Author: David Klemt

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Your Most Underused Feature

The Most Underused Element of Your Business

by David Klemt

AI-generated image of a cathedral inside a suitcase

What, you’ve never seen a cathedral inside a suitcase with a glowing interior before?

There’s a part of your business that you see and use every day, and yet it’s very likely the least leveraged element of your bar, restaurant or hotel.

If there are couple (or more) areas of your business running through your mind right now, that’s a bit of a red flag. For now, I want you to focus on a specific feature of your venue: the name.

When you were developing your concept, did it have a different name than it does now? Are you proud of the name? Do you think it pops and demands attention?

During his 2024 Bar & Restaurant Expo session, Michael Tipps posited that most operators are averse to attaching an abstract or enigmatic handle to their concept. That is, in his opinion, a mistake.

“The name is the most under-utilized element of a bar or restaurant,” he said plainly.

For context, this is a man who has proudly affixed the monikers Shoo Shoo, Baby and Mama Foo Foo to concepts in Los Angeles and Daytona Beach, respectively. I’m not going to provide more examples since some concepts are yet to be revealed officially, but there’s more label lunacy in the works.

The word “works” is a segue for addressing the fear or being too “out there.” As they say, it isn’t crazy if it works. Part of making sure the name and thematic elements work is developing a concept’s identity. With that achieved, marketing will be far more effective.

Make an Impact

As we tell KRG Hospitality clients, concept development is the fun stage of project planning. It’s a collaborative effort that gives everyone involved the opportunity to be creative.

Moreover, an effective consultant will help their client swing for the fences rather than stay too grounded. The concept development stage shouldn’t be about dumbing down and saying no. The right consultant-client relationship will be about asking, “How can we get to where and who you want to be?”

Tipps, co-founder of Maverick Theory, will tell you that our F&B world is a social experiment. Guests really aren’t coming to buy food and beverages; they’re at your venue to socialize, connect, feel valued.

“It’s not about what you’re doing, it’s about what you’re being while you do it,” he says. So, I think it’s safe for me to say that he would ask why someone would want to be mediocre. Why would they want their concept to blend in rather than stand out?

As he said during his BRE session, “Everyone who wants to build a concept that’s original and blows people away also includes people who build mediocre, cliche restaurants and bars.

If your concept doesn’t make an impact on a guest and make them curious enough to step through the doors, that’s not a great start. Yes, outstanding service is crucial; it converts one-time guests into repeat visitors. However, they need a reason to become a guest in the first place.

Logically, that means the name, signage, and exterior design need to be impactful.

“Steven Spielberg didn’t make a scary shark movie called Scary Shark,” observed Tipps.

Why, then, do people continue to put “restaurant” or “bar” in the name of their business? Fear.

Stand Up and Stand Out

I doubt that a significant percentage of hospitality operators have said the following during concept development: “I’d really like to fade into the background.”

Combined, according to 2023 data, there are more than 810,000 restaurants and bars in the US alone. Add hotels and motels and that number jumps to well over 900,000.

The last thing that will help any of those businesses make money and keep the lights on is to become white noise. Saddle your concept with a boring name and that’s exactly what it will be, from the jump. Why do that to yourself?

As I said in the preceding section, fear. And Tipps would agree with my conclusion.

“You want to do something special but you also don’t want to do anything too esoteric,” said Tipps during his session. That’s the reason we see “restaurant” and “bar” on restaurant and bar signs.

There’s also the fact that things get very “real” for some people when they first open their doors to the public. They’re now in the spotlight, and the pressure to lead their business to success can be overwhelming.

It’s fair to theorize that some owners second-guess their name and branding when their nerves get the better of them. How will they ever live up to a bold, irresistible bar or restaurant name? What if people won’t come to the business if they aren’t 100-percent certain they know it’s a restaurant or bar?

Which would you rather visit? Mama Foo Foo Neighborhood Restaurant and Bar, or Mama Foo Foo? Which has more impact and sparks your curiosity? Which name would make you feel like you’ve arrived somewhere?

What’s in a Name?

Tipps didn’t title his BRE session “How to Name Your Restaurant or Bar.” Instead, his session was called “Cathedral in a Suitcase.”

Does that session title communicate the topic directly? Not exactly, but it certainly had an impact. And that was the point.

Rather than wonder how to name a restaurant or bar, Tipps (and the KRG team as well) wants operators, current and future, to consider different approaches to developing their concepts.

Certainly, we don’t need to label restaurants and bars as restaurants and bars. Further, as Tipps pointed out during his session, we don’t have to make them feel like restaurants and bars. I promise you, people will intuit how you intend for them to use your space.

Per Tipps, and once again, we agree, your restaurant can feel like a movie. Your bar can feel like an album. You can decide, while eschewing stereotypical elements, whether your venue is masculine, feminine, or neutral.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun,” said Tipps, so have fun with your concept in the development stage. That will translate to a fun, engaging venue (with the right systems and standards in place, of course).

From there, collaborate with a designer to transform your concept from vision to brick and mortar that creates connections. For example, add texture, because speaking to our sense of touch elicits a visceral reaction. Give careful consideration to lighting, because your guests want to look good. Make sure every element relates to the name and the theme.

So, what’s in a name? The future of your business.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

Bar Pub Brewery Nightclub Club Nightlife Concept Development

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

3 Operators Address Surviving a Downturn

3 Wise Operators Share Tips for Surviving a Downturn

by David Klemt

AI-generated diorama-style image of woman behind bar using a tablet

I have to say, AI-generated, diorama-style images look rad.

During a standout session from the 2024 Bar & Restaurant Expo, a panel of three successful and highly respected bar operators answered an important question.

