty sees Starbucks partnering with Delta Airlines.

As of yesterday, members of Starbucks Rewards and Delta SkyMiles can link the programs together. Members of the former can receive double stars on days on which they’re flying Delta (at participating locations). For the latter, members will earn one mile for every dollar they spend at Starbucks.

Essentially, linking the two accounts ensures that members earn points across both programs for a single purchase. Not a bad move—it should be an effective way to boost loyalty for both companies.


Ah, Chipotle. It’s safe to say this brand has experienced plenty of ups and downs over the past several years.

But credit where credit is due: It seems that the chain manages to come back from each scandal or mistake. And that’s what’s so frustrating—they wouldn’t have to correct missteps if they took care to avoid making them in the first place.

So, why are people upset with Chipotle now? The backlash concerns the restaurant chain’s Chipotle Rewards program.

When someone signs up the program, they can redeem a nice perk immediately: free chips and guacamole. On their birthday, they have access to another perk. In general, the biggest benefit is earning up to 10 points for every dollar spent at Chipotle.

The points a member earns are redeemable in multiple ways: free menu items, a charitable donation, or merchandise. Seems very straightforward, right?

Well, Chipotle updated their rewards program, and it’s not an upgrade. In response to inflation, Chipotle has increased prices, just as innumerable restaurants have also done.

However, the chain updated Chipotle Rewards so that members must spend more to get their free entree reward. Members must now spend an additional $20-plus to get their reward, and they’re understandably unhappy.

It should go without saying but a rewards program is for increasing visits or orders per member. With people declaring they’re “done” with Chipotle, the brand’s update is driving down visits and potentially harming their reputation.


Things in the reward and reputation space may be worse for Dunkin’ than any other restaurant brand at the moment.

The chain first launched its DD Perks loyalty program eight years ago. Last week, Dunkin’ “reworked” loyalty, launching Dunkin’ Rewards.

Unfortunately, according to several reports, social media, and Reddit, the new program deflated the value of members’ points. From what I’ve seen members must now earn more than double the points they needed to prior to the Dunkin’ Rewards rollout for a gratis beverage.

Oh, and free drinks on a member’s birthday? The new program eliminates that perk. As is often the case on social media, some people are seething.

However, a statement from Scott Murphy, the president of Dunkin’, suggests that people are perhaps misunderstanding or misrepresenting the new program.

“Dunkin’ loyalists told us they wanted the ability to redeem for more than just beverages and we listened,” Murphy said to The Washington Post. “They also wanted to bundle points for larger orders, which we accomplished. And they told us they wanted to be recognized for their loyalty, which they can now achieve through Boosted Status and earn points even faster when they come to Dunkin’ more often.”

In short, Dunkin’ Rewards is built to allow members to redeem points for a wider array of menu items, including meals. For now, however, it seems the knee-jerk reaction is that many members feel the points they earned prior to the new program’s launch are devalued. And they’re furious, with some calling for a boycott.

Obviously, a boycott is the opposite effect one wants from their loyalty program.

Loyalty is a Tightrope Act

If there’s one takeaway here, it’s that rewarding guests for their loyalty isn’t as simple as offering points for dollars.

Perhaps it should be simple, and maybe it was was that simple a while back. But now, operators must be far more cautious when designing a loyalty program.

I’ll continue to dislike offering discounts for most brands. In my opinion, once a guest becomes accustomed to receiving a discount regularly, that discount becomes the standard price. That’s not good for most operators.

It may seem counterintuitive, but I’d rather see loyalty program members receive a free item than discounts. At least they’ve paid full price to earn that perk.

Another issue, however, is making changes to loyalty programs. Operators are facing incredible strain when it comes to costs, and this industry’s margins are already razor thin. It appears that some brands aren’t just increasing costs, they’re also increasing the points it takes to earn loyalty perks.

That may make sense on paper but program members are showing that they don’t take kindly to this type of change.

Slow Down

Look at loyalty programs through the eyes of consumers, not just the eyes of an accountant.

When the costs of living rise and a person’s dollars don’t go as far as they did before, they tend to cut back or eliminate expenditures. Commonly, restaurant visits are among the first things suffer. Loyalty programs can offer guests a way to stretch their dollars—there’s an attractive perk around the bend that allows them to justify continual visits.

If a brand devalues a loyalty program member’s points or requires them to spend more to earn the same benefits, why would they be happy? Why would they remain loyalty? As far as they’re concerned, their incentive to do so no longer exists. The perceived value is no longer there.

