
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Be a Student of the Game

Be a Student of the Game

by David Klemt

Street art portrait of Rich Uncle Pennybags

The key to success as a restaurant, bar, nightclub or hotel operator is a change in mindset and a commitment to being a student of the game.

That game, of course, is hospitality. To succeed, one must truly love this industry and their own business. Love digging into the minutiae and learning about every element of operations; love their team members and guests; love mentoring and finding mentors; love embodying the spirit of hospitality;  and love their own brand.

This is the exact message Michael Tipps drove home during the first Invictus Hospitality-led education session of the 2023 Bar & Restaurant Expo.

“The doing and the how is important, not the what,” says Tipps. “Be a student of the game.”

But what does Tipps mean when he says that?

The Successful Student Mindset

Before we begin, a note about reporting on other consultants and agencies. At KRG Hospitality we don’t pretend to know it all. When a peer says something and has an approach to this industry we find insightful, we want to share it. Keeping it to ourselves because they’re a “competitor” doesn’t help anyone or our industry.

We consider Invictus cofounders Michael Tipps and Homan Taghdiri friends and colleagues. Their values and mission align with ours.

So, when Tipps says successful operators are students of the game, we agree. Our team is passionate about learning so we can better serve our clients. I’m comfortable saying the Invictus team embraces a similar approach.

In addition to a hunger for knowledge, there’s another key element of this successful student mindset: positivity. For Tipps, that means two things:

  • “Know what works first. Notice what doesn’t work second.”
  • “Other venues aren’t your competition.”


I won’t speak for Invictus and their approach to understanding a client’s vision. We have our approach and tools, they have theirs.

One of the exercises that we find works to help us see how a client envisions their concept is to learn about what they like. What restaurants, bars, nightclubs or hotels do they admire? Are their operators they aspire to emulate? What venues in their target market do they think are doing a great job?

Another part of the process is to visit similar concepts. These visits reveal a lot, including what a client knows about the business.

Look, we’ve all been there. As consultants, operators, leadership team members, front- or back-of-house members… We know when something doesn’t work when we visit any restaurant, bar or hotel.

However, a simple change to the lens through which we view an operation can make a big difference. First, we should notice what’s working. Going further, Tipps suggests trying to understand what an operator was trying to accomplish with their concept: “What was the intention?”

To Tipps, people who can walk into a restaurant or bar and identify what’s working before focusing on mistakes shows they actually know the business. A true student of the game recognizes any concept’s positives and intention.

“It doesn’t take skill to know what sucked about a bar or restaurant,” says Tipps. “It takes skill to point out and understand what works.”

Dentist’s Office, Anyone?

There’s another point Tipps makes about the game and what drives people to jump into this incredibly challenging business.

Consider what owning a cool restaurant, bar or nightclub looks like from the outside. People get into this business, posits Tipps, because they’ve been to a bar or restaurant and think it would be fun to own it. They think being the owner of a hot restaurant is sexy. Likewise, being the owner of a cool bar or club.

It certainly can be cool, fun, and sexy to own a restaurant or bar. But think about visiting a business and finding it so cool that you decide to open one yourself.

“We’ve also all been to the dentist but we don’t open a dentist office,” says Tipps.

In other words, there are operators lured to this business because it looks fun and cool from the outside. And it is, but it’s also very hard work. Truly, only students of the game will find a measure of success.

Without a love for hospitality, for what can be accomplished and experienced in this industry, it’s just a difficult job.

The Real Competition

Ask different consultants about whether they view similar businesses as competitors and peers and you’ll get a variety of answers.

Some feel that concepts in the same category in the same market are in direct competition. Others will say that one operator isn’t competing with another, they’re potential peers who can elevate one another. Still others say there’s nuance; there’s competition for traffic, engagement, and dollars, but competitors are also peers who can elevate entire markets.

To Tipps, and I assume Taghdiri and the rest of the Invictus team, operators are competing against the clock.

“Time is your adversary, not the venue next door,” says Tipps. That means operators are up against ticket times. They’re subject to their dishwasher’s timing. Payroll, paying invoices on time, dealing with how long food can last to plan for days of the week and individual dayparts…

Each of those items and more impact a concept’s every element of operation. And unlike another operator, there’s no stopping this adversary. The most an operator can do is implement strategies to keep up with this opponent because there’s no way to beat it.

Again, the only way to succeed in that contest is to be a student of the game. An operator (and their leadership team) needs to not only know every tiny detail about their business, they must be passionate about gaining that knowledge. They need to love learning and applying the information they glean to overcome obstacles and keep up in their battle with time.

“Be as fascinated with your business as a five year old is with an ant farm,” says Tipps. “Look at the ant farm with wonder.”

Image: Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Real-world Menu Tips from Chef Brian Duffy

Real-world Menu Tips from Chef Brian Duffy

by David Klemt

Two restaurant food menus

I wonder what Chef Duffy would say about these menus.

Call it an education session, call it a workshop, one of the best features of the Bar & Restaurant Expo is live menu feedback from Chef Brian Duffy.

This is certainly true of the 2023 Bar & Restaurant Expo. During this year’s BRE (formerly Nightclub & Bar Show, or NCB), Chef Duffy delivered well over two hours of real-world menu feedback.