This year, BRE brought together an operator supergroup: Erick Castro, Nectaly Mendoza, and Travis Tober. The trio drove home the importance of becoming a student of the industry; being curious about business; understanding the need to nail the fundamentals; and operators knowing their numbers.

Castro summed up the path to becoming a successful operator rather succinctly: “You need to follow the fundamentals to make money.”

Of course, making money is just part of the success equation. Banking that money so it can work for an operator is another. Again, Castro put it simply, urging operators to live within their means when their bar or restaurant starts making money.

Taking it further, Mendoza pointed out that trying to project an image of success is foolish. As he explained, some operators and bartenders are projecting an image of prosperity and expertise, but it’s nothing more than an illusion.

Tober, who understands this business like few others, drove home the need to understand that really, operators are in the entertainment and relationship business. He, his business partners, and his teams are committed to giving guests a reason to visit their concepts and spend their money.

Toward the end of this incredible session, an audience member, to the benefit of every attendee, asked the trio for advice everyone could take back home to improve their operations.

Tighten Up

When it comes to appealing topics of discussion, most people want to shy away from economic downturn. However, ignoring the possibility of a recession doesn’t prevent it from becoming reality.

In fact, Tober said operators need to prepare now for things “to get rough for the next two or three years.” So, he advised the roomful of operators to tighten up their P&Ls.

For future operators this means making it non-negotiable to understand every aspect of their business. Systems must be in place and standards developed before the first guest ever steps through the doors.

According to Tober, operators who are aggressive and savvy can set themselves up “for life” in the next five or six years. We all know what that means, and it’s one of the reasons an operator need to re-invest in their business.

Adding to Tober’s thoughts on the next few years, Mendoza advised the audience to be prepared to attack opportunities when they present themselves.

On the topic of becoming a sharp and successful operator, Mendoza said to “overkill” the books. “Put the same attention into your books as you do your bar team and menus.”

Put simply, operators who know their numbers and the importance of reinvesting funds have chosen the path toward success. This also relates to hopeful operators. They’ll have the opportunity, if they follow their instincts and wait for the right location to become available, for a strong start over the next few years.

Fortuitously, that fits with Castro’s advice: Make sure you’re actually starting a business, not creating a job for yourself. Also, ensure pour costs, food costs, and labor costs are dialed in because they’re the variables over which operators have the most control. Lastly, aim for low turnover.


If we at KRG Hospitality didn’t agree with Castro, Mendoza, or Tober, we wouldn’t share their advice or insight.

The naked truth is that bars and restaurants are going to close. It happens every day.

Mendoza addressed this reality directly. Looking around the room, he said, “Look, some of you motherfuckers ain’t gonna make it.”

While it got a laugh, it was also true. However, one can improve their odds of success by putting the right systems in place; being curious enough to want to know everything about their business and the industry; hiring people for passion, and committing to mentoring and treating them well; and hiring people who will, as Mendoza said, make stress and pain points irrelevant.

It has been said plenty of times that we can hire for passion in this industry, and train for skills. What I hadn’t really heard until Mendoza said it is that we should also hire people who won’t cause an operator’s headaches. About midway through their session, Mendoza advised the room to ask themselves if the person they’re interviewing is going to be a problem or a good fit.

Another truth is that one operator’s failure represents another operator’s future success. However, that’s not possible without a high-level understanding of one’s business specifically and the hospitality business in general.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

BUNNYFiSH: A Lesson in Collaboration

BUNNYFiSH: A Lesson in Collaboration

by David Klemt

A cartoon fish wearing bunny ears, hovering near the world-famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign

Honestly, I’ve seen stranger things than a floating fish wearing bunny ears while living in Las Vegas.

Architect Craig Sean Palacios, co-founder of BUNNYFiSH studio in Las Vegas, told a compelling story about professional relationships during HD Expo 2024.

Palacios and his business partner worked closely with former Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh for a decade. Titled “Meaningful Collaboration: A Decade with Tony Hsieh,” the presentation was an interesting look into a unique client relationship.

When BUNNYFiSH studio first started, Palacios and Wichmann were working out of The Beat Coffeehouse. Interestingly, this space, located in Downtown Las Vegas, was an example of adaptive reuse architecture. The space was transformed from a quick-care medical center into a coffeehouse, with small exam rooms converted into small offices.

As Palacios recalls, he was wrapping up for the day about 14 years ago when someone popped their head into the BUNNYFiSH office. This person asked what Palacios was doing, and he answered that he was leaving for the day. Clarifying their question, the person inquired about BUNNYFiSH.

After explaining the studio’s overview and sharing some project details, Palacios was told the person would be back. Well, that person did return, and he had a few more people in tow. One of these people, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, was Hsieh.

Eventually, the group traveled from The Beat to the streets of Downtown Las Vegas, and through the doors of Hsieh’s apartment. Along with people milling about was a wall loaded with Post-It Notes. Written on these notes were words like “speakeasy” and “restaurant.” As an architect, Palacios instinctively began arranging the notes to create logical, cohesive concepts.

From there, Hsieh led Palacios to an empty lot, and asked what the architect would put there. Palacios saw a grocery store. Hsieh, a butterfly farm.

It was in that moment, said Palacios, that he began to understand Hsieh. After what was essentially an entire day with Hsieh, BUNNYFiSH studio, the Zappos CEO, and his team would go on to discuss architecture for several months.

Speaking the Same Language

During at least one conversation, Hsieh made the statement that he didn’t “speak architect.” And to this day, Palacios isn’t quite sure if that was a completely truthful claim.

However, he was told that no architect had ever really been able to make Hsieh happy up to that point. So, it appears that the two had found an effective method of communication, and Hsieh appeared happy to work with BUNNYFiSH studio.

