by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Tipping is on the Ballot in Washington, DC

Tipping is on the Ballot in Washington, DC

by David Klemt

Folded dollar bills

Out of concern that people who work for tips aren’t making minimum wage in Washington, DC, Initiative 82 is on the ballot.

This is interesting for several reasons. One of which is the fact this isn’t the first time this issue has been voted on in DC.

Back in 2018, Initiative 77 was presented to Washington, DC, voters. The initiative took the $3.33 per hour minimum wage for tipped workers up to $15 per hour, the full minimum wage.

In June 2018, the measure was approved by voters. However, the Washington, DC, Council held a vote and repealed Initiative 77 after if had been passed.

Phil Mendelson (D-Chairman) of the Washington, DC, Council, introduced the bill that ultimately repealed Initiative 77 in October 2018.

“The Council amends laws all the time. And if a law is a bad law it should be amended or repealed,” said Mendelson at the time. “It doesn’t matter if the law was adopted by Congress, the voters, or ourselves.”

Further, Mendelson claimed that tipped workers themselves—bartenders, servers, valets, manicurists, and more—didn’t hold a favorable view of the passing of the initiative.

“77 may be well-intentioned, but the very people the Initiative is intended to help are overwhelmingly opposed. If we want to help workers – protect them from harassment and exploitation – there are better ways than Initiative 77,” Mendelson said.

One council member, Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3), opposed repealing Initiative 77 and addressed claims that it was harmful to tipped workers.

“Although I take these claims seriously, in my view they are speculative and not borne out by the experience of the other jurisdictions that have one wage,” said Cheh.


Whenever increasing tipped worker wages to full minimum wage comes up, we tend to encounter the same arguments for and against.

Currently, the tipped hourly wage in DC is $5.35 per hour. In comparison, full minimum wage in DC is $16.10 per hour.

Now, as the law reads, if a tipped worker’s wages don’t equate to full minimum wage, their employer is expected to bridge the gap.

The key argument for the passing of Initiative 82 is simple: tipped workers should make at least minimum wage. These workers deserve the stability of knowing how much they’ll make each shift and earning a living wage (consistently, hopefully).

Those who support Initiative 82 also say that since the measure doesn’t outlaw tipping, tipped workers would earn more than minimum wage.


Opponents, however, argue that the initiative will harm tipped workers. Some say that operators will cut shifts and increase prices in response to Initiative 82 passing. This will, of course, lead to servers, bartenders, and other tipped workers making much less than they did in the past.

Traffic may also decrease because it’s assumed that operators will increase costs significantly.

There’s also the argument that’s often (if not always) made when this topic comes up: Tipped workers themselves don’t support these initiatives.

“I have not met a single server who wants this,” Washington, DC, bar owner David Perruzza told the Washington Blade. Perruzza added, “The people who support this don’t know anything about the service industry.”

A Few Questions…

I’ve made no secret of my cynicism when it comes to politicians and their relationships with our industry.

My main argument was made for me: the Restaurant Revitalization Fund saga. We watched for months as Congress failed to replenish the RRF, leaving more than 177,000 operators and their staffs to fend for themselves. This, after months of dangling replenishment in front of all of us. Ultimately, they abandoned us.

Tellingly, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) referred to RRF replenishment as a “bailout.” And apparently he doesn’t think much of the challenges operators have faced since the start of the pandemic, asking, “Where’s the emergency?” The closures of tens of thousands of restaurants and bars, often the cornerstones of communities across the country, doesn’t rank as an emergency, apparently.

So, Initiative 77, Initiative 82, and similar measures beg a few questions:

  • Do politicians actually ask their tipped-wage constituents their thoughts on this topic before introducing these ballot measures?
  • When these initiatives are being considered, do people just ask a few operator friends their opinions?
  • Do local, state, and federal politicians really have a grasp of our industry?

One thing is certain: Industry eyes across the country are on Initiative 82. If it passes, we can likely expect similar measures to be introduced in cities and states. Should it fail, it may be a while before another jurisdiction sees this type of initiative again.

Image: Annie Spratt on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

F&B in Canada: Top Menu Items

F&B in Canada: Top Menu Items

by David Klemt

Closeup of hands holding burger

Those wondering what food and beverage menu items are performing best among consumers throughout Canada need wonder no more.

