
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: October

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: October

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and October is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream—Halloween, anyone?—to food-centric to weird.

Pay attention to the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For September’s list, click here.

October 3: National Boyfriend Day

I’m pretty sure you understand exactly what this holiday honors and how to encourage guests to celebrate it. Invite people into your restaurant or bar to treat their boyfriend to a bite, drink, and good time.

October 6: National Noodle Day

Do you have noodles? Like to sell them to guests? Enjoy creating LTOs and specialty noodle dishes? This is the holiday to celebrate all of your favorite things with your guests.

October 8: National Fluffernutter Day

Ah, Fluffernutter. Marshmallow fluff resonates with a lot of people, particularly ’80s and ’90s kids. National Fluffernutter Day is the perfect holiday to leverage nostalgia, creative cocktails and desserts, cooling temperatures, and candy.

October 9: National Motorcycle Ride Day

One of the best parts about cruising in a group on motorcycles is stopping to refuel at a restaurant or bar. Encourage your bike-riding guests to begin, take a break during, or end their group ride at your venue.

October 11: National Kick Butt Day

No, this isn’t a day about literally kicking any butts. Instead, this holiday is about motivating people to take the necessary steps to realize their dreams and achieve their goals. Encourage your guests to take steps to reach their goals and celebrate doing so at your business.

October 13: National Emergency Nurse’s Day

Nurses always deserve our thanks. However, I think we can all agree that the past 18 months have been particularly difficult and overwhelming for nurses. Offer the emergency room nurses (all nurses, really) an amazing food or drink promotion to thank them for all they do.

October 15: National Grouch Day

While this holiday focuses on letting people let their grouch flag fly, operators can take a different direction. Why not offer people a place and promotion to get out of their funk through great food, amazing drinks, and a fantastic time?

October 17: Wear Something Gaudy Day

I mean, this holiday is two weeks out from Halloween—people are willing to make any excuse to dress up.

October 21: Get to Know Your Customers Day

Do you really want to boost your bottom line? Get to know your customers. Really, this holiday is for you. Use this day to implement guest data-collecting practices and train your team to obtain this valuable information. Learn more about why and how to build a guest database on episode 51 of Bar Hacks with Matt Plapp.

October 25: Sourest Day

There are multiple ways to approach Sourest Day. Some say it’s about eliminating the “sour” people in our lives. Others use it to enjoy sour candies which, admittedly, is perfect for Halloween month. For operators, promoting sour beers and cocktails is likely a winning strategy.

October 29: National Breadstick Day

Unless someone is counting their carbs strictly, everyone enjoys a breadstick. In reality, not many people have the discipline to enjoy just one. If you’ve got breadsticks on your menu, you know what to do on this holiday.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

Hiring and Training Staff for Consistency

Hiring and Training Staff for Consistency

by Nathen Dube

Happy and well-trained In N Out kitchen staff

Every restaurant needs to hire staff. This is probably the second most important pre-opening task after deciding on a concept.

Hiring can be an arduous process and hiring the wrong person is often detrimental to success. It costs time, money, and effort to replace and repair the damages.

Putting a fully developed onboarding plan in place—compelling job ads, effective interview and selection processes, in-depth training manuals, and training schedules—can help streamline hiring and retention, and make new hires feel welcome and confident in their roles.

Hiring and Onboarding

Creating a strategy to onboard all staff, adjusting for differing positions (cooks, servers, managers, etc.), will help to identify potential employees that fit your needs skill- and attitude-wise.

A strategic plan will streamline the entire process, start to finish. Think of it as your recruiting and hiring “recipe.”

Answering phone calls, scribbling notes, writing emails, losing phone numbers… Operating without a plan can be very frustrating and time consuming for everyone. After all, running your restaurant is far more important than being your own HR department.

The problem is that many organizations see training as an expense and not as an investment. Untrained employees will, inevitably, lack the motivation and knowledge to use company resources properly.

A lack of training in the hospitality industry leads to:

  • costly waste;
  • employees who feel unappreciated in their job;
  • employees with a general sense that their job doesn’t matter; and
  • unsatisfactory guest interactions that impact guest retention negatively.

At this point, employees either leave or get fired for poor performance.

While it may seem simple just to replace one worker with another, consider this: Hiring someone can cost up to 30 percent of the job’s salary. For an employee that makes $40,000 a year, that could equal around $12,000 to hire someone new.