That method did take time to develop, of course. Take, for instance, the transformation of a building in Downtown Las Vegas that Hsieh had acquired. When Palacios asked what Hsieh wanted, the latter told the former to “go to the W in Austin.”

That was the whole of the instruction.

So, with that as the entire brief, BUNNYFiSH went to the W in Austin. And, as Palacios explained, they did basically everything one could have done at the hotel at that time. Upon their return to Las Vegas, Palacios made the call to simply let Hsieh find him at The Beat when he was ready.

Sure enough, that’s what happened a few days later. Basically, Hsieh wanted BUNNYFiSH to transform his building into the W in Austin, in a way. When Inspire first opened, I visited the speakeasywhich required biometric access, I believe via a retinal scanand I would later watch Hey, Bartender in the space’s theater/TED Talk area, hosted by Dushan Zaric, co-founder of Employees Only.

Making Things Happen

Hsieh would go on to work with BUNNYFiSH on more projects, large and small. In doing so, they would all transform the Downtown Las Vegas landscape and culture.

To provide one large-scale example, BUNNYFiSH took on the Gold Spike’s metamorphosis from old-school, outdated casino to nightlife, social, and event space. This is another concept with which I’m familiar, having hosted an event there with the Bar & Restaurant Expo team when the event was still known as Nightclub & Bar.

There was also a small downtown motel conversion. Since “nobody needs parking in Las Vegas,” the parking lot was ripped out and a six-hole putt-putt course was installed. Of course, it wasn’t that simple; each hole was a version of a world-famous counterpart.

Anyone who has spent time in Downtown Las Vegas will be familiar with another BUNNYFiSH-Hsieh collaboration: Container Park. However, it’s a dog park project that really encapsulates the real message within Palacios’ story.

Per the Las Vegas native, Hsieh was a part of most of the meetings between his team and BUNNYFiSH. From time to time, he’d pop his head into a meeting with a question or idea, but that was about it.

Well, during one meeting, Hsieh popped up and asked if it was possible to build the world’s largest functional fire hydrant. By now several years into the relationship, Palacios knew the answer: “Yes.”

As he explained, he had learned to not say no to Hsieh. That may paint the entrepreneur in a tyrannical light. That isn’t, however, what Palacios meant.

Asking Why

While some clients can accept hearing “no” after they’ve asked a question, others need more. They require a why.

Sure, that’s sometimes because a client is, to put it diplomatically, “particular.” But as Palacios learned over the course of a decade-long collaborative relationship with Hsieh, sometimes “why” is a tool.

That three-letter question can spark creativity. Creativity in getting around but not running afoul of building codes, creativity in material or site selection, creativity in bringing an idea into the physical world.

While “no” is, indeed, a complete sentence, in the context of developing a restaurant, bar, hotel, etc., it can be a project killer.

Further, once one side of a business relationship comes to understand how the other interprets a why, communication grows stronger. Instead of just a conversation-halting “no,” collaborators learn to anticipate. So, that “no” starts out as a, “No, we can’t/shouldn’t do it that way, here’s why, here’s our solution.”

That’s a far stronger and healthier way to communicate and work together.

Real-world Example

Let’s look at a BUNNYFiSH project in Reno, Nevada. Traditionally, a guest room has a desk. And, traditionally, you’d be told by a hotel executive that the desk is so guests can write letters.

Well…which guests are actually doing this? Why are hotels still putting the same desk designs in their rooms?

Those two questions led to a room design featuring a reinvented desk. The BUNNYFiSH desk design is now the standard for the hotel group.

However, that desk design update pales in comparison to another change Palacios suggested.

Why, Palacios asked, did this hotel need a conference space? And why not transform the space that would traditionally be a conference space into…a bocce bar. A very large bocce bar, at that.

As Palacios explained the moment he posed those questions to hotel executives (a.k.a. major BUNNYFiSH clients), he was first met with silence. But that silence eventually turned to belief in Palacios and BUNNYFiSH, and there is in fact a bocce bar where one would expect a conference space.

According to Palacios, the bar is generating more revenue than the client projected they’d see from the conference area.


Too many people forget that “relationship” is the operative word in “business relationship.”

Had BUNNYFiSH seen their burgeoning relationship with Hsieh as solely transactional, they would likely have been relegated to the same pile of architects that hadn’t managed to satisfy Hsieh.

However, all parties developed an understanding of one another. They learned how to communicate with one another, and the results were incredible.

Further, Palacios and BUNNYFiSH learned to adapt that communication style for future clients, again to wonderful results.

Hospitality is a people business. As some people like to say, most problems are people problems. Going further, people problems are often communication problems.

Learning how to communicate and collaborate can solve a multitude of problems, and help develop long-term relationships.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

Motel Hotel Resort Boutique Concept Development

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Cafe vs. Coffee Shop: Not the Same

Cafe vs. Coffee Shop: Not the Same

by David Klemt

A woman standing in a space that's half cafe and half coffee shop

Yes, cafes and coffee shops are different from one another.

There appears to be a misconception that a cafe and a coffee shop are more than just similar, the two concept types are synonymous.

Over the past 18 months, our inquiries from clients with visions to bring their cafe or coffee shop concept to life have increased. In particular, these inquiries are coming from two cities (and the surrounding areas) that boast serious coffee cultures: Vancouver and Toronto.

Interestingly, many of these future cafe and coffee shop operators use the terms interchangeably. So, we want to clarify that the two are similar but not the same.

Generally speaking, the menu is a big differentiator when determining if someone wants to open a cafe or coffee shop.


A cafe is a type of sit-down restaurant with a food menu, and is capable of serving at least light meals. There’s likely coffee on the menu, but the beverage menu is often far more varied.

For example, one would expect to find teas, juices, sodas, and even beer and wine on a cafe’s beverage menu.

