Open a restaurant

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Cheers to the Flyover Conference!

Cheers to the Flyover Conference and Cincy!

by David Klemt

The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge over the Ohio River, heading toward Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, Ohio

Just pretend the temporary SkyStar Wheel isn’t in this picture.

The successful and exciting launch of the Flyover Conference makes it clear that co-founders Sarah Engstrand and Greg Newman are onto something big.

Big, yet intimate. There’s a real feeling of community when a small-but-driven group gathers with purpose. That’s exactly what Flyover embodies.

Now, I know some people who live between the east and west coasts in the US find the term “flyover” irritating, if not outright offensive. As someone born and raised in the Midwest, I understand the frustration. However, I can assure anyone raising a skeptical eyebrow or frowning at the name of the conference that it isn’t meant as a pejorative.

Rather, Engstrand and Newman are giving a cheeky middle finger (likely two, really) to those who dismiss “secondary” and “tertiary” markets. In fact, their intention is to shine a spotlight onand servecities that don’t receive the same attention as “primary” markets.

By primary, I think you know main culprits: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and Miami. In contrast, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Cincinnati, and Detroit carry the “secondary” label (as do many other cities).

So, a core element of the conference is featuring speakers who have, up until now, mostly spoken at highly visible trade shows that take place in major host cities. For example, the National Restaurant Association in Chicago.

For the inaugural Flyover, the co-founders put in the work to provide Cincinnati with a powerhouse lineup of hospitality industry speakers. Additionally, this year’s F&B sponsors delivered an awesome array of sips and bites.

Killer Kickoff Keynote

Truly, Flyover’s mission is to deliver maximum impact over the course of just two days. The 2024 speaker lineup serves as a testament to their dedication.

So, too, is how the 2024 show utilized the two speaker stages, provided by Rhinegeist Brewery. Flyover attendees and speakers were close to one another, not separated by the vast expanse of a ballroom or elevation of a platform.

David Kaplan, CEO of Gin & Luck, the parent company of the world’s first cocktail bar chain (for lack of a better term, really) kicked off the event. Perhaps multi-location craft concept is a better phrase to explain Death & Co. in five words or less.

During his informative and inspiring keynote, he detailed he and his team’s approach to entrepreneurship. As Kaplan explains, when someone understands their purpose (why), they come to an understanding that helps develop their process (how). In turn, that gives an entrepreneur an understanding of the outcome they’re working toward, or their “what.”

I’ll dive much deeper into his keynote in a future article, because Kaplan’s approach goes much further than why, how, and what. In fact, in keeping with his status as one of the most transparent people in hospitality, Kaplan shares his personal core values, along with those of Death & Co.

Engaging Education

Bartender-cum-licensed psychotherapist (and soon-to-be organizational psychologist) Laura Louise Green took on a topic afflicting all of hospitality: burnout. The founder of Healthy Pour, Green explained that burnout is not only different than stress, it’s certainly not a sign of weakness to take the time to address it.

One of my favorites, Chef Brian Duffy, took a different approach to the topic of menus. Instead of reviewing a handful of submissions, Duffy took questions and addressed issues with food purveyors directly in a frank and open discussion.

Encouraging operators to take greater risks, Michael Tipps, co-founder of Maverick Theory, drove home a compelling point. Oftentimes, operators are fearless when developing their concepts. However, something curious often happens when it’s time to welcome the public into the space: second guessing, and blunting the sharpness of the original vision.

Oh, and I shared the KRG Hospitality approach to systems, starting, stabilizing, and scaling, my second time every presenting at a conference. Most people assume that because I host a podcast I’m comfortable talking to anyone, anywhere. That’s mostly true. However, I, like millions of other people, find public speaking anxiety-inducing. So, a huge thanks to the Flyover team, fellow speakers, and mostly the attendees for setting me at ease.

The above are but a handful of the education sessions that Flyover provided for attendees. Other topics ranged from the need for fully realized non-alcohol bar programs, building events in house, and operators handling their own PR campaigns, to leadership skills and leveraging the power of an effective door team.

Bang for Buck

Anyone who has attended one of the big hospitality industry conferences has probably been subjected to the experience below.

You file into a session featuring a topic of particular interest to you and your business. Even better, the speaker is someone you’re excited to see and hear. The presentation ends and…awkward silence. Almost everyone is too afraid to ask a question that they feel may make them look “stupid,” or like they’re not a good operator. Finally, someone asks a question, and that leads to a few more questions.

Unfortunately, the presentation was 45 to 50 minutes long, and with the awkward pause after its conclusion, there are barely ten minutes left for the speaker to answer questions. When they’re shooed off the stage, they’re swarmed in the hallway. You think they may be overwhelmed, you don’t want to add to that or inconvenience someone you admire, and you never get to meet them, ask them an important question, and exchange business cards.

That’s not an indictment of the large, more mainstream conferences. It’s just how it is when you pack dozens upon dozens of speakers, and thousands of attendees, into a conference hall. Further, schedules tend to be so loaded in order to attract attendees and boost ticket sales that people are forced to make difficult choices and miss out on some awesome sessions.

In contrast, Flyover intends to limit their ticket sales. And while there will always be a choice to make at a conference, they seek to mitigate that prevalent issue. Was this year’s show perfect? No, there were growing pains, as expected. Will this team learn and improve the show to maximize the impact for attendees? I have every confidence that the answer is a resounding “yes.”

Future Flyovers

I have to say, I’m deeply interested in the future of Flyover Conference. In fact, schedule permitting, I would attend even if I weren’t asked to speak at future shows.

It was an honor to be part of something of so impactful.