However, training an existing employee correctly might only cost a few hundred dollars, reducing invested time. Even if replacing one employee doesn’t sound that bad, consider that for every three employees who need to be replaced, that will equal an entire salary with no real gains.

Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities

From the outset, outlining job roles and daily responsibilities properly is extremely important to ensure that all staff are on the same page.

Building and maintaining a well-oiled machine takes time and planning. However, identifying and distributing responsibilities as equitably as possible will help things flow smoothly.

Differing service times can lead to staff friction when tasks are not being completed effectively for the next shift. The lack of a clear plan regarding responsibilities such as prep, stocking fridges, putting away orders, cleaning, and maintenance will inevitably cause confusion.

Yes, writing out a daily walkthrough and task list from shift start shift end time for each role in your organization will take some time and effort. No, it isn’t the most fun job you’ll do.

But doing so will make onboarding and training a seamless and less time-consuming transition overall.

How to Train New Restaurant Employees

When you’ve completed the interviews, made your hire, and are now bringing in your new staff, where do you start? Who is responsible for training? (Yes, this should be delegated in your plan!) What station do they start on and what is the timeline for moving them along?

Having a plan for onboarding that is mapped out in an employee manual will help to clearly explain your company’s policies and expectations; training modules; and all other helpful information to a new hire.

Expecting a line cook, who may even be green themselves, to convey this to a new employee is like playing the telephone game in grade one: it doesn’t work and is irresponsible.

Setting up detailed, specific workstation plans is the first step. The second step is to plan training shifts and specify who is going to be training new hires.

Batch training can make this process easier. Have your head chef or front-of-house manager spend time to train all the new hires, not just the one or two who happen to be working that day. Be sure to include other positions like sous chefs and floor staff.

This last step, along with a solid training manual, helps eliminate starting the whole process over again every time a position turns over. It also completely mitigates the disaster of staff members being trained differently. Consistency will be solid across the board.

Different Strategies for Part-time Staff

A great part-time employee program can elevate your full-time staff.

With the peaks and valleys of busy restaurant periods fluctuating around lunch and dinner, for example, full-time staff can be overworked and then swiftly underutilized. Part-time employees on the other hand, when scheduled correctly don’t experience the swing in workload.

Although part-time staff offer flexibility in scheduling, it can be difficult to find time to train them. However, part-time workers should not be excluded from training just because their hours are limited.

Organizing training specifically for your part-time employees is crucial to the success of your team. Scheduling a part-timer to come in on a busy Saturday lunch shift and flounder around strains and stresses out the rest of the staff. That’s the last thing you want or need.

Part-time staff benefit from shorter periods of training engagement than your full-time staff. You do want to include them in your large training sessions but will certainly have some who can’t make it.

Since their schedules are limited, you can train part-time staff via 15-minute lessons during pre-shift meetings. These talks can cover can anything from kitchen hygiene reminders, menu walkthroughs, customer service, and proper table setting.

Using your best staff for on-the-job training can also be beneficial to your part-timers. Shadowing during shifts provides a visual, real-world representation of everything written out in your employee manual. Following in the footsteps of someone in the role a part-timer has been hired for is an excellent way for them to understand their responsibilities and tasks in real-time.

Not only is it an opportunity to understand how the whole team functions, it’s a chance to meet colleagues and bond with the team.

Streamline Your Menu

As mentioned in a previous post, the streamlining of your menu benefits everyone from the top down.

Trying to train a new employee on how to cook (or serve) every single item on a large menu can be daunting. Keeping your menu narrow and focused will make an employee’s transition into their new position.

This is where your employee manual will come into play again. Recipes and pictures, along with training and tastings, will give new staff the confidence to cook and serve the dishes skillfully. Shadow shifts will complete the picture for them with hands-on training.

Conversely, having a large menu creates unnecessary confusion and takes a longer time for staff to feel comfortable.

Everything on your menu needs to be something that your kitchen and serving staff can handle efficiently without putting undue burden on your staff. Choose recipes that include ingredients that you know fit within your budget and concentrate on making them the best they can be. Good food is more about taste than presentation.

Seasonal menu changes should be addressed via staff meetings, updated recipe cards, tastings, and even testing for all staff. Consider using these events to train and onboard your new staff to start them on the right foot and avoid them having to play catch-up.

Don’t Discount Human Communication

Everyone wants to implement the latest technology to save money, resources, labour costs, and to deliver superior product.