In terms of food, think breakfast sandwiches and bowls, brunch items, soup, sandwiches, and salads. In the morning, there will likely be pastries on offer to pair with coffee drinks, but, again, the coffee menu won’t be as extensive in comparison to a coffee shop’s selection.

As one might imagine, a coffee shop’s main focus is coffee. There may be a small menu consisting of small items that pair well with coffee, but food is secondary at best.

Further, the guests inside a coffee shop expect to enjoy a drip-style coffee beverage, and perhaps espresso.

Now, let’s drill a bit deeper. Coffeehouses often feed into the perception of venues that serve specialty coffees. Speaking generally once again, coffeehouses commonly foster a sense of community and are social spaces. Such concepts also tend to encourage remote workers and students to linger.

Coffee bars tend to operate in areas that experience heavy foot traffic. Like a coffeehouse, the focus is on specialty and artisanal coffee drinks. However, it’s not uncommon for seating to be sparse or even nonexistent. If there’s food on the menu, it’s not extensive, and it’s normally a quick, transportable bite.

Finally, a coffee roaster focuses heavily on sourcing coffee beans, and taking on the task of roasting themselves. It’s common practice for many roasters to act as a partner to coffee shops, restaurants, and hotels. These concepts are often perceived as providing higher-quality coffee drinks than their coffee shop, bar, and house peers.

The more you know…

Hopefully, this clarifies the difference(s) between a cafe and coffee shop.

When one is considering whether their concept is a cafe or coffee shop, they should consider the depth of their coffee and food programs.

Will the menu be full of artisanal and specialty coffee beans and drinks? Will the food be limited to a handful of items, like pastries? Or, will the food menu be extensive and offer guests the opportunity to order a meal?

Other elements to consider are the size of the venue, overall vibe, and role in the community, along with the perception of the quality of the menu.

Sitting down to finalize these details will help a future operator determine whether they plan to open a cafe or a coffee shop.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Be the RTD You Want to See in the World

Juan, Please: Be the RTD You Want to See in the World

by David Klemt

Pete Flores, the founder of brand-new ready-to-drink cocktail brand Juan, Please, is on a mission to bring the TLT to the world.

And what is a TLT? It’s Tequila, Lemonade, Tea, the first expression in the Juan, Please RTD portfolio.

You may be familiar with a different name for this particular cocktail. Like the John Daly is a vodka-spiked version of the iconic Arnold Palmer, a Juan Daly is an Arnold Palmer made with tequila.

As it turns out, the Arnold Palmer is Flores’ favorite alcohol-free beverage. He explains on an upcoming episode of the Bar Hacks podcast, Flores added tequila to an AriZona Arnold Palmer several years ago.

You’ll learn on his episode that Flores assumed someone would surely bring a Juan Daly RTD to market. However, after a couple of years of waiting, he realized he and his business partners were going to be those someones.

In fact, by the time you read this, Flores and his team will be fresh off the official Juan, Please launch party that took place in Hoboken, New Jersey. And really, what day could’ve been better than Cinco de Mayo to launch this brand?


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For now, Juan, Please is available only in New Jersey. However, New York is next, possibly as early as June 1 of this year. With any luck (and interest by you and other operators and bar professionals), major markets throughout the US will follow before year’s end.

Keep your ears out for our upcoming chat with Flores, and keep an eye out for your opportunity to taste Juan, Please.


Introducing Juan, Please Set to Disrupt the Canned Cocktail Market with Tequila-Infused Innovations

Juan Please is poised to redefine the category with its inaugural product: the T.L.T.—Tequila, Lemonade, and Tea Launching May 5th, 2024, in New Jersey.

New York, NY – April 23, 2024 – Today marks the unveiling of Juan, Please, a bold new player in the world of Ready-to-Drink cocktails, set to make waves with its unique lineup of tequila-based beverages launching on Cinco de Mayo in New Jersey. Juan, Please is poised to redefine the category with its inaugural product: the T.L.T. – Tequila, Lemonade, Tea, a non-carbonated drink with only Juan gram of sugar and 7% ABV.

The inspiration for Juan, Please struck when founder Peter Flores, a tequila enthusiast and fan of Arnold Palmers, noticed a glaring gap in the market for tequila-based canned cocktails. After years of waiting for someone to introduce this concept, Peter decided to take matters into his own hands, building a team with like-minded colleagues to embark on this spirited venture.

“Flores emphasizes that ‘Juan, Please’ embodies the essence of joy—laughter, dancing, and life—sealed within each can, reflecting his life’s cherished moments.” “As we embark on the brand’s journey in our home state of New Jersey, it feels like all of the friends we grew up with are on the ride with us.”

Since its soft launch in early 2024, Juan, Please has already gained traction in select venues across New Jersey, including notable Mexican restaurants and prestigious country clubs. The brand is now gearing up for its official launch on Cinco de Mayo, May 5th, 2024, at Pier 13 in Hoboken, promising attendees a taste of innovation and celebration.

Peter Flores, the visionary behind Juan, Please, brings over two decades of experience in hospitality, entertainment, and advertising. His mission is clear: to encapsulate the essence of good times, laughter, and joy into every can of Juan, Please.

“The T.L.T marks the pioneering spirit of our venture. Our upcoming expansion into New York City in June 2024 will debut two exciting new flavors: a Mezcal Old Fashioned and a Tequila Reposado Espresso Martini. ‘Juan, Please’ is positioned to establish itself as the premier choice for those seeking innovative twists on classic cocktails, marking just the beginning of our flavorful story. Says Flores”

The launch event will take place on May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, on Pier 13 in Hoboken from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. There will be a Juan on Juan Challenge (game with a giveaway), drink specials, and Juan will be in attendance in the costume for pictures. Attendees will experience the excitement and flavor that Juan, Please brings to the market. Juan, Please is set to carve out its niche as the go-to choice for those seeking a fresh take on classic cocktails.

