Boutique motel

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Double Char Bourbon Launches Nationwide

Bib & Tucker Double Char Bourbon Launches Nationwide

by David Klemt

Bib & Tucker Double Char bourbon bottle and cocktail

A smoky bourbon that draws inspiration from the savory side of the culinary world is finally, mercifully available throughout the US.

We’ve been waiting patiently, having shared the news of this new release back in June. We’re excited to be able to update that story: Everyone can finally get their hands on this unique small-batch bourbon.

Double Char is an innovative Tennessee bourbon rested for six years in new white American oak barrels that weighs in at 88 proof. And whether people to choose to snap bottles up online or off-premise, this smoky sipper from Bib & Tucker Small Batch Bourbon is ready for action.

What this means for operators and bar teams, of course, is that the bourbon lovers and bourbon-curious among guests will expect to find Double Char on bar menus across the country.

This is great news for bar and restaurant operators who encourage collaboration between front- and back-of-house teams. Double Char has been described as “a smoky sweet BBQ in a bottle.” This culinary inspiration will allow bartenders and chefs to work together to wow guests with specialty cocktails that pair incredible well with all manner of rich, savory, smoky dishes.

I, for one, foresee mouthwatering LTO cocktails and specialty prix fixe experiences centered on Double Char on the horizon.

To learn more about Bib & Tucker Double Char, click here or review the press release below. And to learn more about Bib & Tucker, click here to listen to episode 59 of the Bar Hacks podcast.


Bib & Tucker Small Batch Bourbon Announces Double Char Innovation

New Savory, Smoky Bourbon Inspired by the Flavor of Food Smoked on the Open Flame

STAMFORD, Conn., May 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/—Bib & Tucker Small Batch Bourbon is proudly announcing the release of Bib & Tucker Double Char Bourbon.

Inspired by the turn of the century, when food was cooked on the open flame, this new bourbon is aged twice to create savory smoky notes and an exceptionally smooth finish. Bib & Tucker Double Char is first aged for six years in the rolling hills of Tennessee in new white American oak, followed by a minimum of five months in a second heavily charred and smoked new barrel. This unique fire-forged double char aging method creates the rich and deep flavor of Bib & Tucker Double Char.

“I can’t wait for consumers to try this delicious expression,” said Tom Steffanci, President of Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits. “Double Char spends just the right amount of time in the second heavily charred barrel, creating a savory, smoky character that adds a whole new dimension to the bourbon.”

As a Tennessee bourbon, Bib & Tucker follows the Lincoln County process unique to the state, meaning the bourbon is filtered through sugar maple charcoal before going into the barrel for aging.

For Double Char, to pay homage to the Lincoln County process, the second barrel is smoked with sugar maple before being filled with the brand’s 6-year aged bourbon. The perfect amount of time in the barrels, the char, and the sugar maple barrel smoking process delivers a bourbon with an inviting savory white smoke flavor not found in any other whiskey on the market.

Bib & Tucker Double Char Tasting Notes:

  • Nose: A touch of smoke with immediate notes of toasted oak and dulce de leche, background notes of cinnamon and clove
  • Palate: Vanilla and sugar maple surrounded with white smoke, hints of sweet corn and toasted cinnamon
  • Finish: Medium to long finish with oak, white smoke and vanilla
  • Color: Deep rich mahogany with copper undertones

The lineup of Bib & Tucker Small Batch Bourbon includes:

  • The Classic Six: 6-Year-Old Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey – SRP: $54.99; 92 proof/46% ABV
  • Double Char: 6-Year-Old Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey – SRP: $54.99; 88 proof/44% ABV
  • 10-Year-Old Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey – SRP: $89.99; 92 proof/46% ABV

Bib & Tucker Double Char will be available nationally, in-store and online, beginning August 2023.

Image: Bib & Tucker

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Top-performing Menu Items in the US

Top-performing Menu Items in the US (So Far)

by David Klemt

Barbecue chicken wings, chili peppers, and chili flakes

Thanks to a recent mid-year report from F&B intelligence platform Datassential, we now know the top-performing menu items in the US.

For the low, low price of filling out a handful of fields, you can download a copy of Datassential’s “Foodbytes: 2023 Midyear Trend Report” for yourself.

There’s plenty of useful data packed into this short report. You may find some of the top food items a bit surprising.

But First…

Datassential does more than just list the top mid-year menu performers in their latest report. There are also a couple of interesting datapoints for operators to consider.

The first piece of information is an alarming statistic: 54 percent of consumers are of the belief that “tipping culture has gotten out of control.”

As we’ve reported earlier, it’s likely that a major driver of “tip fatigue” comes from retail. The expectation for consumers to tip at a restaurant, bar or nightclub is ingrained deeply in American culture.

However, consumers throughout America are being prompted to tip after just about every transaction they’re attempting to complete. In fact, it’s not just retail that has been encouraging (in some cases, guilting) people to tip. Some contractors are also adding tip lines when handing over tablets to clients so they can pay their invoices.

One result is that servers and bartenders are reporting lower tips; guests are so over tipping that they’re pushing back against the practice in venues where they’d traditionally have no problem doing so.

Of course, tip fatigue isn’t the only reason consumers are pushing back against tipping. Many people feel that operators should increase what they pay staff. Indeed, some people feel that operators are asking them to subsidize their employee pay. Whether they’d be happy to pay higher prices remains to be seen.

Fads Aren’t Bad?

Whenever we cover trends or discuss them with clients, we caution against chasing too many (or the “wrong” trends). And fads? It can be even riskier to hop on the bandwagon of something that may never even reach the trend stage of its lifecycle.