And why is that? Well, Restaurants Canada has the answers, revealing the top ten food and top ten beverage items.

Further, the organization compares each item’s performance. In this instance, Restaurants Canada analyses the percentage of orders that contained each food or beverage item from January to April 2022 in comparison to 2019.

These insights (and many more) are available in Restaurants Canada’s 2022 Foodservice Facts report. In fact, you can find our reviews of several of the restaurant advocacy group’s report topics via the links below:

For your own copy of this year’s Foodservice Facts report, click here.

Top 10 Canadian Drink Menu Trends

As you’ll see below, coffee is outperforming nearly every other beverage category. Specifically, Hot coffee is at the top, while Iced or frozen coffee is ranked third.

Unsurprisingly, Carbonated soft drinks / Pop / Soda split the two coffee categories. According to Restaurants Canada, the Carbonated soft drink category can credit its performance in large part to QSRs.

  1. Milk: 1.8% (2019) to 1.8% (2022)
  2. Iced tea: 2.9% (2019) to 1.6% (2022)
  3. Milkshakes / Smoothies: 2.1% (2019) to 2.0% (2022)
  4. Fruit juice: 3.8% (2019) to 3.0% (2022)
  5. Hot tea: 5.5% (2019) to 4.5% (2022)
  6. Alcohol beverages: 5.1% (2019) to 5.7% (2022)
  7. Water: 6.6% (2019) to 5.0% (2022)
  8. Iced or frozen coffee: 5.3% (2019) to 7.5% (2022)
  9. Carbonated soft drinks / Pop / Soda: 19.7% (2019) to 20.2% (2022)
  10. Hot coffee: 40.9% (2019) to 41.9% (2022)

Compellingly, Alcohol beverage performance in restaurants fluctuated by age group between 2021 and 2022. Alcohol order shares in restaurants, per Restaurants Canada:

  • Legal drinking Age (LDA) to 34: 46% (2021) to 43% (2022)
  • 35 to 49: 17% (2021) to 21% (2022)
  • 50-plus: 37% (2021) to 36% (2022)

Alcohol order shares in bars, according to Restaurants Canada:

  • LDA to 34: 35% (2021) to 35% (2022)
  • 35 to 49: 17% (2021) to 19% (2022)
  • 50-plus: 49% (2021) to 47% (2022)

Overall, the 35 to 49 age group appears to be consuming less alcohol in bars and restaurants in comparison to the LDA to 34 and 50-plus cohorts.

Top 10 Canadian Food Menu Trends

As Restaurants Canada notes, the Sandwich / Sub category has grown in 2022. Interestingly, the category just below it in growth, Chicken, is partially responsible for boosting Sandwich / Sub performance.

As far as entrees or “main attractions,” the Burger category remains at the top, beating out Breakfast, Sandwich / Sub, Chicken, and Pizza menu items.

  1. Cake / Squares / Muffins: 3.7% (2019) to 3.3% (2022)
  2. Salad: 4.3% (2019) to 3.8% (2022)
  3. Donuts / Beignets: 3.0% (2019) to 3.8% (2022)
  4. Breads: 4.3% (2019) to 3.4% (2022)
  5. Pizza / Panzerotti / Calzone: 4.1% (2019) to 4.3% (2022)
  6. Chicken: 7.6% (2019) to 8.5% (2022)
  7. Sandwich / Sub: 8.0% (2019) to 8.5% (2022)
  8. Breakfast: 10.8% (2019) to 11.4% (2022)
  9. Burger: 9.0% (2019) to 10.9% (2022)
  10. French fries / Potato / Sweet potato / Onion rings: 15.0% (2019) to 16.1% (2022)

Image: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Bon Appétit Reveals Best New Restaurants

Bon Appétit Reveals the Best New Restaurants in 2022

by David Klemt

Fine dining Ecuadorian dish

Condé Nast’s American food and restaurant publication Bon Appétit identifies the 50 restaurants they deem the very best in 2022.

