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Bar Hacks: ReFire: Episode 1, Part 1

Bar Hacks: ReFire: Episode 1, Part 1

by David Klemt

Bar Hacks: ReFire podcast "black paper" background cover

In the latest episode of the Bar Hacks podcast, I introduce an innovative format called Bar Hacks: Refire, tackling real-world hospitality scenarios.

Joined by Bradley Knebel, client services director at Empowered Hospitality, the first episode offers a fresh perspective on managing bar and restaurant challenges.

The discussion kicks off with a focus on staff management, addressing the question of rehiring former employees. What may seem like a simple question proves to be anything but when Bradley and I break down the interplay of labor shortages, cultural fit within a team, and other key elements.

Our goal, as it will be with every episode of ReFire, is for listeners to gain valuable insights into the decision-making process behind giving second chances, and the impact of such decisions on team dynamics.

Whether you’re a bar owner, manager, or aspiring hospitality professional, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and strategies to navigate the challenges of running a successful bar or restaurant.

Below, a transcript of the first part of the first episode of Bar Hacks: ReFire. Bradley and I jump into each scenario cold (for the most part), so the tone is conversational rather than formal. Cheers!

Transcript: Bar Hacks: ReFire: Episode One

David: Hey, welcome back to the Bar Hacks podcast… We’re gonna try something a little different today with the format, and I’m kind of playing around with it. I think I’m gonna call it Bar Hacks: ReFire because we’re giving people a second bite of the apple for a situation that maybe we read about that we don’t agree with, or that we can study and kind of revisit as a way to give some advice.

But my guest today is Bradley Knebel. He is the client services director at Empowered Hospitality. He worked for, I wanna say a decade, for Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group until a couple years ago. He was the GM of Tatiana, and he helped bring that restaurant to, I believe, a three-star review in The New York Times. It has also been recognized as the number one restaurant in New York City during its tenure. And we met at this year’s Flyover Conference, me and Bradley, and we were hanging out with the founders of that show, Sarah Engstrand and Greg Newman. (And just a little drive-by on Dave Kaplan, as well, was hanging out with us, of Death & Co.)

We just had some really great conversations, and some good drinks, and really good pizzas at that one spot. They were, I think, wood-fired out of a food truck. Really good. So, I was doing my second ever public speaking engagement, which was still nerve wracking for me. I know I do a podcast, but this is completely different than talking to a room full of industry experts and industry newbies who are hoping I can tell them something good. And I think, Bradley, it was your first public speaking since Empowered Hospitality and doing your thing over there, and you and Kaplan were nice enough to sit in on my session and actually ask me questions that were helpful for everyone else, and yourselves.

So, I had this idea bopping around in my head about a different podcast format, because I was like, “Well, I do interviews, but I don’t always get the chance to address, you know, operator topics and server topics, and bartender and chef topics, because I want the audience to learn from the expert that I’ve got on.” That’s my very long-winded way of saying, welcome, Bradley, and let’s try this new podcast format.

Bradley: Hi, Dave, thanks for having me. I’m super excited about this. I think it’s going to be a really fun format, and I like the Bar Hacks: ReFire because we’ve all had to refire something that didn’t come out right. Or you accidentally overcooked something because something else comes up in the moment, and you just totally forget that you have something cooking. So, I love the name. And also, for your second public speaking, I thought you did incredibly well. I certainly enjoyed your conversation, and it was also so relevant to what you do, and kind of what you and I have talked about in the past of like, how do you build successful restaurants from the ground up and where do you start? And we’ve even joked about how many people we’ve met who just say, “I have money, I want to open a restaurant. Let’s do this,” and don’t realize how hard it is. So, really excited to dive in on some of these questions we have today, and thank you so much for having me on the show today.

David: Absolutely. And hopefully we do many more of these.

The ReFire Format

David: So, for the audience, what happened is, I sifted through… I’m basically going through online—there’s subreddits that, basically, everybody knows there’s a subreddit for everything. Good or bad, there’s a subreddit for it. Servers have a subreddit. Bartenders, chefs, bar owners, restaurant owners, hotel owners… I mean, they all have subreddits. And then there’s just, you know, forums all over the internet. You can find pretty much any topic. And so, I’m kind of sifting through these for real-world situations. And the caveat there is we’re gonna take these at face value, for the most part. Unless someone is like, “I’m just kidding,” like, “I got you all like in the comments…”

But we’re going to accept that these are really happening, because anyone in the industry knows if you’ve been in there, you know, for a few years, everything happens in this industry. So, a lot of this stuff is believable, even as outlandish as it might sound. The only thing I’m going to do, really, and Bradley’s going to do when we bring these topics up, is we’re not going to read them verbatim. We’re going to summarize. And the reason for this is I don’t want people to get doxxed. I don’t want them to, you know, get review bombed because someone decided, “I’m going to side with the server on this and let’s review bomb this operator.” You know, things like that.

So, we’re trying to be general but still get to the crux of the situation, and I’m sure they’ll get more specific as we go. I chose three to start with; hopefully, we get to all three. If we have a great conversation on, like, the first one or two, we’ll save the third one, or you know, however it works, for the next one. But that’s how this is gonna work. I’m sure it’ll evolve, ‘cause I’m not, like, a strict, like, “Oh, this is how it’s going to be” ‘cause it’s quote-unquote “my podcast,” because I’m not like that. We’re going to have fun with this.

Situation 1: Second Chances? Hire Hard, and Manage Harder

David: Situation one is interesting. So, this is written ostensibly by a bar and restaurant owner, and we can all relate to this, you know, the past couple years. This one said the past year or so he’s had trouble—actually, I don’t know if it’s a he or she, I shouldn’t even say that—they have had trouble finding and keeping staff, and when they do keep them, keeping them happy.

So, the kitchen has two or three cooks. It’s a relatively small team. When it’s busy in the restaurant there are, from what I can interpret, there are two cooks on. And when it’s slow, one cook is doing everything. Pretty standard for a small operation, I would say. (These days, you’re trying to control labor costs. My business partner Doug will say, “We don’t cut costs, we control them.” You start cutting things and it can get ugly, and it’s a whole other can of worms. I’m sure Bradley would agree with that.)

They had a new hire, seemed perfect. From what I understand, they were a good fit because everybody relies on one another. Like, “Hey, I need to take this day off. Can you take this?” It’s very…it seems informal. They can just talk to each other and get things done. But because It’s a small team, they need someone reliable, which is what they thought they had. This is a part-time worker; they had another job.

Within that first month, just a slew of, just, unfortunate events struck this new hire, and they could not, they couldn’t sustain it. And so, they gave no notice—they just quit. The operator didn’t freak out in the, in the post, was just like, “That’s really disappointing that they didn’t even, you know, text me like, ‘Oh, I can’t do this for another two weeks.’” But it does seem like real life got in the way, and this person wouldn’t probably have been able to reliably give, you know, two weeks or a week.

However, a couple weeks after that happened, the person came to get, I assume, their first paycheck. Their last, but I’m assuming their only, paycheck. And I don’t think the operator was there. They talked to the lead chef, and they apologized, and they expressed that they had stabilized everything, and just a bad time all at once, basically. And they would really love to come back. And, in fact, they would like to come back full time. So, I don’t know if that means that, the job they lost, they couldn’t get that back, or they were just like, “You know what? I actually like this place. I would like to be here full time.”

And so, the whole point of the post was, do you give second chances? Or would you give second chances to someone who just quit and then shows up for their paycheck? So, because of what Empowered does, specializing in HR and things like that for this industry, I figure we’ll go with you first on this topic and see what your initial thoughts are.

Tornado People

Bradley: Yeah, I think some things that are really interesting about this question, and thanks for passing it over, is it was a really short tenure before the person left. Right? So, this cook in question was there for, I think it sounded like a month. And then because of life… And I think it’s important in this instance to state that the incidents that led to this employee leaving were outside of the workplace, and I think that’s an important distinction here. So, there were things that happened in this employee’s personal life. It was losing a job and some other pretty unfortunate situations that led to them basically leaving with no notice, which is never a great sign. That feels really terrible. As an operator, you’re now scrambling. You thought you had your plans in place. And for such a small team, as you mentioned earlier, if it’s a team of three or four people, losing one is a massive part of that labor force.

So, I think the flag here is: Do you think it’s repeatable? Do you think that that one blip and moment was a really unfortunate circumstance? We’ve all met—I like to call them tornado people, where for good or for bad, things just spiral around them. Things are just never going well. There’s always: breaking this lease; I had to leave; I had to move out of this apartment; I just lost this job; you know, my partner just said this. And so, if it’s somebody who is just a tornado person, it’s going to kind of keep revolving back. So, I would be really worried with this employee and with this hire. Is this a pattern? Just a pattern you saw a single piece of that becomes unreliable?

And also, can you trust this person again? Especially because the kitchen is run on a singular body during, I’m assuming, lunches, Sunday, Monday, Tuesdays… You know, if this person is working a Monday dinner, how confident are you now that they’re going to show up? Labor is hard right now. You’re seeing a massive labor shortage, especially in the culinary world. There’s a huge disparity in the back of house right now, and it’s real. But you also need to make sure you’re hiring the right thing. And you mentioned earlier, I worked for Union Square Hospitality Group for Danny for a long time, and one of our big tenets, when it came to talent and came to people, was “hire hard, and manage harder.” It’s finding the right fit, and sometimes it can be really challenging. That does mean having to jump in. And as anybody who’s worked in this industry long enough knows, that sometimes mean you’re washing dishes by yourself at 1 am because your dishwasher stormed out, or your dishwasher is now covering a prep station, or, you know, one of the other crazy things that just happens in this industry.

