by David Klemt

We Ask ChatGPT to Write Marketing Plans

by David Klemt

3D render of ChatGPT logo

The hype surrounding artificial intelligence and chatbots in general, and ChatGPT in particular, is still going strong and likely won’t slow any time soon.

Of course, the hype focuses on the capabilities of various AI platforms. So far, the promise is that chatbots and other forms of AI will make our lives easier. They’ll perform “mundane” tasks that bog down humans so that we can center our attention on higher-level functions.

Unfortunately, many companies enamored already with the current capabilities aren’t giving all their employees more complex or creative tasks. Instead, they’re automating what they can—putting their faith in nascent technology—and firing humans.

We’ve played around with ChatGPT before. We’ve also spoken with Bing and Bard. And so far the results have always been…less than impressive, shall I say.

What they’ve produced for us as far as food and drink menus is mediocre, at best. Other interactions have resulted in our request being denied.

So, that got me thinking. Maybe these chatbots can’t secure potential guests reservations or waitlist spots (at least not without significant manipulation). And perhaps the menus it writes are far too basic. Are they able to replace the human element and give us not just advice but an entire marketing plan?

Well, you’ll find out below.

Can you create a marketing plan for an upscale restaurant in Toronto, Ontario, Canada?

Marketing Plan for an Upscale Restaurant in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  1. Define Your Target Market: Identify your target audience for the upscale restaurant. Consider factors such as demographics (age, income level, occupation), psychographics (lifestyle, interests), and dining preferences. For example, your target market could be affluent professionals, food enthusiasts, or tourists seeking a high-end dining experience.
  2. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine what sets your upscale restaurant apart from the competition. It could be a unique menu concept, exceptional service, a specific cuisine, or a breathtaking ambiance. Your USP should be compelling and communicate the value customers will receive by choosing your restaurant.
  3. Branding and Positioning: Create a strong brand identity that resonates with your target market. Develop a logo, color palette, and visual elements that convey the upscale and sophisticated nature of your restaurant. Craft a positioning statement that highlights your USP and appeals to the desires and aspirations of your target audience.
  4. Online Presence: Build a professional website that showcases your restaurant’s ambiance, menu offerings, and reservation options. Optimize the website for search engines to increase online visibility. Leverage social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to share captivating visuals, engage with customers, and promote special offers or events.
  5. Local Search Optimization: Ensure your restaurant appears in local search results by optimizing your Google My Business profile and other online directories. Encourage customers to leave positive reviews to enhance your restaurant’s reputation and credibility.
  6. Content Marketing: Create valuable content related to the restaurant industry, culinary trends, and fine dining experiences. Develop a blog or share articles on your website to establish your restaurant as a thought leader. Utilize email marketing campaigns to stay connected with customers, share updates, and offer exclusive promotions.
  7. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with local influencers, food bloggers, and social media personalities who align with your restaurant’s brand. Invite them for exclusive tastings or events to generate buzz and increase exposure. Encourage them to share their experiences and recommendations with their followers.
  8. Strategic Partnerships: Forge partnerships with complementary businesses in the area, such as luxury hotels, theaters, or art galleries. Explore cross-promotion opportunities, joint events, or special packages to attract their clientele and expand your reach.
  9. Event Marketing: Host unique events, such as wine tastings, chef collaborations, or themed evenings, to attract new customers and provide memorable experiences. Promote these events through your website, social media channels, and local event listings to generate excitement and drive reservations.
  10. Customer Loyalty Program: Implement a customer loyalty program to incentivize repeat visits and referrals. Offer exclusive perks, personalized offers, or a points-based system to reward loyal patrons and encourage them to bring friends and family.
  11. Community Involvement: Engage with the local community by participating in charity events, sponsoring local initiatives, or collaborating with neighboring businesses. This involvement fosters goodwill, enhances brand reputation, and builds a loyal customer base.
  12. Monitor and Measure: Continuously monitor the performance of your marketing efforts using key metrics such as website traffic, reservation rates, customer feedback, and social media engagement. Use this data to refine your strategies and optimize your marketing campaigns.

Remember, an effective marketing plan is adaptable and should evolve based on market trends, customer feedback, and business goals. Regularly assess and adjust your strategies to ensure your upscale restaurant maintains a competitive edge and remains top-of-mind among discerning diners in Toronto.