The entire point of this industryhospitalitycan sometimes fall to the wayside at conferences, trade shows, and expos. Another way of saying that is that while we all speak the same language, we often forget to take the time to connect with one another.

While there’s work to do, Flyover addresses this issue. The show is set up so that attendees, speakers, and sponsors are sharing the same spaces; there’s an actual sense of community. When it comes the host city, there’s a real sense of place, and that’s important.

Speaking of the host city…the next Flyover will take place in a city I mentioned at the top of this article. The most populous city in Michigan, DetroitMotor City itself—will host the second Flyover Conference. Looking forward to it, Hockeytown.

Be sure to connect with Flyover for updates and announcements.


Image: Jake Blucker on Unsplash

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

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The Power of an ImpactMAP™

The Power of an ImpactMAP™

by Doug Radkey

KRG Hospitality ImpactMAP, main image

Let’s be honest, the line between success and failure often hinges on the ability to act decisively and act with purpose.

In this article, we’re going to explore two areas of your hospitality business that are under your control: creating a plan, and taking action.

Understanding the Risk of Inaction

The concept surrounding the Risk of Inaction—arguably a new form of ROI—captures the potential losses businesses face when they fail to take strategic actions.

Inaction in the hospitality industry can manifest in various harmful ways. Inaction can also stem from multiple sources: fear of change, lack of resources, or simply underestimating the competition.

Regardless of the manifestation or cause, the consequences are usually the same: stagnation, decline, and, ultimately, a shuttered business.

Let’s put this into context by taking a look at a sample of both a restaurant and a hotel business.

Failure to Innovate

If a restaurant does not act to continuously re-engineer its menu, it risks diminishing profits, providing a low-level guest experience, and mismanaging inventory. Without regular strategic updates, the menu may fail to reflect current culinary trends and guest preferences, which can lead to a decrease in interest and satisfaction.

Additionally, sticking with a static menu can prevent the restaurant from optimizing ingredient use, productivity, and cost-efficiency.

At the end of the day, this lack of adaptation and innovation will result in diminishing sales and profitability, making it difficult for the restaurant to sustain its operations.

Failure to Update Systems

If a hotel on the other hand decides to not use a modern and fully integrated Property Management System (PMS), it risks operating inefficiently and falling behind in today’s technology-driven hospitality environment.

A non-existent, outdated, or fragmented PMS can lead to significant operational issues, such as slow check-in and check-out processes, errors in room availability and booking management, and ineffective communication between different departments. That’s just to name a few crucial issues.

This inefficiency can impact guest experiences negatively, leading to dissatisfaction and potentially harming the hotel’s reputation.

Furthermore, without a modern PMS, a hotel may struggle with data management, limiting its ability to effectively analyze performance metrics, forecast demand, and implement dynamic pricing strategies. These disadvantages will result in lost revenue and reduced competitiveness in a space where guest expectations and operational efficiency are increasingly driven by technological advancements.

In each example above, the risk of inaction leads to missed opportunities and underperformance.

The Power of an ImpactMAP™

To combat the risks associated with inaction, your hospitality business can benefit significantly from developing an ImpactMAP™.

This strategic tool can help you identify where you currently stand, define where you want to go, and outline the steps required to get there, thereby helping you create not only strategic clarity, but drive and accountability.

KRG Hospitality ImpactMAP, flowchart and map

The Assessment

To create an ImpactMAP™ and to take action immediately, you need to first assess your operations.

An assessment of your hospitality business is a comprehensive evaluation process aimed at analyzing various aspects of your business to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement or opportunity. The goal is to gather actionable insights that can help optimize operations, enhance guest experiences, and massively improve your profitability.

The assessment should involve on-site observations, staff interviews, and a deep dive into the following eight categories, culminating in a detailed report that provides recommendations and a strategic plan for future growth and sustainability.

For each of the eight categories, consider a 3x matrix with three responses to the following questions:

  • Where are we now?
  • Where do we want to go?
  • What resources do we need?
  • What’s holding us back?

Then, create a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) goal for each response in your “Where We Want to Go” list.

What are the eight assessment categories?

1. Brand Strategy

Assessment: Review your core values, story, messaging, philosophy, design, and reputation.

Opportunity: Enhance brand alignment across all touchpoints to ensure consistency while refining your brand messaging to better connect with targeted guest profiles.

2. Internal Programming

Assessment: Review your pricing strategy, guest experiences, property / menu / room management systems and programs.

Opportunity: Optimize your offerings based on guest preference data and a profitability analysis, along with potential upgrades to your amenities to enhance guest satisfaction and to compete with today’s market standards. In summary, implement efficiencies to improve guest experiences and operational workflow with a focus on your internal programming.

3. Marketing Plans

Assessment: Review guest profiles, guest journey maps, guest databases, awareness and retention strategies, and your digital marketing portfolio.

Opportunity: Integrate advanced digital marketing techniques to increase reach and engagement while developing targeted promotions and partnerships, and by leveraging data analytics to tailor marketing efforts more precisely to guest behaviors and trends.

4. Tech-Stack Plans

Assessment: Review guest facing technology, POS / PMS system, integrations, and marketing.

Opportunity: Identify current technology gaps and plan for a strategic integration of systems that enhance guest experiences while streamlining operations.

5. Standard Operating Procedures

Assessment: Review of all internal and external systems, plus training programs and SOPs.

Opportunity: Ensuring that all staff are clear on their roles and responsibilities, which enhances overall service quality through the development of standardized procedures that ensure consistency and efficiency across the business. Implement feedback systems to continually refine and improve SOPs based on real-time challenges and successes.

6. People and Culture

Assessment: Review of staff experiences, onboarding, productivity, growth, and retainment.