One thing that needs to be remembered when training staff is this: even with all these new processes, human interaction is still necessary for a functioning business.

That is, human skill is still required to cook and plate delicious, Instagram-worthy food, and to deliver that food to the guests at the table. For the time being, human interaction is what creates memorable dining experiences and keeps guests coming back!

The opposite end of that spectrum happens when technology fails or crashes. Troubleshooting and problem-solving skills are required by your staff every day.

Train staff how to utilize your technology stack but also understand the “old-fashioned” ways.

Effective Troubleshooting Ability: Importance of Teamwork, Repetition, Consistency

 A solid training strategy produces a staff that values teamwork, a team with effective troubleshooting skills, and consistent results.

When you identify the roles you are looking and the responsibilities that come along with them, plus delegate and train properly, you are essentially giving your staff the ability to individually and collectively trouble shoot any issues that arise.

These problems can relate to customer service, broken equipment, inventory problems, and other issues that might come up when you or your leadership team aren’t there to fix things.

Everything talked about here is the foundation you should be building on to create an environment that thrives on teamwork. From the minute you onboard new staff they are comfortable in what is being asked of them and are given plenty of opportunity to work alongside colleagues.

Excellent teamwork leads to consistency and repetition of food, drinks, and service regardless of who is working the front or back of house. There is nothing more disappointing than returning to a restaurant only to have a substandard experience.

Implementing these programs even before opening day will help to keep you and, more importantly, your staff happy, thriving, and creating an amazing experience for your guests time and again!

Image: nick jenkins on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: September

5 Books to Read this Month: September

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Holy Smoke! It’s Mezcal! (revised second edition)

The world is steadily becoming more and more enthralled with all agave spirits. Mezcal, of course, helped spearhead this interest and the category’s growth. If you want a deeper understanding of mezcal, John P. McEvoy’s Holy Smoke! It’s Mezcal! is the book you’re looking for. Click here for the black-and-white version, and here for the full-color version.

Cocktails of the Movies: An Illustrated Guide to Cinematic Mixology New Expanded Edition

There’s no doubt that pop culture has an impact on food and beverage trends. In Cocktails of the Movies, authors Will Francis and Stacey Marsh take a look at cocktails featured in film. Not only are there recipes, you’ll find a history of each cocktail, the scene it was in, and artwork.

The Infused Cocktail Handbook: The Essential Guide to Homemade Blends and Infusions

One excellent way to set your bar program apart from the competition’s is with house infusions. Kurt Maitland’s The Infused Cocktail Handbook dives into what spirits pair best with specific ingredients, including bacon and gummy bears.

The Cocktail Seminars

As the story goes, author Brian D. Hoefling taught his fellow Yale students about cocktails and build techniques during his senior year. The Cocktail Seminars is a collection of five of Hoefling’s education seminars and spans 30 cocktail recipes. Along with technique, readers will learn about the history of cocktails, which they and their bar teams can leverage to engage with guests.

5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential

John C. Maxwell’s book 5 Levels of Leadership helps people become true leaders. Remember, becoming a leader is a journey in and of itself, not just a position you find yourself in.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: September

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: September

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and September is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

September 3: National College Colors Day

There are a few ways you can go about celebrating this holiday. If your bar or restaurant supports a particular college team, create a promotion that encourages guests to wear that team’s colors. You can also ask guests to wear their favorite college team’s colors…if there’s no risk of rivalries getting out of hand, of course.

September 4: World Beard Day

An entire day dedicated to celebrating facial hair? Sign us up! There’s a lot you can do with this holiday, even if that means going the other way and rewarding the clean shaven among us.

September 6: National Read a Book Day

It’s not exactly a secret that we love a good book, whether it’s about leadership, business, history, cocktails, food or fiction. Create a new promotion focused on inspiring people to read books or bring back last month’s Book Lover’s Day promo.

September 10: National TV Dinner Day

Delivery and takeout aren’t going anywhere. Even before the pandemic, these two lifelines helped many operators generate revenue. Several restaurants have come up with signature TV dinners and you can do the same.

September 12: National Hug Your Hound Day

People love dogs. People love other people’s dogs. If your business is dog-friendly, this is the day to encourage guests to bring their pooches to your restaurant, bar or hotel.

September 19: National Talk Like a Pirate Day

I doubt I have to tell you what to do this day. Brush up on your pirate and nautical lingo, feature themed cocktails like the Dark & Stormy, and if you have the capability, show a pirate movie or two.

