Ultra lounge

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Is Restaurant Revitalization Back?

Restaurant Revitalization Back on the Table?

by David Klemt

US Capitol Building and cloudy sky

After watching the Restaurant Revitalization Fund die a slow, painful death earlier this year, three senators are trying to help the industry again.

Three Democratic senators seem to think that the RRF battle isn’t over. Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Patty Murray (D-WA) are trying once again to help RRF applicants. As a refresher, Sen. Cardin is among the original RRF legislation authors.

Last Thursday, the senators introduced the Restaurant Revitalization Tax Credit Act. Now, before we get into the details, it appears this bill is a stop-gap of sorts. A statement from Sen. Murray suggests as much.

Per a statement from Sen. Muray, the “Restaurant Revitalization Fund left too many behind. I believe we need to replenish the Fund and will keep pressing to do so. Until that happens, bills like the Restaurant Revitalization Tax Credit Act will help keep restaurants afloat.”

It’s safe to say a significant number of operators prefer replenishment of the RRF to a tax credit. However, this could represent a step in the right direction.

The Restaurant Revitalization Tax Credit Act

For those with an interest in dissecting the bill, the text in its entirety is here.

In summary, here’s what Sens. Cardin, Brown, and Murray want to see become law: a payroll offset of $25,000. Of course, it’s not that simple—there are requirements and nuances.

First, the only eligible restaurants are RRF applicants who didn’t receive a grant. Second, the restaurant must prove:

  • operating losses of at least 30 percent in 2020 and 2021 in comparison to 2019; or
  • losses of at least 50 percent in either 2020 or 2021 in comparison to 2019.

Additionally, applicants must have been operating at least as far back as March 14, 2020. There’s also a payroll tax requirement: the applicant restaurant must have paid the taxes in at least two quarters in 2021. But wait—it doesn’t end there.

Restaurants with ten or fewer employees could offset a maximum of $25,000 in payroll taxes for the entirety of 2023. However, for every employee over ten, the refund cap drops by $2,500.

So, this bill appears to target very small operations for assistance. Assistance, we can only hope, that’s meant to help until the Senate and House replenish the RRF.

After all, Sen. Murray did say this bill—”bills like,” to be precise—is meant to “help keep restaurants afloat.”

It’s difficult to view this effort through anything but a skeptical lens given what happened earlier this year. And hope, as the saying goes, isn’t a strategy. But I suppose this bill represents a glimmer of hope that the estimated 175,000-plus RRF applicants who never received a grant may still get the help they deserve.

Image: J. Amill Santiago on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Leadership Facepalm, Part Three

Leadership Facepalm, Part Three

by David Klemt

Frustrated man sitting on couch

We almost got to next year without another viral leadership facepalm moment but then an Olive Garden manager sent a memo.

In case you’re unaware of the now-infamous Olive Garden memo, here’s a recap:

  • Zero tolerance for calling off.
  • Sick team members must come in and prove they’re ill.
  • If someone’s dog dies, they must bring the dead animal in to prove its death.
  • Family emergencies are not private and must come with an explanation.

The manager who authored the memo also takes time to boast about their perfect attendance record.

For the curious, the first entry in our leadership facepalms is here. Part two is here.

The Letter

Below you’ll find the letter, addressed to “ALL Team Members.” To read it in its entirety, click here.

“Our call offs are occurring at a staggering rate. From now on, if you call off, you might as well go out and look for another job. We are no longer tolerating ANY excuse for calling off. If you’re sick, you need to come prove it to us. If your dog died, you need to bring him in and prove it to us.”

I highly doubt that’s Olive Garden or Darden policy.

“If its a ‘family emergency’ and you can’t say, too bad. Go work somewhere else. If you only want morning shifts, too bad go work at a bank. If anyone from here on out calls out more than ONCE in the next 30 days you will not have a job.”

It doesn’t get any better when the manager brings up their own track record:

“Do you know in my 11.5 years at Darden how many days I called off? Zero. I came in sick. I got in a wreck literally on my to work one time, airbags went off and my car was totaled, but you know what, I made it to work, ON TIME! There are no more excuses.”

Interestingly, the manager implies they’re speaking for all the leaders:

“Us, collectively as a management team have had enough.”

A Breaking Point

First, I’m not pretending a staggering amount of operators, leadership teams, and team members aren’t at their breaking points. The labor shortage and staffing struggles are a real crisis in our industry (and others, of course).