Opportunity: Strengthen employee engagement through improved communication and support systems. Foster a culture of innovation and openness in which employees feel valued and motivated. Develop leadership from within to enhance management effectiveness and succession planning.

7. Financial Health

Assessment: Review of all financials, including Revenue, COGs, KPIs, Expenses, Debt, and Profit.

Opportunity: Identify cost-saving opportunities without compromising service quality. Explore new revenue streams that align with your brand values and market opportunities. Implement more rigorous financial tracking and forecasting tools (such as technology) to better predict financial trends and react proactively.

8. Mindset

Assessment: Daily habits, work / life balance, decisiveness, communications, and growth-based thinking.

Opportunity: Develop a mindset of continuous improvement among all staff levels (starting with yourself) to foster an environment of excellence. Cultivate resilience by planning for crisis management and business continuity. Promote a guest-centric approach, aligning all business decisions with guest satisfaction and personal development outcomes.

Creating the ImpactMAP™

By following the above 3x strategy for each category, you will have created 24 SMART objectives that will be the foundation of your ImpactMAP™ to move your business forward over the next one to six to 12 months.

Importance of SMART Objectives

What does SMART mean and how does it work?

  • Specific, Clarity, and Focus: SMART objectives provide clear and concise goals that everyone in your business can understand and rally behind. This clarity helps to focus efforts and resources on what’s most important.
  • Measurability and Tracking: By setting measurable goals, your business can track progress and make data-driven decisions. This measurability allows for adjustments to be made in strategies or tactics to ensure the objectives are met.
  • Achievability: Goals that are achievable motivate staff. Setting impossible goals can lead to frustration and disengagement, whereas achievable objectives encourage team effort and commitment.
  • Relevance: Ensuring that each objective is relevant to the broader business goals ensures that every effort made contributes to the overall success of your brand.
  • Timeliness: Incorporating a timeframe provides urgency, a deadline, and accountability, which can help prioritize daily tasks and long-term plans.

However, you shouldn’t try to accomplish all 24 objectives at the same time. Once you’ve set your 24 impactful objectives, prioritizing them is crucial to stabilize your hospitality business and aim for scalable growth.

Best Practices for Prioritizing Objectives

  • Assess Business Needs: Start by conducting that thorough assessment of your business to identify key areas that need improvement.
  • Impact Analysis: Evaluate the potential impact of each objective. Prioritize objectives that offer the greatest benefits in terms of guest satisfaction, revenue growth, and operational efficiency.
  • Resource Availability: Consider the resources available, including budget, people, and technology. Prioritize objectives that align with current resources or where adjustments can be made to accommodate necessary changes.
  • Quick Wins: Identify objectives that can be achieved quickly and with minimal disruption to your ongoing operations. These quick wins can boost morale and provide visible improvements that justify further investments in other areas.
  • Strategic Importance: Some objectives, while not providing immediate benefits, are crucial for long-term success. Prioritize these based on their strategic importance to the business’s future.
  • Stakeholder Input: Engage with various stakeholders, including management, staff, and guests, to gain insights into which objectives they feel are most critical. This can help in aligning the goals with the needs and expectations of those most affected by the changes.
  • Balanced Scorecard: Use a balanced scorecard approach to ensure that objectives across different areas such as guest services, internal processes, financial performance, and learning and growth are all being addressed.
  • Iterative Review: Regularly review the priorities as situations and business dynamics evolve. What may be a priority today might change based on market conditions or internal business changes over the next three to six months.

Once you have your objectives prioritized, it’s time to assign or delegate them as needed and have those assignees (including yourself) take ownership of the objectives with their signature to add another level of accountability.

Implementing the ImpactMAP™

Before starting, ask yourself one final question: What will happen if we don’t take action?

Be detailed and mindful of what the short-term and long-term consequences might be if you don’t act.

Effective implementation of an ImpactMAP™ requires knowledge of these consequences, along with a commitment from all levels of your business. It starts with comprehensive training sessions followed by regular review meetings, which are both essential to assess progress, address challenges, and refine strategies as needed.

Take a SMART-ER approach, which is where you Evaluate and Re-adjust the SMART objectives halfway through the timeline you’ve set.


Risk of inaction is a silent threat that can undermine any business, particularly in this dynamic industry.

Adopting an ImpactMAP™ and making a commitment to take massive action allows you to manage your operations proactively, adapt to changing market conditions, and set a course for sustainable success.

This strategic approach not only mitigates risks but also empowers your hospitality business to thrive in a competitive landscape—but it starts with you and your mindset toward taking action.

Image: KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality. Restaurant Business Plan. Feasibility Study. Concept. Branding. Consultant. Start-Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Concept Development: Idea to Execution

Restaurant Concept Development: From Idea to Execution

by Nathen Dubé

A street-art-style image of a thought bubble coming from a chef

A big light bulb means a great, big idea is coming.

Creating a restaurant concept is an intricate process that requires blending creativity, an understanding of a given market, and business acumen.

From the initial idea to the grand opening, each step is crucial in ensuring that the restaurant not only stands out in a competitive market but also delivers a memorable dining experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential stages of restaurant concept development, providing insights and strategies to turn your vision into a thriving reality.

1. Ideation: Craft Your Vision

The journey of developing a restaurant concept begins with a compelling idea. This idea should reflect your passion, culinary expertise, and a clear understanding of your target market.

Below, how to start down the path from vision to reality.

Identify Your Niche

A deep understanding of the niche you want to fill in the market is critical. Are you aiming for a high-end fine dining experience, a casual eatery, a fast-casual concept, or a food truck?

Research current market trends, consumer preferences, and gaps in the market to find your unique angle.

