Upscale dining

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Pumpkin Spice Everything is Already Here

Pumpkin Spice Everything is Already Here

by David Klemt

Black and white image of jack-o'-lantern with smoke coming of its eyes

In what perhaps is an attempt to encourage people to think of cooler autumnal temperatures, pumpkin spice is descending upon us earlier than ever before.

Operators who are finalizing their pumpkin spice menu items are basically already late to the party.

Luckily, it isn’t like the brands for which fall’s most infamous LTO flavor works are too far behind. A significant percentage of consumers are drawn to pumpkin spice menu items like trick or treaters to homes handing out full-size candy bars.

So, operators still have time to put the final touches on pumpkin spice menu items…but they’ll want to get a move on.

That’s exactly what restaurant chains did this year. Their pumpkin spice-flavored onslaught began with the start of this month.

Pumpkin Spice, Now a Summer Flavor?

Spirit Halloween stores. Christmas music. And now, it appears, Pumpkin Spice.

What do these three things have in common? Well, it seems like they’re making their debuts earlier and earlier each year.

When we think of summer and seasonality, I don’t think pumpkin or even baking spices enters into most people’s minds.

Unless, however, those people are in marketing and branding.

According to Restaurant Business, Krispy Kreme went all in on pumpkin spice on August 7. On that day, the chain unveiled four donuts and a number of beverages featuring pumpkin flavors.

Interestingly, the company’s global chief brand officer, Dave Skena, states that their pumpkin spice releases came one day earlier this year. Last year, they say, pumpkin spice arrived “significantly earlier than the year before.”

7-11 may have crossed the pumpkin spice dateline first this year. Dunkin’ is already offering pumpkin spice F&B items. And Starbucks, famous for their PSL LTO, is rumored to be launching their specialty menu this Thursday.

Given these August releases, can we expect a brand to attempt to get the jump on everyone else and launch pumpkin spice LTOs in July?

Consumer Cravings

Brands wouldn’t gamble on releasing their pumpkin spice LTOs in August if they didn’t think their decision would pay off.

Considering what Krispy Kreme’s Skena says about pumpkin spice’s August arrival, consumers have already spoken. Apparently, a significant percentage of people have an interest in fall flavors midway through summer.

Of course, there are a few considerations for independent operators in terms of seasonal releases. Rolling out new menus and menu items can be a costly endeavor. Pulling the plug on one revenue-generating seasonal menu or LTO in favor of significantly different items may be harmful to the bottom line.

One approach operators could take is to plan far enough ahead to pull the trigger on LTOs when 7-11, Dunkin’, or Starbucks launch theirs. In other words, be ready, but don’t jump the gun.

This also speaks to the importance of operators knowing their core guests and listening to feedback. Are front-of-house staff hearing murmurs from guests that they’re craving new flavors? Perhaps it could be lucrative to leverage that anticipation.

Image: Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Seemingly Simple: The French Fry

Seemingly Simple: The French Fry

by David Klemt

French fries and sandwiches in baskets

We celebrate the humble French fryat once a living legend and deceptively simple sideon Thursday, July 13, National French Fry Day.

Now, I know I tend to dive into the history, disputed or not, of a given item when a holiday comes around. However, that’s not the point of this article.

Of course, I could easily point out that this iconic item’s origins aren’t settled history. That Belgium claims ownership as of 1680. Or that Chile may have beaten Belgium by 61 years. And that France gets credit because the recipe for “modern” French fries appear in the cookbook La Cuisinière Républicaine from 1775. I’m not even going to get into the debacle that was 2003’s Freedom Fries…

Again, that’s not the point. Whether you call them French fried potatoes, French fries, fries, pomme frites, or chips, they’ve been around for anywhere from 400-plus to almost 250 years in some form.

And still they manage to confound many a cook.

We’ve all gotten an order of flaccid, cold, mushy or otherwise cheerless chips. And we’ve all managed to muscle down at least a handful of those dismal, forlorn fries, each soggy bite driving us deeper into despair.

Okay, that may be the tiniest bit dramatic. My point is, French fries are deceptively simple to get just right. And a subpar fry canlet’s face it, will—ruin a guest’s perception of a restaurant. They may return, but they’ll be apprehensive.

Fry Infatuation

If you thought maybe I’d try to create a portmanteau like “infrytuation,” I did think about it. But that would be far too silly, even for me. I wouldn’t even type such a thing out loud.

Anyway, we may not know the origin of fries or chips for a fact. But we do know that for the most part, people love a fry. Those who don’t, well, they’re not to be trusted. Should you come across such a person, grab a handful of friesor the entire basketand run away. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.

But why? Why do we love a fry?

Perhaps it’s the versatility. They complete many a limited-service restaurant or QSR meal. At this point, the “bag fry” is almost its own varietal.