About Juan, Please

Juan, Please is a dynamic alcohol startup brand reshaping the Ready-to-Drink cocktail market with its innovative lineup of tequila-infused beverages. Founded by Peter Flores, Juan, Please offers a range of premium canned cocktails designed to deliver exceptional flavor and convenience. The flagship product, the T.L.T. Tequila, Lemonade, Tea, is a non-carbonated drink with only Juan gram of sugar and 7% ABV. Juan, Please embodies our commitment to crafting unique combinations that capture the spirit of celebration. Inspired by Peter’s passion for tequila and classic cocktails, Juan, Please introduces a fresh take on familiar favorites, promising unforgettable experiences with every sip. Join us as we redefine the art of cocktail culture, one can at a time.

Image: Juan, Please

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Menu Development Drinks Food

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: May 2024

5 Books to Read this Month: May 2024

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

Our inspiring and informative May book selections will help you improve your life and outlook, get a handle on operations, and build your leadership team.

To review the book recommendations from April 2024, click here.

Let’s jump in!

Now That I have Your Attention: 7 Lessons in Leading a Life Bigger Than They Expect

This book is listed as a pre-order but I was able to purchase mine a while back, and it arrived a couple of weeks ago. Nicolas Hamilton has overcome a lot in his life, to put it mildly. He has gone from being told he’d never walk to defying that expectation and driving in the British Touring Car Championship. In Now That I Have Your Attention, you’ll learn lessons, like rebelling against the rulebook, always walking the hardest path, and seeing rock bottom and never going back.

From Amazon:Now That I Have Your Attention follows Nicolas’s remarkable journey and shares the valuable, tough, and often surprising lessons learned throughout his life.

“Nicolas’s journey has at times been hostile and has forced him to navigate periods of anger and resentment, but by building his mental strength and pushing himself beyond the physical limits of what anyone had ever expected of him, Nicolas has changed his life – and believes you can too.”

Pre-order your copy today.

Creativity, Inc. (The Expanded Edition): Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

Among other lessons, Creativity, Inc. drives home the importance of building an incredible team. However, that also includes building a culture of support and development.

From Amazon:The co-founder and longtime president of Pixar updates and expands his 2014 New York Times bestseller on creative leadership, reflecting on the management principles that built Pixar’s singularly successful culture, and on all he learned during the past nine years that allowed Pixar to retain its creative culture while continuing to evolve.

Purchase here.

The Cocktail Parlor: How Women Brought the Cocktail Home

On the surface, this is a recipe book. There are 40 “main” cocktail recipes along with 100 variants. But when we really dive in we see that The Cocktail Parlor is about giving women credit for shaping the past and present of cocktail culture.

From Amazon: “Journeying through the decades, this book profiles a diverse array of influential hostesses. With each historic era comes iconic recipes, featuring a total of 40 main cocktails and more than 100 variations that readers can make at home. Whether its happy hour punch à la Martha Washington or a Harlem Renaissance–inspired Green Skirt, readers will find that many of the ingredients and drinks they’re familiar with today wouldn’t be here without the hostesses who served them first.”

Pick it up today!

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

Do you feel like you’re working at your business but not on your business? If you have a sense that you feel more like you’ve created a job for yourself than a business, this book may just help you turn things around as an entrepreneur.

From Amazon: “An instant classic, this revised and updated edition of the phenomenal bestseller dispels the myths about starting your own business. Small business consultant and author Michael E. Gerber, with sharp insight gained from years of experience, points out how common assumptions, expectations, and even technical expertise can get in the way of running a successful business.”

Order here.

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business

As Doug Radkey, founder and president of KRG Hospitality says, a leader in this space needs strategic clarity. This book can provide insights into how to achieve that clarity, improve processes, and build a leadership team that can actually lead others.

From Amazon: “In Traction, you’ll learn the secrets of strengthening the six key components of your business. You’ll discover simple yet powerful ways to run your company that will give you and your leadership team more focus, more growth, and more enjoyment. Successful companies are applying Traction every day to run profitable, frustration-free businesses—and you can too.”

Buy it today.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: May 2024

Program for Unique Holidays: May 2024

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about your May holiday programming.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and this month is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our April 2024 holidays list, click here.

May 1: Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

If your concept is one that attracts motorcyclists already, or one that can handle motorcyclists to show up en masse without alienating other guests, your venue can celebrate Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month any or every day in May.

Encourage your guests to ride safely, look out for motorcycles when they’re driving, and organize group rides that stop by your bar or restaurant. Responsibly, of course.

May 4: Beer Pong Day

Let’s face itbeer pong is a classic bar game. Importantly, it’s a classic bar game that anyone can learn to play (to varying degrees of skill), and it’s simple to organize a tournament.

Should your bar or restaurant have the room and the following to support a beer pong tournament, this holiday could do very well for you and your team.

May 6: National Beverage Day

I mean…look how open-ended this holiday is. Is your bar or restaurant known for a particular drink? More than one particular drink? Perfect! Now’s the time to really brag about that and bring people through your doors.

May 11: National Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day

Part of being a great operator is being an excellent neighbor and member of the community. One selfless act you and your team can participate in is to organize a food drive, acting as the central hub for donations and partnering with a food pantry, shelter, or other charitable organization.

May 17: National Pizza Party Day

Sure, the pizza party has become a corporate trope. That doesn’t mean that if you operate a pizzeria your business shouldn’t be the one that companies, families, and groups of friends call when it’s pizza party time.

May 19: World Baking Day

How are your kitchen team’s baking skills? This is the holiday to shine a light on them and create a baked well LTO.