Second, I’m not suggesting that operators and their teams aren’t justified in their frustration and anger.

If we’re to accept just this year’s reporting alone, it appears many people are comfortable being rude to service workers. It’s a disturbing trend, and it’s motivating people to leave public-facing roles. As they’re leaving, many are swearing off the hospitality industry entirely.

Third, I think the memo above highlights our need to address mental health in this industry. Sure, it’s easy to write this manager off as a jerk and terrible leader. But what if we look at this through the lens of stress?

The memo could easily be the manifestation of a breaking point. It’s also possible the entire management team was behind this email.

Damage Done

Let’s look at this situation solely as an example of poor judgment and leadership. Imagine the damage it could do to any restaurant or bar, chain or independent.

What do you think a memo like this does to the ability to recruit? To retain? How does such an email do anything but exacerbate labor problems?

Darden, Olive Garden’s parent, went into crisis management mode when this memo went viral. It appeared on Reddit, was picked up by news outlets and other websites, and exploded.

Ultimately, Darden terminated the manager to whom the memo is attributed: “We strive to provide a caring and respectful work environment for our team members. This message is not aligned with our company’s values. We can confirm we have parted ways with this manager.”

The Olive Garden location in Kansas where this situation took place may recover. They’re a large chain, people tend to have short memories for news, and regulars will likely stay loyal.

But what if this occurred at an independent restaurant? The damage could be irreparable.

Work Culture

Now, it should be obvious that from a simply operational standpoint, this situation highlights an unhealthy work environment and culture. That should go without saying.

So, instead I want to say something else.

Operators need to check in with their team members. Leaders, front of house, back of house—everyone. Stress levels are reaching breaking points and every one of your team members needs to know they matter, they’re safe, and they’re supported.

Check in. Survey your team. Be empathetic. And if you’re an operator, you need a support system of your own.

Being a leader doesn’t mean being infallible. It’s not poor leadership or weakness to admit you need help.

Image: Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Starting a Business? Consider These States

Want to Open a Business in 2023? Consider These States

by David Klemt

Philadelphia skyline at sunset

If you’re considering opening a restaurant, bar, nightclub, eatertainment venue, or hotel in 2023, you should consider these states.

As it turns out, according to Forbes, one state is the home to a major KRG Hospitality market: Philadelphia.

Per Forbes Advisor, Pennsylvania is among the top five states for starting a new business next year. In fact, the Keystone State ranks number four.

To make their list, Forbes analyzed all 50 states through the lens of five categories:

  • Business costs
  • Business climate
  • Economy
  • Financial accessibility
  • Workforce

Within those categories, Forbes examined 18 metrics. The result, as already stated, is that just three states rank ahead of Pennsylvania for this Forbes list.

Top 25 States to Start a Business in 2023

Below you’ll find how the top half of the list shakes out. Indiana, Colorado, and North Dakota claim the top positions. A low cost of living and “a business-friendly climate” put Indiana in the number-one spot.

One interesting reason that Pennsylvania ranks comes down to funding for entrepreneurs. Per Forbes, “total small business loan funding in Pennsylvania is double that of the national average.”

  1. Washington
  2. West Virginia
  3. Rhode Island
  4. Idaho
  5. Utah
  6. Wisconsin
  7. South Carolina
  8. Virginia
  9. Hawaii
  10. Mississippi
  11. Missouri
  12. New Hampshire
  13. Massachusetts
  14. California
  15. Connecticut
  16. Delaware
  17. Ohio
  18. Illinois
  19. Montana
  20. North Carolina
  21. South Dakota
  22. Pennsylvania
  23. North Dakota
  24. Colorado
  25. Indiana

However, the list above is interesting for another reason: the recent addition of consultant Kim Richardson to the KRG Hospitality team. Not only is Kim representing our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, office, she’s our rep for the Northeastern region of the United States.

That means she’s serving Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Or, put another way, Kim is representing KRG in six states on the list above. (Pennsylvania is in bold above, while the other Northeastern states on the list she’s representing are in italics).

Proceed with Caution

Now, a word of reason and caution. Just because someone tells you that a particular state or city is the best place for your business doesn’t mean success will follow automatically.

It really doesn’t matter how great the idea for your concept happens to be—long-term success in this industry takes hard work. And that work starts with the planning phase.