Before an operator launches or “revisits” a loyalty program, they need to slow down and analyze it from every angle. These programs are a delicate balancing act, demanding they make sense for both the bottom line and the guests.

If an operator hasn’t yet implemented a loyalty program, perhaps they should hold off until costs become more reasonable. With inflation affecting costs and therefore prices, the wisest move may be to take the time to really dial in the program, prepare the necessary assets, and implement when it won’t impact revenue negatively.

On the flip side, operators considering making significant changes to their loyalty programs need to take the time to strategize before implementation. A misstep, even if it’s a misunderstanding from the member side, can do irreparable harm.

Image: Isabella and Zsa Fischer on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Numbers on Food Delivery in Canada

The Numbers on Food Delivery in Canada

by David Klemt

Burger in container inside car

For most restaurants, delivery is now a crucial service element rather than a “nice-to-have” option a small percentage of guests expect.

This is true whether your restaurant is in the US or Canada. But who’s placing orders? How are they ordering? And will they continue to order for the foreseeable future?

Well, Restaurants Canada has answers to all those questions and more. So, we let’s take a look at what their 2022 Foodservice Facts report says about delivery.

To download your own copy of this informative report, click here.

Who’s Placing Orders?

In their 2022 Foodservice Facts report, Restaurants Canada looks at three age groups:

  • 18 to 34
  • 35 to 54
  • 55-plus

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the 18- to 34-year-old cohort leads the charge when it comes to ordering delivery. It’s also not surprising that 35 to 54 comes in second, and 55 and older is third.

However, the first two groups are closer than some may assume. Eighty-three percent of the the 18 to 34 cohort placed orders at quick-service or full-service restaurants between December 2021 and May 2022.

That number does drop for the same time period among the 35 to 54 group, but not by a significant amount. Of that cohort, 77 percent ordered delivery. Just over half of the 55-plus group placed delivery orders: 52 percent.

Now, those numbers are down a bit from 2021, which makes sense. Things were much more restrictive in 2021 and people were just getting back to a sense of normalcy at the start of this year.

In 2021, the delivery order percentages were:

  • 18 to 34: 89 percent
  • 35 to 54: 81 percent
  • 55-plus: 67 percent

Looking at these numbers, it appears the 55-plus cohort is more comfortable dining out in person. Conversely, the 18 to 34 age group is clearly comfortable making delivery a part of their everyday lives.

How do People Want to Order?

Believe it or not, your website still matters. I’ve been saying this for years but the pervasiveness of delivery and takeout ordering is really driving this point home.

The fact is, a notable percentage of your guests want to support your restaurant and staff directly. Over the past couple of years, consumers have become well aware that third-party delivery services are incredibly costly for operators.

Consumers are also aware of third-party delivery debacles, such as the abysmal Grubhub “Free Lunch” mess from May of this year.

So, direct delivery is something that operators need to at least consider. Implementation is often less difficult than most business owners believe. And many platforms, SevenRooms, for example, make implementing direct delivery simple and affordable.

Interestingly, Restaurants Canada data supports the need for direct delivery. Back in May, the industry advocacy organization asked survey respondents how they prefer to place delivery orders from restaurants.

Preferences for QSR customers:

  • No preference: 10 percent
  • Over the phone: 19 percent
  • Third party: 35 percent
  • Restaurant website or app: 36 percent

Full-service customer preferences:

  • No preference: 8 percent
  • Over the phone: 28 percent
  • Third party: 29 percent
  • Restaurant website or app: 35 percent

Honestly, I find it surprising anyone calls a QSR to place an order. However, I suppose that makes sense for an office or catering.

At any rate, make sure your website is up-to-date, you offer direct or “last-mile” delivery, and make it easy to navigate your menu and the ordering process.

Is Ordering Here to Stay?

Now, we all know why restaurant delivery has been supercharged the past two years. However, consumer trend data show that delivery was on the rise before the Covid-19 pandemic.

But now that people are eager to return to normal and the industry is on its way to returning to pre-pandemic levels, is delivery really here to stay?

According to another question asked of survey respondents by Restaurants Canada, more than half of QSR and full-service restaurant customers plan to stick with delivery.

For their 2022 Foodservice Facts report, Restaurants Canada asked back in May how often consumers planned to place delivery orders in the next six months.

Order frequency for QSR customers:

  • Never placed a delivery order and don’t plan to now: 29 percent
  • Order less often: 20 percent
  • Will order with the same frequency: 45 percent
  • Will order more often: 7 percent

Frequency of orders for full-service customers:

  • Never placed a delivery order: 24 percent
  • Order less often: 23 percent
  • Will order with the same frequency: 44 percent
  • Will order more often: 9 percent

Here to Stay?