May 20: World Bee Day

Not only are there some interesting cocktails with the word “bee” in their name, there are also plenty that call for honey as an ingredient.

However, as I pointed out on Earth Day, there are also vegan honey alternatives that can be used for F&B items. So, this could be the day to use those and make your guests aware of them.

May 21: International Tea Day

Tea is, obviously, an excellent drink on its own. However, tea can really shine as the base or mixer for an array of cocktails. Try creating an LTO menu of full-, low-, and no-ABV cocktails for your guests to try.

May 22: National Craft Distillery Day

Do you have a craft distillery in your market? In your state? This holiday is the perfect time to work on developing a relationship with them and crafting an LTO menu with their products.

May 30: National Mint Julep Day

Ah, the Mint Julep. It’s not just for the Kentucky Derby. It’s a classic for a reason, and one of those reasons is how refreshing it is on a hot day. Plus, there are several variants you can adjust to create an LTO menu.

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Marketing Agency Team

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Top 10 Restaurant Chains in 2023

Check Out the Top 10 Restaurant Chains by Sales in 2023

by David Klemt

Pop art image of a giant money bag wrapped in golden chains looming over a city skyline

Well, I asked for an image of a giant money bag wrapped in golden chains, looming over a city skyline. Nailed it, AI.

Technomic data reveal the top-performing restaurant chains in the United States of America by sales volume in 2023, and number one won’t be a surprise.

For a bit of context and history, Technomic has been ranking the top chain restaurants in the US since 1978. And, according to reporting, the same chain has held the number-one spot every year.

Feel free to take a moment and make your guess as to which chain continues to lead all others each year.

Alright, if you guessed McDonald’s, congratulations.

Not only is McDonald’s the largest chain in the US by sales, the company outperformed the rest of the list by a significant margin. In 2023, McDonald’s generated more than $53 billion in sales via more than 13,450 units.

That’s nearly $20 billion more in sales than the chain that clinches the number-two spot. Going deeper, that’s more than double the sales of the number-three restaurant chain. In fact, McDonald’s generated just a $100 million dollars less than the sales of the second- and third-biggest chains combined.

Coming in at number two is Starbucks, achieving sales of $31.6 billion in the US from 16,466 units. Number three is Chik-fil-A, seeing $21.6 billion in sales through 2,964 stores.

The Top 10 Chain Restaurants in the US

Below, the full list of the ten top-performing restaurant chains in the US.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, quick- and limited-service restaurants account for the entirety of the top-ten list.

Notably, each of the ten chains saw sales growth last year, though that growth fluctuates from chain to chain. Some, like Chipotle, increased sales by more than 15 percent. For others, like Subway, growth was just over two percent.

Further, just two of the top-ten chains shuttered locations in 2023. Last year, Burger King reduced its US footprint by almost four percent. Likewise, Subway shrunk by two percent.

Judging by the sales numbers, closing stores last year may have proven to be a smart business decision for Burger King and Subway.

  1. Domino’s: $9 billion (up 3.1 percent)
  2. Chipotle: $9.9 billion (up 15.3 percent)
  3. Subway: $10 billion (up 2.1 percent)
  4. Burger King: $11 billion (up 6.6 percent)
  5. Dunkin’: $11.9 billion (up 5.7 percent)
  6. Wendy’s: $12.3 billion (up 5.1 percent)
  7. Taco Bell: $15 billion (up 8.2 percent)
  8. Chik-fil-A: $21.6 billion (up 14.7 percent)
  9. Starbucks: $31.6 billion (up 12.5 percent)
  10. McDonald’s: $53.1 billion (up nine percent)

Ending on one more interesting revelation, one chain moved up the list. Bear in mind, this is no small feat.

Domino’s, once number nine on the list, was passed by Chipotle in sales last year. We’ll see if anything changes when Technomic reveals next year’s rankings.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Reinvigorate Your Menu with Revivalist Gin

Reinvigorate Your Menu with Revivalist Garden Gin

by David Klemt


A bottle of Revivalist Garden Gin next to a cocktail, surrounded by flowers and lemon wedges

Earth Day may be over but we’re still celebrating Earth Month, so I want to put the intriguing Revivalist Garden Gin on your radar.

Created by Brendan Bartley, bar director and general manager at the acclaimed Baththub Gin in New York City, this gin brand is focused heavily on responsible and sustainable production methods.

Notably, Revivalist Garden Gin uses water recycling during the distillation process. According to the brand, this innovation saves around 30,000 gallons monthly.

Further sustainable practices include giving spent grains to farmers to feed their cattle and hogs, reducing waste.

However, the sourcing of the botanicals used to craft this super-premium gin deserve praise.

If the term “ethnobotany” is new to you, you’re not alone. Bartley and the Revivalist team are committed to using only ethically sourced national and international ingredients. Moreover, the ingredients are selected to craft an authentic flavor profile free of additives, artificial flavors, preservatives, or doses of sugar.

Compellingly, the brand goes deeper. Ethnobotany’s practitioners seek cultural understanding when considering the relationship between humans and plants. So, rather than simply creating a flavor profile and then sourcing the ingredients in the most affordable and convenient way, the Revivalist team approaches the selection of each botanical with purpose.

On the palate, citrus comes from lemon verbena leaf, while an earthy counterpoint is introduced via ashwagandha. Rose hips and plum add floral and sweet notes, respectively, further balancing this enticing gin. In what may prove to be an unexpected twist for some drinkers, hemp adds a nutty note that guarantees Revivalist will stand out from its peers.

Below, six cocktails featuring this Earth-friendly, carefully considered gin. Cheers!