September 22: Car Free Day

If it’s authentic to your brand and will resonate with your guests, create a promotion that encourages people to walk, ride their bikes, or otherwise get to your place by means other than traditional petrol-powered vehicles.

September 25: National Comic Book Day

Break out the comic book character-inspired cocktails and your favorite comic book movies on this day.

September 27: World Tourism Day

This is a great day to seek out partnerships with hotels and local tourism boards to drive out-of-town guests through your doors.

September 28: National Good Neighbor Day

We’ll always suggest that operators show their communities that they support them and are members in good standing. This is the perfect day to pay back the support you receive from the community.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: August

5 Books to Read this Month: August

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Something & Tonic: A History of the World’s Most Iconic Mixer

Author and bartender Nick Kokonas takes readers on a historical, global journey that focuses on the history of tonic. This informative book also contains tips, tricks, and 60 original cocktail recipes. Click here to purchase Something & Tonic now.

America Walks into a Bar

Do you have a passion for this business? Do you actually love bars and the rich history of our industry? Then you need to read Christine Sismondo’s America Walks into a Bar, equal parts adventure, entertainment and history.

Burn the Ice: The American Culinary Revolution and Its End

I could try to sum up Burn the Ice for you, but Danny Meyer seems to have captured the essence of this Kevin Alexander’s book in one word: “Inspiring.”

The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World

When we come across a great bar, restaurant or hotel, we never encounter strangers. Instead, we meet friends we never knew we had. In The Power of Strangers, author Joe Keohane addresses the importance of getting over the fear of engaging with strangers and why, particularly in these divisive times, we need “strangers” more than ever in our lives.

Hacking the New Normal: Hitting the Reset Button on the Hospitality Industry

The world around us has changed, as has the food & beverage industry and the hospitality industry as a whole. But will some ways of life change for the better? Will restaurants, bars, and hotels come out of the pandemic even stronger? In Hacking the New Normal, author and president of KRG Hospitality Doug Radkey addresses the need to hit the reset button on the hospitality industry for its long-term survival.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: August

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and July is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

August 3: National Night Out Day

It may sound like this holiday is just an excuse for restaurant and bar crawls. However, this day is actually about bringing communities together and making them safer. This is an excellent time to strengthen your ties to the community and support local organizations.

August 5: National Underwear Day

We’re not entirely sure what to suggest you do for this holiday but there’s definitely something here. Get creative but be tasteful, is all we recommend.

August 6: National Fresh Breath Day

Certain herbs help freshen breath: Mint, basil, rosemary, cardamom, and tarragon, for example. These same herbs also make great cocktails, so tie them into a drink promotion.

August 7: National Disc Golf Day

With mask mandates being re-issued, some people will likely be looking at outdoor sports as an escape. Encourage and reward people for getting out and playing disc golf on this day.

August 8: National Dollar Day

Have a menu item or two you can offer for $1? Perhaps a “buy one, get another for one dollar”? You know what to do on National Dollar Day.

August 9: National Book Lover’s Day

There are several ways you can celebrate this holiday with your guests. For example, you can host a book drive, encourage guests to trade books, or even create a free community library space inside your business. Tap into your creative side.

August 10: Lazy Day

I mean, come on… This day was practically invented to encourage people to spend all day eating and drinking in your bar or restaurant. People can be responsible another day.

August 14: National Bowling Day

Remember National Disc Golf Day from way up higher on this page? Of course you do. Well, it shouldn’t be difficult to come up with promotions focused on bowling, like offering promotions for bowling teams who pop into your bar or restaurant.

August 21: National Honey Bee Day

If we lose our bees, we lose our agriculture. And if we lose that, we lose our food supply. Highlight the importance of honey bees with menu items that feature honey (local sources are ideal), and promote the need to protect these valuable insects.

August 27: National Just Because Day

A promotion focused on doing whatever you want just because you feel like doing it? The sky’s truly the limit with this one.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

We Need to Join Forces on the RRF

We Need to Join Forces on the RRF

by David Klemt

The United States Capitol Building with blue sky and white clouds in the background

It’s time for all hospitality professionals to come together and tell Congress to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

Honestly, it’s well beyond time for us to all join forces and send our message to Congress.

Owners, operators, managers, and team members need to contact their representatives. Additionally, they need to encourage their friends and family members to do the same.

If we’re going to stop the damage to our industry, this needs to be done.