So, no, you can’t just throw a dart at the Northeastern states or a map of one of the states on this list and open your restaurant, bar, or hotel there. Site selection involves more than contacting a commercial real estate agent, viewing a few locations, and signing a lease.

There’s a long list of tasks that you must complete in the planning stage before you ever open your doors. An in-depth feasibility study, a KRG Hospitality specialty, identifies the best location for a specific concept. In actuality, the feasibility study includes several smaller tasks that must be completed.

Again, this is simply to determine the best place for a particular concept. There are many other tasks you must complete, each of which KRG is here to help you accomplish.

So, while this list is interesting, there’s much more for your consideration.

The Bottom 10

Since I know you’re curious, below you’ll find the ten states that represent the tail end of the Forbes list:

  1. New York
  2. New Mexico
  3. Vermont
  4. Michigan
  5. Oregon
  6. Florida
  7. Nevada
  8. Kentucky
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Kansas

Now, another word of caution. These states rounding out the list of 50 doesn’t mean they’re “the worst” for starting a business.

In fact, we’ve had great success in Florida, as one example. So, take this list with a grain of salt: there’s much more to consider for a hospitality concept to give it the best odds of success in any market.

Image: Dan Mall on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: December 2022

5 Books to Read this Month: December 2022

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s engaging and informative book selections will help you hone your culinary, cocktail, and operational skills to dial in your business.

To review November’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s jump in!

The Book of Cocktail Ratios: The Surprising Simplicity of Classic Cocktails

Understanding recipe ratios will help any bar professional produce balanced, delicious, and memorable cocktails. In fact, getting a grasp on ingredient ratios is a fundamental bartender skill, and it’s crucial to the guest experience.

Author Michael Ruhlman organizes The Book of Cocktail Ratios into five cocktail families. And interestingly, Ruhlman makes a bold claim: many popular cocktails are actually the same cocktail—adjusting the ratios makes them seem different. Grab this book here.

Chef’s PSA: How Not to be the Biggest Idiot in the Kitchen

Look, most of us have been in at least one situation or new workplace where we may have felt like the biggest idiot there. It’s not a pleasant feeling, but at least it’s a feeling we can get over.

This collection of “culinary truisms” aims to set new chefs up for their first steps into a new kitchen: “This book is filled with short little lessons or PSA’s that every cook needs to know to get along successfully in the kitchen. The great thing about this book is that it is a guide for you early in your career and later when you are developing others.” Pick up Chef’s PSA here.

Jacques Pépin Art Of The Chicken

Chef Jacques Pépin loves chicken. In fact, Chef Pépin loves chickens so much that he doesn’t just honor them in the kitchen, they’re the subject of his paintings as well.

Not only will you find beautiful illustrations in Jacques Pépin Art Of The Chicken, you’ll learn about Chef Pépin’s journey through the culinary world. And, of course, there are recipes to learn. Purchase via Amazon here.

The Death of Demographics: Valuegraphic Marketing for a Values-Driven World

Regular listeners of the Bar Hacks podcast will recognize author and speaker David Allison. He has, after all, been a guest twice, appearing on episode 46 and episode 67.

The Valuegraphics Project founder’s latest book, The Death of Demographics, is available in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle formats. From Amazon: “By focusing on deep values rather than surface habits or traits, valuegraphics uncover what drives and unites us. Based on decades of behavioral science research, adding valuegraphics to your insights can improve your marketing effectiveness by a factor of eight or more.” Purchase this book here.

The Business Scaling Blueprint: Building a Foundation to Grow Your Brand

Author and business mentor Tony DiSilvestro has started more than 30 businesses over the course of 30 years. As a mentor, he shares the lessons he’s learned with CEOs and entrepreneurs, and now he’s sharing his experience in book form. The Business Scaling Blueprint is, as the name implies, a practical path toward growing brands.

As a business owner, operators need to grow and scale their restaurants, bars, and hotels. Even if there’s no intention to expand to a multi-location or multi-concept business, growth and scalability are crucial to any business. Available for pre-order on Amazon.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

SevenRooms and CSV form Partnership

SevenRooms and Competitive Social Ventures form Partnership

by David Klemt

The word "play" painted on a wall

Guest experience and retention platform SevenRooms will kick off 2023 with a partnership with Competitive Social Ventures.

