Coffee bar

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Gen Z Shifting the Restaurant Landscape

Gen Z Shifting the Restaurant Landscape

by Nathen Dubé

People holding phones over a pizza

I think we can admit every demographic snaps pics of their food now.

The next wave of restaurant guests is ready to be won over. Our industry is on the cusp of a monumental shift, and Generation Z is at the helm.

As they come into their own, both socially and economically, this vibrant generation is poised to redefine dining as we know it. With their digital-first mindset, staggering spending power, and penchant for loyalty, Gen Z is a demographic that no restaurant can afford to overlook.

Comprising nearly a quarter of the American economy, Gen Z is a force to be reckoned with. Born in 1993 or later, they command an awe-inspiring $250 billion in spending power.

But what’s truly remarkable is their approach to dining. Generally speaking, eating out is not an occasional indulgence for this generation; it’s a regular part of life.

In fact, the majority of Gen Zers frequent restaurants at least once a week, a statistic that’s all the more astonishing when you consider that many are not even old enough to drive.

As this generation matures and their financial standing improves, they are set to become the next wave of loyal restaurant patrons. To capture their attention and build lasting relationships, restaurants must focus on three pivotal areas: cutting-edge technology, customizable menus/personalization, and one-of-a-kind experiences.

By proactively adapting to meet the unique needs and desires of Gen Z, restaurants can not only win their business but also secure a prosperous future in an ever-evolving industry.

So, the question isn’t whether to adapt to Gen Z. Rather, the question is, how quickly can you do it?

The next generation of restaurant-goers is not just knocking at the door, they’re already here. And they’re ready to dine.


Generation Z is a digitally native cohort, seamlessly integrating smart technology into every facet of their lives—from smart cars to smartphones.

To engage with this generation of guests effectively, it’s imperative for restaurants to have a mobile-optimized online menu. Given Gen Z’s penchant for quick, easily digestible information, a streamlined, fast-loading menu is key.

Highlighting elements like flavors and health-conscious options can serve as compelling selling points.

The Digital Investment Dilemma

While the allure of digital innovation is undeniable, it comes with its own set of challenges, primarily financial.

However, there is good news.

Investing in robust digital systems is essential for ensuring a smooth guest experience. This investment often yields dividends in the form of operational efficiency and heightened customer loyalty—two factors crucial to long-term success.

Gen Z, in particular, is quick to embrace modern conveniences like alcohol delivery and digital ordering, signaling a clear trajectory for the restaurant industry’s future.

Additionally, many innovative tech solutions integrate with platforms operators use currently. Where this is the case, the new tools can enhance operations, automation, marketing campaigns, back of house, etc., which justifies the initial outlay.

Augmented Reality: A New Frontier in Dining

Augmented reality (AR) in the dining space is an emerging trend with boundless potential. Although the initial costs of integrating AR can be steep, the payoff in terms of guest engagement is substantial.

Imagine a dining scenario during which guests can use AR glasses or goggles to access nutritional information about their meal instantly. The possibilities are as limitless as they are exciting.

Staying ahead of the curve with tech ensures restaurants not only attract Gen Z but also offer an enhanced dining experience that sets them apart in a competitive market and attracts guests of all ages.

The future of dining is here, and it’s digital, customizable, and incredibly interactive. Are you ready to be a part of it?

Social Media

When it comes to capturing the attention of Gen Z, social media is a goldmine.

While Facebook may not be their platform of choice, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are where they’re most active.

These platforms are ideal for sharing quick, engaging six- to 15-second videos that resonate with Gen Z’s fast-paced and humorous nature. Bear in mind, video not only killed the radio star, it has surpassed static photography as the engagement format of choice.

And don’t underestimate the influence of even the youngest among them; they often have a significant say in family dining decisions.

Social Media: The Modern-Day Word-of-Mouth

In today’s digital landscape, social media isn’t just a platformit’s a potent marketing arsenal.

