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Members of Congress Send Letter to SBA | KRG Hospitality
by David Klemt

Members of Congress Send Letter to SBA Regarding $180 Million

by David Klemt

United States Capitol Building and Capitol Grounds

More than 70 members of Congress are urging the Small Business Administration to act quickly to fund eligible RRF applicants.

This news comes on the heels of the findings of the Government Accountability Office’s investigation into the RRF. As you may recall, the GAO discovered $180 million in unobligated funds.

In response, 73 representatives and senators sent the SBA a letter. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) are leading the effort to quickly and fairly distribute the $180 million.

At the start, members of Congress ask that the SBA take immediately action. Also, that the SBA give priority consideration to RRF applicants who didn’t receive funds even though they were awarded grants.

By the way, that’s about 7,000 applicants.

Unfortunately, the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 doesn’t include funds to replenish the RRF. And while $180 million is nowhere near the $42-43 billion our industry needs and deserves, it’s something. In fact, it’s a reason to keep pushing Congress to do the right and responsible thing.

Interestingly, the letter sent to the SBA also urges the clawing back of funds for various reasons. One social media user, in response to the letter, suggested auditing the recipients. Presumably, this would also lead to a clawback and, in turn, the further awarding of grants.

Key Segments of the Letter

“Last month, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report titled Restaurant Revitalization Fund: Opportunities Exist to Improve Oversight that stated that as of as of June 2022, $180 million of RRF funding was unobligated. As you know, about 177,000 restaurants that applied to the program did not receive awards. While we understand the remainder of the funding will not reach every business that applied, it is imperative that the SBA distribute every dollar to help as many struggling restaurants as is feasible.

“In addition to these actions, we are also urging that SBA take action to recover funds that have been awarded to ineligible applicants, were found to be accepted fraudulently, or could otherwise be returned. For example, the aforementioned GAO report states that SBA does not require recipients to report their operating status, despite the statute requiring that businesses that permanently close to return the unused funds to SBA. SBA has itself identified potentially ineligible recipients, such as clubs and hotels that failed to meet statutory eligibility criteria. Money recovered from fraudulent and ineligible businesses can subsequently be used to help
fund the many businesses who were unable to receive grants. We urge you to take action on this matter and provide us with detailed information on the amount of funding that may be recovered as well as SBA’s progress in doing so.”

Image: Francine Sreca from Pixabay