However, likely due to the ubiquity of TikTok, consumers expect restaurants to embrace fads. According to Datassential, 67 percent of consumers overall “want to see more fads at restaurants and retail.”

That number jumps to 74 percent when focusing on Millennials and Gen Z.

So, while we still caution operators about jumping on fads (or “micro trends”) and trends, that doesn’t mean be too cautious. If a fad or trend works with your brand and won’t cost much to feature, at least give it consideration.

Not sure you’re great at identifying fads that will work for your business? Ask your staff which fads and trends are hot at the moment.

Speaking of Hot…

Alright, let’s take a look at the F&B items Datassential identifies as popular at the midway point of 2023.

Again, I encourage you to download the report in its entirety. You can do just that by clicking here.

But for those who want instant gratification, check out these menu items:

  • Super Duper: Let’s kick things off with the hottest chain LTO, the Denny’s Super Slam. Per Datassential, restaurant chains have already featured in excess of 2,000 LTOs in 2023. The F&B intel agency tests them all, and the Super Slam is wearing the LTO crown at the moment.
  • Chef Chatbot: Datassential tapped ChatGPT to create a burger recipe and had Midjourney create an image for the resulting Caprese Avocado Burger. More than half of consumers surveyed—57 percent—want to try it at a restaurant.
  • Big Winner: Datassential asked consumers a simple question: Which would you rather eat for the rest of your life, a hamburger or a hot dog? A staggering 87 percent chose hamburgers, meaning just 13 percent of consumers would choose a hot dog over it’s burger buddy.
  • What a Pickle: Back in March we checked out Slice’s Slice of the Union report, and it predicted pickle pizzas would be a hot trend this year. Well, Datassential has crunched the numbers and says 40 percent of consumers are aware of this pizza style already. Looks like Slice may be proven right by the end of the year.
  • Speed Demon: Curious about the fastest-growing menu item on the US? Well, wonder no more: Datassential says it’s the barbecue chicken wing. Over the past year, they’ve grown 373 percent on menus across the States. Datassential posits the overall growth of chicken and the embracing of flavor trends like Carolina gold barbecue sauce are contributing factors.

There’s a lot to unpack here, so I’ll leave you to it. Just remember that when it comes to fads and trends, there’s a fine line between what’s hot, what’s not, and jumping on the wrong one. Good luck!

Image: Ahmed Bhutta on Pexels

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Should You Offer Your Guests Brunch?

Should You Offer Your Guests Brunch?

by David Klemt

Person with tattoos pouring coffee from French press

Is brunch on its way to becoming a lucrative daypart that can grow traffic, increase revenue, boost guest engagement, and promote loyalty?

If a report from Square is anything to go off, yes.

Owing in part to changes in consumer behavior from 2019 to now, brunch appears to be a solid traffic and revenue generator. The number of people working from home is impacting daypart spending, which makes sense. Traditional office workers will often pop into a QSR or cafe for coffee and breakfast on their way in to work. And when lunch rolls around, they tend to head out to restaurants nearby for their break.

Now, the data support the belief that more people are staying home on weekdays and unleashing pent-up demand for socializing and dining out on the weekends. And apparently that demand is rather voracious, because brunch appears to be on the rise.

In 2019, just over eight percent of all dining dollars were spent on Saturdays during traditional brunch hours. That has grown to just over ten percent this year.

In terms of engagement and bringing more brand awareness, the term itself is growing on social media platforms.

Along with revisiting hours of operation, it may be wise for operators to consider offering Saturday or Sunday brunch.


Yes, that’s a brunch-style portmanteau of “brunch” and “history.” No, I’m not proud of myself but I’m leaving it in.

The portmanteau “brunch” is believed to have first been coined by a British writer named Guy Beringer in 1895. He included the word in an article he wrote for Hunter’s Weekly. Beringer was making the case for noontime meal that combined breakfast and lunch.

In arguing for what may be the world’s first hybrid meal, Beringer wrote that, “the arguments in favor of Brunch are incontestable. In the first place it renders early rising not only unnecessary but ridiculous. You get up when the world is warm, or at least, when it is not so cold. You are, therefore, able to prolong your Saturday nights…”

The word would appear a year later in a Pennsylvanian publication called the New Oxford. More than 30 years later, brunch was on its way to becoming “a thing” in the US.

Oh, and there are arguments that an American reporter, Frank Ward O’Malley, who should credit for the word “brunch.” Those who believe this is the case say O’Malley created the portmanteau some time between 1906 and 1919. As is the case with many classic cocktails, the origin of brunch is at least somewhat hazy.

By the 1970s, the stigma that once came with brunch—that drinking publicly during the day could harm one’s reputation—began to dissipate.

Brunch by the Numbers

According to Square, brunch is appealing for several reasons.

Let’s take a look at this infamous daypart by the numbers.

  • 9.8 percent: Growth in the number of restaurants in the US offering breakfast and brunch in 2022 alone.
  • 10 percent: Amount of overall spending in restaurants on Saturdays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM in 2023.
  • 35 million: Number of #brunch Instagram posts, and the number is growing.
  • 4.5 billion: Number of TikTok views of posts with #brunch.
  • 71 percent: Number of Americans who wish restaurants in the US would serve breakfast items all day.

To me, the most striking statistic is that brunch spending now accounts for ten percent of all restaurant spending.

That spend is logical when we think about who tends to enjoy brunch: people with time and money to spend on a leisurely, all-day meal.