This new partnership is yet another example of SevenRooms’ continuous growth. For technology in general and our industry in particular, this is excellent news.

Consider how long it has taken, up until recently, for hospitality to embrace tech innovations. Navigating tech solutions can be daunting. Equally intimidating can be the cost of implementing new tech in a restaurant, bar, or hotel.

Watching a tech platform continue to innovate and grow, therefore, is good news for operators and their teams.

SevenRooms traces their founding to 2011. In comparison, many “solutions” never escape the vaporware stage, existing only on paper. With more than a decade of operation under its belt, SevenRooms is established and positioned for longevity.

In other words, the platform is worthy of operator consideration and investment. We make no secret of our preference for SevenRooms at KRG Hospitality. Unless they prove we should think otherwise, the platform is our favorite tech-based guest retention solution.

Beyond functionality, ease of use, and effectiveness, the company’s continuous growth motivates our support. Look at how SevenRooms grew in 2021 alone:

The platform also started 2022 with the hiring of a chief revenue officer, Brent-Stig Kraus.

Social Entertainment

With its headquarters in Alpharetta, Georgia, Competitive Social Ventures blends sports, socializing, and entertainment.

In fact, the company refers to the brands it has brought to market as “competitive socializing entertainment concepts.”

Last year, CSV brought Fairway Social Alpharetta and Roaring Social Alpharetta to market. The former focuses on sports simulators. Roaring Social, on the other hand, delivers a speakeasy experience combined with bowling.

Arriving in 2023, the real estate holding company plans to launch Pickle & Social concepts throughout the Metro Atlanta. As the name suggests, the concept features indoor and outdoor pickleball courts. Guests will also have access to table tennis. And like Fairway Social and Roaring Social, Pickle & Social will feature live music and an elevated F&B experience.

CSV already makes use of SevenRooms’ reservation and guest data management tools. Going into 2023, this partnership will evolve into review aggregation, marketing automation, and table waitlist management. The latter makes it easier for any concept to handle walk-ins as painlessly as possible.

Most importantly, the partnership with SevenRooms empowers CSV to pursue their growth plans. While the growth of SevenRooms is impressive and confidence-inspiring, their commitment to client growth is the real story here.

When choosing their tech stack, operators need to know the relationship is mutually beneficial. In fact, they need to be confident that each platform is here for long-term success.

In fact, operators should look at every relationship through this lens: Is every partner working to help you grow?

Image: Ben Hershey on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: Dec. 2022

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: December 2022

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and December is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to “weird.” For example, I’m sure you’re familiar with Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and a little event we call New Year’s Eve.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For November’s list, click here.

December 5: Bathtub Party Day

So, technically this day is about encouraging people to take a bath rather than a shower. However, this can be a great day for celebrating gin and prohibition-era cocktails.

Why gin in particular? For many, winter is gin season. Additionally, when people think of prohibition they tend to think of “bathtub gin.”

December 6: World Trick Shot Day

This is another holiday that celebrates something specific. In the case of World Trick Shot Day, it’s the basketball trick shot.

However, not every venue has basketball available to their guests. Many eatertainment venues do, but the same can’t be said for every restaurant or bar. But if your business has other bar games on offer, you can certainly adapt this holiday to encourage your guests to take their best shots.

December 8: National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day

Yes, Halloween is over. That doesn’t mean people won’t dress up and have some fun. From Doctor Who to Marty McFly, there are plenty of characters, movies, and TV shows out there your guests can use as inspiration to celebrate this holiday.

December 11: International Mountain Day

Our mountains are incredible, powerful, and crucial resources. So, on this holiday, highlight brands from mountainous regions and those committed to sustainability efforts.

December 12: Gingerbread House Day

This one can get messy but it can also draw in a lot of guests. There are a few ways to go about celebrating Gingerbread House Day, of course. One way I can think of is to encourage your guests to come by and help decorate a large gingerbread version of your restaurant or bar.

December 16: National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Fine, this isn’t exactly the weirdest holiday out there. At this point, the ugly Christmas/holiday sweater is a movie and television show trope. That doesn’t make it any less fun.

Come up with your own twist to bring guests through your doors this National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. That can mean creating a particular theme for ugly sweaters, for example.

December 21: Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day

When I came across this holiday I knew I’d be including it on this list. The name of the day is ridiculous, and the specificity is impressive. How could I resist?