So, my big thing to question here is, do you think this is a pattern? Is this something that’s going to happen again? Do you think you can trust this employee again? And then my biggest question also was, what was it about this employee that made them, quote-unquote, a perfect fit? Was it because they just didn’t complain and did their job well, or were they adding to the culture? So, if they were adding to the culture, if they were adding to the standards, if they were really building themselves in the space, then I, I think a second chance could be warranted, knowing all the life circumstances that went into it. But if this person was a good fit just because they came in usually on time, usually did what they were supposed to do, and left the station usually clean, I just… The risk of having another month spiral out to me is a really big concern, especially for a team that small, and for a team who has to operate on their own pretty consistently.

Two Minds

David: And then the other question is, so you, let’s say now we’re, we’ll bring you back. And then the question becomes, what kind of limitations do you put on this? Because I’m of two minds.

Okay, well, the apology does go a long way, I appreciate that. Maybe the owner wasn’t on property when the person came. And then the question in the back of my head would be, did you plan that so you don’t have to deal with the owner, and you apologize to the cook because maybe you respect other chefs, but you don’t really respect the owner, or you just didn’t wanna deal with the owner, or they just happen to not be there and you want to apologize to everybody who you affected. That’s possible.

But then you start doing the, you know, okay, well, we need to do, like, a 60-day probationary period, or a 90-day. And while I do agree with those, sometimes, I do think they do affect the culture, and they affect your employees. Like, “Right, I have this constant, like, just spotlight on me. I’m afraid to make any mistake.” Or what if legitimately something just happens? Like, okay, so their car broke down, and then they went to get the bus, and that’s running late, or it’s just stuck in traffic. They try to get there and they’re still late. Are you going to listen to them and not ding them? Or is it, “Okay, well, I don’t want to hear it again. You’re out of here.”

So, I do think probationary periods make sense, but not when you are laser-focused on them. You made a huge mistake and now we’re going to put these limitations on you. That’s not healthy, I don’t think, for either side. So, I maybe would do it like, hey, you can come back, but we’re going to go part-time first, and then I really don’t want…I’m not going to give you a lone shift; you’ll always be with another one of their cooks, and hopefully they show up for every shift.

But then it’s, you know, do the cooks get input? Does the owner get to go, “Okay, look, this is going to affect you directly. This is your team, essentially. Do you want this person back?” Because I do think that these are conversations you need to have with the team affected. And it does affect the entire team, but the direct team first. And then if you wanna ask the front-of-house manager, “What do you think of the situation? Like, do you trust the kitchen if this person’s here?”

So, I don’t think there’s, a silver bullet. I think it really is going to come down to a culture. And like you said, was this person a good fit because of culture, or were they a good-

Bradley: Fit because they were a body?

David: That’s…yeah, that’s the answer. If it’s because “I need this person here,” then if there’s only a month, I think you can survive another month looking for somebody, and hopefully they work out better. And I hate saying “hopefully,” ‘cause that’s so not strategic. Like, “Oh, I hope they work out.” But that really is part of it. Like you said, you hire hard.

But still, I mean, one of our industry peers thought they hired the right general manager for a restaurant once, and turned out they were doing drugs in the office, and stealing money. And I’m not vilifying the drug part, to be honest; that’s an issue that we need to address with a lot more compassion. But they were stealing money, and committing crimes on the property, and that was the issue. And none of that had even occurred to them because the interviews were so good, and the in-person interactions were so good when they were on site. So, it didn’t even occur to them until they didn’t show up and they’d been arrested, and the cops like, “Hey, does this person work for you? ‘Cause check all this.”

There’s always the X factor, and we have to put a lot of trust in people when we hire them. But that is also why I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the standard interview questions. Like, let’s just rubber stamp this. We ask these questions, we pencil-whip the answers, they got them, alright? Most people know how to answer an interview question to get, you know, a thumbs up from somebody.

So, I think a lot of the approach of, “Let’s hang out for a shift.” (And we have to pay them for the shift.) But like, are, they a good fit? Do I want to spend 13 hours with this person a day, or am I like, “Oh, get out of here”? Like, I can’t stand you already. Or—because we can train skills, we all know that—like you said, is it a body? And if it’s a body, I think you move on. Like, I appreciate the apology, but I don’t think it’s worth the headache if that’s the case.

“Probationary Periods are Fake”

Bradley: I agree. We, at Empowered Hospitality, advise clients that probationary periods are fake. And I think there are a few things that probationary periods always worry me because, especially depending on your jurisdiction, depending on where you are in the country, they may or may not be legal, they may or may not be enforceable. Empowered Hospitality operates mostly in New York City, but we have clients all over the country. But we advise all of our New York clients that probationary periods are fake. You know, you might say that you have a 30-day probationary period that you try to terminate somebody, but if you terminate without documentation, they can still go to unemployment court. And if you’re in a very pro-labor state like New York, in a pro-labor city like New York City—which isn’t a bad thing, I think this is a great thing; like labor needs protection—but you’re going to lose that case. Even if they’re on a 30-day probationary period, even if you put it in a handbook, even if you had them sign something… Probationary periods, I think, don’t work, in my personal, professional opinion. I think it just, it’s stage shifts, it’s having trails that should be paid, and in some places need to be paid, but, like, seeing them in action.

And, I also… One of the big flags here, too, is the first three months that somebody is in a job, not only is it when they’re learning the job, they’re learning the culture, they’re learning how to be successful, but it’s also when they’re on their best behavior. So, in this first 90-day cycle when this person is supposed to be on their best behavior, and it’s usually when you get the least amount of complaints and the most amount of, I don’t want to say production, but kind of, like, positive enforcement into the company, they’ve already come in, spiraled out, left with no notice, come back and apologize, and then tried to change the initial condition of their employment, which was part-time, into full-time. So, they’re basically coming back during the window that you’re really evaluating them as a long-term employee. They have basically said, “No, I want to change what I’m doing.”

And then I also have this, like, needle in the back that’s saying are they coming back full-time because they lost their other job that they can’t get back, and they just need something, and you’re the easy target? And all of this to say, if you get along with this person really, really well, you believe that it was an unfortunate event, they’ve shown track record either through resumes or through word of mouth that, like, it was just a blip, and you’re willing to take that risk? Absolutely. There’s so much risk in our industry. Every hire is a risk. Every time you buy a new product from a new vendor, it’s a risk. There’s so much risk in this industry outside of just financial. And so, if you’re willing to take that risk, then that’s a risk you’re willing to take. But it is a risk.

You know, it’s because also, what’s one thing we say all the time? It’s not the shining employee, and it’s not the employee that’s the worst, it’s the employee that just coasts. That’s the biggest detriment to your business. The biggest detriment to your business is the person who just does enough, but doesn’t do enough to actually, like, get anywhere, either probationary or excelling. And so, if you hire this person in and then they end up being one of these tornado people, but they don’t do anything like quit again on the spot, it’s gonna be really challenging to exit this person successfully without risks of the business. And right now, you’re at a moment that there is no risk to not hire them.

The Verdict

David: I probably wouldn’t hire back. And, not to sound like I’m not compassionate, because my gut reaction, personally, with no business involved, is, yeah, they apologized. It was a month. Like, they had a string of things that did not directly involve the company go wrong. Like, let’s try it again.

But on the business side, the operator side, I’m like, what probably wasn’t even a full month of work, you already survived without this person after this all happens. So, I would just keep looking. And as far as probationary periods, you’ll never see it listed in one of our manuals. We do onboarding manuals. We do training manuals. We do checklists. We do a ton of documents for our clients when they ask us to. We have never talked about a probationary period. It’s just like, nope: this is what we expect from you, we’re gonna document it if you don’t do it, and corrective action. It’s gonna start with, “Hey, just don’t do that again,” and then it escalates. So, we don’t do probationary: it’s just, “Please don’t break the standards. If you do, we can talk about it, ‘cause maybe the standard should change.” I mean that does happen, but it’s mostly just don’t do that. And then we’re gonna keep having to escalate this if you keep doing this.

Bradley: And you mentioned something that I think is really important: the day the employee starts, they’re your employee. And by all intents and purposes they’re the same. They need to be treated the same as somebody who’s been there for five years, right?

So, yes, they’re taking more coaching, and there’s more training. They’re taking more time as you’re adapting them to your culture. But that doesn’t mean that there’s any different standard that you can hold them to because they’re new in terms of, like, paperwork, termination process if you have a disciplinary process laid out within your handbook or laid out within any sort of documents or policies, especially if they sign off on them. So, making sure that every hire is a commitment, and you should be willing to put the time and investment into them, but you also have to hold all of them accountable in the same way.

Because I also worry—and kind of diatribing on this a little bit—I worry what message is to sending to the rest of your team, right? If he would have, I’m assuming this person’s a he, but if this person would have quit and said, “I can’t give you notice because of all of these things. I can try and pick up a shift here, but right now this isn’t working,” that’s one thing. But that’s not what happened in this case, you know? This person had a bunch of unfortunate situations happen to them outside of work. But then instead of trying to work with their employer to say, “Hey, I’m working through these things, can I take two weeks to figure this out? I know I just started.” But it was, “I’m gone.” And then a month later like, “Hey, I’m back. Can I get a job?” And so, if it was one of my clients, I would be hard pressed to advise “Yes.”

David: And it was a “he.” When they wrote it, it was a “he.”

“You have to protect your entire team”

Bradley: If it was a tough labor market, I could see there were definitely extenuating circumstances that could sway one way or the other. But just at face value, this feels like a really challenging rehire. Not because they don’t care about the person. I don’t think anybody gets into this industry because they don’t care about people. And I’m super empathetic, but I’ve been in restaurants for 20 years. It’s very transient. We’ve seen people come and go.

And just the risk that I would have taken 20 years ago… And on people, I take less now. I think maybe I’ve been burned too many times, or seeing too many patterns come through, but… At the end of the day, you feel bad for this one person, but you have to protect your entire team. And so when you’re the employer, sometimes the good of the whole team makes you make some tough choices, or makes you make choices that maybe you personally don’t agree with or personally make you feel, “Hey, I feel like I might be a bad person, but I can’t do this because I have 16 other people that work for me that show up every day that have been there consistently, and they need to have a team that shows up as well.”