Of course, there are multiple factors feeding the numbers above. Some people simply don’t like ordering and waiting for delivery. For these consumers, the practice doesn’t just seem convenient.

There’s also the consumer demand to return to in-person dining, socializing with family and friends. And, of course, meeting new people while dining out.

We must also consider inflation and rising costs. Often, restaurant spending is among the first to be reduced when consumers need to be more frugal. Rising menu costs are sure to curtail some delivery spending.

That said, it’s clear delivery is here to stay and must be considered a crucial element for most restaurant operations. QSR and full-service operators need to bear in mind is placing orders; how often they’re placing orders; and get them in the habit of placing orders directly.

Image: Oliur on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Crucial Role Systems Play

The Crucial Role Systems Play

by David Klemt

Pink neon

Having efficient systems in place does more than just streamline day-to-day restaurant, bar, and hotel operations and increase productivity.

Of course, that’s an excellent reason for operators to ensure they implement multiple systems. Front-of-house, back-of-house, and leadership team members need systems to perform at their best.

Six Sigma, kaizen, the technology stack, checklists, manuals, marketing strategies, the guest journey… Each of those systems and more are key to the long-term success of restaurant, bar, and hotel operations.

In fact, these systems should be developed and ready for implementation before the doors ever open for the first time.

Further, effective systems communicate the expectations for roles and tasks. Onboarding and training systems improve recruitment and retention. Also, they provide the transparency that today’s professionals expect from their employers. On top of that, systems help develop consistency, which keeps guests coming back.

A strong leadership team is effective at implementing and following systems. Overall, a strong team is one that understands, embraces, and adheres to a systematic approach to operations to achieve shared goals.

Simply put, the only way achieve success is to be strategic. One can’t be strategic without the implementation of systems.

But there’s another crucial role that systems play in restaurants, bars, and hotels.

Get Out

This topic is the byproduct of a recent KRG Hospitality client call. While explaining our approach to projects, our team touched on the importance of systems.

However, the topic wasn’t brought up simply to detail what systems the client would need to have in place.

A crucial role systems play in a successful operation is getting an owner away from their four walls. More importantly, allowing them to confidently and comfortably leave their business.

If an owner—be they a sole proprietor or business partner—can’t step away from their restaurant, bar, or hotel without worrying, something is wrong. Either the systems in place are ineffective, they don’t address every element of the business, they aren’t being adhered to, or they don’t exist.

Effective systems allow an owner to take time away from their business without micromanaging staff. Systems should also be in place so the owner or owners don’t feel anxious when they’re not working on the business.


Stepping away to pursue a hobby, engage in self care, spend time with family and friends, or just because one wants to take a “lazy day” is necessary.

The strategic implementation of systems makes it possible for someone to take time away from their business. They can take that vacation, pursue that goal that doesn’t relate to their business directly, recharge, etc.

Of course, having systems in place also mean an owner and members of their team can travel. They can comfortably attend industry shows, make a guest appearance at a peer’s bar, or host a pop-up without worrying about the business. Having systems in place also makes it possible to travel to discover new F&B items, learn new techniques, and forge relationships with industry peers.

In other words, systems help owners and operators do something they likely haven’t done in months, if not years: breathe.

Image: Fabian Møller on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Possess this Scary Spirit for Halloween

Possess this Scary Spirit for Halloween

by David Klemt

Harridan Vodka Paranormal Reserve hero

If you truly want to imbue your cocktails and the guest experience with the otherworldly this Halloween, you need this spirit.

In fact, this bottle likely contains the most “spirit” forward spirit one can possess. It’s also one of the rarest. Oh, and it took a rest for 30 days inside the Occult Museum.

On October 13, Harridan Vodka will launch their Paranormal Reserve officially. And if you’re after a true small-batch vodka, you’ll want to keep an eye the Paranormal Reserve countdown timer.

This is your opportunity to create and host a frighteningly unique Halloween LTO promotion.

Conjuring the Halloween Spirit

Does the Occult Museum sound familiar to you? If so, you’re likely a horror film fan or into the supernatural.

For those who don’t know, the Occult Museum was started in 1952 by Ed and Lorraine Warren. The two paranormal investigators collected a vast array of artifacts that they claimed came into contact with evil.