The intriguing list highlights the consumer desire to try a wide range of global cuisines. Indeed, were one to eat their through Bon Appétit‘s 2022 list, they’d enjoy both traditional and modern:

  • African (notably, Nigerian)
  • Cantonese
  • Caribbean
  • Eastern European (Hungarian, in particular)
  • Filipino
  • French
  • Indian (including Goan and Kashmiri)
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Jewish
  • Korean
  • Laotian
  • Mexican
  • Palestinian
  • Portuguese
  • Vietnamese

Of course, one will also find American cuisine. Of note, Texas barbecue, elements of Memphis barbecue, Low Country, Cajun cooking, and Midwest comfort food. There are also restaurants offering creative takes on traditional steakhouse fare. One restaurant’s focus, The Nicolett in Lubbock, Texas, is High Plains cuisine. (For those wondering, Bon Appétit describes this as “West Texas terroir.”)

This is a compelling list, showing that consumers crave a balance between comfort food and stepping outside of their comfort zones to discover cuisines that are new to them. I encourage everyone to look into these restaurants for inspiration and motivation.

Regional Performance

For simplicity, Bon Appétit arranges their list by dividing the US into four large regions: Midwest, Northeast & Mid-Atlantic, South, and West.

Interestingly, the South claims the most restaurants on this list of the 50 best, earning 17 spots. Northeast & Mid-Atlantic restaurants grab 15 spots, the West takes 12, and the Midwest claims just six.

When it comes to the South, Texas performs the best in terms of number of restaurants on the list. There are two in Austin, and one each in Fort Worth, Garland, Houston, Lubbock, and San Antonio.

However, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana also do well for the South, earning three spots each in the following cities:

  • Miami (2) and North Miami (1)
  • Atlanta (2) and Savannah (1)
  • New Orleans (3)

Unsurprisingly, New York leads the way for the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic region. Drilling down, Brooklyn boasts four of Bon Appétit‘s 50 Best New Restaurants 2022; New York City is the home of three; and one is in Hudson.

Pennsylvania, however, claims three spots, all in Philadelphia.

Equally as foreseeable, California boasts the most restaurants among this list of fifty. Predictably, most are in Los Angeles, which claims three in total. Oakland, San Diego, and San Francisco round out California’s spots with one each. Coming in second in terms of Western states with multiple restaurants on the list is Oregon, with two in Portland.

Unfortunately, the Midwest simply doesn’t perform nearly as well on this year’s list as its counterparts. In fact, it has just half the number of restaurants as the third-place region with six. Cincinnati, Ohio, takes a third of those spots. Surprisingly, Chicago is home to just one restaurant on this list.

The 50 Best New Restaurants

Below you’ll find Bon Appétit‘s list in alphabetical order.

  • Agi’s Counter (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Baba’s Pantry (Kansas City, MO)
  • Bacanora (Phoenix, AZ)
  • Bata (Tucson, AZ)
  • Birdie’s (Austin, TX)
  • Bocadillo Market (Chicago, IL)
  • Bonnie’s (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Cafe Mochiko (Cincinnati, OH)
  • Cafe Mutton (Hudson, NY)
  • Canje (Austin, TX)
  • Common Thread (Savannah, GA)
  • Daru (Washington, DC)
  • Daytrip (Oakland, CA)
  • Dear Annie (Cambridge, MA)
  • Dept. of Culture (Brooklyn, NY)
  • El Rincon del Maiz (Garland, TX)
  • Gage & Tollner (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Good Good Culture Club (San Francisco, CA)
  • Her Place (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Irwin’s (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Juniper Cafe (Atlanta, GA)
  • Kingfisher (San Diego, CA)
  • Korshak Bagels (Philadelphia, PA)
  • La Diabla Pozole y Mezcal (Denver, CO)
  • La Onda (Forth Worth, TX)
  • Lasita (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Lengua Madre (New Orleans, LA)
  • Los Félix (Miami, FL)
  • Lucian Books and Wine (Atlanta, GA)
  • Ma Der Lao Kitchen (Oklahoma City, OK)
  • March (Houston, TX)
  • Mid-City Restaurant (Cincinnati, OH)
  • Mister Mao (New Orleans, LA)
  • Morchella (Portland, OR)
  • The Nicolett (Lubbock, TX)
  • One White Street (New York, NY)
  • Paradis Books & Bread (North Miami, FL)
  • Phởcific Standard Time (Seattle, WA)
  • Quarter Sheets (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Reese Bros Barbecue (San Antonio, TX)
  • Regards (Portland, ME)
  • República (Portland, OR)
  • Seafood Sally’s (New Orleans, LA)
  • Semma (New York, NY)
  • Sozai (Clawson, MI)
  • Sunny’s Steakhouse (Miami, FL)
  • Supperland (Charlotte, NC)
  • Uncle Lou, New York, NY)
  • Yangban Society (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Z&Z Manoushe Bakery (Rockville, MD)