I’m going to go back to the biggest flag here for me is that it was only one month of, like, good behavior. If this had been somebody who had been there for, like, three months, six months, a year and then had to quit, no notice, all these things happened in their personal life, and then came back and was like, “Look, I am so sorry life spiraled.” You also have a little bit more judgment on that person’s character. One month in, you don’t know who that person is.

David: Excellent point. Yeah. There’s no way that they—well, not no way—but it’s very low odds they knew exactly who this person is after, I think they said they worked like two or three shifts a week, part-time. So, you just don’t know.

So, yeah, I think both of us are agreeing that you just move on from this, not because you’re cold-hearted, but because it is the best decision for the company, and the team. Like I said, if you really have that culture where you have a meeting, like, “Hey, this is what happened, you all have a vote.” I mean, I’ve seen that happen; it does happen. If that’s the kind of culture, maybe it’s a different answer. But I don’t think the market is so bad that you can’t do without, you know, finding another, waiting another month, two months to hire another person who will fit the same role part-time with the possibility of going full-time. I don’t think it’s that dire.

Pass them On?

Bradley: If you, if a few heartstrings pulled out for this man and you, I still don’t know if I bring him in for the culture. But nobody in restaurants also doesn’t know anybody. It’s, “Hey, I don’t think it’s a good look to bring you back here. It doesn’t set a good precedent for the team. You know, I also am not sure this is, like, going to be a great long-term fit. But if you’d like, I’m happy to talk to somebody else, and see other places in the industry that you might be able to go.”

But that’d be a risk because then you’re putting your reputation on this person’s shoulders.

David: True.

Bradley: But if you trust that they’re good… I still don’t know that bringing them back on sets the right precedent for the company. You could help them in other ways instead of just bringing them back into your space, into your business.

David: That’s a good point. Yeah. You could definitely pass them on. But like you said, now you get the phone call from the person you passed them on, like, “What did you do?!”

Bradley: After a month, they’re like, “They just quit.” Exactly, yeah. I’d say history always repeats itself. And that is long-term and short-term. So, that would be my biggest concern here, outside a few others.

Listen to Bar Hacks: Refire, episode one on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Note: Transcript provided by Eddy by Headliner, edited by author for clarity.

Image: Canva

KRG Hospitality Contact 60-Minute Impact Session

Looking to Start, Stabilize, or Scale? Book Below to Setup a 60-Minute Result-Driven Impact Session.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Innovations in Deep Frying: New Tech

Innovations in Deep Frying: New Technologies

by Nathen Dubé

An AI-generated image of a sci-fi deep fryer flying at hyperspeed through space

If you’re deep fryer can do this, you win. At what? Everything.

Deep frying has long been a cornerstone of culinary practices, delivering crispy and flavorful dishes that delight guests, and it’s ready for innovation.

Traditional frying methods can be inefficient, costly, and environmentally unfriendly. The evolution of deep frying technology in modern kitchens has focused on addressing these issues by enhancing efficiency, reducing oil usage, and promoting sustainability.

Let’s explore the latest innovations in deep frying, focusing on oil-conserving fryers and new technologies that are transforming the industry.

Oil-Conserving Fryers and Their Benefits

Oil-conserving fryers represent a significant advancement in kitchen technology. These modern fryers are designed to reduce oil usage and operational costs while maintaining high-quality frying standards.

By optimizing the use of oil, these fryers help restaurant operators lower their expenses and minimize waste, making them an attractive option for eco-conscious businesses, and those looking to improve their bottom line.

How These Fryers Reduce Oil Usage

Oil-conserving fryers achieve their efficiency through several mechanisms.

They often feature advanced filtration systems that keep the oil cleaner for longer periods, reducing the frequency of oil changes. Efficient oil circulation methods ensure that heat is distributed evenly, which not only improves cooking consistency but also extends the oil’s usable life.

Precise temperature controls prevent the oil from overheating and breaking down, further conserving this valuable resource.

Overview of Their Role in Modern Culinary Practices

In modern culinary practices, oil-conserving fryers play a crucial role in enhancing both operational efficiency and sustainability. They allow chefs to produce high-quality fried foods with less oil, reducing costs and environmental impact.

These fryers are particularly valuable in high-volume settings such as fast-food chains, casual dining establishments, and catering operations, where oil usage is typically high.

Key Features of Modern Fryers

Advanced Filtration Systems to Maintain Oil Quality

One of the standout features of modern oil-conserving fryers is their advanced filtration systems. These systems filter out food particles and debris continuously, keeping the oil clean and extending its life.

This not only reduces waste but also ensures that the food maintains a consistent taste and texture.

Efficient Oil Circulation Methods for Consistent Cooking

Efficient oil circulation is essential for consistent cooking. Modern fryers are designed to circulate oil evenly around the food, preventing hot spots and ensuring uniform cooking.

This technology helps achieve perfect results every time, whether frying chicken, French fries, or other popular items.

Temperature Controls for Precise Frying and Energy Efficiency

Precise temperature controls are another critical feature of modern fryers. These controls allow chefs to set and maintain the exact temperature needed for different foods, ensuring optimal cooking conditions.

By preventing overheating, these controls also enhance energy efficiency, and prolong the life of the oil.

New Technologies in Deep Frying

Introduction to Low-Oil Volume Fryers and Their Advantages

Low-oil volume fryers are a recent innovation designed to use significantly less oil than traditional fryers. These fryers maintain high performance while reducing the amount of oil required, leading to lower operational costs and less waste.

They are ideal for small to medium-sized establishments looking to improve their sustainability without compromising on food quality.

The Concept and Benefits of Pressure Frying

Pressure frying is another innovative technology that has gained popularity in commercial kitchens.

This method uses a sealed environment to cook food at higher pressures and temperatures, resulting in faster cooking times, and less oil absorption. Pressure frying not only produces crispier and juicier food but also enhances energy efficiency, and reduces oil consumption.

Smart Automation: Integration of Technology for Ease of Use and Consistency

Smart automation is revolutionizing the way commercial kitchens operate. Modern fryers equipped with smart technology can automate various aspects of the frying process, from maintaining oil quality to adjusting cooking times and temperatures.

These automated systems ensure consistency, reduce the margin for human error, and free up staff to focus on other tasks.

Health and Environmental Benefits

Reduced Oil Absorption in Food for Healthier Outcomes

Innovative frying technologies contribute to healthier food by reducing oil absorption. Low-oil volume and pressure fryers, in particular, produce fried foods that are less greasy, and lower in fat.

This health benefit is increasingly important as consumers become more health-conscious, and demand healthier menu options.

Decreased Waste Generation and Its Positive Environmental Impact

Reducing oil usage and waste generation has significant environmental benefits. By extending the life of frying oil and using less of it overall, oil-conserving fryers help decrease the volume of waste oil that needs disposal.

This reduction in waste contributes to a smaller environmental footprint, and supports more sustainable kitchen practices.

The Role of Innovative Fryers in Promoting Sustainable Cooking Practices

Innovative fryers are at the forefront of promoting sustainable cooking practices. By conserving resources and minimizing waste, these technologies align with the growing trend toward sustainability in the food industry.

Restaurants that adopt these practices can not only reduce their environmental impact but also appeal to environmentally conscious guests.

Insights on the Future of Frying Technologies and Industry Trends

The future of frying technologies looks promising, with ongoing innovations aimed at further improving efficiency and sustainability.

Industry trends indicate a continued focus on reducing environmental impact and enhancing food quality, with smart automation playing an increasingly important role.

Practical Tips for Choosing and Using Fryers

Key Considerations for Selecting the Right Fryer for Your Kitchen

Choosing the right fryer for your kitchen involves several considerations, including the volume of food you need to produce, the type of food you serve, and your budget.

It’s essential to evaluate the features and capabilities of different fryers to find one that meets your specific needs.

Best Practices for Maintaining Fryers to Extend Their Lifespan and Efficiency

Proper maintenance is crucial for extending the lifespan and efficiency of your fryer.

Cleaning and filtering the oil regularly, checking and calibrating temperature controls, and performing routine inspections are all vital practices. Following the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines will help ensure optimal performance.

Importance of Staff Training to Maximize the Benefits of New Technologies

Staff training is essential to maximize the benefits of new frying technologies.

Ensure that your kitchen staff are well trained in operating and maintaining the equipment. Regular training sessions can keep staff updated on best practices and new features, helping to improve efficiency and food quality.


The advantages of oil-conserving fryers and new frying technologies are clear: these innovations offer significant cost savings, improved food quality, and enhanced sustainability.

Adopting these advanced solutions make it possible for restaurants to reduce their operational costs, minimize their environmental impact, and provide healthier menu options. As the industry continues to evolve, it’s crucial for restaurant owners and chefs to stay informed about the latest technologies, and invest in equipment that supports their business goals and values.

In conclusion, adopting innovative frying technologies is not just a trend but a smart business decision. The benefits of reduced oil usage, improved efficiency, and enhanced sustainability make these technologies a valuable addition to any commercial kitchen.

By prioritizing the integration of these advanced fryers, restaurants can achieve greater success, and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable food industry.

Image: Microsoft Designer

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Building a Cohesive Culinary Team

Connected in the Kitchen: Building a Cohesive Culinary Team

by Nathen Dubé

A chef holding a meeting with the kitchen team inside a restaurant

Microsoft Designer seems to think all chefs have beards.

The connections we build within our teams, with our purveyors, and, ultimately, with our guests, shape every aspect of the dining experience.

In the culinary world, teamwork is not just a concept; it’s the foundation of success. Over my 25 years in the hospitality industry, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial these relationships are.

Join me as I delve into the crucial role of teamwork in the kitchen, and how it influences every aspect of the culinary journey.

The Importance of Teamwork in the Kitchen

A cohesive team is essential in a kitchen. When everyone works together seamlessly, efficiency improves, and food quality reaches new heights.