As professor Farha Ternikar, author of Brunch: A History, has said, “Brunch continues to grow anywhere there is disposable income or time.”

So, operators who are considering offering brunch for the time or investing more into brunch have some questions to answer: Who is my target audience? What’s the population density of my market? Who has disposable income and time? Should I offer brunch on Saturday, Sunday, or both days? Does brunch work for my concept? Which venues near me are already offering brunch?

Answer those questions and speak with your staff before jumping feet first into this potentially lucrative daypart.

Image: Helena Lopes on Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Taco Bell Celebrates Taco Tuesday Win

Taco Bell Celebrates Taco Tuesday Win

by David Klemt

Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco and sauce packet

Taco Bell, fresh off their victory in petitioning for the cancellation of the “Taco Tuesday” mark, will open a $5 million taco tab on September 12.

There’s no arguing that over at least the past few years Taco Bell has become the master of LTOs and attention-grabbing, loyalty-strengthening, and headline-generating promotions.

This campaign further solidifies the brand’s status as king of the fast-food campaigns.

“Taco T**sday” to “Taco Tuesday”

It’s highly unlikely that consumers and operators alike are unaware of the company’s “Taco T**sday” ads. The campaign, while playful, put a spotlight on the fact that, until recently, “Taco Tuesday” was a registered trademark.

Rather than spend millions of dollars to fight Taco Bell, Taco John’s, who previously had the rights to the mark, opted to relinquish the rights to the mark. Taco Bell’s argument was that nobody should be permitted to mark a common phrase.

“We’ve always prided ourselves on being the home of Taco Tuesday, but paying millions of dollars to lawyers to defend our mark just doesn’t feel like the right thing to do,” said Jim Creel, Taco John’s CEO. “As we’ve said before, we’re lovers, not fighters, at Taco John’s. So in that spirit, we have decided to begin sharing Taco Tuesday with a pledge to contribute $100 per location in our system to restaurant employees with children who are battling a health crisis, death or natural disaster. And we’re challenging our litigious competitors and other taco-loving brands to join us in supporting the people who serve our favorite food to guests across the nation.”

In fact, Creel fired a shot across the bow at Taco Bell at other rivals. After announcing their pledge to CORE, the CEO challenged other brands that want to use “Taco Tuesday” to do the same. The result would be quite the donation, considering that Taco John’s operates 400 restaurants in 21 states and Taco Bell alone operates more than 7,200 in the US. Look overseas and that number jumps up by about 1,000 locations in 30 countries.

Taco John’s has reportedly made good on their pledge, donating $40,000 to CORE, Children of Restaurant Employees.

What’s in a Mark?

Fast-food chain Taco John’s trademarked the phrase back in 1989. However, back in 1984, a California-based restaurant, Tortilla Flats, registered the trademark. According to some sources, the mark lapsed and Taco John’s snapped it up. That said, Tortilla Flats has sued other California restaurants for using the phrase throughout the years.

Interestingly, Taco John’s only had rights to the mark in 49 states. The exception is New Jersey, where Gregory’s owns the trademark. In fact, anyone who visits their site (as of the publication of this article) will see the phrase “Home of the Original Taco Tuesday!” right at the top.

However, it may surprise some to learn that a celebrity who appeared in Taco Bell’s “Taco T**sday” ads attempted to trademark the phrase in 2019. That celebrity? None other than Lebron James.

Clearly, this seemingly simple two-word phrase is a valuable trademark. It’s also likely that plenty of restaurants across the US have been surreptitiously using the phrase to drive traffic to their venues on Tuesdays for years.

The fact that Lebron James showed interest in the trademark and Taco Bell likely spent millions of dollars in ad revenue to have Taco John’s mark canceled shows the value. Time will tell how many millions of dollars the phrase will be worth to Taco Bell and other restaurant brands across the US.

Taco Tab

Some will see Taco Bell’s campaign as a massive brand bullying a smaller rival. Others will agree that it’s unfair for anyone to own the rights to such a common phrase.

In terms of exposure, I think this battle will help Taco John’s experience further growth. Last year was a banner year for growth for the franchise, and the brand was seeing growth back in 2021 as well.

After doing some digging, I learned that seven Taco John’s locations are owned by corporate; the plan for 2023 is to go from 375 stores to 400; and another 20 to 25 locations are planned for 2024. Per the Taco John’s website, initial layout for a franchise is between $942,000 and $1.4 for a single unit. A single franchise location generates annual revenue of around $1.2 million, on average.

Regarding Taco Bell, the brand is celebrating their victory—framed as a victory for all restaurants—with another of their famous and effective LTOs. On August 15, August 22, August 29, and September 5, Taco Bell guests can score a free Doritos Locos Taco. But the big celebration comes on September 12.

For that upcoming Taco Tuesday, Taco Bell will open a $5 million tab with DoorDash across the United States, with the exception of New Jersey. Again, Gregory’s owns the rights to the “Taco Tuesday” mark in the Garden State.

On September 12, Taco Bell will cover a portion of orders placed through the third-party delivery app to participating restaurants that offer Mexican cuisine. This does help the fast-food titan make the case that they fought this battle not just for themselves but all foodservice brands that wish to use the phrase “Taco Tuesday” without fear of legal action.

For further information, read the official Taco Bell press release below.

Taco Bell's "Liberate Taco T**sday" court petition


Irvine, Calif. (August 8, 2023) – To celebrate the liberation of the Taco Tuesday trademark registration in 49 states, and to support and spotlight restaurants who now have the right to freely use Taco Tuesday, Taco Bell has announced that on Tuesday, September 12, Taco Tuesday fans (nearly) everywhere* can celebrate Taco Tuesday (nearly) anywhere – and Taco Bell will help pay for it.