Define Your Concept

Your concept should be a detailed description of your restaurant’s identity. This includes the cuisine, service style, ambiance, target audience, and overall theme.

For example, are you creating a rustic Italian trattoria, a chic urban sushi bar, or a family-friendly diner?

Create a Vision Statement

A vision statement is a concise description of what you want your restaurant to achieve, and how it will stand out. This statement will guide your decisions throughout the development process.

2. Market Research: Understanding the Landscape

Thorough market research is essential to validate your concept and refine your strategy. This step involves analyzing the competitive landscape, understanding customer preferences, and identifying potential challenges.

Analyze Competitors

Visit and analyze restaurants that could be considered competitors. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, menu offerings, pricing strategies, and guest experience.

Understanding what works and what doesn’t can help you position your restaurant effectively.

Understand Your Target Audience

Identify your target demographic in terms of age, income, lifestyle, and dining preferences. Conduct surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather insights into what will attract and resonate with your guests.

Evaluate Location Options

Location is a critical factor in the success of a restaurant. Analyze different locations based on foot traffic, accessibility, visibility, and proximity to competitors. Consider the demographics of the area to ensure they align with your target audience.

3. Business Planning: Laying the Foundation

A well-crafted business plan is essential for securing funding and guiding the execution of your restaurant concept. It should outline your strategy, financial projections, and operational plan.

Executive Summary

Provide a concise overview of your restaurant concept, including the vision statement, target market, and unique selling proposition (USP).

Market Analysis

Summarize your market research, including competitor analysis, target audience insights, and location evaluation.

Marketing Strategy

Detail how you plan to attract and retain customers. This includes branding, advertising, promotions, and social media strategies.

Operational Plan

Describe your restaurant’s daily operations, including staff roles and responsibilities, supplier relationships, and inventory management.

Financial Projections

Provide detailed financial projections, including startup costs, operating expenses, revenue forecasts, and break-even analysis. This section should also include funding requirements, and potential sources of financing.

4. Branding and Design: Creating an Identity

Your restaurant’s brand and design play a crucial role in attracting guests, and creating a memorable dining experience.

This step involves developing your brand identity, designing the physical space, and creating marketing materials.

Develop Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity includes your restaurant’s name, logo, color scheme, typography, and overall visual style. Ensure that it reflects your concept and appeals to your target audience.

Design the Interior and Exterior

Work with architects and interior designers to create a space that reflects your concept and enhances the dining experience.

Consider factors such as layout, seating arrangements, lighting, and décor. The exterior should be inviting and reflect the brand’s identity.

Create Marketing Materials

Develop a website, social media profiles, menus, and promotional materials that align with your brand. High-quality photography and compelling content are essential for attracting customers and creating a strong online presence.

5. Menu Development: Crafting Culinary Offerings

The menu is the heart of your restaurant concept. It should reflect your vision, appeal to your target audience, and be feasible to execute consistently.

Design a Balanced Menu

Create a menu that offers a variety of dishes that reflect your concept. Ensure a balance of flavors, textures, and price points.

Consider dietary restrictions and preferences to cater to a diverse customer base.

Cost and Pricing

Accurately cost each menu item to ensure profitability. Consider ingredient costs, portion sizes, and preparation time.

Set prices that reflect the value of your offerings while remaining competitive in the market.

Test and Refine

Conduct taste tests and gather feedback from potential guests, industry professionals, and staff. Use this feedback to refine your dishes and ensure they meet your quality standards.

6. Staffing and Training: Building Your Team

Your staff is a crucial component of your restaurant’s success. Hiring the right team and providing comprehensive training ensures a consistent and high-quality dining experience.

Hire Skilled Staff

Recruit chefs, servers, bartenders, and other staff who have the skills and experience needed to execute your concept. Look for individuals who are passionate about your vision and have a strong work ethic.

Develop Training Programs

Create comprehensive training programs that cover everything from food preparation and presentation to customer service and safety protocols. Regular training sessions and evaluations help maintain high standards.

Foster a Positive Culture

Encourage a positive and collaborative work environment. Recognize and reward outstanding performance, and address issues promptly to maintain morale and productivity.

7. Marketing and Promotion: Attracting Customers

Effective marketing and promotion are essential for attracting customers and building a loyal guest base. This involves both online and offline strategies to generate buzz and drive traffic.

Leverage Social Media

Use social media platforms to showcase your restaurant’s unique offerings, engage with potential customers, and build a community. Share high-quality photos, behind-the-scenes content, and promotions to attract and retain followers.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with local influencers and food bloggers to reach a wider audience. Inviting them to dine at your restaurant and share their experiences can generate valuable word-of-mouth promotion.

Host Events and Promotions

Organize events such as soft openings, tastings, and special promotions to generate excitement and attract customers.

Consider loyalty programs and discounts to encourage repeat visits.

Public Relations

Reach out to local media outlets and food critics to secure coverage of your restaurant. Positive reviews and features can significantly boost your visibility and credibility.

8. Execution: Bringing Your Concept to Life

The final step is the execution of your concept.

This involves managing the logistics of opening day, ensuring a smooth operation, and continually refining your approach based on feedback and performance.

Prepare for Opening Day

Ensure that all permits and licenses are in place, staff are trained, and inventory is stocked.

Conduct a soft opening to test your operations and make any necessary adjustments.

Monitor Operations

Regularly evaluate your restaurant’s performance, including customer feedback, financial metrics, and operational efficiency. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and implement changes as needed.

Stay Adaptable

The restaurant industry is dynamic, and trends can change quickly. Stay informed about industry developments and be willing to adapt your concept to meet evolving customer preferences and market conditions.


Restaurant concept development is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, creativity, and execution.

