Ultra lounge

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Program for Unique Holidays: March 2023

Program for Unique Holidays: March 2023

by David Klemt

"Think about things differently" neon sign

Do you want to stand out from from other restaurants and bars in your area? Change how you think about holiday promotions.

Several holidays are set against every date on the calendar, and March is no exception. These holidays range from mainstream to esoteric.

Pay attention to the “weird” or unique holidays to raise eyebrows, carve out a niche for your restaurant or bar, and attract more guests. Why do what everyone else is already doing? Why program only around the same holidays as everyone else?

Of course, you shouldn’t try to celebrate every holiday, strange or otherwise. Focus on the days that are authentic to your brand; resonate with your guests; and help you grab attention on social media.

You’ll find suggestions for promotions below. However, the idea behind our monthly holiday promotions roundup is to inspire you and your team to get creative and come up with unique programming ideas.

For our February 2023 holidays list, click here.

March 3: National I Want You to be Happy Day

This is certainly a holiday tailor-made for the hospitality industry. Above all, we should all want guests to feel happy before, during, and after their visit. Happy and excited in anticipation to visiting, happy throughout their visit, and leaving with a happy memory.

March 5: Cinco de Marcho

This is a week-long celebration. Traditionally, this holiday has been intended to prepare people for all the alcohol they intend to consume on St. Patrick’s Day.

However, operators can go a different direction with this. For the week leading up to St. Patrick’s Day you can trickle out the dishes and drinks you intend to feature for the big celebration. Alternatively, you can feature alcohol-free and even health-boosting drinks before St. Patrick’s Day.

March 8: National Proofreading Day

You and your team should be proofreading your menus before they every find their in front of guests. But, hey, mistakes are sometimes made.

For National Proofreading Day, challenge your guests to find errors on your menus, placing a “bounty” on them. Reward guests who find mistakes and then fix them.

March 10: Mario Day

Nostalgia is a powerful tool for generating engagement, boosting traffic, and creating guest loyalty. This holiday celebrates Nintendo’s most famous character, obviously.

If you have gaming consoles or Super Mario Bros. arcade games, you know what to do. And you also know you should create a Mario-themed LTO menu.

March 13: National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

You could, if you’re superstitious, tempt fate on this day. For example, you could set some umbrellas by your front door and dare guests to open them indoors upon their arrival.

Or you could create an LTO menu with drinks served with cocktail umbrellas, a much “safer” way to celebrate.

March 16: National Everything You Do Is Right Day

Does your guest want another drink? That’s the right decision. Do they want to order a second starter? They’re right to do so. Is your guest mulling over dessert? They should do it because it’s the right thing to do.

March 22: National Goof Off Day

Sometimes your guests need to play hooky. Work, errands, chores… Who needs ’em? This is the day they should find refuge in your restaurant or bar and take a break from their responsibilities.

March 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

I mean… Clean slate here. Create your own holiday and make it stick for an annual March 26 celebration at your venue.

March 29: Smoke And Mirrors Day

One of the simplest ways to leverage this holiday is with smoked cocktails and foods. Smoke sells: When one guest orders a smoked cocktail, others follow.

March 30: National Virtual Vacation Day

You can treat this like National Goof Off Day. Of course, you can also decorate your place to look like a vacation destination, create themed LTOs, and send your guests into April feeling refreshed.

Women’s History Month Holidays

In addition to March being Women’s History Month, there are separate days that celebrate women and women’s accomplishments, and bring attention to women’s issues. You can find these days below:

  • International Women’s Week: March 5-12
  • Women of Aviation Worldwide Week: March 6-13
  • Women in Construction Week: March 6-13
  • International Women’s Day: March 8
  • National Women And Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day: March 10

Image: Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels

KRG Hospitality Beverage Programming

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Alternatives to ServSafe

Just.Safe.Food. and More Alternatives to ServSafe

by David Klemt

Server carrying two plates with one hand

ServSafe, the National Restaurant Association‘s food safety training program, isn’t the only food handler training game in town.

Certainly, the program is the most well known in our industry. However, it’s fair to say that ServSafe is closer to infamous than just ubiquitous due to a New York Times article from January.

While it’s the most recognizable of the food safety programs, it’s not the only one. Although, ServSafe’s omnipresence likely gives many the impression that it’s ServSafe or nothing.

There are, however, alternatives to ServSafe. In fact, one challenger was announced a day after the explosive New York Times article that thrust ServSafe into a spotlight the NRA probably isn’t enjoying. (After all, one result of that article was a letter from six US senators demanding answers from the NRA about ServSafe by March 3.)

At any rate, the newest alternative to ServSafe comes from One Fair Wage. The program is Just.Safe.Food. and costs just $10. (As a reminder, ServSafe costs $15.)

For that $10, Just.Safe.Food. gives an individual three attempts to pass their exam and unlimited access to training materials. Additionally, One Fair Wage (OFW) says profits they raise from the program will go toward advocating for restaurant workers.

OFW, as many in the industry know, is owned and operated by restaurant workers. Two cornerstones of the organization’s mission are increasing the minimum wage, and ending the tip credit. OFW is also attempting to convince lawmakers to stop accepting donations from the NRA.

Basically, OFW and the NRA are—and it appears always have been—at odds with with one another.

Other ServSafe Alternatives

Before I list a few other alternatives, let me be clear: KRG Hospitality isn’t advocating for any food safety training program in particular. Operators and their team members will need to decide which program is best for them.