On Taco Tuesday, September 12, Taco Bell, in partnership with DoorDash, is opening a $5 million taco tab to cover a portion of taco fans’ orders from any participating vendor selling Mexican cuisine. Because now that Taco Tuesday is free* – your tacos should be, too.

Leading up to the September 12 celebration, all Taco Bell locations will be offering a free Doritos® Locos Taco every Tuesday, no purchase necessary, on 8/15, 8/22, 8/29 and 9/5**.

“Taco Tuesday belongs to all who make, sell, eat and celebrate tacos, and this Free-For-All will not only thank taco fans who supported the cause, but will also spotlight local restaurants and vendors who can now embrace Taco Tuesdays without fear of legal action,” said Taco Bell U.S. Chief Marketing Officer, Taylor Montgomery. “When tacos win, we all win. We all win when Taco John’s decides to release its trademark registration, we all win when taco vendors everywhere are free to join the movement, and we all win when taco fans can freely celebrate and support Taco Tuesdays at Taco Bell or anywhere else.”

The Road to Freeing Taco Tuesday

In May 2023, Taco Bell took a bold step on behalf of taco lovers nationwide by filing legal petitions to cancel the two Taco Tuesday trademark registrations. The aim was simple: to free the phrase for restaurants nationwide. The message was clear: Taco Tuesday belongs to everyone, from Taco Bell to Taco John’s to your favorite local taco spot.

In late July, Taco John’s courageously decided to abandon its Taco Tuesday trademark registration. Not only did Taco John’s act benefit thousands of businesses across 49 states by making the term Taco Tuesday more freely available, Taco John’s also made a meaningful donation to Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) for $40,000, which the Taco Bell Foundation has matched.

Supporting The Taco Community

Taco Bell has also committed to donating $1 million in partnership with the Taco Bell Foundation to support young people who make, sell, eat and celebrate tacos. Donations made by Rounding Up at checkout on Tuesdays will be matched up to $1 million. These donations will continue to fund the Taco Bell Foundation’s Community Grants and the Live Más Scholarship for fans and team members.

*The Taco Tuesday trademark registration has been canceled in all states except New Jersey. Therefore, the DoorDash offer will be limited to the 49 states where Taco Tuesday has been freed.

**NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Offer valid on Tuesdays 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, and 9/5 only during local store operating hours while supplies last. Limit one (1) regular Free Seasoned Beef Nacho Cheese Doritos®

Locos Tacos per person, per offer day, available at participating U.S. Taco Bell® locations only. Not available with delivery orders unless placed directly on the Taco Bell app (delivery fees, taxes and tip apply). App and web orders require inputting offer code and customer must add a DLT to their cart. Not valid with any other offer. No substitutions. No cash value. Void where prohibited. Terms:

About Taco Bell Corp.

For more information about Taco Bell, visit our website at, our Newsroom at or You can also stay up to date on all things Taco Bell by following us on LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Images: Taco Bell

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Cheers to the 2023 World Beer Cup Winners

Cheers to the 2023 World Beer Cup Winners

by David Klemt

Flight of beers offering different styles

Raise a glass or hoist a stein in celebration of the 2023 World Beer Cup winners, a collection of some of the most incredible brews on the planet.

Since 1996, the World Beer Cup has established itself as “the Olympics of Beer” and is hosted by the Brewers Association. This year, 272 judges from 26 countries ranked submissions from 2,376 brewers across 103 categories. A staggering 10,213 beers were entered in the 2023 World Beer Cup.

On average, 99 beers are submitted for each category. Of note, no category is guaranteed to have three medalists. In theory, the judges assessing a given category may award only a silver or bronze medal, determining that there is no outstanding entrant deserving of gold.

While the average per category is 99 entrants, some styles have hundreds. The first five categories below boasted the most entrants in 2023.

For our coverage of the 2022 World Beer Cup winners, click here.

American-style India Pale Ale

412 entrants

  • Gold: Head Hunter (Fat Head’s Brewery & Saloon; North Olmsted, Ohio, USA)
  • Silver: Applied Science (Sunriver Brewing Co.; Sunriver, Oregon, USA)
  • Bronze: Old West (Craft Coast Beer & Tacos; Oceanside, California, USA)

Juicy or Hazy India Pale Ale

374 entrants

  • Gold: Wherever You Go (Green Cheek Beer Co.; Costa Mesa, California, USA)
  • Silver: Nectaronus Prime (Moksa Brewing Co.; Rocklin, California, USA)
  • Bronze: Nelson Hazy IPA (Prison Pals Brewing Co.; Doral, Florida, USA)

German-style Pilsener

233 entrants

  • Gold: Pils (Von Ebert Brewing, Pearl District; Portland, Oregon, USA)
  • Silver: Dollar Pils Y’all (Holler Brewing Co.; Houston, Texas, USA)
  • Bronze: Bibo (Creature Comforts Brewing Co., Southern Mills; Athens, Georgia, USA)

International Light Lager

220 entrants

  • Gold: Anne Bonny (Le Corsaire – Microbrasserie Pirate; Lévis, Québec, Canada)
  • Silver: 3Speed (Amsterdam Brewing Co.; Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
  • Bronze: Ultra Secret Enigma (Liability Brewing Co.; Greenville, South Carolina, USA)

Wood- and Barrel-aged Strong Stout

202 entrants

  • Gold: Big Mistake (11 Below Brewing Co.; Houston, Texas, USA)
  • Silver: BA Sexual Chocolate (Foothills Brewing; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA)
  • Bronze: Vladislav (Diebolt Brewing Co., Denver, Colorado, USA)

I selected another dozen categories, which you’ll find below. These include American Wheat Beer, Non-alcohol Beer, and Pumpkin Beer.