Following these steps to guide your vision and transform it into a brick-and-mortar reality. Doing so will give you the strongest chance to create a restaurant that stands out in the market, and that delivers a memorable dining experience.

Remember, the key to success lies in a clear vision, thorough research, strategic planning, and a commitment to excellence.

Embrace the journey, learn from each step, and watch your restaurant concept come to life, delighting diners and making a lasting impact in the culinary world.

Image: Shutterstock. Disclaimer: This image was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.

KRG Hospitality. Restaurant Business Plan. Feasibility Study. Concept. Branding. Consultant. Start-Up.

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

2024 500-point Start-up Checklist

2024 KRG Hospitality 500-point Bar & Restaurant Start-up Checklist

by David Klemt

KRG Hospitality 2024 Bar & Restaurant 500-point Start-up Checklist

Opening a bar or restaurant is a daunting undertaking, with projects requiring the completion of 500 unique tasks within four phases before welcoming guests.

It takes strategic clarity along with a strong supportive team around you to ensure your dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare. To help you get ahead and start 2024 with the strongest opportunity for success, we’re giving you access to a number of free resources.

First, our 2024 Bar & Restaurant Start-up Costs Guide. If you haven’t already, download this informative guide today. And now, our 2024 500-point Bar & Restaurant Start-up Checklist.

KRG Hospitality’s feasibility studies, concept and brand development, and programming are unique and customized to every client. However, the journey from idea to grand opening is a well-worn path dotted by hundreds of waypoints.

There’s a reason we call our project plans Roadmaps to Success: we’re here to help guide our clients to and through each point on the map.

Below you’ll find 32—only six percent—of the 500 unique tasks we at KRG believe you must complete before your grand opening. Just these tasks alone should provide an idea of the enormity that is taking your concept from idea to brick and mortar.

To download your free copy of our 2024 500-point Bar & Restaurant Start-up Checklist, click here. As you’ll see once you open this checklist, it’s interactive. You can easily check off items as you complete them, and the document will save your progress.

Opening a bar or restaurant is challenging. We’re here to help make it easier.

Planning Phase


  • Mindset assessment
  • Support network assessment

Feasibility Study

  • Market viability study
  • Technical viability study

Brand Strategy

  • Vision statemet
  • Frame of reference

Tech-stack Plan

  • Service technology plan
  • Payment processing technology

Project Set-up Phase

Job Scopes for Project

  • Landlord presentation
  • Equipment vendor presentation

Project Support Team Plan

  • Industry consultant
  • Legal Advisor

Menu Testing

  • Final flavor profile creation
  • Theoretical costing, food

Interior Design

  • Final choice in furniture
  • Final choice for millwork design

Operational Set-up Phase

Operational Vendors

  • Bar and kitchen smallware vendor
  • Refrigeration tech vendor
  • Hood cleaning vendor
  • Grease trap cleaning vendor

SOP Procedures/System

  • Finalize hourly operations plan
  • Application forms
  • Food safety quiz
  • Leadership team manual

Launch Phase

Marketing Execution

  • Creation of media package
  • Search engine optimization

Tech-stack execution

  • Point-of-sale systems
  • Menu management systems

Team Onboarding

  • Leadership team onboard
  • Team-building exercises

Soft Opening

  • Menu timing
  • Menu feedback

To download your free copy of our 2024 500-point Bar & Restaurant Start-up Checklist, click here now!

Image: KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

KRG Releases 2024 Start-Up Guide

KRG Hospitality Releases 2024 Restaurant Start-Up Cost Guide

by David Klemt

2024 KRG Hospitality Start-up Costs Guide


Toronto-based hospitality industry consulting firm with offices in key markets throughout Canada and the United States of America unveils their latest restaurant cost guide and interactive hospitality calculator.

December 21, 2024 (TORONTO)—Today, KRG Hospitality releases their 2024 Bar & Restaurant Start-up Costs Guide, which is free to download. The Toronto-based consulting firm specializes in startup restaurant and bar projects along with boutique hotels, experiential concepts, and entertainment venues. KRG Hospitality’s American headquarters is located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

For the past six years KRG has researched, reviewed, and published the annual start-up cost guide, one of the industry’s leading resources dedicated to restaurant project costing.

And each year this informative and transparent guide is used as a trusted budgeting tool by developers, lenders, contractors, consultants, and aspiring restaurateurs. The guide is founded upon KRG Hospitality’s proprietary database of previous project costs, which includes project data from restaurants, bars, and cafes developed over the past 24 months.

Further, this annual KRG Hospitality guide also includes the interactive KRG Hospitality Calculator, which is updated for 2024.

The costs to start a restaurant have been on a steady rise over the past six years. Major drivers are increases in inflation, interest, labor, construction, and equipment. Of course, there are also the unique materials required to deliver a scalable, sustainable, memorable, profitable, and consistent on-premise, off-premise, or hybrid-style concept.

Drawing upon this comprehensive guide, an industry-leading expert has analyzed the information and provided a succinct and user-friendly summary of the findings for each major start-up category. This isn’t simply a couple of pages identifying a few costs. Rather, the sixth annual guide is a deep dive that provides real insight into what to expect in 2024.

The guide is available now as a free download via this link.

About KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality is a storied and respected agency with proven success over the past decade, delivering exceptional and award-winning concepts throughout a variety of markets found within Canada, the United States, and abroad since 2009. Specializing in startups, KRG is known for originality and innovation, rejecting cookie-cutter approaches to client projects. The agency provides clients with a clear framework tailored to their specific projects, helping to realize their vision for a scalable, sustainable, profitable, memorable, and consistent business. Learn more at Connect with KRG Hospitality and the Bar Hacks podcast on social: KRG Twitter, Bar Hacks Twitter, KRG Media Twitter, KRG LinkedIn.