One of these objects is Annabelle, a cursed Raggedy Ann doll. According to lore, the doll is so dangerous it’s kept inside its own glass case. A sign attached to the case reads, “Warning, Positively Do Not Open.”

So, what could possibly be frightening about a Raggedy Ann doll? Well, this one is said to have an interesting “attachment.” That is, a demon in search of a human host that has attached itself to the doll.

To keep the demon from achieving its goal—which it reportedly began pursuing in 1970—Annabelle’s case has been blessed. The case has inscriptions of the Lord’s Prayer and Saint Michael’s Prayer. Also, it’s said that Ed Warren would recite a binding prayer over the case from time to time to ensure the demon couldn’t escape.

Supposedly, Annabelle nearly killed a priest who mocked it when he visited the Occult Museum to scrutinize the Warren’s claims of its demonic possession.

This story and more are told in The Conjuring movie series. In particular, Annabelle, Annabelle: Creation, and Annabelle Comes Home. Given that it’s October, it’s the perfect time to watch the first installment and doll-focused movies of The Conjuring universe.

In fact, this would be the month to design a promotion around The Conjuring watch parties with themed LTO cocktails.

A Frightful Rest

Okay, so I can already hear some of you asking what this has to do with Harridan Vodka. Well, calm down—I’m getting to it.

The Warren Occult Museum, located in Monroe, Connecticut, closed to the public in 2019. In other words, if you didn’t get to visit prior to its closure, you’ll most likely never have the chance to see Annabelle or the other occult artifacts contained within.

But you can purchase a bottle of 44-percent ABV vodka that rested for 30 days inside the Occult Museum: Harridan Vodka Paranormal Reserve.

Just 666 bottles are available, and 665 took their 30-day slumber right next to Annabelle. These bottles will retail for $199 on Thursday, October 13.


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Obviously, that leaves one bottle we need to address. Bottle number 666 was rested inside Annabelle’s case. And while the other 665 bottles are housed inside black Ouija-themed boxes, number 666 is contained within a glass case similar to Annabelle’s.

Of course, this unique bottle comes with an appropriately otherworldly price tag: $13,000. And, hey, the person who makes this bank-balance-slashing purchase might just be in possession of the world’s only vodka infused with evil.

If you’re one of the few who manage to get their hands on these Occult Museum-rested Harridan Vodka bottles, it’s fair to say you can name your price for the opportunity for guests to buy an ounce.

Happy Halloween, ya filthy animals!

Images: Harridan Vodka

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

7 Days Until Old Fashioned Week!

7 Days Until Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week!

by David Klemt

Old Fashioned cocktail on table

In just seven days operators, their front-of-house teams and guests will have the opportunity to participate in Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week.

Those who choose to join in on the fun will help generate funds for crucial cause. Further, participation means joining forces with some revered heavy hitters in the industry.

For example, Broken Shaker’s Chicago and Miami locations are taking part, as is Cure in New Orleans. Birdie G’s in Los Angeles, the Denver outpost of Death & Co., and Houston’s Julep are also participating. And then there’s LA Jackson from Nashville, the legendary Leyenda in Brooklyn, DC’s Silver Lyan, and Philly’s R&D all joining the cause.

A Great Cause

As stated, this is more than a cocktail promotion. Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week supports an important cause and fantastic organization.

The cause is providing F&B professionals who are struggling with financial assistance, and the aide comes from the Southern Smoke Foundation.

Since 2015, Southern Smoke has been dedicated to raising funds to help individuals in the F&B space. The non-profit organization strives to help our industry peers in need persevere through crises.

From raising funds for the MS Society, establishing the Emergency Relief Fund, and providing free mental healthcare, Southern Smoke consistently proves themselves a trustworthy industry partner. By 2021, Southern Smoke had donated more than $5 million in financial aid to industry workers affected by Covid-19.

Take Part

Elijah Craig, the storied small-batch bourbon and rye producer in the Heaven Hill Distillery portfolio, makes participating simple and fun.

Unsurprisingly, we at KRG Hospitality love an activation and promotion that’s easy to execute and fun for everyone in the building. This year, Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week takes place from October 14 through October 23.

To help raise money for Southern Smoke’s crisis management mission, encourage your bar team and guests to post pictures of their Old Fashioneds to social media. All one has to do is include tag @ElijahCraig and the hashtag #OldFashioned Week. Elijah Craig will take it from there, donating $5 for every post up to $100,000.

I’m confident that over the course of ten days we can all come together and flood social media with 20,000 images of delicious, well-crafted Old Fashioneds.