Gen Z is particularly vocal about their dining experiences, often sharing them online for their followers to see. This user-generated content serves as invaluable, organic marketing that can drive both foot traffic and revenue.

In essence, social media has become the new word-of-mouth, and restaurants should actively encourage this form of authentic promotion.

The WiFi Factor

Offering free WiFi isn’t just a courtesy, it’s strategic.

By becoming a wireless hotspot, you’re also positioning yourself as a dining hotspot.

Free WiFi enables Gen Z patrons to stay connected, even while enjoying a meal with family or friends. They can easily share texts, photos, and perhaps even a glowing review, providing your restaurant with the kind of word-of-mouth advertising that money can’t buy.

By embracing these digital and social strategies, restaurants can not only attract the Gen Z audience but also create a dynamic, interactive dining environment that appeals to all.

The future of the restaurant industry is undeniably digital, and those who adapt will not just survive but thrive. Are you prepared for this exciting new chapter in dining?


The culinary landscape is evolving, and Gen Z is at the forefront of this transformation.

Authentic and Global Flavors: The Culinary Passport

In an era marked by globalization, Gen Z’s palate is as diverse as their worldview.

Their affinity for authentic, global flavors is more than a trend, it’s a reflection of a world where borders are increasingly blurred. As international cuisines become more accessible, they’re also becoming a staple on restaurant menus.

For restaurateurs, this provides an opportunity to diversify and enrich their culinary offerings.

Fusion: The Art of Culinary Innovation

Fusion foods are not merely a passing fad. Truly, fusion is a celebration of culinary creativity.

This trend allows chefs to push the boundaries of traditional cooking, often creating unique, high-value dishes that enhance a restaurant’s revenue potential.

In many ways, fusion embodies the inclusive and diverse spirit of Gen Z, making this culinary approach a hit among this demographic.

Experiential Dining: The Rise of the Experience Economy

The move towards experiential dining is part of a larger shift in consumer behavior, where experiences are valued over material goods.

Restaurants offering interactive experiences like cooking classes, wine tastings, or farm-to-table events are tapping into this lucrative trend.

Gen Z, in particular, is drawn to such experiential dining options, as well as to culinary fusions and fresh, natural ingredients.

A New Wave of Flavors and Dining Options

Unique flavors like yuzu, tamarind, and lemongrass are more than just exotic additions. These flavors and ingredients are becoming mainstream, particularly among Gen Z.

Educational food services, from grade schools participating in the National Restaurant Association’s Kids LiveWell program to college campuses offering “campus cuisine,” are also playing a role.

These institutions are introducing Gen Z to a wide array of international flavors and dietary options, including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free choices.

By understanding and embracing these trends, restaurants can position themselves as forward-thinking establishments ready to meet the diverse needs and preferences of Gen Z.

The future of dining is here, and it’s as varied, interactive, and global as the generation it serves. Are you ready to be a part of this culinary revolution?

Crafting the Ultimate Customizable Dining Experience

When it comes to dining, Gen Z values customization above all else. They want their meals tailored to their preferences, and they want them now.

While staples like burgers and pizza remain popular, it would be a mistake to pigeonhole their tastes.

According to Technomic’s The Generational Consumer Trend Report, Gen Z has a broader palate, embracing a range of global cuisines like Chinese, Mexican, and pasta at rates higher than any other generation.

A Melting Pot of Influences

This global appetite is more than just a random preference. Rather, it’s a reflection of Gen Z’s diverse background and the adventurous spirit of their Gen X parents.

But the driving force behind it all is the allure of customization.

Imagine a dining table where each person has their own uniquely crafted taco, creating a communal dining experience rich in personalization. This aligns perfectly with insights from Flavor & The Menu’s Generational Flavors report, which highlights the importance of affordability, value, and convenience to Gen Z diners.

The Customization Kings: Why Subway and Chipotle Reign Supreme

It’s no coincidence that eateries like Subway and Chipotle are among Gen Z’s favorites. These establishments have mastered the art of customization while also offering affordability and convenience—three key factors that resonate with this generation.