Can you write a social media marketing plan for a neighborhood bar in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada?

Social Media Marketing Plan for a Neighborhood Bar in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

  1. Define Your Social Media Goals: Identify the specific goals you want to achieve through social media, such as increasing brand awareness, driving foot traffic, promoting events or specials, and fostering customer engagement and loyalty.
  2. Identify Target Audience: Determine the demographics and interests of your target audience. For a neighborhood bar, this may include locals, young professionals, college students, and individuals interested in nightlife and community gatherings.
  3. Choose Social Media Platforms: Select social media platforms that align with your target audience and business objectives. Consider platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, based on their popularity and relevance to your target market.
  4. Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy that showcases the unique aspects of your neighborhood bar. Mix promotional content, such as happy hour deals or event announcements, with engaging and shareable content, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer spotlights, or cocktail recipes. Encourage user-generated content by running contests or featuring customer photos and experiences.
  5. Visual Branding: Create a consistent visual identity across your social media profiles. Use high-quality, eye-catching images and videos that reflect the ambiance, drinks, and overall vibe of your bar. Incorporate your logo and brand colors to enhance recognition and reinforce brand identity.
  6. Engage with Followers: Regularly monitor and respond to comments, messages, and reviews on your social media platforms. Engage with followers by asking questions, running polls, and sparking conversations. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address any concerns promptly and professionally.
  7. Local Influencers and Collaborations: Partner with local influencers, bloggers, or popular accounts to promote your bar. Invite them for tastings or to host events at your venue. Their endorsement can help increase visibility, attract new patrons, and create buzz among the local community.
  8. Promote Special Events and Offers: Leverage social media to promote special events, live music performances, themed nights, and limited-time offers. Create event pages, share event details, and encourage followers to RSVP and share with their friends. Consider partnering with local artists, musicians, or charities to enhance community engagement.
  9. User-Generated Content and Reviews: Encourage customers to share their experiences at your bar by creating branded hashtags, running photo contests, or offering incentives for leaving reviews. Repost and share user-generated content to showcase the lively and welcoming atmosphere of your neighborhood bar.
  10. Social Media Advertising: Consider allocating a portion of your marketing budget to targeted social media advertising. Utilize the platforms’ advertising tools to reach a wider audience, promote specific events or offerings, and drive traffic to your bar. Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads or video ads, to maximize engagement.
  11. Social Media Management Tools: Utilize social media management tools, such as Hootsuite or Buffer, to schedule posts, monitor analytics, and streamline your social media efforts. These tools can help you maintain a consistent posting schedule and track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns.
  12. Measure and Adjust: Regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as follower growth, engagement rate, reach, and conversions. Analyze the data to assess the effectiveness of your social media efforts and make informed decisions on adjustments to your strategy. Experiment with different content types, posting times, and promotional strategies based on the insights gained.

By implementing this social media marketing plan, you can effectively engage with your local audience, increase brand awareness, and foster a sense of community around your neighborhood bar in Vancouver.


Perhaps programmers and engineers can squeeze more in-depth results out of AI-powered chatbots. That tells me that these platforms aren’t quite ready for the average person.

Speaking plainly, the ChatGPT results above are underwhelming. In part, this is because any operator who attends an industry trade show and sits in on a marketing session will walk away with similar information. More importantly, they’ll take home at least a nugget or two of higher-level advice they can implement immediately.

The same can be said for anyone following a marketing account on Instagram: they’re sharing high-level tips at this point.

When we look at what ChatGPT suggests, it’s surface-level at best. Crucially, it’s too general to really be effective. The what may be there, but not the how to achieve consistent results. Moreover, would you, as a client, want to pay a consulting or marketing agency for an AI-generated marketing plan? Wouldn’t you expect an effective, impactful plan created specifically for your concept?

Artificial intelligence can be impressive. The technology has the capability to wow. But creating at a level equal to or above the human element? It’s just not there, in my opinion.

Automating the scheduling of human-generated social media and email marketing posts? Effective. Asking chatbots to generate those assets? Proceed with caution.

Image: ilgmyzin on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality tech stack consulting. Tech. Technology. CRM. POS. Restaurant. Bar. Cafe. Lounge. Hotel. Resort.