The synergy within the team impacts the dining experience directly, creating a sense of unity that customers can sense in every bite.

A busy kitchen’s energy can be chaotic, but a strong team turns that chaos into a symphony of coordinated efforts. When each member understands their role and executes it well, the result is a smooth, efficient operation that consistently delivers high-quality dishes to diners.

Take, for example, the dynamics of a typical dinner rush. The kitchen is busy with activity, with chefs, line cooks, and servers all working together to meet the demands of a packed dining room. Each movement is choreographed to ensure that dishes are prepared to perfection, and delivered quickly.

This level of efficiency is only possible when there is a deep sense of teamwork and mutual understanding among all members of the kitchen brigade.

Strategies for Fostering Collaboration

Effective Communication

Communication is the backbone of a well-functioning kitchen. Clear and open channels of communication ensure that everyone is on the same page, preventing misunderstandings and mistakes. Regular briefings and feedback sessions create a transparent environment where issues can be addressed proactively.

However, effective communication goes beyond daily briefings. It involves creating a culture where team members feel comfortable voicing their concerns and suggestions. This openness fosters a collaborative atmosphere in which everyone contributes to the kitchen’s success.

For instance, a simple pre-service briefing can highlight the evening’s menu, identify potential challenges, and assign specific tasks, ensuring that everyone knows what to expect. Such briefings not only prevent problems but also allow for real-time feedback, enabling continuous improvement.

Additionally, adopting digital communication tools like kitchen display systems can further streamline operations by providing instant updates on orders and modifications, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall efficiency.

Role Clarity and Responsibilities

In a busy kitchen, knowing exactly what’s expected of you is crucial. Role clarity reduces confusion and fosters accountability, ensuring that everyone can focus on their specific tasks without overlap or conflict.

Each role must be defined clearly to maintain order during peak times. When each team member understands their responsibilities this streamlines operations, and minimizes the potential for errors.

Clear roles also enhance individual accountability, as everyone knows what their responsibilities.

Consider the different stations in a kitchen: the sauté chef, the pastry chef, the garde manger, and so on. Each role is distinct, with specific duties and responsibilities. When everyone understands their role and how it fits into the larger picture, the kitchen runs like a well-oiled machine.

This clarity is particularly important during high-pressure situations, where any ambiguity can lead to mistakes and delays.

Team Building Activities

Team-building activities tailored for kitchen staff can enhance camaraderie and teamwork significantly. These activities foster a sense of unity and create bonds that translate into better collaboration during service.

Simple activities like group cooking challenges or team outings can break the routine, and build stronger relationships. When team members understand and trust each other, they work together more effectively, creating a more harmonious and efficient kitchen environment.

One effective team-building exercise involves rotating roles for a day. This allows team members to experience different aspects of the kitchen operation, fostering empathy and understanding. Another idea is organizing off-site events, such as cooking competitions or farm visits, which can strengthen the team’s bond outside the hectic environment of the kitchen.

Additionally, hosting regular team-building workshops focused on communication skills, conflict resolution, and stress management can equip team members with the tools they need to work together more effectively under pressure.

Continuous Learning and Development

Ongoing training and skill development are vital for maintaining a culture of learning and innovation in the kitchen. Encouraging continuous learning not only enhances individual skills but also strengthens the team as a whole.

Workshops, training sessions, and even informal knowledge-sharing sessions can keep the team updated on the latest culinary techniques and trends. This culture of continuous development ensures that the team remains adaptable and innovative, ready to tackle new challenges and improve their craft.

For example, inviting guest chefs to conduct classes or arranging for team members to attend culinary festivals and exhibitions can provide valuable exposure to new ideas and techniques. These experiences not only enhance the team’s skills but also inspire creativity and innovation in the kitchen.

Consider fostering a culture of mentorship, in which experienced chefs take on the role of guiding and nurturing newer team members. Doing so can create a supportive learning environment that benefits everyone involved.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

A respectful and supportive work culture is essential for a productive kitchen. Recognizing and celebrating team achievements boosts morale and motivates everyone to perform at their best.

Creating a positive work environment involves acknowledging the efforts of each team member and celebrating successes, no matter how small. This recognition fosters a sense of pride and belonging, leading to increased job satisfaction and better performance.

One way to create a positive work environment is to establish a system for regular performance reviews and feedback. This not only helps identify areas for improvement but also provides an opportunity to recognize and reward outstanding performance.

Additionally, implementing initiatives such as employee wellness programs, flexible scheduling, and opportunities for professional development can contribute to a more supportive and fulfilling work environment.

When team members feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to better overall performance.

Leadership and Its Role in Team Dynamics

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping team dynamics and morale. Effective kitchen leaders lead by example, show empathy, and make decisive choices that inspire confidence and respect among team members.

Good leadership is about more than just managing tasks; it’s about inspiring and guiding the team. Effective leaders create an environment where teamwork thrives, and everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best.

One crucial aspect of effective leadership is the ability to communicate a clear vision and set achievable goals. By providing direction and clarity, leaders can help the team stay focused and aligned with the overall objectives of the kitchen.

It’s important to foster a culture of transparency and openness. Team members should feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. This will enhance trust and collaboration within the team.

Leaders who actively listen to their team members and involve them in decision-making processes create a sense of ownership and accountability that drives performance.

Finally, leading by example—demonstrating a strong work ethic, maintaining a positive attitude, and showing respect for all team members—can set the tone for the entire kitchen. When team members see their leaders embodying the values and behaviors they aspire to, they are more likely to follow suit.


In the culinary world, teamwork is the secret ingredient to success. From the relationships we build with food purveyors to the final dish we present to guests, every aspect of the dining experience is enhanced by a connected team.

Implementing strategies such as effective communication, role clarity, team-building activities, continuous learning, and positive leadership is essential for fostering collaboration and achieving culinary excellence.

I encourage you to implement these strategies in your kitchens and share your experiences. Together, we can create culinary masterpieces that leave a lasting impression on our guests.

Building and leading culinary teams has been a rewarding journey, filled with challenges and triumphs. The power of teamwork has not only shaped my career but also the experiences of countless diners.

As we continue to evolve in the culinary world, let’s remember that our strength lies in our connections, and through them, we can achieve extraordinary culinary excellence. The journey of building a cohesive kitchen team is ongoing, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Let’s strive to create kitchens where teamwork, respect, and passion for food come together to create unforgettable dining experiences.

Image: Microsoft Designer

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Essential Kitchen Equipment for Every Chef

Essential Kitchen Equipment for Every Chef

by Nathen Dubé

Close-up photograph of a chef sharpening a cleaver

In the world of culinary arts, the right equipment can make all the difference between cooking a good dish and crafting an extraordinary one.

Whether you’re a home cook or a professional chef, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for efficiency, precision, and creativity in the kitchen.

Tag along as I explore the essential kitchen equipment every chef should have, from basic must-haves to advanced tools. I also share usage tips, maintenance advice, and personal stories about my favorite equipment.

Equipment: The Essentials


A good set of knives is the cornerstone of any kitchen. High-quality knives can improve your cooking experience significantly, making prep work faster and more precise.

The key types of knives every chef should have include a chef’s knife, paring knife, bread knife, and boning knife. A chef’s knife is versatile, suitable for chopping, slicing, and dicing, while a paring knife is ideal for peeling and intricate work. A bread knife, with its serrated blade, is perfect for slicing bread and pastries, and a boning knife is essential for de-boning meat and fish.

To make the most of these tools, it’s important to keep knives sharp, as sharp blades ensure clean cuts, and reduce the risk of accidents.

Use the appropriate knife for each task to maintains efficiency and precision. Hone knives regularly with a honing steel to maintain their edges, and sharpen them with a whetstone or professional service periodically to ensure long-term performance.

Hand wash and immediately dry knives to prevent rust and damage, which will prolong the life of your knives.

My chef’s knife is my most trusted kitchen companion. I remember purchasing my first high-quality chef’s knife early in my career. The difference it made in my chopping speed and accuracy was astounding.

Cutting Boards

Cutting boards are essential for providing a safe and efficient surface for food preparation.

The primary types of cutting boards include wooden, plastic, and composite boards. Wooden cutting boards are gentle on knives and durable, while plastic cutting boards are easy to sanitize, and are often used for raw meat and poultry. Using separate cutting boards for raw meat and vegetables is crucial to prevent cross-contamination.

Secure the cutting board with a damp cloth underneath to prevent slipping, and ensure safety.

Wooden cutting boards require regular oiling to prevent drying and cracking, while plastic cutting boards should be cleaned with hot soapy water and sanitized in the dishwasher. It’s also important to replace cutting boards that show deep grooves or signs of wear to maintain hygiene and efficiency.

I’ve always been partial to wooden cutting boards for their durability and aesthetic appeal.


Quality cookware is essential for various cooking methods, from sautéing to baking.

Essential cookware includes a skillet, saucepan, stockpot, baking sheets, and a Dutch oven. A skillet is versatile for frying, searing, and sautéing, while a saucepan is perfect for making sauces, boiling, and simmering. A stockpot is ideal for soups, stews, and boiling large quantities. Baking sheets are indispensable for baking cookies, roasting vegetables, and more. A Dutch oven is great for slow cooking, braising, and baking bread.

To ensure even cooking and avoid overcrowding, it’s important to use the correct size of pan for the job. Preheat pans before adding ingredients to achieve better searing and browning.

Avoid metal utensils on non-stick cookware to prevent scratching, and clean cookware according to the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain their non-stick properties and finish. Season cast-iron cookware regularly to maintain a non-stick surfaceand prevent rust—to extend its lifespan.

Mixing Bowls

Mixing bowls are essential for combining ingredients, marinating, and more.

The main types of mixing bowls include stainless steel, glass, and plastic. Stainless steel bowls are durable and resistant to stains and odors, while glass bowls are non-reactive and versatile for mixing and serving. Plastic bowls are lightweight, and often come with lids for storage.