Whether that decision is based on employer requirements, state or local requirements, cost, ideology, or another reason makes no difference to us.

However, I will say that the more competent and comprehensive options there are, the better. Nobody should have a monopoly on food safety.

The key factor to consider is whether the particular state or county regulations are met by the program. If anyone is uncertain, they should reach out to their local health department before proceeding with any program. It’s likely the department only accepts food safety programs that are ANSI-certified.

That said, some alternatives to ServSafe are:

Operators and food-handler restaurant workers can also search for local programs that are accepted by their state/county.

Food Handler Requirements

Food safety isn’t, it turns out, universal throughout the US. Workers can be subject to state or county requirements. In some states, food handler certification is voluntary.

And then there are food safety manager regulations to consider, and those can also be state- or county-specific.

I can’t reiterate enough how important it is to know your state/county/local food handler requirements. As with many regulations, there are nuances and hospitality professionals need to know them.

Below, how different *states regulate food handler training.

State Requirements

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Washington

County Requirements

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia


  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • New Hampshire
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Wyoming

*This information is believed accurate at the time of publication. No warranty of accuracy is given.

Image: Pixabay on Pexels

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Restaurant Bans Children Under 10

A Restaurant Bans Children Under 10 and People Have Some Thoughts

by David Klemt

Closeup of spaghetti noodle wrapped around fork

On February 9, Nettie’s House of Spaghetti in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, announced it was banning children under the age of 10.

Of course, people had some thoughts after seeing the announcement on Facebook. In fact, it became a national news story. I mean, here I am, writing yet another article about the situation.

As you’ve likely already guessed, Nettie’s has received both support and pushback. Interestingly, the Facebook post shows 40,000 reactions and 11,000 shares but just 11 comments.

For the most part, the 11 comments show varying degrees of support. There are, however, a couple posts that voice disappointment.

Post Bans Children Under 10

To be honest, I find Nettie’s Facebook post announcing the ban professional. It’s not hostile, not mired in corporate-speak.

“We love kids. We really, truly, do. But lately, it’s been extremely challenging to accommodate children at Nettie’s. Between noise levels, lack of space for high chairs, cleaning up crazy messes, and the liability of kids running around the restaurant, we have decided that it’s time to take control of the situation.”

Not a bad start. The restaurant explains that they aren’t “anti-children” and lays out what led to this decision.

“This wasn’t a decision that was made lightly, but some recent events have pushed us to implement this new policy. As of March 8, the day we return from our winter break, we will no longer allow children under 10 to dine in the restaurant.”

Straightforward, announcing when the ban takes place and the ages that will no longer be permitted in the dining room.

“We know that this is going to make some of you very upset, especially those of you with very well-behaved kids, but we believe this is the right decision for our business moving forward. Thank you for understanding [red heart emoji].”

Finally, Nettie’s addresses the backlash they knew they’d receive.

Support and Opposition

Obviously, two camps have emerged: those who support the ban and those who oppose it.

The top comment gives full-throated support of Nettie’s decision:

“Fantastic idea… having worked in the industry since I was 14, [I]’ve never seen anything like I have in the recent past. Kids are out of control and most parents are oblivious. The disregard for manners and common decency is unreal. I worked in FH and was disgusted by the behavior. Good for you for taking a stand [clapping emoji].”

Pretty harsh indictment of parenting. This comment also elicited a response from Nettie’s:

Jill Sorrentino-Wilson thank you for the support! It’s become a liability to us – kids running around the restaurant in circles when we’re trying to carry trays of food and drinks has made doing our jobs extremely difficult.

Speaking of harsh, one commenter thinks this decision may be a bit much:

“I thought this was an Onion when i first saw it! I have grown kids, they were really well behaved, and nobody likes misbehaved kids(barbarism begins at the home!), especially while dining. But this might be harsh…”

And, of course, a comment from a disappointed potential guest:

That is really sad to hear .. I was looking forward to trying out your place but with a well behaved 9 year old I’m not welcome .. sad ..

Final Thoughts

No operator will ever open a concept that’s all things to all guests. They’ll never make everybody happy, and they won’t win the loyalty of every guest.

Additionally, as one commenter on the Nettie’s Facebook post points out, not every restaurant offers an atmosphere suitable for families.

That said, operators also need to know that every decision and policy will be scrutinized by the community. It’s possible that comments opposing Nettie’s new policy were scrubbed by the page’s admin—I have no way of knowing.

But I do know this: social media comments don’t necessarily represent reality. It’s possible more people support this policy than oppose it. So, it’s possible Nettie’s will gain more guests than they lose.

Banning children will likely always elicit strong responses. One can argue that banning kids is in direct opposition to the spirit of hospitality. After all, one Facebook commenter did say “I’m not welcome” when addressing the Nettie’s ban.

However, there’s no arguing that loud—obnoxious, even—children ruin the hospitality experience for other diners. Is the experience of diners without children of less value in comparison to those with children? Should an operator be expected to “deal with” the potential liability of out-of-control children? Or should they be able to make a decision removing that liability without fear of significant backlash?

In the end, the community Nettie’s serves will make their feelings known with traffic and dollars. Every operator needs to know that’s how their decisions will ultimately be judged.

Image: Mae Mu on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Restaurants & Cafes, 2023 icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Do Super Bowl Ads Work on Consumers?