Image: Kiyoshi on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Cali Chains Move Quickly to Kill FAST

California Chains Move Quickly to Kill FAST

by David Klemt

Huge pile of cash

If recent reporting is accurate, fast food chains with locations in California are fighting the Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act.

Several well-known restaurant chains have reportedly already dumped well over $10 million into a ballot drive effort. Among the chains lobbying to kill the bill are In N Out, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Chipotle.

In other words, the group of chains aiming to defeat AB-257 in California have very deep pockets. These heavy hitters are reaching deep to contribute millions of dollars to Save Local Restaurants, the coalition responsible for starting the ballot initiative.

And who are the Save Local Restaurants coalition members? The National Restaurant Association (NRA), US Chamber of Commerce (USCC), and International Franchise Association (IFA).

What is AB-257?

The Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act, also known as the FAST Act, is a California bill. Enacted on September 5 of this year, FAST amends a section of the state’s labor code that relates to food facilities and employment.

Click here to review the bill’s text in its entirety.

To summarize, FAST does the following:

  • Establishes the Fast Food Council, ten members appointed by the Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the Senate Rules Committee. The council will operate until January 1, 2029.
  • Defines “the characteristics of a fast food restaurant.”
  • Gives the Fast Food Council the authority to set “minimum fast food restaurant employment standards, including standards on wages, working conditions, and training.”
  • Provides the council the power to “issue, amend, and repeal any other rules and regulations, as necessary.”
  • Allows the formation of a Local Fast Food Council by a county, or a city that has a population of more than 200,000.

It’s that third bullet point that likely stands out the most to chain operators. On January 1, 2023, California’s minimum wage increases to $15.50 an hour. If the Save Local Restaurants ballot initiative fails, the Fast Food Council could boost the minimum wage to $22 per hour right after we all yell, “Happy New Year!”

Proponents say the bill protects the health, safety, and welfare of fast-food workers. Opponents call it radical.

Fighting FAST

According to Save Local Restaurants, it’s not just chains that want to kill FAST:

“The FAST Act is opposed by small and family-owned businesses, minority-rights groups, workers, consumers, your favorite restaurants, taxpayers and community-based organizations,” reads their website.

Among their reasons for attempting to kill the bill are:

  • a resulting increase in the price of food;
  • the elimination of thousands of jobs in California;
  • an increase in the cost of living in the state; and
  • the millions of dollars the coalition claims the bill will cost California taxpayers annually.

Reportedly, full-service restaurant operators also oppose FAST. The reason is simple: If the Fast Food Council hikes fast-food worker minimum hourly wages significantly, FSRs will struggle to compete. FSR operators will have to hike menu item prices further, a situation that’s growing untenable as consumers balk at paying more at restaurants.

Then, there’s the fact that bills similar to FAST could pass in other states. So, chains are contributing millions to see that the Save Local Restaurants ballot initiative succeeds.

Should the effort be successful, FAST will be included on California’s 2024 ballot. That means it will be suspended until 2024 and be in the hands of the voters.

Image: Tima Miroshnichenko via Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Numbers on Food Delivery in Canada

The Numbers on Food Delivery in Canada

by David Klemt

Burger in container inside car

For most restaurants, delivery is now a crucial service element rather than a “nice-to-have” option a small percentage of guests expect.

This is true whether your restaurant is in the US or Canada. But who’s placing orders? How are they ordering? And will they continue to order for the foreseeable future?

Well, Restaurants Canada has answers to all those questions and more. So, we let’s take a look at what their 2022 Foodservice Facts report says about delivery.

To download your own copy of this informative report, click here.

Who’s Placing Orders?

In their 2022 Foodservice Facts report, Restaurants Canada looks at three age groups:

  • 18 to 34
  • 35 to 54
  • 55-plus

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the 18- to 34-year-old cohort leads the charge when it comes to ordering delivery. It’s also not surprising that 35 to 54 comes in second, and 55 and older is third.