They’re at home at a dive or neighborhood bar. But they’ll also step up and accompany a steak at a French bistro or steakhouse. Fish house, shack or upscale seafood restaurant? Pleasefish and chips are a power couple comfortable in any environment.

Speaking of versatility, chips are also happy to indulge a chef or cook’s most debaucherous thoughts. A vessel to carry short rib, cheeses, and an array of seasonings? They’re down.

Of course, it’s likely that fry popularity comes down to comfort. A hit of salt, fat, heat, crispness, and creaminess? That’s at the bare minimum. Toss on some parmesan or pecorino romano and that hit of dopamine doubles, at least.

Chip Tips

One professional, personality, and purveyor who knows his way around a French fry is Chef Brian Duffy.

Indeed, he takes fries seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he has promoted Lamb Weston for several years. For the unfamiliar, America-based Lamb Weston is on of the biggest producers of French fries in the world.

One of their products, the Extra Crispy series of fries, retains crispness for 30 minutes.

Chef Duffy also understands the importance of fries. They can, as stated above, make or break a guest’s visit.

Additionally, as you can see in the Instagram post below, Chef Duffy certainly sees the humble fry as a blank canvas for experimentation.


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A post shared by Chef Brian Duffy (@chefbriduff)

Given his strongly held views on fries, I reached out for his thoughts. And, of course, Chef Duffy didn’t disappoint. If you want to master your fries, take the Duffified approach.

Make sure you’re following Chef on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. From knife skills to thoughts on seasonings and techniques, you’ll gain helpful culinary insights. Oh, and he’s funny, too.

Duffified Fries

Elevate your French fries. Realize that they’re not “just” a side dish and therefore an afterthought.

For many brands, their fry is a calling card. That “card” can either tempt people through your doors or warn them to stay away.

Are they seasoned well?

Fries are seasoned perfectly when seasoned within 3-5 seconds of being removed from the fryer. Create a fry seasoning that has a good salt-to-seasoning ratio. My Fry base is 1 cup sea salt, 1/8 cup fresh ground black pepper, 1/2 cup onion powder, 1/4 cup garlic powder, 1/8 cup dark chili powder.

Are they crispy?

A good quality fry holds its crispiness for 10 to 15 minutes, unless it’s designed with a coating like a Crispy on Deliveryfry from Lamb Weston that can stay crispy for up to 30 minutes. There’s nothing worse that taking that first bite and having a cold, soggy fry.

Are they hot?

A hot fry has a creaminess in the center that enhances the ultimate experience of the fry. Having that crispy exterior and creamy interior ensures a perfect fry!

Hand-cut fries.

Let’s be real: They’re amazing within the first few minutes. But anything longer than that is a soggy fry, rarely cooked perfectly due to the labor involved and the variations between the type of potato, the time of the year, and the starch to sugar content. It’s just a super inconsistent product unless it’s a huge focus for your concept. I’d stay away.

What are your sauces?

Just ketchup? Just ranch? Make up a few new dipping sauces that will assist you in creating a fry program that isn’t just as a side. Three different fry cuts and three different sauces are now a $14 appetizer that will make people happy.

Choose a fry or a fry program that matches your concept!

Is it a wedge, a concertina, a waffle, a dipper or a steak…? Choose wisely because the wrong fry can take your menu from great to, “Well, that sucked.”


Speaking of featuring fries as a premium appetizer that justifies a premium price, Chef Duffy has a couple of ideas.

One, a fry board. We’ve seen cheese boards, meat boards, pretzel boards… Why not fries?

Sift through Instagram and you’ll also find a Chef Duffy take on build-your-own nacho fries.

Get creative. Don’t just have fries, engage your kitchen and have them build a fry program. Innovation draws people in and converts them to loyal, repeat guests while justifying premium pricing.

Image: Vincent Rivaud on Pexels

Disclaimer: Neither the author nor KRG Hospitality received compensation, monetary or otherwise, from Lamb Weston or any other entity in exchange for this post.

KRG Hospitality menu development. Restaurant. Bar. Cafe. Lounge. Hotel. Resort. Food. Drinks.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Tips from Tipps on Cool Concepts

Tips from Tipps on Building a Cool Concept

by David Klemt

Mama Foo Foo Daytona bar and DJ booth

It’s true that “cool” is difficult to define, and yet as amorphous a concept as it can be, we can create a vibe that embodies this important design element.

Some people have an innate understanding of the cool factor. They can identify it, design for it, and reënvision it. However, even these people can’t always explain the concept of cool.

To repurpose a 1964 quote from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, “I know it when I see it.” And to paraphrase that quote, many of us would say we know cool “when we experience it.”

Of course, I can say that the KRG Hospitality team knows cool and develops concepts around this nebulous design concept. But that wouldn’t be cool; if you call yourself cool, you’re not. It’s sort of like attempting to give yourself a nickname—it really doesn’t work. (When I was in the Air Force I witnessed what happened to a few brand-new F16 trainees who tried to give themselves their own call signs. The results? Yikes.)