While using this guide helps develop a rough preliminary financial and strategic milestone plan, it is strongly recommended that you seek professional expert advice to provide you with a more precise, project specific estimate as each concept and market will be slightly different. KRG Hospitality Inc. is not responsible for any project that is not currently under contract within the company.

Image: KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

KRG Hospitality now Serving Midwest Region

KRG Hospitality adds Midwest Region

Marina City Towers in Chicago, Illinois


Toronto-based hospitality industry consulting firm with offices throughout Canada and the USA now serving the Midwest through Chicago office.

CHICAGO, IL (March 17, 2023)—Today, KRG Hospitality announces the addition of the Midwest region of the US to their North American service area. The team will operate out of an office in Chicago, Illinois. However, the agency will serve Midwest markets outside of Chicago as well.

KRG is excited to announce their presence in the region and their ability to serve clients effectively. The agency will offer the full suite of their proven hospitality solutions, including: hourly consulting and coaching; complete feasibility studies, fully customized concept plans; in-depth, focused business plans; project support and management; food and/or drink menu development and consulting; and personalized F&B education.

“I was born in Chicago and first entered the hospitality industry in the Northwest Suburbs. I got my first taste of nightlife in Chicago’s incredible bar and nightclub scene,” says David Klemt, partner and director of business development of KRG Hospitality. “Those experiences shaped my entire hospitality career trajectory. It will be an honor to serve the great people of the Midwest and bring their hospitality visions to life.”

“2023 is turning into quite the growth year for KRG, with the addition of team members Kim Richardson and Jared Boller, and now an exciting new market,” says Doug Radkey, KRG Hospitality founder, president, and project manager. “We see great opportunity in the Midwest, not only in Chicago, but many of the surrounding regions. The food, beverage, and hotel scene is incredibly strong, and we’re open to the challenge of not only helping launch new hospitality brands but helping transform existing brands scale and be successful in the new era ahead.”

KRG is ready to work with clients of all experience levels in the Midwest. The consulting agency’s suite of solutions serve new operators looking to open their first concept and veterans seeking a rebrand or expansion. From independent pizzerias and QSRs to multi-unit regional chains and boutique hotels, and everything in between, the KRG team is eager to take client visions and transform them into brick-and-mortar realities.

To schedule an introductory call to learn how the KRG Hospitality team serves clients, please follow this link.

About KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality is a storied and respected agency with proven success over the past decade, delivering exceptional and award-winning concepts throughout a variety of markets found within Canada, the United States, and abroad since 2009. Specializing in startups, KRG is known for originality and innovation, rejecting cookie-cutter approaches to client projects. The agency provides clients with a clear framework tailored to their specific projects, helping to realize their vision for a scalable, sustainable, profitable, memorable, and consistent business. Learn more at Connect with KRG Hospitality and the Bar Hacks podcast on social: KRG Twitter, Bar Hacks Twitter, KRG Media Twitter, KRG LinkedIn.

Image: Tobias Brunner from Pixabay

KRG Hospitality Start-Up Restaurant Bar Hotel Consulting Consultant Solutions Plans Services

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

The Major Milestones You Must Reach

The Major Milestones You Must Reach to Open a Restaurant

by David Klemt

2023 KRG Hospitality Milestone Checklist

Opening a restaurant is no small task, with projects requiring the completion of 500 unique tasks before welcoming guests.

KRG Hospitality president Doug Radkey identified these tasks several years ago. The commitment to systematically accomplish these tasks is a cornerstone of our approach to all projects.

Our feasibility studies, branding, concept and brand development, and programming are unique and customized to every client. However, the journey from idea to grand opening is a path dotted by hundreds of waypoints.

There’s a reason we call our project plans Roadmaps to Success: we’re here to help guide our clients to and through each waypoint on the map.

Below you’ll find just 50—just a tenth—of the unique tasks we at KRG believe you must complete before your grand opening. You’ll find more than 80 tasks in the brand-new 2023 KRG Hospitality Restaurant Start-up Cost Report + Checklist.

Both the list below and the checklist included in our free Restaurant Start-up Cost Report download will give you an idea of what we work on with each of our clients. These tasks should also highlight the enormity that is taking your concept from idea to brick and mortar.

To download your free copy of our 2023 Restaurant Start-up Cost Report + Checklist, click here.

Planning & Admin Tasks

  • Complete your project feasibility study.
  • Develop your concept and brand plan.
  • Develop and test a layout/drawing.
  • Complete a strategic business plan.
  • Complete a marketing and tech stack plan.
  • Finalize your start-up budget.
  • Analyze and secure necessary funding.

The Support Team Tasks

You’ll need to secure:

  • Business insurance broker
  • Business and liquor license attorney
  • Restaurant and bar consultant
  • Project manager
  • General contractor and trades
  • Mentor or coach

Site Development Tasks

When it comes to these tasks, you may have an idea of roughly what to expect.

For example, one necessary task is…securing your property of choice. Another task to cross off or set a check next to? Signing the lease.

But there are other tasks you may not anticipate or think of when planning to open a restaurant:

  • Submit drawings to municipality.
  • Start and manage project renovations.
  • Set a SMART opening date proposal.
  • Set up and submit deposits for utilities.
  • Develop your service sequence (flow).

You’ll also need to source the following:

  • Exhaust hood supplier
  • Millworker and specialty supplier
  • Interior and exterior signage company
  • Grease trap cleaning
  • Used oil pickup/recycling
  • Exhaust hood cleaning

Operations Development Tasks

  • Complete a kitchen workflow plan.
  • Complete service sequence analysis.
  • Source take-out container suppliers.
  • Secure security, sound, and video, plus applicable licenses.
  • Secure point-of-sale and tech Systems.
  • Develop recipe books for kitchen and bar.
  • Develop package of standard operating procedures.