However, the first two groups are closer than some may assume. Eighty-three percent of the the 18 to 34 cohort placed orders at quick-service or full-service restaurants between December 2021 and May 2022.

That number does drop for the same time period among the 35 to 54 group, but not by a significant amount. Of that cohort, 77 percent ordered delivery. Just over half of the 55-plus group placed delivery orders: 52 percent.

Now, those numbers are down a bit from 2021, which makes sense. Things were much more restrictive in 2021 and people were just getting back to a sense of normalcy at the start of this year.

In 2021, the delivery order percentages were:

  • 18 to 34: 89 percent
  • 35 to 54: 81 percent
  • 55-plus: 67 percent

Looking at these numbers, it appears the 55-plus cohort is more comfortable dining out in person. Conversely, the 18 to 34 age group is clearly comfortable making delivery a part of their everyday lives.

How do People Want to Order?

Believe it or not, your website still matters. I’ve been saying this for years but the pervasiveness of delivery and takeout ordering is really driving this point home.

The fact is, a notable percentage of your guests want to support your restaurant and staff directly. Over the past couple of years, consumers have become well aware that third-party delivery services are incredibly costly for operators.

Consumers are also aware of third-party delivery debacles, such as the abysmal Grubhub “Free Lunch” mess from May of this year.

So, direct delivery is something that operators need to at least consider. Implementation is often less difficult than most business owners believe. And many platforms, SevenRooms, for example, make implementing direct delivery simple and affordable.

Interestingly, Restaurants Canada data supports the need for direct delivery. Back in May, the industry advocacy organization asked survey respondents how they prefer to place delivery orders from restaurants.

Preferences for QSR customers:

  • No preference: 10 percent
  • Over the phone: 19 percent
  • Third party: 35 percent
  • Restaurant website or app: 36 percent

Full-service customer preferences:

  • No preference: 8 percent
  • Over the phone: 28 percent
  • Third party: 29 percent
  • Restaurant website or app: 35 percent

Honestly, I find it surprising anyone calls a QSR to place an order. However, I suppose that makes sense for an office or catering.

At any rate, make sure your website is up-to-date, you offer direct or “last-mile” delivery, and make it easy to navigate your menu and the ordering process.

Is Ordering Here to Stay?

Now, we all know why restaurant delivery has been supercharged the past two years. However, consumer trend data show that delivery was on the rise before the Covid-19 pandemic.

But now that people are eager to return to normal and the industry is on its way to returning to pre-pandemic levels, is delivery really here to stay?

According to another question asked of survey respondents by Restaurants Canada, more than half of QSR and full-service restaurant customers plan to stick with delivery.

For their 2022 Foodservice Facts report, Restaurants Canada asked back in May how often consumers planned to place delivery orders in the next six months.

Order frequency for QSR customers:

  • Never placed a delivery order and don’t plan to now: 29 percent
  • Order less often: 20 percent
  • Will order with the same frequency: 45 percent
  • Will order more often: 7 percent

Frequency of orders for full-service customers:

  • Never placed a delivery order: 24 percent
  • Order less often: 23 percent
  • Will order with the same frequency: 44 percent
  • Will order more often: 9 percent

Here to Stay?

Of course, there are multiple factors feeding the numbers above. Some people simply don’t like ordering and waiting for delivery. For these consumers, the practice doesn’t just seem convenient.

There’s also the consumer demand to return to in-person dining, socializing with family and friends. And, of course, meeting new people while dining out.

We must also consider inflation and rising costs. Often, restaurant spending is among the first to be reduced when consumers need to be more frugal. Rising menu costs are sure to curtail some delivery spending.

That said, it’s clear delivery is here to stay and must be considered a crucial element for most restaurant operations. QSR and full-service operators need to bear in mind is placing orders; how often they’re placing orders; and get them in the habit of placing orders directly.

Image: Oliur on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

A Lesson in Guest Perception

A Lesson in Guest Perception

by David Klemt

Broadway-style McDonald's sign in Chicago, Illinois

At this point, it’s becoming more of a surprise to not be told that the ice cream machine isn’t working at a McDonald’s restaurant.