Do Super Bowl Ads Work on Consumers?

by David Klemt

Pepsi Zero Sugar bottle

One of the biggest Super Bowl ad winners is Pepsi Zero Sugar.

Brands spent hundreds of millions of dollars to advertise during Super Bowl LVII, but do their ads actually translate to demand for their products?

A week ago we shared our ten favorite beverage-focused Big Game ads. Along with those ads we shared some numbers.

One of those numbers was $7 million, the cost of a 30-second Super Bowl ad on Fox. Other numbers? $500 million and $700 million, the range of revenue it’s estimated that Fox generated this year from Super Bowl ads.

At this point, these ads and the Halftime Show have essentially become their own entities. Some people watch the Big Game for the ads, some for the show halfway through. It stands to reason that brands are well aware of this development. So, they try to create the most impactful ad possible in the hopes of generating consumer demand.

In other words, these brands aren’t spending all this money just so they’re commercial can be deemed cool. Sure, brands want that buzz. But they also want an ROI on the millions they spend.

The big question is, then, are they seeing a return? Well, it just so happens that behavioral insight platform Veylinx has a data-driven answer to that question.

In short, the answer is yes. Of course, it’s a nuanced yes. For example, it appears Gen Z doesn’t care much about Super Bowl ads, as you’ll see below. Also, non-advertisers in the same categories as Super Bowl advertisers appear to see a benefit from the ads.

You’ll learn more from the Veylinx press release below. It’s an interesting read with valuable data for restaurant, bar, and hotel operators.

NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2023 — A new study from behavioral research company Veylinx determined whether or not Super Bowl commercials boost consumer demand for the products advertised. The results show that 2023 Super Bowl advertising fueled a 6.4% increase in demand among viewers.

The overall increase in consumer demand was driven by women, who accounted for a 21% increase in demand growth. The commercials had minimal impact on men, yielding just 1% demand growth for the brands tested. Gen Z viewers were largely unimpressed by the Super Bowl ads, with demand among 18 to 25 year olds actually shrinking by 1%.

2023 Veylinx impact of Super Bowl ads on consumers chart

“It’s not really a surprise to see that Super Bowl ads improve sales, but the short term bump alone may not be enough to justify the $7 million price tag,” said Veylinx founder and CEO Anouar El Haji. 

Using Veylinx’s proprietary methodology—which measures actual demand rather than intent—the study tested purchase behavior during the week before the Super Bowl and again the week after. The research focused on measuring the change in consumer demand for eight brands with Super Bowl ads: Michelob Ultra, Heineken 0.0%, Hellmann’s Mayo, Downy Unstopables, Crown Royal Whisky, Frito-Lay PopCorners, Pringles and Pepsi Zero Sugar. 

Super Bowl Advertising Winners Overall

Michelob Ultra – 19% increase in demand

Pepsi Zero Sugar – 18% increase in demand

Frito-Lay PopCorners – 12% increase in demand

Heineken 0.0% – 11% increase in demand

Super Bowl Advertising Winners Among Women

Pepsi Zero Sugar – 45% increase in demand

Michelob Ultra – 40% increase in demand

Heineken 0.0% – 40% increase in demand

Crown Royal Whisky – 26% increase in demand

Veylinx, top performing brands during 2023 Super Bowl

Halo Effect for Non-Advertisers

The biggest winners were arguably brands in the same product categories as Super Bowl advertisers. Non-advertisers in those categories appeared to benefit nearly as much as the advertisers: demand grew by 4.2% percent for the study’s control group of non-advertising competitors. Corona Extra, Kraft Mayo and Lay’s STAX were the greatest beneficiaries in a control group that also included Budweiser Zero, Arm & Hammer Clean Scentsations, Canadian Club Whisky, Popchips, and Coke Zero Sugar. Notably, every non-advertiser saw at least a slight increase in post-Super Bowl demand.

“The goal of our study was to look specifically at how consumer demand is affected by running a commercial during the Super Bowl,” El Haji said. “It’s possible that the non-advertisers deployed other marketing efforts to offset or take advantage of the Super Bowl advertising—or they simply benefited from increased exposure for their categories.” 

Additional Findings

Study participants also answered a series of follow-up questions about their preferences, perceptions and how they watched the Super Bowl. More than three-quarters watched at home through various platforms, the most popular being the live cable/satellite broadcast (38%), followed by YouTube TV (15%) and Hulu (10%). When asked why they watched, it’s no surprise that participants were all about the game (64%)—but the commercials were the next most popular reason for watching (39%), followed by halftime (35%), the social aspect (26%) and fear of missing out (13%). 

About the Research

Veylinx studied the behavior of 1,610 U.S. consumers pre- and post- Super Bowl LVII. Unlike typical surveys where consumers are simply asked about their purchase intent, Veylinx measures whether consumers will pay for a product through a real bidding process. Consumers reveal their true willingness to pay by placing sealed bids on products and then answering follow-up questions.

For more information about the study and the Veylinx methodology, visit info.veylinx.com/super-bowl

About Veylinx

Veylinx is the most realistic behavioral insights platform for confidently answering critical business questions during all stages of product innovation. To reliably predict demand, Veylinx captures insights through a Nobel Prize-winning approach in which consumers have real skin in the game. This is a major advance from traditional market research practices that rely on what consumers say they would hypothetically buy. Veylinx’s unique research methodology is trusted by the world’s largest and most innovative consumer goods companies.