Revivalist Garden Gin Negroni Cocktail


  • 1.5 oz. Revivaist Garden Gin
  • 0.75 oz. Aperol
  • 0.75 oz. Dolin Sweet Vermouth
  • Grapefruit twist to garnish

Add Revivalist, Aperol, and sweet vermouth to a mixing glass, and stir. Pour into a rocks glass over ice, and garnish.

Revivalist Garden Gin Garden Punch cocktail

Garden Punch

  • 2 oz. Revivalist Garden Gin
  • 0.75 oz. Fresh lemon juice
  • 0.75 oz. Simple syrup
  • 1–2 oz. Chamomile tea
  • Lemon wheel to garnish
  • Mint sprig to garnish (optional)
  • Lavender sprig to garnish (optional)

Prepare a rocks glass by adding a large ice cube or sphere. Add all liquid ingredients to a shaker with ice, and shake well. Strain into the prepared rocks glass, then garnish.

Revivalist Garden Gin Easy Beesy cocktail

Easy Beesy

  • 2 oz. Revivalist Garden Gin
  • 1.0 oz. Fresh lemon juice
  • 0.75 oz. Honey ginger syrup
  • 2 Small sprigs of rosemary to garnish (optional)
  • Lemon twist to garnish (optional)

Combine ice and the first three ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Shake hard for about 10 seconds, then double strain into a coupe. Garnish with rosemary sprigs or a lemon twist.

Revivalist Garden Gin Chester County Breakfast cocktail

Chester County Breakfast

  • 1.5 oz. Revivalist Garden Gin
  • 0.5 oz. Grand Marnier
  • 0.75 oz. Fresh lemon juice
  • 1 bar spoon Strawberry jam
  • 1 bar spoon Simple syrup
  • Strawberry slice or raspberries to garnish

Add all ingredients except for garnish to a shaker. You may need to break up the jam with a quick stir with a bar spoon. Next, add ice to the shaker, and shake well. Double strain into a coupe, then garnish.

Revivalist Garden Gin Full Monty cocktail

The Full Monty

  • 1.25 oz. Revivalist Garden Gin
  • 0.75 oz. Triple sec
  • 0.75 oz. Aperol
  • 0.75 oz. Dry vermouth
  • Expressed orange peel to garnish

Fill a mixing glass three-quarters of the way with ice, then add all four liquid ingredients. Stir for one minute, then double strain into a Nick & Nora glass. Garnish with an expressed orange peel.

Revivalist Garden Gin Flower Bed cocktail

Flower Bed

  • 1 oz. Revivalist Garden Gin
  • 0.5 oz. Fresh lemon juice
  • 0.5 oz. Elderflower syrup
  • 4 oz. Chilled Champagne
  • Lemon twist to garnish

Add the gin, lemon juice, syrup, and ice to a shaker, and shake hard. Next, double strain into a chilled Champagne flute. Finally, garnish and serve.

Disclaimer: Neither the author nor KRG Hospitality received compensation, monetary or otherwise, in exchange for this post.

Images: Revivalist Garden Gin

KRG Hospitality. Bar Consultant. Nightclub. Lounge. Mixology. Cocktails.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Surf Into Summer with These RTDs

Surf into Summer with These RTDs

by David Klemt

Surfside ready-to-drink canned vodka cocktails 2024 lineup

There’s big news coming out of Philadelphia’s Stateside Vodka, the team that crafts the Surfside line of popular vodka-lemonade and vodka-tea RTDs.

In preparation for summer, Surfside is making two huge strides to establish itself in the RTD space.

The brand, which describes itself as “Sunshine in a Can,” launched in 2022. Interestingly, and possibly surprisingly for some, Surfside RTDs don’t feature carbonation. Moreover, they boast just 100 calories, 2 grams of sugar, and are sessionable at just 4.5-percent ABV.

Currently, there are four variations for consumers to enjoy: Iced Tea + Vodka, Peach Tea + Vodka, Half & Half + Vodka and Lemonade + Vodka.

However, that’s about to change…

Spectacular Growth

Since the brand’s launch, Surfside has racked up accolades and achievements. For example, Market Watch bestowed its “2023 Hot Brand Award” upon the RTD lineup last year.

Of particular note is the brand’s sales growth. With distribution in a mere 17 states, Surfside hit the 1.3-million-case mark by the end of last year. That achievement speaks to one of the brand’s announcements directly: Starting this summer, Surfside will be available in 48 US states.

And the second announcement? A lineup expansion in addition to the distribution expansion. Five new flavors will join the lineup: Green Tea + Vodka, Raspberry Tea + Vodka, Raspberry Lemonade + Vodka, Strawberry Lemonade + Vodka, and Black Cherry + Lemonade.

Driving visibility and brand awareness are partnerships with Minor and Major League Baseball. In fact, the Atlanta Braves, Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Guardians, and the Pittsburgh Pirates are on board with Surfside.

Taken the together, these announcements show that Surfside is poised to be the RTD of the summer. That means operators and their teams need to keep an ear out for guests asking if their bar or restaurant carries Surfside. Given the brand’s growth, it’s likely that consumers across the US will try it, like it, and expect to find it on-premise.

Or, put more simply: Guests are going to expect to be able to order Surfside when they’re out at bars, restaurants, dayclubs, and nightclubs.

Will this be the brand to challenge White Claw and Truly for RTD dominance? Only time will tell, but 2024 may just prove to be the Summer of Surfside.

You’ll find the official press release below. Cheers!


Premium Canned Cocktail Brand Announces New Fruit-Forward Flavors and Availability in 48 States for Summer as Sales Continue to Skyrocket

PHILADELPHIA, PA (April 24, 2024) – Surfside, the spirits-based iced tea and lemonade ready-to-drink category leader, proudly announces national expansion and the launch of five new flavors just in time for summer: Raspberry Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade, Black Cherry Lemonade, Raspberry Iced Tea and Green Tea. These fruit-forward flavor innovations along with a new Lemonade Variety 8-Pack are a highly anticipated next step for the independently-owned brand to further fuel its meteoric rise in popularity.