Per a report from earlier this year, 25 percent of their machines are broken at any time. In fact, the brand made a joke about it in 2020.

Interestingly, with all the road trips and flights I’ve taken, I had never encountered a nonfunctional ice cream at a McDonald’s. Until last week.

Feeling nostalgic, I drove to a McDonald’s near my home for a Shamrock Shake. Growing up, my father always enjoyed the Shamrock Shake LTO. I’ve had maybe one or two in my entire life.

So, I drove over, got in line, and confidently asked for a Shamrock Shake and a Mint Oreo Shamrock McFlurry. And then I heard the words I’d never heard before:

“I’m so sorry, our machine isn’t working.”

Devastated, I did what any well-adjusted adult would do: I ordered a double cheeseburger and a 10-piece Chicken McNuggets combo. Same thing as a shake and McFlurry, right?

Guest Perception

I won’t dive too far into the minutiae of the longstanding McDonald’s ice cream machine saga. By now, we’re all familiar:

  • These machines break so often there’s a website dedicated to the problem. McBroken shows people where ice cream machines are working and where they’re broken. (If only I had used that before my ill-fated visit…)
  • The machines reportedly take four hours per day to clean.
  • There are claims that Taylor, the manufacturer of the machines, makes 25 percent of their revenue from performing repairs.
  • Outlets have reported the FTC is investigating the situatithe machine’s manufacturer, Taylor.
  • The latest news is that Kytch is suing McDonald’s for $900 million.

I’m not a McDonald’s board member, nor am I a franchisee. So, I’m not privy to any discussions swirling around the ice cream machines in use currently.

However, I do find it surprising that a brand as massive as McDonald’s would allow this issue to continue. For a brand that claims nothing is more important than delivering a high-standard of quality food, this joke is no longer funny.

What’s more, the issue is an opening for their competitors.

Leave an Opening and a Competitor will Take it

Jack in the Box has roasted McDonald’s for their ice cream machines in the past. This month, however, they’ve amped up their trolling.

Now that the Shamrock Shake has returned, Jack in the Box has pounced.

It would’ve been enough for Jack to mock McDonald’s on Twitter during Shamrock Shake season. But nope—Jack is dragging McDonald’s even harder.

Head over to McBroken and you’ll see a huge banner that reads, “DON’T GET McSHAMMED.” You’ll notice that the map is now also populated with Jack in the Box locations.

Click the aforementioned banner and you’ll find yourself on the Jack in the Box website. More specifically, it’s a page promoting their mobile app.

Taking it further, there’s currently a promotion encouraging the download: using the code “McSHAMMED” scores the user a $2 shake.

Since we’re in Shamrock Shake season, Jack is offering their new Oreo Cookie Mint Shake. And yes, it’s green.

Innovation and Problem Solving are Crucial

Look, I’m in no position to tell McDonald’s how to run their business. If they’re comfortable with negative guest perception and experiences, that’s on them.

It’s also on them if they want to show their guests and competitors a failure to innovate, solve problems, and be agile.

The ice cream machine debacle should be a lesson for all operators. Leave an opening and your competition will take it, slamming it shut behind them.

At best, maybe you’ll be able to adapt and overcome. At worst, they’ll be social media and marketing savvy, and roast you publicly. Once a brand’s perception slips, it can be incredibly difficult to get it back to where it once was.

As an operator, you’re an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs innovate and solve problems.

Image: Joshua Austin on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Want Champagne Onion Rings with That?

Want Champagne Onion Rings with That $6,000 Burger?

by David Klemt

De Daltons gourmet Golden Boy hamburger, cropped image

Matthew McConaughey once said that the inventor of the hamburger was smart but creator of the cheeseburger was a genius.

So, what title should we bestow upon the person who created the first-ever gourmet burger?

Super-genius? Superhuman? Superhero?

Perhaps legend is high-enough praise for whomever made it acceptable to charge more than $10 for a simple menu item.

A Brief History of Haute Hamburgers

The United States is widely credited with the invention of the hamburger. However, the exact origin is unknown. Therefore, it remains heavily disputed.

Of course, we wouldn’t have today’s gourmet burgers without two decidedly standard burger powerhouses: White Castle and McDonald’s.