For the full list of 2023 World Beer Cup winners, please click here. Cheers!

Session India Pale Ale

  • Gold: Wild Gravity (Bend Brewing Co.; Bend, Oregon, USA)
  • Silver: Trump Hands (Cannonball Creek Brewing Co.; Golden, Colorado, USA)
  • Bronze: Summatime (603 Brewery; Londonberry, New Hampshire, USA)

American Wheat Beer

  • Gold: Taildragger 5G (Saddle Mountain Brewing Co.; Goodyear, Arizona, USA)
  • Silver: Meister (Eppig Brewing; Vista, California, USA)
  • Bronze: Miner’s Gold (Lewis & Clark Brewing Co.; Helena, Montana, USA)

Belgian Fruit Beer

  • Gold: Central City Brewing Framboise (Central City Brewers and Distillers; Surrey, British Columbia, Canada)
  • Silver: Vieux Bois Lambic Inspired Ale w/ Cranberry & Raspberry (Bozeman Brewing Co.; Bozeman, Montana, USA)
  • Bronze: Turtle Kriek (Peticolas Brewing Co.; Dallas, Texas, USA)

Belgian-style Sour Ale

  • Gold: Vintage 2022 (New Glarus Brewing Co.; New Glarus, Wisconsin, USA)
  • Silver: Chance, Luck and Magic 2020 (Garage Project; Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Bronze: Borealis (Lamplighter Brewing Co.; Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)

English-style Brown Ale

  • Gold: Shhhhhh…This Is Ryan’s Award Winning Brown Ale (Green Cheek Beer Co., Costa Mesa; Costa Mesa, California, USA)
  • Silver: Black Cats (Streetside Brewery; Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
  • Bronze: Brown Ale (Grid City Beer Works; Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)

South German-style Hefeweizen

  • Gold: Altstadt Hefe (Altstadt Brewery; Fredericksburg, Texas, USA)
  • Silver: Flying W Hefeweizen (Little Dry Creek Brewery; Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA)
  • Bronze: Fujizakura Kogen Beer Weizen (Fujizakura Heights Beer; Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan)

Classic Saison

  • Gold: Saaz Dryhopped Saison (33 Brewing Experiment; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
  • Silver: Juilletistes (Bruery Terreux; Placentia, California, USA)
  • Bronze: Valor (Tooth and Nail Brewing Co.; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Pumpkin Beer

  • Gold: Pumpkin Ale (Backpocket Brewing; Coralville, Iowa, USA)
  • Silver: Pumpkinator (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.; Houston, Texas, USA)
  • Bronze: Jack O’Lantern Ale (Bond’s Brewing Co.; Laramie, Wyoming, USA)

Chili Beer

  • Gold: Yellow Fever (Comrade Brewing Co.; Denver, Colorado, USA)
  • Silver: Kimchi Sour (Dokkaebier; Oakland, California, USA)
  • Bronze: Oaxaca Choca Mexican Chocolate Stout (New Realm Brewing Co., Charleston; Charleston, South Carolina, USA)

Smoke Beer

  • Gold: Unearthing the Orb (Resolute Brewing Co.; Centennial, Colorado, USA)
  • Silver: Smokehaus Bock (Devils Backbone Basecamp Brewpub & Meadows; Roseland, Virginia, USA)
  • Bronze: Colossal 2 (Port City Brewing Co.; Alexandria, Virginia, USA)

Gluten-free Wheat Beer

  • Gold: Ghostfish 8th Anniversary Beer (Ghostfish Brewing Co.; Seattle, Washington, USA)
  • Silver: Seven Spice Anniversary Saison (Holidaily Brewing Co.; Golden, Colorado, USA)
  • Bronze: Ripped Jeans and Wolf Shirts (ALT Brew; Madison, Wisconsin, USA)

Non-alcohol Beer

  • Gold: Superb-Owl (Uiltje Brewing Co.; Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands)
  • Silver: Just the Haze (Boston Beer Co., Samuel Adams Brewing Co.; Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
  • Bronze: Galactic Extra Dark (Big Drop Brewing Co.; Wilmington, Delaware, USA)

Image: Daniel Lee on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Bar 101 Techniques

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Celebrate the Negroni, Support Slow Food

Celebrate the Negroni and Support Slow Food

by David Klemt

Bartender pouring Negroni into glass

This month, operators will have the opportunity to sign their bars up to take part in the tenth-anniversary celebration of Negroni Week.

For 2023, Negroni Week hosts Imbibe Magazine and Campari are raising funds for Slow Food. Sponsors also include Cinzano, Bulldog Gin, Bols Genever, and Coopers’ Craft Bourbon.


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Negroni Week will take place from September 18 through September 24. Registration is now live and operators can sign up their bars via this link.

So, we’re helping spread the word early and giving operators and their teams plenty of time to prepare to participate this year.

Negroni Week 2023

After first launching in 2013, Negroni Week is celebrating their decennial year.

Over the course of ten years, Imbibe and Campari have seen tremendous growth and results. In its inaugural year (or perhaps inaugural week is more accurate), a little over 100 venues participated. In its second year, 1,300 venues registered for Negroni Week.

Now, thousands of venues sign up every year, helping to raise money for worthy causes. To date, Negroni Week boasts more than $4 million in funds for charitable organizations.