Main article image: PepsiCo / Article body images: Veylinx

KRG Hospitality Bars & Lounges, 2023 icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

WCK On the Ground in Türkiye and Syria

WCK On the Ground in Türkiye and Syria

by David Klemt

Building in Barış, Türkiye, damaged in 2023 earthquake

A week after deadly, devastating earthquakes struck Türkiye and Syria, World Central Kitchen has served more than one million meals.

KRG Hospitality supports WCK and their mission, and has done so for years. In fact, donating to WCK is a core element of our KRG Cares program.

There’s a lot of bleakness and darkness dominating headlines. Negativity continues to infect social media and public discourse. All too often, people are focusing on one another’s differences, feeding the drive to divide rather than unite.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to give into cynicism and pessimism. We don’t have to take the bait and allow ourselves to wallow in outrage.

Look at what Chef José Andrés, Patricia Andrés, and the WCK team accomplish as an example. When disaster strikes, WCK is there to provide support and relief. The WCK Relief Team mobilizes, WCK organizes and finds support partners, and those in need get hot meals.

On February 6, two earthquakes Türkiye and Syria. The first earthquake registered 7.8 Mw (Moment Magnitude Scale), while the second was 7.7 Mw. According to recent reports, the death toll has surpassed 42,000. Millions of people in both countries lost their homes.

Yesterday, a 6.4 Mw quake struck the Türkiye-Syria border. Reports claim another eight people died and hundreds more were injured.

Making the monumental task of providing relief even more challenging is the conflict in Syria. Still, WCK, Gift of the Givers, and 25 restaurant partners are providing meals in Türkiye and Syria. Meals for those in Syria are prepared in Türkiye and then delivered to a hospital.

The Spirit of Hospitality

I don’t want to come off as preachy in this article. However, I think there’s been a departure from hospitality that our industry needs to address.

It behooves us to remember the role that restaurants, bars, and hotels have played traditionally in their communities. Ours are places of welcome, of warmth, of support.

In other words, our businesses are places of hospitality. That word isn’t simply an industry or trade designation.

Restaurants, bars, and hotels around the world have long been the cartilage of their communities; they brought everyone together. In many cases, hospitality was the beating heart of a community, not just the connective tissue.

Two people with opposing word views were able to set aside their differences over a drink and a bite to eat. We need to get back to that element of hospitality. Neighborhood restaurants and bars, regardless of category, are sanctuaries. Each one is an oasis, and we need to remember that. We’re about inclusion, not exclusion.

The WCK is perhaps an extreme example of what our industry can do for others. That makes the organization no less exemplary and deserving of emulation.

If you’re able to do so, please consider supporting WCK.

Image: World Central Kitchen via Twitter

KRG Hospitality Mindset Coaching, 2023 Icon

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

A New Challenger to the Margarita Emerges

A New Challenger to the Margarita Emerges

by David Klemt

Margarita Código 1530 Blanco

The simple, three-ingredient Margarita continues its longstanding reign on the cocktail throne but there’s now a new number two.

Technically, of course, we haven’t had hard numbers regarding the Margarita’s sales for decades upon decades. Nielsen has only been officially tracking this type of cocktail data since 2016.

However, it’s not difficult to understand that America has been in love with the Margarita for decades. In fact, the cocktail may have been sitting on the throne for 50 (or more) years.

Some cocktail historians believe the Margarita is a member of the Daisy drink family. These sours consist of a spirit, citrus, simple syrup, and soda. Depending on who you believe, the Margarita came to life in the 1930s or 1940s.

An orange liqueur (triple sec) replaced the simple syrup, the soda was sent packing, and tequila became the required spirit. By the 1950s, the Margarita was on its way to winning the cocktail game of thrones.

Over the decades, many variations have appeared on the scene. Undoubtedly, this has helped the cocktail continue its reign. Tourist destinations have also strengthened its position; just think about the ubiquity of Margarita machines and blenders in Las Vegas and New Orleans.

But the simple, original recipe is the still “the One.” Ask a bartender or bar manager how they gauge someone’s skills behind the bar. The answer much (if not most) of the time? How that person makes a Margarita.

There’s nowhere to hide when a cocktail has but two or three ingredients. That’s why so many bar professionals judge bartenders by their Margs.

A “New” Challenger Appears

Unsurprisingly, the Margarita proved to be the most popular cocktail in America in 2022.

In contrast, according to the CGA Cocktail Sales Tracker by Nielsen IQ, the Manhattan fell out of the top ten.

The Moscow Mule, which has been rising in popularity for several years now, was in second place last year. In third, the Martini.

Now, before I address the “new” challenger to the Margarita, a note. The four newsworthy cocktails in terms of CGA and Nielsen tracking all have names beginning with the letter “M.” Does that mean anything? I have no idea. Maybe someone can look into cocktail names and how their perceived by guests to find out if “M” drinks outperform others.

So, we’ve got the Margarita, the Moscow Mule, the Martini, and the Manhattan (although for a different reason). Is the Moscow Mule currently eyeing the Margarita’s position up close and personally?

According to CGA by NielsenIQ data, no. The Martini is now sitting in the number two spot. Interestingly, this may be due to the rise in popularity—yet again—of the Espresso Martini.

So, while your bar team is ensuring their Margarita specs are dialed in for National Margarita Day, don’t neglect your Martinis. (Particularly your Espresso Martini.)

By the way, National Margarita Day is this Wednesday, February 22. Make sure you’re ready to thrown down.