Use larger bowls than you think you need to prevent spillage when mixing. Also, ensure you have a variety of sizes on hand so you’re prepared for different tasks. Clean bowls thoroughly after each use to prevent residue build-up, and avoid abrasive cleaners on glass bowls to to prevent scratching.


A mandolin is an essential tool for achieving uniform slices and julienne cuts, which are crucial for presentation and even cooking.

With adjustable blades, a mandolin can slice vegetables, fruits, and even cheeses to precise thicknesses.

Using a mandolin can be dangerous without proper handling, so always use the hand guard, and work slowly to avoid accidents. Clean the blades regularly and make sure they’re sharp to maintain the efficiency and safety of this tool.

One of my favorite uses for the mandolin is preparing vegetables for ratatouille. The uniform slices not only show off their color and texture but preserve their crunch.

Equipment: Advanced

Stand Mixer

A stand mixer is an invaluable tool for any chef, capable of mixing, kneading, and whipping with ease.

Stand mixers come with various attachments, including a paddle for mixing, a whisk for whipping, and a dough hook for kneading. Starting on a low speed prevents ingredients from splattering out of the bowl and ensures thorough mixing.

To maintain a stand mixer, clean attachments and bowls immediately after use to prevent residue from hardening. Check and tighten the attachments regularly to ensure they are secure.

My stand mixer has been a game-changer, particularly for baking. I remember making my first batch of bread dough with it. The ease and consistency it provides are unparalleled, allowing me to focus on perfecting recipes rather than spend valuable time on manual kneading.

Food Processor

A food processor is essential for tasks like chopping, slicing, grating, and pureeing.

Use the pulse function to control the consistency of chopped ingredients, and avoid overfilling the bowl to ensure even processing. Clean the bowl, blades, and attachments promptly to prevent food from drying on them, and handle blades carefully as they’re extremely sharp.

My food processor has saved me countless hours of prep work. Creating salsas, dips, and marinades are a breeze with the press of a button!

Sous Vide Machine

Sous vide cooking involves vacuum-sealing food and cooking it in a water bath at a precise temperature, which results in perfectly cooked dishes. Season food before vacuum-sealing it to enhance flavor, and use a container with a lid or cover the water bath with plastic wrap to minimize water evaporation.

Clean the sous vide machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and regularly descale it if you use hard water to prevent build-up.

My sous vide machine revolutionized the way I cook proteins. I recall preparing a sous-vide steak for a dinner party; the precise temperature control ensured it was cooked to perfection.

Immersion Blender

An immersion blender, or hand blender, is perfect for pureeing soups, sauces, and smoothies in the pot or container directly. Move the blender up and down for blending, and avoid overfilling the container to prevent splattering.

Clean the blade and shaft immediately after use so food doesn’t dry on them, and be cautious when handling the blade as it is sharp.

My immersion blender has been a versatile tool in my kitchen. Again, soups, sauces, jams, etc. are all done directly in the pot, saving time (and mess) from transferring to a food processor.

Digital Scale

A digital scale is an essential tool for any chef, particularly for baking, where precision is key. Measuring ingredients by weight rather than volume ensures accuracy and consistency, which is crucial for successful recipes.

To use a digital scale effectively, always set the scale to zero after placing your container on it to ensure you are only measuring the ingredients. Calibrate the scale regularly, and replace the batteries when necessary so it maintains its accuracy.

I use my digital scale extensively when baking bread. Precise measurements of flour, water, and other ingredients are crucial to achieve the perfect texture and rise. This tool has improved the consistency significantly.

Set of Ring Molds

Ring molds are invaluable for creating uniform and aesthetically pleasing presentations, particularly in fine dining. They are used for shaping and plating dishes such as tartares, layered salads, and desserts.

Use ring molds to elevate the presentation of your dishes; they’ll ensure a professional and well-crafted appearance. Ensure the molds are well-greased or lined to prevent sticking and achieve clean edges.

Equipment: Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance and care of your kitchen equipment are essential for longevity and performance. Regular cleaning prevents food from hardening and becoming difficult to remove, and proper storage in a dry, safe place prevents damage and ensures easy accessibility.

Perform routine maintenance checks, such as sharpening knives, seasoning cast iron, and descaling appliances, to keep equipment in optimal condition. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for care and usage to avoid voiding warranties and ensure optimal performance.

Having the right kitchen equipment is crucial for any chef, whether professional or amateur. From basic essentials like knives and cutting boards to advanced tools like stand mixers and sous vide machines, each piece of equipment plays a vital role in creating culinary masterpieces.

Proper usage and maintenance of these tools ensure they perform well and last for years, enhancing your cooking experience and efficiency.

Invest in quality kitchen equipment to improve your cooking and make the process more enjoyable. Take care of your tools and learn how to use them effectively, and you’ll elevate your culinary skills and create dishes that impress and delight.

Image: Los Muertos Crew via Pexels

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Top Kitchen Design Trends of 2024

Top Commercial Kitchen Design Trends of 2024

by Nathen Dubé

A young male chef preparing a dish in a clean, modern commercial kitchen

Commercial kitchen design continues to evolve, driven by advancements in technology, an emphasis on sustainability, and the need for efficiency and flexibility.

The latest trends reflect these priorities, offering solutions that enhance both functionality and aesthetics in professional kitchens.

This article explores the top commercial kitchen design trends of 2024, highlighting their benefits and offering practical implementation tips. Going further, I also include real-world examples of successful trend adoption.

1. Sustainability and Eco-friendly Practices

Sustainability is at the forefront of commercial kitchen design in 2024.

Restaurants and foodservice operators are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices. Key reasons include reducing their environmental footprint, and meeting consumer demand for responsible business practices.

Key Trends

  • Energy-efficient appliances: The use of ENERGY STAR-rated appliances that consume less energy, and reduce operational costs.
  • Sustainable materials: Incorporating materials like recycled steel, reclaimed wood, and eco-friendly countertops.
  • Waste reduction systems: Implementation of composting and recycling systems to manage waste more effectively.


  • Reduce operational costs through lower energy consumption.
  • Enhance brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.
  • Meet regulatory requirements and green certification standards.

Implementation Tips

  • Choose ENERGY STAR appliances: Invest in appliances that are certified for energy efficiency to cut down on utility costs, and reduce environmental impact.
  • Incorporate sustainable materials: Opt for materials that are durable and have a lower environmental impact, such as recycled or reclaimed materials.
  • Implement waste management systems: Set up composting and recycling systems to manage kitchen waste efficiently.

Client Story

A farm-to-table restaurant I worked with revamped their kitchen to include energy-efficient appliances, reclaimed wood decor, and a comprehensive waste management system.

These changes not only reduce their operational costs but also enhance their brand’s commitment to sustainability, attracting environmentally-conscious customers.

2. Smart Kitchens and Technology Integration

Technology is transforming commercial kitchens, making them more efficient, safer, and easier to manage.

Smart kitchens equipped with advanced technology are becoming the norm in 2024.

Key Trends

  • Smart appliances: Ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers that can be monitored and controlled remotely.
  • Automated inventory systems: Systems that track inventory levels in real-time, reducing waste and ensuring timely reordering.
  • Kitchen management software: Software that integrates scheduling, task management, and equipment maintenance.


  • Enhance operational efficiency, and reduces labor costs.
  • Improve food safety, and quality control.
  • Streamline inventory management, and reduces waste.

Implementation Tips

  • Invest in smart appliances: Choose appliances that offer remote monitoring and control capabilities for better efficiency and oversight.
  • Use automated inventory systems: Implement inventory management software to keep track of stock levels, and reduce food waste.
  • Adopt kitchen management software: Integrate software solutions that help manage kitchen tasks, staff schedules, and maintenance routines.

Client Story

A high-volume catering QSR company integrated smart kitchen technology, including smart ovens and automated inventory systems.

The approach allows them to monitor cooking processes remotely, optimize their inventory management, and streamline operations. The result is significant cost savings, and improvements to service quality.

3. Flexible and Modular Kitchen Designs

Flexibility and adaptability are key considerations in modern commercial kitchen design.

Modular kitchens that can be easily reconfigured to meet changing needs are becoming increasingly popular.

Key Trends

  • Modular equipment: Equipment that can be moved and reconfigured as needed.
  • Multi-functional spaces: Areas that can serve multiple purposes, such as prep stations that double as serving counters.
  • Open kitchen concepts: Designs that promote transparency and interaction with customers.


  • Adapt to changing menu requirements and operational needs.
  • Maximize space utilization and efficiency.
  • Enhance the dining experience by promoting transparency.

Implementation Tips

  • Choose modular equipment: Invest in equipment that can be moved and reconfigured easily to suit different needs.
  • Design multi-functional spaces: Create areas that can serve multiple purposes to maximize space efficiency.
  • Consider open kitchen designs: Implement open kitchen concepts to enhance customer interaction and experience.

Client Story

A fast-casual restaurant redesigned their kitchen to incorporate modular equipment and multi-functional spaces. This flexibility allows the operator and their team to adapt to menu changes easily.

In addition, the change increases functional space, and streamlines their operations, leading increases in efficiency and customer satisfaction.

4. Enhanced Food Safety and Sanitation

Food safety and sanitation are paramount in commercial kitchens.

In 2024, new design trends are focusing on creating hygienic environments that minimize contamination risks.

Key Trends

  • Touchless technology: Faucets, dispensers, and doors that operate without physical contact.
  • Sanitization stations: Dedicated areas for handwashing, and sanitizing equipment.
  • Antimicrobial surfaces: Use of materials that resist bacteria, and are easy to clean.


  • Reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.
  • Meet health and safety regulations.
  • Enhance the overall cleanliness of the kitchen.