Participation really couldn’t be any simpler: register, make a donation of at least $25, serve Negronis and/or variations of Negronis, and donate proceeds from your Negroni Week LTO menu.

After completing registration and making at least the minimum donation, an operator’s venue will gain placement on the Negroni Week website. The listings are searchable by state and city. Venues that donate $250 or more will carry a Premium Donor designation.

Those looking for inspiration for their charity LTO menus can click here to sift through Negroni Week’s recipe database.

Slow Food

Simply put, Slow Food’s mission is to help everyone access food that’s good for them, good the people who grow it, and good the planet as a whole.

An even more succinct description comes from the Slow Food website: access to food that’s “good, clean, and fair for all.”

Further, Slow Food seeks to prevent the loss local food cultures, along with food traditions. The organization was founded in 1989 and is now active in more than 160 countries.

In the US, Slow Food operates as a 501(c)(3) organization and has been active in Canada for several years. The charitable organization has had a strong presence in the provinces of British Columbia, Calgary, Montréal, and Ontario.

Get Ready

With just three ingredients in a 1:1:1 ratio, any bar team should be able to handle putting delicious Negronis across the bar.

So, operators should ensure their team can craft a traditional Negroni while encouraging them to work on some creative variations.

We’ll see in a little over a month to celebrate Negroni Week!

Image: Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Complete Bar Menu Audit

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Piña Colada

Drink Donnybrook: Let’s Talk Piña Colada

by David Klemt

A bartender serving a cocktail in a pineapple-shaped glass

Temperatures are rising and there are still about six weeks of summer left, so let’s take a look at a refreshing warm-weather hero: the Piña Colada.

So far we’ve looked at the Martini and Whiskey Sour. Now, it’s another classic’s turn in the Drink Donnybrook spotlight.

One could claim that the Piña Colada is one of the original “lost cocktails.” Of course, that depends on which origin story turns out to be true.

If the Piña Colada dates back to the first quarter of the 19th century, then it’s a pirate cocktail once lost to the winds of time. Puerto Rican pirate Roberto Cofresí, also known as El Pirata Cofresí, supposedly served his crews a drink consisting of rum, coconut, and pineapple. Sounds like a Piña Colada to me.

The reason I said it could be considered an original lost cocktail is that Cofresí died in 1825. Disputed history says his drink recipe disappeared with his death.

However, the Piña Colada may have far less metal roots than being invented by a famous pirate. Puerto Rico’s official drink may have simply been created by a bartender.

One Drink, Three Bartenders

Ramón “Monchito” Marrero may have created the Piña Colada while at the helm of the Beachcomber Bar at the Caribe Hilton in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, in 1952. Or maybe it was 1954.

It’s almost like bartenders should be able to more easily protect their intellectual properties so we can identify their cocktails’ true origins.

Forgive the digression. You’ll be shocked—shocked, I say—to learn that another bartender may have created the Piña Colada. During the same year. At the same hotel.

That bartender is Ricardo García, and the claim is that he invented the drink during a coconut shortage.

Would it surprise you to learn that a third bartender working in Old San Juan also claimed credit for the Piña Colada? Ramón Portas Mignot said he came up with this tropical classic in 1963 at Barrachina. The restaurant and bar’s ownership apparently agreed, because they installed a plaque at the front door backing Mignot’s claim.

Hey, if it has a plaque, it must be true; they don’t just give those to anyone. Oh, and you can check out that plaque for yourself: Barrachina still exists and enjoys a 4.5 rating from over 4,100 Google reviews.

A Rough Patch

Unfortunately, once anointed “the world’s most famous drink,” the Piña Colada had a rough, well, several decades.

In the 1970s, the drink’s quality plunged and fell out of favor with cocktailians. Any technique for building the nautical libation went down the bar sink. It was easier and cheaper to just make Piña Coladas with premade mixes and cheap rum.

Add to that the trend toward serving bastardized versions in oversized glassware at mediocre hotel pools, tourist trap hotel bars, weird supper clubs nowhere near a beach, and on cruise ships and you can see why cocktail connoisseurs snubbed this classic.

The Cocktail Revolution of the 2000s helped restore the Piña Colada’s dignity and popularity. It may not find itself in as much demand as the Margarita or Daiquiri, but it’s no longer missing from serious cocktail programs.

So raise a Hurricane—or a cocktail glass or coupe—to the Piña Colada today. ¡Salud!


  • 2 ounces Light rum
  • 1 ½ ounces Cream of coconut
  • 1 ½ ounces Pineapple juice
  • ½ ounce Freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Pineapple leaf and pineapple wedge for garnish

For a more traditional preparation, fill a Hurricane glass with ice and set to the side. Add the liquid ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake for at least 30 seconds. Toss the ice from the Hurricane glass and replace with pebble ice. Strain cocktail into glass and garnish.

Now, you don’t need to serve a Piña Colada in a Hurricane. Plenty of bars and restaurants send them across the bar in coupes or other cocktails glasses, sans garnish. Speaking of garnishing this classic, some people expect whipped cream, a lime wedge or wheel, a cherry, or even all three. You’ll see bartenders serve them with sugar rims and umbrellas. Like me, you’ve probably also seen them served with an orange wheel.

Then there are the frozen Piña Coladas and fruit Piña Coladas, versions made with various styles of rum… People just can’t seem to resist putting their stamp on this classic.

Dealer’s choice, I suppose, or you can ask guests what preparation and garnish they prefer. Or, and this is the approach I recommend, nail down your bar’s signature Piña Colada, including garnish (or none).