This holiday, should you choose to accept celebrating it, is dedicated to Phileas Fogg. Who’s that? Fogg is the character in Around the World in Eighty Days who accepts the challenge referenced in the book’s title.

December 22: National Re-gifting Day

People participate in a lot of holiday gatherings throughout December. Many take place before the start of Hanukkah or Christmas Day.

That means a lot of people get gifts before December 22 that they’d perhaps rather not keep. So, encourage your guests to roll in on National Re-gifting Day for a drink, a bite, and an exchange of gifts.

December 23: National Pfeffernüsse Day

No, this isn’t a weird holiday—it’s mostly a fun word to say: “pfeffernüsse.” For non-German speakers, that’s probably a “weird” word. Most importantly, it’s a delicious, spiced cookie that makes for a great treat or fun interpretation as a holiday season cocktail.

December 30: No Interruptions Day

We all need time to disconnect, to log off and be unreachable. Your restaurant or bar is the perfect place for people to hit “do not disturb” on their devices and escape before New Year’s Eve.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

KRG Hospitality Adds to Team

KRG Hospitality Enters New Era of Growth with Addition to Team

by David Klemt

KRG Hospitality Licensing Program logo

Kim Richardson joins the KRG Hospitality team, representing Philadelphia and the Northeastern US region via the agency’s new license program.

PHILADELPHIA, PA—KRG Hospitality today announces an exciting new addition to the consulting agency’s team. Following several years of success, KRG is now entering a new phase of growth.

Kim Richardson, who has more than 23 years of experience in the hotel and restaurant industry, will represent KRG at the agency’s Philadelphia office. Further, Richardson will be KRG’s representative for the Northeastern region of the United States, serving Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

As the newest member of the KRG team, Richardson is excited to bring all her hospitality industry knowledge and experience to the Philadelphia area. From Five Diamond Hotels to brick-and-mortar restaurants, she has had her hands in the Philadelphia hospitality scene since moving to the city in 2003. With an admiration for the industry since a very young age, she has a passion for all things hospitality. Most importantly, Richardson brings with her a passion and eagerness to help grow the industry and lead others to success.

“There’s nothing more rewarding than understanding a client’s dream, perfecting it, and bringing that vision to life,” says Richardson.

This exciting new addition to the KRG team represents the launch of the agency’s new licensed consultant program. KRG operates in several key markets—Toronto, Las Vegas, Calgary, Vancouver, Philadelphia, Nashville, Orlando, and the Caribbean—and is planning to add more partners as regional representatives throughout 2023.

“As we move forward from the pandemic era, we look forward to positioning the brand for continued and further success,” says KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey. “Creating a licensed consultant program provides us the opportunity to reach a wider audience, provide additional value and support for our clients, and help push this exciting industry forward.”

About KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality is a storied and respected agency with proven success over the past decade, delivering exceptional and award-winning concepts throughout a variety of markets found within Canada, the United States, and abroad since 2009. Specializing in startups, KRG is known for originality and innovation, rejecting cookie-cutter approaches to client projects. The agency provides clients with a clear framework tailored to their specific projects, helping to realize their vision for a scalable, sustainable, profitable, memorable, and consistent business. Learn more at KRGHospitality.com. Connect with KRG Hospitality and the Bar Hacks podcast on social: KRG Twitter, Bar Hacks Twitter, KRG Media Twitter, KRG LinkedIn.

Image: KRG Hospitality

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The NRA’s 2023 Culinary Trend Forecast

The National Restaurant Association’s 2023 Culinary Trend Forecast

by David Klemt

Cheesy chicken sandwich on paper wrapper

Ahead of the beginning of a new year, the National Restaurant Association unveils their culinary trend predictions for 2023.

The report is the result of a collaboration between the NRA, Technomic, and the American Culinary Federation (ACF).

For those unfamiliar, Technomic is at the forefront of foodservice trend tracking, industry research, and analysis. Likewise, the ACF is a premier industry organization. Tracing its founding to 1929, the ACF promotes “the professional image of American chefs worldwide through education of culinarians at all levels.”

To predict what will be “hot” next year, the NRA, Technomic, and ACF sent the 17th annual What’s Hot survey to thought leaders and chefs. In direct partnership with the Technomic Menu Research & Insights Division, the NRA predicted the top menu trends from 110 items spanning 11 categories.