Implementation Tips

  • Install touchless technology: Implement touchless faucets, dispensers, and entry systems to reduce contamination risks.
  • Create sanitization stations: Designate areas specifically for handwashing, and sanitizing tools and equipment.
  • Use antimicrobial surfaces: Choose materials that are resistant to bacteria, and easy to clean for work surfaces and high-touch areas.

5. Ergonomic and Worker-friendly Designs

Ergonomic designs that prioritize the well-being and efficiency of kitchen staff are gaining traction.

These designs focus on reducing physical strain, and improving workflow.

Key Trends

  • Ergonomic workstations: Adjustable workstations that reduce strain and fatigue.
  • Improved ventilation systems: Systems that provide better air quality, and reduce heat stress.
  • Ample lighting: Sufficient and well-placed lighting to reduce eye strain and enhance visibility.


  • Increase staff productivity, and job satisfaction.
  • Reduce the risk of workplace injuries.
  • Enhance the overall efficiency of kitchen operations.

Implementation Tips

  • Design ergonomic workstations: Invest in adjustable workstations that can be tailored to individual needs.
  • Improve ventilation: Ensure your kitchen has effective ventilation to maintain air quality, and reduce heat.
  • Enhance lighting: Use ample and strategically placed lighting to improve visibility, and reduce strain.

Client Story

A large-scale restaurant redesigned their kitchen to include ergonomic workstations and improved ventilation.

These changes have resulted in a more comfortable and efficient working environment, leading to higher staff morale and productivity.

Address Your Kitchen’s Design

The commercial kitchen design trends of 2024 reflect a focus on sustainability, technology integration, flexibility, food safety, and ergonomics.

These trends not only enhance the functionality and efficiency of commercial kitchens but also address the growing demands for environmentally responsible and worker-friendly environments.

Are you ready to transform your commercial kitchen with these cutting-edge trends? Contact us today to learn how we can help you implement these designs and create a kitchen that meets the demands of modern culinary operations.

Image: Rene Terp via Pexels

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Future of Commercial Kitchens, Part 2

The Future of Commercial Kitchens: Equipment Evolution

by Nathen Dubé

In the realm of commercial kitchens, equipment plays a crucial role in shaping culinary practices and ensuring operational efficiency.

The evolution of kitchen equipment has significantly impacted how food is prepared, cooked, and served, transforming the culinary landscape.

This article, part two to yesterday’s post, delves into the essential role of equipment in modern commercial kitchens. I’ll explore the evolution of kitchens and equipment, impact on culinary practices, and real-world examples from my KRG Hospitality projects.

Evolution of Kitchen Equipment

The journey of kitchen equipment from rudimentary tools to sophisticated technology reflects the advancements in culinary arts, and the increasing demands of the hospitality industry.

Early Tools and Techniques

In the early days, commercial kitchens relied on basic tools such as open flames, cast iron pots, and hand-forged knives. These tools required significant manual labor and skill, with chefs relying heavily on their expertise to produce consistent results.

The focus was primarily on the chef’s craftsmanship, as equipment offered limited assistance.

Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution marked a significant turning point, introducing mechanization and standardization to kitchen equipment. Innovations such as gas stoves, steam ovens, and mechanical mixers began to appear, increasing efficiency and consistency.

These advancements allowed for larger-scale operations, and laid the foundation for modern commercial kitchens.

Technological Advancements

The late 20th and early 21st centuries saw rapid technological advancements in kitchen equipment.

The introduction of electric and induction cooktops, convection ovens, and computerized appliances revolutionized culinary practices. Equipment became more reliable, versatile, and capable of performing complex tasks with precision.

Modern Innovations

Today, the integration of smart technology and sustainability features has further transformed commercial kitchens.

From energy-efficient appliances to automated inventory systems and advanced cooking devices like sous vide machines, modern kitchen equipment is designed to enhance efficiency, consistency, and environmental responsibility.

Impact on Culinary Practices

The evolution of kitchen equipment has profoundly impacted culinary practices, influencing everything from food preparation to presentation.

Increased Efficiency and Consistency

Modern kitchen equipment is designed to streamline operations and ensure consistent results.

Appliances such as combi ovens, which combine steam and convection cooking, allow chefs to achieve precise control over cooking processes, resulting in perfectly cooked dishes every time. This consistency is crucial in maintaining high standards and meeting customer expectations in the hospitality industry.

Enhanced Food Safety

Advancements in kitchen equipment have also improved food safety standards. Equipment like blast chillers rapidly cool food, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and ensuring compliance with health regulations.

Additionally, touchless technology like automated faucets and soap dispensers minimize the risk of cross-contamination, creating a safer kitchen environment.

Sustainability and Cost Savings

Energy-efficient appliances and waste-reduction systems have become essential components of modern commercial kitchens.

Induction cooktops, for example, are not only faster and safer but also more energy-efficient than traditional gas or electric stoves.

Implementing waste management systems, such as composting and recycling, helps reduce environmental impact and can lead to significant cost savings.

Versatility and Creativity

Modern equipment has expanded the possibilities for culinary creativity. Tools like sous vide machines and smoking guns allow chefs to experiment with new techniques and flavors, pushing the boundaries of traditional cooking methods.

This versatility enables chefs to innovate and offer unique dining experiences that set their establishments apart.

Essential Kitchen Equipment in Modern Commercial Kitchens

Combi Ovens

Combi ovens are a staple in modern commercial kitchens due to their versatility and precision. By combining steam and convection cooking, they offer unparalleled control over temperature and humidity, ensuring consistent and high-quality results.

These ovens are ideal for baking, roasting, steaming, and more, making them indispensable in a busy kitchen environment.

Induction Cooktops

Induction cooktops provide rapid and precise heating, enhancing both safety and energy efficiency.

Unlike traditional gas or electric stoves, induction cooktops heat only the cookware, reducing the risk of burns and saving energy. Their precise temperature control allows for more accurate cooking, which is essential for achieving desired culinary outcomes.

Sous Vide Machines

Sous vide cooking involves vacuum-sealing food and cooking it at a precise, low temperature in a water bath. This method ensures even cooking and preserves the food’s flavor and texture.

These indispensable machines have become increasingly popular in commercial kitchens for their ability to deliver consistent, high-quality results with minimal effort.

Blast Chillers

Blast chillers are crucial for maintaining food safety standards in commercial kitchens. By rapidly cooling cooked food, blast chillers minimize the risk of bacterial growth and ensure compliance with health regulations.

This equipment is particularly important for operations that prepare food in advance or handle large volumes of perishable items.

Automated Inventory Systems

Automated inventory systems track stock levels in real-time, helping to reduce waste and ensure timely reordering. These systems provide valuable data on inventory usage, enabling more accurate forecasting and efficient supply chain management.

Implementing automated inventory systems can significantly improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Smart Appliances

Smart appliances like ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers that can be controlled remotely are transforming commercial kitchen operations. These devices offer greater flexibility and efficiency by allowing chefs to monitor and adjust settings via smartphones or tablets.

Smart technology integration also facilitates better coordination and management of kitchen activities.

Hypothetical Concepts for Kitchen Equipment Integration

Concept 1: High-volume Catering Company

Imagine a high-volume catering company that needs to maintain consistency across large batches of food while also managing a complex supply chain. By integrating a comprehensive smart kitchen system, including smart ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers, the company can monitor and control these appliances remotely.

Chefs would have the ability to adjust settings and monitor cooking processes from their smartphones, ensuring precision and efficiency. An automated inventory system would track stock levels in real-time, ensuring timely reordering and reducing waste.

This technological integration could significantly improve operational efficiency and product consistency.

Concept 2: Boutique Hotel Restaurant

Consider a boutique hotel restaurant aiming for a sleek, modern kitchen design that maximizes space and functionality.

A minimalist kitchen with handleless cabinets and integrated appliances could create a sleek, uncluttered look. Multi-functional workstations like prep stations that double as serving counters would maximize utility.

This design could provide the kitchen staff with a functional and efficient workspace that is easy to clean and maintain, enhancing both aesthetics and operational efficiency.

Concept 3: Eco-conscious Restaurant

Picture an eco-conscious restaurant committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental footprint. The kitchen could incorporate reclaimed wood for cabinetry and recycled glass countertops. Energy-efficient appliances, including induction cooktops and high-efficiency refrigeration units, could be installed to minimize energy consumption. A comprehensive waste management system featuring composting and recycling facilities would further reduce the restaurant’s carbon footprint.

These changes could maintain high operational efficiency while significantly reducing environmental impact.


The evolution of kitchen equipment has had a profound impact on the culinary practices and operational efficiency of modern commercial kitchens. From early tools to advanced smart technology, the continuous innovation in kitchen equipment has enabled chefs to enhance efficiency, ensure food safety, reduce costs, and explore new culinary possibilities.

Embracing these advancements makes it possible for the hospitality industry to create kitchens that are not only cutting-edge but also sustainable and efficient, ensuring long-term success in a competitive and ever-evolving landscape.

Image: Elle Hughes via Pexels

KRG Hospitality. Restaurant Business Plan. Feasibility Study. Concept. Branding. Consultant. Start-Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Future of Commercial Kitchens, Part 1

The Future of Commercial Kitchen Design: Trends and Innovations

by Nathen Dubé

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, commercial kitchen design around the globe is undergoing significant transformations.

The modern commercial kitchen must balance efficiency, sustainability, and technology to meet the demands of today’s fast-paced culinary environment.

This article explores the future trends and innovations shaping commercial kitchen design, offering insights and examples from my KRG Hospitality projects to highlight the emerging practices that are setting new standards in the industry.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Designs

Sustainability is no longer an optional feature but a fundamental aspect of modern commercial kitchen design.

The hospitality industry is increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly practices to reduce environmental impact and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Sustainable kitchen design involves the use of recycled and reclaimed materials, energy-efficient appliances, and waste reduction systems.