By recognizing and capitalizing on these trends, restaurants can craft the ultimate dining experience that not only appeals to Gen Z but also sets them apart in a highly competitive market.

The future of dining is customizable, diverse, and incredibly exciting. Are you prepared to meet the demands of this new generation of discerning diners?

Social Responsibility

A Win-Win for Brands and Consumers

For Gen Z, social responsibility isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a way of life. And this focus translates into tangible economic gains for restaurants.

Brands that actively engage in social responsibility have seen a four-percent uptick in sales. This demonstrates that doing good is also good for business.

This generation is more likely to patronize establishments that resonate with their values, making corporate social responsibility not just an ethical imperative but a savvy business strategy.

Health and Wellness: The New Currency

Gen Z’s emphasis on better-for-you options extends to their dining choices.

According to Technomic, features like recycling, sustainable food practices, and health-conscious menu items can significantly boost restaurant traffic.

But it doesn’t stop there.

This generation is willing to pay a premium for quality and health benefits, opening up lucrative revenue streams for restaurants that offer premium, health-focused menus. This is not a fleeting trend but a market shift, propelled by Gen Z’s prioritization of quality over quantity.

Sustainability: The Green Dividend

The push for sustainability is evolving from an ethical stance to an economic imperative. With government incentives encouraging eco-friendly practices and a consumer base willing to pay extra for sustainable options, going green is increasingly profitable.

This creates a virtuous cycle where businesses can contribute to environmental conservation while also boosting their bottom line.

By aligning with these core values—social responsibility, health and wellness, and sustainability—restaurants can attract the discerning Gen Z but also position themselves for long-term success in a rapidly evolving market.

The future of dining is socially responsible, health-conscious, and eco-friendly. Are you ready to embrace it?

The Social Hub

Coffee Shops as Gen Z’s Gathering Grounds

Starbucks and similar coffee shops have become social hubs for Gen Z.

Offering specialty coffee experiences in an adult-like setting, these establishments have become the go-to spots for socializing among those too young for adult beverages.

A Diverse Palette of Beverages

When it comes to drinks, Gen Z’s preferences are as diverse as their food choices.

While soda remains a popular option, this generation is also more inclined than others to opt for healthier alternatives like lemonade, bottled water, fruit juice, and smoothies.

Highlighting these better-for-you options can be a smart move for restaurants looking to cater to this health-conscious demographic.

Nutritional Transparency: A Win for All

In a world where regulatory scrutiny around food labeling is intensifying, transparency is key.

Restaurants that provide nutritional information voluntarily not only cater to the health-focused mindset of Gen Z but also position themselves as responsible businesses in the eyes of both regulators and the broader community.

In Conclusion: The Future of Dining is Here, and It’s Gen Z

As we’ve explored, Gen Z is redefining the dining landscape in numerous ways—from their penchant for customization and global flavors to their focus on social responsibility, health, and sustainability.

By understanding and adapting to these multifaceted preferences, restaurants can not only attract this influential demographic but also set themselves up for long-term success in an ever-changing industry.

The future of dining is not just about food; it’s about creating an experience that resonates with the values and lifestyles of the next generation of consumers.

Are you ready to be a part of this exciting culinary evolution?

Image: Yoav Aziz on Unsplash

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: December 2022

5 Books to Read this Month: December 2022

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s engaging and informative book selections will help you hone your culinary, cocktail, and operational skills to dial in your business.

To review November’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s jump in!

The Book of Cocktail Ratios: The Surprising Simplicity of Classic Cocktails

Understanding recipe ratios will help any bar professional produce balanced, delicious, and memorable cocktails. In fact, getting a grasp on ingredient ratios is a fundamental bartender skill, and it’s crucial to the guest experience.

Author Michael Ruhlman organizes The Book of Cocktail Ratios into five cocktail families. And interestingly, Ruhlman makes a bold claim: many popular cocktails are actually the same cocktail—adjusting the ratios makes them seem different. Grab this book here.