So, I’m going to share some helpful thoughts on this topic from a friend of KRG. Invictus Hospitality co-founder Michael Tipps, who knows cool when he sees and feels it.

Importantly, he and his team can also design for it. During the 2023 Bar & Restaurant Expo in Las Vegas last month he shared his thoughts on this idea to a room full of operators and leadership team members.

To check out some of the cool concepts in the Invictus portfolio, click here. For the KRG portfolio gallery, follow this link.

So, You Wanna be Cool…

With very few exceptions, most people thinking about their dream restaurant, bar, nightclub, eatertainment concept, or hotel don’t want to embody the antithesis of cool. In fact, I’ll say that if someone does design an “uncool” concept purposely and does so successfully…it’s cool.

That said, here’s an important tip from Tipps on developing a cool concept: “If your bar or restaurant is epic, it will attract everyone.”

However, that doesn’t mean designing a place that attempts to make everyone happy. Instead, consider your target guests—groups of people you and your partners understand, ideally—and design for them.

Nailing your concept for your target guests will attract other groups. And before anyone says that sounds exclusionary, that’s not what Tipps or I are talking about. Listen to anyone from the KRG Hospitality and Invictus Hospitality teams speak and you’ll know making any guest feel unwelcome isn’t on the menu.

Instead, consider the longstanding maxim that you can’t please everyone. Hence, focusing on your target guests to pull the threads tighter during the concept development phase.

Another key consideration when trying to nail down the cool factor? Differentiation.

“If everyone is used to westerns, somebody wants an action movie,” says Tipps. In other words, in a market saturated by one or two types of concepts, there are people dying for something different.

So, develop your dream concept with the idea of delivering something different in mind.

Stay True

This isn’t exactly a hot take but at the end of the day, all restaurants serve food. All bars serve drinks. All hotels provide rooms.

In other words, people can go anywhere for at least decent food and drink, and a place to sleep. The differentiators that separate one concept from another are atmosphere, service, and culture. Those three elements (along with some others) define a particular brand.

When your dream concept is on paper and you’re ready to make it a brick-and-mortar reality, you must stay true to it. Using the KRG process as an example, our feasibility studies, concept development plans, and business plans combine to form our Roadmap to Success. This is a document hundreds of pages long that’s unique to every client and concept we develop.

Once that deliverable is in your hand, it’s crucial to stay true. Or, as Tipps said at BRE in March, “You have to remain steadfast and focused on your concept.”

Designing a cool concept can take you into deep, uncharted waters in your chosen market. The voice telling you that you need to rein things in can be a loud, nagging one. Learn to quiet that panicking voice.

It can be daunting to design something you think is cool. You may find yourself asking if anyone would even want this “cool” concept.

Well, an unfiltered Tipps suggests you consider your answer to the following question: “How do people know what they want if they haven’t fucking seen it?”

You can build the next Applebee’s, Chili’s or Fridays. Or you can build something unique that will set a new standard in a market. And that’s not a knock against those chain restaurants—they’re successful on a global scale. But if you don’t want to operate an Applebee’s, don’t design yourself one.

A Word on Rebranding

Owing to the pandemic, rebrands are, as Tipps says, ubiquitous. This makes sense as people’s perspectives are different now. Operators want to finally own their dream concept. Hospitality pros want to work for brands that share their values, and that they deem cool. Guests want to spend their time and money on brands with which they identify (and also deem cool).

“If somebody wants to rebrand, they probably should,” says Tipps.

According to Tipps, however, “a lot of people confuse a rebrand with a refresh.”

While new tables, chairs, and paint can feel like a huge change, that’s not a rebrand. While many guests appreciate a refresh, their relationship with the brand won’t change much.

So, if an operator doesn’t plan and execute a full rebrand carefully, Tipps says they need to temper their expectations for a measurable ROI.

Now, if you have ideas for a cool rebrand, planning is crucial. But that doesn’t just relate to knowing what you want. You need to have your new name, logo, colors, menus, and exterior and interior designs finalized, of course.

However, you need to plan for how long the rebrand will take. As an example, when Invictus last rebranded their own concept they planned for two months to prepare to shut down for a full week.

Your cool new concept and its cool new details? They cost money and, as importantly, they take time. Which, as we all know in this business, costs even more money when you’re shut down.

Now’s the time to move forward with your cool new concept. Don’t hesitate to take your first step toward owning the cool brand you’ve always really wanted. While you’re dreaming about your concept, someone else in your market is making theirs a reality.

Image courtesy of Invictus Hospitality

KRG Hospitality brand identity. Restaurant. Bar. Cafe. Lounge, Hotel. Resort.