Key innovations:

  • Recycled and reclaimed materials: Incorporating materials like recycled steel and reclaimed wood not only reduces environmental impact but also adds unique aesthetic value to the kitchen.
  • Energy-efficient appliances: Using energy-conserving appliances and induction cooktops to significantly reduce energy consumption and operational costs.
  • Waste reduction systems: Implementing composting and recycling systems helps manage waste effectively, and promotes sustainability.

Smart Kitchens and Technology Integration

The integration of smart technology in commercial kitchens is revolutionizing the way culinary operations are managed. Smart kitchens enhance efficiency, improve food safety, and streamline processes through automation and connectivity.

Key innovations:

  • Smart appliances: Appliances that can be monitored and controlled remotely via smartphones or tablets offer greater flexibility and efficiency.
  • Automated inventory systems: Real-time tracking of inventory levels helps reduce waste and ensures timely reordering, maintaining optimal stock levels.
  • Advanced connectivity: Seamless integration of kitchen equipment with management software enhances coordination and operational efficiency.

Example from the field:

For a high-volume QSR company, we integrated a comprehensive smart kitchen system, including smart ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers. These appliances could be monitored and controlled remotely, allowing the chefs to adjust settings and monitor cooking processes from their smartphones.

Additionally, an automated inventory system tracked stock levels in real-time, ensuring timely reordering and reducing waste. This technological integration significantly improved operational efficiency and product consistency.

Minimalist and Multi-functional Spaces

Each of these approaches to design are becoming increasingly important in commercial kitchen design.

These trends focus on creating streamlined, efficient spaces that maximize utility and flexibility while maintaining a clean and organized appearance.

Key innovations:

  • Minimalist design: Clean lines, handleless cabinetry, and integrated appliances create a sleek and uncluttered kitchen environment.
  • Multi-functional workstations: Workstations that serve multiple purposessuch as prep stations that double as serving countersmaximize space utilization.
  • Adaptable layouts: Modular equipment and flexible layouts allow kitchens to be easily reconfigured to meet changing needs and trends.

Example from the field:

For a client’s boutique hotel restaurant, we designed a minimalist kitchen with handleless cabinets and integrated appliances to create a sleek, uncluttered look. Multi-functional workstations, such as prep stations that doubled as serving counters, maximized the utility of the space.

This design provided the kitchen staff with a functional and efficient workspace that was easy to clean and maintain.

Health and Wellness-focused Designs

The focus on health and wellness in commercial kitchen design is becoming more pronounced.

Improved ventilation systems, touchless technology, and ergonomic workstations are prioritized to create healthier and safer cooking environments.

Key innovations:

  • Advanced ventilation systems: Ensuring optimal air quality and reducing heat stress for kitchen staff.
  • Touchless technology: Faucets, soap dispensers, and trash cans that operate without physical contact minimize the risk of contamination.
  • Ergonomic workstations: Designed to reduce physical strain and improve overall efficiency.

Example from the field:

In a project for a high-end restaurant, we installed an advanced ventilation system to ensure optimal air quality, and reduce heat stress for kitchen staff. Touchless faucets and soap dispensers were integrated to minimize contamination risks, while ergonomic workstations were designed to reduce physical strain and improve overall efficiency.

These health-focused design elements not only enhanced the safety and well-being of the staff but also ensured compliance with stringent health regulations.

Energy and Cost Efficiency

Energy and cost efficiency are critical considerations in commercial kitchen design. The adoption of energy-efficient appliances and systems not only reduces operational costs but also aligns with environmental sustainability goals.

Key innovations:

  • Energy-efficient appliances: Induction cooktops, high-efficiency refrigeration units, and other energy-conserving appliances reduce energy consumption.
  • Smart energy management systems: These systems monitor and optimize energy usage, providing real-time data to help manage and reduce costs.
  • Sustainable design practices: Incorporating energy-saving technologies and materials that have a lower environmental impact.

Example from the field:

In a project for a large food hall kitchen, we implemented energy-efficient appliances such as induction cooktops and high-efficiency deep fryers. We also incorporated smart energy management systems to monitor and optimize energy usage.

These measures resulted in substantial cost savings, and reduced the kitchen’s overall energy consumption.

Future-proofing Through Flexibility

Flexibility is becoming a crucial aspect of commercial kitchen design. As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, kitchens need to be adaptable to changing needs and trends.

Key innovations:

  • Modular equipment: Equipment that can be easily moved and reconfigured to suit different needs.
  • Adaptable layouts: Flexible layouts that allow for easy adjustments as the menu or operational needs change.
  • Future-proof design: Designing kitchens that can accommodate future technological advancements and changes to the culinary landscape.

Example from the field:

For a dynamic restaurant that frequently updates its menu, we designed a flexible kitchen with modular equipment that could be easily reconfigured.

This adaptability allowed the kitchen to seamlessly transition between different cooking styles and menu offerings, ensuring it remained efficient and relevant despite changing trends.


The future of commercial kitchen design in the hospitality space is being shaped by sustainability, technology integration, minimalist and multi-functional spaces, health and wellness considerations, energy efficiency, and flexibility.

These trends not only enhance the functionality and efficiency of commercial kitchens but also address the growing demands for environmental responsibility, health, and adaptability. By staying ahead of these trends, hospitality businesses can create kitchens that are not only cutting-edge but also sustainable and efficient, ensuring long-term success in an ever-evolving industry.

Are you ready to transform your commercial kitchen with the latest trends and innovations? Contact us today to learn how we can help you design a kitchen that meets the demands of modern culinary operations. Share your thoughts and favorite trends in the comments below!

Image: cottonbro studio via Pexels

KRG Hospitality. Restaurant Business Plan. Feasibility Study. Concept. Branding. Consultant. Start-Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Chef Duffy x NRA Show: Balance

Chef Duffy x NRA Show: Balance

by David Klemt

Street art-style, AI-generated image of a chef holding a color-coded recipe sheet

Those would be some pretty rad sleeves in real life.

I’m not done with the invaluable menu tips and tricks shared by Chef Brian Duffy during his 2024 National Restaurant Association Show live menu reads.

The KRG Hospitality team attends and speaks at multiple hospitality industry trade shows, conferences, and expos each year. When reviewing the education on offer, I always search for Chef Duffy’s name to see if he’s doing live menu reads.

And why have I developed this habit? Simple: The amount of insights one can take back to their business and implement immediately. Consider the impact one of Chef Duffy’s asides can have just on the guest experience.

As an example, when addressing the burger section of an anonymous operator’s menu, he casually mentioned that he always adds two slices of cheese to a cheeseburger to fill the top out more.

There’s also his tip for housemade, signature seasoning blends. Don’t make a quart, make ten pounds and store the blend in a flat tray, labeled clearly. Chef Duffy’s reads aren’t a breakdown of tips that only the operator who submitted the menu will find beneficial; everyone who pays attention will walk away with valuable advice.

At this year’s NRA Show, Chef Duffy had only enough time to get through three menu reads. However, he still packed his session with helpful advice. So, after reviewing all the notes I took, I decided I’d need to write two articles.

Let’s go!

Achieving Balance: Food Costs

In yesterday’s article, available here, I touched on one of Chef Duffy’s key points: achieving balance.

He made this point in response to a sports bar menu that had a couple pricing issues. One involved add-ons, with two slices of bacon costing $3.50 while a chicken breast was six dollars. And then there were the daily specials: two Chicago-style hotdogs cost more than a burger.

However, there’s more to balancing a menuand the kitchenthan ensuring pricing makes sense to guests.

By now, we’ve all heard and read ad nauseam that costs are rising. In fact, we’ve all experienced these increases. Streamlining the menu, including production, can help mitigate this issue.

As Chef Duffy said during his menu reads, he’d rather execute 25 items perfectly than produce 50 items that suck. I can say that we wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

In part, we agree because we favor smaller menus. Offering fewer menu items made perfectlyconsistently so—with cross-utilized ingredients as often as possible reduces food costs. There’s also that pesky paradox of choice inherent to a bloated menu.

But there’s another benefit: kitchen team satisfaction and retention. An overwhelmed kitchen team is an unhappy kitchen team, and an unhappy kitchen team will look for the exits. Losing a single team member costs an operator thousands of dollars, let alone an entire team.

Achieving Balance: Labor Costs

This is probably my favorite tip from this round of live menu reads: Chef Duffy color codes his recipes and menus in the development stage.

An operator can realize multiple benefits from this approach to menu programming. Among these is a visual representation of how many dishes are being prepped and produced by each station.

Color-coding the recipes and menu allows an operator, their leadership team, and kitchen team to avoid, as Chef Duffy put it, hammering a specific station. I’ll also opine that this technique can help identify any labor or skill gaps (or redundancies).

Chef Duffy’s method of menu development also helps operators balance their menus before they ever reach their guests’ hands. Case in point: One menu Chef Duffy reviewed in Chicago listed a single item underneath its own menu section. That’s not great balance.

I think every restaurant and bar operator can benefit from this tip, whether a visual, auditory, reading, or kinesthetic learner.

Achieving Balance: All Hands

A restaurant or bar doesn’t achieve success due to the efforts of a single person. So, why do so many concepts maintain silos?

When Chef Duffy prices a menu, he doesn’t do so alone. Rather, he involves the owner (or owners) of the business, the kitchen manager, and the head chef.

The word “culture” is thrown around a lot these days, nearly to the point that the word has lost its meaning. An operator who truly wants to build a positive work and brand culture needs buy-in from their team. A great way to not achieve that is to avoid transparency.

So, share numbers with the appropriate parties. A head chef needs to know the kitchen’s numbers if they ever hope to achieve the title “executive chef.” The leader who oversees the kitchen team can’t do their job effectively if they don’t know what the kitchen costs the business and what revenue it generates.

And a team that doesn’t feel trusted or appreciatedand that there’s no opportunity to develop as a hospitality professional to grow in this industry—is one that won’t hesitate to leave for better employment.

To that end, Chef Duffy strongly recommends that operators spend an hour per week with each kitchen team member. After all, as Chef Duffy pointed out, if an operator’s vision isn’t being executed, they have only themselves to blame.