The former was founded 100 years ago this past March in 1921, while the latter really came into its own in 1955. However, thanks to films like The Founder, McDonald’s tends to get the lion’s share of modern burger and fast-food credit.

Regardless, the first haute cuisine burgers wouldn’t hit the market until the turn of this century. Chefs Daniel Boulud and Richard Blais are among the names that receive credit for creating the gourmet burger category.

Over the past several years, several high-dollar burgers have made headlines. For example, Corvallis, Oregon-located restaurant Juicys Outlaw Grill created a $5,000 burger ten years ago. Anyone interested in having one was required to provide 48-hours’ notice.

In 2017, Dutch chef Chef Diego Buik offered a $2,300-plus burger at South of Houston in the Hague. Just two years ago, Chef Hubert Keller featured a $5,000 burger on the menu at his Las Vegas restaurant Fleur.

Another Las Vegas restaurant, Burger Brasserie, has offered a $777 burger for nearly a decade.

Chef Gordon Ramsay’s latest restaurant, the cleverly named Gordon Ramsay Burger outpost in London (the original is in Las Vegas), features a burger that costs between $106 and $144. Oh, and it doesn’t come with fries—those come with an upcharge of ten bucks.

New King of Burgers

Now, there’s a new most-expensive burger making the scene. Interestingly, it’s not from an American restaurant.

De Daltons, a Dutch diner located about 40 minutes southeast of Amsterdam, is the home of a gourmet burger known as the Golden Boy.

De Daltons gourmet Golden Boy hamburger

Of course, this isn’t just any gourmet burger—at €5000, De Daltons is attempting to make it the gourmet burger.

So, what does one get for their nearly $6,000 investment in haute cuisine?

To start, there’s the burger. It’s made of ground A5 Wagyu brisket and chuck short rib. It’s topped with The Macallan- and Kopi Luwak coffee-infused barbecue sauce; truffled Cheddar cheese; Joselito vintage jamon (the best ham in the world); Dom Pérignon-battered onion rings; Beluga caviar; white truffle; Tiger tomato and cucumber that was pickled in matcha; smoked mayonnaise made saffron, chive and duck eggs; and king crab cooked in white wine.

Oh, and the burger is given a whiskey-smoked treatment before it’s served.

Speaking of service, what kind of bun is luxurious enough to hold the Golden Boy? A saffron- and Dom Pérignon-infused gold leaf one, of course.

Gourmet Gimmick?

The latest headline-grabbing burger is truly a hedonistic indulgence. Unlike some haute hamburgers from the past, however, it’s made with truly impressive ingredients.

Before the Golden Boy made its appearance, one simply had to make a BOUS (Burger of Unusual Size) to get attention. One could also go the “gourmet” route by pairing their signature burger with a pricey bottle of Champagne.

After those two routes turned a bit stale, chefs with impressive credentials could make news by making gourmet burgers from “fancy” meats, slapping foie gras and an aged cheese on top, and dusting the bun with gold.

De Daltons’ burger is clearly taking the gourmet burger in an ultra-luxe direction. All challengers to the King of Burger throne will have to follow suit.

Yes, the Golden Boy is a gimmick. Yes, it has helped De Daltons pull focus and grab the global restaurant spotlight. However, as ludicrous as many will find the price tag, the burger does deliver on luxe ingredients and pageantry.

So, am I suggesting that restaurateurs review their menus, local suppliers, and market to come up with their own headline-generating luxury menu item? Well, yeah.

If an operator’s kitchen team has the skills to execute on a specialty high-priced item while remaining authentic and without alienating loyal guests, go for it. If there’s only PR, marketing and revenue upside, creating one incredible “off-menu”item is worth the effort.

Again, this comes down to operators knowing their guests, their markets, and what they’re great at doing. The word “gimmick” doesn’t have to be a dirty word—it can be a positive if done correctly.

Image: De Daltons

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Make Your Restaurant Concept ABSURᗡ in 2021

Make Your Restaurant Concept ABSURᗡ in 2021

by David Klemt

Those seeking new restaurant opportunities in 2021 should give serious consideration to Absurd! Kitchen Co., KRG Hospitality’s unique turnkey QSR.

Development of the concept was motivated by the realization that operators need to continue to pivot to survive the pandemic and thrive in a post-pandemic world.