To learn more about last year’s Old Fashioned week, listen to Bar Hacks episode 52. Our very special guest on this episode is Lynn House, the 2022 Best US Brand Ambassador Spirited Award winner.

Get Creative

Now, I’d normally include the particular drink recipe here but I think—I believe—we all know how to make an Old Fashioned by now. So, I’m going to encourage all participating operators and their bar teams to create a small, signature Old Fashioned LTO menu or Elijah Craig Old Fashioned Week.

Also, to get those creative juices flowing, here’s the recipe for the Elijah Craig Rosemary Old Fashioned:

  • Craft rosemary cinnamon syrup by combining 1 cup of water with 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 rosemary sprigs, and 1 medium navel orange in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer, add one cup of Demerara sugar and stir until it dissolves. Strain into a clean, sanitized bottle.
  • Combine 2.5 oz. of Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon, a half-ounce of housemade rosemary cinnamon syrup, and three dashes of orange bitters in a mixing glass with ice.
  • Stir and strain into rocks glass over a large ice cube, then garnish with a Maraschino cherry on a rosemary-sprig skewer. If you so choose, light the sprig on fire for a moment to generate some rosemary smoke.

Image: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: October 2022

5 Books to Read this Month: October 2022

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s engaging and informative book selections will help you develop next-level leadership skills and dial in your F&B menus.

To review September’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s jump in!

Down and Out in Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain

First things first: This biography by author Charles Leerhsen about chef and modern philosopher Anthony Bourdain isn’t authorized. However, this book purports to offer a deep dive into the late, revered chef’s life, from childhood to his final days.

Just be forewarned that this book is already and for good reason considered controversial.

Down and Out in Paradise will be available on October 11. Click here to pre-order this book today.

The Ethical Leader: Why Doing the Right Thing Can Be the Key to Competitive Advantage

Written by Morgen Witzel, The Ethical Leader addressed ethical behavior in business. Far too often, for far too many business owners and leadership team members, behaving ethically isn’t a non-negotiable. Rather, doing the right thing in business is “nice,” not “necessary.”

For this leadership book, Witzel explains why gaining and maintaining the trust and respect of team members and customers is crucial to the success of any business. “Trust engenders loyalty and good reputation, which in turn builds brand value… Ethical behavior is the key to trust-building, but it needs to go deeper than something managers do out of a sense of moral duty.”

Pour Me Another: 250 Ways to Find Your Favorite Drink

It may not happen every shift but bar team members and servers do encounter the restless guest from time to time. Their go-to drink, for whatever reason, just isn’t cutting it during a particular visit. Of course, this is an excellent time to improve their visit and the guest experience. And it’s the perfect time to introduce a guest to their new favorite drink.

JM Hirsch’s Pour Me Another helps people find that new favorite. Bar professionals and servers will find it useful for guiding guests through a cocktail discovery process. Click here to pre-order this book for its October 4 release.

Twist: Your Guide to Creating Inspired Craft Cocktails

The classics are a litmus test for any bar professional. It’s all well and good to invent and craft signature drinks, but if you can’t nail the classics there’s something wrong. Author Jordan Hughes, over the course of 75 recipes, combines the classics with creation in Twist.

This new book, set for release on December 13, teaches the classics. However, Hughes also helps the reader develop the skills to riff on these timeless recipes to put their stamp on the industry. Pre-order today!

Boards and Spreads: Shareable, Simple Arrangements for Every Meal

So, you’re familiar with how much people on Instagram love a good cheese and charcuterie board. In fact, you have some artisanal, eye-catching boards just waiting to be photographed and posted to social media by your guests. But do they really just sit around until someone orders either cheese, charcuterie, or a combination thereof?

It doesn’t have to be that way. Yasmin Fahr’s book Boards and Spreads provides plenty of other uses for your fancy Instagrammable boards. Oh, and there just happen to be several dip and spread recipes to refresh your menu.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

These are the World’s 50 Best Bars in 2022

These are the World’s 50 Best Bars in 2022

by David Klemt

Map of France and Spain

The long wait is over and we finally know which venues across the world are numbers one through 50 on the 2022 World’s 50 Best Bars list.

Congratulations to the World’s 50 Best Bars, class of 2022!

Regardless of people’s opinions of industry awards, these bars deserve recognition. Moreover, they’re successful examples from which other operators can learn. Iron, as they say, sharpens iron.

To review the World’s Best Bars, numbers 51 through 100, click here. As you’ll see, Singapore dominates that particular list.

If you want to learn more about the World’s 50 Best Bars, listen to episode 82 of the Bar Hacks podcast.