An operator can’t expect to achieve consistency without working to achieve balance. Without consistency, a sustainable, scalable business is unachievable.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Chef Duffy x NRA Show: Live Menu Read

Chef Duffy x NRA Show: Live Menu Read

by David Klemt

Graffiti of crossed chef's knives underneath a baseball cap that reads, "D.E.G."

Chef Brian Duffy crushed it in Chicago at the 2024 National Restaurant Association Show.

We’re sharing tips from Chef Brian Duffy‘s live menu reads at this year’s National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago.

These informative sessions are always standouts at industry trade shows and conferences. Both the operator who submits their menu anonymously and the audience gain valuable insight into menu programming and development.

In ten minutes or less, the Chef Duffy shares wisdom that’ll boost guest engagement; streamline and energize the kitchen; and help save on labor and food costs. And he won’t even Bar Rescue anyone who submits a menu. That is to say, no, he doesn’t yell at anyone while giving them tips for fixing their menu.

As Chef Duffy pointed out during his latest live menu reads, an operator’s menu has the potential to create generational wealth. However, it must be programmed properly for it to reach that potential.

So, ask yourself a question right now about your menu: Would you be proud for your menu, in its current state, to be plastered across a billboard? If not, I have another question for you: Why aren’t you taking the time to rectify that situation?

Your menu is your concept’s billboard. Treat it as such.

Oh, and one note for the NRA Show before we dive in: These sessions deserve at least two hours. One hour just isn’t enough given how impactful Chef Duffy’s live menu reads are for operators.

Menu Programming 101

There’s a logical reason why Chef Duffy is never short on menus to review. In fact, he addressed the situation directly at the 2024 NRA Show.

“Everybody has the same shit on their menu,” he stated frankly.

One explanation for why menus seem so similar makes a lot of sense.

“We’ve been told what to put on our menu buy our purveyors,” said Chef Duffy during his live menu read.

For the most part, operators are given the same product catalogs. These are circulated nationally, not regionally. So, everyone is ordering the same items. Clearly, Chef Duffy is fed up with this situation.

“We’re not here to do the same things that everyone else is,” declared Chef Duffy. “I don’t want to see that anymore.”

Menu #1: Sports Bar

This first menu featured a vibrant design that instilled a sense of patriotism. Chef Duffy theorized that he’d feel good spending time in this space, based on the menu’s appearance.

However, he wasn’t a fan of the layout of the menu. Taking up valuable real estate was a large catering ad, placed directly in the center.

In the top left were salads. “‘Add chicken to any salad,'” read Chef Duffy. “No shit. Why are we stopping at chicken? We can add anything to a salad.”

Based on his knowledge of food costs and the menu’s pricing, Chef Duffy deduced that the operator’s food costs were too high. In fact, he estimated that food costs were more than 31 percent. The burgers, he surmised, were running a 35-percent cost.

By the way, Chef Duffy always puts two slices of cheese on his burgers to fill the top out more. This delivers a more visually appealing experience, and a better bite.

On the topic of pricing, operators must maintain balance. For example, this first menu priced the addition of two slices of bacon at $3.50, but a chicken breast was six dollars. Two Chicago hotdogs cost more than a burger.

Menu #2: Breakfast Spot

Unfortunately, the operator committed one of Chef Duffy’s deadliest menu sins. There was a photo of the restaurant’s steak and eggs.

Worse, the image showed a rather large steak paired with a commodity egg. If this dish doesn’t leave the kitchen looking exactly like the picture, guests are going to be underwhelmed and unimpressed. Further, why are operators still trying to save money by buying commodity eggs?

However, there was a second deadly menu sin committed by the operator. Given the overall perception this menu delivered, the claim that at least one dish featured “wild-caught crab” didn’t ring true to Chef Duffy.

I’m confident in saying that I think lying on a menu may provoke Chef Duffy’s wrath more than a photo.

“If you lie to me on your menu, I will tear you apart,” he stated quite strongly.

That said, he did like the menu’s design (minus the photos). Even better, he recognized that there were several inventive spins on breakfast classics. Remember, “We’re not here to do the same things that everyone else is.”

Menu #3: Sports Bar

To be honest, I was expecting this type of menu. In fact, I thought it would be the first menu design encountered during this session.

Essentially, it was a collection of what everyone else has on their menus.

As an example, there were wings on the menu, and the sauces were anything but creative. Chef Duffy didn’t address it but they were also listed without commas, so they appeared to be one long, run-on sentence of a sauce.

The most glaring issues, however, were the pasta and the dessert. Both sections contained just a single item. That’s rightthere was an entire section dedicated to one pasta dish. Moreover, it’s not like there were a number of modifiers one could select to personalize their pasta.

This was the item description underneath the dessert section (designated as “Closers”): “Dessert of the week – $8 Please ask your server for details.” There’s a significant issue with that description and placement, as identified by Chef Duffy.

If a menu includes desserts, the guest is likely going to forget about them after they’ve ordered their starter and entree. It’s far more effective to have a dessert tray or cart and train your servers to suggest dessert when they touch the table toward the end of the meal.


Chef Duffy throws in more tips during a single menu read than most people would expect.

Below are some of the takeaways that make his live menu reads so insightful:

  • Only list name brands if they come from a local farm. This approach shows that an operator cares about supporting local producers and is part of the community.
  • Use the best ingredients for the specific concept.
  • If a restaurant features housemade buns for burgers and/or bread for sandwiches, they should offer a version as an appetizer. Really make this idea shine by also offering housemade specialty butters.
  • Operators that have chips on their menus should use the crumbles and “dust” to make breading for other items. After all, the chips have been paid for alreadyuse all of them.
  • It’s better and more impactful to have 25 items on a menu that are executed perfectly than 50 items that are executed poorly.
  • Chef Duffy doesn’t agree with omitting prices from menus. “Why? Are we negotiating? Are we negotiating before I place my order?”

Connect with Chef Duffy on Instagram, and learn more about him on the Duffified Experience Group website.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

What are You Changing in 2024?

What are You Changing in Your Restaurant or Bar in 2024?

by David Klemt

Restaurant owner reviewing their menu

More fun with AI-generated images. That’s quite the busy bar setup.

Toward the end of last year, Nation’s Restaurant News identified what changes operators chose to make after analyzing their operational data.

The publication surveyed hundreds of operators about how data drove their decisions. This survey was an element of their year-end report, Market Leader Report: The Data-driven Restaurant.

As one would imagine, this report focuses on data collection, analysis, and usage. However, NRN‘s report doesn’t just address the importance of data collection in the F&B space. Rather, they seek to understand if operators are collecting the “right” data; whether they can optimize the data they collect; what metrics they’re tracking; and how they’re acting on all that data.

Simply put, it’s an important report addressing a topic crucial to today’s restaurant and bar operations. Those who want their own copy of The Data-driven Restaurant can download it free here.

While entire report is valuable, the focus of this article is one question and the answers provided. Below, to provide context, is a breakdown of the survey respondents.

The Who

Most of the respondents identified as independent restaurant operators.

  • Indie: 37 percent
  • Chain (franchisee): 21 percent
  • Chain (company owned): 18 percent
  • Multi-concept: 15 percent
  • Single-site operator: 6 percent
  • HQ or brand level of foodservice company: 3 percent

By a slim margin, most survey respondents categorized their restaurants as full service or casual dining.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the fewest respondents operate in the upscale or fine dining category.

  • Full service / casual dining: 30 percent
  • Fast casual: 28 percent
  • Quick service: 20 percent
  • Midscale / family dining: 15 percent
  • Upscale / fine dining: 7 percent

The What

So, what question caught our attention at KRG Hospitality?

“In the past 12 months, which initiatives did your organization undertake after analyzing data?”

NRN conducted this survey in November 2023. Not surprisingly, respondents mostly made changes to their menus after reviewing their data. Streamlining menus and adjusting prices were two of the biggest operational trends last year, as many operators are no doubt well aware.

That theory is supported by the survey results. Below, the top four answers to the question above.

  • Changed menu prices (48 percent)
  • Removed items from or added items to our menu (47 percent)
  • Improved the way we trained our staff (26 percent)
  • Adjusted our loyalty program’s rewards and/or incentives (24 percent)

Honestly, it’s heartening to see that training is among the top-three data-driven actions operators took last year. And, of course, it’s not shocking that the menu was the focus of the most attention. Streamlining is an effective way to reduce food and labor costs. Further, pricing is always (please excuse the pun) on the menu.

Our question is: What changes, if any, do you plan to implement this year now that we’re headed into Q3?

The What: The Sequel

If the menu received the most attention after operators reviewed their data, what received the least?

Well, it appears marketing fell to the wayside, along with the kitchen. The following are the bottom four answers to the question in the section above:

  • A/B tested marketing campaigns and increased ROI (6 percent)
  • Changed specs on our kitchen equipment or technology (10 percent)
  • Identified lapsed customers and marketed to them (11 percent)
  • Increased throughput in our kitchen during peak periods (13 percent)

Now, I’ll concede that one marketing action found itself in the middle of the pack when it came to this survey question. Upon analyzing their data, 18 percent of respondents identified new potential guests and marketed to those people.

Still, in comparison to making changes to menus, the fewest respondents took marketing action or made changes to the kitchen directly.

Does this mean that menu changes have the greatest impact on guests and ROI? Well, that’s possible. However, I think something else is at play.

Personally, I think collecting data is the easy part. At this point, most platforms serving our industry are collecting data for operators.

But tracking the correct metrics, analyzing the associated data, and knowing what to do after analyzing said data? That’s difficult. It can be overwhelming, which is why it’s so important to build and implement the proper tech stack for a specific concept. This is why one of the services we offer our clients is tech-stack development.

Further, the tech stack needs to be built around an operator and their leadership team. If nobody knows how to use it or what to do with the data they’re collecting, it’s useless.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

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