Image: Kike Salazar N on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

iPourIt Releases Their 2023 Pour Report

iPourIt Releases Their 2023 Pour Report

by David Klemt

Beer pouring into glass from tap

Interactive self-serve beer experience platform iPourIt‘s latest report, the 2023 Pour Report, is now available for download and review.

iPourIt is a pioneer in the self-serve beverage space. While it may seem counter-intuitive to some, many guests have shown time and again that they enjoy using self-serve walls. For these guests, a not in any way insignificant number, iPourIt installations enhance the guest experience, increase loyalty, and boost revenue.

And while many people associate iPourIt and self-serve programs with beer, these systems can also pour wine, cocktails on tap, spirits, non-alcohol beverages, and soft drinks.


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Another benefit from iPourIt? Transparency and sharing of data. The company doesn’t limit providing valuable guest behavior insight to their clients. Rather, they make the data they collect available to anyone. Simply head to their website, fill out a few fields, and gain important beverage insights.

Anyone curious can choose between a standard report and a “pro” version. Both are free to download and peruse. People can also read our article that dives into their fourth-annual report via this link.

Below you’ll find key takeaways from their 2023 report. I strongly urge operators to download and review either report.

The Who

We agree that demographics are a metric that people and businesses often misuse. Valuegraphics can be far more effective for businesses looking to build loyalty and boost revenue.

Still, demographics can provide beneficial insights.

First, let’s look at how men and women used iPourIt systems in 2022. Men poured 20,477,288 ounces last year, whereas women poured 10,848,435 ounces. The average per pour for men was 6.4 ounces in comparison to 5.3 ounces per pour from women. On average, men spent $14.72 per visit to an iPourIt-equipped location; women spent $12.24.

Next, the generational breakdown. IPA was the number-one style poured for Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. For legal-drinking-age Generation Z drinkers, IPA came in second; their top pour style was cider. Likewise, Lager claimed second place for Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials. Second was IPA for Gen Z, and Lager was third. Wheat beer was third place for Boomers, fourth for Gen X and Millennials, and fifth for Gen Z. Sour came in fifth for Gen X and Millennials fourth for Gen Z; for Boomers, the style didn’t rank among the top five. Stout clinched the fifth spot for Boomers.

Finally, in terms of traffic, men of every age group poured more ounces than their female counterparts.

The What

Below, the top 10 styles of beer poured by men:

  1. Fruit beer
  2. Pale Ale
  3. Blonde
  4. Pilsner
  5. Stout
  6. Sour
  7. Wheat beer
  8. Cider
  9. Lager
  10. IPA

In descending order, the top five (download the report for the top ten) products poured by men were Michelob Ultra, Bud Light, Golden Road Brewing Mango Cart, Coors Light, and Modelo Especial.

And now the top styles of beer or category of beverage poured by women:

  1. Stout
  2. Fruit beer
  3. Blonde
  4. White wine
  5. Hard seltzer
  6. Wheat beer
  7. Sour
  8. Lager
  9. IPA
  10. Cider

Also in descending order, the top products poured by women were Michelob Ultra, Mango Cart by Golden Road Brewing, Bud Light, Ace Pineapple Cider, and Coors Light.

The Where

The 2023 Pour Report by iPourIt breaks the US down into five regions: West, Southwest, Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast.

Because our American head office is in Las Vegas and our hotel consultant is in Pennsylvania, we’ll look at the West and Northeast.

The top-five pours for the West in 2022 were:

  1. Bud Light
  2. Firestone Walker Brewing Co. 805
  3. Golden Road Brewing Mango Cart
  4. Coors Light
  5. Modelo Especial

While the top-five pours in the Northeast were:

  1. Blue Moon Brewing Co. Belgian White
  2. Allagash Brewing Co. White
  3. Lord Hobo Brewing Co. Boom Sauce
  4. Sloop Brewing Co. Juice Bomb
  5. Stella Artois

For the curious, Bud Light and Coors Light are categorized as American-style Light Lagers, 805 is a Blonde Ale, Mango Cart is a Wheat Ale, and Modelo Especial is a Mexican-style Pilsner. Blue Moon and Allagash White are both Belgian-style wheat beers (or Witbiers), Boom Sauce is a Double IPA, Juice Bomb is a Northeastern IPA, and Stella Artois is a Lager.

For further insights, please download this year’s iPourIt report here.

Image: cottonbro studio on Pexels

KRG Hospitality Beverage Programming

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: August 2023

5 Books to Read this Month: August 2023

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

Our inspiring and informative August book selections will help you and your bar team take your front of house and bar program to the next level.

For this month’s list we’re showcasing the 17th annual Spirited Awards finalists in the Best New Cocktail or Bartending Book category. So, below you’ll find the top-four nominees in that particular category, plus an additional self-improvement book.

To review the book recommendations from July 2023, click here.

Let’s jump in!

The Bartender’s Manifesto: How to Think, Drink, and Create Cocktails Like a Pro

First up, this book from June 2022 by Toby Maloney with Emma Janzen. Not only has this book won a James Beard Award, it took home this year’s Spirited Award for Best New Cocktail or Bartending Book.

From Amazon: “Take a raucous romp through the essential stages of fashioning cocktails and learn the hows and whys of bartending with acclaimed mixologist Toby Maloney and the team from The Violet Hour. When the pioneering cocktail bar opened in Chicago in 2007, it set a high standard with an innovative training program that teaches not just how to replicate classic cocktail recipes flawlessly, but how to embrace ingenuity, make smart decisions, and create original, inspired recipes from rote.”