Now, this isn’t a full dive into the report in its entirety. Rather, we strongly encourage our readers to download a copy of What’s Hot 2023 Culinary Forecast for themselves and their teams.

What readers will find below are the top 10 trends for 2023. Additionally, we’ll share the top three macro trends for next year, as forecast by the NRA and their partners.

More than Food

Somewhat surprisingly, the NRA’s top-ten list of culinary trends isn’t just a list of food items. Instead, this forecast paints a picture of where restaurants are heading in 2023.

While there are some specific cuisine predictions, the NRA’s top culinary predictions show us, in part, how consumers want to experience the restaurants they visit.

  1. Southeast Asian cuisines (examples: Vietnamese, Singaporean)
  2. Zero waste/Sustainability/Upcycled foods
  3. Globally inspired salads
  4. Sriracha variations
  5. Menu streamlining
  6. Flatbread sandwiches/Healthier wraps
  7. Comfort fare
  8. Charcuterie boards
  9. Fried chicken sandwiches and Chicken sandwiches “3.0” (example: fusion of flavors)
  10. Experiences/Local culture and community

As we can see, operators and consumers expect tighter, more concept-specific menus. Also, comfort foods; shareable (and “Instagrammable”) items like charcuterie boards; and items that show local and global influences may be hot in 2023.

One can consider, then, streamlining their menu to include their top sellers along with local and/or global flavors authentic to their brand.

Below, readers will see that three of the trends above make up the NRA’s top-three 2023 macro trends:

  1. Menu streamlining
  2. Comfort fare
  3. Experiences/Local culture and community

Operator and Consumer Behavioral Shifts

Looking at the macro trends, it’s reasonable to believe the past few years will influence 2023 heavily.

Operators are dealing with inflation, higher costs for everything, labor shortages. Further, according to Datassential, more than a third of American operators are experiencing low traffic and sales levels.

We can expect these issues to follow us into 2023, at least for Q1 and Q2. Therefore, the NRA’s macro trends forecast makes sense. Streamlining menus often leads to streamlining the back and front of house. In turn, doing so can lower costs and boost staff retention.

On the consumer side, it appears comfort foods, chicken sandwiches, and experiences are driving visits and online orders. These are, as we all know, behavioral shifts we can trace back to the start of the pandemic.

We always suggest proceeding with caution, logic, and data when considering embracing trends. Missing out on trends can be just as costly as latching onto a trend too late.

That said, the macro trends certainly seem reasonable. Only time will tell, but the NRA’s 2023 forecast certainly contains several items operators and their teams should give serious consideration.

Image: Arabi Ishaque on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

169 Grants May be the End of the RRF

169 Grants May be the End of the RRF

by David Klemt

Empty, broken plate on floor

UPDATE: According to some sources, the report of $180 million in “leftover” RRF money are inaccurate. The disbursement of $83 million represents the final release of RRF funds.

The $83 million in grants going out this week to 169 recipients may be the end of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund in its entirety.

Unfortunately, it’s possible last week’s awards represent the final grants. This, despite the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finding $180 million in funds in July.

As far as the sources of these funds, that topic remains a bit vague.

However, the story is that more than $150 million are the result of clawbacks. More than a third, if reporting is accurate, is the result of recipients or financial institutions returning grants. Reports indicate another $24 million come from the SBA setting aside $24 million for litigation.

Per the National Restaurant Association months ago, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 does not include a provision for a litigation fund. Therefore, the NRA called for the SBA to disburse that money to RRF applicants.

What we do know is that last week’s RRF grant recipients should be receiving their funds this week. According to the SBA, 169 recipients were awarded a portion of $83 million in RRF money.

Again, that’s money the GAO found back in July. It’s also less than half of the reported $180 million the government agency found this summer.

Given the fact that the SBA announced a disbursement of just 46 percent of the “leftover” funds, many believed another round was in the works. Sadly, that may not be the case. It’s possible—and increasingly likely, regrettably—that the rest of the $180 million in funds won’t go to grant applicants.

Now, I want to be clear on one important point: I’m relieved for the 169 grant recipients. I truly hope the funds arrive in time to help them and their teams.

While I’ll feel disappointment if a second round of the $180 million never materializes, I’m happy for those who received a portion of the $83 million awarded last week.