State of the RRF

Per this download from the National Restaurant Association, 455,304 eligible restaurants applied for RRF grants.

In total, 278,304 restaurants were awarded grants.

To be fair, that’s excellent news. And the Small Business Administration should be applauded for providing lifelines to nearly 280,000 restaurants.

However, the $28.6 billion the fund was seeded with was never going to be enough. Also, the SBA’s RRF portal was open nowhere near long enough.

Toward the end of May, Republican members of Congress sent a letter to the SBA. In it, they criticize the SBA for closing the portal so quickly.

To provide context, the RRF application portal was open a mere 21 days. Further context: the SBA made it clear before the RRF portal was opened that only priority applications would be processed for the first 21 days.

Replenish the RRF

According to the NRA, 177,000 eligible RRF applicants were not awarded grants.

That number represents a total of $43.6 billion in grants that haven’t been awarded.

So, not only does the SBA need to reopen the RRF, they need to replenish it with at least $43.6 billion. The NRA is asking that Congress refill the RRF with $50 billion.

We all know that the situation is dire. Per the NRA, 1.3 million jobs have been lost. Since the first 14 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, restaurants have lost $290 billion in sales. Obviously, that number has grown. At least 90,000 restaurants have either closed their doors long-term or forever.

However, this isn’t only about our industry. As the NRA shows, every dollar spent on this industry generates $2 for farming, baking, fishing, and other industries.

Looking at the numbers makes it clear: We all need to carve out the few minutes it will take to tell our representatives what we want.

What do we want? For the RRF to be replenished. Click here to tell Congress to replenish the RRF with at least $50 billion, and make sure to spread this message on social by using #ReplishRRF.

There are millions and millions of us in this industry. Now more than ever, we need to join forces and pull in the same direction.

Image: Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

5 Books to Read this Month: July

5 Books to Read this Month: July

by David Klemt

Flipping through an open book

This month’s fun and informative book selections will help you develop next-level culinary, beverage and leadership skills.

To review last month’s book recommendations, click here.

Let’s dive in!

Tequila & Tacos: A Guide to Spirited Pairings

This pairing is iconic. However, this book proves the legendary pair can go well beyond just munching on a street taco and slamming a tequila shot. Moreover, Tequila & Tacos includes recipes for both classic tacos and modern versions like spicy cauliflower tacos. The perfect book to help you celebrate National Tequila Day on July 24.

A Long Stride

Just days after National Tequila Day comes National Scotch Day, which takes place July 27. A Long Stride tells the in-depth story of one Scotch in particular: Johnnie Walker. Published toward the end of last year, this book represents the most up-to-date history of arguably the most famous Scotch brand in the world.

Zero Proof: 90 Non-Alcoholic Recipes for Mindful Drinking

Temporary and permanent abstinence from alcohol is becoming more and more commonplace. That doesn’t mean, however, that people who aren’t drinking alcohol are staying out of bars. So, it’s important that operators update their drink programs with creative and memorable zero-proof cocktails. Zero Proof contains 90 alcohol-free recipes to inspire you to develop your non-alcohol menu section.

Playing with Fire

Summer is here and that means barbecue! Interestingly, though, many of today’s chefs have felt the siren song of cooking on open fire for a while now. Playing with Fire features 72 of Chef Michael Symon’s favorite recipes inspired by St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville, Kansas City, and other famous barbecue styles.

How to Grill Vegetables: The New Bible for Barbecuing Vegetables over Live Fire

Steven Raichlen has been dubbed “America’s master griller, and for good reason: there’s likely nothing he doesn’t know about barbecuing. In How to Grill Vegetables, Raichlen shows how to grill basically every vegetable over fire. This book features more than 100 recipes and explains how to grill eggplant on cedar planks, smoke lettuce with hay, cook whole onions directly on embers, and much more.

Image: Mikołaj on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: July

Stand Out with Weird Holidays: July

by David Klemt

Stay Weird neon sign with purple background

Want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Then commit to keeping it weird.

Several “holidays” are set against every date on the calendar, and July is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to food-centric to weird.

Focus on the latter to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, weird or otherwise. And this month’s list in no way includes every odd holiday.

Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

For last month’s list, click here.

July 1: International Joke Day

Kicking things off this month is a fun one: International Joke Day.

July 7: National Dive Bar Day

This category of bar is one of our favorites. Whether you operate a dive bar, neighborhood bar or corner bar, this is your day.