Pick up the hardcover here.

Mindful Mixology: A Comprehensive Guide to No- and Low-Alcohol Cocktails with 60 Recipes

Next, Mindful Mixology by Derek Brown, with a foreword by Julia Bainbridge. As all operators should know by now, low- and no-ABV cocktails are here to stay. From aperitivo hour and zero-alcohol to simply drinking less but better, consumers are changing their relationships with cocktails. This book will help operators and their teams navigate the moderation movement.

From Amazon: “Creating these drinks isn’t as simple as removing the alcohol. No- and low-proof cocktails still have to be balanced and still have to be delicious, but they don’t operate exactly like cocktails with alcohol. The drinks Brown presents in this book are meticulously choreographed around taste, texture, body, and piquancy to result in surprisingly complex ‘adult beverages’ minus the booze.”

Grab the hardcover today.

Modern Classic Cocktails: 60+ Stories and Recipes from the New Golden Age in Drinks

Robert Simonson is also a James Beard Award-winning author up for a 2023 Spirited Award. Not only are there more than 60 cocktail recipes in Simonson’s book, he explores what it means for someone to create a modern classic cocktail. No, your bar team can’t simply “invent” a new drink and declare it a modern classicthere are actual considerations, like public opinion, that make it so.

From Amazon: “What elevates a modern cocktail into the echelon of a modern classic? A host of reasons, all delineated by Simonson in these pages. But, above all, a modern classic cocktail must be popular. People have to order it, not just during its initial heyday, but for years afterward. Tommy’s Margarita, invented in the 1990s, is still beloved, and the Porn Star Martini is the most popular cocktail in the United Kingdom, twenty years after its creation.”

Make sure to get your hardcover copy today.

The New York Times Essential Book of Cocktails (Second Edition): Over 400 Classic Drink Recipes With Great Writing from The New York Times

If you want hundreds of cocktail recipes and amazing writing, this is the book for you. There are more than 400 recipes in this book, from classics to modern craft drinks. Oh, and there are essays from an array of fantastic writers, including Rebekah Peppler, David Wondrich, Robert Simonson, and Jim Meehan. There are also interviews with icons like Ivy Mix and Sother Teague.

Truly, this is one of the most comprehensive cocktail books every printed.

Pick up this book in hardcover format now.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

A couple of weeks back, we had a KRG Hospitality team meeting about habits. Habits we’re proud to have developed, habits we’d like to focus on developing, and habits we’d like to work on losing. This book, from James Clear, is one of the resources we talked about.

From Amazon: “Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, listeners will be inspired and entertained with true stories from Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field.”

Order the paperback today.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: August 2023

Program for Unique Holidays: August 2023

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about your August holiday promotions.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and this month is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our July 2023 holidays list, click here.

August 4: International Beer Day

In and of itself, International Beer Day isn’t a unique or obscure holiday. However, with the vast array of brewers, beer styles, and beers on offer around the world, it can be a day to highlight unique and obscure beers.

This is one of the best holidays for you to make your guests aware of your more exclusive or lesser-known beer selections.

August 5: National Jamaican Patty Day

If your kitchen has the capability to make delicious pastries, this is a fantastic holiday. A Jamaican patty consists of layered, flaky crust wrapped around jerk chicken, beef, pork, or vegetables mixed with spices. These are delicious, great with a refreshing drink, and perfect for sharing. Oh, and you and your kitchen can decide how hot or mild to make the spices. Just make sure the flavors are authentic and that you honor the culture.

August 7: British Columbia Day, Heritage Day, Natal Day, New Brunswick Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Saskatchewan Day, and Terry Fox Day

In order, these are holidays celebrated in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Depending on the province, this is either a  guaranteed three-day holiday or a Monday that businesses can choose to give their employees off. That means for the most part, there’s plenty of opportunity to leverage a long weekend in seven provinces throughout Canada, perfect for highlighting food and drink promotions.

This also means that operators across America can feature F&B specials that celebrate their neighbors to the north. Get creative!

August 11: Play in the Sand Day

Should you be a beach- or lakefront property or otherwise located on sand, this is your time to shine. Set up games like cornhole, giant Jenga, and giant Connect Four, create an LTO menu that encourages groups to come socialize at your bar or restaurant, and celebrate in the sand.

August 16: National Rum Day

Again, this isn’t an unknown holiday. However, you can ensure you stand out on National Rum Day by getting your hands on unique bottles, such as funky rum styles and high-age-stagement expressions.

August 17: National Nonprofit Day

Do you, your guests, and your team support any nonprofits? If so, this is an excellent way to bring people together and raise some money for worthy causes. Further, National Nonprofit Day provides you with an opportunity to show your community that you care and give back.

August 22: National Bao Day

Much like National Jamaican Patty Day, National Bao Day gives you and your kitchen the opportunity to create fun foods that will excite and delight your guests. Just ensure your kitchen staff is up to the task of creating these delicious, steamed buns.

August 27: National Just Because Day

Have an idea for a promotion that doesn’t quite fit with anything on the calendar? This is the perfect day to let it rip!

August 29: National Lemon Juice Day

Lemon juice is a key ingredient for an incredible number of cocktails. So, shine a light on all the heavy lifting this citrus does in drinks! One way to accomplish this is by creating an LTO of your guests’ favorite drinks that feature lemon juice.

August 31: Eat Outside Day

Have outside seating? Have the capability of bringing food trucks into your parking lot or just outside your business? I think you know where I’m going with this, and what to do.

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

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