“At KRG Hospitality, we immediately pivoted in March 2020 into ‘rescue mode,’ understanding the immediate needs of so many independent operators,” says Doug Radkey, president of KRG Hospitality.

Moving forward into 2021, guests will be more concerned health, safety and their comfort than ever before. Absurd! was developed as a response to heightened guest expectations and to create a path forward for operators in the post-Covid-19 era. Not only is the concept forward-looking, it’s designed for turnkey operation.

Restaurant guests were growing accustomed to the convenience of frictionless ordering, pick-up and delivery. Lock downs, restrictions, and health and safety concerns have pushed delivery and pickup closer to the forefront of guest expectation. Absurd! leverages the latest in technology and utilizes a subscription element to reward loyalty while offering a convenient and safe QSR experience.

In the new era of restaurant operation we can expect guests to be less tolerant of waiting in lines. Multiple publications have published articles hypothesizing that the Covid-19 pandemic we lead to the end of waiting. Considering the importance of social distancing and how commonplace curbside pickup has become, it’s understandable that many guests have developed a preference for speedy, safe service.

Equally understandable is a guest wishing to keep interactions with other people to a minimum. The ability to peruse a menu via QR code or pay their bill using their own device has offered a level of comfort to guests during the pandemic. It’s logical to believe these guest habits are here to stay.

At Absurd! locations there are no traditional lines. By design, there’s no contact between guests and staff. Guests interact with a location via designated pick-up or drive-through areas. In the pick-up area, guests access food-safe storage units through their mobile devices to grab their orders. The drive-throughs only serve delivery drivers or those who have placed pre-orders. Convenient, safe, time-saving restaurant features for a post-pandemic world.

Absurd! cuisine is inspired by Southern flavors and dishes such as loaded chicken strips, fried waffle sticks, breakfast bowls, and sandwiches. There are options for the full range of dietary needs and preferences, such as dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan meat alternatives. Along with a competitive, high-quality menu, KRG Hospitality has developed a retail offerings that include branded dry spices and meal kits, leveraging another trend that has seen significant growth during the pandemic. The concept’s packaging is sustainable, and adding a food truck can expand an Absurd! operation’s reach.

“Approximately 85 percent of the food menu will be prepared on-site, including the seasoning mix and ‘dredge’ for the fried chicken, which is intended to also be gluten-free and dairy-free,” says Radkey. “The brand is able to accomplish this by maintaining a small but robust and strategic menu mix over the breakfast, lunch, and dinner day-parts. Other food items such as the chile cornbread, breakfast biscuits, and sandwich buns will be sourced through regional partnerships.”

While developing Absurd!, KRG has created a loyalty program to go along with it that’s relevant to today’s guest preferences and consumer habits. Loyalty programs have made the news lately, with attention being paid to how they’ve been changing for the past couple of years. Tech has emerged as a driver for such programs, combining guest data and personalized digital interactions to increase loyalty. However, creativity is a crucial element as well. Recognizing the value of a unique but easily understood loyalty program that offers an attractive value proposition, KRG’s approach for Absurd! is a beverage-based subscription service.

“With a low monthly cost of approximately $8.99 USD per month, the Absurd! beverage subscription program, which is optional, gives the brand an easy way to attract customers and convince them to change their traditional F&B ordering habits while building a strong base of loyalty (and data),” says Radkey. “Consumers today are accustomed to low-cost monthly subscriptions. Therefore, we think it is time for restaurants to tap into that opportunity. The ‘unlimited drinks’ within this program include coffee, iced tea, lemonade, and an assortment of flavored soda waters.”

Absurd! Kitchen Co. isn’t unique for the sake of being different. First and foremost, the concept was designed for experienced and new operators alike so they can thrive in the new era of hospitality. The dedication of KRG Hospitality to helping operators flourish with concepts that are scalable, sustainable, profitable, memorable and consistent is ingrained in Absurd’s DNA.

The concept is a recession- and pandemic-proof QSR that doesn’t rely heavy upon day-to-day involvement by the owners, making it ideal for operators of any level, from the neophyte to the experienced hospitality group.

Click here to learn more about Absurd! and visit www.AbsurdKitchen.com to download this turnkey concept’s information packet.

Image: KRG Hospitality