Brand Development Tasks

Developing your brand involves much more than choosing a logo and colors.

Consider every design and service element a branding opportunity. Your brand development tasks will include developing:

  • your core statements;
  • graphic design/branding kit;
  • website and social media accounts;
  • a promo video strategy;
  • a “coming/opening soon” plan; and
  • your media strategy for the launch.

You’ll also need to:

  • complete the F&B concept stage;
  • complete the F&B testing stage;
  • source menu cover supplier (for dine-in version)
  • complete a photo shoot; and
  • plan for and execute a soft opening.

Team Development Tasks

  • Develop your staff hiring strategy.
  • Plan for and complete HR and compliance forms.
  • Develop onboarding manuals.
  • Source staff uniform suppliers.
  • Promote job fair or interview dates.
  • Hold a staff orientation night.
  • Execute a staff-building exercise shift.
  • Create a brand ambassador program.

Image: KRG Hospitality

by krghospitality krghospitality No Comments

KRG Unveils 2023 Start-Up Guide

KRG Hospitality Unveils 2023 Restaurant Start-Up Cost Report + Checklist

2023 KRG Hospitality Start-up Costs Guide


Toronto-based hospitality industry consulting firm with offices in key markets throughout Canada and the United States of America unveils their latest restaurant cost report, milestone checklist, and interactive hospitality calculator.

December 15, 2023 (TORONTO)—Today, KRG Hospitality unveils their 2023 Restaurant Start-up Cost Report + Checklist. The Toronto-based consulting firm specializes in startup restaurant and bar projects along with boutique hotels, experiential concepts, and entertainment venues. KRG also has offices in key markets throughout the United States of America.

For the past five years KRG has researched, reviewed, and published the annual start-up cost guide, one of the industry’s leading resources dedicated to restaurant project costing.

And each year this informative and transparent guide is used as a trusted budgeting tool by developers, lenders, contractors, consultants, and aspiring restaurateurs. The guide is founded upon KRG Hospitality’s proprietary database of previous project costs, which includes project data from restaurants, bars, and cafes developed over the past 24 months.

Further, this annual KRG Hospitality also includes a start-up checklist that identifies an array of crucial milestones: KRG president Doug Radkey has identified 500 unique tasks that must be completed for a successful restaurant opening.

This year’s checklist reveals a number of these crucial tasks. Updated for 2023, the guide also includes the interactive KRG Hospitality Calculator.

The costs to start a restaurant have been on a steady rise over the past 5 years. Major drivers are increases in inflation, interest, labor, construction, equipment. Of course, there are also the unique materials required to deliver a scalable, sustainable, memorable, profitable, and consistent on-premise, off-premise, or hybrid-style concept.

Drawing upon this comprehensive guide, an industry-leading expert has analyzed the information and provided a succinct and user-friendly summary of the findings for each major start-up category. This isn’t simply a couple of pages identifying a few costs. Rather, the fifth annual guide is a deep dive that provides real insight into what to expect in 2023.

The Checklist

As stated, there are 500 unique tasks an operator needs to complete over the course of developing and opening the doors to their concept.

To make it simple to navigate, the 2023 checklist is organized into sections: Planning & Admin, the Support Team, Site Development, Operations Development, Brand Development, and Team Development.

From starting off with the targeted, customized, and in-depth feasibility to planning and executing the soft opening, KRG identifies dozens of key milestones in this year’s guide.

Download your copy of the 2023 KRG Hospitality Restaurant Start-up Cost Report + Checklist today! Click here.

About KRG Hospitality

KRG Hospitality is a storied and respected agency with proven success over the past decade, delivering exceptional and award-winning concepts throughout a variety of markets found within Canada, the United States, and abroad since 2009. Specializing in startups, KRG is known for originality and innovation, rejecting cookie-cutter approaches to client projects. The agency provides clients with a clear framework tailored to their specific projects, helping to realize their vision for a scalable, sustainable, profitable, memorable, and consistent business. Learn more at Connect with KRG Hospitality and the Bar Hacks podcast on social: KRG Twitter, Bar Hacks Twitter, KRG Media Twitter, KRG LinkedIn.


While using this guide helps develop a rough preliminary financial and strategic milestone plan, it is strongly recommended that you seek professional expert advice to provide you with a more precise, project specific estimate as each concept and market will be slightly different. KRG Hospitality Inc. is not responsible for any project that is not currently under contract within the company.

Image: KRG Hospitality
by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Top 10 US Metro Areas by Inflow, Q3 2022

US Metro Areas with Greatest Outflow and Inflow, Q3 2022

by David Klemt

Tower Bridge in Sacramento, California

Real estate brokerage Redfin identifies the top ten American cities in terms of inflow and outflow, according to Q3 data.

Interestingly, a quarter of people appear to be searching for homes in cities different from where they currently live. Also compelling: one state, per the brokerage’s data ending in the month of October, is a clear favorite.

Obviously, this is important data for operators to have. When it comes to labor and guest pool changes, inflow and outflow information can be quite useful.

Top Inflow Cities: August to October 2022

Review the list below to see the metro areas experiencing the greatest inflow.

  1. Orlando, Florida
  2. Dallas, Texas
  3. North Port, Florida
  4. Cape Coral, Florida
  5. Phoenix, Arizona
  6. Tampa, Florida
  7. San Diego, California
  8. Miami, Florida
  9. Las Vegas, Nevada
  10. Sacramento, California

Did you spot the big trend? The state of Florida represents 50 percent of the list. Per Redfin‘s interpretation of the data, home buyers want leave expensive coastal cities behind.