Oh, and if you ever feel like starting an argument at a bar, ask the bartenders for their Margarita and Martini specs.

Image: Mathew Benoit on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Beverage Programming

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Infographic Shows Massive Tech Growth

Infographic Shows Massive Hospitality Industry Tech Growth

by David Klemt

White robot hand

An infographic from Brizo FoodMetrics puts the explosive growth of the hospitality industry technology landscape on display.

It appears that operators, once largely hesitant to embrace new technology, are seeking it out. So, too, it seems, are guests. Intriguingly, many guests expect restaurants, bars, and hotels to innovate technologically.

In a sign of this change, SpotOn is predicting 2023 to be the year when independent operators upgrade their POS systems.

And that’s just one area where tech companies are innovating for our industry. As their infographic shows, Brizo FoodMetrics identifies ten areas of innovation:

  • POS systems
  • Payment platforms
  • Online ordering solutions
  • Reservation and waitlist platforms
  • Inventory, accounting, and purchasing solutions
  • Human resources and staffing
  • Delivery, pickup, and drive-thru tech
  • Marketing, loyalty, and analytics platforms
  • Artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation
  • Ghost kitchen and virtual brand tech

Looking just at Brizo’s POS section, they list 48 platforms as part of their “2023 Restaurant Tech Landscape.” That’s four dozen POS systems, and that’s not even every platform available to operators.

Some will be familiar to operators—Toast, TouchBistro, Clover—as they’re basically synonymous with POS systems. Others, like Tillpoint and OVVI, may be less known. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not worthy of research and consideration.

Explosive Growth and Innovation

Again, the Brizo infographic doesn’t list every single available platform. For instance, I don’t see OpenSimSim under the HR/Staffing section. But the fact that there are still dozens of other platforms—more than in the POS section—shows that tech companies finally want their share of the hospitality pie.

This is, of course, beneficial for operators and their teams for several reasons. One such reason is innovation.

On one hand, the established platforms must innovate to fend off competitors. And on the other hand, upstarts must prove themselves to operators. In other words, new platforms must show they’re not vaporware; they have longevity and won’t abandon their own platform any time soon; they’ll update constantly; they’re simple to learn and use; they integrate with other systems; and that they’re worth an operator’s money and time.

We’re just two months into 2023. Imagine what the 2024 tech landscape is going to look like. And bear in mind, this is a restaurant-focused map—there are categories like property management systems for hotels that aren’t included.

If you’re in the market for a new POS system, want to upgrade scheduling, or are just curious about where the industry is heading, check out the infographic below. Select a few brands that are unfamiliar and look them up.

Brizo FoodMetrics 2023 Restaurant Tech Landscape

To view this infographic on the Brizo FoodMetrics website, click here.

KRG Hospitality Planning Phase, 2023 icon

Image: Possessed Photography on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Girl Scout Cookies take Cocktail Form

Girl Scout Cookies take Cocktail Form at Ocean Casino Resort

by David Klemt

Ocean Casino Resort Girl Scout Cookie cocktails

Beginning today, Girl Scout Cookies are undergoing an irresistible liquid transformation at Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

Guests of the casino and resort will have the opportunity to enjoy these decadent cocktails through March 15.

In addition to driving traffic and engagement, these LTO drinks are a charitable effort. One dollar from each sale of these cocktails will go to the Girl Scout Troops of Southern and Central New Jersey.

So, not only is this a promotion that leverages nostalgia, these drinks enhance the guest experience of both visitors and locals. Ocean guests from out of town get to try enticing LTO drinks. And locals can try a series of limited-run cocktails while supporting their own community.

At KRG Hospitality, we like this promotion for several reasons. First, Girl Scout Cookies. For adults, these are nostalgic treats. For children, Girl Scout Cookies are a special treat. And, of course, Girl Scout Cookie sales help Girl Scouts raise funds for their organization.

Second, this promotion runs for four full weeks. That’s 28 days of sales, which is 28 days of fundraising.

Third, the Ocean Casino Resort F&B and marketing teams continues to show off their marketing skills. Last year, Ocean celebrated the Choco Taco with a tempting cocktail after it’s demise was announced. And just days ago we took a look at their Big Game drinks.

Each of their cocktail promotions serve as an exemplary LTO. Operators across the country can look to these for inspiration in terms of boosting traffic and sales, enhancing the guest experience, and engaging with their local communities while enticing visitors.

Check out Ocean Casino Resort’s National Girl Scout Day cocktail recipes. Cheers!

Ocean Casino Resort Berry Chocolatey Girl Scout Cookie cocktail

Berry Chocolatey

  • 2 oz. Three Olives Vodka
  • 2 oz. Chambord
  • 2 oz. Chocolate liqueur (examples: Dorda, Godiva, Mozart)
  • Half chocolate rim to garnish

Prepare a coupe by rimming with chocolate syrup. Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into prepared glass.

Ocean Casino Resort Caramel Surprise Girl Scout Cookie cocktail

Caramel Surprise

  • 1.5 oz. Three Olives Vodka
  • 1 oz. Chocolate Liqueur (examples: Dorda, Godiva, Mozart)
  • 1.5 oz. Malibu
  • 1 oz. Half and Half
  • 1 bar spoon of Caramel syrup
  • Chocolate and caramel drizzle to garnish
  • Toasted coconut flakes to garnish

Prepare a Martini or cocktail glass by adding chocolate and caramel syrups to inside. Add first four ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into prepared glass. Garnish with toasted coconut flakes.