Chef’s PSA: How Not to be the Biggest Idiot in the Kitchen

Look, most of us have been in at least one situation or new workplace where we may have felt like the biggest idiot there. It’s not a pleasant feeling, but at least it’s a feeling we can get over.

This collection of “culinary truisms” aims to set new chefs up for their first steps into a new kitchen: “This book is filled with short little lessons or PSA’s that every cook needs to know to get along successfully in the kitchen. The great thing about this book is that it is a guide for you early in your career and later when you are developing others.” Pick up Chef’s PSA here.

Jacques Pépin Art Of The Chicken

Chef Jacques Pépin loves chicken. In fact, Chef Pépin loves chickens so much that he doesn’t just honor them in the kitchen, they’re the subject of his paintings as well.

Not only will you find beautiful illustrations in Jacques Pépin Art Of The Chicken, you’ll learn about Chef Pépin’s journey through the culinary world. And, of course, there are recipes to learn. Purchase via Amazon here.

The Death of Demographics: Valuegraphic Marketing for a Values-Driven World

Regular listeners of the Bar Hacks podcast will recognize author and speaker David Allison. He has, after all, been a guest twice, appearing on episode 46 and episode 67.

The Valuegraphics Project founder’s latest book, The Death of Demographics, is available in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle formats. From Amazon: “By focusing on deep values rather than surface habits or traits, valuegraphics uncover what drives and unites us. Based on decades of behavioral science research, adding valuegraphics to your insights can improve your marketing effectiveness by a factor of eight or more.” Purchase this book here.

The Business Scaling Blueprint: Building a Foundation to Grow Your Brand

Author and business mentor Tony DiSilvestro has started more than 30 businesses over the course of 30 years. As a mentor, he shares the lessons he’s learned with CEOs and entrepreneurs, and now he’s sharing his experience in book form. The Business Scaling Blueprint is, as the name implies, a practical path toward growing brands.

As a business owner, operators need to grow and scale their restaurants, bars, and hotels. Even if there’s no intention to expand to a multi-location or multi-concept business, growth and scalability are crucial to any business. Available for pre-order on Amazon.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: November 2022

5 Books to Read this Month: November 2022

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s engaging and informative book selections will help you hone your culinary, cocktail, and leadership skills to dial in your menus and operations.

To review October’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s jump in!

Shaya: An Odyssey of Food, My Journey Back to Israel: A Cookbook

The next time you visit New Orleans, plan to dine at least once at the James Beard Award-winning Shaya. I’ve had the opportunity to do so and the experience was stunning. Of course, you’ll also want to check out Domenica and Pizza Domenica while in NOLA. To give you an idea of what to expect, pick up the Shaya cookbook.

Chef Alon Shaya’s personal journey through cooking is truly unique, embracing Israeli, Italian, and American Southern cuisines. Shaya tells Chef-operator Shaya’s moving story and more than 100 incredible recipes. Pick it up at Amazon.

Turkey and the Wolf: Flavor Trippin’ in New Orleans

After moving to New Orleans and working in fine dining, Chef Mason Hereford opened his own restaurant and put his stamp on the scene: Turkey and the Wolf. Both the restaurant and this cookbook focus on creative and enticing takes on Southern cooking.

Fancy deviled-egg tostadas? Fried bologna sandwiches absolutely heaving with potato chips? How about purposely burnt tomato casserole? Well, you’ll find these recipes and 92 others in this book, along with photographs and illustrations. This is sure to get you salivating and get your creative wheels turning. Grab Turkey and the Wolf here on Amazon.

Last Call at Coogan’s: The Life and Death of a Neighborhood Bar

As those of us in the industry know, restaurants and bars are the cornerstones of the communities they serve. Last Call at Coogan’s is the true tale of a neighborhood bar that, unfortunately, closed its doors for good during the pandemic after more than 30 years in operation.

From Amazon: “This book touches on many serious issues facing the country today: race relations, policing, gentrification, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Along the way, readers will meet the bar’s owners and an array of its most colorful regulars.” Purchase here via Amazon.