Interesting to us in particular, two cities—Las Vegas and Orlando—are key KRG Hospitality markets. Also interesting is that Nevada and Florida are on the back half of Forbes’ best cities for starting a business in 2023.

However, we’ve seen strong hospitality industry recovery in Las Vegas this year. In fact, even the entertainment industry in Las Vegas is exploding. Additionally, we continue to gain clients in Orlando.

Top Outlow Cities: August to October 2022

Below are the metro areas seeing the greatest outflow.

  1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  2. Seattle, Washington
  3. Denver, Colorado
  4. Detroit, Michigan
  5. Chicago, Illinois
  6. Boston, Massachusetts
  7. Washington, DC
  8. New York, New York
  9. Los Angeles, California
  10. San Francisco, California

If we compare Redfin’s Q2 data to the list above, it’s mostly the same. In fact, the top four outflow cities are identical. Spots five through nine are simply a reshuffling of Q2 and Q3 data.

However, Minneapolis, number ten in Q2, is replaced by Philadelphia in Q3. According to Redfin data, those Philly residents searching for homes elsewhere are showing interest in Salisbury, Maryland.

Consider how expensive it can be to move to and live in LA and San Francisco. It makes sense that California is the only state with two cities on the list above, doesn’t it?

Per Redfin, San Francisco residents are searching Sacramento and Seattle. Those in LA are looking at San Diego and Las Vegas.


It’s important to know where people are moving to and what cities they’re leaving behind. And it’s interesting to get a data-driven view of which states may be best for starting a business.

However, it’s far more useful to know how feasible a given ZIP code may be for a specific concept. So, while these types of lists are helpful, they’re not as practical as a targeted feasibility study.

Moreover, the dust doesn’t appear to have settled when it comes to migratory patterns of home buyers. It’s quite possible that Redfin’s 2023 inflow and outflow data will change once again in Q1 and Q2.

Image: Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

by David Klemt David Klemt No Comments

Starting a Business? Consider These States

Want to Open a Business in 2023? Consider These States

by David Klemt

Philadelphia skyline at sunset

If you’re considering opening a restaurant, bar, nightclub, eatertainment venue, or hotel in 2023, you should consider these states.

As it turns out, according to Forbes, one state is the home to a major KRG Hospitality market: Philadelphia.

Per Forbes Advisor, Pennsylvania is among the top five states for starting a new business next year. In fact, the Keystone State ranks number four.

To make their list, Forbes analyzed all 50 states through the lens of five categories:

  • Business costs
  • Business climate
  • Economy
  • Financial accessibility
  • Workforce

Within those categories, Forbes examined 18 metrics. The result, as already stated, is that just three states rank ahead of Pennsylvania for this Forbes list.

Top 25 States to Start a Business in 2023

Below you’ll find how the top half of the list shakes out. Indiana, Colorado, and North Dakota claim the top positions. A low cost of living and “a business-friendly climate” put Indiana in the number-one spot.

One interesting reason that Pennsylvania ranks comes down to funding for entrepreneurs. Per Forbes, “total small business loan funding in Pennsylvania is double that of the national average.”

  1. Washington
  2. West Virginia
  3. Rhode Island
  4. Idaho
  5. Utah
  6. Wisconsin
  7. South Carolina
  8. Virginia
  9. Hawaii
  10. Mississippi
  11. Missouri
  12. New Hampshire
  13. Massachusetts
  14. California
  15. Connecticut
  16. Delaware
  17. Ohio
  18. Illinois
  19. Montana
  20. North Carolina
  21. South Dakota
  22. Pennsylvania
  23. North Dakota
  24. Colorado
  25. Indiana

However, the list above is interesting for another reason: the recent addition of consultant Kim Richardson to the KRG Hospitality team. Not only is Kim representing our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, office, she’s our rep for the Northeastern region of the United States.

That means she’s serving Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Or, put another way, Kim is representing KRG in six states on the list above. (Pennsylvania is in bold above, while the other Northeastern states on the list she’s representing are in italics).

Proceed with Caution

Now, a word of reason and caution. Just because someone tells you that a particular state or city is the best place for your business doesn’t mean success will follow automatically.

It really doesn’t matter how great the idea for your concept happens to be—long-term success in this industry takes hard work. And that work starts with the planning phase.

So, no, you can’t just throw a dart at the Northeastern states or a map of one of the states on this list and open your restaurant, bar, or hotel there. Site selection involves more than contacting a commercial real estate agent, viewing a few locations, and signing a lease.

There’s a long list of tasks that you must complete in the planning stage before you ever open your doors. An in-depth feasibility study, a KRG Hospitality specialty, identifies the best location for a specific concept. In actuality, the feasibility study includes several smaller tasks that must be completed.

Again, this is simply to determine the best place for a particular concept. There are many other tasks you must complete, each of which KRG is here to help you accomplish.

So, while this list is interesting, there’s much more for your consideration.

The Bottom 10

Since I know you’re curious, below you’ll find the ten states that represent the tail end of the Forbes list:

  1. New York
  2. New Mexico
  3. Vermont
  4. Michigan
  5. Oregon
  6. Florida
  7. Nevada
  8. Kentucky
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Kansas

Now, another word of caution. These states rounding out the list of 50 doesn’t mean they’re “the worst” for starting a business.

In fact, we’ve had great success in Florida, as one example. So, take this list with a grain of salt: there’s much more to consider for a hospitality concept to give it the best odds of success in any market.

Image: Dan Mall on Unsplash
