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Spring Clean Your Business! | KRG Hospitality
by David Klemt

7 Ways to Give Your Business a Spring Cleaning!

by Kim Richardson & David Klemt

White mops against red and white wall

In case you’re so busy you didn’t catch it, we’re officially—finally—in spring, and that means it’s time to spring clean your business.

Below you’ll find a spring cleaning slideshow with helpful advice from KRG Hospitality consultant Kim Richardson.

Each slide contains her best advice for reviewing, refreshing, and improving your business. For your convenience, Kim organizes her spring cleaning advice in just seven slides.

It’s time to look at your business through fresh, energized eyes! Your team, guests, and bottom line will thank you.

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Note: Unable to view the slides above? Each slide is transcribed below.

1 Re-plant Your Core Values

  • Review your core values with your team.
  • Post them where everyone can see them daily.
  • Foster core values through consistent training.
  • What kind of experiences are you offering your team?
  • Hire a coach to help you discover your core values.

2 Tidy up Your Guest Journey Map

  • Walk through your business from the guest perspective.
  • Review your website for content, ease of use, current info.
  • Review your technology and potential pain-points.
  • Touch up items that may have become run down: paint, signage, furniture, equipment, etc.
  • Review your flow of service and communication.

3 Spruce up Your SOP & Training Programs

  • Evaluate how well current SOPs are being followed.
  • Evaluate how well you continuously train your team.
  • Make updates as needed and add any new procedures.
  • Ensure SOPs are easily accessible by your team.
  • Discuss your standards during pre-shift meetings.

4 Deep Clean Your Financial Books

  • Review your budgets and projections for the year ahead.
  • Review and organize the financials tracking processes; receipts, invoices, files, etc. and digitize what you can.
  • Consider updating your financial tracking technology or bringing in a third party to assist.

5 Dust off Your Business Plan

  • Evaluate the progress of your business plan.
  • Acknowledge what you have accomplished.
  • Are you on track to achieve your goals this year?
  • Do all of your goals still make sense?
  • Make any necessary updates and create a game plan to stay on track; review every 30 days.

6 Freshen up Your Marketing Plan

  • Budget time and money to dedicate towards marketing for the next 90 days.
  • Create strategic campaigns that will create awareness, build a database, and retain your targeted customers.
  • Consider working with a third party or having someone dedicated to this role internally.

7 Declutter Your Mind

  • Perform a calendar audit.
  • Review goals and formulate action plans.
  • Practice mindfulness through journaling or meditation.
  • Consider hiring a mindset coach to help you organize your life and your business.

Image: PAN XIAOZHEN on Unsplash / Slideshow Images: Kim Richardson / KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality. Business Coach. Restaurant Coach. Hotel Coach. Hospitality Coach. Mindset Coach.