Spiritual Coffee

Bar co-founder, bartender, brand ambassador, and author Martin Hudak’s informative and exciting cocktail book is available now for purchase. Hudak is one of the brilliant minds behind Sydney destinations Maybe Sammy and Sammy Junior. Also, he’s a brand ambassador for Mr. Black, the ridiculously tasty coffee liqueur.

Spiritual Coffee focuses on coffee cocktails, a passion of Hudak’s. However, you’ll get more than recipes when you purchase this entertaining book. In these pages you’ll also find a wealth of coffee history, knowledge, and stories. Buy here!

The Future Is Analog: How to Create a More Human World

This book, from award-winning author David Sax, asks poignant culture questions about our rush toward a digital world, an undertaking that was supercharged during the pandemic.

“Is our future inevitably digital? Can we reject the downsides of digital technology without rejecting change?” Sax asks. “Can we innovate not for the sake of productivity but for the good of our social and cultural lives? Can we build a future that serves us as humans, first and foremost?” Purchase here via Amazon.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: Nov. 2022

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: November 2022

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and November is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream (Thanksgiving, anyone?) to “weird.”

Pay attention to the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For October’s list, click here.

November 4: National Candy Day

So, you would think we’d celebrate National Candy Day on Halloween, what with all the trick or treating. But no, we celebrate candy the first week of November.

This could be an excellent day to move any candy-themed menu items that may have somehow survived your Halloween programming. Or, hey, lean into it and garnish a number of cocktails with candy.

November 6: National Nachos Day

I know, I know—nachos aren’t weird. No, they’re one of the most fantastic foods on the planet. In fact, one could argue they’re among the culinary pinnacles of human achievement.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get a little weird and creative with nachos. Think outside the box (or platter), get with your back-of-house team, and come up with a unique nacho plating or two.

November 8: National Tongue Twister Day

There are a few ways to approach this holiday: create an LTO menu with tongue-twister descriptions; give menu items tongue-twister names; theme some drinks to well-known tongue twisters; or hold a tongue twister contest. Here’s one to get you started:

“Betty Botter bought some butter / But she said the butter’s bitter / If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter / But a bit of better butter will make my batter better / So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.” Good luck.

November 12: National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

I’m including this because I like how oddly specific this holiday is. No thanks to the humble anchovy, apparently!

November 15: National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Okay, so I’m not sure I’d actually call this holiday Clean Out Your Fridge Day. Instead, consider creating and adding a specific promotion to your programming repertoire.

For example, if you’re a wine bar, consider using this day to move open but unfinished bottles of still and sparkling wine before they oxidize or go flat. I’m not a fan of operators discounting menu items but in this case, doing so is better than the alternative. This can be done once per week, twice per month, once per month, etc.

November 17: Use Less Stuff Day

This is an excellent holiday to commit to a couple different operational changes. One, do whatever is practical to reduce the waste your restaurant, bar, nightclub, or hotel generates. Two, consider reviewing your menu and simplifying where you can.

November 20: National Absurdity Day

I mean…does any day scream “WEIRD HOLIDAY!” more than National Absurdity Day? The sky’s the limit here: get as weird, wacky, and creative as you can in a way that’s authentic to your brand and market.

November 24: Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Have a talented team? Boast a group of talented regulars? Encourage them to show off their unique skills talent show style, offering prizes and capturing your event via social media.

November 25: Blasé Day

The holiday season is stressful. It’s go, go, go, family, family, family, friends friends, friends, for several weeks. So, create a “lazy” promotion that provides your guests with a calm escape from their holiday stress. Be the oasis they need as the year closes out.

November 30: National Mason Jar Day

Ah, the mason jar. Its wide mouth and fit in most people’s hands is both rustic and comforting. They’re also perfect for a wide array of garnishes. In fact, consider serving over-the-top Bloody Maries in your mason jars…or moonshine cocktails…or beer cocktails… just great cocktails.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash
