
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Gen Z Shifting the Restaurant Landscape

Gen Z Shifting the Restaurant Landscape

by Nathen Dubé

People holding phones over a pizza

I think we can admit every demographic snaps pics of their food now.

The next wave of restaurant guests is ready to be won over. Our industry is on the cusp of a monumental shift, and Generation Z is at the helm.

As they come into their own, both socially and economically, this vibrant generation is poised to redefine dining as we know it. With their digital-first mindset, staggering spending power, and penchant for loyalty, Gen Z is a demographic that no restaurant can afford to overlook.

Comprising nearly a quarter of the American economy, Gen Z is a force to be reckoned with. Born in 1993 or later, they command an awe-inspiring $250 billion in spending power.

But what’s truly remarkable is their approach to dining. Generally speaking, eating out is not an occasional indulgence for this generation; it’s a regular part of life.

In fact, the majority of Gen Zers frequent restaurants at least once a week, a statistic that’s all the more astonishing when you consider that many are not even old enough to drive.

As this generation matures and their financial standing improves, they are set to become the next wave of loyal restaurant patrons. To capture their attention and build lasting relationships, restaurants must focus on three pivotal areas: cutting-edge technology, customizable menus/personalization, and one-of-a-kind experiences.

By proactively adapting to meet the unique needs and desires of Gen Z, restaurants can not only win their business but also secure a prosperous future in an ever-evolving industry.

So, the question isn’t whether to adapt to Gen Z. Rather, the question is, how quickly can you do it?

The next generation of restaurant-goers is not just knocking at the door, they’re already here. And they’re ready to dine.


Generation Z is a digitally native cohort, seamlessly integrating smart technology into every facet of their lives—from smart cars to smartphones.

To engage with this generation of guests effectively, it’s imperative for restaurants to have a mobile-optimized online menu. Given Gen Z’s penchant for quick, easily digestible information, a streamlined, fast-loading menu is key.

Highlighting elements like flavors and health-conscious options can serve as compelling selling points.

The Digital Investment Dilemma

While the allure of digital innovation is undeniable, it comes with its own set of challenges, primarily financial.

However, there is good news.

Investing in robust digital systems is essential for ensuring a smooth guest experience. This investment often yields dividends in the form of operational efficiency and heightened customer loyalty—two factors crucial to long-term success.

Gen Z, in particular, is quick to embrace modern conveniences like alcohol delivery and digital ordering, signaling a clear trajectory for the restaurant industry’s future.

Additionally, many innovative tech solutions integrate with platforms operators use currently. Where this is the case, the new tools can enhance operations, automation, marketing campaigns, back of house, etc., which justifies the initial outlay.

Augmented Reality: A New Frontier in Dining

Augmented reality (AR) in the dining space is an emerging trend with boundless potential. Although the initial costs of integrating AR can be steep, the payoff in terms of guest engagement is substantial.

Imagine a dining scenario during which guests can use AR glasses or goggles to access nutritional information about their meal instantly. The possibilities are as limitless as they are exciting.

Staying ahead of the curve with tech ensures restaurants not only attract Gen Z but also offer an enhanced dining experience that sets them apart in a competitive market and attracts guests of all ages.

The future of dining is here, and it’s digital, customizable, and incredibly interactive. Are you ready to be a part of it?

Social Media

When it comes to capturing the attention of Gen Z, social media is a goldmine.

While Facebook may not be their platform of choice, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are where they’re most active.

These platforms are ideal for sharing quick, engaging six- to 15-second videos that resonate with Gen Z’s fast-paced and humorous nature. Bear in mind, video not only killed the radio star, it has surpassed static photography as the engagement format of choice.

And don’t underestimate the influence of even the youngest among them; they often have a significant say in family dining decisions.

Social Media: The Modern-Day Word-of-Mouth

In today’s digital landscape, social media isn’t just a platformit’s a potent marketing arsenal.

Gen Z is particularly vocal about their dining experiences, often sharing them online for their followers to see. This user-generated content serves as invaluable, organic marketing that can drive both foot traffic and revenue.

In essence, social media has become the new word-of-mouth, and restaurants should actively encourage this form of authentic promotion.

The WiFi Factor

Offering free WiFi isn’t just a courtesy, it’s strategic.

By becoming a wireless hotspot, you’re also positioning yourself as a dining hotspot.

Free WiFi enables Gen Z patrons to stay connected, even while enjoying a meal with family or friends. They can easily share texts, photos, and perhaps even a glowing review, providing your restaurant with the kind of word-of-mouth advertising that money can’t buy.

By embracing these digital and social strategies, restaurants can not only attract the Gen Z audience but also create a dynamic, interactive dining environment that appeals to all.

The future of the restaurant industry is undeniably digital, and those who adapt will not just survive but thrive. Are you prepared for this exciting new chapter in dining?


The culinary landscape is evolving, and Gen Z is at the forefront of this transformation.

Authentic and Global Flavors: The Culinary Passport

In an era marked by globalization, Gen Z’s palate is as diverse as their worldview.

Their affinity for authentic, global flavors is more than a trend, it’s a reflection of a world where borders are increasingly blurred. As international cuisines become more accessible, they’re also becoming a staple on restaurant menus.

For restaurateurs, this provides an opportunity to diversify and enrich their culinary offerings.

Fusion: The Art of Culinary Innovation

Fusion foods are not merely a passing fad. Truly, fusion is a celebration of culinary creativity.

This trend allows chefs to push the boundaries of traditional cooking, often creating unique, high-value dishes that enhance a restaurant’s revenue potential.

In many ways, fusion embodies the inclusive and diverse spirit of Gen Z, making this culinary approach a hit among this demographic.

Experiential Dining: The Rise of the Experience Economy

The move towards experiential dining is part of a larger shift in consumer behavior, where experiences are valued over material goods.

Restaurants offering interactive experiences like cooking classes, wine tastings, or farm-to-table events are tapping into this lucrative trend.

Gen Z, in particular, is drawn to such experiential dining options, as well as to culinary fusions and fresh, natural ingredients.

A New Wave of Flavors and Dining Options

Unique flavors like yuzu, tamarind, and lemongrass are more than just exotic additions. These flavors and ingredients are becoming mainstream, particularly among Gen Z.

Educational food services, from grade schools participating in the National Restaurant Association’s Kids LiveWell program to college campuses offering “campus cuisine,” are also playing a role.

These institutions are introducing Gen Z to a wide array of international flavors and dietary options, including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free choices.

By understanding and embracing these trends, restaurants can position themselves as forward-thinking establishments ready to meet the diverse needs and preferences of Gen Z.

The future of dining is here, and it’s as varied, interactive, and global as the generation it serves. Are you ready to be a part of this culinary revolution?

Crafting the Ultimate Customizable Dining Experience

When it comes to dining, Gen Z values customization above all else. They want their meals tailored to their preferences, and they want them now.

While staples like burgers and pizza remain popular, it would be a mistake to pigeonhole their tastes.

According to Technomic’s The Generational Consumer Trend Report, Gen Z has a broader palate, embracing a range of global cuisines like Chinese, Mexican, and pasta at rates higher than any other generation.

A Melting Pot of Influences

This global appetite is more than just a random preference. Rather, it’s a reflection of Gen Z’s diverse background and the adventurous spirit of their Gen X parents.

But the driving force behind it all is the allure of customization.

Imagine a dining table where each person has their own uniquely crafted taco, creating a communal dining experience rich in personalization. This aligns perfectly with insights from Flavor & The Menu’s Generational Flavors report, which highlights the importance of affordability, value, and convenience to Gen Z diners.

The Customization Kings: Why Subway and Chipotle Reign Supreme

It’s no coincidence that eateries like Subway and Chipotle are among Gen Z’s favorites. These establishments have mastered the art of customization while also offering affordability and convenience—three key factors that resonate with this generation.

By recognizing and capitalizing on these trends, restaurants can craft the ultimate dining experience that not only appeals to Gen Z but also sets them apart in a highly competitive market.

The future of dining is customizable, diverse, and incredibly exciting. Are you prepared to meet the demands of this new generation of discerning diners?

Social Responsibility

A Win-Win for Brands and Consumers

For Gen Z, social responsibility isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a way of life. And this focus translates into tangible economic gains for restaurants.

Brands that actively engage in social responsibility have seen a four-percent uptick in sales. This demonstrates that doing good is also good for business.

This generation is more likely to patronize establishments that resonate with their values, making corporate social responsibility not just an ethical imperative but a savvy business strategy.

Health and Wellness: The New Currency

Gen Z’s emphasis on better-for-you options extends to their dining choices.

According to Technomic, features like recycling, sustainable food practices, and health-conscious menu items can significantly boost restaurant traffic.

But it doesn’t stop there.

This generation is willing to pay a premium for quality and health benefits, opening up lucrative revenue streams for restaurants that offer premium, health-focused menus. This is not a fleeting trend but a market shift, propelled by Gen Z’s prioritization of quality over quantity.

Sustainability: The Green Dividend

The push for sustainability is evolving from an ethical stance to an economic imperative. With government incentives encouraging eco-friendly practices and a consumer base willing to pay extra for sustainable options, going green is increasingly profitable.

This creates a virtuous cycle where businesses can contribute to environmental conservation while also boosting their bottom line.

By aligning with these core values—social responsibility, health and wellness, and sustainability—restaurants can attract the discerning Gen Z but also position themselves for long-term success in a rapidly evolving market.

The future of dining is socially responsible, health-conscious, and eco-friendly. Are you ready to embrace it?

The Social Hub

Coffee Shops as Gen Z’s Gathering Grounds

Starbucks and similar coffee shops have become social hubs for Gen Z.

Offering specialty coffee experiences in an adult-like setting, these establishments have become the go-to spots for socializing among those too young for adult beverages.

A Diverse Palette of Beverages

When it comes to drinks, Gen Z’s preferences are as diverse as their food choices.

While soda remains a popular option, this generation is also more inclined than others to opt for healthier alternatives like lemonade, bottled water, fruit juice, and smoothies.

Highlighting these better-for-you options can be a smart move for restaurants looking to cater to this health-conscious demographic.

Nutritional Transparency: A Win for All

In a world where regulatory scrutiny around food labeling is intensifying, transparency is key.

Restaurants that provide nutritional information voluntarily not only cater to the health-focused mindset of Gen Z but also position themselves as responsible businesses in the eyes of both regulators and the broader community.

In Conclusion: The Future of Dining is Here, and It’s Gen Z

As we’ve explored, Gen Z is redefining the dining landscape in numerous ways—from their penchant for customization and global flavors to their focus on social responsibility, health, and sustainability.

By understanding and adapting to these multifaceted preferences, restaurants can not only attract this influential demographic but also set themselves up for long-term success in an ever-changing industry.

The future of dining is not just about food; it’s about creating an experience that resonates with the values and lifestyles of the next generation of consumers.

Are you ready to be a part of this exciting culinary evolution?

Image: Yoav Aziz on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Bar Restaurant Hotel. Project Support. Project Management. Start Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

DoorDash Names 2023 Global F&B Trends

DoorDash Names 2023 Global F&B Trends

by David Klemt

Chef torching salmon sushi

As we get close to winding down 2023 and welcoming 2024, DoorDash takes a shot at identifying the global F&B trends to watch.

This is an exciting and insightful time of year for our industry. In the last quarter, different sources start publishing their data-backed F&B predictions for the year ahead.

Take, for example, Technomic’s Global, Canadian, and American trend predictions for 2023. Oh, and don’t worry—we’ll be taking a look at their predictions for 2024 soon.

Today, however, we’re checking in on DoorDash. Admittedly, I’m not the biggest fan of third-party delivery. It’s no secret I favor direct delivery for operators.

There’s no denying, though, that third-party delivery companies have access to valuable data. From the top food and drink orders to the dayparts seeing the most delivery and pickup order growth, they can help operators see shifts in consumer behavior.

So, I’m happy to take a look at what food trends DoorDash thinks operators should watch moving forward.

Before we jump in, I’m happy that DoorDash includes this cautionary statement in their article: “Finally, always consider whether or not a trend actually fits in at your restaurant.”

At KRG Hospitality, we couldn’t agree more. Jumping on every trend, as tempting as that may be, is unwise and can do harm than good. So, while the lists below identify trends that are gaining traction currently, operators need to be discerning.

Food Trends

Let’s start with a trend multiple sources identified toward the end of 2022 that appears to still be on an upward trajectory: pickles.

Seriously, it seems that people can’t get enough pickles. Pickle pizza appears to the current darling when it comes to this food trend. Speaking of pizza, DoorDash sees square pizzas as a trend to watch.

Another trend that multiple sources have been keeping tabs on is chimichurri. According to DoorDash, this condiment is finding its way onto all manner of food item.

Other food trends that operators should be aware of are bowls (deconstruct a sandwich, burrito, etc., and you have a bowl); oyster mushrooms subbing in for meat; higher-end tinned fish; and gluten-free menu options.

To be honest, I don’t think that last one is just a trend. At this point, offering gluten-free options or entire menus is mainstream.

Now, there are two more food trends I want to address separately. One, smaller menus. This is a trend I believe most operators can and should get behind. Shrinking a menu can result in lower food and labor costs, and a happier team. Making a menu smaller can also make a restaurant more nimble and engaging as LTOs may have more impact.

And then there’s aburi sushi, which is presented after the top of the fish is torched. This gives sushi a smoky flavor and brings in a different texture element.

To be fair, I’ve expected this to take off for the past several years. Now, it appears it’s taking hold and moving from fad to trend.

TikTok Trends

Yes, we have to talk about TikTok. There’s no question that the platform is a trend-producing powerhouse.

Clearly, TikTok has an influence on food trends. If you want to know what your younger guests want to try, check TikTok. The same goes for your guests who are highly engaged with social media influencers.

Below, the trends DoorDash sees taking hold.

  • Chopped sandwiches. Do you have sandwiches on your menu? Can your guests watch as your team makes them? You may want to create a chopped version of your signature or best-selling sandwich.
  • Pasta salad summer. Apparently, this summer was the Summer of Pasta Salad. Specifically, pasta salads made with fresh ingredients, and made without ingredients like mayonnaise.
  • Cottage cheese. According to DoorDash, TikTokers are putting cottage cheese in scrambled eggs, adding it to pasta sauce, and using it to make cheese toasts. I’ve personally tried the TikTok trend of using cottage cheese to make nacho cheese sauce.

One word of caution: TikTok trends come and go in the blink of an eye. So, operators need to hop on trends that work with their restaurant or bar before they’re already out of favor. It’s a daunting task.

To review this DoorDash report in its entirety, including beverage and grocery trends, follow this link.

Image: Ivan Samkov on Pexels

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2023 DoorDash Ordering Trends

2023 DoorDash Ordering Trends: Canada & US

by David Klemt

Canada and the United States of America on a globe

After checking out this year’s annual Cravings Report we’re turning our attention to the 2023 DoorDash restaurant ordering trends reports.

Luckily, there are two reports available from DoorDash: one that focuses on Canada, and one for the US.

These two countries are, of course, KRG Hospitality’s primary markets. So, the data in these DoorDash reports is relevant and compelling for our current and future clients.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Canadian and American DoorDash users are somewhat similar by a few metrics. However, where there are differences they’re fairly glaring.

For example, 78 percent of Canadian DoorDash survey respondents picked up a takeout order from a restaurant in the month prior to being surveyed. That number is 76 percent for American survey respondents.

Regarding in-person restaurant dining, 62 percent of respondents had done so the month prior. Among American survey respondents that number is 61 percent.

But when it comes to placing an order for delivery we see a notable difference. For Canada, 58 percent of survey respondents had ordered delivery. That number jumps to 77 percent among Americans.

This tells me a few (fairly obvious) things. Generally speaking, it appears consumers in Canada and America—according to DoorDash—prefer delivery and takeout to in-person dining. Going further, it seems that overall, Canadians prefer pickup or takeout to delivery. However, Americans seem to place delivery and pickup orders at nearly identical rates.

If it’s true that consumers favor delivery or takeout to in-person dining currently, there could be a couple of simple reasons. First, convenience.

Second, fees. It’s possible that today’s consumer perceives delivery fees are lower than in-person dining fees, unfortunately. If that’s the case, third-party delivery services can exploit this perception.

More Similar than Different

In comparing both DoorDash reports, I find that Canadian and American consumers who use DoorDash are rather similar.

Survey respondents in both countries indicate that Friday is the most popular day of the week to order food. Further, 6:00 PM is the most common local time to place orders in both countries.

And when it comes to the fastest-growing dayparts for order placement? In both Canada and the US it’s late-night and breakfast. Although, I most note that both dayparts are growing faster in Canada.

Nearly half of American respondents and a little over half of Canadian respondents indicate they want to try new restaurants and dishes.

Definitely not surprisingly, consumers in both countries primarily focus on menu selection and pricing when seeking a new restaurant to try. In fact, these numbers are identical for Canadians and Americans, at 55 percent and 51 percent, respectively.

Top Canadian Food Orders

When we look at the top items ordered via DoorDash, we don’t find anything out of the ordinary.

  1. Burgers
  2. Fries
  3. Pizza
  4. Salad
  5. Sandwiches

Looks like standard fare and comfort foods to me. This tells me that operators who have these items on their menus need to ensure they’re of the highest quality to stand out from other restaurants and bars.

Top American Food Orders

Interestingly but not too surprisingly, the list below is quite similar to the list above.

  1. French fries
  2. Burgers
  3. Tacos
  4. Salad
  5. Pizza

With the exception of tacos and sandwiches, the list is nearly identical.

Hey, who wants to debate whether tacos and sandwiches are in the same food family?

I encourage you to review both reports in their entirety for yourself. For the Canadian Edition of DoorDash’s report, click here. And click here for the US edition.

Image: Lara Jameson on Pexels

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What Does the Future Hold for iGaming?

What Does the Future Hold for iGaming?

by David Klemt

A laptop next to a roulette wheel, surrounded by poker chips, dice, and playing cards

Like this, but in your pocket, basically.

With so many states legalizing sports betting, the next frontier appears to be Internet gaming or “iGaming.” So, why is it taking so long to move forward?

It seems like a no-brainer, right? Consumers are carrying the internet around with them in their pockets and on wearables. If it’s good business to meet consumers where they are, giving them the ability to place bets online makes sense.

Further, commercial gaming is worth about $60 billion in the US alone. And depending on the source and how we define the term, around 60 percent of adults in America gamble at least once per year. That number climbs to perhaps as high as 85 percent for adult Americans who gamble at least once in their lifetime.

So, those are all impressive numbers. Tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of millions of potential bettors… Intriguingly, tens of millions of Americans plan to bet on the current NFL season.

Per a 2023 Global Gaming Expo panel, iGaming generates nearly $6 billion in revenue annually. Panelists posit this form of gaming will generate $30 billion if and when casinos embrace it.

Incredibly, iGaming, in the handful of states where it’s legal, is generating similar revenue to traditional gaming. This is notable because it hasn’t taken decades to achieve.

Then, there’s sports betting. If sports betting is now legal in dozens of states throughout the country, why isn’t iGaming legal in most of the country as well? Interestingly, the answer to that question ties into sports betting.

iGaming and the current evolution of sports betting are two topics I’m just starting to really dive into. So, I’ll do my best to share what I’m learning accurately and with actionable information.

Slow Progress?

On May 14, 2018, the Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) of 1992. With PASPA gone, sports betting is legal in more than 30 states and Washington, DC.

Additionally, legislation to legalize sports betting has been introduced in more states. So, we can expect this form of betting to gain traction in more of the country.

Ironically, it’s the explosion in sports betting over the past five years contributing to the slow progress of iGaming.

Simply put, according to Howard Glaser of Light & Wonder, is that dozens of states just agreed to legalize sports betting. During the G2E panel he moderated, Glaser explained that it’s not a wise idea to now approach the same governing bodies and say, “Hey, we forgot to add iGaming when we asked you to legalize sports betting. Can you throw that in now?”

Another item to consider is the fear of casinos in cannibalizing their existing business. Other factors are responsible gaming (who’s keeping tabs on a bettor’s behavior if they’re behind a screen?) and the illegal or “invisible” iGaming market.

So, for now at least, iGaming is legal in just eight states: Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. However, Nevada isn’t even in the regulatory stage yet, and Rhode Island won’t launch iGaming until some time in 2024.

According to Anika Howard, the president and CEO of WONDR Nation and a guest on Glaser’s G2E panel, Connecticut is further developing iGaming regulations.

Now What?

For now, we wait and watch. Connecticut and New Jersey appear to be leading the way for iGaming in the US. However, the G2E panel notes that the US is far behind the UK when it comes to iGaming.

In fact, Howard says that when it comes to this category, the US is learning from the UK and how they approach it.

Further, the panel appears to agree that many people in the industry have their eyes on Nevada. There’s a belief that industry professionals in Nevada are taking their time so that when they launch iGaming it will be of great benefit to the state of Nevada’s overall gaming industry rather than a threat.

In other words, when Nevada goes live with iGaming, the state will likely be the country’s leader. That is, of course, speculation. After all, New Jersey legalized online casinos back in 2013.

However, the legislation that made online casinos legal in the state expires in November. I would expect there’s already a plan in place, and New Jersey may remain as the iGaming leader for some time.

For now, operators who want in on the iGaming action can plan ahead. One way to do this is to secure their iGaming domain (or domains) so that when it goes legal, they’re prepared.

It’s logical to expect more iGaming dominos to begin to fall in 2024, and for even more to topple in 2025. Are you ready?

Image: Aidan Howe on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Gaming. Entertainment. Consultant. Food Service. Bowling Alley. Golf. Simulator. Arcades. Eatertainment.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Intersection of Streaming & Sports Betting

The Intersection of Streaming and Sports Betting

by David Klemt

Closeup shot of the NFL logo painted onto turf or grass

The popularity and ubiquity of sports betting is exploding throughout the US, and its seemingly inescapable presence is due in large part to streaming.

This is one topic we learned about during our first visit to the Global Gaming Expo, also known as G2E.

It’s true that gaming and hospitality are two distinct, different industries. However, they’re inextricably connected. And with gaming platforms and mobile devices making it even easier to place bets on sports, that connection is only getting stronger.

Now, I’m going to take a moment to make my relationship with gaming clear. First, I’m not an expert on the industry. Second, I rarely partake in gaming even though I live in Las Vegas. I’ll throw the odd twenty into a small handful of specific slot machines, but that’s the extent of my gaming experience. I think it has been a decade since I last played craps.

So, I’m going to do my best to share what I learned during G2E. The show is an educational experience for me, and I feel that hospitality business operators can benefit from its sessions.

As far as the hospitality-gaming relationship, however, I certainly believe they’re complementary industries. This is absolutely true in Las Vegas, and it’s true in other markets as well. If casinos weren’t aware that hospitality is crucial to keeping guests returning and risking their cash on games, they wouldn’t bother focusing on dining, drinking, nightlife, and other hospitality amenities.

I’m also confident saying Las Vegas in particular wouldn’t have generated nearly $15 billion in 2022. And casinos throughout America wouldn’t have generated over $60 billion last year.

In summary, the connection between hospitality and gaming is what drew me to G2E this year.

Watershed Moments

One of the sessions I attended was “Streaming X Sports Betting: The Future of Engaging Gen Z.” Adam I. Kaplan, the chief operating officer of SportsGrid, was the speaker.

SportsGrid, I’ve since learned, is a multimedia sports betting network. According to Kaplan, the ad-supported network is available on more than 40 platforms and accessed by millions upon millions of mobile devices

Users can access SportsGrid 24/7 via smart TV or their dedicated app. Additionally, people can stream SportsGrid via other platforms, such as:

  • Roku;
  • Prime Video;
  • YouTube TV;
  • Sling;
  • Freevee; and
  • Plex.

Per Kaplan, we can trace the creation of SportsGrid to two genesis points: the creation of Napster, and the introduction of the iPhone.

The launch of Napster in June of 1999 was, of course, a watershed moment. And its influence on society is undeniable. According to Kaplan, the platform’s influence included the belief that content should be free.

When the iPhone hit the scene in January of 2007, it, too, was a massive milestone. Part of its success, as Kaplan pointed out, was how easy it made for users to engage with content.

Taken together, Napster and the iPhone have “taught” people that content should be free and easy to access. And their launches have led to the rise of iGaming and sports betting.

Sports Betting Repeal Day

Like hospitality, sports betting has their own Repeal Day. Whereas bars and restaurants celebrate on December 5, gaming would celebrate May 14.

That’s the day in 2018 that the United States Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) of 1992. Essentially, PASPA banned sports betting in the US, with narrow exceptions for four or five states.

When PASPA was overturned on the basis that the act violated the Tenth Amendment (states’ rights), several states made moves to legalize sports betting. Currently, sports betting is legal in some form in more than 30 states and Washington, DC.

During the five-year period following the end of PASPA, sports betting has gained massive traction throughout the US. Several publications report that the NFL in particular sees the most betting action.

According to the American Gaming Association, 73 million Americans plan to bet on the 2023-2024 NFL season specifically. That’s up from 46 million in 2022, a huge leap.

Of all adults who said they’d bet on sports this year, 14 percent (more than 35 million people) plan to place their bets online.

Per SportsGrid’s Kaplan, people aged 40 and under—so, Millennials and legal-age Gen Z—make up the majority of sports bettors. Looking at sports betting as an engagement driver, businesses should see the opportunity to attract sports bettors as customers and keep them loyal.

Skin in the Game

As Kaplan points out, one reason that sports betting drives engagement is the sense a bettor has of having “skin in the game.”

Well, they aren’t the only people who want skin in the sports betting game.

Since PASPA ended, hospitality venues across the country have attempted to get in on the sports betting phenomenon. This makes perfect sense, particularly for sports bars.

What operator in that space wouldn’t love the ability to stream content from a platform like SportsGrid, FanDuel TV, or DraftKings Network, with their guests permitted to place bets while inside the venue, legally?

That opportunity could prove incredibly lucrative, generating significant traffic and sales. And that’s to say nothing of the marketing, promotions, and guest loyalty opportunities. Think of what legalized on-premise sports betting could do to attract fantasy sports league participants…

Additionally, venues that can stream sports betting content and encourage betting on-premise (again, legally) could prove incredibly popular with one of the age groups operators focus on the most: the 21- to 34-year-old segment.

So, it appears one of the next frontiers for hospitality is pushing for the legalization of sports betting on-premise. Operators in favor of guests being allowed to place bets while onsite can either wait and see or actively engage their lawmakers.

What a time, eh?

Image: Adrian Curiel on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Gaming. Entertainment. Consultant. Food Service. Bowling Alley. Golf. Simulator. Arcades. Eatertainment.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Chicago to Phase Out the Tip Credit

Chicago to Phase Out the Tip Credit

by David Klemt

Closeup shot of the flag of the City of Chicago with Wrigley Building in background

In a move that some are celebrating and others claim will kill jobs, Chicago will phase out the tip credit incrementally by the year 2028.

Currently, pay for tipped workers amounts to 60 percent of the minimum wage. Starting next year, that will change.

Beginning July 1, 2024, tipped workers will earn eight-percent increases on an annual basis. This will continue until July 1, 2028. On that date, tipped workers must receive the full minimum wage.

Put another way, the city of Chicago will eliminate the tip credit entirely midway through 2028. To add clarification, this phasing out of the tax credit applies to all 77 of the city’s neighborhoods.

Overwhelmingly, Chicago’s City Council voted for the so-called “One Fair Wage Ordinance.” Thirty-six alderpeople voted “yea,” while just ten voted “nay.”

As one would expect, not everyone is happy that the ordinance was passed on Friday, October 6. Nor are they pleased that Mayor Brandon Johnson signed off on the bill a week ago today.

Specifically, Alderman Nicholas Sposato referred to the One Fair Wage Ordinance as a “job and business killer.”

Further, as reported by Restaurant Dive last week, the Illinois Restaurant Association opposes the decision to eliminate the tip credit in Chicago.

“We wholeheartedly disagree with the decision to move forward with the elimination of the tip credit,” Restaurant Dive reports a representative of the IRA saying in a statement emailed to the publication.

The National Restaurant Association also opposes the ordinance, reportedly vowing to fight any such legislation that introduced throughout the country.

However, One Fair Wage and the Service Employees International Union are celebrating the plan to phase out the tip credit. However, the SEIU would like the elimination to apply statewide.

A Compromise

Attempting to negotiate for legislation they found more palatable, the IRA had proposed a different approach.

Their version would have seen tipped workers make a minimum of $20.54 per hour. However, that ordinance would only have applied to restaurants that generate $3 million or more in annual revenue. Additionally, the IRA proposed tripling fines related to violations of the proposed ordinance.

Had that proposal been accepted, the pay situation would have been unchanged for tipped workers in smaller operations.

In the end, the IRA agreed to eliminating the tip credit over the course of five years to make the transition smoother for operators. This is due, in part, to the possibility of a two-year phasing out of the tip credit being passed by Chicago’s City Council.

The IRA, NRA, and others who oppose eliminating tip credits point to hardships on the operator side. Increased labor costs will lead to increases in menu prices, reductions in traffic and hours, the elimination of jobs, and, ultimately, the shuttering of many businesses.

However, those who support such ordinance point to the financial stability of vulnerable people, and those who work throughout the industry to earn a living wage.

The Future

While Chicago is the largest city in America to vote to eliminate the tip credit, it’s not the first pass such legislation.

The city joins Alaska, California, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, and Oregon in doing so. Additionally, Washington, DC, will eliminate the tip credit fully by July 1, 2027. Phase one of DC’s tip credit elimination started May 1 of this year.

Of course, the news out of Chicago also comes on the heels of the FAST Act fight ending in California.

These developments beg the question: Which city or state will introduce legislation next, and how will it play out for workers and operators?

Image: Trace Hudson via Pexels

KRG Hospitality. Restaurant Business Plan. Feasibility Study. Concept. Branding. Consultant. Start-Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Taco Bell Racking Up Rewards Program Wins

Taco Bell Racking Up Rewards Program Wins

by David Klemt

"Say yes to tacos" graffiti

Taco Bell, masters of the limited-time offer and loyalty program, continue to rack up wins with the return of a fan-favorite promotion, and more.

The fast-food giant operates more than 7,800 restaurants in the US alone. However, the company understands that sheer numbers aren’t enough to turn a profit.

Rather, Taco Bell continually proves they understand the power of promotions, loyalty, and LTOs.

The QSR routinely releases specialty items, then packs them away to generate buzz and traffic by making them available once again—for a limited time. Compellingly, Taco Bell also ties their LTOs to their loyalty program. Often times, the only way for guests to enjoy special perks and items is to be a Taco Bell Rewards member.

Not only does this help to engage existing members, this approach drives new program signups.

Case in point: the Taco Lover’s Pass.

National Taco Day Promotion

If you’re industry or a fan of Taco Bell, you should be aware of the Taco Lover’s Pass by now.

Tracing its genesis to 2021 in Arizona, the LTO pops up every now and then. In exchange for $10, those who grab a pass can get one free taco each day for 30 consecutive days.

Oh, and the pass is now only available via the Taco Bell app, and to members of the Taco Bell Rewards program. Again, this is an excellent way to boost engagement. Do guests want to take advantage of this LTO? Great—they’ll need to exchange their info and provide access to themselves to do so.

Normally, the Taco Lover’s Pass is available for purchase for just one day. However, this time around Taco Bell gave rewards members two days to snag one. This is likely due to a new menu item drop coming tomorrow.

For quite some time now, Taco Bell has been hinting that they’ll be making breakfast easier and better. And now we know how they plan to accomplish that goal.

Joining the Seasoned Beef Crunchy Taco, Seasoned Beef Crunchy Taco Supreme, Seasoned Beef Soft Taco, Seasoned Beef Soft Taco Supreme, Spicy Potato Soft Taco, Seasoned Beef Doritos® Locos Tacos, and Seasoned Beef Doritos® Locos Tacos Supreme on the Taco Lover’s Pass is the new Toasted Breakfast Taco.

Today, October 12 (a Taco Tuesday!), Taco Bell drops the Toasted Breakfast Taco, and holders of their coveted pass can grab one for free.

Clearly, Tuesdays are important to Taco Bell. Let’s not forget that they very publicly challenged the “Taco Tuesday” trademark, and very publicly celebrated its cancellation. So, launching an all-new item that will drive traffic to Taco Bell during the breakfast daypart makes perfect sense. The drop also further solidifies their branding and marketing.

Steal a Base…

…Steal a Taco. Not only is the Taco Lover’s Pass back, so is Taco Bell’s Major League Baseball promotion.

And, once again, it’s available only via the Taco Bell app, and only to Taco Bell Rewards members.

Focusing on the Fall Classic, “Steal a Base, Steal a Taco” is a collaboration between Taco Bell, the MLB, and Topps.

Starting October 27 (not a Tuesday), the first player to steal a base will earn the title Taco Hero. That player will also earn free Nacho Cheese Doritos® Locos Tacos for Taco Bell Rewards members.

Taking things further, however, is Topps. The iconic trading card brand has put a limited run of Topps TacoFractor cards into circulation. People who hold the card of the first player to steal a base during the 2023 World Series could win Taco Bell for life. For this promotion, that comes in the form of a digital $15,000 Taco Bell gift card.

Alternatively, the holders of Topps TacoFractor Wild Cards could win the big prize.

On October 10 (a Tuesday!), Taco Bell Rewards members will have the chance to score free Topps Chrome or Cosmic Chrome packs. This limited Tuesday Drop could lead to a Taco Hero card, which in turn can lead to winning Taco Bell for life.


Unquestionably, Taco Bell understands the power of marketing messaging, branding, promotions, and the LTO.

However, they also understand the need for loyalty and rewards programs to do more than just offer discounts and free menu items. A great loyalty program needs to be big, bold, and encourage constant engagement.

With that in mind, it’s more than likely time for most operators, regardless of size, to review and rethink their programs.

Image: Chad Stembridge on Unsplash

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Marketing Agency Team

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Fantasy Sports, Sports Betting on the Rise

Interest in Sports Betting and Fantasy Sports Grows

by David Klemt

Wall full of American footballs behind large NFL logo

A recent CGA by NIQ On Premise Impact Report for August, 2023 reveals an interesting insight into consumer behavior and expectations.

To be clear, all the data on this new one-pager is useful. However, a particular revelation stands out from the rest, for me.

The CGA by NIQ US On Premise Impact Report for August 24, 2023 addresses:

  • total on-premise sales;
  • dining versus drinking occasions;
  • cost of living impact in the past month; and
  • consumer interest in fantasy sports and sports betting.

It’s that final bullet point that I find compelling. However, let’s check out the numbers for the first three points before we jump into sports.

To download your own copy, please click here.

August by the Numbers

In comparison to August 20, 2022, check value is up one percent to $50.09. Ticket count, however, is down one percent to 1,569.

As one would expect, dining occasions outweigh drinking occasions. Seventy percent of consumers have dined out in a restaurant or bar in the past two weeks.

Compared to July 2o23, that’s a two-percent increase in dining traffic.

Over the course of the same amount of time, 40 percent of consumers have gone drinking in a bar or restaurant. That’s a decrease of one percent in comparison to July 2023.

Considering that many families travel in the month of August before kids head back to school (or to drop them off at university), these numbers make sense.

Of course, cost of living may also be impacting dining and drinking occasion. Most consumers report no changes to the frequency with which they go out for drinks. Some consumers even report going out more frequently for drinks. But some are also cutting back.

For example, 28 percent of consumers have decreased how often they go out for drinks. Eleven percent are consuming lower quality drinks when they do go out, and nine percent are decreasing the “quality” of the establishments they visit.

That said, 20 percent of consumers are increasing drink quality and 21 percent are increasing establishment quality per visit. Seventeen percent are increasing how often they go out for drinks.

Fantasy Sports & Betting

This, as you may have guessed, is the statistic that I find most compelling.

Fantasy sports and sports betting has been on the rise for some time in the US. Who among us isn’t the target of sports-betting-app ads when streaming or watching sports?

Sports bar operators and operators who can position themselves as sports fans’ “third spot” will find this next number interesting.

According to CGA by NIQ’s latest report, 63 percent of consumers revealed they had plans for NFL week one. Those plans included participating in daily fantasy sports or sports betting.

So, it would be wise for operators who will air NFL games this season to ensure they’re catering to fantasy football and sports betting fans. Becoming the hub for fantasy sports groups in your area can increase traffic, sales, and loyalty. And, of course, it opens up the door to many traffic- and revenue-generating sport- and team-themed LTOs.

Again, to download this new report for yourself, please click here.

Image: Adrian Curiel on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality. Gaming. Entertainment. Consultant. Food Service. Bowling Alley. Golf. Simulator. Arcades. Eatertainment.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Ocean’s Summertime Celebrations

Ocean Casino Resort Summertime Celebrations

by David Klemt

Exterior of Ocean Casino Resort at sunset

Ocean Casino Resort is celebrating an impressive milestone all summer long through creative local business partnerships.

This summer, the resort will reach its fifth anniversary. The festivities will begin May 26, a month before Ocean’s “birthday.”

However, rather than focus solely on the resort and casino, Ocean is choosing to celebrate the community it serves as well. These fifth birthday activations and initiatives are an excellent lesson for operators across all hospitality business categories.

I’m sure operators—all hospitality professionals, really—will agree that restaurants and bars are integral elements of any community’s bedrock. Increasingly, the same can be said of hotels. In fact, large hotel groups are investing in the development of smaller imprints that are tasked with the mission of serving locals and local businesses.

When a restaurant, bar, hotel, or nightclub reaches annual milestones, it’s largely due to community support. Sure, businesses in destination cities benefit greatly from tourist visits. However, for most markets, longevity is anything but assured without local backing and buy-in.

It’s clear that the importance of local support isn’t lost on Ocean. This summer’s celebrations include several local partnerships and community initiatives to pay that support back.

Local Partnerships

Last year, the Ocean leveraged the demise of the Choco Taco. So far in 2023, Ocean has supported Philly and KC during the Big Game, and gotten creative with cocktails that raised funds for the Girl Scout Troops of Southern and Central New Jersey.

Local partnerships are key to Ocean’s five-year celebration:

  • The Seed: Created Seeds of the Ocean for Ocean’s five-year anniversary.
  • Tennessee Avenue Beer Hall: Seeds of the Ocean lager will also be available at this local beer hall.
  • Rhythm & Spirits: Joining forces with Little Water Distillery to feature their gin in the Oceans 5 cocktail.
  • Little Water Distillery: Their Rusted Revolver Indigenous Gin is the star of the Oceans 5 cocktail, mentioned above. The distillery has also created the Chocolate Cake Martini, featuring Bar 32 chocolate shavings.
  • Hank Sauce: For those who prefer their celebrations spicy, Ocean and Hank Sauce have collaborated on Across the Boards. This hot sauce will accompany food items at restaurants inside Ocean.
  • Tony Boloney’s: They’ve created the High 5 pizza to celebrate Ocean’s birthday. This is another collaboration within a collaboration, as it features Seed of the Ocean lager and Across the Boards hot sauce.
  • Bar 32: What celebration is complete without something sweet? Bar 32 (a bean-to-bar chocolatier) and Ocean will be offering three commemorative chocolate bars: the Berry Pretzel Bar, Party Pretzel Bar, and Salty Peanut Butter Bar.
  • Mudgirl Studios: Ocean has commissioned several handmade, one-of-one pieces from this non-profit that will be featured not just in common areas on the property but also in some of the guest rooms.
  • Atlantic City Arts Foundation: To help celebrate its fifth birthday, Ocean has collaborated with the ACAF for a three-panel mural that will have a home at Tennessee Avenue Beer Hall.

Creative & Compelling

What I find most notable about these local partnerships is how several of them intertwine.

Not only did Ocean commission an exclusive beer, a local restaurant chain is using it for a pizza. That same restaurant chain is also using a hot sauce Ocean had created to celebrate their milestone. There are other collaborations that bring Rhythm & Spirits, Little Water Distillery, and Bar 32 together.

However, Ocean is doing more than just supporting a select group of local businesses. Mudgirl Studios employs and empowers at-risk, homeless and formerly incarcerated women. The ACAF, as one would imagine, inspires and empowers people to pursue the arts. Both support and strengthen communities throughout Atlantic City, and Ocean is giving back by supporting them.

In addition to all of that, the celebrations kick off on Memorial Day Weekend with a $300,000 sweepstakes. All in, there will be more than $5 million in promotions and giveaways in play over the course of this summer. From June 24 to July 4, Ocean is putting up one million dollars for a second sweepstakes.

Then there are Tesla giveaways, birthday fireworks, the Birthday Bar Pop-up Experience at 1927 Lounge inside Ocean Resort Casino, and Ocean’s sponsorship of the Atlantic City Beer and Music Festival.

Nola's Bar & Lounge inside Ocean Casino Resort

Look for Ocean’s birthday drinks at property bars like Nola’s Bar & Lounge

Again, it would be easy for Ocean to have simply planned a celebratory weekend, week, or month, focusing solely on themselves. Instead, they’re involving several small businesses and community organizations.


Do I expect restaurant and bar operators to somehow offer $5 million in giveaways to celebrate a milestone? Or even $300,000? Perhaps a Tesla?

No, of course not.

However, I do think operators should really put thought into celebrating their annual milestones. Surviving the first 12 months is a huge achievement. Making it through the first 18 months and hitting the two-year anniversary is just as challenging.

So, operators should take four to six months to plan their celebrations. Additionally, they should view these events as a way to thank the community for supporting them. And, of course, that includes being grateful for beneficial business relationships.

When considering marking these achievements, it’s wise to include local businesses. Craft brewers and distillers, local farmers and vintners, non-profit organizations… All the better if the selected partners can collaborate with one another to make the celebration and partnerships that much more impactful.

Operators should take a page out of Ocean’s celebration handbook and look for creative, thoughtful collaborations. Doing so lifts up others and pays local support forward, in turn making the entire community stronger.

It’s perfectly acceptable for an operator to be proud and celebrate milestones. But it’s even better for operators to celebrate those who help them thrive.

Images courtesy of Ocean Casino Resort

KRG Hospitality. Boutique Hotels. Resorts. Properties. Consultant. Feasibility Study. Business Plan

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Introducing KRG Mindset Coaching

Introducing KRG Mindset Coaching

by David Klemt

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching

Seeking an alternative to complete start-up planning and project management? The solution you’re looking for is KRG Mindset Coaching.

Just like every operator is unique, each project brings with it distinct challenges that require individual approaches and plans.

Some projects are already under way but need help moving forward. KRG Mindset gives these projects the help needed to cross the finish line and achieve long-term success.

What is Mindset Coaching?

Owning a hospitality business may look great on paper, but starting a hospitality business can be really quite stressful:

  • There are what seem to be endless hours of planning.
  • There are numerous third-parties involved.
  • There are often hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake.
  • There are over 500 unique tasks to complete.

It doesn’t matter if this is your first, fifth, or twentieth project—it’s crucial that you be both prepared and organized when opening a new concept or expanding operations.

However, not every project requires our full suite of targeted solutions, which includes feasibility studies, conceptual planning, business planning, brand development, guest experience strategies, food & beverage programs, and operational assessments.

If you’re beyond the idea stage but find your project is struggling to reach the finish line, we’re here to help. And just like a project in its earliest days, you’ll receive the unique, fully customized KRG treatment.

Is Mindset the Solution for You?

KRG Mindset provides a unique, coaching-style program that helps your start-up make continual forward progress:

  • Receive a dedicated consultant who will be an approachable advisor for you and your project. They’ll review and navigate your start-up questions and challenges, and be your compass to provide you with a clear path towards a successful opening.
  • Weekly 1-on-1 video/phone sessions with access to a private calendar: a weekly session in which we evaluate the past week and define required actions for the next week with a focus on budgets, timelines, and industry-specific consulting.
  • Your dedicated consultant is also available for second opinions and the review of: key documents, location, concept, branding, layouts, equipment, menu, service, technology, labor and financial optimization, system development, operations, marketing, and overall strategic clarity.
  • Your consultant will help you see the blind spots throughout your project, positioning you to maintain your budget and desired opening date.
  • Your consultant will help you make strong, educated decisions throughout your start-up project that will have a positive impact on the successful start of your restaurant, bar or hospitality brand.
  • And finally, your advisor will coach you so you become more confident, energized, and motivated about your opening while holding you accountable and helping you become a better leader through the creation of new habits, communication methods, and decision-making processes.

Click here to schedule a call.

Or, if you’re looking for a more hands-on approach where we develop the winning plans and property for and with you, we invite you to learn more by choosing your preferred option: Restaurants & Cafes, Bars & Lounges, Boutique Hotel & Resorts, or Golf, Gaming & Entertainment.

Images: KRG Hospitality