Founded by Philadelphia natives and brothers Matt and Bryan Quigley, and Clement and Zach Pappas, Surfside achieved 1.3 million cases sold in 2023, growing +563% versus a year ago. Remarkably, the brand achieved that volume despite only being distributed in seven states at the beginning of 2023. Surfside was also the highest velocity selling spirits-based RTD per retail outlet in 2023,* averaging at about 2.5 cases sold per minute.

Over the course of 2023 and 2024, Surfside has expanded distribution nationwide to 48 states. With the national expansion, Surfside is also reimagining the baseball experience as the official RTD Vodka Iced Tea and Vodka Lemonade of Minor League Baseball. This partnership is a natural evolution since becoming the #1 selling spirits-brand at Citizens Bank Park in 2023 with the Philadelphia Phillies.** Additional MLB partnerships kick off this season with the Atlanta Braves, Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Guardians and the Pittsburgh Pirates.

“This is an incredibly exciting time for us as our mission from day one has been to build Surfside into a true national brand,” said Surfside CEO Clement Pappas. “The addition of the three new lemonade flavors, two new iced teas and the Lemonade Variety 8-pack were highly requested by our fans and is our way of showing love and appreciation for those who have helped us get here. We look forward to taking Surfside across the country and introducing to more new fans this upcoming summer season.”

In addition to the new flavors, the Surfside portfolio includes the classic Iced Tea, Peach Tea, Half and Half and Lemonade. Surfside is made with premium vodka, real tea, and has only 100 calories, 2g of sugar and 0 bubbles. “We take enormous pride in crafting the best-tasting ready-to-drink products in the industry. All of our Surfside Iced Tea and Lemonade flavors have been developed in-house with our team, from the formulation to the branding and packaging,” adds Surfside President Matt Quigley. “Everything fun about the summer is even better with a Surfside in hand.”

The new flavors joining the existing portfolio include the following varieties:

  • Surfside Raspberry Lemonade + Vodka (4.5% ABV): A quintessentially summer combination of natural raspberry flavors and lemonade.
  • Surfside Strawberry Lemonade + Vodka (4.5% ABV): A summer staple for enjoyment at any time, Strawberry Lemonade + Vodka brings the good vibes.
  • Surfside Black Cherry Lemonade + Vodka (4.5% ABV): Natural black cherry flavor and Lemonade, the Surfside way.
  • Surfside Raspberry Tea + Vodka (4.5% ABV): A fruit-forward flavor of the Iced Tea + Vodka that put Surfside on the map.
  • Surfside Green Tea + Vodka (4.5% ABV): Made with premium vodka and real green tea with notes of honey and ginseng, this summer sipper will keep you cool all season.

Fans existing and new can continue to enjoy the original portfolio varieties:

  • Surfside Iced Tea + Vodka (4.5% ABV): Crafted with premium vodka and real black tea, for high-quality taste and enjoyment.
  • Surfside Peach Iced Tea + Vodka (4.5% ABV): The first flavored tea from the brand giving the same taste we know and love with a big ol’ punch of peach.
  • Surfside Half & Half + Vodka (4.5% ABV): A refreshing twist on the classic, half iced tea and half lemonade.
  • Surfside Lemonade + Vodka (4.5% ABV): A delicious summer staple made with natural lemon flavors and premium vodka.

The complete Surfside portfolio is available direct-to-consumer in Pennsylvania and in-stores across the United States. Surfside is line priced with an SRP $9.99 for a 4-pack of cans and an SRP of $19.99 for the Variety 8-pack (available in Starter Pack and Lemonade Pack). With Surfside’s national expansion also comes a new website and Instagram handle: visit for more information and follow along on Instagram @drinksurfside.

*Source: Circana MULO+C L26W ending 11.12.23

**Source: Aramark data, 2023

About Surfside

Surfside is a line of premium iced tea + vodka and lemonade + vodka canned cocktails recognized for its delicious full flavor taste and sunset stripes on the can for good vibes ahead. Founded by two sets of Philadephia-native brothers, Matt and Bryan Quigley and Clement and Zach Pappas, this group of entrepreneurs is also the brains behind the award-winning, independently owned Stateside Vodka (Beverage Testing Institute Gold Medal 2024). Since launching in 2022, Surfside grew from a beloved Philly cocktail to a ready-to-drink brand achieving triple-digit growth within two years, rocketing the category forward nationwide. It has received beverage industry recognition as a 2023 “Hot Brand” in Shanken’s IMPACT Magazine and a 2022 “Rising Star Award ” in Brewbound.

At 4.5% ABV, Surfside is made with premium vodka and real tea with just 2g of sugar, 100 calories and 0 bubbles. Varieties of this “Sunshine in a Can” include Iced Tea + Vodka, Peach Tea + Vodka, Half & Half + Vodka and Lemonade + Vodka. In Summer 2024, the brand will expand to include Raspberry Tea + Vodka, Raspberry Lemonade + Vodka, Strawberry Lemonade + Vodka, Black Cherry Lemonade + Vodka and Green Tea + Vodka. Available in 4-packs (SRP: $10.99) and an 8-can variety pack (SRP: $19.99), Surfside is perfect for a boat day, concert, baseball game or a relaxing day on the beach. To learn more, visit and follow along on Instagram @drinksurfside.

Disclaimer: Neither the author nor KRG Hospitality received compensation, monetary or otherwise, in exchange for this post.

Image: Cole Quiqley

Bar Nightclub Pub Brewery Menu Development Drinks Food