The 50 Best

As you’ll see when you scroll down, history was made today. For the first time since the inception of the World’s 50 Best Bars, neither a bar from London nor New York takes the number one spot.

However, New York did just fine this year. The city claims six of eight American bars on this year’s top 50 list. In fact, two bars in New York are among the top ten.

Bars in Chicago and Miami claim two spots as well. Las Vegas, sadly, doesn’t find itself with a bar in the top 50 or the expanded 51 to 100 list.

Unfortunately, the same holds true for the entirety of Canada.

However, Mexico City crushes it for North America with not only four winners but one bar representing the Best Bar in North America and taking the Rémy Martin Legend of the List award.

Athens, Dubai, Buenos Aires, and Barcelona each claim three spots, with the latter city’s winners all in the top ten. London boasts five bars on the top 50 list.

And as I predicted, two bars in Singapore earned placement this year. The Southeast Asian city-state didn’t crack this year’s top ten. However, when combined with bars 51 through 100, ten percent of the bars are in Singapore.

Individual Awards

Of course, the World’s 50 Best Bars does more than simply judge and rank bars.

Now in his fourteenth year at the helm of the Connaught Bar in London, England, Agostino Perrone scores the Roku Industry Icon Award. Jean Trinh of Alquímico in Cartagena, Colombia, is the 2022 Altos Bartender’s Bartender.

Röda Huset, number 78 on the World’s 50 Best Bars, numbers 51 to 100, is the Campari One to Watch. This particular award means this bar has been judged as the one most likely to find itself ranked somewhere among the top fifty. Further, Hanky Panky in Mexico City takes the Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award this year.

Regional and other individual awards are listed next to the bars below.

Congratulations to the bars and their dedicated teams!

The World’s 50 Best Bars 2022: 50 to 1

  1. Bulgari Bar (Dubai)
  2. Lucy’s Flower Shop (Stockholm)
  3. Bar Benfiddich (Tokyo)
  4. Employees Only (New York)
  5. L’Antiquario (Naples)
  6. Galaxy Bar (Dubai)
  7. Carnaval (Lima)
  8. Himkok (Oslo)
  9. CoChinChina (Buenos Aires)
  10. Cantina OK! (Sydney)
  11. Red Frog (Lisbon)
  12. Locale Firenze (Florence)
  13. Zuma (Dubai)(The Best Bar in the Middle East and Africa sponsored by Paragon Cordials)
  14. 🔶🟥🔵 A Bar with Shapes for a Name (London)
  15. Dante (New York)
  16. 1930 (Milan)
  17. Overstory (New York)
  18. Manhattan (Singapore)
  19. Baltra Bar (Mexico City)
  20. Line (Athens)
  21. Swift (London)
  22. Maybe Sammy (Sydney)(The Best Bar in Australia sponsored by Torres Brandy)
  23. Argo (Hong Kong)
  24. Tres Monos (Buenos Aires)
  25. Sidecar (New Delhi)
  26. Kumiko (Chicago)
  27. Tropic City (Bangkok)
  28. Satan’s Whiskers (London)
  29. Attaboy (New York)
  30. Café La Trova (Miami)
  31. Baba au Rum (Athens)
  32. The Clumsies (Athens)
  33. Florería Atlántico (Buenos Aires)
  34. Coa (Hong Kong)
  35. Drink Kong (Rome)
  36. Salmon Guru (Madrid)
  37. BKK Social Club (Bangkok)(London Essence Best New Opening Award)
  38. Hanky Panky (Mexico City)(Michter’s Art of Hospitality Award)
  39. Jigger & Pony (Singapore)(The Best Bar in Asia sponsored by Naked Pony)
  40. Handshake Speakeasy (Mexico City)
  41. Alquímico (Cartagena)(The Best Bar in South America sponsored by Tia Maria)
  42. Katana Kitten (New York)
  43. Connaught Bar (London)
  44. Two Schmucks (Barcelona)
  45. Double Chicken Please (New York)(Disaronno Highest New Entry Award)
  46. Little Red Door (Paris)(Ketel One Sustainable Bar Award)
  47. Licorería Limantour (Mexico City)(The Best Bar in North America sponsored by Rémy Martin)(Rémy Martin Legend of the List)
  48. Sips (Barcelona)(Nikka Highest Climber sponsored by Nikka Whisky)
  49. Tayēr + Elementary (London)
  50. Paradiso (Barcelona)(The Best Bar in Europe sponsored by Perrier)

Image: Ian on Unsplash