To be sure, BRE educational programming is always beneficial. Attendees who take the time to plan their schedules to include education sessions will take invaluable tips back to their businesses.

However, watching in real time as Chef Duffy critiques real menus submitted by BRE attendees provides insight that will impact the guest experience and success of a restaurant or bar immediately.

When delivering his feedback, Chef Duffy is unacquainted with the menus. He’s also unfiltered. So, attendees of these sessions are provided a window to Chef Duffy’s professional opinions, on the fly, in real time.

Take, for example, this blunt statement: “If you serve tilapia in your restaurant, you suck.” Before anyone has a conniption, Chef Duffy is referring to unethically farm-raised tilapia that’s often exposed to waste.

Technical Difficulties

Due to unforeseen AV issues, Chef Duffy was unable to use the large screens in the room to review menus for 30 to 40 minutes.

Now, some speakers may be shaken when encountering such a technical difficulty. This isn’t the case for Chef Duffy. In fact, all in attendance from the start of his session were lucky enough to gain insights beyond menu design because of the AV issues.

First, we all gained some insight into Chef Duffy’s consulting process. When engaged for restaurant consultation, he watches an evening service. Next day, he’s in your kitchen at 10:00 AM. What he sees in your kitchen tells him what’s happening throughout your restaurant. By the way, if he encounters just two spelling errors on your menu, he’s done reviewing it—you need a fresh start.

Second, inventory. Chef Duffy assumes you keep eleven percent of your overall revenue on your shelves. So, if you’re generating $100,000 each month, your shelves hold $11,000 of product. When reviewing your financial situation, take a look at that number for your own restaurant or bar.

Third, executive chefs versus head chefs. Chef Duffy has been on the ground for more than 100 restaurant openings. He has interviewed countless chefs. Have you ever wondered about the difference between an executive chef and a head chef? Knowledge of the financial aspects of running a kitchen. Without it, someone’s not an executive chef—they’re a head chef. Executive chefs know (and in theory can be trusted with) finances; head chefs make sure the brigade comes to work on time.

Finally, a cost-reduction tip. When you speak with your food reps, ask about DWO items: “Discontinued When Out.” You may be able to get your hands on some great items for a fraction of the cost.

Pricing Tips

Since we’ve looked at costs, let’s take a look at pricing.

Determining pricing effectively involves more than just gathering intel about your competitors. Chef Duffy suggests looking over your entire menu and committing to a pricing hard deck.

For example, “I’ll never sell a starter for less than X dollars.” You commit to never selling a entree for lower than a certain dollar amount. If you breach that promise, you may damage your brand.

Staying on the topic of pricing, don’t take advantage of your guests. Chef Duffy absolutely believes you can charge premium prices—but only for innovation. How do you know if a menu item is innovative? If it has made its way to major chain restaurants and you’re not doing anything unique to your version, it’s not innovative.

In terms of layout and design, don’t “lead” guests to prices with dots, dashes, or solid lines. Just place the price next to the item and move on.

Menu Tips

Another crucial tip that really should go without saying but, well, here we are, is proofreading. Want to make sure your menu is correct in a fun way? Throw a proofreading party. Invite ten of your VIP guests, gather your staff, invite some friends and family if you won’t be distracted, and ask for honest feedback.

Of course, you can elevate this event by serving new menu items tapas or family style to your VIPs. Brand-new restaurant yet to open? I suggest having the proofreading party with staff, friends, and family.

Keep in mind that menu real estate is valuable. Does a section of your menu come with identical accompaniments? Explain that at the top of section rather than including them in every. single. item. separately. Yes, this happened during the live 2023 BRE reads.

Chef Duffy would like you to stop putting specials on your menu. Again, menu real estate is valuable. If you can spare the room for specials, are they really special? Instead, your servers should know the day’s specials and share them with your guests from memory. And speaking of memory, upselling really only works if your staff knows the menu backward and forward.

Oh, and Chef Duffy would love it if you’d stop doing truffle fries if you’re not going to use premium products.

Your Menu Isn’t “Just” a Menu

Obviously, I haven’t shared every one of Chef Duffy’s menu tips. However, the above should serve as more than enough to motivate you to review your own menu with a critical eye.

In fact, you should be inspired to have your leadership, BoH, and FoH teams review the menu as well.

Yes, spelling matters. Yes, grammar matters. And yes, every detail and bit of menu real estate matters. This is because, simply put, your menu is more than a list of items for sale.

As Chef Duffy says, “Your menu is your calling card, it’s just that simple.” He would also tell you that the first place people encounter your business is online after a search. So, your website is your showcase. But your menu? That’s your billboard on the freeway, as he says.

QR codes may have been the standard from 2020 to 2022. We all know why. But for the most part, with the exception of QSRs and LSRs, people want to hold your menu. It’s a tactile experience and true engagement.

Menu design, like your website’s design, matters. Don’t believe me? I have two framed menus on my office wall, and they’re not from client concepts.

To learn more about Chef Brian Duffy, visit his website here. And, of course, make sure to follow him on Instagram. To listen to his Bar Hacks podcast episodes, click here for episode 33 and here for episode 53.

Image: Catherine Heath on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Complete Bar Menu Audit