July 8: Video Games Day

This is not to be confused with National Video Game Day, which takes place September 12. This bar holiday is perfect for all the barcades and eatertainment venues out there. Or, for cool restaurants and bars that have a video game system or arcade game or two inside.

July 11: National Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Nearly the entirety of 2020 and the first half of 2021 have been challenging, to say the absolute least. It’s safe to say that we’re all quite a bit lonely. On this holiday, provide a fun and safe environment for people to get back out there, socialize, and meet new friends.

July 12: National Simplicity Day

There’s nothing wrong with complex cocktail builds. However, today is the perfect holiday to highlight the simpler two- and three-ingredient cocktails on your menu. Simple, speedy, and delicious.

July 13: National Delaware Day

Of course, this isn’t a weird holiday to people who live in Delaware. For those outside the Diamond State, this is the time to showcase Delaware brands like Dog Fish Head.

July 15: National Give Something Away Day

We’re not huge fans of outright giveaways unless said giveaway items come from a partner or sponsor. However, operators can certainly come up with a creative food or beverage giveaway that requires a purchase.

July 17: National Tattoo Day

Operators can prepare for this holiday by partnering with a local tattoo shop and creating a traffic-driving promo with them.

July 20: National Pennsylvania Day

Again, this isn’t weird to Pennsylvanians. Operators outside the Keystone State should feature brands like Philadelphia Distilling and Victory Brewing Co.

July 22: National Refreshment Day

If it’s cold and refreshing, shout it from your rooftop. It’s July, it’s hot out, and people need to know you’ve got ice cold beer, cocktails, and soft drinks.

Image: Dan Parlante on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Third-party Vaccine Passports on the Way

Third-party Vaccine Passports on the Way

by David Klemt

Hand holding United States of America passport

Operators will likely have to further wade into politics if so-called “vaccine passports” become standard.

If recent reporting is accurate, several platforms will bring vaccine passports to market.

The hospitality, lodging and travel industries have been thrust into politics since for several years now. Unfortunately, the pandemic has only made the situation more precarious.

Dangerous Waters

For many operators, navigating today’s politically-charged atmosphere is an unwelcome development.

It’s bad enough that hospitality, lodging and travel have been thrown into utter chaos for well over a year. America and Canada have lost tens of thousands of restaurants and bars. Operators able to survive have lost millions of workers.

Too many people have lost jobs, savings, homes, and any sense of stability in their lives. Mental health, as a result, is on the decline for many people.

Unfortunately, all of those awful things are being exacerbated by politics. In America in particular (if reports are accurate), politics have severely divided the country.

Covid-19 safety protocols were politicized immediately. Restaurant, bar, hotel and travel workers found themselves playing pandemic police, putting them in dangerous situations.

If vaccine passports become standard, operators will find themselves deeper in the political quagmire. Workers will likely face a greater risk for confrontations with hostile guests.

What’s a Vaccine Passport?

In short, a vaccine passport is a way for someone to prove they’ve received a Covid-19 vaccine.

Per recent reports, the Biden administration has said they have no plan to implement federal vaccine passports.

However, several states have already banned this form of proof of vaccination. These include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah (but private companies can require workers to get vaccinated), and Wyoming.

So far, two states—Hawaii and New York—have implemented vaccine passports. As far as the other states, vaccine passports are not a requirement or haven’t been banned yet.

New York’s vaccine passport, Excelsior Pass, was developed by IBM. A vaccinated New York resident downloads the app, a business owner downloads the scanner app, and vaccination status can be confirmed. Similar apps are believed to be in the works.

Again, however, many states have banned these apps.

What Does this Mean for Businesses?

If vaccine passports are banned fully where an operator does business, the decision has been made for them.

However, some bans relate only to government entities—businesses can require proof of vaccination.

And if a state doesn’t prohibit vaccine passports at all? The situation can be even more challenging for operators.

Operators eager to protect their workers and guests from infection may welcome vaccine passports. Some operators may feel these passports are an invasion of privacy and reject them. Still others may view them as a potential source for harassment and discrimination.

Should an operator require vaccine passports, they should expect backlash that could directly impact business. Operators who prohibit the use the vaccine passports may be viewed as “irresponsible” and also face backlash

Once again, the pandemic has put operators in several industries in no-win situations. Operators should consider their vaccine passport plan and the messaging around it now.

Image: Levi Ventura on Unsplash