Ocean Casino Resort Lemon Kiss Girl Scout Cookie cocktail

Lemon Kiss

  • 2 oz. Three Olives Vodka
  • 0.5 oz. Triple Sec
  • 1 oz. Fresh lemon juice
  • 1 oz. Simple syrup
  • Half sugar rim to garnish
  • Lemon wedge to garnish

Prepare a Martini or cocktail glass with half-rim of sugar. Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into prepared glass. Garnish with lemon wedge.

Ocean Casino Resort PB&B Girl Scout Cookie cocktail


  • 2.5 oz. Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey
  • 0.5 oz. Crème de Cacao
  • 2 dashes Chocolate bitters
  • 1 dash Angostura bitters
  • Peanut Brittle laid across rim to garnish

Place a large ice cube inside a rocks glass. Add all liquid ingredients to prepared glass and stir. Garnish by laying a bite-size piece of peanut brittle across rim.

Images courtesy of Ocean Casino Resort

KRG Hospitality Mixology Training with Jared Boller

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Group of Senators Questions ServSafe

A Group of Senators has Questions About ServSafe

by David Klemt

Gloved hand pressing down on cheeseburger

You probably shouldn’t serve a cheeseburger directly onto a table.

The National Restaurant Association and the ServSafe program are now in the crosshairs of a group of Democratic senators.

I doubt any organization or individual wants to learn that lawmakers have questions for them. For those who may not know, ServSafe isn’t just in a partnership with the National Restaurant Association—the NRA owns the program.

That’s part of why six senators, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), have sent a letter to the NRA. To describe the tone of this letter in one word, I think “aggressive” is accurate.

The Opening Paragraphs of the Letter

The letter, addressed to NRA president and CEO Michelle Korsmo, can be found here on Sen. Warren’s official website.

However, I’ve included the letter in its entirety below, without the citations of the original:

We are writing in response to a recent New York Times investigation which revealed that the National Restaurant Association (“Restaurant Association” or “Association”) is using millions of dollars in fees paid by food service workers for food safety training courses to instead, “largely unbeknown to [the workers]” – help “fund a nationwide lobbying campaign” against minimum wage increases that would raise these workers’ pay. The Times report revealed that the Restaurant Association, through its ownership of ubiquitous food safety certifier ServSafe, is charging food service employees for employer- or state-mandated courses and then funneling that money into its federal and state lobbying apparatus to fight against basic worker protections like paid sick leave and a livable minimum wage.

According to the report, payments from workers to the National Restaurant Association “provid[ed] about $25 million in revenue to the restaurant industry’s lobbying arm since 2010.” The Association’s use of workers’ food safety course payments – which are mandatory in some states and required by employers in others – is particularly outrageous because workers who take the course are not adequately informed of how their payments are used, and because the National Restaurant Association has, for decades, led the fight against increases in federal, state, and local minimum wages and improved health benefits.

As you can see, Sen. Warren wastes no time making the group’s displeasure known.

The NRA “Owes Workers” an Explanation

If you haven’t read the New York Times article about ServSafe published in January of this year, click here.

The exposé is eyeopening, to say the least. Sen. Warren and her Democrat colleagues appear to be infuriated by what the New York Times revealed about their ServSafe investigation.

You owe workers an answer as to why you are secretly using their funds to lobby against their interests. We are writing to seek clarity into the Association’s rationale for forcing workers to shoulder the cost of the ServSafe courses and for using the funds it collects to fight against pro- worker policies in Congress and state legislatures across the country. ServSafe, owned and administered by the National Restaurant Association, is a food and beverage safety training and certificate program that has become a staple of the food service industry. Upon entering the food service industry, many workers must pay a roughly $15 fee to take a ServSafe course and pass a final exam to receive their certification. To maintain their certification as recognized by the Association, non-managerial employees generally must retake the course every three years, though some states and employers may require more frequent recertification. The National Restaurant Association acquired ServSafe in 2007, and then “helped lobby states to mandate the kind of training they already provided — producing a flood of paying customers.” As a result, at least four large states (Texas, Florida, California, and Illinois) require most food service employees to participate in—and pay for—“food handler” certification, as do many employers in other states.10 While there are alternatives to ServSafe, it remains the “dominant force in the market,” with one competitor noting that ServSafe may have as much as 70 percent of the market share.

What most workers do not appear to know is that the fees they pay for their ServSafe courses are used to fund a sprawling anti-worker lobbying campaign aimed at defeating measures that would improve their own economic security and well-being. ServSafe “doubles as a fund-raising arm of the National Restaurant Association — the largest lobbying group for the food-service industry.” According to tax filings reviewed by the Times, the fees ServSafe collects—ostensibly for the purpose of educating workers about proper food safety practices—have instead provid[ed] about $25 million in revenue to the restaurant industry’s lobbying arm since 2010.” And as these fees “flowed in from the National Restaurant Association’s training programs, its overall spending on politics and lobbying more than doubled from 2007 to 2021, tax filings show.” The Association “donated to Democrats, Republicans and conservative-leaning think tanks, and sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to state restaurant associations to beef up their lobbying.

I’m curious, of course, about which politicians have received donations from the NRA. This letter is signed by Sens. Warren, Patty Murray, Jeffrey Merkley, Bernie Sanders, Edward Markey, and Peter Welch.

Have any of these senators accepted donations from the Association?