So, where does the industry go from here? The failure of Congress to replenish the RRF left a reported 150,166 applicants with zero assistance. According to Nation’s Restaurant News, it would have taken $41 billion to award each applicant a grant. Obviously, $180 million was never going to serve to help that many applicants.

Frustratingly, the answer to the question above appears to be: Move forward on our own. And that unsatisfactory answer has flooded with me opinions.

One opinion? Our industry, it seems, is always left to fend for itself. Despite the millions of people hospitality employs, lawmakers and politicians don’t seem willing to assist us—and therefore their constituents—in meaningful ways.

Another opinion? Perhaps we need to build a more powerful lobby to have our voices heard. Such an effort began in earnest to support the RRF. However, too many elected officials were comfortable refusing to replenish the fund.

A third opinion was shaped by Eileen Wayner, CEO of Tales of the Cocktail. As a guest on the Bar Hacks podcast she addressed the perception of operators and hospitality workers as being adaptable and resilient.

While those characteristics can be admirable, Wayner expressed something I think we all feel: Sometimes, we’re tired of being resilient. Sometimes, we’re tired of being expected to adapt. There are times our industry needs help.

When you’re constantly seen as resilient, people believe you don’t need assistance. What we’ve seen with the RRF and its failed replenishment is that too many people with the power to help can write us off. “They’re resilient,” they say. “They’ll figure it out. They’ll be fine.”

Well, we’re not all “fine.” We needed help, and we deserved it.

Image: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

$28.82 per Hour for NYC Delivery Workers?

$28.82 per Hour for NYC Delivery Workers?

by David Klemt

Delivery worker on bicycle on city street

In response to the New York City Council’s proposal of $23.82 per hour for delivery workers, some “deliveristas” are asking for more.

Now, before we proceed, no, this isn’t a re-run of an article from last week. This isn’t a case of déjà vu—it’s the evolution of a news story that’s developing rapidly.

So, how much more do delivery workers in NYC want? Well, they’re after a significant bump over the council’s minimum hourly wage proposal.

Requesting that the NYC Council more accurately account for deliverista expenses, some delivery workers are asking for $28.82 per hour.

Early last week, a group consisting of Los Deliveristas Unidos and the Worker’s Justice Project members came together. They gathered at New York City Hall to make their stance on the NYC Council’s minimum wage proposal.

As the deliveristas see it, an increase from $23.82 to $28.82 more accurately reflects their operating expenses. The argument is compelling when one considers costs beyond fuel.

Asking for More

After all, not every delivery worker in NYC (and other markets) uses a car, truck or SUV to make deliveries. That should explain the use of the term “delivery worker,” not “delivery driver.” Some deliveristas ride motorcycles, mopeds, or bicycles. I’m willing to bet some even use scooters, rollerblades, or skateboards.

Using any mode of transportation as a delivery worker comes with requirements, both legal and practical. For example, deliveristas must maintain insurance, maintain their transportation, and purchase and maintain safety equipment.

And yes, that safety equipment is crucial. According to some reports, around a third of NYC those who deliver on two wheels have been injured on the job. Tragically, 33 delivery workers have been killed since 2020. In fact, NYC says delivery workers have the highest injury rate.

Another interesting development may seem semantic. However, when one takes time to truly consider the point it’s rather poignant.

In asking for the proposal of $23.82 to rise by $5 by 2025, are asking for a living wage. Not minimum wage, as the proposal frames the hike, but a living wage.

One worker, Antonio Solís, as quoted by The City, a non-profit NYC news publication, explained: “We are asking the city to make a $5 adjustment, to go that extra mile to ensure we get to a living wage.”

A Request, not a Rejection

It’s also important to note that NYC’s delivery workers aren’t rejecting the council’s minimum wage proposal. Rather, the request is that the council considers updating their proposal ahead of a December 16 public hearing on the matter.

So far, companies like DoorDash, Grubhub, and Uber Eats haven’t released much in the way of statements. However, there have been reports quoting a handful of representatives. In pushing back against the proposal, they’ve mentioned increased costs; reduced deliveries; and the possibility of “locking out” deliveristas if delivery demand is low at a given time.

Should legislation go into effect after the public hearing, it’s likely we’ll see lawsuits from the delivery companies.

Image: Patrick Connor Klopf on Unsplash