A “Secretive Fee-to-fundraising Scheme”

In this section of the letter, the group of Democrats drop some startling numbers. Additionally, the senators also attacks the Association’s ethics and tactics.

The National Restaurant Association has a lengthy track record of lobbying against federal, state, and local policy proposals to improve the lives of food service and other workers. From 2007 to 2022, the Association spent nearly $46 million on federal legislative lobbying alone. These funds, collected from food service workers across the country, were used to raise the Association’s profile as a “major force in limiting employer-provided health care benefits” and to fight against minimum wage increases. Most recently, the Association successfully fought against the Raise the Wage Act, which would increase the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour over five years and eliminate the subminimum wage of $2.13 per hour for tipped workers; and the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, landmark pro-worker legislation that would shore up workers’ right to organize, form a union, and bargain collectively. The Association has also fought aggressively against state- and local-level minimum wage increase.

The National Restaurant Association’s secretive fee-to-fundraising scheme is particularly troublesome given the low pay and poor conditions faced by many of the workers from whom the Association is extracting the money to fund its lobbying machine. In 2018, more than 10 years into this scheme, roughly 40 percent of food service workers qualified as “low-income.” And tipped workers, who make up 98 percent of restaurant workers, are more likely to experience poverty due in part to the stagnant subminimum wage. Furthermore, people of color are disproportionately overrepresented in the food service industry: a March 2022 data brief from the National Restaurant Association itself noted that nearly half of restaurant and food service workers are people of color, compared to 38 percent in the broader labor force. Women make up more than half of the food service workforce, while immigrants make up nearly a quarter. Requiring these workers to fund advocacy for policies that keep their wages down and leave many of them in poverty is unconscionable.

The Questions

Below you’ll find the questions these senators have for the NRA concerning ServSafe.

The group of senators claims the NRA has weaponized ServSafe, referring to their actions as “underhanded and unscrupulous.”

They want answers to their questions by March 3 of this year.

  1. What is the cost to the National Restaurant Association, per program participant, of running the ServSafe program? What is the source of these funds to run the program?

  2. How much, in total annual revenue, did ServSafe take in in each of the last five calendar years?

  3. What s the ultimate disposition of the funds collected by the National Restaurant Association as fees for ServSafe courses? Specifically, how much was spent, in each of the last five calendar years, on:a. Lobbying at the federal level;b. Lobbying at the state level; andc. State and federal campaign contributions to candidates.

  4. Does the National Restaurant Association or ServSafe notify employees of how their ServSafe fees will be used?a. If so, when and how is that notification provided?b. Please provide copies of all documentation provided to ServSafe participants indicating how their fees will be used.

  5. Some food service workers have alleged that the ServSafe courses are a “rudimentary and cursory overview of basic hygiene and cleanliness that would be learned in the first few minutes of any actual employment,”26 raising questions about why the National Restaurant Association charges workers for the course at all. Please provide a copy of all instructional materials and examinations used as part of the ServSafe Food Handler course.

  6. In what states has the National Restaurant Association lobbied to make ServSafe certification mandatory for food service workers? In which states has the Association been successful in passing such a requirement? In which states has the Association lobbied to require ServSafe but been unsuccessful in passing such a requirement?a. How much has the Association spent in each calendar year starting in 2007 on lobbying at the state level to make ServSafe certification mandatory for food service workers?”

I think it’s fair to say that just about everyone in the industry is eager for the NRA’s answers. And also whether the ServSafe program will remain the standard moving forward.

Image: Manu Ros on Unsplash

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by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Can ChatGPT Write Food and Drink Menus?

Can ChatGPT Write Food and Drink Menus?

by David Klemt

Closeup of keyboard

After my “conversation” last month with ChatGPT about AI, I had another conversation during which I asked it to write me four menus.

Of course, I did this to prove a point. And upon reviewing the ChatGPT menus, you’ll likely reach the same conclusion.

Curious about how creative the AI-powered chatbot could be, I asked for four specific menus. As you’ll see, two are cocktail specific, one focuses on food, and one is a 20-item F&B menu for a specific event.

So, yes, ChatGPT can write food and drink menus. But there’s a caveat. I could leave you in suspense but that’s not very nice. Let’s jump in.

Write me a cocktail menu using the most popular cocktails from 2022.

Cocktail Menu

  1. Aperol Spritz – Aperol, Prosecco, and soda water, garnished with an orange slice
  2. Old Fashioned – Bourbon, sugar, bitters, and a citrus peel
  3. Margarita – Tequila, triple sec, lime juice, and salt rim
  4. Daiquiri – Rum, lime juice, and simple syrup
  5. Moscow Mule – Vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice
  6. Paloma – Tequila, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and soda water
  7. Pina Colada – Rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and a cherry garnish
  8. Whiskey Sour – Bourbon, lemon juice, and simple syrup
  9. French 75 – Gin, Champagne, lemon juice, and simple syrup
  10. Mai Tai – Rum, orange liqueur, lime juice, and orgeat syrup

*All cocktails are served over ice, unless otherwise requested.

Write me a cocktail menu using the most popular spirits and alcohol types of 2022.

Cocktail Menu

  1. Gin and Tonic – Gin, tonic water, and a lime wedge
  2. Vodka Martini – Vodka, dry vermouth, and an olive garnish
  3. Bourbon Manhattan – Bourbon, sweet vermouth, and bitters
  4. Tequila Sunrise – Tequila, orange juice, and grenadine syrup
  5. Rum Runner – Rum, blackberry liqueur, orange juice, pineapple juice, and grenadine
  6. Whiskey Sour – Bourbon, lemon juice, and simple syrup
  7. Margarita – Tequila, triple sec, lime juice, and salt rim
  8. Daiquiri – Rum, lime juice, and simple syrup
  9. Long Island Iced Tea – Vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec, lemon juice, and cola
  10. Pina Colada – Rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and a cherry garnish

*All cocktails are served over ice, unless otherwise requested.

Write me an appetizer and tapas menu that includes food items from an array of cuisines.

Appetizer and Tapas Menu

  1. Bruschetta – Grilled bread topped with fresh tomatoes, basil, and balsamic glaze
  2. Hummus Platter – Chickpea dip served with pita bread and fresh veggies
  3. Spring Rolls – Fried wonton wrappers filled with veggies and served with sweet chili sauce
  4. Spinach and Artichoke Dip – Creamy dip made with spinach, artichokes, and melted cheese, served with tortilla chips
  5. Stuffed Jalapeños – Jalapeño peppers stuffed with cream cheese and bacon
  6. Fried Calamari – Lightly battered and fried squid rings served with marinara sauce
  7. Baked Brie – Warm, gooey brie cheese topped with fruit preserves and served with crackers
  8. Fried Rice Balls – Rice mixed with veggies and spices, rolled into balls and fried, served with sweet and sour sauce
  9. Chorizo Sliders – Mini sliders made with spicy chorizo sausage and topped with avocado crema
  10. Samosas – Triangular-shaped pastries filled with spiced potatoes and peas, served with mint chutney.

*Please let us know of any dietary restrictions, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Write me a food and beverage menu for the 2023 [Big Game] with ten food items and ten drinks.

[Big Game] 2023 Food and Beverage Menu


  1. Buffalo Wings – Crispy wings tossed in spicy Buffalo sauce
  2. Sliders – Mini burgers with various toppings, such as bacon and cheddar, mushroom and Swiss, and BBQ pulled pork
  3. Nachos – Tortilla chips topped with melted cheese, jalapeños, salsa, and sour cream
  4. Chili – Hearty beef chili served with shredded cheddar cheese, onions, and crackers
  5. Ribs – Slow-cooked BBQ ribs with a tangy sauce
  6. Mac & Cheese Bites – Fried balls of creamy mac & cheese
  7. Deviled Eggs – Hard-boiled eggs filled with a mixture of mayo, mustard, and spices
  8. Pizzas – Slices of delicious pizza in various toppings such as pepperoni, mushroom, and sausage
  9. Chips & Dip – Assorted chips served with guacamole, salsa, and queso dip
  10. Soft Pretzels – Warm, soft pretzels served with cheese dipping sauce


  1. Beer – A selection of domestic and imported beers
  2. Margaritas – Classic margaritas made with tequila, triple sec, and lime juice
  3. Bloody Mary – A spicy tomato and vodka-based drink with celery, olives, and other garnishes
  4. Hard Cider – A crisp, apple-based beverage
  5. Sodas – A variety of soft drinks, such as cola, lemon-lime, and root beer
  6. Whiskey Sours – A mixture of whiskey, lemon juice, and simple syrup
  7. Spiked Hot Cider – Warm apple cider with a splash of rum
  8. Red and White Wines – A selection of red and white wines to accompany any meal
  9. Iced Tea – Sweetened or unsweetened iced tea
  10. Coffee – Freshly brewed coffee, hot and ready to enjoy.

*Please drink responsibly and always have a designated driver.

Where Do You Stand on AI?

In my opinion, there are essentially four primary camps forming around the subject of artificial intelligence.

There are the Alarmists, the Enthusiasts, the Cautious, and the Shoulder Shruggers.

As my label implies, the Alarmists are fearful of AI. This group doesn’t like the genie being let out of its bottle. On the polar opposite, there are the Enthusiasts. This group can’t wait to see how far AI can go and what it’s fully capable of.

The Shoulder Shruggers basically have no opinion. They may even throw in an eye roll when the topic of AI comes around.

Then there’s the camp I most closely identify with: the Cautious. I don’t know enough about AI to be an Alarmist or an Enthusiast. Instead, I agree with points made by both of those camps.


Before I had my latest conversation with ChatGPT, I happened across a few interesting articles about the chatbot specifically and AI in general. A point each article shared was this: (for now), ChatGPT isn’t creative.

And that’s the caveat I mentioned at the top of this article.

Sure, it can scour the Internet for information in the blink of an eye, contextualize it (to a degree), and present it in a manner that seems intelligent. But really, neither ChatGPT nor other AI tools are capable of creative endeavors.

Now, consider the “menus” you just read. Unless your goal is to become a boring, regional chain bereft of personality and identity, not a single one is creative. In fact, they both consist of F&B items that any bartender, bar manager, chef, cook, or kitchen manager should know how to make, off-menu or on.

Simply put, these ChatGPT menus don’t provide much, if anything, in the way of brand identity.

That’s not to say that menus with the items above are “bad.” It’s just that they’re not enticing, not inspiring, not creative. They’re the definition of derivative. Why would today’s guest be drawn to a venue with those menus?

For now, I don’t think we need to be afraid of AI. Humans still rule the creativity roost. Oh, and please don’t use those AI-generated menus.

KRG Hospitality Restaurants & Cafes, 2023 icon  KRG Hospitality Beverage Programming

Image: Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
